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521.095398,438.315125 C532.597351,424.903259 541.944702,409.999634 550.231140,394.410980 C559.654724,376.683075 567.160828,358.200592 572.585266,338.865234 C579.371094,314.677246 583.499817,290.078918 583.982422,264.931244 C584.366577,244.914764 584.624878,224.838486 580.848511,205.097168 C576.005005,179.776886 568.144226,155.492981 555.491577,132.762863 C542.201294,108.887245 525.075562,88.351532 504.261536,70.889236 C486.921509,56.341526 467.446106,45.167835 446.654327,36.223347 C416.079041,23.070072 383.986053,16.154209 350.954987,14.232969 C333.935730,13.243051 316.729858,14.002476 299.694611,15.199805 C285.564270,16.192965 271.456635,18.439947 257.521545,21.091166 C226.571503,26.979544 197.523621,38.382706 170.469360,54.356747 C142.700241,70.752869 118.344017,91.327637 97.868401,116.483673 C80.967674,137.247650 67.111847,159.721451 56.312000,184.195938 C41.724949,217.252930 34.338650,252.060577 32.245499,287.860840 C30.966267,309.740173 31.678143,331.699890 35.800888,353.516968 C40.489067,378.326263 48.224121,401.879272 60.002800,424.183289 C72.374260,447.609741 88.100632,468.302979 108.148781,485.766785 C120.775749,496.766022 134.352417,506.317657 148.940811,514.406616 C184.699921,534.234375 223.568863,543.594666 263.974030,545.715515 C291.653748,547.168579 319.535950,547.091492 347.769409,541.078735 M936.604126,523.072205 C952.810730,515.437744 967.514771,505.432037 980.799805,493.545441 C996.193298,479.772430 1008.854919,463.649536 1019.072937,445.642456 C1034.116211,419.131866 1042.250000,390.275757 1047.972168,360.613281 C1050.438599,347.826965 1052.724243,335.003204 1054.894043,322.163055 C1056.742798,311.223724 1058.339722,300.241272 1059.990234,289.269196 C1061.786987,277.324768 1063.439453,265.358185 1065.295898,253.423233 C1067.450562,239.571793 1069.802856,225.751205 1071.986572,211.904160 C1073.791382,200.459900 1075.414307,188.986908 1077.229004,177.544266 C1079.424683,163.700790 1081.748657,149.877716 1083.995972,136.042419 C1085.590332,126.226715 1087.158936,116.406792 1088.722046,106.586067 C1090.490967,95.472191 1092.245117,84.355957 1093.997803,73.239517 C1095.546997,63.414364 1097.125488,53.593548 1098.614868,43.759289 C1099.584473,37.358421 1100.417725,30.936888 1101.352417,24.234554 C1055.125977,24.234554 1009.709961,24.234554 964.165771,24.234554 C961.757568,38.911114 959.280762,53.364159 957.036987,67.853294 C954.564209,83.821465 952.450012,99.845764 949.914795,115.803535 C947.102417,133.505188 943.861389,151.138748 941.050293,168.840576 C938.822754,182.867813 937.114563,196.977386 934.898499,211.006607 C932.432922,226.615875 929.778564,242.198120 926.980225,257.751404 C923.090027,279.372833 919.595337,301.091675 914.812378,322.519012 C909.786560,345.034393 903.593506,367.295380 891.323608,387.287354 C882.411072,401.808838 870.468689,412.576660 854.249573,418.354950 C838.501648,423.965332 822.287537,424.329132 806.087219,421.795868 C794.398804,419.968140 783.645874,415.289917 774.635193,407.167206 C759.848450,393.837738 754.494019,376.587433 754.087280,357.436646 C753.904968,348.851501 754.310059,340.213135 755.101379,331.659332 C755.912476,322.892029 757.482239,314.192688 758.791992,305.474426 C760.149231,296.439819 761.597900,287.418976 762.997314,278.390656 C764.521362,268.558289 766.006042,258.719696 767.560425,248.892151 C769.343262,237.619766 771.211121,226.360825 772.990784,215.087952 C774.517151,205.419464 775.926697,195.732468 777.468750,186.066559 C779.266296,174.799591 781.209167,163.555695 782.983032,152.285126 C784.809509,140.679657 786.440918,129.043411 788.281189,117.440216 C790.451233,103.757835 792.756531,90.096931 794.997864,76.425850 C796.975281,64.365028 798.991028,52.310238 800.898010,40.238266 C801.727417,34.988106 802.326599,29.701574 803.087952,24.000000 C800.703369,24.000000 798.898499,24.000000 797.093628,24.000000 C757.767273,24.000000 718.440857,23.999994 679.114502,24.000010 C675.948364,24.000011 672.770813,24.169050 669.619263,23.954647 C666.191956,23.721481 665.290894,25.020220 664.861206,28.468821 C663.430237,39.953533 661.444031,51.370518 659.596619,62.801506 C657.438416,76.155785 655.130554,89.486137 653.022400,102.848137 C651.216309,114.295197 649.687195,125.786003 647.876221,137.232239 C646.017700,148.979095 643.958313,160.694092 642.001160,172.425430 C640.123840,183.678146 638.237854,194.929520 636.405396,206.189575 C634.571838,217.456177 632.743774,228.724213 631.017700,240.007584 C629.511658,249.852188 628.182251,259.723663 626.717224,269.574707 C625.181335,279.902740 623.401367,290.197784 622.053589,300.549591 C620.805359,310.136597 620.310242,319.826721 618.914673,329.388428 C615.685852,351.509644 614.304932,373.733551 615.111328,396.045349 C615.441406,405.180206 616.174438,414.456177 618.160461,423.347107 C624.852905,453.308319 639.271545,478.844391 662.619385,499.283875 C676.153687,511.132324 691.068848,520.452515 707.390503,527.836426 C734.325623,540.021790 762.833679,546.208008 792.035950,547.684631 C817.896118,548.992249 843.884583,548.812683 869.682068,544.172363 C892.720459,540.028381 914.846069,533.501038 936.604126,523.072205 M1866.964111,203.298920 C1866.323120,204.430069 1865.536499,205.503601 1865.063110,206.700989 C1858.172241,224.135132 1851.322266,241.585342 1844.464844,259.032654 C1836.961426,278.123596 1829.511108,297.235626 1821.924683,316.293457 C1819.932739,321.297668 1817.522339,326.135254 1815.043701,331.626282 C1810.775757,321.193542 1806.816406,311.809845 1803.083252,302.337036 C1789.510376,267.895721 1776.105103,233.388245 1762.459229,198.975983 C1751.114746,170.367035 1739.442993,141.888062 1728.060547,113.294052 C1716.742065,84.860703 1705.477051,56.404079 1694.546875,27.820692 C1693.187256,24.264975 1691.504639,23.957134 1688.486694,23.960926 C1643.489990,24.017467 1598.493164,24.000002 1553.496460,24.000002 C1552.044189,24.000002 1550.591919,24.000002 1548.866333,24.000002 C1549.071411,25.617237 1548.968994,26.851948 1549.395508,27.863703 C1554.812866,40.713863 1560.326050,53.523617 1565.776001,66.360168 C1575.112305,88.350349 1584.478027,110.328323 1593.726929,132.355362 C1603.780273,156.298431 1613.649414,180.318924 1623.718750,204.255264 C1633.976807,228.640259 1644.449829,252.934906 1654.701050,277.322815 C1664.887817,301.557678 1674.846802,325.888275 1685.035767,350.122223 C1692.556641,368.010345 1700.381226,385.770752 1707.898438,403.660309 C1717.024902,425.378876 1725.971313,447.173096 1734.994873,468.934998 C1743.344238,489.071472 1751.624268,509.237549 1760.169312,529.290710 C1760.864258,530.921387 1763.360718,532.834351 1765.031006,532.844604 C1798.693848,533.052124 1832.358643,533.029846 1866.022217,532.887573 C1867.336670,532.882019 1869.327637,531.519104 1869.848145,530.296753 C1874.556519,519.239624 1878.901611,508.028534 1883.552734,496.946350 C1896.147705,466.937042 1908.807495,436.954895 1921.504028,406.988464 C1932.824585,380.269684 1944.285522,353.610382 1955.580078,326.880737 C1967.186523,299.413300 1978.640015,271.881226 1990.213135,244.399673 C1996.747681,228.882156 2003.425415,213.424957 2009.971436,197.912155 C2016.826294,181.667572 2023.559082,165.371445 2030.421875,149.130295 C2037.225464,133.029297 2044.169312,116.987556 2050.970947,100.885750 C2058.580566,82.871002 2066.106201,64.820839 2073.654297,46.780193 C2076.780518,39.307999 2079.869629,31.820295 2083.050293,24.160328 C2034.499023,24.160328 1986.371704,24.160328 1938.175293,24.160328 C1937.073975,26.976046 1936.046387,29.686125 1934.958374,32.371742 C1925.989014,54.511536 1916.902954,76.604645 1908.056152,98.793182 C1894.286499,133.328537 1880.677246,167.927811 1866.964111,203.298920 M3390.000000,264.500000 C3390.000000,353.922241 3390.000000,443.344452 3390.000000,532.721558 C3486.962646,532.721558 3583.361084,532.721558 3679.719238,532.721558 C3679.719238,495.373199 3679.719238,458.304047 3679.719238,420.836487 C3627.370361,420.836487 3575.301270,420.836487 3523.285156,420.836487 C3523.285156,391.699036 3523.285156,362.962524 3523.285156,333.827881 C3572.638184,333.827881 3621.707520,333.827881 3670.711426,333.827881 C3670.711426,296.024384 3670.711426,258.621918 3670.711426,220.820862 C3621.354492,220.820862 3572.285156,220.820862 3523.292969,220.820862 C3523.292969,192.682922 3523.292969,164.946335 3523.292969,136.812256 C3575.654053,136.812256 3627.723389,136.812256 3679.703613,136.812256 C3679.703613,99.008934 3679.703613,61.606411 3679.703613,24.292786 C3583.008789,24.292786 3486.610352,24.292786 3390.000000,24.292786 C3390.000000,104.223587 3390.000000,183.861801 3390.000000,264.500000 M3301.478516,523.999939 C3305.667725,523.052246 3307.158447,520.832825 3307.137207,516.180481 C3306.914551,467.516327 3307.000000,418.850739 3307.000000,370.185577 C3307.000000,368.478271 3307.000000,366.770996 3307.000000,363.775940 C3304.772705,365.876617 3303.649414,367.005280 3302.454346,368.051605 C3294.556641,374.966278 3286.931396,382.230377 3278.681641,388.697052 C3253.682617,408.293091 3224.922119,417.920929 3193.374023,418.809814 C3184.496826,419.059937 3175.495361,417.374481 3166.653809,415.942871 C3142.645508,412.055634 3121.604492,401.421783 3103.374756,385.677490 C3084.958984,369.772766 3071.708008,350.063354 3063.968018,326.837006 C3057.126465,306.307251 3054.679199,285.400360 3056.833984,263.732208 C3058.567139,246.306244 3062.830078,229.706421 3070.528320,214.164246 C3079.966309,195.109344 3093.010986,178.848785 3110.325928,166.069183 C3133.718994,148.803604 3160.054199,140.118286 3188.810547,139.219208 C3199.846680,138.874161 3211.102051,140.216843 3222.003418,142.192383 C3236.925049,144.896530 3250.897461,150.593079 3264.039795,158.417206 C3278.615234,167.094696 3290.593994,178.684464 3302.221924,190.756500 C3303.572021,192.158127 3304.738525,193.736832 3306.757324,196.150635 C3306.757324,142.016159 3306.757324,89.272331 3306.757324,35.699963 C3291.718018,30.708590 3276.478760,25.335728 3261.042725,20.604107 C3239.816895,14.097789 3217.889404,11.306805 3195.808350,10.138485 C3186.433105,9.642429 3176.947021,10.304132 3167.566162,11.093245 C3156.539062,12.020792 3145.538574,13.435073 3134.584717,15.034482 C3111.810303,18.359819 3090.384521,26.099588 3069.656982,35.821644 C3050.752441,44.688747 3033.169678,55.630016 3016.648438,68.540154 C3000.971436,80.790810 2986.984619,94.643188 2974.673096,110.054268 C2958.839111,129.875244 2946.110596,151.684189 2936.305176,175.185959 C2924.981934,202.326080 2918.893555,230.667007 2917.189209,259.863770 C2916.409668,273.217682 2917.136963,286.730621 2918.154785,300.097351 C2919.077637,312.223816 2920.795410,324.350800 2923.087646,336.300110 C2929.128174,367.788452 2942.010254,396.571411 2959.083008,423.547699 C2973.366699,446.117279 2990.764648,465.966370 3010.911377,483.553528 C3024.537598,495.448456 3039.220947,505.774323 3055.011719,514.352234 C3080.428467,528.159241 3107.139404,538.563660 3135.966309,543.114014 C3156.053711,546.284729 3176.076172,549.365662 3196.482178,546.994873 C3210.559814,545.359314 3224.693115,544.072815 3238.689941,541.908630 C3260.071045,538.602722 3280.381348,531.313049 3301.478516,523.999939 M1381.500000,24.000000 C1303.515503,24.000000 1225.530884,24.030867 1147.546509,23.918907 C1143.136597,23.912575 1141.111328,24.701256 1140.823730,29.721535 C1140.443481,36.358665 1138.851685,42.927906 1137.756104,49.522247 C1135.512695,63.024380 1133.244507,76.522400 1131.002441,90.024734 C1129.107056,101.439484 1127.198853,112.852287 1125.365356,124.277046 C1124.393188,130.334839 1123.567993,136.416229 1122.595093,143.040314 C1160.902710,143.040314 1198.322754,143.040314 1236.093262,143.040314 C1215.462646,273.254974 1194.909912,402.978149 1174.336060,532.834961 C1220.227539,532.834961 1265.848755,532.834961 1312.000977,532.834961 C1312.698730,527.441711 1313.251953,522.114075 1314.096802,516.833191 C1316.671021,500.741302 1319.410645,484.675873 1321.983032,468.583679 C1323.786133,457.304077 1325.334717,445.983704 1327.151611,434.706451 C1329.691895,418.940887 1332.462280,403.212311 1334.972412,387.442108 C1337.127319,373.903748 1338.973999,360.316406 1341.105957,346.774200 C1343.310669,332.770142 1345.745239,318.802399 1347.984741,304.803650 C1349.814575,293.365234 1351.447754,281.895294 1353.273438,270.456146 C1355.456787,256.776489 1357.826416,243.126450 1359.977417,229.441864 C1362.105957,215.899933 1364.010376,202.322937 1366.110229,188.776382 C1368.007690,176.535614 1370.225586,164.341721 1371.943604,152.076935 C1373.210083,143.036011 1372.953003,143.000000 1382.292847,143.000000 C1413.953125,143.000000 1445.613403,142.970139 1477.273438,143.041550 C1480.833740,143.049576 1482.981201,142.899368 1483.204590,138.136246 C1483.515503,131.507782 1485.215820,124.945404 1486.307373,118.352379 C1488.543457,104.846916 1490.762085,91.338554 1493.002930,77.833855 C1494.896484,66.420906 1496.871094,55.021000 1498.692871,43.596668 C1499.708130,37.228668 1500.484741,30.822592 1501.428833,24.000000 C1461.097778,24.000000 1421.798828,24.000000 1381.500000,24.000000 M2835.000000,344.500000 C2835.000000,237.742523 2835.000000,130.985046 2835.000000,24.288435 C2790.359619,24.288435 2746.289795,24.288435 2702.284912,24.288435 C2702.284912,193.975311 2702.284912,363.373596 2702.284912,532.711548 C2746.640381,532.711548 2790.710449,532.711548 2835.000000,532.711548 C2835.000000,470.115570 2835.000000,407.807800 2835.000000,344.500000 z /> path fill#040707 opacity1.000000 strokenone d M2109.245605,417.652161 C2103.288574,405.696533 2096.742920,394.368866 2092.010498,382.328461 C2086.511719,368.337769 2081.745117,353.930176 2078.205322,339.329071 C2072.935791,317.592529 2071.607666,295.325500 2071.916260,272.926422 C2072.234619,249.813263 2075.596924,227.209122 2081.541016,204.936005 C2088.943848,177.197174 2101.259277,151.670258 2117.084229,127.856064 C2128.668457,110.423012 2142.365234,94.621849 2157.969727,80.696381 C2173.566162,66.778130 2190.627197,54.878124 2209.108154,44.841137 C2232.310791,32.239605 2256.826904,23.403124 2282.372070,17.464781 C2294.346924,14.681109 2306.712891,13.334411 2318.979248,12.120364 C2331.260010,10.904884 2343.634521,10.188408 2355.973389,10.113682 C2373.840088,10.005478 2391.704590,11.129669 2409.191162,15.059225 C2425.334717,18.686989 2441.646484,22.023211 2457.314453,27.208916 C2484.987305,36.367897 2510.704590,49.836514 2533.445312,68.192856 C2545.988281,78.317726 2558.155273,89.152679 2569.087158,100.967346 C2582.593262,115.564255 2593.757080,132.044815 2603.405518,149.613556 C2615.576904,171.776016 2623.985840,195.251801 2629.713867,219.691437 C2632.113770,229.930832 2632.911621,240.584610 2633.923584,251.099503 C2634.947266,261.733917 2636.116943,272.448883 2635.854980,283.094910 C2635.027832,316.702850 2629.398438,349.525452 2616.574219,380.753845 C2607.113281,403.791931 2594.882080,425.431458 2579.380127,444.950287 C2564.612061,463.544922 2547.888184,480.445557 2528.185791,493.801941 C2514.512939,503.070801 2500.116699,511.450134 2485.392822,518.948730 C2464.575439,529.550842 2442.390625,536.542297 2419.402344,541.109192 C2402.371338,544.492615 2385.309326,546.897583 2367.927734,547.045227 C2361.007324,547.104004 2354.065918,548.219849 2347.177734,547.903259 C2319.038330,546.609741 2291.151855,543.691467 2263.950439,535.584167 C2244.609131,529.819458 2226.095703,522.198364 2208.404785,512.672180 C2191.414062,503.523010 2175.711670,492.442993 2161.084229,479.729431 C2140.531006,461.865631 2123.765137,440.977814 2109.245605,417.652161 M2292.405273,405.039093 C2292.806152,405.337585 2293.169434,405.717133 2293.613037,405.922943 C2305.506104,411.441040 2318.032715,414.953003 2330.936279,416.905151 C2338.688477,418.078003 2346.575928,418.785492 2354.410156,418.855347 C2360.568604,418.910217 2366.728516,417.548309 2372.905518,417.026642 C2387.376465,415.804504 2400.968994,411.422180 2414.044678,405.419556 C2433.675781,396.407684 2450.586182,383.830597 2464.514648,367.120667 C2475.291016,354.191803 2483.344238,339.896271 2489.028320,324.141815 C2495.112305,307.278412 2497.100586,289.824677 2495.879639,272.078461 C2495.213135,262.391571 2494.071777,252.610565 2491.830322,243.184616 C2486.814941,222.094894 2476.216797,203.678192 2461.911865,187.563293 C2448.146973,172.056915 2431.698975,160.151276 2412.549316,151.726837 C2394.788330,143.913315 2376.307129,139.682281 2357.130615,139.223862 C2346.586182,138.971786 2335.879639,140.361588 2325.433594,142.122635 C2299.893066,146.428360 2277.411377,157.705154 2258.003418,174.673660 C2246.641113,184.607880 2237.385498,196.403229 2229.615723,209.544662 C2218.607422,228.163971 2212.809326,248.227661 2211.140137,269.494904 C2210.124023,282.435974 2211.170898,295.412689 2213.974121,308.197540 C2219.728516,334.442017 2232.289795,356.993958 2250.819092,376.262634 C2262.538086,388.449463 2276.376221,397.747223 2292.405273,405.039093 z /> path fill#38B54A opacity1.000000 strokenone d M347.381012,541.292603 C319.535950,547.091492 291.653748,547.168579 263.974030,545.715515 C223.568863,543.594666 184.699921,534.234375 148.940811,514.406616 C134.352417,506.317657 120.775749,496.766022 108.148781,485.766785 C88.100632,468.302979 72.374260,447.609741 60.002800,424.183289 C48.224121,401.879272 40.489067,378.326263 35.800888,353.516968 C31.678143,331.699890 30.966267,309.740173 32.245499,287.860840 C34.338650,252.060577 41.724949,217.252930 56.312000,184.195938 C67.111847,159.721451 80.967674,137.247650 97.868401,116.483673 C118.344017,91.327637 142.700241,70.752869 170.469360,54.356747 C197.523621,38.382706 226.571503,26.979544 257.521545,21.091166 C271.456635,18.439947 285.564270,16.192965 299.694611,15.199805 C316.729858,14.002476 333.935730,13.243051 350.954987,14.232969 C383.986053,16.154209 416.079041,23.070072 446.654327,36.223347 C467.446106,45.167835 486.921509,56.341526 504.261536,70.889236 C525.075562,88.351532 542.201294,108.887245 555.491577,132.762863 C568.144226,155.492981 576.005005,179.776886 580.848511,205.097168 C584.624878,224.838486 584.366577,244.914764 583.982422,264.931244 C583.499817,290.078918 579.371094,314.677246 572.585266,338.865234 C567.160828,358.200592 559.654724,376.683075 550.231140,394.410980 C541.944702,409.999634 532.597351,424.903259 521.095398,438.315125 C512.184143,448.706055 503.364502,459.279175 493.507965,468.732635 C476.955719,484.608002 458.447662,497.977478 438.415375,509.348846 C412.992493,523.780151 385.753998,533.052734 357.491699,539.729736 C354.321655,540.478699 351.013519,540.643188 347.381012,541.292603 M376.601410,151.927399 C361.936646,144.283096 346.148743,140.315353 329.829620,139.160980 C316.187531,138.195969 302.506836,138.961609 288.998138,141.947525 C260.954651,148.146194 236.805161,161.456406 216.801544,181.876755 C204.163788,194.777786 194.487320,209.897964 187.153671,226.481628 C177.626709,248.025085 173.704727,270.783417 173.197968,294.086548 C172.996674,303.342896 174.523422,312.726990 176.079376,321.914703 C180.946991,350.657410 193.007004,375.533630 215.932953,394.483459 C236.047333,411.109375 259.508728,419.029205 285.089294,420.852966 C298.391815,421.801361 311.724182,421.019989 324.935394,418.101868 C349.377228,412.703003 370.851440,401.692688 389.373260,385.035431 C406.040924,370.045624 418.793884,352.140625 427.837769,331.566956 C436.266022,312.393890 441.118744,292.291656 441.748383,271.494995 C442.123932,259.089539 440.937103,246.446579 438.805664,234.196945 C434.949829,212.036682 424.764496,192.630859 409.502411,176.074631 C400.312683,166.105652 389.352875,158.348343 376.601410,151.927399 z /> path fill#38B54A opacity1.000000 strokenone d M936.293030,523.295288 C914.846069,533.501038 892.720459,540.028381 869.682068,544.172363 C843.884583,548.812683 817.896118,548.992249 792.035950,547.684631 C762.833679,546.208008 734.325623,540.021790 707.390503,527.836426 C691.068848,520.452515 676.153687,511.132324 662.619385,499.283875 C639.271545,478.844391 624.852905,453.308319 618.160461,423.347107 C616.174438,414.456177 615.441406,405.180206 615.111328,396.045349 C614.304932,373.733551 615.685852,351.509644 618.914673,329.388428 C620.310242,319.826721 620.805359,310.136597 622.053589,300.549591 C623.401367,290.197784 625.181335,279.902740 626.717224,269.574707 C628.182251,259.723663 629.511658,249.852188 631.017700,240.007584 C632.743774,228.724213 634.571838,217.456177 636.405396,206.189575 C638.237854,194.929520 640.123840,183.678146 642.001160,172.425430 C643.958313,160.694092 646.017700,148.979095 647.876221,137.232239 C649.687195,125.786003 651.216309,114.295197 653.022400,102.848137 C655.130554,89.486137 657.438416,76.155785 659.596619,62.801506 C661.444031,51.370518 663.430237,39.953533 664.861206,28.468821 C665.290894,25.020220 666.191956,23.721481 669.619263,23.954647 C672.770813,24.169050 675.948364,24.000011 679.114502,24.000010 C718.440857,23.999994 757.767273,24.000000 797.093628,24.000000 C798.898499,24.000000 800.703369,24.000000 803.087952,24.000000 C802.326599,29.701574 801.727417,34.988106 800.898010,40.238266 C798.991028,52.310238 796.975281,64.365028 794.997864,76.425850 C792.756531,90.096931 790.451233,103.757835 788.281189,117.440216 C786.440918,129.043411 784.809509,140.679657 782.983032,152.285126 C781.209167,163.555695 779.266296,174.799591 777.468750,186.066559 C775.926697,195.732468 774.517151,205.419464 772.990784,215.087952 C771.211121,226.360825 769.343262,237.619766 767.560425,248.892151 C766.006042,258.719696 764.521362,268.558289 762.997314,278.390656 C761.597900,287.418976 760.149231,296.439819 758.791992,305.474426 C757.482239,314.192688 755.912476,322.892029 755.101379,331.659332 C754.310059,340.213135 753.904968,348.851501 754.087280,357.436646 C754.494019,376.587433 759.848450,393.837738 774.635193,407.167206 C783.645874,415.289917 794.398804,419.968140 806.087219,421.795868 C822.287537,424.329132 838.501648,423.965332 854.249573,418.354950 C870.468689,412.576660 882.411072,401.808838 891.323608,387.287354 C903.593506,367.295380 909.786560,345.034393 914.812378,322.519012 C919.595337,301.091675 923.090027,279.372833 926.980225,257.751404 C929.778564,242.198120 932.432922,226.615875 934.898499,211.006607 C937.114563,196.977386 938.822754,182.867813 941.050293,168.840576 C943.861389,151.138748 947.102417,133.505188 949.914795,115.803535 C952.450012,99.845764 954.564209,83.821465 957.036987,67.853294 C959.280762,53.364159 961.757568,38.911114 964.165771,24.234554 C1009.709961,24.234554 1055.125977,24.234554 1101.352417,24.234554 C1100.417725,30.936888 1099.584473,37.358421 1098.614868,43.759289 C1097.125488,53.593548 1095.546997,63.414364 1093.997803,73.239517 C1092.245117,84.355957 1090.490967,95.472191 1088.722046,106.586067 C1087.158936,116.406792 1085.590332,126.226715 1083.995972,136.042419 C1081.748657,149.877716 1079.424683,163.700790 1077.229004,177.544266 C1075.414307,188.986908 1073.791382,200.459900 1071.986572,211.904160 C1069.802856,225.751205 1067.450562,239.571793 1065.295898,253.423233 C1063.439453,265.358185 1061.786987,277.324768 1059.990234,289.269196 C1058.339722,300.241272 1056.742798,311.223724 1054.894043,322.163055 C1052.724243,335.003204 1050.438599,347.826965 1047.972168,360.613281 C1042.250000,390.275757 1034.116211,419.131866 1019.072937,445.642456 C1008.854919,463.649536 996.193298,479.772430 980.799805,493.545441 C967.514771,505.432037 952.810730,515.437744 936.293030,523.295288 z /> path fill#040707 opacity1.000000 strokenone d M1866.982056,202.899460 C1880.677246,167.927811 1894.286499,133.328537 1908.056152,98.793182 C1916.902954,76.604645 1925.989014,54.511536 1934.958374,32.371742 C1936.046387,29.686125 1937.073975,26.976046 1938.175293,24.160328 C1986.371704,24.160328 2034.499023,24.160328 2083.050293,24.160328 C2079.869629,31.820295 2076.780518,39.307999 2073.654297,46.780193 C2066.106201,64.820839 2058.580566,82.871002 2050.970947,100.885750 C2044.169312,116.987556 2037.225464,133.029297 2030.421875,149.130295 C2023.559082,165.371445 2016.826294,181.667572 2009.971436,197.912155 C2003.425415,213.424957 1996.747681,228.882156 1990.213135,244.399673 C1978.640015,271.881226 1967.186523,299.413300 1955.580078,326.880737 C1944.285522,353.610382 1932.824585,380.269684 1921.504028,406.988464 C1908.807495,436.954895 1896.147705,466.937042 1883.552734,496.946350 C1878.901611,508.028534 1874.556519,519.239624 1869.848145,530.296753 C1869.327637,531.519104 1867.336670,532.882019 1866.022217,532.887573 C1832.358643,533.029846 1798.693848,533.052124 1765.031006,532.844604 C1763.360718,532.834351 1760.864258,530.921387 1760.169312,529.290710 C1751.624268,509.237549 1743.344238,489.071472 1734.994873,468.934998 C1725.971313,447.173096 1717.024902,425.378876 1707.898438,403.660309 C1700.381226,385.770752 1692.556641,368.010345 1685.035767,350.122223 C1674.846802,325.888275 1664.887817,301.557678 1654.701050,277.322815 C1644.449829,252.934906 1633.976807,228.640259 1623.718750,204.255264 C1613.649414,180.318924 1603.780273,156.298431 1593.726929,132.355362 C1584.478027,110.328323 1575.112305,88.350349 1565.776001,66.360168 C1560.326050,53.523617 1554.812866,40.713863 1549.395508,27.863703 C1548.968994,26.851948 1549.071411,25.617237 1548.866333,24.000002 C1550.591919,24.000002 1552.044189,24.000002 1553.496460,24.000002 C1598.493164,24.000002 1643.489990,24.017467 1688.486694,23.960926 C1691.504639,23.957134 1693.187256,24.264975 1694.546875,27.820692 C1705.477051,56.404079 1716.742065,84.860703 1728.060547,113.294052 C1739.442993,141.888062 1751.114746,170.367035 1762.459229,198.975983 C1776.105103,233.388245 1789.510376,267.895721 1803.083252,302.337036 C1806.816406,311.809845 1810.775757,321.193542 1815.043701,331.626282 C1817.522339,326.135254 1819.932739,321.297668 1821.924683,316.293457 C1829.511108,297.235626 1836.961426,278.123596 1844.464844,259.032654 C1851.322266,241.585342 1858.172241,224.135132 1865.063110,206.700989 C1865.536499,205.503601 1866.323120,204.430069 1866.982056,202.899460 z /> path fill#040707 opacity1.000000 strokenone d M3390.000000,264.000000 C3390.000000,183.861801 3390.000000,104.223587 3390.000000,24.292786 C3486.610352,24.292786 3583.008789,24.292786 3679.703613,24.292786 C3679.703613,61.606411 3679.703613,99.008934 3679.703613,136.812256 C3627.723389,136.812256 3575.654053,136.812256 3523.292969,136.812256 C3523.292969,164.946335 3523.292969,192.682922 3523.292969,220.820862 C3572.285156,220.820862 3621.354492,220.820862 3670.711426,220.820862 C3670.711426,258.621918 3670.711426,296.024384 3670.711426,333.827881 C3621.707520,333.827881 3572.638184,333.827881 3523.285156,333.827881 C3523.285156,362.962524 3523.285156,391.699036 3523.285156,420.836487 C3575.301270,420.836487 3627.370361,420.836487 3679.719238,420.836487 C3679.719238,458.304047 3679.719238,495.373199 3679.719238,532.721558 C3583.361084,532.721558 3486.962646,532.721558 3390.000000,532.721558 C3390.000000,443.344452 3390.000000,353.922241 3390.000000,264.000000 z /> path fill#040707 opacity1.000000 strokenone d M3301.069336,524.019470 C3280.381348,531.313049 3260.071045,538.602722 3238.689941,541.908630 C3224.693115,544.072815 3210.559814,545.359314 3196.482178,546.994873 C3176.076172,549.365662 3156.053711,546.284729 3135.966309,543.114014 C3107.139404,538.563660 3080.428467,528.159241 3055.011719,514.352234 C3039.220947,505.774323 3024.537598,495.448456 3010.911377,483.553528 C2990.764648,465.966370 2973.366699,446.117279 2959.083008,423.547699 C2942.010254,396.571411 2929.128174,367.788452 2923.087646,336.300110 C2920.795410,324.350800 2919.077637,312.223816 2918.154785,300.097351 C2917.136963,286.730621 2916.409668,273.217682 2917.189209,259.863770 C2918.893555,230.667007 2924.981934,202.326080 2936.305176,175.185959 C2946.110596,151.684189 2958.839111,129.875244 2974.673096,110.054268 C2986.984619,94.643188 3000.971436,80.790810 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1312.698730,527.441711 1312.000977,532.834961 C1265.848755,532.834961 1220.227539,532.834961 1174.336060,532.834961 C1194.909912,402.978149 1215.462646,273.254974 1236.093262,143.040314 C1198.322754,143.040314 1160.902710,143.040314 1122.595093,143.040314 C1123.567993,136.416229 1124.393188,130.334839 1125.365356,124.277046 C1127.198853,112.852287 1129.107056,101.439484 1131.002441,90.024734 C1133.244507,76.522400 1135.512695,63.024380 1137.756104,49.522247 C1138.851685,42.927906 1140.443481,36.358665 1140.823730,29.721535 C1141.111328,24.701256 1143.136597,23.912575 1147.546509,23.918907 C1225.530884,24.030867 1303.515503,24.000000 1382.000000,24.000000 z /> path fill#040707 opacity1.000000 strokenone d M2835.000000,345.000000 C2835.000000,407.807800 2835.000000,470.115570 2835.000000,532.711548 C2790.710449,532.711548 2746.640381,532.711548 2702.284912,532.711548 C2702.284912,363.373596 2702.284912,193.975311 2702.284912,24.288435 C2746.289795,24.288435 2790.359619,24.288435 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2489.028320,324.141815 C2483.344238,339.896271 2475.291016,354.191803 2464.514648,367.120667 C2450.586182,383.830597 2433.675781,396.407684 2414.044678,405.419556 C2400.968994,411.422180 2387.376465,415.804504 2372.905518,417.026642 C2366.728516,417.548309 2360.568604,418.910217 2354.410156,418.855347 C2346.575928,418.785492 2338.688477,418.078003 2330.936279,416.905151 C2318.032715,414.953003 2305.506104,411.441040 2293.613037,405.922943 C2293.169434,405.717133 2292.806152,405.337585 2292.019531,405.002136 z /> path fill#FFFFFF opacity1.000000 strokenone d M376.976807,151.994980 C389.352875,158.348343 400.312683,166.105652 409.502411,176.074631 C424.764496,192.630859 434.949829,212.036682 438.805664,234.196945 C440.937103,246.446579 442.123932,259.089539 441.748383,271.494995 C441.118744,292.291656 436.266022,312.393890 427.837769,331.566956 C418.793884,352.140625 406.040924,370.045624 389.373260,385.035431 C370.851440,401.692688 349.377228,412.703003 324.935394,418.101868 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hypot, imul, log, log1p, log2, log10, max, min, pow, random, round, sign, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, trunc, E, LN10, LN2, LOG10E, LOG2E, PI, SQRT1_2, SQRT2, i e.length; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) BMMathet Mathet }(), BMMath.random Math.random, BMMath.abs function(t) { if (object typeof t && t.length) { var e, i createSizedArray(t.length), r t.length; for (e 0; e r; e + 1) ie Math.abs(te); return i } return Math.abs(t) }; var defaultCurveSegments 150, degToRads Math.PI / 180, roundCorner .5519; function roundValues(t) { bm_rnd t ? 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0 : n / s, h s / 255; switch (s) { case a: r 0; break; case t: r e - i + n * (e i ? 6 : 0), r / 6 * n; break; case e: r i - t + 2 * n, r / 6 * n; break; case i: r t - e + 4 * n, r / 6 * n } return r, o, h } function addSaturationToRGB(t, e) { var i RGBtoHSV(255 * t0, 255 * t1, 255 * t2); return i1 + e, 1 i1 ? i1 1 : i1 0 && (i1 0), HSVtoRGB(i0, i1, i2) } function addBrightnessToRGB(t, e) { var i RGBtoHSV(255 * t0, 255 * t1, 255 * t2); return i2 + e, 1 i2 ? i2 1 : i2 0 && (i2 0), HSVtoRGB(i0, i1, i2) } function addHueToRGB(t, e) { var i RGBtoHSV(255 * t0, 255 * t1, 255 * t2); return i0 + e / 360, 1 i0 ? i0 - 1 : i0 0 && (i0 + 1), HSVtoRGB(i0, i1, i2) } var rgbToHex function() { var t, e, r ; for (t 0; t 256; t + 1) e t.toString(16), rt 1 e.length ? 0 + e : e; return function(t, e, i) { return t 0 && (t 0), e 0 && (e 0), i 0 && (i 0), # + rt + re + ri } }(); function BaseEvent() {} BaseEvent.prototype { triggerEvent: function(t, e) { if (this._cbst) for (var i this._cbst.length, r 0; r i; r++) this._cbstr(e) }, addEventListener: function(t, e) { return this._cbst || (this._cbst ), this._cbst.push(e), function() { this.removeEventListener(t, e) }.bind(this) }, removeEventListener: function(t, e) { if (e) { if (this._cbst) { for (var i 0, r this._cbst.length; i r;) this._cbsti e && (this._cbst.splice(i, 1), i - 1, r - 1), i + 1; this._cbst.length || (this._cbst null) } } else this._cbst null } }; var createTypedArray function typeof Uint8ClampedArray && function typeof Float32Array ? function(t, e) { return float32 t ? new Float32Array(e) : int16 t ? new Int16Array(e) : uint8c t ? new Uint8ClampedArray(e) : void 0 } : function(t, e) { var i, r 0, s ; switch (t) { case int16: case uint8c: i 1; break; default: i 1.1 } for (r 0; r e; r + 1) s.push(i); return s }; function createSizedArray(t) { return Array.apply(null, { length: t }) } function createNS(t) { return document.createElementNS(svgNS, t) } function createTag(t) { return document.createElement(t) } function DynamicPropertyContainer() {} DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype { addDynamicProperty: function(t) { -1 this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) && (this.dynamicProperties.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this), this._isAnimated !0) }, iterateDynamicProperties: function() { this._mdf !1; var t, e this.dynamicProperties.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.dynamicPropertiest.getValue(), this.dynamicPropertiest._mdf && (this._mdf !0) }, initDynamicPropertyContainer: function(t) { this.container t, this.dynamicProperties , this._mdf !1, this._isAnimated !1 } }; var getBlendMode (Pa { 0: source-over, 1: multiply, 2: screen, 3: overlay, 4: darken, 5: lighten, 6: color-dodge, 7: color-burn, 8: hard-light, 9: soft-light, 10: difference, 11: exclusion, 12: hue, 13: saturation, 14: color, 15: luminosity }, function(t) { return Pat || }), Pa, Matrix function() { var s Math.cos, a Math.sin, n Math.tan, r Math.round; function t() { return this.props0 1, this.props1 0, this.props2 0, this.props3 0, this.props4 0, this.props5 1, this.props6 0, this.props7 0, this.props8 0, this.props9 0, this.props10 1, this.props11 0, this.props12 0, this.props13 0, this.props14 0, this.props15 1, this } function e(t) { if (0 t) return this; var e s(t), i a(t); return this._t(e, -i, 0, 0, i, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function i(t) { if (0 t) return this; var e s(t), i a(t); return this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, -i, 0, 0, i, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function o(t) { if (0 t) return this; var e s(t), i a(t); return this._t(e, 0, i, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -i, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function h(t) { if (0 t) return this; var e s(t), i a(t); return this._t(e, -i, 0, 0, i, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function l(t, e) { return this._t(1, e, t, 1, 0, 0) } function p(t, e) { return this.shear(n(t), n(e)) } function m(t, e) { var i s(e), r a(e); return this._t(i, r, 0, 0, -r, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(1, 0, 0, 0, n(t), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(i, -r, 0, 0, r, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function f(t, e, i) { return i || 0 i || (i 1), 1 t && 1 e && 1 i ? this : this._t(t, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } function c(t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c, d, u) { return this.props0 t, this.props1 e, this.props2 i, this.props3 r, this.props4 s, this.props5 a, this.props6 n, this.props7 o, this.props8 h, this.props9 l, this.props10 p, this.props11 m, this.props12 f, this.props13 c, this.props14 d, this.props15 u, this } function d(t, e, i) { return i i || 0, 0 ! t || 0 ! e || 0 ! i ? this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t, e, i, 1) : this } function u(t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c, d, u) { var y this.props; if (1 t && 0 e && 0 i && 0 r && 0 s && 1 a && 0 n && 0 o && 0 h && 0 l && 1 p && 0 m) return y12 y12 * t + y15 * f, y13 y13 * a + y15 * c, y14 y14 * p + y15 * d, y15 y15 * u, this._identityCalculated !1, this; var g y0, v y1, b y2, E y3, x y4, P y5, S y6, _ y7, A y8, C y9, T y10, k y11, M y12, D y13, F y14, w y15; return y0 g * t + v * s + b * h + E * f, y1 g * e + v * a + b * l + E * c, y2 g * i + v * n + b * p + E * d, y3 g * r + v * o + b * m + E * u, y4 x * t + P * s + S * h + _ * f, y5 x * e + P * a + S * l + _ * c, y6 x * i + P * n + S * p + _ * d, y7 x * r + P * o + S * m + _ * u, y8 A * t + C * s + T * h + k * f, y9 A * e + C * a + T * l + k * c, y10 A * i + C * n + T * p + k * d, y11 A * r + C * o + T * m + k * u, y12 M * t + D * s + F * h + w * f, y13 M * e + D * a + F * l + w * c, y14 M * i + D * n + F * p + w * d, y15 M * r + D * o + F * m + w * u, this._identityCalculated !1, this } function y() { return this._identityCalculated || (this._identity !(1 ! this.props0 || 0 ! this.props1 || 0 ! this.props2 || 0 ! this.props3 || 0 ! this.props4 || 1 ! this.props5 || 0 ! this.props6 || 0 ! this.props7 || 0 ! this.props8 || 0 ! this.props9 || 1 ! this.props10 || 0 ! this.props11 || 0 ! this.props12 || 0 ! this.props13 || 0 ! this.props14 || 1 ! this.props15), this._identityCalculated !0), this._identity } function g(t) { for (var e 0; e 16;) { if (t.propse ! this.propse) return !1; e + 1 } return !0 } function v(t) { var e; for (e 0; e 16; e + 1) t.propse this.propse; return t } function b(t) { var e; for (e 0; e 16; e + 1) this.propse te } function E(t, e, i) { return { x: t * this.props0 + e * this.props4 + i * this.props8 + this.props12, y: t * this.props1 + e * this.props5 + i * this.props9 + this.props13, z: t * this.props2 + e * this.props6 + i * this.props10 + this.props14 } } function x(t, e, i) { return t * this.props0 + e * this.props4 + i * this.props8 + this.props12 } function P(t, e, i) { return t * this.props1 + e * this.props5 + i * this.props9 + this.props13 } function S(t, e, i) { return t * this.props2 + e * this.props6 + i * this.props10 + this.props14 } function _() { var t this.props0 * this.props5 - this.props1 * this.props4, e this.props5 / t, i -this.props1 / t, r -this.props4 / t, s this.props0 / t, a (this.props4 * this.props13 - this.props5 * this.props12) / t, n -(this.props0 * this.props13 - this.props1 * this.props12) / t, o new Matrix; return o.props0 e, o.props1 i, o.props4 r, o.props5 s, o.props12 a, o.props13 n, o } function A(t) { return this.getInverseMatrix().applyToPointArray(t0, t1, t2 || 0) } function C(t) { var e, i t.length, r ; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) re A(te); return r } function T(t, e, i) { var r createTypedArray(float32, 6); if (this.isIdentity()) r0 t0, r1 t1, r2 e0, r3 e1, r4 i0, r5 i1; else { var s this.props0, a this.props1, n this.props4, o this.props5, h this.props12, l this.props13; r0 t0 * s + t1 * n + h, r1 t0 * a + t1 * o + l, r2 e0 * s + e1 * n + h, r3 e0 * a + e1 * o + l, r4 i0 * s + i1 * n + h, r5 i0 * a + i1 * o + l } return r } function k(t, e, i) { return this.isIdentity() ? t, e, i : t * this.props0 + e * this.props4 + i * this.props8 + this.props12, t * this.props1 + e * this.props5 + i * this.props9 + this.props13, t * this.props2 + e * this.props6 + i * this.props10 + this.props14 } function M(t, e) { if (this.isIdentity()) return t + , + e; var i this.props; return Math.round(100 * (t * i0 + e * i4 + i12)) / 100 + , + Math.round(100 * (t * i1 + e * i5 + i13)) / 100 } function D() { for (var t 0, e this.props, i matrix3d(; t 16;) i + r(1e4 * et) / 1e4, i + 15 t ? ) : ,, t + 1; return i } function F(t) { return t 1e-6 && 0 t || -1e-6 t && t 0 ? r(1e4 * t) / 1e4 : t } function w() { var t this.props; return matrix( + F(t0) + , + F(t1) + , + F(t4) + , + F(t5) + , + F(t12) + , + F(t13) + ) } return function() { this.reset t, this.rotate e, this.rotateX i, this.rotateY o, this.rotateZ h, this.skew p, this.skewFromAxis m, this.shear l, this.scale f, this.setTransform c, this.translate d, this.transform u, this.applyToPoint E, this.applyToX x, this.applyToY P, this.applyToZ S, this.applyToPointArray k, this.applyToTriplePoints T, this.applyToPointStringified M, this.toCSS D, this.to2dCSS w, this.clone v, this.cloneFromProps b, this.equals g, this.inversePoints C, this.inversePoint A, this.getInverseMatrix _, this._t this.transform, this.isIdentity y, this._identity !0, this._identityCalculated !1, this.props createTypedArray(float32, 16), this.reset() } }(); ! function(o, h) { var l, p this, m 256, f 6, c random, d h.pow(m, f), u h.pow(2, 52), y 2 * u, g m - 1; function v(t) { var e, i t.length, n this, r 0, s n.i n.j 0, a n.S ; for (i || (t i++); r m;) ar r++; for (r 0; r m; r++) ar as g & s + tr % i + (e ar), as e; n.g function(t) { for (var e, i 0, r n.i, s n.j, a n.S; t--;) e ar g & r + 1, i i * m + ag & (ar as g & s + e) + (as e); return n.i r, n.j s, i } } function b(t, e) { return e.i t.i, e.j t.j, e.S t.S.slice(), e } function E(t, e) { for (var i, r t + , s 0; s r.length;) eg & s g & (i ^ 19 * eg & s) + r.charCodeAt(s++); return x(e) } function x(t) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(0, t) } hseed + c function(t, e, i) { var r , s E(function t(e, i) { var r, s , a typeof e; if (i && object a) for (r in e) try { s.push(t(er, i - 1)) } catch (t) {} return s.length ? s : string a ? e : e + \0 }((e !0 e ? { entropy: !0 } : e || {}).entropy ? t, x(o) : null t ? function() { try { if (l) return x(l.randomBytes(m)); var t new Uint8Array(m); return (p.crypto || p.msCrypto).getRandomValues(t), x(t) } catch (t) { var e p.navigator, i e && e.plugins; return +new Date, p, i, p.screen, x(o) } }() : t, 3), r), a new v(r), n function() { for (var t a.g(f), e d, i 0; t u;) t (t + i) * m, e * m, i a.g(1); for (; y t;) t / 2, e / 2, i >>> 1; return (t + i) / e }; return n.int32 function() { return 0 | a.g(4) }, n.quick function() { return a.g(4) / 4294967296 }, n.double n, E(x(a.S), o), (e.pass || i || function(t, e, i, r) { return r && (r.S && b(r, a), t.state function() { return b(a, {}) }), i ? (hc t, e) : t })(n, s, global in e ? : this h, e.state) }, E(h.random(), o) }(, BMMath); var BezierFactory function() { var t { getBezierEasing: function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a s || (bez_ + t + _ + e + _ + i + _ + r).replace(/\./g, p); if (oa) return oa; var n new h(t, e, i, r); return oa n } }, o {}; var l 11, p 1 / (l - 1), e function typeof Float32Array; function r(t, e) { return 1 - 3 * e + 3 * t } function s(t, e) { return 3 * e - 6 * t } function a(t) { return 3 * t } function m(t, e, i) { return ((r(e, i) * t + s(e, i)) * t + a(e)) * t } function f(t, e, i) { return 3 * r(e, i) * t * t + 2 * s(e, i) * t + a(e) } function h(t) { this._p t, this._mSampleValues e ? new Float32Array(l) : new Array(l), this._precomputed !1, this.get this.get.bind(this) } return h.prototype { get: function(t) { var e this._p0, i this._p1, r this._p2, s this._p3; return this._precomputed || this._precompute(), e i && r s ? t : 0 t ? 0 : 1 t ? 1 : m(this._getTForX(t), i, s) }, _precompute: function() { var t this._p0, e this._p1, i this._p2, r this._p3; this._precomputed !0, t e && i r || this._calcSampleValues() }, _calcSampleValues: function() { for (var t this._p0, e this._p2, i 0; i l; ++i) this._mSampleValuesi m(i * p, t, e) }, _getTForX: function(t) { for (var e this._p0, i this._p2, r this._mSampleValues, s 0, a 1, n l - 1; a ! n && ra t; ++a) s + p; var o s + (t - r--a) / (ra + 1 - ra) * p, h f(o, e, i); return .001 h ? function(t, e, i, r) { for (var s 0; s 4; ++s) { var a f(e, i, r); if (0 a) return e; e - (m(e, i, r) - t) / a } return e }(t, o, e, i) : 0 h ? o : function(t, e, i, r, s) { for (var a, n, o 0; 0 (a m(n e + (i - e) / 2, r, s) - t) ? i n : e n, 1e-7 Math.abs(a) && ++o 10;); return n }(t, s, s + p, e, i) } }, t }(); function extendPrototype(t, e) { var i, r, s t.length; for (i 0; i s; i + 1) for (var a in r ti.prototype) r.hasOwnProperty(a) && (e.prototypea ra) } function getDescriptor(t, e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) } function createProxyFunction(t) { function e() {} return e.prototype t, e } function bezFunction() { Math; function y(t, e, i, r, s, a) { var n t * r + e * s + i * a - s * r - a * t - i * e; return -.001 n && n .001 } var p function(t, e, i, r) { var s, a, n, o, h, l, p defaultCurveSegments, m 0, f , c , d bezier_length_pool.newElement(); for (n i.length, s 0; s p; s + 1) { for (h s / (p - 1), a l 0; a n; a + 1) o bm_pow(1 - h, 3) * ta + 3 * bm_pow(1 - h, 2) * h * ia + 3 * (1 - h) * bm_pow(h, 2) * ra + bm_pow(h, 3) * ea, fa o, null ! ca && (l + bm_pow(fa - ca, 2)), ca fa; l && (m + l bm_sqrt(l)), d.percentss h, d.lengthss m } return d.addedLength m, d }; function g(t) { this.segmentLength 0, this.points new Array(t) } function v(t, e) { this.partialLength t, this.point e } var b, t (b {}, function(t, e, i, r) { var s (t0 + _ + t1 + _ + e0 + _ + e1 + _ + i0 + _ + i1 + _ + r0 + _ + r1).replace(/\./g, p); if (!bs) { var a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f defaultCurveSegments, c 0, d null; 2 t.length && (t0 ! e0 || t1 ! e1) && y(t0, t1, e0, e1, t0 + i0, t1 + i1) && y(t0, t1, e0, e1, e0 + r0, e1 + r1) && (f 2); var u new g(f); for (o i.length, a 0; a f; a + 1) { for (m createSizedArray(o), l a / (f - 1), n p 0; n o; n + 1) h bm_pow(1 - l, 3) * tn + 3 * bm_pow(1 - l, 2) * l * (tn + in) + 3 * (1 - l) * bm_pow(l, 2) * (en + rn) + bm_pow(l, 3) * en, mn h, null ! d && (p + bm_pow(mn - dn, 2)); c + p bm_sqrt(p), u.pointsa new v(p, m), d m } u.segmentLength c, bs u } return bs }); function M(t, e) { var i e.percents, r e.lengths, s i.length, a bm_floor((s - 1) * t), n t * e.addedLength, o 0; if (a s - 1 || 0 a || n ra) return ia; for (var h ra > n ? -1 : 1, l !0; l;) if (ra n && ra + 1 > n ? (o (n - ra) / (ra + 1 - ra), l !1) : a + h, a 0 || s - 1 a) { if (a s - 1) return ia; l !1 } return ia + (ia + 1 - ia) * o } var D createTypedArray(float32, 8); return { getSegmentsLength: function(t) { var e, i segments_length_pool.newElement(), r t.c, s t.v, a t.o, n t.i, o t._length, h i.lengths, l 0; for (e 0; e o - 1; e + 1) he p(se, se + 1, ae, ne + 1), l + he.addedLength; return r && o && (he p(se, s0, ae, n0), l + he.addedLength), i.totalLength l, i }, getNewSegment: function(t, e, i, r, s, a, n) { var o, h M(s s 0 ? 0 : 1 s ? 1 : s, n), l M(a 1 a ? 1 : a, n), p t.length, m 1 - h, f 1 - l, c m * m * m, d h * m * m * 3, u h * h * m * 3, y h * h * h, g m * m * f, v h * m * f + m * h * f + m * m * l, b h * h * f + m * h * l + h * m * l, E h * h * l, x m * f * f, P h * f * f + m * l * f + m * f * l, S h * l * f + m * l * l + h * f * l, _ h * l * l, A f * f * f, C l * f * f + f * l * f + f * f * l, T l * l * f + f * l * l + l * f * l, k l * l * l; for (o 0; o p; o + 1) D4 * o Math.round(1e3 * (c * to + d * io + u * ro + y * eo)) / 1e3, D4 * o + 1 Math.round(1e3 * (g * to + v * io + b * ro + E * eo)) / 1e3, D4 * o + 2 Math.round(1e3 * (x * to + P * io + S * ro + _ * eo)) / 1e3, D4 * o + 3 Math.round(1e3 * (A * to + C * io + T * ro + k * eo)) / 1e3; return D }, getPointInSegment: function(t, e, i, r, s, a) { var n M(s, a), o 1 - n; return Math.round(1e3 * (o * o * o * t0 + (n * o * o + o * n * o + o * o * n) * i0 + (n * n * o + o * n * n + n * o * n) * r0 + n * n * n * e0)) / 1e3, Math.round(1e3 * (o * o * o * t1 + (n * o * o + o * n * o + o * o * n) * i1 + (n * n * o + o * n * n + n * o * n) * r1 + n * n * n * e1)) / 1e3 }, buildBezierData: t, pointOnLine2D: y, pointOnLine3D: function(t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h) { if (0 i && 0 a && 0 h) return y(t, e, r, s, n, o); var l, p Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r - t, 2) + Math.pow(s - e, 2) + Math.pow(a - i, 2)), m Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n - t, 2) + Math.pow(o - e, 2) + Math.pow(h - i, 2)), f Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n - r, 2) + Math.pow(o - s, 2) + Math.pow(h - a, 2)); return -1e-4 (l m p ? f p ? p - m - f : f - m - p : m f ? f - m - p : m - p - f) && l 1e-4 } } }! function() { for (var a 0, t ms, moz, webkit, o, e 0; e t.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++e) window.requestAnimationFrame windowte + RequestAnimationFrame, window.cancelAnimationFrame windowte + CancelAnimationFrame || windowte + CancelRequestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame function(t, e) { var i (new Date).getTime(), r Math.max(0, 16 - (i - a)), s setTimeout(function() { t(i + r) }, r); return a i + r, s }), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame function(t) { clearTimeout(t) }) }(); var bez bezFunction(); function dataFunctionManager() { function m(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h, l t.length; for (s 0; s l; s + 1) if (ks in (r ts) && !r.completed) { if (r.completed !0, && (ts -, , -1, r.hasMask) { var p r.masksProperties; for (n p.length, a 0; a n; a + 1) if ( d(; else for (h, o 0; o h; o + 1) && d(, && d( } 0 r.ty ? (r.layers f(r.refId, e), m(r.layers, e, i)) : 4 r.ty ? c(r.shapes) : 5 r.ty && u(r, i) } } function f(t, e) { for (var i 0, r e.length; i r;) { if ( t) return ei.layers.__used ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ei.layers)) : (ei.layers.__used !0, ei.layers); i + 1 } } function c(t) { var e, i, r; for (e t.length - 1; 0 e; e - 1) if (sh te.ty) { if (te.ks.k.i) d(te.ks.k); else for (r te.ks.k.length, i 0; i r; i + 1) && d(, && d(; !0 } else gr te.ty && c( } function d(t) { var e, i t.i.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) t.ie0 + t.ve0, t.ie1 + t.ve1, t.oe0 + t.ve0, t.oe1 + t.ve1 } function o(t, e) { var i e ? e.split(.) : 100, 100, 100; return t0 > i0 || !(i0 > t0) && (t1 > i1 || !(i1 > t1) && (t2 > i2 || !(i2 > t2) && void 0)) } var h, i function() { var r 4, 4, 14; function s(t) { var e, i, r, s t.length; for (e 0; e s; e + 1) 5 te.ty && (i te, void 0, r i.t.d, i.t.d { k: { s: r, t: 0 } }) } return function(t) { if (o(r, t.v) && (s(t.layers), t.assets)) { var e, i t.assets.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) t.assetse.layers && s(t.assetse.layers) } } }(), r (h 4, 7, 99, function(t) { if (t.chars && !o(h, t.v)) { var e, i, r, s, a, n t.chars.length; for (e 0; e n; e + 1) if ( && for (r (a, i 0; i r; i + 1)(s ai.ks.k).__converted || (d(ai.ks.k), s.__converted !0) } }), s function() { var r 4, 1, 9; function a(t) { var e, i, r, s t.length; for (e 0; e s; e + 1) if (gr te.ty) a(; else if (fl te.ty || st te.ty) if (te.c.k && te.c.k0.i) for (r te.c.k.length, i 0; i r; i + 1) && ( / 255, / 255, / 255, / 255), && ( / 255, / 255, / 255, / 255); else te.c.k0 / 255, te.c.k1 / 255, te.c.k2 / 255, te.c.k3 / 255 } function s(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) 4 te.ty && a(te.shapes) } return function(t) { if (o(r, t.v) && (s(t.layers), t.assets)) { var e, i t.assets.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) t.assetse.layers && s(t.assetse.layers) } } }(), a function() { var r 4, 4, 18; function l(t) { var e, i, r; for (e t.length - 1; 0 e; e - 1) if (sh te.ty) { if (te.ks.k.i) te.ks.k.c te.closed; else for (r te.ks.k.length, i 0; i r; i + 1) && ( te.closed), && ( te.closed); !0 } else gr te.ty && l( } function s(t) { var e, i, r, s, a, n, o t.length; for (i 0; i o; i + 1) { if ((e ti).hasMask) { var h e.masksProperties; for (s h.length, r 0; r s; r + 1) if (; else for (n, a 0; a n; a + 1) && (, && ( } 4 e.ty && l(e.shapes) } } return function(t) { if (o(r, t.v) && (s(t.layers), t.assets)) { var e, i t.assets.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) t.assetse.layers && s(t.assetse.layers) } } }(); function u(t, e) { 0 ! t.t.a.length || m in t.t.p || (t.singleShape !0) } var t { completeData: function(t, e) { t.__complete || (s(t), i(t), r(t), a(t), m(t.layers, t.assets, e), t.__complete !0) } }; return t.checkColors s, t.checkChars r, t.checkShapes a, t.completeLayers m, t } var dataManager dataFunctionManager(), FontManager function() { var a { w: 0, size: 0, shapes: }, t ; function u(t, e) { var i createTag(span); e; var r createTag(span); r.innerText giItT1WQy@!-/#, absolute, -10000px, -10000px, 300px, normal, normal, normal, 0, i.appendChild(r), document.body.appendChild(i); var s r.offsetWidth; return function(t) { var e, i t.split(,), r i.length, s ; for (e 0; e r; e + 1) sans-serif ! ie && monospace ! ie && s.push(ie); return s.join(,) }(t) + , + e, { node: r, w: s, parent: i } } t t.concat(2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2362, 2363, 2364, 2364, 2366, 2367, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373, 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390, 2391, 2402, 2403); var e function() { this.fonts , this.chars null, this.typekitLoaded 0, this.isLoaded !1, this._warned !1, this.initTime, this.setIsLoadedBinded this.setIsLoaded.bind(this), this.checkLoadedFontsBinded this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this) }; return e.getCombinedCharacterCodes function() { return t }, e.prototype { addChars: function(t) { if (t) { this.chars || (this.chars ); var e, i, r, s t.length, a this.chars.length; for (e 0; e s; e + 1) { for (i 0, r !1; i a;) && this.charsi.fFamily te.fFamily && && (r !0), i + 1; r || (this.chars.push(te), a + 1) } } }, addFonts: function(t, e) { if (t) { if (this.chars) return this.isLoaded !0, void(this.fonts t.list); var i, r, s, a, n t.list, o n.length, h o; for (i 0; i o; i + 1) { var l, p, m !0; if (ni.loaded !1, ni.monoCase u(ni.fFamily, monospace), ni.sansCase u(ni.fFamily, sans-serif), ni.fPath) { if (p ni.fOrigin || 3 ni.origin) { if (0 (l document.querySelectorAll(stylef-foriginpf-family + ni.fFamily + , stylef-origin3f-family + ni.fFamily + )).length && (m !1), m) { var f createTag(style); f.setAttribute(f-forigin, ni.fOrigin), f.setAttribute(f-origin, ni.origin), f.setAttribute(f-family, ni.fFamily), f.type text/css, f.innerText @font-face {font-family: + ni.fFamily + ; font-style: normal; src: url( + ni.fPath + );}, e.appendChild(f) } } else if (g ni.fOrigin || 1 ni.origin) { for (l document.querySelectorAll(linkf-foriging, linkf-origin1), p 0; p l.length; p++) - 1 ! lp.href.indexOf(ni.fPath) && (m !1); if (m) { var c createTag(link); c.setAttribute(f-forigin, ni.fOrigin), c.setAttribute(f-origin, ni.origin), c.type text/css, c.rel stylesheet, c.href ni.fPath, document.body.appendChild(c) } } else if (t ni.fOrigin || 2 ni.origin) { for (l document.querySelectorAll(scriptf-forigint, scriptf-origin2), p 0; p l.length; p++) ni.fPath lp.src && (m !1); if (m) { var d createTag(link); d.setAttribute(f-forigin, ni.fOrigin), d.setAttribute(f-origin, ni.origin), d.setAttribute(rel, stylesheet), d.setAttribute(href, ni.fPath), e.appendChild(d) } } } else ni.loaded !0, h - 1; ni.helper (r e, s ni, a void 0, (a createNS(text)).style.fontSize 100px, a.setAttribute(font-family, s.fFamily), a.setAttribute(font-style, s.fStyle), a.setAttribute(font-weight, s.fWeight), a.textContent 1, s.fClass ? ( inherit, a.setAttribute(class, s.fClass)) : s.fFamily, r.appendChild(a), createTag(canvas).getContext(2d).font s.fWeight + + s.fStyle + 100px + s.fFamily, a), ni.cache {}, this.fonts.push(ni) } 0 h ? this.isLoaded !0 : setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this), 100) } else this.isLoaded !0 }, getCharData: function(t, e, i) { for (var r 0, s this.chars.length; r s;) { if ( t && e && this.charsr.fFamily i) return this.charsr; r + 1 } return (string typeof t && 13 ! t.charCodeAt(0) || !t) && console && console.warn && !this._warned && (this._warned !0, console.warn(Missing character from exported characters list: , t, e, i)), a }, getFontByName: function(t) { for (var e 0, i this.fonts.length; e i;) { if (this.fontse.fName t) return this.fontse; e + 1 } return this.fonts0 }, measureText: function(t, e, i) { var r this.getFontByName(e), s t.charCodeAt(0); if (!r.caches + 1) { var a r.helper; if ( t) { a.textContent | + t + |; var n a.getComputedTextLength(); a.textContent ||; var o a.getComputedTextLength(); r.caches + 1 (n - o) / 100 } else a.textContent t, r.caches + 1 a.getComputedTextLength() / 100 } return r.caches + 1 * i }, checkLoadedFonts: function() { var t, e, i, r this.fonts.length, s r; for (t 0; t r; t + 1) this.fontst.loaded ? s - 1 : n this.fontst.fOrigin || 0 this.fontst.origin ? this.fontst.loaded !0 : (e this.fontst.monoCase.node, i this.fontst.monoCase.w, e.offsetWidth ! i ? (s - 1, this.fontst.loaded !0) : (e this.fontst.sansCase.node, i this.fontst.sansCase.w, e.offsetWidth ! i && (s - 1, this.fontst.loaded !0)), this.fontst.loaded && (this.fontst.sansCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fontst.sansCase.parent), this.fontst.monoCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fontst.monoCase.parent))); 0 ! s && - this.initTime 5e3 ? setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFontsBinded, 20) : setTimeout(this.setIsLoadedBinded, 10) }, setIsLoaded: function() { this.isLoaded !0 } }, e }(), PropertyFactory function() { var m initialDefaultFrame, s Math.abs; function f(t, e) { var i, r this.offsetTime; multidimensional this.propType && (i createTypedArray(float32, this.pv.length)); for (var s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f e.lastIndex, c f, d this.keyframes.length - 1, u !0; u;) { if (s this.keyframesc, a this.keyframesc + 1, c d - 1 && t > a.t - r) { s.h && (s a), f 0; break } if (a.t - r > t) { f c; break } c d - 1 ? c + 1 : (f 0, u !1) } var y, g, v, b, E, x, P, S, _, A, C a.t - r, T s.t - r; if ( { s.bezierData || (s.bezierData bez.buildBezierData(s.s, a.s || s.e,, s.ti)); var k s.bezierData; if (C t || t T) { var M C t ? k.points.length - 1 : 0; for (o k.pointsM.point.length, n 0; n o; n + 1) in k.pointsM.pointn } else { s.__fnct ? m s.__fnct : (m BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(s.o.x, s.o.y, s.i.x, s.i.y, s.n).get, s.__fnct m), h m((t - T) / (C - T)); var D, F k.segmentLength * h, w e.lastFrame t && e._lastKeyframeIndex c ? e._lastAddedLength : 0; for (p e.lastFrame t && e._lastKeyframeIndex c ? e._lastPoint : 0, u !0, l k.points.length; u;) { if (w + k.pointsp.partialLength, 0 F || 0 h || p k.points.length - 1) { for (o k.pointsp.point.length, n 0; n o; n + 1) in k.pointsp.pointn; break } if (w F && F w + k.pointsp + 1.partialLength) { for (D (F - w) / k.pointsp + 1.partialLength, o k.pointsp.point.length, n 0; n o; n + 1) in k.pointsp.pointn + (k.pointsp + 1.pointn - k.pointsp.pointn) * D; break } p l - 1 ? p + 1 : u !1 } e._lastPoint p, e._lastAddedLength w - k.pointsp.partialLength, e._lastKeyframeIndex c } } else { var I, V, B, R, L; if (d s.s.length, y a.s || s.e, && 1 ! s.h) if (C t) i0 y0, i1 y1, i2 y2; else if (t T) i0 s.s0, i1 s.s1, i2 s.s2; else { var G N(s.s), z N(y); g i, v function(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h , l t0, p t1, m t2, f t3, c e0, d e1, u e2, y e3; (s l * c + p * d + m * u + f * y) 0 && (s -s, c -c, d -d, u -u, y -y); o 1e-6 1 - s ? (r Math.acos(s), a Math.sin(r), n Math.sin((1 - i) * r) / a, Math.sin(i * r) / a) : (n 1 - i, i); return h0 n * l + o * c, h1 n * p + o * d, h2 n * m + o * u, h3 n * f + o * y, h }(G, z, (t - T) / (C - T)), b v0, E v1, x v2, P v3, S Math.atan2(2 * E * P - 2 * b * x, 1 - 2 * E * E - 2 * x * x), _ Math.asin(2 * b * E + 2 * x * P), A Math.atan2(2 * b * P - 2 * E * x, 1 - 2 * b * b - 2 * x * x), g0 S / degToRads, g1 _ / degToRads, g2 A / degToRads } else for (c 0; c d; c + 1) 1 ! s.h && (h C t ? 1 : t T ? 0 : (s.o.x.constructor Array ? (s.__fnct || (s.__fnct ), s.__fnctc ? m s.__fnctc : (I void 0 s.o.xc ? s.o.x0 : s.o.xc, V void 0 s.o.yc ? s.o.y0 : s.o.yc, B void 0 s.i.xc ? s.i.x0 : s.i.xc, R void 0 s.i.yc ? s.i.y0 : s.i.yc, m BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(I, V, B, R).get, s.__fnctc m)) : s.__fnct ? m s.__fnct : (I s.o.x, V s.o.y, B s.i.x, R s.i.y, m BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(I, V, B, R).get, s.__fnct m), m((t - T) / (C - T)))), y a.s || s.e, L 1 s.h ? : + (yc - * h, multidimensional this.propType ? ic L : i L } return e.lastIndex f, i } function N(t) { var e t0 * degToRads, i t1 * degToRads, r t2 * degToRads, s Math.cos(e / 2), a Math.cos(i / 2), n Math.cos(r / 2), o Math.sin(e / 2), h Math.sin(i / 2), l Math.sin(r / 2); return o * h * n + s * a * l, o * a * n + s * h * l, s * h * n - o * a * l, s * a * n - o * h * l } function c() { var t this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime, e this.keyframes0.t - this.offsetTime, i this.keyframesthis.keyframes.length - 1.t - this.offsetTime; if (!(t this._caching.lastFrame || this._caching.lastFrame ! m && (this._caching.lastFrame > i && i t || this._caching.lastFrame e && t e))) { this._caching.lastFrame > t && (this._caching._lastKeyframeIndex -1, this._caching.lastIndex 0); var r this.interpolateValue(t, this._caching); this.pv r } return this._caching.lastFrame t, this.pv } function d(t) { var e; if (unidimensional this.propType) e t * this.mult, 1e-5 s(this.v - e) && (this.v e, this._mdf !0); else for (var i 0, r this.v.length; i r;) e ti * this.mult, 1e-5 s( - e) && ( e, this._mdf !0), i + 1 } function u() { if (this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && this.effectsSequence.length) if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv); else { this.lock !0, this._mdf this._isFirstFrame; var t, e this.effectsSequence.length, i this.kf ? this.pv :; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) i this.effectsSequencet(i); this.setVValue(i), this._isFirstFrame !1, this.lock !1, this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId } } function y(t) { this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this) } function n(t, e, i, r) { this.propType unidimensional, this.mult i || 1, e, this.v i ? e.k * i : e.k, this.pv e.k, this._mdf !1, this.elem t, this.container r, this.comp t.comp, this.k !1, this.kf !1, this.vel 0, this.effectsSequence , this._isFirstFrame !0, this.getValue u, this.setVValue d, this.addEffect y } function o(t, e, i, r) { this.propType multidimensional, this.mult i || 1, e, this._mdf !1, this.elem t, this.container r, this.comp t.comp, this.k !1, this.kf !1, this.frameId -1; var s, a e.k.length; this.v createTypedArray(float32, a), this.pv createTypedArray(float32, a); createTypedArray(float32, a); for (this.vel createTypedArray(float32, a), s 0; s a; s + 1) this.vs e.ks * this.mult, this.pvs e.ks; this._isFirstFrame !0, this.effectsSequence , this.getValue u, this.setVValue d, this.addEffect y } function h(t, e, i, r) { this.propType unidimensional, this.keyframes e.k, this.offsetTime, this.frameId -1, this._caching { lastFrame: m, lastIndex: 0, value: 0, _lastKeyframeIndex: -1 }, this.k !0, this.kf !0, e, this.mult i || 1, this.elem t, this.container r, this.comp t.comp, this.v m, this.pv m, this._isFirstFrame !0, this.getValue u, this.setVValue d, this.interpolateValue f, this.effectsSequence c.bind(this), this.addEffect y } function l(t, e, i, r) { this.propType multidimensional; var s, a, n, o, h, l e.k.length; for (s 0; s l - 1; s + 1) && e.ks.s && e.ks + 1 && e.ks + 1.s && (a e.ks.s, n e.ks + 1.s, o, h e.ks.ti, (2 a.length && (a0 ! n0 || a1 ! n1) && bez.pointOnLine2D(a0, a1, n0, n1, a0 + o0, a1 + o1) && bez.pointOnLine2D(a0, a1, n0, n1, n0 + h0, n1 + h1) || 3 a.length && (a0 ! n0 || a1 ! n1 || a2 ! n2) && bez.pointOnLine3D(a0, a1, a2, n0, n1, n2, a0 + o0, a1 + o1, a2 + o2) && bez.pointOnLine3D(a0, a1, a2, n0, n1, n2, n0 + h0, n1 + h1, n2 + h2)) && ( null, e.ks.ti null), a0 n0 && a1 n1 && 0 o0 && 0 o1 && 0 h0 && 0 h1 && (2 a.length || a2 n2 && 0 o2 && 0 h2) && ( null, e.ks.ti null)); this.effectsSequence c.bind(this), e, this.keyframes e.k, this.offsetTime, this.k !0, this.kf !0, this._isFirstFrame !0, this.mult i || 1, this.elem t, this.container r, this.comp t.comp, this.getValue u, this.setVValue d, this.interpolateValue f, this.frameId -1; var p e.k0.s.length; for (this.v createTypedArray(float32, p), this.pv createTypedArray(float32, p), s 0; s p; s + 1) this.vs m, this.pvs m; this._caching { lastFrame: m, lastIndex: 0, value: createTypedArray(float32, p) }, this.addEffect y } return { getProp: function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a; if (e.k.length) if (number typeof e.k0) a new o(t, e, r, s); else switch (i) { case 0: a new h(t, e, r, s); break; case 1: a new l(t, e, r, s) } else a new n(t, e, r, s); return a.effectsSequence.length && s.addDynamicProperty(a), a } } }(), TransformPropertyFactory function() { var n 0, 0; function r(t, e, i) { if (this.elem t, this.frameId -1, this.propType transform, e, this.v new Matrix, this.pre new Matrix, this.appliedTransformations 0, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(i || t), e.p && e.p.s ? (this.px PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.x, 0, 0, this), PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.y, 0, 0, this), e.p.z && (this.pz PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.z, 0, 0, this))) : this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p || { k: 0, 0, 0 }, 1, 0, this), e.rx) { if (this.rx PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.rx, 0, degToRads, this), this.ry PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.ry, 0, degToRads, this), this.rz PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.rz, 0, degToRads, this), e.or.k0.ti) { var r, s e.or.k.length; for (r 0; r s; r + 1) null } this.or PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.or, 1, degToRads, this), !0 } else this.r PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r || { k: 0 }, 0, degToRads, this); && ( PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, degToRads, this), PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, degToRads, this)), this.a PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a || { k: 0, 0, 0 }, 1, 0, this), this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s || { k: 100, 100, 100 }, 1, .01, this), e.o ? this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, t) : this.o { _mdf: !1, v: 1 }, this._isDirty !0, this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0) } return r.prototype { applyToMatrix: function(t) { var e this._mdf; this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf this._mdf || e, this.a && t.translate(-this.a.v0, -this.a.v1, this.a.v2), this.s && t.scale(this.s.v0, this.s.v1, this.s.v2), && t.skewFromAxis(,, this.r ? t.rotate(-this.r.v) : t.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v2).rotateY(this.or.v1).rotateX(this.or.v0), ? ? t.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : t.translate(this.px.v,, 0) : t.translate(this.p.v0, this.p.v1, -this.p.v2) }, getValue: function(t) { if (this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId) { if (this._isDirty && (this.precalculateMatrix(), this._isDirty !1), this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf || t) { if (this.v.cloneFromProps(this.pre.props), this.appliedTransformations 1 && this.v.translate(-this.a.v0, -this.a.v1, this.a.v2), this.appliedTransformations 2 && this.v.scale(this.s.v0, this.s.v1, this.s.v2), && this.appliedTransformations 3 && this.v.skewFromAxis(,, this.r && this.appliedTransformations 4 ? this.v.rotate(-this.r.v) : !this.r && this.appliedTransformations 4 && this.v.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v2).rotateY(this.or.v1).rotateX(this.or.v0), this.autoOriented) { var e, i, r this.elem.globalData.frameRate; if (this.p && this.p.keyframes && this.p.getValueAtTime) i this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime this.p.keyframes0.t ? (e this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p.keyframes0.t + .01) / r, 0), this.p.getValueAtTime(this.p.keyframes0.t / r, 0)) : this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime > this.p.keyframesthis.p.keyframes.length - 1.t ? (e this.p.getValueAtTime(this.p.keyframesthis.p.keyframes.length - 1.t / r, 0), this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p.keyframesthis.p.keyframes.length - 1.t - .05) / r, 0)) : (e this.p.pv, this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime - .01) / r, this.p.offsetTime)); else if (this.px && this.px.keyframes && && this.px.getValueAtTime && { e , i ; var s this.px, a; s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime s.keyframes0.t ? (e0 s.getValueAtTime((s.keyframes0.t + .01) / r, 0), e1 a.getValueAtTime((a.keyframes0.t + .01) / r, 0), i0 s.getValueAtTime(s.keyframes0.t / r, 0), i1 a.getValueAtTime(a.keyframes0.t / r, 0)) : s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime > s.keyframess.keyframes.length - 1.t ? (e0 s.getValueAtTime(s.keyframess.keyframes.length - 1.t / r, 0), e1 a.getValueAtTime(a.keyframesa.keyframes.length - 1.t / r, 0), i0 s.getValueAtTime((s.keyframess.keyframes.length - 1.t - .01) / r, 0), i1 a.getValueAtTime((a.keyframesa.keyframes.length - 1.t - .01) / r, 0)) : (e s.pv, a.pv, i0 s.getValueAtTime((s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime - .01) / r, s.offsetTime), i1 a.getValueAtTime((a._caching.lastFrame + a.offsetTime - .01) / r, a.offsetTime)) } else e i n; this.v.rotate(-Math.atan2(e1 - i1, e0 - i0)) } && ? ? this.v.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : this.v.translate(this.px.v,, 0) : this.v.translate(this.p.v0, this.p.v1, -this.p.v2) } this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId } }, precalculateMatrix: function() { if (!this.a.k && (this.pre.translate(-this.a.v0, -this.a.v1, this.a.v2), this.appliedTransformations 1, !this.s.effectsSequence.length)) { if (this.pre.scale(this.s.v0, this.s.v1, this.s.v2), this.appliedTransformations 2, { if ( || return; this.pre.skewFromAxis(,, this.appliedTransformations 3 } if (this.r) { if (this.r.effectsSequence.length) return; this.pre.rotate(-this.r.v), this.appliedTransformations 4 } else this.rz.effectsSequence.length || this.ry.effectsSequence.length || this.rx.effectsSequence.length || this.or.effectsSequence.length || (this.pre.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v2).rotateY(this.or.v1).rotateX(this.or.v0), this.appliedTransformations 4) } }, autoOrient: function() {} }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, r), r.prototype.addDynamicProperty function(t) { this._addDynamicProperty(t), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(t), this._isDirty !0 }, r.prototype._addDynamicProperty DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype.addDynamicProperty, { getTransformProperty: function(t, e, i) { return new r(t, e, i) } } }(); function ShapePath() { this.c !1, this._length 0, this._maxLength 8, this.v createSizedArray(this._maxLength), this.o createSizedArray(this._maxLength), this.i createSizedArray(this._maxLength) } ShapePath.prototype.setPathData function(t, e) { this.c t, this.setLength(e); for (var i 0; i e;) point_pool.newElement(), this.oi point_pool.newElement(), this.ii point_pool.newElement(), i + 1 }, ShapePath.prototype.setLength function(t) { for (; this._maxLength t;) this.doubleArrayLength(); this._length t }, ShapePath.prototype.doubleArrayLength function() { this.v this.v.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this.i this.i.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this.o this.o.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this._maxLength * 2 }, ShapePath.prototype.setXYAt function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a; switch (this._length Math.max(this._length, r + 1), this._length > this._maxLength && this.doubleArrayLength(), i) { case v: a this.v; break; case i: a this.i; break; case o: a this.o }(!ar || ar && !s) && (ar point_pool.newElement()), ar0 t, ar1 e }, ShapePath.prototype.setTripleAt function(t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o) { this.setXYAt(t, e, v, n, o), this.setXYAt(i, r, o, n, o), this.setXYAt(s, a, i, n, o) }, ShapePath.prototype.reverse function() { var t new ShapePath; t.setPathData(this.c, this._length); var e this.v, i this.o, r this.i, s 0; this.c && (t.setTripleAt(e00, e01, r00, r01, i00, i01, 0, !1), s 1); var a, n this._length - 1, o this._length; for (a s; a o; a + 1) t.setTripleAt(en0, en1, rn0, rn1, in0, in1, a, !1), n - 1; return t }; var ShapePropertyFactory function() { var s -999999; function t(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f i.lastIndex, c this.keyframes; if (t c0.t - this.offsetTime) r c0.s0, a !0, f 0; else if (t > cc.length - 1.t - this.offsetTime) r cc.length - 1.s ? cc.length - 1.s0 : cc.length - 2.e0, a !0; else { for (var d, u, y f, g c.length - 1, v !0; v && (d cy, !((u cy + 1).t - this.offsetTime > t));) y g - 1 ? y + 1 : v !1; if (f y, !(a 1 d.h)) { if (t > u.t - this.offsetTime) p 1; else if (t d.t - this.offsetTime) p 0; else { var b; d.__fnct ? b d.__fnct : (b BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(d.o.x, d.o.y, d.i.x, d.i.y).get, d.__fnct b), p b((t - (d.t - this.offsetTime)) / (u.t - this.offsetTime - (d.t - this.offsetTime))) } s u.s ? u.s0 : d.e0 } r d.s0 } for (h e._length, l r.i0.length, i.lastIndex f, n 0; n h; n + 1) for (o 0; o l; o + 1) m a ? r.ino : r.ino + (s.ino - r.ino) * p, e.ino m, m a ? r.ono : r.ono + (s.ono - r.ono) * p, e.ono m, m a ? r.vno : r.vno + (s.vno - r.vno) * p, e.vno m } function a() { this.paths this.localShapeCollection } function e(t) { (function(t, e) { if (t._length ! e._length || t.c ! e.c) return !1; var i, r t._length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) if (t.vi0 ! e.vi0 || t.vi1 ! e.vi1 || t.oi0 ! e.oi0 || t.oi1 ! e.oi1 || t.ii0 ! e.ii0 || t.ii1 ! e.ii1) return !1; return !0 })(this.v, t) || (this.v shape_pool.clone(t), this.localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this._mdf !0, this.paths this.localShapeCollection) } function i() { if (this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId) if (this.effectsSequence.length) if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv); else { this.lock !0, this._mdf !1; var t, e this.kf ? this.pv : ? :, i this.effectsSequence.length; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) e this.effectsSequencet(e); this.setVValue(e), this.lock !1, this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId } else this._mdf !1 } function n(t, e, i) { this.propType shape, this.comp t.comp, this.container t, this.elem t, e, this.k !1, this.kf !1, this._mdf !1; var r 3 i ? : e.ks.k; this.v shape_pool.clone(r), this.pv shape_pool.clone(this.v), this.localShapeCollection shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths this.localShapeCollection, this.paths.addShape(this.v), this.reset a, this.effectsSequence } function r(t) { this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this) } function o(t, e, i) { this.propType shape, this.comp t.comp, this.elem t, this.container t, this.offsetTime, this.keyframes 3 i ? : e.ks.k, this.k !0, this.kf !0; var r this.keyframes0.s0.i.length; this.keyframes0.s0.i0.length; this.v shape_pool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(this.keyframes0.s0.c, r), this.pv shape_pool.clone(this.v), this.localShapeCollection shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths this.localShapeCollection, this.paths.addShape(this.v), this.lastFrame s, this.reset a, this._caching { lastFrame: s, lastIndex: 0 }, this.effectsSequence function() { var t this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime, e this.keyframes0.t - this.offsetTime, i this.keyframesthis.keyframes.length - 1.t - this.offsetTime, r this._caching.lastFrame; return r ! s && (r e && t e || i r && i t) || (this._caching.lastIndex r t ? this._caching.lastIndex : 0, this.interpolateShape(t, this.pv, this._caching)), this._caching.lastFrame t, this.pv }.bind(this) } n.prototype.interpolateShape t, n.prototype.getValue i, n.prototype.setVValue e, n.prototype.addEffect r, o.prototype.getValue i, o.prototype.interpolateShape t, o.prototype.setVValue e, o.prototype.addEffect r; var h function() { var n roundCorner; function t(t, e) { this.v shape_pool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(!0, 4), this.localShapeCollection shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths this.localShapeCollection, this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.d e.d, this.elem t, this.comp t.comp, this.frameId -1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k !0 : (this.k !1, this.convertEllToPath()) } return t.prototype { reset: a, getValue: function() { this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && (this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertEllToPath()) }, convertEllToPath: function() { var t this.p.v0, e this.p.v1, i this.s.v0 / 2, r this.s.v1 / 2, s 3 ! this.d, a this.v; a.v00 t, a.v01 e - r, a.v10 s ? t + i : t - i, a.v11 e, a.v20 t, a.v21 e + r, a.v30 s ? t - i : t + i, a.v31 e, a.i00 s ? t - i * n : t + i * n, a.i01 e - r, a.i10 s ? t + i : t - i, a.i11 e - r * n, a.i20 s ? t + i * n : t - i * n, a.i21 e + r, a.i30 s ? t - i : t + i, a.i31 e + r * n, a.o00 s ? t + i * n : t - i * n, a.o01 e - r, a.o10 s ? t + i : t - i, a.o11 e + r * n, a.o20 s ? t - i * n : t + i * n, a.o21 e + r, a.o30 s ? t - i : t + i, a.o31 e - r * n } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, t), t }(), l function() { function t(t, e) { this.v shape_pool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(!0, 0), this.elem t, this.comp t.comp, e, this.frameId -1, this.d e.d, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), 1 ? ( PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, 0, this), PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, .01, this), this.convertToPath this.convertStarToPath) : this.convertToPath this.convertPolygonToPath, PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, 0, this), this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.r PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, degToRads, this), this.or PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.or, 0, 0, this), this.os PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.os, 0, .01, this), this.localShapeCollection shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.paths this.localShapeCollection, this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k !0 : (this.k !1, this.convertToPath()) } return t.prototype { reset: a, getValue: function() { this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && (this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertToPath()) }, convertStarToPath: function() { var t, e, i, r, s 2 * Math.floor(, a 2 * Math.PI / s, n !0, o this.or.v, h, l this.os.v, p, m 2 * Math.PI * o / (2 * s), f 2 * Math.PI * h / (2 * s), c -Math.PI / 2; c + this.r.v; var d 3 ? -1 : 1; for (t this.v._length 0; t s; t + 1) { i n ? l : p, r n ? m : f; var u (e n ? o : h) * Math.cos(c), y e * Math.sin(c), g 0 u && 0 y ? 0 : y / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y), v 0 u && 0 y ? 0 : -u / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y); u + +this.p.v0, y + +this.p.v1, this.v.setTripleAt(u, y, u - g * r * i * d, y - v * r * i * d, u + g * r * i * d, y + v * r * i * d, t, !0), n !n, c + a * d } }, convertPolygonToPath: function() { var t, e Math.floor(, i 2 * Math.PI / e, r this.or.v, s this.os.v, a 2 * Math.PI * r / (4 * e), n -Math.PI / 2, o 3 ? -1 : 1; for (n + this.r.v, t this.v._length 0; t e; t + 1) { var h r * Math.cos(n), l r * Math.sin(n), p 0 h && 0 l ? 0 : l / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l), m 0 h && 0 l ? 0 : -h / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l); h + +this.p.v0, l + +this.p.v1, this.v.setTripleAt(h, l, h - p * a * s * o, l - m * a * s * o, h + p * a * s * o, l + m * a * s * o, t, !0), n + i * o } this.paths.length 0, this.paths0 this.v } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, t), t }(), p function() { function t(t, e) { this.v shape_pool.newElement(), this.v.c !0, this.localShapeCollection shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.paths this.localShapeCollection, this.elem t, this.comp t.comp, this.frameId -1, this.d e.d, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this), this.r PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, 0, this), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k !0 : (this.k !1, this.convertRectToPath()) } return t.prototype { convertRectToPath: function() { var t this.p.v0, e this.p.v1, i this.s.v0 / 2, r this.s.v1 / 2, s bm_min(i, r, this.r.v), a s * (1 - roundCorner); this.v._length 0, 2 this.d || 1 this.d ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + i, e - r + s, t + i, e - r + s, t + i, e - r + a, 0, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + i, e + r - s, t + i, e + r - a, t + i, e + r - s, 1, !0), 0 ! s ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + i - s, e + r, t + i - s, e + r, t + i - a, e + r, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i + s, e + r, t - i + a, e + r, t - i + s, e + r, 3, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e + r - s, t - i, e + r - s, t - i, e + r - a, 4, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e - r + s, t - i, e - r + a, t - i, e - r + s, 5, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i + s, e - r, t - i + s, e - r, t - i + a, e - r, 6, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + i - s, e - r, t + i - a, e - r, t + i - s, e - r, 7, !0)) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e + r, t - i + a, e + r, t - i, e + r, 2), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e - r, t - i, e - r + a, t - i, e - r, 3))) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t + i, e - r + s, t + i, e - r + a, t + i, e - r + s, 0, !0), 0 ! s ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + i - s, e - r, t + i - s, e - r, t + i - a, e - r, 1, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i + s, e - r, t - i + a, e - r, t - i + s, e - r, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e - r + s, t - i, e - r + s, t - i, e - r + a, 3, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e + r - s, t - i, e + r - a, t - i, e + r - s, 4, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i + s, e + r, t - i + s, e + r, t - i + a, e + r, 5, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + i - s, e + r, t + i - a, e + r, t + i - s, e + r, 6, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + i, e + r - s, t + i, e + r - s, t + i, e + r - a, 7, !0)) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e - r, t - i + a, e - r, t - i, e - r, 1, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - i, e + r, t - i, e + r - a, t - i, e + r, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + i, e + r, t + i - a, e + r, t + i, e + r, 3, !0))) }, getValue: function(t) { this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && (this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertRectToPath()) }, reset: a }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, t), t }(); var m { getShapeProp: function(t, e, i) { var r; return 3 i || 4 i ? r (3 i ? : e.ks).k.length ? new o(t, e, i) : new n(t, e, i) : 5 i ? r new p(t, e) : 6 i ? r new h(t, e) : 7 i && (r new l(t, e)), r.k && t.addDynamicProperty(r), r }, getConstructorFunction: function() { return n }, getKeyframedConstructorFunction: function() { return o } }; return m }(), ShapeModifiers (fs {}, gs {}, fs.registerModifier function(t, e) { gst || (gst e) }, fs.getModifier function(t, e, i) { return new gst(e, i) }, fs), fs, gs; function ShapeModifier() {} function TrimModifier() {} function RoundCornersModifier() {} function PuckerAndBloatModifier() {} function RepeaterModifier() {} function ShapeCollection() { this._length 0, this._maxLength 4, this.shapes createSizedArray(this._maxLength) } function DashProperty(t, e, i, r) { this.elem t, this.frameId -1, this.dataProps createSizedArray(e.length), this.renderer i, this.k !1, this.dashStr , this.dashArray createTypedArray(float32, e.length ? e.length - 1 : 0), this.dashoffset createTypedArray(float32, 1), this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r); var s, a, n e.length || 0; for (s 0; s n; s + 1) a PropertyFactory.getProp(t, es.v, 0, 0, this), this.k a.k || this.k, this.dataPropss { n: es.n, p: a }; this.k || this.getValue(!0), this._isAnimated this.k } function GradientProperty(t, e, i) { e, this.c createTypedArray(uint8c, 4 * e.p); var r e.k.k0.s ? e.k.k0.s.length - 4 * e.p : e.k.k.length - 4 * e.p; this.o createTypedArray(float32, r), this._cmdf !1, this._omdf !1, this._collapsable this.checkCollapsable(), this._hasOpacity r, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(i), this.prop PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.k, 1, null, this), this.k this.prop.k, this.getValue(!0) } ShapeModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties function() {}, ShapeModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier function() {}, ShapeModifier.prototype.addShape function(t) { if (!this.closed) {; var e { shape:, data: t, localShapeCollection: shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection() }; this.shapes.push(e), this.addShapeToModifier(e), this._isAnimated && t.setAsAnimated() } }, ShapeModifier.prototype.init function(t, e) { this.shapes , this.elem t, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.initModifierProperties(t, e), this.frameId initialDefaultFrame, this.closed !1, this.k !1, this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k !0 : this.getValue(!0) }, ShapeModifier.prototype.processKeys function() { this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && (this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties()) }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, ShapeModifier), extendPrototype(ShapeModifier, TrimModifier), TrimModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties function(t, e) { this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 0, .01, this), this.e PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, .01, this), this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0, this), this.sValue 0, this.eValue 0, this.getValue this.processKeys, this.m e.m, this._isAnimated !!this.s.effectsSequence.length || !!this.e.effectsSequence.length || !!this.o.effectsSequence.length }, TrimModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier function(t) { t.pathsData }, TrimModifier.prototype.calculateShapeEdges function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a ; e 1 ? a.push({ s: t, e: e }) : 1 t ? a.push({ s: t - 1, e: e - 1 }) : (a.push({ s: t, e: 1 }), a.push({ s: 0, e: e - 1 })); var n, o, h , l a.length; for (n 0; n l; n + 1) { var p, m; if ((o an).e * s r || o.s * s > r + i); else p o.s * s r ? 0 : (o.s * s - r) / i, m o.e * s > r + i ? 1 : (o.e * s - r) / i, h.push(p, m) } return h.length || h.push(0, 0), h }, TrimModifier.prototype.releasePathsData function(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) segments_length_pool.release(te); return t.length 0, t }, TrimModifier.prototype.processShapes function(t) { var e, i, r; if (this._mdf || t) { var s this.o.v % 360 / 360; if (s 0 && (s + 1), e (1 this.s.v ? 1 : this.s.v 0 ? 0 : this.s.v) + s, (i (1 this.e.v ? 1 : this.e.v 0 ? 0 : this.e.v) + s) e) { var a e; e i, i a } e 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * e), i 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * i), this.sValue e, this.eValue i } else e this.sValue, i this.eValue; var n, o, h, l, p, m, f this.shapes.length, c 0; if (i e) for (n 0; n f; n + 1) this.shapesn.localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(), this.shapesn.shape._mdf !0, this.shapesn.shape.paths this.shapesn.localShapeCollection, this._mdf && (this.shapesn.pathsData.length 0); else if (1 i && 0 e || 0 i && 1 e) { if (this._mdf) for (n 0; n f; n + 1) this.shapesn.pathsData.length 0, this.shapesn.shape._mdf !0 } else { var d, u, y ; for (n 0; n f; n + 1) if ((d this.shapesn).shape._mdf || this._mdf || t || 2 this.m) { if (h (r d.shape.paths)._length, m 0, !d.shape._mdf && d.pathsData.length) m d.totalShapeLength; else { for (l this.releasePathsData(d.pathsData), o 0; o h; o + 1) p bez.getSegmentsLength(r.shapeso), l.push(p), m + p.totalLength; d.totalShapeLength m, d.pathsData l } c + m, d.shape._mdf !0 } else d.shape.paths d.localShapeCollection; var g, v e, b i, E 0; for (n f - 1; 0 n; n - 1) if ((d this.shapesn).shape._mdf) { for ((u d.localShapeCollection).releaseShapes(), 2 this.m && 1 f ? (g this.calculateShapeEdges(e, i, d.totalShapeLength, E, c), E + d.totalShapeLength) : g v, b , h g.length, o 0; o h; o + 1) { v go0, b go1, y.length 0, b 1 ? y.push({ s: d.totalShapeLength * v, e: d.totalShapeLength * b }) : 1 v ? y.push({ s: d.totalShapeLength * (v - 1), e: d.totalShapeLength * (b - 1) }) : (y.push({ s: d.totalShapeLength * v, e: d.totalShapeLength }), y.push({ s: 0, e: d.totalShapeLength * (b - 1) })); var x this.addShapes(d, y0); if (y0.s ! y0.e) { if (1 y.length) if (d.shape.paths.shapesd.shape.paths._length - 1.c) { var P x.pop(); this.addPaths(x, u), x this.addShapes(d, y1, P) } else this.addPaths(x, u), x this.addShapes(d, y1); this.addPaths(x, u) } } d.shape.paths u } } }, TrimModifier.prototype.addPaths function(t, e) { var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) e.addShape(ti) }, TrimModifier.prototype.addSegment function(t, e, i, r, s, a, n) { s.setXYAt(e0, e1, o, a), s.setXYAt(i0, i1, i, a + 1), n && s.setXYAt(t0, t1, v, a), s.setXYAt(r0, r1, v, a + 1) }, TrimModifier.prototype.addSegmentFromArray function(t, e, i, r) { e.setXYAt(t1, t5, o, i), e.setXYAt(t2, t6, i, i + 1), r && e.setXYAt(t0, t4, v, i), e.setXYAt(t3, t7, v, i + 1) }, TrimModifier.prototype.addShapes function(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m t.pathsData, f t.shape.paths.shapes, c t.shape.paths._length, d 0, u , y !0; for (p i ? (o i._length, i._length) : (i shape_pool.newElement(), o 0), u.push(i), r 0; r c; r + 1) { for (h mr.lengths, i.c fr.c, a fr.c ? h.length : h.length + 1, s 1; s a; s + 1) if (d + (n hs - 1).addedLength e.s) d + n.addedLength, i.c !1; else { if (d > e.e) { i.c !1; break } e.s d && e.e > d + n.addedLength ? (this.addSegment(fr.vs - 1, fr.os - 1,, fr.vs, i, o, y), y !1) : (l bez.getNewSegment(fr.vs - 1, fr.vs, fr.os - 1,, (e.s - d) / n.addedLength, (e.e - d) / n.addedLength, hs - 1), this.addSegmentFromArray(l, i, o, y), y !1, i.c !1), d + n.addedLength, o + 1 } if (fr.c && h.length) { if (n hs - 1, d e.e) { var g hs - 1.addedLength; e.s d && e.e > d + g ? (this.addSegment(fr.vs - 1, fr.os - 1, fr.i0, fr.v0, i, o, y), y !1) : (l bez.getNewSegment(fr.vs - 1, fr.v0, fr.os - 1, fr.i0, (e.s - d) / g, (e.e - d) / g, hs - 1), this.addSegmentFromArray(l, i, o, y), y !1, i.c !1) } else i.c !1; d + n.addedLength, o + 1 } if (i._length && (i.setXYAt(i.vp0, i.vp1, i, p), i.setXYAt( - 10, - 11, o, i._length - 1)), d > e.e) break; r c - 1 && (i shape_pool.newElement(), y !0, u.push(i), o 0) } return u }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(tm, TrimModifier), extendPrototype(ShapeModifier, RoundCornersModifier), RoundCornersModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties function(t, e) { this.getValue this.processKeys, this.rd PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, null, this), this._isAnimated !!this.rd.effectsSequence.length }, RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processPath function(t, e) { var i shape_pool.newElement(); i.c t.c; var r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c, d, u, y t._length, g 0; for (r 0; r y; r + 1) s t.vr, n t.or, a, s0 n0 && s1 n1 && s0 a0 && s1 a1 ? 0 ! r && r ! y - 1 || t.c ? (o 0 r ? t.vy - 1 : t.vr - 1, l (h Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s0 - o0, 2) + Math.pow(s1 - o1, 2))) ? Math.min(h / 2, e) / h : 0, p d s0 + (o0 - s0) * l, m u s1 - (s1 - o1) * l, f p - (p - s0) * roundCorner, c m - (m - s1) * roundCorner, i.setTripleAt(p, m, f, c, d, u, g), g + 1, o r y - 1 ? t.v0 : t.vr + 1, l (h Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s0 - o0, 2) + Math.pow(s1 - o1, 2))) ? Math.min(h / 2, e) / h : 0, p f s0 + (o0 - s0) * l, m c s1 + (o1 - s1) * l, d p - (p - s0) * roundCorner, u m - (m - s1) * roundCorner, i.setTripleAt(p, m, f, c, d, u, g)) : i.setTripleAt(s0, s1, n0, n1, a0, a1, g) : i.setTripleAt(t.vr0, t.vr1, t.or0, t.or1, t.ir0, t.ir1, g), g + 1; return i }, RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processShapes function(t) { var e, i, r, s, a, n, o this.shapes.length, h this.rd.v; if (0 ! h) for (i 0; i o; i + 1) { if ((a this.shapesi).shape.paths, n a.localShapeCollection, a.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t) for (n.releaseShapes(), a.shape._mdf !0, e a.shape.paths.shapes, s a.shape.paths._length, r 0; r s; r + 1) n.addShape(this.processPath(er, h)); a.shape.paths a.localShapeCollection } this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf !1) }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(rd, RoundCornersModifier), extendPrototype(ShapeModifier, PuckerAndBloatModifier), PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties function(t, e) { this.getValue this.processKeys, this.amount PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a, 0, null, this), this._isAnimated !!this.amount.effectsSequence.length }, PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processPath function(t, e) { var i e / 100, r 0, 0, s t._length, a 0; for (a 0; a s; a + 1) r0 + t.va0, r1 + t.va1; r0 / s, r1 / s; var n, o, h, l, p, m, f shape_pool.newElement(); for (f.c t.c, a 0; a s; a + 1) n t.va0 + (r0 - t.va0) * i, o t.va1 + (r1 - t.va1) * i, h t.oa0 + (r0 - t.oa0) * -i, l t.oa1 + (r1 - t.oa1) * -i, p t.ia0 + (r0 - t.ia0) * -i, m t.ia1 + (r1 - t.ia1) * -i, f.setTripleAt(n, o, h, l, p, m, a); return f }, PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processShapes function(t) { var e, i, r, s, a, n, o this.shapes.length, h this.amount.v; if (0 ! h) for (i 0; i o; i + 1) { if ((a this.shapesi).shape.paths, n a.localShapeCollection, a.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t) for (n.releaseShapes(), a.shape._mdf !0, e a.shape.paths.shapes, s a.shape.paths._length, r 0; r s; r + 1) n.addShape(this.processPath(er, h)); a.shape.paths a.localShapeCollection } this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf !1) }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(pb, PuckerAndBloatModifier), extendPrototype(ShapeModifier, RepeaterModifier), RepeaterModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties function(t, e) { this.getValue this.processKeys, this.c PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 0, null, this), this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, null, this), TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(t,, this), PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, .01, this), this.eo PropertyFactory.getProp(t,, 0, .01, this), e, this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0), this._isAnimated !!this.dynamicProperties.length, this.pMatrix new Matrix, this.rMatrix new Matrix, this.sMatrix new Matrix, this.tMatrix new Matrix, this.matrix new Matrix }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.applyTransforms function(t, e, i, r, s, a) { var n a ? -1 : 1, o r.s.v0 + (1 - r.s.v0) * (1 - s), h r.s.v1 + (1 - r.s.v1) * (1 - s); t.translate(r.p.v0 * n * s, r.p.v1 * n * s, r.p.v2), e.translate(-r.a.v0, -r.a.v1, r.a.v2), e.rotate(-r.r.v * n * s), e.translate(r.a.v0, r.a.v1, r.a.v2), i.translate(-r.a.v0, -r.a.v1, r.a.v2), i.scale(a ? 1 / o : o, a ? 1 / h : h), i.translate(r.a.v0, r.a.v1, r.a.v2) }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.init function(t, e, i, r) { this.elem t, this.arr e, this.pos i, this.elemsData r, this._currentCopies 0, this._elements , this._groups , this.frameId -1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.initModifierProperties(t, ei); for (; 0 i;) i - 1, this._elements.unshift(ei), 1; this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k !0 : this.getValue(!0) }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.resetElements function(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) te._processed !1, gr te.ty && this.resetElements( }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.cloneElements function(t) { t.length; var e JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)); return this.resetElements(e), e }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.changeGroupRender function(t, e) { var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) ti._render e, gr ti.ty && this.changeGroupRender(, e) }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.processShapes function(t) { var e, i, r, s, a; if (this._mdf || t) { var n, o Math.ceil(this.c.v); if (this._groups.length o) { for (; this._groups.length o;) { var h { it: this.cloneElements(this._elements), ty: gr };{ a: { a: 0, ix: 1, k: 0, 0 }, nm: Transform, o: { a: 0, ix: 7, k: 100 }, p: { a: 0, ix: 2, k: 0, 0 }, r: { a: 1, ix: 6, k: { s: 0, e: 0, t: 0 }, { s: 0, e: 0, t: 1 } }, s: { a: 0, ix: 3, k: 100, 100 }, sa: { a: 0, ix: 5, k: 0 }, sk: { a: 0, ix: 4, k: 0 }, ty: tr }), this.arr.splice(0, 0, h), this._groups.splice(0, 0, h), this._currentCopies + 1 } this.elem.reloadShapes() } for (r a 0; r this._groups.length - 1; r + 1) n a o, this._groupsr._render n, this.changeGroupRender(, n), a + 1; this._currentCopies o; var l this.o.v, p l % 1, m 0 l ? Math.floor(l) : Math.ceil(l), f (, this.pMatrix.props), c this.rMatrix.props, d this.sMatrix.props; this.pMatrix.reset(), this.rMatrix.reset(), this.sMatrix.reset(), this.tMatrix.reset(), this.matrix.reset(); var u, y, g 0; if (0 l) { for (; g m;) this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix,, 1, !1), g + 1; p && (this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix,, p, !1), g + p) } else if (l 0) { for (; m g;) this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix,, 1, !0), g - 1; p && (this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix,, -p, !0), g - p) } for (r 1 ? 0 : this._currentCopies - 1, s 1 ? 1 : -1, a this._currentCopies; a;) { if (y (i (e - 1.transform.mProps.v.props).length, ee.length - 1.transform.mProps._mdf !0, ee.length - 1.transform.op._mdf !0, ee.length - 1.transform.op.v + (this.eo.v - * (r / (this._currentCopies - 1)), 0 ! g) { for ((0 ! r && 1 s || r ! this._currentCopies - 1 && -1 s) && this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix,, 1, !1), this.matrix.transform(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15), this.matrix.transform(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15), this.matrix.transform(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15), u 0; u y; u + 1) iu this.matrix.propsu; this.matrix.reset() } else for (this.matrix.reset(), u 0; u y; u + 1) iu this.matrix.propsu; g + 1, a - 1, r + s } } else for (a this._currentCopies, r 0, s 1; a;) i (e - 1.transform.mProps.v.props, ee.length - 1.transform.mProps._mdf !1, ee.length - 1.transform.op._mdf !1, a - 1, r + s }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.addShape function() {}, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(rp, RepeaterModifier), ShapeCollection.prototype.addShape function(t) { this._length this._maxLength && (this.shapes this.shapes.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this._maxLength * 2), this.shapesthis._length t, this._length + 1 }, ShapeCollection.prototype.releaseShapes function() { var t; for (t 0; t this._length; t + 1) shape_pool.release(this.shapest); this._length 0 }, DashProperty.prototype.getValue function(t) { if ((this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId || t) && (this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf this._mdf || t, this._mdf)) { var e 0, i this.dataProps.length; for (svg this.renderer && (this.dashStr ), e 0; e i; e + 1) o ! this.dataPropse.n ? svg this.renderer ? this.dashStr + + this.dataPropse.p.v : this.dashArraye this.dataPropse.p.v : this.dashoffset0 this.dataPropse.p.v } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, DashProperty), GradientProperty.prototype.comparePoints function(t, e) { for (var i 0, r this.o.length / 2; i r;) { if (.01 Math.abs(t4 * i - t4 * e + 2 * i)) return !1; i + 1 } return !0 }, GradientProperty.prototype.checkCollapsable function() { if (this.o.length / 2 ! this.c.length / 4) return !1; if ( for (var t 0, e; t e;) { if (!this.comparePoints(, return !1; t + 1 } else if (!this.comparePoints(, return !1; return !0 }, GradientProperty.prototype.getValue function(t) { if (this.prop.getValue(), this._mdf !1, this._cmdf !1, this._omdf !1, this.prop._mdf || t) { var e, i, r, s 4 *; for (e 0; e s; e + 1) i e % 4 0 ? 100 : 255, r Math.round( * i), this.ce ! r && (this.ce r, this._cmdf !t); if (this.o.length) for (s this.prop.v.length, e 4 *; e s; e + 1) i e % 2 0 ? 100 : 1, r e % 2 0 ? Math.round(100 * :, this.oe - 4 * ! r && (this.oe - 4 * r, this._omdf !t); this._mdf !t } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, GradientProperty); var buildShapeString function(t, e, i, r) { if (0 e) return ; var s, a t.o, n t.i, o t.v, h M + r.applyToPointStringified(o00, o01); for (s 1; s e; s + 1) h + C + r.applyToPointStringified(as - 10, as - 11) + + r.applyToPointStringified(ns0, ns1) + + r.applyToPointStringified(os0, os1); return i && e && (h + C + r.applyToPointStringified(as - 10, as - 11) + + r.applyToPointStringified(n00, n01) + + r.applyToPointStringified(o00, o01), h + z), h }, audioControllerFactory function() { function t(t) { this.audios , this.audioFactory t, this._volume 1, this._isMuted !1 } return t.prototype { addAudio: function(t) { this.audios.push(t) }, pause: function() { var t, e this.audios.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.audiost.pause() }, resume: function() { var t, e this.audios.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.audiost.resume() }, setRate: function(t) { var e, i this.audios.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) this.audiose.setRate(t) }, createAudio: function(t) { return this.audioFactory ? this.audioFactory(t) : Howl ? new Howl({ src: t }) : { isPlaying: !1, play: function() { this.isPlaying !0 }, seek: function() { this.isPlaying !1 }, playing: function() {}, rate: function() {}, setVolume: function() {} } }, setAudioFactory: function(t) { this.audioFactory t }, setVolume: function(t) { this._volume t, this._updateVolume() }, mute: function() { this._isMuted !0, this._updateVolume() }, unmute: function() { this._isMuted !1, this._updateVolume() }, getVolume: function(t) { return this._volume }, _updateVolume: function() { var t, e this.audios.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.audiost.volume(this._volume * (this._isMuted ? 0 : 1)) } }, function() { return new t } }(), ImagePreloader function() { var s function() { var t createTag(canvas); t.width 1, t.height 1; var e t.getContext(2d); return e.fillStyle rgba(0,0,0,0), e.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1), t }(); function e() { this.loadedAssets + 1, this.loadedAssets this.totalImages && this.imagesLoadedCb && this.imagesLoadedCb(null) } function a(t, e, i) { var r ; if (t.e) r t.p; else if (e) { var s t.p; - 1 ! s.indexOf(images/) && (s s.split(/)1), r e + s } else r i, r + t.u ? t.u : , r + t.p; return r } function t(t) { this._imageLoaded e.bind(this), this.assetsPath , this.path , this.totalImages 0, this.loadedAssets 0, this.imagesLoadedCb null, this.images } return t.prototype { loadAssets: function(t, e) { this.imagesLoadedCb e; var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) ti.layers || (this.totalImages + 1, this.images.push(this._createImageData(ti))) }, setAssetsPath: function(t) { this.assetsPath t || }, setPath: function(t) { this.path t || }, loaded: function() { return this.totalImages this.loadedAssets }, destroy: function() { this.imagesLoadedCb null, this.images.length 0 }, getImage: function(t) { for (var e 0, i this.images.length; e i;) { if (this.imagese.assetData t) return this.imagese.img; e + 1 } }, createImgData: function(t) { var e a(t, this.assetsPath, this.path), i createTag(img); i.crossOrigin anonymous, i.addEventListener(load, this._imageLoaded, !1), i.addEventListener(error, function() { r.img s, this._imageLoaded() }.bind(this), !1), i.src e; var r { img: i, assetData: t }; return r }, createImageData: function(t) { var e a(t, this.assetsPath, this.path), i createNS(image); i.addEventListener(load, this._imageLoaded, !1), i.addEventListener(error, function() { r.img s, this._imageLoaded() }.bind(this), !1), i.setAttributeNS(, href, e); var r { img: i, assetData: t }; return r }, imageLoaded: e, setCacheType: function(t) { this._createImageData svg t ? this.createImageData.bind(this) : this.createImgData.bind(this) } }, t }(), featureSupport (ux { maskType: !0 }, (/MSIE 10/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /MSIE 9/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /rv:11.0/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /Edge\/\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent)) && (ux.maskType !1), ux), ux, filtersFactory (vx {}, vx.createFilter function(t) { var e createNS(filter); return e.setAttribute(id, t), e.setAttribute(filterUnits, objectBoundingBox), e.setAttribute(x, 0%), e.setAttribute(y, 0%), e.setAttribute(width, 100%), e.setAttribute(height, 100%), e }, vx.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter function() { var t createNS(feColorMatrix); return t.setAttribute(type, matrix), t.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), t.setAttribute(values, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1), t }, vx), vx, assetLoader function() { function a(t) { return t.response && object typeof t.response ? t.response : t.response && string typeof t.response ? JSON.parse(t.response) : t.responseText ? JSON.parse(t.responseText) : void 0 } return { load: function(t, e, i) { var r, s new XMLHttpRequest;, t, !0); try { s.responseType json } catch (t) {} s.send(), s.onreadystatechange function() { if (4 s.readyState) if (200 s.status) r a(s), e(r); else try { r a(s), e(r) } catch (t) { i && i(t) } } } } }(); function TextAnimatorProperty(t, e, i) { this._isFirstFrame !0, this._hasMaskedPath !1, this._frameId -1, this._textData t, this._renderType e, this._elem i, this._animatorsData createSizedArray(this._textData.a.length), this._pathData {}, this._moreOptions { alignment: {} }, this.renderedLetters , this.lettersChangedFlag !1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(i) } function TextAnimatorDataProperty(t, e, i) { var r { propType: !1 }, s PropertyFactory.getProp, a e.a; this.a { r: a.r ? s(t, a.r, 0, degToRads, i) : r, rx: a.rx ? s(t, a.rx, 0, degToRads, i) : r, ry: a.ry ? s(t, a.ry, 0, degToRads, i) : r, sk: ? s(t,, 0, degToRads, i) : r, sa: ? s(t,, 0, degToRads, i) : r, s: a.s ? s(t, a.s, 1, .01, i) : r, a: a.a ? s(t, a.a, 1, 0, i) : r, o: a.o ? s(t, a.o, 0, .01, i) : r, p: a.p ? s(t, a.p, 1, 0, i) : r, sw: a.sw ? s(t, a.sw, 0, 0, i) : r, sc: ? s(t,, 1, 0, i) : r, fc: a.fc ? s(t, a.fc, 1, 0, i) : r, fh: a.fh ? s(t, a.fh, 0, 0, i) : r, fs: a.fs ? s(t, a.fs, 0, .01, i) : r, fb: a.fb ? s(t, a.fb, 0, .01, i) : r, t: a.t ? s(t, a.t, 0, 0, i) : r }, this.s TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp(t, e.s, i), this.s.t e.s.t } function LetterProps(t, e, i, r, s, a) { this.o t, this.sw e, i, this.fc r, this.m s, this.p a, this._mdf { o: !0, sw: !!e, sc: !!i, fc: !!r, m: !0, p: !0 } } function TextProperty(t, e) { this._frameId initialDefaultFrame, this.pv , this.v , this.kf !1, this._isFirstFrame !0, this._mdf !1, e, this.elem t, this.comp this.elem.comp, this.keysIndex 0, this.canResize !1, this.minimumFontSize 1, this.effectsSequence , this.currentData { ascent: 0, boxWidth: this.defaultBoxWidth, f: , fStyle: , fWeight: , fc: , j: , justifyOffset: , l: , lh: 0, lineWidths: , ls: , of: , s: , sc: , sw: 0, t: 0, tr: 0, sz: 0, ps: null, fillColorAnim: !1, strokeColorAnim: !1, strokeWidthAnim: !1, yOffset: 0, finalSize: 0, finalText: , finalLineHeight: 0, __complete: !1 }, this.copyData(this.currentData,, this.searchProperty() || this.completeTextData(this.currentData) } TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.searchProperties function() { var t, e, i this._textData.a.length, r PropertyFactory.getProp; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) e, this._animatorsDatat new TextAnimatorDataProperty(this._elem, e, this); this._textData.p && m in this._textData.p ? (this._pathData { f: r(this._elem, this._textData.p.f, 0, 0, this), l: r(this._elem, this._textData.p.l, 0, 0, this), r: this._textData.p.r, m: this._elem.maskManager.getMaskProperty(this._textData.p.m) }, this._hasMaskedPath !0) : this._hasMaskedPath !1, this._moreOptions.alignment r(this._elem, this._textData.m.a, 1, 0, this) }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getMeasures function(t, e) { if (this.lettersChangedFlag e, this._mdf || this._isFirstFrame || e || this._hasMaskedPath && this._pathData.m._mdf) { this._isFirstFrame !1; var i, r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c, d, u, y, g, v, b, E, x this._moreOptions.alignment.v, P this._animatorsData, S this._textData, _ this.mHelper, A this._renderType, C this.renderedLetters.length, T (, t.l); if (this._hasMaskedPath) { if (E this._pathData.m, !this._pathData.n || this._pathData._mdf) { var k, M E.v; for (this._pathData.r && (M M.reverse()), n { tLength: 0, segments: }, a M._length - 1, s g 0; s a; s + 1) k bez.buildBezierData(M.vs, M.vs + 1, M.os0 - M.vs0, M.os1 - M.vs1, + 10 - M.vs + 10, + 11 - M.vs + 11), n.tLength + k.segmentLength, n.segments.push(k), g + k.segmentLength; s a, E.v.c && (k bez.buildBezierData(M.vs, M.v0, M.os0 - M.vs0, M.os1 - M.vs1, M.i00 - M.v00, M.i01 - M.v01), n.tLength + k.segmentLength, n.segments.push(k), g + k.segmentLength), this._pathData.pi n } if (n this._pathData.pi, o this._pathData.f.v, m 1, p !(l f 0), u n.segments, o 0 && E.v.c) for (n.tLength Math.abs(o) && (o -Math.abs(o) % n.tLength), m (d uf u.length - 1.points).length - 1; o 0;) o + dm.partialLength, (m - 1) 0 && (m (d uf - 1.points).length - 1); c (d uf.points)m - 1, y (h dm).partialLength } a T.length, r i 0; var D, F, w, I, V 1.2 * t.finalSize * .714, B !0; w P.length; var R, L, G, z, N, O, H, j, q, W, Y, X, K, $ -1, Z o, J f, U m, Q -1, tt , et this.defaultPropsArray; if (2 t.j || 1 t.j) { var it 0, rt 0, st 2 t.j ? -.5 : -1, at 0, nt !0; for (s 0; s a; s + 1) if (Ts.n) { for (it && (it + rt); at s;) Tat.animatorJustifyOffset it, at + 1; nt !(it 0) } else { for (F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).t.propType && (nt && 2 t.j && (rt + D.t.v * st), (R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars)).length ? it + D.t.v * R0 * st : it + D.t.v * R * st); nt !1 } for (it && (it + rt); at s;) Tat.animatorJustifyOffset it, at + 1 } for (s 0; s a; s + 1) { if (_.reset(), N 1, Ts.n) i 0, r + t.yOffset, r + B ? 1 : 0, o Z, B !1, 0, this._hasMaskedPath && (m U, c (d uf J.points)m - 1, y (h dm).partialLength, l 0), K W X tt , et this.defaultPropsArray; else { if (this._hasMaskedPath) { if (Q ! Ts.line) { switch (t.j) { case 1: o + g - t.lineWidthsTs.line; break; case 2: o + (g - t.lineWidthsTs.line) / 2 } Q Ts.line } $ ! Ts.ind && (T$ && (o + T$.extra), o + / 2, $ Ts.ind), o + x0 * / 200; var ot 0; for (F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).p.propType && ((R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars)).length ? ot + D.p.v0 * R0 : ot + D.p.v0 * R), D.a.propType && ((R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars)).length ? ot + D.a.v0 * R0 : ot + D.a.v0 * R); for (p !0; p;) o + ot l + y || !d ? (v (o + ot - l) / h.partialLength, G c.point0 + (h.point0 - c.point0) * v, z c.point1 + (h.point1 - c.point1) * v, _.translate(-x0 * / 200, -x1 * V / 100), p !1) : d && (l + h.partialLength, (m + 1) > d.length && (m 0, d uf + 1 ? uf.points : E.v.c ? uf m 0.points : (l - h.partialLength, null)), d && (c h, y (h dm).partialLength)); L / 2 - Ts.add, _.translate(-L, 0, 0) } else L / 2 - Ts.add, _.translate(-L, 0, 0), _.translate(-x0 * / 200, -x1 * V / 100, 0); for (Ts.l / 2, F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).t.propType && (R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars), 0 i && 0 t.j || (this._hasMaskedPath ? R.length ? o + D.t.v * R0 : o + D.t.v * R : R.length ? i + D.t.v * R0 : i + D.t.v * R)); for (Ts.l / 2, t.strokeWidthAnim && (H t.sw || 0), t.strokeColorAnim && (O ? t.sc0, t.sc1, t.sc2 : 0, 0, 0), t.fillColorAnim && t.fc && (j t.fc0, t.fc1, t.fc2), F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).a.propType && ((R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars)).length ? _.translate(-D.a.v0 * R0, -D.a.v1 * R1, D.a.v2 * R2) : _.translate(-D.a.v0 * R, -D.a.v1 * R, D.a.v2 * R)); for (F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).s.propType && ((R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars)).length ? _.scale(1 + (D.s.v0 - 1) * R0, 1 + (D.s.v1 - 1) * R1, 1) : _.scale(1 + (D.s.v0 - 1) * R, 1 + (D.s.v1 - 1) * R, 1)); for (F 0; F w; F + 1) { if (D PF.a, R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars), && (R.length ? _.skewFromAxis( * R0, * R1) : _.skewFromAxis( * R, * R)), D.r.propType && (R.length ? _.rotateZ(-D.r.v * R2) : _.rotateZ(-D.r.v * R)), D.ry.propType && (R.length ? _.rotateY(D.ry.v * R1) : _.rotateY(D.ry.v * R)), D.rx.propType && (R.length ? _.rotateX(D.rx.v * R0) : _.rotateX(D.rx.v * R)), D.o.propType && (R.length ? N + (D.o.v * R0 - N) * R0 : N + (D.o.v * R - N) * R), t.strokeWidthAnim && D.sw.propType && (R.length ? H + D.sw.v * R0 : H + D.sw.v * R), t.strokeColorAnim && for (q 0; q 3; q + 1) R.length ? Oq Oq + ( - Oq) * R0 : Oq Oq + ( - Oq) * R; if (t.fillColorAnim && t.fc) { if (D.fc.propType) for (q 0; q 3; q + 1) R.length ? jq jq + (D.fc.vq - jq) * R0 : jq jq + (D.fc.vq - jq) * R; D.fh.propType && (j R.length ? addHueToRGB(j, D.fh.v * R0) : addHueToRGB(j, D.fh.v * R)), D.fs.propType && (j R.length ? addSaturationToRGB(j, D.fs.v * R0) : addSaturationToRGB(j, D.fs.v * R)), D.fb.propType && (j R.length ? addBrightnessToRGB(j, D.fb.v * R0) : addBrightnessToRGB(j, D.fb.v * R)) } } for (F 0; F w; F + 1)(D PF.a).p.propType && (R PF.s.getMult(Ts.anIndexesF, S.aF.s.totalChars), this._hasMaskedPath ? R.length ? _.translate(0, D.p.v1 * R0, -D.p.v2 * R1) : _.translate(0, D.p.v1 * R, -D.p.v2 * R) : R.length ? _.translate(D.p.v0 * R0, D.p.v1 * R1, -D.p.v2 * R2) : _.translate(D.p.v0 * R, D.p.v1 * R, -D.p.v2 * R)); if (t.strokeWidthAnim && (W H 0 ? 0 : H), t.strokeColorAnim && (Y rgb( + Math.round(255 * O0) + , + Math.round(255 * O1) + , + Math.round(255 * O2) + )), t.fillColorAnim && t.fc && (X rgb( + Math.round(255 * j0) + , + Math.round(255 * j1) + , + Math.round(255 * j2) + )), this._hasMaskedPath) { if (_.translate(0,, _.translate(0, x1 * V / 100 + r, 0), S.p.p) { b (h.point1 - c.point1) / (h.point0 - c.point0); var ht 180 * Math.atan(b) / Math.PI; h.point0 c.point0 && (ht + 180), _.rotate(-ht * Math.PI / 180) } _.translate(G, z, 0), o - x0 * / 200, Ts + 1 && $ ! Ts + 1.ind && (o + / 2, o + / 1e3 * t.finalSize) } else { switch (_.translate(i, r, 0), && _.translate(t.ps0, t.ps1 + t.ascent, 0), t.j) { case 1: _.translate(Ts.animatorJustifyOffset + t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidthsTs.line), 0, 0); break; case 2: _.translate(Ts.animatorJustifyOffset + t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidthsTs.line) / 2, 0, 0) } _.translate(0,, _.translate(L, 0, 0), _.translate(x0 * / 200, x1 * V / 100, 0), i + Ts.l + / 1e3 * t.finalSize } html A ? tt _.toCSS() : svg A ? tt _.to2dCSS() : et _.props0, _.props1, _.props2, _.props3, _.props4, _.props5, _.props6, _.props7, _.props8, _.props9, _.props10, _.props11, _.props12, _.props13, _.props14, _.props15, K N } this.lettersChangedFlag C s ? (I new LetterProps(K, W, Y, X, tt, et), this.renderedLetters.push(I), C + 1, !0) : (I this.renderedLetterss).update(K, W, Y, X, tt, et) || this.lettersChangedFlag } } }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getValue function() { this._elem.globalData.frameId ! this._frameId && (this._frameId this._elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties()) }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.mHelper new Matrix, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.defaultPropsArray , extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, TextAnimatorProperty), LetterProps.prototype.update function(t, e, i, r, s, a) { this._mdf.o !1, this._mdf.sw !1, !1, this._mdf.fc !1, this._mdf.m !1; var n this._mdf.p !1; return this.o ! t && (this.o t, n this._mdf.o !0), this.sw ! e && (this.sw e, n this._mdf.sw !0), ! i && ( i, n !0), this.fc ! r && (this.fc r, n this._mdf.fc !0), this.m ! s && (this.m s, n this._mdf.m !0), !a.length || this.p0 a0 && this.p1 a1 && this.p4 a4 && this.p5 a5 && this.p12 a12 && this.p13 a13 || (this.p a, n this._mdf.p !0), n }, TextProperty.prototype.defaultBoxWidth 0, 0, TextProperty.prototype.copyData function(t, e) { for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (ti ei); return t }, TextProperty.prototype.setCurrentData function(t) { t.__complete || this.completeTextData(t), this.currentData t, this.currentData.boxWidth this.currentData.boxWidth || this.defaultBoxWidth, this._mdf !0 }, TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty function() { return this.searchKeyframes() }, TextProperty.prototype.searchKeyframes function() { return this.kf 1, this.kf && this.addEffect(this.getKeyframeValue.bind(this)), this.kf }, TextProperty.prototype.addEffect function(t) { this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this) }, TextProperty.prototype.getValue function(t) { if (this.elem.globalData.frameId ! this.frameId && this.effectsSequence.length || t) { this.currentData.t; var e this.currentData, i this.keysIndex; if (this.lock) this.setCurrentData(this.currentData); else { this.lock !0, this._mdf !1; var r, s this.effectsSequence.length, a t ||; for (r 0; r s; r + 1) a i ! this.keysIndex ? this.effectsSequencer(a, a.t) : this.effectsSequencer(this.currentData, a.t); e ! a && this.setCurrentData(a), this.pv this.v this.currentData, this.lock !1, this.frameId this.elem.globalData.frameId } } }, TextProperty.prototype.getKeyframeValue function() { for (var t, e this.elem.comp.renderedFrame, i 0, r t.length; i r - 1 && (ti.s, !(i r - 1 || ti + 1.t > e));) i + 1; return this.keysIndex ! i && (this.keysIndex i), }, TextProperty.prototype.buildFinalText function(t) { for (var e, i FontManager.getCombinedCharacterCodes(), r , s 0, a t.length; s a;) e t.charCodeAt(s), -1 ! i.indexOf(e) ? rr.length - 1 + t.charAt(s) : 55296 e && e 56319 && 56320 (e t.charCodeAt(s + 1)) && e 57343 ? (r.push(t.substr(s, 2)), ++s) : r.push(t.charAt(s)), s + 1; return r }, TextProperty.prototype.completeTextData function(t) { t.__complete !0; var e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h this.elem.globalData.fontManager, l, p , m 0, f l.m.g, c 0, d 0, u 0, y , g 0, v 0, b h.getFontByName(t.f), E 0, x b.fStyle ? b.fStyle.split( ) : , P normal, S normal; for (i x.length, e 0; e i; e + 1) switch (xe.toLowerCase()) { case italic: S italic; break; case bold: P 700; break; case black: P 900; break; case medium: P 500; break; case regular: case normal: P 400; break; case light: case thin: P 200 } t.fWeight b.fWeight || P, t.fStyle S, t.finalSize t.s, t.finalText this.buildFinalText(t.t), i t.finalText.length, t.finalLineHeight t.lh; var _, A / 1e3 * t.finalSize; if ( for (var C, T, k !0, M t.sz0, D t.sz1; k;) { g C 0, i (T this.buildFinalText(t.t)).length, A / 1e3 * t.finalSize; var F -1; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) _ Te.charCodeAt(0), r !1, Te ? F e : 13 ! _ && 3 ! _ || (r !(g 0), C + t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize), M g + (E h.chars ? (o h.getCharData(Te, b.fStyle, b.fFamily), r ? 0 : o.w * t.finalSize / 100) : h.measureText(Te, t.f, t.finalSize)) && ! Te ? (-1 F ? i + 1 : e F, C + t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize, T.splice(e, F e ? 1 : 0, \r), F -1, g 0) : (g + E, g + A); C + b.ascent * t.finalSize / 100, this.canResize && t.finalSize > this.minimumFontSize && D C ? (t.finalSize - 1, t.finalLineHeight t.finalSize * t.lh / t.s) : (t.finalText T, i t.finalText.length, k !1) } g -A; var w, I E 0; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) if (r !1, 13 (_ (w t.finalTexte).charCodeAt(0)) || 3 _ ? (I 0, y.push(g), v v g ? g : v, g -2 * A, r !(s ), u + 1) : s w, E h.chars ? (o h.getCharData(w, b.fStyle, h.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily), r ? 0 : o.w * t.finalSize / 100) : h.measureText(s, t.f, t.finalSize), w ? I + E + A : (g + E + A + I, I 0), p.push({ l: E, an: E, add: c, n: r, anIndexes: , val: s, line: u, animatorJustifyOffset: 0 }), 2 f) { if (c + E, s || s || e i - 1) { for ( ! s && ! s || (c - E); d e;) c, pd.ind m, pd.extra E, d + 1; m + 1, c 0 } } else if (3 f) { if (c + E, s || e i - 1) { for ( s && (c - E); d e;) c, pd.ind m, pd.extra E, d + 1; c 0, m + 1 } } else pm.ind m, pm.extra 0, m + 1; if (t.l p, v v g ? g : v, y.push(g), t.boxWidth t.sz0, t.justifyOffset 0; else switch (t.boxWidth v, t.j) { case 1: t.justifyOffset -t.boxWidth; break; case 2: t.justifyOffset -t.boxWidth / 2; break; default: t.justifyOffset 0 } t.lineWidths y; var V, B, R l.a; n R.length; var L, G, z ; for (a 0; a n; a + 1) { for ((V Ra) && (t.strokeColorAnim !0), V.a.sw && (t.strokeWidthAnim !0), (V.a.fc || V.a.fh || V.a.fs || V.a.fb) && (t.fillColorAnim !0), G 0, L V.s.b, e 0; e i; e + 1)(B pe).anIndexesa G, (1 L && ! B.val || 2 L && ! B.val && ! B.val || 3 L && (B.n || B.val || e i - 1) || 4 L && (B.n || e i - 1)) && (1 V.s.rn && z.push(G), G + 1); l.aa.s.totalChars G; var N, O -1; if (1 V.s.rn) for (e 0; e i; e + 1) O ! (B pe).anIndexesa && (O B.anIndexesa, N z.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * z.length), 1)0), B.anIndexesa N } t.yOffset t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize, || 0, t.ascent b.ascent * t.finalSize / 100 }, TextProperty.prototype.updateDocumentData function(t, e) { e void 0 e ? this.keysIndex : e; var i this.copyData({},; i this.copyData(i, t), i, this.recalculate(e), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this) }, TextProperty.prototype.recalculate function(t) { var e; e.__complete !1, this.keysIndex 0, this._isFirstFrame !0, this.getValue(e) }, TextProperty.prototype.canResizeFont function(t) { this.canResize t, this.recalculate(this.keysIndex), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this) }, TextProperty.prototype.setMinimumFontSize function(t) { this.minimumFontSize Math.floor(t) || 1, this.recalculate(this.keysIndex), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this) }; var TextSelectorProp function() { var c Math.max, d Math.min, u Math.floor; function r(t, e) { this._currentTextLength -1, this.k !1, e, this.elem t, this.comp t.comp, this.finalS 0, this.finalE 0, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s || { k: 0 }, 0, 0, this), this.e e in e ? PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, 0, this) : { v: 100 }, this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o || { k: 0 }, 0, 0, this), this.xe PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.xe || { k: 0 }, 0, 0, this), PropertyFactory.getProp(t, || { k: 0 }, 0, 0, this), this.a PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a, 0, .01, this), this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue() } return r.prototype { getMult: function(t) { this._currentTextLength ! this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length && this.getValue(); var e 0, i 0, r 1, s 1; 0 ? e / 100 : i / 100, 0 this.xe.v ? r 1 - this.xe.v / 100 : s 1 + this.xe.v / 100; var a BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(e, i, r, s).get, n 0, o this.finalS, h this.finalE, l; if (2 l) n a(n h o ? h t ? 1 : 0 : c(0, d(.5 / (h - o) + (t - o) / (h - o), 1))); else if (3 l) n a(n h o ? h t ? 0 : 1 : 1 - c(0, d(.5 / (h - o) + (t - o) / (h - o), 1))); else if (4 l) h o ? n 0 : (n c(0, d(.5 / (h - o) + (t - o) / (h - o), 1))) .5 ? n * 2 : n 1 - 2 * (n - .5), n a(n); else if (5 l) { if (h o) n 0; else { var p h - o, m -p / 2 + (t d(c(0, t + .5 - o), h - o)), f p / 2; n Math.sqrt(1 - m * m / (f * f)) } n a(n) } else n 6 l ? a(n h o ? 0 : (t d(c(0, t + .5 - o), h - o), (1 + Math.cos(Math.PI + 2 * Math.PI * t / (h - o))) / 2)) : (t > u(o) && (n c(0, d(t - o 0 ? d(h, 1) - (o - t) : h - t, 1))), a(n)); return n * this.a.v }, getValue: function(t) { this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf t || this._mdf, this._currentTextLength this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length || 0, t && 2 && (this.e.v this._currentTextLength); var e 2 ? 1 : 100 /, i this.o.v / e, r this.s.v / e + i, s this.e.v / e + i; if (s r) { var a r; r s, s a } this.finalS r, this.finalE s } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, r), { getTextSelectorProp: function(t, e, i) { return new r(t, e, i) } } }(), pool_factory function(t, e, i, r) { var s 0, a t, n createSizedArray(a); function o() { return s ? ns - 1 : e() } return { newElement: o, release: function(t) { s a && (n pooling.double(n), a * 2), i && i(t), ns t, s + 1 } } }, pooling { double: function(t) { return t.concat(createSizedArray(t.length)) } }, point_pool pool_factory(8, function() { return createTypedArray(float32, 2) }), shape_pool (MB pool_factory(4, function() { return new ShapePath }, function(t) { var e, i t._length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) point_pool.release(, point_pool.release(, point_pool.release(t.oe), null, null, t.oe null; t._length 0, t.c !1 }), MB.clone function(t) { var e, i MB.newElement(), r void 0 t._length ? t.v.length : t._length; for (i.setLength(r), i.c t.c, e 0; e r; e + 1) i.setTripleAt(t.ve0, t.ve1, t.oe0, t.oe1, t.ie0, t.ie1, e); return i }, MB), MB, shapeCollection_pool (VB { newShapeCollection: function() { var t; t WB ? YBWB - 1 : new ShapeCollection; return t }, release: function(t) { var e, i t._length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) shape_pool.release(t.shapese); t._length 0, WB XB && (YB pooling.double(YB), XB * 2); YBWB t, WB + 1 } }, WB 0, XB 4, YB createSizedArray(XB), VB), VB, WB, XB, YB, segments_length_pool pool_factory(8, function() { return { lengths: , totalLength: 0 } }, function(t) { var e, i t.lengths.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) bezier_length_pool.release(t.lengthse); t.lengths.length 0 }), bezier_length_pool pool_factory(8, function() { return { addedLength: 0, percents: createTypedArray(float32, defaultCurveSegments), lengths: createTypedArray(float32, defaultCurveSegments) } }); function BaseRenderer() {} function SVGRenderer(t, e) { this.animationItem t, this.layers null, this.renderedFrame -1, this.svgElement createNS(svg); var i ; if (e && e.title) { var r createNS(title), s createElementID(); r.setAttribute(id, s), r.textContent e.title, this.svgElement.appendChild(r), i + s } if (e && e.description) { var a createNS(desc), n createElementID(); a.setAttribute(id, n), a.textContent e.description, this.svgElement.appendChild(a), i + + n } i && this.svgElement.setAttribute(aria-labelledby, i); var o createNS(defs); this.svgElement.appendChild(o); var h createNS(g); this.svgElement.appendChild(h), this.layerElement h, this.renderConfig { preserveAspectRatio: e && e.preserveAspectRatio || xMidYMid meet, imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || xMidYMid slice, progressiveLoad: e && e.progressiveLoad || !1, hideOnTransparent: !e || !1 ! e.hideOnTransparent, viewBoxOnly: e && e.viewBoxOnly || !1, viewBoxSize: e && e.viewBoxSize || !1, className: e && e.className || , id: e && || , focusable: e && e.focusable, filterSize: { width: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.width || 100%, height: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.height || 100%, x: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.x || 0%, y: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.y || 0% } }, this.globalData { _mdf: !1, frameNum: -1, defs: o, renderConfig: this.renderConfig }, this.elements , this.pendingElements , this.destroyed !1, this.rendererType svg } function CanvasRenderer(t, e) { this.animationItem t, this.renderConfig { clearCanvas: !e || void 0 e.clearCanvas || e.clearCanvas, context: e && e.context || null, progressiveLoad: e && e.progressiveLoad || !1, preserveAspectRatio: e && e.preserveAspectRatio || xMidYMid meet, imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || xMidYMid slice, className: e && e.className || , id: e && || }, this.renderConfig.dpr e && e.dpr || 1, this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.renderConfig.dpr e && e.dpr || window.devicePixelRatio || 1), this.renderedFrame -1, this.globalData { frameNum: -1, _mdf: !1, renderConfig: this.renderConfig, currentGlobalAlpha: -1 }, this.contextData new CVContextData, this.elements , this.pendingElements , this.transformMat new Matrix, this.completeLayers !1, this.rendererType canvas } function HybridRenderer(t, e) { this.animationItem t, this.layers null, this.renderedFrame -1, this.renderConfig { className: e && e.className || , imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || xMidYMid slice, hideOnTransparent: !e || !1 ! e.hideOnTransparent, filterSize: { width: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.width || 400%, height: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.height || 400%, x: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.x || -100%, y: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.y || -100% } }, this.globalData { _mdf: !1, frameNum: -1, renderConfig: this.renderConfig }, this.pendingElements , this.elements , this.threeDElements , this.destroyed !1, null, this.supports3d !0, this.rendererType html } function MaskElement(t, e, i) { t, this.element e, this.globalData i, this.storedData , this.masksProperties || , this.maskElement null; var r, s this.globalData.defs, a this.masksProperties ? this.masksProperties.length : 0; this.viewData createSizedArray(a), this.solidPath ; var n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c this.masksProperties, d 0, u , y createElementID(), g clipPath, v clip-path; for (r 0; r a; r++) if ((a ! cr.mode && n ! cr.mode || cr.inv || 100 ! cr.o.k || cr.o.x) && (v g mask), s ! cr.mode && i ! cr.mode || 0 ! d ? l null : ((l createNS(rect)).setAttribute(fill, #ffffff), l.setAttribute(width, || 0), l.setAttribute(height, || 0), u.push(l)), n createNS(path), n ! cr.mode) { var b; if (d + 1, n.setAttribute(fill, s cr.mode ? #000000 : #ffffff), n.setAttribute(clip-rule, nonzero), 0 ! cr.x.k ? (v g mask, f PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, cr.x, 0, null, this.element), b createElementID(), (p createNS(filter)).setAttribute(id, b), (m createNS(feMorphology)).setAttribute(operator, erode), m.setAttribute(in, SourceGraphic), m.setAttribute(radius, 0), p.appendChild(m), s.appendChild(p), n.setAttribute(stroke, s cr.mode ? #000000 : #ffffff)) : f m null, this.storedDatar { elem: n, x: f, expan: m, lastPath: , lastOperator: , filterId: b, lastRadius: 0 }, i cr.mode) { h u.length; var E createNS(g); for (o 0; o h; o + 1) E.appendChild(uo); var x createNS(mask); x.setAttribute(mask-type, alpha), x.setAttribute(id, y + _ + d), x.appendChild(n), s.appendChild(x), E.setAttribute(mask, url( + locationHref + # + y + _ + d + )), u.length 0, u.push(E) } else u.push(n); cr.inv && !this.solidPath && (this.solidPath this.createLayerSolidPath()), this.viewDatar { elem: n, lastPath: , op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, cr.o, 0, .01, this.element), prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, cr, 3), invRect: l }, this.viewDatar.prop.k || this.drawPath(cr, this.viewDatar.prop.v, this.viewDatar) } else this.viewDatar { op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, cr.o, 0, .01, this.element), prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, cr, 3), elem: n, lastPath: }, s.appendChild(n); for (this.maskElement createNS(g), a u.length, r 0; r a; r + 1) this.maskElement.appendChild(ur); 0 d && (this.maskElement.setAttribute(id, y), this.element.maskedElement.setAttribute(v, url( + locationHref + # + y + )), s.appendChild(this.maskElement)), this.viewData.length && this.element.addRenderableComponent(this) } function HierarchyElement() {} function FrameElement() {} function TransformElement() {} function RenderableElement() {} function RenderableDOMElement() {} function ProcessedElement(t, e) { this.elem t, this.pos e } function SVGStyleData(t, e) { t, this.type t.ty, this.d , this.lvl e, this._mdf !1, this.closed !0 t.hd, this.pElem createNS(path), this.msElem null } function SVGShapeData(t, e, i) { this.caches , this.styles , this.transformers t, this.lStr , i, this.lvl e, this._isAnimated !!i.k; for (var r 0, s t.length; r s;) { if (tr.mProps.dynamicProperties.length) { this._isAnimated !0; break } r + 1 } } function SVGTransformData(t, e, i) { this.transform { mProps: t, op: e, container: i }, this.elements , this._isAnimated this.transform.mProps.dynamicProperties.length || this.transform.op.effectsSequence.length } function SVGStrokeStyleData(t, e, i) { this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.w PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this), this.d new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, svg, this), this.c PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this), i, this._isAnimated !!this._isAnimated } function SVGFillStyleData(t, e, i) { this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.c PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this), i } function SVGGradientFillStyleData(t, e, i) { this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.initGradientData(t, e, i) } function SVGGradientStrokeStyleData(t, e, i) { this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.w PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this), this.d new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, svg, this), this.initGradientData(t, e, i), this._isAnimated !!this._isAnimated } function ShapeGroupData() { , this.prevViewData , createNS(g) } BaseRenderer.prototype.checkLayers function(t) { var e, i, r this.layers.length; for (this.completeLayers !0, e r - 1; 0 e; e--) this.elementse || (i this.layerse).ip - t - && i.op - > t - && this.buildItem(e), this.completeLayers !!this.elementse && this.completeLayers; this.checkPendingElements() }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createItem function(t) { switch (t.ty) { case 2: return this.createImage(t); case 0: return this.createComp(t); case 1: return this.createSolid(t); case 3: return this.createNull(t); case 4: return this.createShape(t); case 5: return this.createText(t); case 6: return this.createAudio(t); case 13: return this.createCamera(t) } return this.createNull(t) }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createCamera function() { throw new Error(Youre using a 3d camera. Try the html renderer.) }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createAudio function(t) { return new AudioElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, BaseRenderer.prototype.buildAllItems function() { var t, e this.layers.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.buildItem(t); this.checkPendingElements() }, BaseRenderer.prototype.includeLayers function(t) { this.completeLayers !1; var e, i, r t.length, s this.layers.length; for (e 0; e r; e + 1) for (i 0; i s;) { if ( { this.layersi te; break } i + 1 } }, BaseRenderer.prototype.setProjectInterface function(t) { this.globalData.projectInterface t }, BaseRenderer.prototype.initItems function() { this.globalData.progressiveLoad || this.buildAllItems() }, BaseRenderer.prototype.buildElementParenting function(t, e, i) { for (var r this.elements, s this.layers, a 0, n s.length; a n;) sa.ind e && (ra && !0 ! ra ? (i.push(ra), ra.setAsParent(), void 0 ! sa.parent ? this.buildElementParenting(t, sa.parent, i) : t.setHierarchy(i)) : (this.buildItem(a), this.addPendingElement(t))), a + 1 }, BaseRenderer.prototype.addPendingElement function(t) { this.pendingElements.push(t) }, BaseRenderer.prototype.searchExtraCompositions function(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) if (te.xt) { var r this.createComp(te); r.initExpressions(), this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(r) } }, BaseRenderer.prototype.setupGlobalData function(t, e) { this.globalData.fontManager new FontManager, this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, e), this.globalData.getAssetData this.animationItem.getAssetData.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.getAssetsPath this.animationItem.getAssetsPath.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.imageLoader this.animationItem.imagePreloader, this.globalData.audioController this.animationItem.audioController, this.globalData.frameId 0, this.globalData.frameRate, this.globalData.nm t.nm, this.globalData.compSize { w: t.w, h: t.h } }, extendPrototype(BaseRenderer, SVGRenderer), SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull function(t) { return new NullElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createShape function(t) { return new SVGShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createText function(t) { return new SVGTextElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createImage function(t) { return new IImageElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createComp function(t) { return new SVGCompElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createSolid function(t) { return new ISolidElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.configAnimation function(t) { this.svgElement.setAttribute(xmlns,, this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize ? this.svgElement.setAttribute(viewBox, this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize) : this.svgElement.setAttribute(viewBox, 0 0 + t.w + + t.h), this.renderConfig.viewBoxOnly || (this.svgElement.setAttribute(width, t.w), this.svgElement.setAttribute(height, t.h), 100%, 100%, translate3d(0,0,0)), this.renderConfig.className && this.svgElement.setAttribute(class, this.renderConfig.className), && this.svgElement.setAttribute(id,, void 0 ! this.renderConfig.focusable && this.svgElement.setAttribute(focusable, this.renderConfig.focusable), this.svgElement.setAttribute(preserveAspectRatio, this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio), this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.svgElement); var e this.globalData.defs; this.setupGlobalData(t, e), this.globalData.progressiveLoad this.renderConfig.progressiveLoad, t; var i createNS(clipPath), r createNS(rect); r.setAttribute(width, t.w), r.setAttribute(height, t.h), r.setAttribute(x, 0), r.setAttribute(y, 0); var s createElementID(); i.setAttribute(id, s), i.appendChild(r), this.layerElement.setAttribute(clip-path, url( + locationHref + # + s + )), e.appendChild(i), this.layers t.layers, this.elements createSizedArray(t.layers.length) }, SVGRenderer.prototype.destroy function() { this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText ), this.layerElement null, this.globalData.defs null; var t, e this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0; for (t 0; t e; t++) this.elementst && this.elementst.destroy(); this.elements.length 0, this.destroyed !0, this.animationItem null }, SVGRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize function() {}, SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItem function(t) { var e this.elements; if (!et && 99 ! this.layerst.ty) { et !0; var i this.createItem(this.layerst); et i, expressionsPlugin && (0 this.layerst.ty && this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(i), i.initExpressions()), this.appendElementInPos(i, t), && (this.elementst - 1 && !0 ! this.elementst - 1 ? i.setMatte(et - 1.layerId) : (this.buildItem(t - 1), this.addPendingElement(i))) } }, SVGRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements function() { for (; this.pendingElements.length;) { var t this.pendingElements.pop(); if (t.checkParenting(), for (var e 0, i this.elements.length; e i;) { if (this.elementse t) { t.setMatte(this.elementse - 1.layerId); break } e + 1 } } }, SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (this.renderedFrame ! t && !this.destroyed) { null t ? t this.renderedFrame : this.renderedFrame t, this.globalData.frameNum t, this.globalData.frameId + 1, this.globalData.projectInterface.currentFrame t, this.globalData._mdf !1; var e, i this.layers.length; for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(t), e i - 1; 0 e; e--)(this.completeLayers || this.elementse) && this.elementse.prepareFrame(t -; if (this.globalData._mdf) for (e 0; e i; e + 1)(this.completeLayers || this.elementse) && this.elementse.renderFrame() } }, SVGRenderer.prototype.appendElementInPos function(t, e) { var i t.getBaseElement(); if (i) { for (var r, s 0; s e;) this.elementss && !0 ! this.elementss && this.elementss.getBaseElement() && (r this.elementss.getBaseElement()), s + 1; r ? this.layerElement.insertBefore(i, r) : this.layerElement.appendChild(i) } }, SVGRenderer.prototype.hide function() { none }, function() { block }, extendPrototype(BaseRenderer, CanvasRenderer), CanvasRenderer.prototype.createShape function(t) { return new CVShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createText function(t) { return new CVTextElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createImage function(t) { return new CVImageElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createComp function(t) { return new CVCompElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createSolid function(t) { return new CVSolidElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createNull SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxTransform function(t) { if (1 ! t0 || 0 ! t1 || 0 ! t4 || 1 ! t5 || 0 ! t12 || 0 ! t13) if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) { this.transformMat.cloneFromProps(t); var e this.contextData.cTr.props; this.transformMat.transform(e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15), this.contextData.cTr.cloneFromProps(this.transformMat.props); var i this.contextData.cTr.props; this.canvasContext.setTransform(i0, i1, i4, i5, i12, i13) } else this.canvasContext.transform(t0, t1, t4, t5, t12, t13) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxOpacity function(t) { if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return this.canvasContext.globalAlpha * t 0 ? 0 : t, void(this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha this.contextData.cO); this.contextData.cO * t 0 ? 0 : t, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha ! this.contextData.cO && (this.canvasContext.globalAlpha this.contextData.cO, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha this.contextData.cO) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.reset function() { this.renderConfig.clearCanvas ? this.contextData.reset() : this.canvasContext.restore() }, function(t) { if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) { t &&; var e this.contextData.cTr.props; this.contextData._length this.contextData.cArrPos && this.contextData.duplicate(); var i, r this.contextData.savedthis.contextData.cArrPos; for (i 0; i 16; i + 1) ri ei; this.contextData.savedOpthis.contextData.cArrPos this.contextData.cO, this.contextData.cArrPos + 1 } else }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.restore function(t) { if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) { t && (this.canvasContext.restore(), this.globalData.blendMode source-over), this.contextData.cArrPos - 1; var e, i this.contextData.savedthis.contextData.cArrPos, r this.contextData.cTr.props; for (e 0; e 16; e + 1) re ie; this.canvasContext.setTransform(i0, i1, i4, i5, i12, i13), i this.contextData.savedOpthis.contextData.cArrPos, this.contextData.cO i, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha ! i && (this.canvasContext.globalAlpha i, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha i) } else this.canvasContext.restore() }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.configAnimation function(t) { this.animationItem.wrapper ? (this.animationItem.container createTag(canvas), 100%, 100%, 0px 0px 0px, this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.animationItem.container), this.canvasContext this.animationItem.container.getContext(2d), this.renderConfig.className && this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(class, this.renderConfig.className), && this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(id, : this.canvasContext this.renderConfig.context, t, this.layers t.layers, this.transformCanvas { w: t.w, h: t.h, sx: 0, sy: 0, tx: 0, ty: 0 }, this.setupGlobalData(t, document.body), this.globalData.canvasContext this.canvasContext, (this.globalData.renderer this).globalData.isDashed !1, this.globalData.progressiveLoad this.renderConfig.progressiveLoad, this.globalData.transformCanvas this.transformCanvas, this.elements createSizedArray(t.layers.length), this.updateContainerSize() }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize function() { var t, e, i, r; if (this.reset(), this.animationItem.wrapper && this.animationItem.container ? (t this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth, e this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight, this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(width, t * this.renderConfig.dpr), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(height, e * this.renderConfig.dpr)) : (t this.canvasContext.canvas.width * this.renderConfig.dpr, e this.canvasContext.canvas.height * this.renderConfig.dpr), -1 ! this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.indexOf(meet) || -1 ! this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.indexOf(slice)) { var s this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.split( ), a s1 || meet, n s0 || xMidYMid, o n.substr(0, 4), h n.substr(4); i t / e, r this.transformCanvas.w / this.transformCanvas.h, i r && meet a || r i && slice a ? ( t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr)) : ( e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr), e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr)), this.transformCanvas.tx xMid o && (r i && meet a || i r && slice a) ? (t - this.transformCanvas.w * (e / this.transformCanvas.h)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr : xMax o && (r i && meet a || i r && slice a) ? (t - this.transformCanvas.w * (e / this.transformCanvas.h)) * this.renderConfig.dpr : 0, this.transformCanvas.ty YMid h && (i r && meet a || r i && slice a) ? (e - this.transformCanvas.h * (t / this.transformCanvas.w)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr : YMax h && (i r && meet a || r i && slice a) ? (e - this.transformCanvas.h * (t / this.transformCanvas.w)) * this.renderConfig.dpr : 0 } else none this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio ? ( t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr)) : ( this.renderConfig.dpr, this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.tx 0, this.transformCanvas.ty 0; this.transformCanvas.props, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, this.transformCanvas.tx, this.transformCanvas.ty, 0, 1, this.ctxTransform(this.transformCanvas.props), this.canvasContext.beginPath(), this.canvasContext.rect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h), this.canvasContext.closePath(), this.canvasContext.clip(), this.renderFrame(this.renderedFrame, !0) }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.destroy function() { var t; for (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas && this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText ), t (this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0) - 1; 0 t; t - 1) this.elementst && this.elementst.destroy(); this.elements.length 0, this.globalData.canvasContext null, this.animationItem.container null, this.destroyed !0 }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderFrame function(t, e) { if ((this.renderedFrame ! t || !0 ! this.renderConfig.clearCanvas || e) && !this.destroyed && -1 ! t) { this.renderedFrame t, this.globalData.frameNum t - this.animationItem._isFirstFrame, this.globalData.frameId + 1, this.globalData._mdf !this.renderConfig.clearCanvas || e, this.globalData.projectInterface.currentFrame t; var i, r this.layers.length; for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(t), i 0; i r; i++)(this.completeLayers || this.elementsi) && this.elementsi.prepareFrame(t -; if (this.globalData._mdf) { for (!0 this.renderConfig.clearCanvas ? this.canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h) :, i r - 1; 0 i; i - 1)(this.completeLayers || this.elementsi) && this.elementsi.renderFrame(); !0 ! this.renderConfig.clearCanvas && this.restore() } } }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.buildItem function(t) { var e this.elements; if (!et && 99 ! this.layerst.ty) { var i this.createItem(this.layerst, this, this.globalData); (et i).initExpressions() } }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements function() { for (; this.pendingElements.length;) { this.pendingElements.pop().checkParenting() } }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.hide function() { none }, function() { block }, extendPrototype(BaseRenderer, HybridRenderer), HybridRenderer.prototype.buildItem SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItem, HybridRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements function() { for (; this.pendingElements.length;) { this.pendingElements.pop().checkParenting() } }, HybridRenderer.prototype.appendElementInPos function(t, e) { var i t.getBaseElement(); if (i) { var r this.layerse; if (r.ddd && this.supports3d) this.addTo3dContainer(i, e); else if (this.threeDElements) this.addTo3dContainer(i, e); else { for (var s, a, n 0; n e;) this.elementsn && !0 ! this.elementsn && this.elementsn.getBaseElement && (a this.elementsn, s (this.layersn.ddd ? this.getThreeDContainerByPos(n) : a.getBaseElement()) || s), n + 1; s ? r.ddd && this.supports3d || this.layerElement.insertBefore(i, s) : r.ddd && this.supports3d || this.layerElement.appendChild(i) } } }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createShape function(t) { return this.supports3d ? new HShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createText function(t) { return this.supports3d ? new HTextElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGTextElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createCamera function(t) { return new HCameraElement(t, this.globalData, this), }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createImage function(t) { return this.supports3d ? new HImageElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new IImageElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createComp function(t) { return this.supports3d ? new HCompElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGCompElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createSolid function(t) { return this.supports3d ? new HSolidElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new ISolidElement(t, this.globalData, this) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createNull SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull, HybridRenderer.prototype.getThreeDContainerByPos function(t) { for (var e 0, i this.threeDElements.length; e i;) { if (this.threeDElementse.startPos t && this.threeDElementse.endPos > t) return this.threeDElementse.perspectiveElem; e + 1 } }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createThreeDContainer function(t, e) { var i createTag(div); styleDiv(i); var r createTag(div); styleDiv(r), 3d e && ( this.globalData.compSize.w + px, this.globalData.compSize.h + px, 50% 50%, matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)), i.appendChild(r); var s { container: r, perspectiveElem: i, startPos: t, endPos: t, type: e }; return this.threeDElements.push(s), s }, HybridRenderer.prototype.build3dContainers function() { var t, e, i this.layers.length, r ; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) this.layerst.ddd && 3 ! this.layerst.ty ? 3d ! r && (r 3d, e this.createThreeDContainer(t, 3d)) : 2d ! r && (r 2d, e this.createThreeDContainer(t, 2d)), e.endPos Math.max(e.endPos, t); for (t (i this.threeDElements.length) - 1; 0 t; t--) this.resizerElem.appendChild(this.threeDElementst.perspectiveElem) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.addTo3dContainer function(t, e) { for (var i 0, r this.threeDElements.length; i r;) { if (e this.threeDElementsi.endPos) { for (var s, a this.threeDElementsi.startPos; a e;) this.elementsa && this.elementsa.getBaseElement && (s this.elementsa.getBaseElement()), a + 1; s ? this.threeDElementsi.container.insertBefore(t, s) : this.threeDElementsi.container.appendChild(t); break } i + 1 } }, HybridRenderer.prototype.configAnimation function(t) { var e createTag(div), i this.animationItem.wrapper; t.w + px, t.h + px, styleDiv(this.resizerElem e), flat, this.renderConfig.className && e.setAttribute(class, this.renderConfig.className), i.appendChild(e), hidden; var r createNS(svg); r.setAttribute(width, 1), r.setAttribute(height, 1), styleDiv(r), this.resizerElem.appendChild(r); var s createNS(defs); r.appendChild(s), t, this.setupGlobalData(t, r), this.globalData.defs s, this.layers t.layers, this.layerElement this.resizerElem, this.build3dContainers(), this.updateContainerSize() }, HybridRenderer.prototype.destroy function() { this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText ), this.animationItem.container null, this.globalData.defs null; var t, e this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0; for (t 0; t e; t++) this.elementst.destroy(); this.elements.length 0, this.destroyed !0, this.animationItem null }, HybridRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize function() { var t, e, i, r, s this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth, a this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight; r s / a this.globalData.compSize.w / this.globalData.compSize.h ? (t s / this.globalData.compSize.w, e s / this.globalData.compSize.w, i 0, (a - this.globalData.compSize.h * (s / this.globalData.compSize.w)) / 2) : (t a / this.globalData.compSize.h, e a / this.globalData.compSize.h, i (s - this.globalData.compSize.w * (a / this.globalData.compSize.h)) / 2, 0), matrix3d( + t + ,0,0,0,0, + e + ,0,0,0,0,1,0, + i + , + r + ,0,1) }, HybridRenderer.prototype.renderFrame SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame, HybridRenderer.prototype.hide function() { none }, function() { block }, HybridRenderer.prototype.initItems function() { if (this.buildAllItems(),; else { var t, e this.globalData.compSize.w, i this.globalData.compSize.h, r this.threeDElements.length; for (t 0; t r; t + 1) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e, 2) + Math.pow(i, 2)) + px } }, HybridRenderer.prototype.searchExtraCompositions function(t) { var e, i t.length, r createTag(div); for (e 0; e i; e + 1) if (te.xt) { var s this.createComp(te, r, this.globalData.comp, null); s.initExpressions(), this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(s) } }, MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty function(t) { return this.viewDatat.prop }, MaskElement.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { var e, i this.element.finalTransform.mat, r this.masksProperties.length; for (e 0; e r; e++) if ((this.viewDatae.prop._mdf || t) && this.drawPath(this.masksPropertiese, this.viewDatae.prop.v, this.viewDatae), (this.viewDatae.op._mdf || t) && this.viewDatae.elem.setAttribute(fill-opacity, this.viewDatae.op.v), n ! this.masksPropertiese.mode && (this.viewDatae.invRect && (this.element.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || t) && this.viewDatae.invRect.setAttribute(transform, i.getInverseMatrix().to2dCSS()), this.storedDatae.x && (this.storedDatae.x._mdf || t))) { var s this.storedDatae.expan; this.storedDatae.x.v 0 ? (erode ! this.storedDatae.lastOperator && (this.storedDatae.lastOperator erode, this.storedDatae.elem.setAttribute(filter, url( + locationHref + # + this.storedDatae.filterId + ))), s.setAttribute(radius, -this.storedDatae.x.v)) : (dilate ! this.storedDatae.lastOperator && (this.storedDatae.lastOperator dilate, this.storedDatae.elem.setAttribute(filter, null)), this.storedDatae.elem.setAttribute(stroke-width, 2 * this.storedDatae.x.v)) } }, MaskElement.prototype.getMaskelement function() { return this.maskElement }, MaskElement.prototype.createLayerSolidPath function() { var t M0,0 ; return t + h + this.globalData.compSize.w, t + v + this.globalData.compSize.h, t + h- + this.globalData.compSize.w, t + v- + this.globalData.compSize.h + }, MaskElement.prototype.drawPath function(t, e, i) { var r, s, a M + e.v00 + , + e.v01; for (s e._length, r 1; r s; r + 1) a + C + e.or - 10 + , + e.or - 11 + + e.ir0 + , + e.ir1 + + e.vr0 + , + e.vr1; if (e.c && 1 s && (a + C + e.or - 10 + , + e.or - 11 + + e.i00 + , + e.i01 + + e.v00 + , + e.v01), i.lastPath ! a) { var n ; i.elem && (e.c && (n t.inv ? this.solidPath + a : a), i.elem.setAttribute(d, n)), i.lastPath a } }, MaskElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.element null, this.globalData null, this.maskElement null, null, this.masksProperties null }, HierarchyElement.prototype { initHierarchy: function() { this.hierarchy , this._isParent !1, this.checkParenting() }, setHierarchy: function(t) { this.hierarchy t }, setAsParent: function() { this._isParent !0 }, checkParenting: function() { void 0 ! && this.comp.buildElementParenting(this,, ) } }, FrameElement.prototype { initFrame: function() { this._isFirstFrame !1, this.dynamicProperties , this._mdf !1 }, prepareProperties: function(t, e) { var i, r this.dynamicProperties.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1)(e || this._isParent && transform this.dynamicPropertiesi.propType) && (this.dynamicPropertiesi.getValue(), this.dynamicPropertiesi._mdf && (this.globalData._mdf !0, this._mdf !0)) }, addDynamicProperty: function(t) { -1 this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) && this.dynamicProperties.push(t) } }, TransformElement.prototype { initTransform: function() { this.finalTransform { mProp: ? TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this,, this) : { o: 0 }, _matMdf: !1, _opMdf: !1, mat: new Matrix }, && (this.finalTransform.mProp.autoOriented !0), }, renderTransform: function() { if (this.finalTransform._opMdf this.finalTransform.mProp.o._mdf || this._isFirstFrame, this.finalTransform._matMdf this.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || this._isFirstFrame, this.hierarchy) { var t, e this.finalTransform.mat, i 0, r this.hierarchy.length; if (!this.finalTransform._matMdf) for (; i r;) { if (this.hierarchyi.finalTransform.mProp._mdf) { this.finalTransform._matMdf !0; break } i + 1 } if (this.finalTransform._matMdf) for (t this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, e.cloneFromProps(t), i 0; i r; i + 1) t this.hierarchyi.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, e.transform(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) } }, globalToLocal: function(t) { var e ; e.push(this.finalTransform); for (var i !0, r this.comp; i;) r.finalTransform ? ( && e.splice(0, 0, r.finalTransform), r r.comp) : i !1; var s, a, n e.length; for (s 0; s n; s + 1) a es.mat.applyToPointArray(0, 0, 0), t t0 - a0, t1 - a1, 0; return t }, mHelper: new Matrix }, RenderableElement.prototype { initRenderable: function() { this.isInRange !1, this.hidden !1, this.isTransparent !1, this.renderableComponents }, addRenderableComponent: function(t) { -1 this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) && this.renderableComponents.push(t) }, removeRenderableComponent: function(t) { -1 ! this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) && this.renderableComponents.splice(this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t), 1) }, prepareRenderableFrame: function(t) { this.checkLayerLimits(t) }, checkTransparency: function() { this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v 0 ? !this.isTransparent && this.globalData.renderConfig.hideOnTransparent && (this.isTransparent !0, this.hide()) : this.isTransparent && (this.isTransparent !1, }, checkLayerLimits: function(t) { - t && - > t ? !0 ! this.isInRange && (this.globalData._mdf !0, this._mdf !0, this.isInRange !0, : !1 ! this.isInRange && (this.globalData._mdf !0, this.isInRange !1, this.hide()) }, renderRenderable: function() { var t, e this.renderableComponents.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.renderableComponentst.renderFrame(this._isFirstFrame) }, sourceRectAtTime: function() { return { top: 0, left: 0, width: 100, height: 100 } }, getLayerSize: function() { return 5 ? { w:, h: } : { w:, h: } } }, extendPrototype(RenderableElement, createProxyFunction({ initElement: function(t, e, i) { this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this.initTransform(t, e, i), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRenderable(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), this.createContent(), this.hide() }, hide: function() { this.hidden || this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent || ((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display none, this.hidden !0) }, show: function() { this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent && ( || ((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display block), this.hidden !1, this._isFirstFrame !0) }, renderFrame: function() { || this.hidden || (this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.renderElement(), this.renderInnerContent(), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame !1)) }, renderInnerContent: function() {}, prepareFrame: function(t) { this._mdf !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), this.checkTransparency() }, destroy: function() { this.innerElem null, this.destroyBaseElement() } }), RenderableDOMElement), SVGStyleData.prototype.reset function() { this.d , this._mdf !1 }, SVGShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated function() { this._isAnimated !0 }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, SVGStrokeStyleData), extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, SVGFillStyleData), SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.initGradientData function(t, e, i) { this.o PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.s PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, null, this), this.e PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 1, null, this), this.h PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.h || { k: 0 }, 0, .01, this), this.a PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a || { k: 0 }, 0, degToRads, this), this.g new GradientProperty(t, e.g, this), i, this.stops , this.setGradientData(i.pElem, e), this.setGradientOpacity(e, i), this._isAnimated !!this._isAnimated }, SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientData function(t, e) { var i createElementID(), r createNS(1 e.t ? linearGradient : radialGradient); r.setAttribute(id, i), r.setAttribute(spreadMethod, pad), r.setAttribute(gradientUnits, userSpaceOnUse); var s, a, n, o ; for (n 4 * e.g.p, a 0; a n; a + 4) s createNS(stop), r.appendChild(s), o.push(s); t.setAttribute(gf e.ty ? fill : stroke, url( + locationHref + # + i + )), r, this.cst o }, SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientOpacity function(t, e) { if (this.g._hasOpacity && !this.g._collapsable) { var i, r, s, a createNS(mask), n createNS(path); a.appendChild(n); var o createElementID(), h createElementID(); a.setAttribute(id, h); var l createNS(1 t.t ? linearGradient : radialGradient); l.setAttribute(id, o), l.setAttribute(spreadMethod, pad), l.setAttribute(gradientUnits, userSpaceOnUse), s t.g.k.k0.s ? t.g.k.k0.s.length : t.g.k.k.length; var p this.stops; for (r 4 * t.g.p; r s; r + 2)(i createNS(stop)).setAttribute(stop-color, rgb(255,255,255)), l.appendChild(i), p.push(i); n.setAttribute(gf t.ty ? fill : stroke, url( + locationHref + # + o + )), this.of l, a, this.ost p, this.maskId h, e.msElem n } }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, SVGGradientFillStyleData), extendPrototype(SVGGradientFillStyleData, DynamicPropertyContainer, SVGGradientStrokeStyleData); var SVGElementsRenderer function() { var y new Matrix, g new Matrix; function e(t, e, i) { (i || e.transform.op._mdf) && e.transform.container.setAttribute(opacity, e.transform.op.v), (i || e.transform.mProps._mdf) && e.transform.container.setAttribute(transform, e.transform.mProps.v.to2dCSS()) } function i(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, c, d e.styles.length, u e.lvl; for (h 0; h d; h + 1) { if (n || i, e.stylesh.lvl u) { for (p g.reset(), f u - e.stylesh.lvl, c e.transformers.length - 1; !n && 0 f;) n e.transformersc.mProps._mdf || n, f--, c--; if (n) for (f u - e.stylesh.lvl, c e.transformers.length - 1; 0 f;) m e.transformersc.mProps.v.props, p.transform(m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12, m13, m14, m15), f--, c-- } else p y; if (s (l, n) { for (a , r 0; r s; r + 1)(o l.shapesr) && o._length && (a + buildShapeString(o, o._length, o.c, p)); e.cachesh a } else a e.cachesh; e.stylesh.d + !0 t.hd ? : a, e.stylesh._mdf n || e.stylesh._mdf } } function r(t, e, i) { var r; (e.c._mdf || i) && r.pElem.setAttribute(fill, rgb( + bm_floor(e.c.v0) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v1) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v2) + )), (e.o._mdf || i) && r.pElem.setAttribute(fill-opacity, e.o.v) } function s(t, e, i) { a(t, e, i), n(t, e, i) } function a(t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o, h, l e.g._hasOpacity, p e.s.v, m e.e.v; if (e.o._mdf || i) { var f gf t.ty ? fill-opacity : stroke-opacity;, e.o.v) } if (e.s._mdf || i) { var c 1 t.t ? x1 : cx, d x1 c ? y1 : cy; h.setAttribute(c, p0), h.setAttribute(d, p1), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(c, p0), e.of.setAttribute(d, p1)) } if (e.g._cmdf || i) { r e.cst; var u e.g.c; for (a r.length, s 0; s a; s + 1)(n rs).setAttribute(offset, u4 * s + %), n.setAttribute(stop-color, rgb( + u4 * s + 1 + , + u4 * s + 2 + , + u4 * s + 3 + )) } if (l && (e.g._omdf || i)) { var y e.g.o; for (a (r e.g._collapsable ? e.cst : e.ost).length, s 0; s a; s + 1) n rs, e.g._collapsable || n.setAttribute(offset, y2 * s + %), n.setAttribute(stop-opacity, y2 * s + 1) } if (1 t.t)(e.e._mdf || i) && (h.setAttribute(x2, m0), h.setAttribute(y2, m1), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(x2, m0), e.of.setAttribute(y2, m1))); else if ((e.s._mdf || e.e._mdf || i) && (o Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p0 - m0, 2) + Math.pow(p1 - m1, 2)), h.setAttribute(r, o), l && !e.g._collapsable && e.of.setAttribute(r, o)), e.e._mdf || e.h._mdf || e.a._mdf || i) { o || (o Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p0 - m0, 2) + Math.pow(p1 - m1, 2))); var g Math.atan2(m1 - p1, m0 - p0), v o * (1 e.h.v ? .99 : e.h.v -1 ? -.99 : e.h.v), b Math.cos(g + e.a.v) * v + p0, E Math.sin(g + e.a.v) * v + p1; h.setAttribute(fx, b), h.setAttribute(fy, E), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(fx, b), e.of.setAttribute(fy, E)) } } function n(t, e, i) { var r, s e.d; s && (s._mdf || i) && s.dashStr && (r.pElem.setAttribute(stroke-dasharray, s.dashStr), r.pElem.setAttribute(stroke-dashoffset, s.dashoffset0)), e.c && (e.c._mdf || i) && r.pElem.setAttribute(stroke, rgb( + bm_floor(e.c.v0) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v1) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v2) + )), (e.o._mdf || i) && r.pElem.setAttribute(stroke-opacity, e.o.v), (e.w._mdf || i) && (r.pElem.setAttribute(stroke-width, e.w.v), r.msElem && r.msElem.setAttribute(stroke-width, e.w.v)) } return { createRenderFunction: function(t) { t.ty; switch (t.ty) { case fl: return r; case gf: return a; case gs: return s; case st: return n; case sh: case el: case rc: case sr: return i; case tr: return e } } } }(); function ShapeTransformManager() { this.sequences {}, this.sequenceList , this.transform_key_count 0 } function CVShapeData(t, e, i, r) { this.styledShapes , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; var s 4; rc e.ty ? s 5 : el e.ty ? s 6 : sr e.ty && (s 7), ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(t, e, s, t); var a, n, o i.length; for (a 0; a o; a + 1) ia.closed || (n { transforms: r.addTransformSequence(ia.transforms), trNodes: }, this.styledShapes.push(n), ia.elements.push(n)) } function BaseElement() {} function NullElement(t, e, i) { this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this.initFrame(), this.initTransform(t, e, i), this.initHierarchy() } function SVGBaseElement() {} function IShapeElement() {} function ITextElement() {} function ICompElement() {} function IImageElement(t, e, i) { this.assetData e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initElement(t, e, i), this.sourceRect { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.assetData.w, height: this.assetData.h } } function ISolidElement(t, e, i) { this.initElement(t, e, i) } function AudioElement(t, e, i) { this.initFrame(), this.initRenderable(), this.assetData e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this._isPlaying !1, this._canPlay !1; var r this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData); this.globalData.audioController.createAudio(r), this._currentTime 0, this.globalData.audioController.addAudio(this), ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, e.frameRate, this) : { _placeholder: !0 } } function SVGCompElement(t, e, i) { this.layers t.layers, this.supports3d !0, this.completeLayers !1, this.pendingElements , this.elements this.layers ? createSizedArray(this.layers.length) : , this.initElement(t, e, i), ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, e.frameRate, this) : { _placeholder: !0 } } function SVGTextElement(t, e, i) { this.textSpans , this.renderType svg, this.initElement(t, e, i) } function SVGShapeElement(t, e, i) { this.shapes , this.shapesData t.shapes, this.stylesList , this.shapeModifiers , this.itemsData , this.processedElements , this.animatedContents , this.initElement(t, e, i), this.prevViewData } function SVGTintFilter(t, e) { this.filterManager e; var i createNS(feColorMatrix); if (i.setAttribute(type, matrix), i.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, linearRGB), i.setAttribute(values, 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0), i.setAttribute(result, f1), t.appendChild(i), (i createNS(feColorMatrix)).setAttribute(type, matrix), i.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), i.setAttribute(values, 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0), i.setAttribute(result, f2), t.appendChild(i), this.matrixFilter i, 100 ! e.effectElements2.p.v || e.effectElements2.p.k) { var r, s createNS(feMerge); t.appendChild(s), (r createNS(feMergeNode)).setAttribute(in, SourceGraphic), s.appendChild(r), (r createNS(feMergeNode)).setAttribute(in, f2), s.appendChild(r) } } function SVGFillFilter(t, e) { this.filterManager e; var i createNS(feColorMatrix); i.setAttribute(type, matrix), i.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), i.setAttribute(values, 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0), t.appendChild(i), this.matrixFilter i } function SVGGaussianBlurEffect(t, e) { t.setAttribute(x, -100%), t.setAttribute(y, -100%), t.setAttribute(width, 300%), t.setAttribute(height, 300%), this.filterManager e; var i createNS(feGaussianBlur); t.appendChild(i), this.feGaussianBlur i } function SVGStrokeEffect(t, e) { this.initialized !1, this.filterManager e, this.elem t, this.paths } function SVGTritoneFilter(t, e) { this.filterManager e; var i createNS(feColorMatrix); i.setAttribute(type, matrix), i.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, linearRGB), i.setAttribute(values, 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0), i.setAttribute(result, f1), t.appendChild(i); var r createNS(feComponentTransfer); r.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), t.appendChild(r), this.matrixFilter r; var s createNS(feFuncR); s.setAttribute(type, table), r.appendChild(s), this.feFuncR s; var a createNS(feFuncG); a.setAttribute(type, table), r.appendChild(a), this.feFuncG a; var n createNS(feFuncB); n.setAttribute(type, table), r.appendChild(n), this.feFuncB n } function SVGProLevelsFilter(t, e) { this.filterManager e; var i this.filterManager.effectElements, r createNS(feComponentTransfer); (i10.p.k || 0 ! i10.p.v || i11.p.k || 1 ! i11.p.v || i12.p.k || 1 ! i12.p.v || i13.p.k || 0 ! i13.p.v || i14.p.k || 1 ! i14.p.v) && (this.feFuncR this.createFeFunc(feFuncR, r)), (i17.p.k || 0 ! i17.p.v || i18.p.k || 1 ! i18.p.v || i19.p.k || 1 ! i19.p.v || i20.p.k || 0 ! i20.p.v || i21.p.k || 1 ! i21.p.v) && (this.feFuncG this.createFeFunc(feFuncG, r)), (i24.p.k || 0 ! i24.p.v || i25.p.k || 1 ! i25.p.v || i26.p.k || 1 ! i26.p.v || i27.p.k || 0 ! i27.p.v || i28.p.k || 1 ! i28.p.v) && (this.feFuncB this.createFeFunc(feFuncB, r)), (i31.p.k || 0 ! i31.p.v || i32.p.k || 1 ! i32.p.v || i33.p.k || 1 ! i33.p.v || i34.p.k || 0 ! i34.p.v || i35.p.k || 1 ! i35.p.v) && (this.feFuncA this.createFeFunc(feFuncA, r)), (this.feFuncR || this.feFuncG || this.feFuncB || this.feFuncA) && (r.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), t.appendChild(r), r createNS(feComponentTransfer)), (i3.p.k || 0 ! i3.p.v || i4.p.k || 1 ! i4.p.v || i5.p.k || 1 ! i5.p.v || i6.p.k || 0 ! i6.p.v || i7.p.k || 1 ! i7.p.v) && (r.setAttribute(color-interpolation-filters, sRGB), t.appendChild(r), this.feFuncRComposed this.createFeFunc(feFuncR, r), this.feFuncGComposed this.createFeFunc(feFuncG, r), this.feFuncBComposed this.createFeFunc(feFuncB, r)) } function SVGDropShadowEffect(t, e) { var i e.container.globalData.renderConfig.filterSize; t.setAttribute(x, i.x), t.setAttribute(y, i.y), t.setAttribute(width, i.width), t.setAttribute(height, i.height), this.filterManager e; var r createNS(feGaussianBlur); r.setAttribute(in, SourceAlpha), r.setAttribute(result, drop_shadow_1), r.setAttribute(stdDeviation, 0), this.feGaussianBlur r, t.appendChild(r); var s createNS(feOffset); s.setAttribute(dx, 25), s.setAttribute(dy, 0), s.setAttribute(in, drop_shadow_1), s.setAttribute(result, drop_shadow_2), this.feOffset s, t.appendChild(s); var a createNS(feFlood); a.setAttribute(flood-color, #00ff00), a.setAttribute(flood-opacity, 1), a.setAttribute(result, drop_shadow_3), this.feFlood a, t.appendChild(a); var n createNS(feComposite); n.setAttribute(in, drop_shadow_3), n.setAttribute(in2, drop_shadow_2), n.setAttribute(operator, in), n.setAttribute(result, drop_shadow_4), t.appendChild(n); var o, h createNS(feMerge); t.appendChild(h), o createNS(feMergeNode), h.appendChild(o), (o createNS(feMergeNode)).setAttribute(in, SourceGraphic), this.feMergeNode o, this.feMerge h, this.originalNodeAdded !1, h.appendChild(o) } ShapeTransformManager.prototype { addTransformSequence: function(t) { var e, i t.length, r _; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) r + te.transform.key + _; var s this.sequencesr; return s || (s { transforms: .concat(t), finalTransform: new Matrix, _mdf: !1 }, this.sequencesr s, this.sequenceList.push(s)), s }, processSequence: function(t, e) { for (var i, r 0, s t.transforms.length, a e; r s && !e;) { if (t.transformsr.transform.mProps._mdf) { a !0; break } r + 1 } if (a) for (t.finalTransform.reset(), r s - 1; 0 r; r - 1) i t.transformsr.transform.mProps.v.props, t.finalTransform.transform(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15); t._mdf a }, processSequences: function(t) { var e, i this.sequenceList.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) this.processSequence(this.sequenceListe, t) }, getNewKey: function() { return _ + this.transform_key_count++ } }, CVShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated SVGShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated, BaseElement.prototype { checkMasks: function() { if (! return !1; for (var t 0, e; t e;) { if (n ! && !1 ! return !0; t + 1 } return !1 }, initExpressions: function() { this.layerInterface LayerExpressionInterface(this), && this.maskManager && this.layerInterface.registerMaskInterface(this.maskManager); var t EffectsExpressionInterface.createEffectsInterface(this, this.layerInterface); this.layerInterface.registerEffectsInterface(t), 0 || ? this.compInterface CompExpressionInterface(this) : 4 ? (this.layerInterface.shapeInterface ShapeExpressionInterface(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.layerInterface), this.layerInterface.content this.layerInterface.shapeInterface) : 5 && (this.layerInterface.textInterface TextExpressionInterface(this), this.layerInterface.text this.layerInterface.textInterface) }, setBlendMode: function() { var t getBlendMode(; (this.baseElement || this.layerElement).stylemix-blend-mode t }, initBaseData: function(t, e, i) { this.globalData e, this.comp i, t, this.layerId createElementID(), || ( 1), this.effectsManager new EffectsManager(, this, this.dynamicProperties) }, getType: function() { return this.type }, sourceRectAtTime: function() {} }, NullElement.prototype.prepareFrame function(t) { this.prepareProperties(t, !0) }, NullElement.prototype.renderFrame function() {}, NullElement.prototype.getBaseElement function() { return null }, NullElement.prototype.destroy function() {}, NullElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime function() {}, NullElement.prototype.hide function() {}, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, NullElement), SVGBaseElement.prototype { initRendererElement: function() { this.layerElement createNS(g) }, createContainerElements: function() { this.matteElement createNS(g), this.transformedElement this.layerElement, this.maskedElement this.layerElement, this._sizeChanged !1; var t, e, i, r null; if ( { if (3 || 1 { var s createNS(mask); s.setAttribute(id, this.layerId), s.setAttribute(mask-type, 3 ? luminance : alpha), s.appendChild(this.layerElement), r s, this.globalData.defs.appendChild(s), featureSupport.maskType || 1 ! || (s.setAttribute(mask-type, luminance), t createElementID(), e filtersFactory.createFilter(t), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(e), e.appendChild(filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()), (i createNS(g)).appendChild(this.layerElement), r i, s.appendChild(i), i.setAttribute(filter, url( + locationHref + # + t + ))) } else if (2 { var a createNS(mask); a.setAttribute(id, this.layerId), a.setAttribute(mask-type, alpha); var n createNS(g); a.appendChild(n), t createElementID(), e filtersFactory.createFilter(t); var o createNS(feComponentTransfer); o.setAttribute(in, SourceGraphic), e.appendChild(o); var h createNS(feFuncA); h.setAttribute(type, table), h.setAttribute(tableValues, 1.0 0.0), o.appendChild(h), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(e); var l createNS(rect); l.setAttribute(width,, l.setAttribute(height,, l.setAttribute(x, 0), l.setAttribute(y, 0), l.setAttribute(fill, #ffffff), l.setAttribute(opacity, 0), n.setAttribute(filter, url( + locationHref + # + t + )), n.appendChild(l), n.appendChild(this.layerElement), r n, featureSupport.maskType || (a.setAttribute(mask-type, luminance), e.appendChild(filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()), i createNS(g), n.appendChild(l), i.appendChild(this.layerElement), r i, n.appendChild(i)), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(a) } } else ? (this.matteElement.appendChild(this.layerElement), r this.matteElement, this.baseElement this.matteElement) : this.baseElement this.layerElement; if ( && this.layerElement.setAttribute(id,, && this.layerElement.setAttribute(class,, 0 && ! { var p createNS(clipPath), m createNS(path); m.setAttribute(d, M0,0 L + + ,0 L + + , + + L0, + + z); var f createElementID(); if (p.setAttribute(id, f), p.appendChild(m), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(p), this.checkMasks()) { var c createNS(g); c.setAttribute(clip-path, url( + locationHref + # + f + )), c.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.transformedElement c, r ? r.appendChild(this.transformedElement) : this.baseElement this.transformedElement } else this.layerElement.setAttribute(clip-path, url( + locationHref + # + f + )) } 0 ! && this.setBlendMode() }, renderElement: function() { this.finalTransform._matMdf && this.transformedElement.setAttribute(transform, this.finalTransform.mat.to2dCSS()), this.finalTransform._opMdf && this.transformedElement.setAttribute(opacity, this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v) }, destroyBaseElement: function() { this.layerElement null, this.matteElement null, this.maskManager.destroy() }, getBaseElement: function() { return ? null : this.baseElement }, createRenderableComponents: function() { this.maskManager new MaskElement(, this, this.globalData), this.renderableEffectsManager new SVGEffects(this) }, setMatte: function(t) { this.matteElement && this.matteElement.setAttribute(mask, url( + locationHref + # + t + )) } }, IShapeElement.prototype { addShapeToModifiers: function(t) { var e, i this.shapeModifiers.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) this.shapeModifierse.addShape(t) }, isShapeInAnimatedModifiers: function(t) { for (var e this.shapeModifiers.length; 0 e;) if (this.shapeModifiers0.isAnimatedWithShape(t)) return !0; return !1 }, renderModifiers: function() { if (this.shapeModifiers.length) { var t, e this.shapes.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1); for (t (e this.shapeModifiers.length) - 1; 0 t; t - 1) this.shapeModifierst.processShapes(this._isFirstFrame) } }, lcEnum: { 1: butt, 2: round, 3: square }, ljEnum: { 1: miter, 2: round, 3: bevel }, searchProcessedElement: function(t) { for (var e this.processedElements, i 0, r e.length; i r;) { if (ei.elem t) return ei.pos; i + 1 } return 0 }, addProcessedElement: function(t, e) { for (var i this.processedElements, r i.length; r;) if (ir - 1.elem t) return void(ir.pos e); i.push(new ProcessedElement(t, e)) }, prepareFrame: function(t) { this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange) } }, ITextElement.prototype.initElement function(t, e, i) { this.lettersChangedFlag !0, this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this.textProperty new TextProperty(this, t.t, this.dynamicProperties), this.textAnimator new TextAnimatorProperty(t.t, this.renderType, this), this.initTransform(t, e, i), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRenderable(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), this.createContent(), this.hide(), this.textAnimator.searchProperties(this.dynamicProperties) }, ITextElement.prototype.prepareFrame function(t) { this._mdf !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), (this.textProperty._mdf || this.textProperty._isFirstFrame) && (this.buildNewText(), this.textProperty._isFirstFrame !1, this.textProperty._mdf !1) }, ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape function(t, e) { var i, r, s e.length, a ; for (i 0; i s; i + 1) r ei.ks.k, a + buildShapeString(r, r.i.length, !0, t); return a }, ITextElement.prototype.updateDocumentData function(t, e) { this.textProperty.updateDocumentData(t, e) }, ITextElement.prototype.canResizeFont function(t) { this.textProperty.canResizeFont(t) }, ITextElement.prototype.setMinimumFontSize function(t) { this.textProperty.setMinimumFontSize(t) }, ITextElement.prototype.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix function(t, e, i, r, s) { switch ( && e.translate(t.ps0, t.ps1 + t.ascent, 0), e.translate(0,, 0), t.j) { case 1: e.translate(t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidthsi), 0, 0); break; case 2: e.translate(t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidthsi) / 2, 0, 0) } e.translate(r, s, 0) }, ITextElement.prototype.buildColor function(t) { return rgb( + Math.round(255 * t0) + , + Math.round(255 * t1) + , + Math.round(255 * t2) + ) }, ITextElement.prototype.emptyProp new LetterProps, ITextElement.prototype.destroy function() {}, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ICompElement), ICompElement.prototype.initElement function(t, e, i) { this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this.initTransform(t, e, i), this.initRenderable(), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), ! && e.progressiveLoad || this.buildAllItems(), this.hide() }, ICompElement.prototype.prepareFrame function(t) { if (this._mdf !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), this.isInRange || { if ( this.renderedFrame t /; else { var e; e && (e - 1), this.renderedFrame e } var i, r this.elements.length; for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(this.renderedFrame), i r - 1; 0 i; i - 1)(this.completeLayers || this.elementsi) && (this.elementsi.prepareFrame(this.renderedFrame -, this.elementsi._mdf && (this._mdf !0)) } }, ICompElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { var t, e this.layers.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1)(this.completeLayers || this.elementst) && this.elementst.renderFrame() }, ICompElement.prototype.setElements function(t) { this.elements t }, ICompElement.prototype.getElements function() { return this.elements }, ICompElement.prototype.destroyElements function() { var t, e this.layers.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.elementst && this.elementst.destroy() }, ICompElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.destroyElements(), this.destroyBaseElement() }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, IImageElement), IImageElement.prototype.createContent function() { var t this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData); this.innerElem createNS(image), this.innerElem.setAttribute(width, this.assetData.w + px), this.innerElem.setAttribute(height, this.assetData.h + px), this.innerElem.setAttribute(preserveAspectRatio, || this.globalData.renderConfig.imagePreserveAspectRatio), this.innerElem.setAttributeNS(, href, t), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.innerElem) }, IImageElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime function() { return this.sourceRect }, extendPrototype(IImageElement, ISolidElement), ISolidElement.prototype.createContent function() { var t createNS(rect); t.setAttribute(width,, t.setAttribute(height,, t.setAttribute(fill,, this.layerElement.appendChild(t) }, AudioElement.prototype.prepareFrame function(t) { if (this.prepareRenderableFrame(t, !0), this.prepareProperties(t, !0), this._currentTime t /; else { var e; this._currentTime e } }, extendPrototype(RenderableElement, BaseElement, FrameElement, AudioElement), AudioElement.prototype.renderFrame function() { this.isInRange && this._canPlay && (this._isPlaying ? (! || .1 Math.abs(this._currentTime / this.globalData.frameRate - && / this.globalData.frameRate) : (, / this.globalData.frameRate), this._isPlaying !0)) }, function() {}, AudioElement.prototype.hide function() {, this._isPlaying !1 }, AudioElement.prototype.pause function() {, this._isPlaying !1, this._canPlay !1 }, AudioElement.prototype.resume function() { this._canPlay !0 }, AudioElement.prototype.setRate function(t) { }, AudioElement.prototype.volume function(t) { }, AudioElement.prototype.getBaseElement function() { return null }, AudioElement.prototype.destroy function() {}, AudioElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime function() {}, AudioElement.prototype.initExpressions function() {}, extendPrototype(SVGRenderer, ICompElement, SVGBaseElement, SVGCompElement), extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ITextElement, SVGTextElement), SVGTextElement.prototype.createContent function() { && !this.globalData.fontManager.chars && (this.textContainer createNS(text)) }, SVGTextElement.prototype.buildTextContents function(t) { for (var e 0, i t.length, r , s ; e i;) te String.fromCharCode(13) || te String.fromCharCode(3) ? (r.push(s), s ) : s + te, e + 1; return r.push(s), r }, SVGTextElement.prototype.buildNewText function() { var t, e, i this.textProperty.currentData; this.renderedLetters createSizedArray(i ? i.l.length : 0), i.fc ? this.layerElement.setAttribute(fill, this.buildColor(i.fc)) : this.layerElement.setAttribute(fill, rgba(0,0,0,0)), && (this.layerElement.setAttribute(stroke, this.buildColor(, this.layerElement.setAttribute(stroke-width, i.sw)), this.layerElement.setAttribute(font-size, i.finalSize); var r this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(i.f); if (r.fClass) this.layerElement.setAttribute(class, r.fClass); else { this.layerElement.setAttribute(font-family, r.fFamily); var s i.fWeight, a i.fStyle; this.layerElement.setAttribute(font-style, a), this.layerElement.setAttribute(font-weight, s) } this.layerElement.setAttribute(aria-label, i.t); var n, o i.l || , h !!this.globalData.fontManager.chars; e o.length; var l, p this.mHelper, m , f, c 0, d 0, u !0, y / 1e3 * i.finalSize; if (!f || h || { var g, v, b this.textSpans.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) h && f && 0 ! t || (n t b ? this.textSpanst : createNS(h ? path : text), b t && (n.setAttribute(stroke-linecap, butt), n.setAttribute(stroke-linejoin, round), n.setAttribute(stroke-miterlimit, 4), this.textSpanst n, this.layerElement.appendChild(n)), inherit), p.reset(), p.scale(i.finalSize / 100, i.finalSize / 100), f && (ot.n && (c -y, d + i.yOffset, d + u ? 1 : 0, u !1), this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(i, p, ot.line, c, d), c + ot.l || 0, c + y), h ? (l (g (v this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(i.finalTextt, r.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(i.f).fFamily)) && || {}).shapes ? : , f ? m + this.createPathShape(p, l) : n.setAttribute(d, this.createPathShape(p, l))) : (f && n.setAttribute(transform, translate( + p.props12 + , + p.props13 + )), n.textContent ot.val, n.setAttributeNS(, xml:space, preserve)); f && n && n.setAttribute(d, m) } else { var E this.textContainer, x start; switch (i.j) { case 1: x end; break; case 2: x middle } E.setAttribute(text-anchor, x), E.setAttribute(letter-spacing, y); var P this.buildTextContents(i.finalText); for (e P.length, d ? i.ps1 + i.ascent : 0, t 0; t e; t + 1)(n this.textSpanst || createNS(tspan)).textContent Pt, n.setAttribute(x, 0), n.setAttribute(y, d), inherit, E.appendChild(n), this.textSpanst n, d + i.finalLineHeight; this.layerElement.appendChild(E) } for (; t this.textSpans.length;) none, t + 1; this._sizeChanged !0 }, SVGTextElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime function(t) { if (this.prepareFrame(this.comp.renderedFrame -, this.renderInnerContent(), this._sizeChanged) { this._sizeChanged !1; var e this.layerElement.getBBox(); this.bbox { top: e.y, left: e.x, width: e.width, height: e.height } } return this.bbox }, SVGTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { if (! && (this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag), this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag)) { var t, e; this._sizeChanged !0; var i, r, s this.textAnimator.renderedLetters, a this.textProperty.currentData.l; for (e a.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) at.n || (i st, r this.textSpanst, i._mdf.m && r.setAttribute(transform, i.m), i._mdf.o && r.setAttribute(opacity, i.o), i._mdf.sw && r.setAttribute(stroke-width, i.sw), && r.setAttribute(stroke,, i._mdf.fc && r.setAttribute(fill, i.fc)) } }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, IShapeElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, SVGShapeElement), SVGShapeElement.prototype.initSecondaryElement function() {}, SVGShapeElement.prototype.identityMatrix new Matrix, SVGShapeElement.prototype.buildExpressionInterface function() {}, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createContent function() { this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, , !0), this.filterUniqueShapes() }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.filterUniqueShapes function() { var t, e, i, r, s this.shapes.length, a this.stylesList.length, n , o !1; for (i 0; i a; i + 1) { for (r this.stylesListi, o !1, t n.length 0; t s; t + 1) - 1 ! (e this.shapest).styles.indexOf(r) && (n.push(e), o e._isAnimated || o); 1 n.length && o && this.setShapesAsAnimated(n) } }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.setShapesAsAnimated function(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) te.setAsAnimated() }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement function(t, e) { var i, r new SVGStyleData(t, e), s r.pElem; if (st t.ty) i new SVGStrokeStyleData(this, t, r); else if (fl t.ty) i new SVGFillStyleData(this, t, r); else if (gf t.ty || gs t.ty) { i new(gf t.ty ? SVGGradientFillStyleData : SVGGradientStrokeStyleData)(this, t, r), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(, i.maskId && (this.globalData.defs.appendChild(, this.globalData.defs.appendChild(i.of), s.setAttribute(mask, url( + locationHref + # + i.maskId + ))) } return st ! t.ty && gs ! t.ty || (s.setAttribute(stroke-linecap, || round), s.setAttribute(stroke-linejoin, this.ljEnumt.lj || round), s.setAttribute(fill-opacity, 0), 1 t.lj && s.setAttribute(stroke-miterlimit,, 2 t.r && s.setAttribute(fill-rule, evenodd), t.ln && s.setAttribute(id, t.ln), && s.setAttribute(class,, && (s.stylemix-blend-mode getBlendMode(, this.stylesList.push(r), this.addToAnimatedContents(t, i), i }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement function(t) { var e new ShapeGroupData; return t.ln &&, t.ln), &&,, && ( getBlendMode(, e }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement function(t, e) { var i TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, t, this), r new SVGTransformData(i, i.o, e); return this.addToAnimatedContents(t, r), r }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement function(t, e, i) { var r 4; rc t.ty ? r 5 : el t.ty ? r 6 : sr t.ty && (r 7); var s new SVGShapeData(e, i, ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, t, r, this)); return this.shapes.push(s), this.addShapeToModifiers(s), this.addToAnimatedContents(t, s), s }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.addToAnimatedContents function(t, e) { for (var i 0, r this.animatedContents.length; i r;) { if (this.animatedContentsi.element e) return; i + 1 } this.animatedContents.push({ fn: SVGElementsRenderer.createRenderFunction(t), element: e, data: t }) }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.setElementStyles function(t) { var e, i t.styles, r this.stylesList.length; for (e 0; e r; e + 1) this.stylesListe.closed || i.push(this.stylesListe) }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes function() { this._isFirstFrame !0; var t, e this.itemsData.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.prevViewDatat this.itemsDatat; for (this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, , !0), this.filterUniqueShapes(), e this.dynamicProperties.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) this.dynamicPropertiest.getValue(); this.renderModifiers() }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes function(t, e, i, r, s, a, n) { var o, h, l, p, m, f, c .concat(a), d t.length - 1, u , y ; for (o d; 0 o; o - 1) { if ((f this.searchProcessedElement(to)) ? eo if - 1 : to._render n, fl to.ty || st to.ty || gf to.ty || gs to.ty) f ? !1 : eo this.createStyleElement(to, s), to._render && r.appendChild(, u.push(; else if (gr to.ty) { if (f) for (l, h 0; h l; h + 1) eo.prevViewDatah eo.ith; else eo this.createGroupElement(to); this.searchShapes(,, eo.prevViewData,, s + 1, c, n), to._render && r.appendChild( } else tr to.ty ? (f || (eo this.createTransformElement(to, r)), p eo.transform, c.push(p)) : sh to.ty || rc to.ty || el to.ty || sr to.ty ? (f || (eo this.createShapeElement(to, c, s)), this.setElementStyles(eo)) : tm to.ty || rd to.ty || ms to.ty || pb to.ty ? (f ? (m eo).closed !1 : ((m ShapeModifiers.getModifier(to.ty)).init(this, to), eo m, this.shapeModifiers.push(m)), y.push(m)) : rp to.ty && (f ? (m eo).closed !0 : (m ShapeModifiers.getModifier(to.ty), (eo m).init(this, t, o, e), this.shapeModifiers.push(m), n !1), y.push(m)); this.addProcessedElement(to, o + 1) } for (d u.length, o 0; o d; o + 1) uo.closed !0; for (d y.length, o 0; o d; o + 1) yo.closed !0 }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { this.renderModifiers(); var t, e this.stylesList.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.stylesListt.reset(); for (this.renderShape(), t 0; t e; t + 1)(this.stylesListt._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (this.stylesListt.msElem && (this.stylesListt.msElem.setAttribute(d, this.stylesListt.d), this.stylesListt.d M0 0 + this.stylesListt.d), this.stylesListt.pElem.setAttribute(d, this.stylesListt.d || M0 0)) }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderShape function() { var t, e, i this.animatedContents.length; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) e this.animatedContentst, (this._isFirstFrame || e.element._isAnimated) && !0 ! && e.fn(, e.element, this._isFirstFrame) }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.destroyBaseElement(), this.shapesData null, this.itemsData null }, SVGTintFilter.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { var e this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v, i this.filterManager.effectElements1.p.v, r this.filterManager.effectElements2.p.v / 100; this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(values, i0 - e0 + 0 0 0 + e0 + + (i1 - e1) + 0 0 0 + e1 + + (i2 - e2) + 0 0 0 + e2 + 0 0 0 + r + 0) } }, SVGFillFilter.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { var e this.filterManager.effectElements2.p.v, i this.filterManager.effectElements6.p.v; this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(values, 0 0 0 0 + e0 + 0 0 0 0 + e1 + 0 0 0 0 + e2 + 0 0 0 + i + 0) } }, SVGGaussianBlurEffect.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { var e .3 * this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v, i this.filterManager.effectElements1.p.v, r 3 i ? 0 : e, s 2 i ? 0 : e; this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(stdDeviation, r + + s); var a 1 this.filterManager.effectElements2.p.v ? wrap : duplicate; this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(edgeMode, a) } }, SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.initialize function() { var t, e, i, r, s this.elem.layerElement.children || this.elem.layerElement.childNodes; for (1 this.filterManager.effectElements1.p.v ? (r this.elem.maskManager.masksProperties.length, i 0) : r (i this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v - 1) + 1, (e createNS(g)).setAttribute(fill, none), e.setAttribute(stroke-linecap, round), e.setAttribute(stroke-dashoffset, 1); i r; i + 1) t createNS(path), e.appendChild(t), this.paths.push({ p: t, m: i }); if (3 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v) { var a createNS(mask), n createElementID(); a.setAttribute(id, n), a.setAttribute(mask-type, alpha), a.appendChild(e), this.elem.globalData.defs.appendChild(a); var o createNS(g); for (o.setAttribute(mask, url( + locationHref + # + n + )); s0;) o.appendChild(s0); this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(o), this.masker a, e.setAttribute(stroke, #fff) } else if (1 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v || 2 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v) { if (2 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v) for (s this.elem.layerElement.children || this.elem.layerElement.childNodes; s.length;) this.elem.layerElement.removeChild(s0); this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(e), this.elem.layerElement.removeAttribute(mask), e.setAttribute(stroke, #fff) } this.initialized !0, this.pathMasker e }, SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { this.initialized || this.initialize(); var e, i, r, s this.paths.length; for (e 0; e s; e + 1) if (-1 ! this.pathse.m && (i this.elem.maskManager.viewDatathis.pathse.m, r this.pathse.p, (t || this.filterManager._mdf || i.prop._mdf) && r.setAttribute(d, i.lastPath), t || this.filterManager.effectElements9.p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements4.p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements7.p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements8.p._mdf || i.prop._mdf)) { var a; if (0 ! this.filterManager.effectElements7.p.v || 100 ! this.filterManager.effectElements8.p.v) { var n Math.min(this.filterManager.effectElements7.p.v, this.filterManager.effectElements8.p.v) / 100, o Math.max(this.filterManager.effectElements7.p.v, this.filterManager.effectElements8.p.v) / 100, h r.getTotalLength(); a 0 0 0 + h * n + ; var l, p h * (o - n), m 1 + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements4.p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements9.p.v / 100, f Math.floor(p / m); for (l 0; l f; l + 1) a + 1 + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements4.p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements9.p.v / 100 + ; a + 0 + 10 * h + 0 0 } else a 1 + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements4.p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements9.p.v / 100; r.setAttribute(stroke-dasharray, a) } if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements4.p._mdf) && this.pathMasker.setAttribute(stroke-width, 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements4.p.v), (t || this.filterManager.effectElements6.p._mdf) && this.pathMasker.setAttribute(opacity, this.filterManager.effectElements6.p.v), (1 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v || 2 this.filterManager.effectElements10.p.v) && (t || this.filterManager.effectElements3.p._mdf)) { var c this.filterManager.effectElements3.p.v; this.pathMasker.setAttribute(stroke, rgb( + bm_floor(255 * c0) + , + bm_floor(255 * c1) + , + bm_floor(255 * c2) + )) } }, SVGTritoneFilter.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { var e this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v, i this.filterManager.effectElements1.p.v, r this.filterManager.effectElements2.p.v, s r0 + + i0 + + e0, a r1 + + i1 + + e1, n r2 + + i2 + + e2; this.feFuncR.setAttribute(tableValues, s), this.feFuncG.setAttribute(tableValues, a), this.feFuncB.setAttribute(tableValues, n) } }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.createFeFunc function(t, e) { var i createNS(t); return i.setAttribute(type, table), e.appendChild(i), i }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.getTableValue function(t, e, i, r, s) { for (var a, n, o 0, h Math.min(t, e), l Math.max(t, e), p, { length: 256 }), m 0, f s - r, c e - t; o 256;) n (a o / 256) h ? c 0 ? s : r : l a ? c 0 ? r : s : r + f * Math.pow((a - t) / c, 1 / i), pm++ n, o + 256 / 255; return p.join( ) }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { var e, i this.filterManager.effectElements; this.feFuncRComposed && (t || i3.p._mdf || i4.p._mdf || i5.p._mdf || i6.p._mdf || i7.p._mdf) && (e this.getTableValue(i3.p.v, i4.p.v, i5.p.v, i6.p.v, i7.p.v), this.feFuncRComposed.setAttribute(tableValues, e), this.feFuncGComposed.setAttribute(tableValues, e), this.feFuncBComposed.setAttribute(tableValues, e)), this.feFuncR && (t || i10.p._mdf || i11.p._mdf || i12.p._mdf || i13.p._mdf || i14.p._mdf) && (e this.getTableValue(i10.p.v, i11.p.v, i12.p.v, i13.p.v, i14.p.v), this.feFuncR.setAttribute(tableValues, e)), this.feFuncG && (t || i17.p._mdf || i18.p._mdf || i19.p._mdf || i20.p._mdf || i21.p._mdf) && (e this.getTableValue(i17.p.v, i18.p.v, i19.p.v, i20.p.v, i21.p.v), this.feFuncG.setAttribute(tableValues, e)), this.feFuncB && (t || i24.p._mdf || i25.p._mdf || i26.p._mdf || i27.p._mdf || i28.p._mdf) && (e this.getTableValue(i24.p.v, i25.p.v, i26.p.v, i27.p.v, i28.p.v), this.feFuncB.setAttribute(tableValues, e)), this.feFuncA && (t || i31.p._mdf || i32.p._mdf || i33.p._mdf || i34.p._mdf || i35.p._mdf) && (e this.getTableValue(i31.p.v, i32.p.v, i33.p.v, i34.p.v, i35.p.v), this.feFuncA.setAttribute(tableValues, e)) } }, SVGDropShadowEffect.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) { if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements4.p._mdf) && this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(stdDeviation, this.filterManager.effectElements4.p.v / 4), t || this.filterManager.effectElements0.p._mdf) { var e this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v; this.feFlood.setAttribute(flood-color, rgbToHex(Math.round(255 * e0), Math.round(255 * e1), Math.round(255 * e2))) } if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements1.p._mdf) && this.feFlood.setAttribute(flood-opacity, this.filterManager.effectElements1.p.v / 255), t || this.filterManager.effectElements2.p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements3.p._mdf) { var i this.filterManager.effectElements3.p.v, r (this.filterManager.effectElements2.p.v - 90) * degToRads, s i * Math.cos(r), a i * Math.sin(r); this.feOffset.setAttribute(dx, s), this.feOffset.setAttribute(dy, a) } } }; var _svgMatteSymbols ; function SVGMatte3Effect(t, e, i) { this.initialized !1, this.filterManager e, this.filterElem t, (this.elem i).matteElement createNS(g), i.matteElement.appendChild(i.layerElement), i.matteElement.appendChild(i.transformedElement), i.baseElement i.matteElement } function SVGEffects(t) { var e, i, r ? : 0, s createElementID(), a filtersFactory.createFilter(s), n 0; for (this.filters , e 0; e r; e + 1) i null, 20 ? (n + 1, i new SVGTintFilter(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)) : 21 ? (n + 1, i new SVGFillFilter(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)) : 22 ? i new SVGStrokeEffect(t, t.effectsManager.effectElementse) : 23 ? (n + 1, i new SVGTritoneFilter(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)) : 24 ? (n + 1, i new SVGProLevelsFilter(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)) : 25 ? (n + 1, i new SVGDropShadowEffect(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)) : 28 ? i new SVGMatte3Effect(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse, t) : 29 && (n + 1, i new SVGGaussianBlurEffect(a, t.effectsManager.effectElementse)), i && this.filters.push(i); n && (t.globalData.defs.appendChild(a), t.layerElement.setAttribute(filter, url( + locationHref + # + s + ))), this.filters.length && t.addRenderableComponent(this) } function CVContextData() { this.saved , this.cArrPos 0, this.cTr new Matrix, this.cO 1; var t; for (this.savedOp createTypedArray(float32, 15), t 0; t 15; t + 1) this.savedt createTypedArray(float32, 16); this._length 15 } function CVBaseElement() {} function CVImageElement(t, e, i) { this.assetData e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.img e.imageLoader.getImage(this.assetData), this.initElement(t, e, i) } function CVCompElement(t, e, i) { this.completeLayers !1, this.layers t.layers, this.pendingElements , this.elements createSizedArray(this.layers.length), this.initElement(t, e, i), ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, e.frameRate, this) : { _placeholder: !0 } } function CVMaskElement(t, e) { t, this.element e, this.masksProperties || , this.viewData createSizedArray(this.masksProperties.length); var i, r this.masksProperties.length, s !1; for (i 0; i r; i++) n ! this.masksPropertiesi.mode && (s !0), this.viewDatai ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, this.masksPropertiesi, 3); (this.hasMasks s) && this.element.addRenderableComponent(this) } function CVShapeElement(t, e, i) { this.shapes , this.shapesData t.shapes, this.stylesList , this.itemsData , this.prevViewData , this.shapeModifiers , this.processedElements , this.transformsManager new ShapeTransformManager, this.initElement(t, e, i) } function CVSolidElement(t, e, i) { this.initElement(t, e, i) } function CVTextElement(t, e, i) { this.textSpans , this.yOffset 0, this.fillColorAnim !1, this.strokeColorAnim !1, this.strokeWidthAnim !1, this.stroke !1, this.fill !1, this.justifyOffset 0, this.currentRender null, this.renderType canvas, this.values { fill: rgba(0,0,0,0), stroke: rgba(0,0,0,0), sWidth: 0, fValue: }, this.initElement(t, e, i) } function CVEffects() {} function HBaseElement(t, e, i) {} function HSolidElement(t, e, i) { this.initElement(t, e, i) } function HCompElement(t, e, i) { this.layers t.layers, this.supports3d !t.hasMask, this.completeLayers !1, this.pendingElements , this.elements this.layers ? createSizedArray(this.layers.length) : , this.initElement(t, e, i), ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, e.frameRate, this) : { _placeholder: !0 } } function HShapeElement(t, e, i) { this.shapes , this.shapesData t.shapes, this.stylesList , this.shapeModifiers , this.itemsData , this.processedElements , this.animatedContents , this.shapesContainer createNS(g), this.initElement(t, e, i), this.prevViewData , this.currentBBox { x: 999999, y: -999999, h: 0, w: 0 } } function HTextElement(t, e, i) { this.textSpans , this.textPaths , this.currentBBox { x: 999999, y: -999999, h: 0, w: 0 }, this.renderType svg, this.isMasked !1, this.initElement(t, e, i) } function HImageElement(t, e, i) { this.assetData e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initElement(t, e, i) } function HCameraElement(t, e, i) { this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, i), this.initHierarchy(); var r PropertyFactory.getProp; if ( r(this,, 0, 0, this), t.ks.p.s ? (this.px r(this, t.ks.p.x, 1, 0, this), r(this, t.ks.p.y, 1, 0, this), this.pz r(this, t.ks.p.z, 1, 0, this)) : this.p r(this, t.ks.p, 1, 0, this), t.ks.a && (this.a r(this, t.ks.a, 1, 0, this)), t.ks.or.k.length && { var s, a t.ks.or.k.length; for (s 0; s a; s + 1) null, t.ks.or.ks.ti null } this.or r(this, t.ks.or, 1, degToRads, this), !0, this.rx r(this, t.ks.rx, 0, degToRads, this), this.ry r(this, t.ks.ry, 0, degToRads, this), this.rz r(this, t.ks.rz, 0, degToRads, this), this.mat new Matrix, this._prevMat new Matrix, this._isFirstFrame !0, this.finalTransform { mProp: this } } function HEffects() {} SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.findSymbol function(t) { for (var e 0, i _svgMatteSymbols.length; e i;) { if (_svgMatteSymbolse t) return _svgMatteSymbolse; e + 1 } return null }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.replaceInParent function(t, e) { var i t.layerElement.parentNode; if (i) { for (var r, s i.children, a 0, n s.length; a n && sa ! t.layerElement;) a + 1; a n - 2 && (r sa + 1); var o createNS(use); o.setAttribute(href, # + e), r ? i.insertBefore(o, r) : i.appendChild(o) } }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.setElementAsMask function(t, e) { if (!this.findSymbol(e)) { var i createElementID(), r createNS(mask); r.setAttribute(id, e.layerId), r.setAttribute(mask-type, alpha), _svgMatteSymbols.push(e); var s t.globalData.defs; s.appendChild(r); var a createNS(symbol); a.setAttribute(id, i), this.replaceInParent(e, i), a.appendChild(e.layerElement), s.appendChild(a); var n createNS(use); n.setAttribute(href, # + i), r.appendChild(n), !1, } t.setMatte(e.layerId) }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.initialize function() { for (var t this.filterManager.effectElements0.p.v, e this.elem.comp.elements, i 0, r e.length; i r;) ei && t && this.setElementAsMask(this.elem, ei), i + 1; this.initialized !0 }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.renderFrame function() { this.initialized || this.initialize() }, SVGEffects.prototype.renderFrame function(t) { var e, i this.filters.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) this.filterse.renderFrame(t) }, CVContextData.prototype.duplicate function() { var t 2 * this._length, e this.savedOp; this.savedOp createTypedArray(float32, t), this.savedOp.set(e); var i 0; for (i this._length; i t; i + 1) this.savedi createTypedArray(float32, 16); this._length t }, CVContextData.prototype.reset function() { this.cArrPos 0, this.cTr.reset(), this.cO 1 }, CVBaseElement.prototype { createElements: function() {}, initRendererElement: function() {}, createContainerElements: function() { this.canvasContext this.globalData.canvasContext, this.renderableEffectsManager new CVEffects(this) }, createContent: function() {}, setBlendMode: function() { var t this.globalData; if (t.blendMode ! { t.blendMode; var e getBlendMode(; t.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation e } }, createRenderableComponents: function() { this.maskManager new CVMaskElement(, this) }, hideElement: function() { this.hidden || this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent || (this.hidden !0) }, showElement: function() { this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent && (this.hidden !1, this._isFirstFrame !0, this.maskManager._isFirstFrame !0) }, renderFrame: function() { if (!this.hidden && ! { this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.setBlendMode(); var t 0;, this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(this.finalTransform.mat.props), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v), this.renderInnerContent(), this.globalData.renderer.restore(t), this.maskManager.hasMasks && this.globalData.renderer.restore(!0), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame !1) } }, destroy: function() { this.canvasContext null, null, this.globalData null, this.maskManager.destroy() }, mHelper: new Matrix }, CVBaseElement.prototype.hide CVBaseElement.prototype.hideElement, CVBaseElement.prototype.showElement, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, CVImageElement), CVImageElement.prototype.initElement SVGShapeElement.prototype.initElement, CVImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame IImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame, CVImageElement.prototype.createContent function() { if (this.img.width && (this.assetData.w ! this.img.width || this.assetData.h ! this.img.height)) { var t createTag(canvas); t.width this.assetData.w, t.height this.assetData.h; var e, i, r t.getContext(2d), s this.img.width, a this.img.height, n s / a, o this.assetData.w / this.assetData.h, h || this.globalData.renderConfig.imagePreserveAspectRatio; o n && xMidYMid slice h || n o && xMidYMid slice ! h ? e (i a) * o : i (e s) / o, r.drawImage(this.img, (s - e) / 2, (a - i) / 2, e, i, 0, 0, this.assetData.w, this.assetData.h), this.img t } }, CVImageElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function(t) { this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0) }, CVImageElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.img null }, extendPrototype(CanvasRenderer, ICompElement, CVBaseElement, CVCompElement), CVCompElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { var t, e this.canvasContext; for (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(, 0), e.lineTo(,, e.lineTo(0,, e.lineTo(0, 0), e.clip(), t this.layers.length - 1; 0 t; t - 1)(this.completeLayers || this.elementst) && this.elementst.renderFrame() }, CVCompElement.prototype.destroy function() { var t; for (t this.layers.length - 1; 0 t; t - 1) this.elementst && this.elementst.destroy(); this.layers null, this.elements null }, CVMaskElement.prototype.renderFrame function() { if (this.hasMasks) { var t, e, i, r, s this.element.finalTransform.mat, a this.element.canvasContext, n this.masksProperties.length; for (a.beginPath(), t 0; t n; t++) if (n ! this.masksPropertiest.mode) { this.masksPropertiest.inv && (a.moveTo(0, 0), a.lineTo(this.element.globalData.compSize.w, 0), a.lineTo(this.element.globalData.compSize.w, this.element.globalData.compSize.h), a.lineTo(0, this.element.globalData.compSize.h), a.lineTo(0, 0)), r this.viewDatat.v, e s.applyToPointArray(r.v00, r.v01, 0), a.moveTo(e0, e1); var o, h r._length; for (o 1; o h; o++) i s.applyToTriplePoints(r.oo - 1,, r.vo), a.bezierCurveTo(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5); i s.applyToTriplePoints(r.oo - 1, r.i0, r.v0), a.bezierCurveTo(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5) }!0), a.clip() } }, CVMaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty, CVMaskElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.element null }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, IShapeElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, CVShapeElement), CVShapeElement.prototype.initElement RenderableDOMElement.prototype.initElement, CVShapeElement.prototype.transformHelper { opacity: 1, _opMdf: !1 }, CVShapeElement.prototype.dashResetter , CVShapeElement.prototype.createContent function() { this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, !0, ) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement function(t, e) { var i { data: t, type: t.ty, preTransforms: this.transformsManager.addTransformSequence(e), transforms: , elements: , closed: !0 t.hd }, r {}; if (fl t.ty || st t.ty ? (r.c PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.c, 1, 255, this), r.c.k || ( rgb( + bm_floor(r.c.v0) + , + bm_floor(r.c.v1) + , + bm_floor(r.c.v2) + ))) : gf ! t.ty && gs ! t.ty || (r.s PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.s, 1, null, this), r.e PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.e, 1, null, this), r.h PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.h || { k: 0 }, 0, .01, this), r.a PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.a || { k: 0 }, 0, degToRads, this), r.g new GradientProperty(this, t.g, this)), r.o PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.o, 0, .01, this), st t.ty || gs t.ty) { if ( || round, i.lj this.ljEnumt.lj || round, 1 t.lj && (, r.w PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.w, 0, null, this), r.w.k || (i.wi r.w.v), t.d) { var s new DashProperty(this, t.d, canvas, this); r.d s, r.d.k || (i.da r.d.dashArray, r.d.dashoffset0) } } else i.r 2 t.r ? evenodd : nonzero; return this.stylesList.push(i), i, r }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement function(t) { return { it: , prevViewData: } }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement function(t) { return { transform: { opacity: 1, _opMdf: !1, key: this.transformsManager.getNewKey(), op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.o, 0, .01, this), mProps: TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, t, this) } } }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement function(t) { var e new CVShapeData(this, t, this.stylesList, this.transformsManager); return this.shapes.push(e), this.addShapeToModifiers(e), e }, CVShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes function() { this._isFirstFrame !0; var t, e this.itemsData.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.prevViewDatat this.itemsDatat; for (this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, !0, ), e this.dynamicProperties.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) this.dynamicPropertiest.getValue(); this.renderModifiers(), this.transformsManager.processSequences(this._isFirstFrame) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.addTransformToStyleList function(t) { var e, i this.stylesList.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) this.stylesListe.closed || this.stylesListe.transforms.push(t) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.removeTransformFromStyleList function() { var t, e this.stylesList.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) this.stylesListt.closed || this.stylesListt.transforms.pop() }, CVShapeElement.prototype.closeStyles function(t) { var e, i t.length; for (e 0; e i; e + 1) te.closed !0 }, CVShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a, n, o, h, l, p, m t.length - 1, f , c , d .concat(s); for (a m; 0 a; a - 1) { if ((h this.searchProcessedElement(ta)) ? ea ih - 1 : ta._shouldRender r, fl ta.ty || st ta.ty || gf ta.ty || gs ta.ty) h ? !1 : ea this.createStyleElement(ta, d), f.push(; else if (gr ta.ty) { if (h) for (o, n 0; n o; n + 1) ea.prevViewDatan ea.itn; else ea this.createGroupElement(ta); this.searchShapes(,, ea.prevViewData, r, d) } else tr ta.ty ? (h || (p this.createTransformElement(ta), ea p), d.push(ea), this.addTransformToStyleList(ea)) : sh ta.ty || rc ta.ty || el ta.ty || sr ta.ty ? h || (ea this.createShapeElement(ta)) : tm ta.ty || rd ta.ty || pb ta.ty ? (h ? (l ea).closed !1 : ((l ShapeModifiers.getModifier(ta.ty)).init(this, ta), ea l, this.shapeModifiers.push(l)), c.push(l)) : rp ta.ty && (h ? (l ea).closed !0 : (l ShapeModifiers.getModifier(ta.ty), (ea l).init(this, t, a, e), this.shapeModifiers.push(l), r !1), c.push(l)); this.addProcessedElement(ta, a + 1) } for (this.removeTransformFromStyleList(), this.closeStyles(f), m c.length, a 0; a m; a + 1) ca.closed !0 }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { this.transformHelper.opacity 1, this.transformHelper._opMdf !1, this.renderModifiers(), this.transformsManager.processSequences(this._isFirstFrame), this.renderShape(this.transformHelper, this.shapesData, this.itemsData, !0) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderShapeTransform function(t, e) { (t._opMdf || e.op._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (e.opacity t.opacity, e.opacity * e.op.v, e._opMdf !0) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.drawLayer function() { var t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h, l this.stylesList.length, p this.globalData.renderer, m this.globalData.canvasContext; for (t 0; t l; t + 1) if ((st ! (o (h this.stylesListt).type) && gs ! o || 0 ! h.wi) && && 0 ! h.coOp && 0 ! this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha) { for (, a h.elements, st o || gs o ? (m.strokeStyle st o ? : h.grd, m.lineWidth h.wi, m.lineCap, m.lineJoin h.lj, m.miterLimit || 0) : m.fillStyle fl o ? : h.grd, p.ctxOpacity(h.coOp), st ! o && gs ! o && m.beginPath(), p.ctxTransform(h.preTransforms.finalTransform.props), i a.length, e 0; e i; e + 1) { for (st ! o && gs ! o || (m.beginPath(), h.da && (m.setLineDash(h.da), m.lineDashOffset, s (n ae.trNodes).length, r 0; r s; r + 1) m nr.t ? m.moveTo(nr.p0, nr.p1) : c nr.t ? m.bezierCurveTo(nr.pts0, nr.pts1, nr.pts2, nr.pts3, nr.pts4, nr.pts5) : m.closePath(); st ! o && gs ! o || (m.stroke(), h.da && m.setLineDash(this.dashResetter)) } st ! o && gs ! o && m.fill(h.r), p.restore() } }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderShape function(t, e, i, r) { var s, a; for (a t, s e.length - 1; 0 s; s - 1) tr es.ty ? (a is.transform, this.renderShapeTransform(t, a)) : sh es.ty || el es.ty || rc es.ty || sr es.ty ? this.renderPath(es, is) : fl es.ty ? this.renderFill(es, is, a) : st es.ty ? this.renderStroke(es, is, a) : gf es.ty || gs es.ty ? this.renderGradientFill(es, is, a) : gr es.ty ? this.renderShape(a,, : es.ty; r && this.drawLayer() }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderStyledShape function(t, e) { if (this._isFirstFrame || e._mdf || t.transforms._mdf) { var i, r, s, a t.trNodes, n e.paths, o n._length; a.length 0; var h t.transforms.finalTransform; for (s 0; s o; s + 1) { var l n.shapess; if (l && l.v) { for (r l._length, i 1; i r; i + 1) 1 i && a.push({ t: m, p: h.applyToPointArray(l.v00, l.v01, 0) }), a.push({ t: c, pts: h.applyToTriplePoints(l.oi - 1, l.ii, }); 1 r && a.push({ t: m, p: h.applyToPointArray(l.v00, l.v01, 0) }), l.c && r && (a.push({ t: c, pts: h.applyToTriplePoints(l.oi - 1, l.i0, l.v0) }), a.push({ t: z })) } } t.trNodes a } }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderPath function(t, e) { if (!0 ! t.hd && t._shouldRender) { var i, r e.styledShapes.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) this.renderStyledShape(e.styledShapesi, } }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderFill function(t, e, i) { var r; (e.c._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && ( rgb( + bm_floor(e.c.v0) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v1) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v2) + )), (e.o._mdf || i._opMdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (r.coOp e.o.v * i.opacity) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderGradientFill function(t, e, i) { var r; if (!r.grd || e.g._mdf || e.s._mdf || e.e._mdf || 1 ! t.t && (e.h._mdf || e.a._mdf)) { var s this.globalData.canvasContext, a e.s.v, n e.e.v; if (1 t.t) f s.createLinearGradient(a0, a1, n0, n1); else var o Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a0 - n0, 2) + Math.pow(a1 - n1, 2)), h Math.atan2(n1 - a1, n0 - a0), l o * (1 e.h.v ? .99 : e.h.v -1 ? -.99 : e.h.v), p Math.cos(h + e.a.v) * l + a0, m Math.sin(h + e.a.v) * l + a1, f s.createRadialGradient(p, m, 0, a0, a1, o); var c, d t.g.p, u e.g.c, y 1; for (c 0; c d; c + 1) e.g._hasOpacity && e.g._collapsable && (y e.g.o2 * c + 1), f.addColorStop(u4 * c / 100, rgba( + u4 * c + 1 + , + u4 * c + 2 + , + u4 * c + 3 + , + y + )); r.grd f } r.coOp e.o.v * i.opacity }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderStroke function(t, e, i) { var r, s e.d; s && (s._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (r.da s.dashArray, s.dashoffset0), (e.c._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && ( rgb( + bm_floor(e.c.v0) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v1) + , + bm_floor(e.c.v2) + )), (e.o._mdf || i._opMdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (r.coOp e.o.v * i.opacity), (e.w._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (r.wi e.w.v) }, CVShapeElement.prototype.destroy function() { this.shapesData null, this.globalData null, this.canvasContext null, this.stylesList.length 0, this.itemsData.length 0 }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, CVSolidElement), CVSolidElement.prototype.initElement SVGShapeElement.prototype.initElement, CVSolidElement.prototype.prepareFrame IImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame, CVSolidElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { var t this.canvasContext; t.fillStyle, t.fillRect(0, 0,, }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, ITextElement, CVTextElement), CVTextElement.prototype.tHelper createTag(canvas).getContext(2d), CVTextElement.prototype.buildNewText function() { var t this.textProperty.currentData; this.renderedLetters createSizedArray(t.l ? t.l.length : 0); var e !1; t.fc ? (e !0, this.values.fill this.buildColor(t.fc)) : this.values.fill rgba(0,0,0,0), this.fill e; var i !1; && (i !0, this.values.stroke this.buildColor(, this.values.sWidth t.sw); var r, s, a this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f), n t.l, o this.mHelper; this.stroke i, this.values.fValue t.finalSize + px + this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily, s t.finalText.length; var h, l, p, m, f, c, d, u, y, g, v, b / 1e3 * t.finalSize, E 0, x 0, P !0, S 0; for (r 0; r s; r + 1) { for (l (h this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.finalTextr, a.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily)) && || {}, o.reset(), v && nr.n && (E -b, x + t.yOffset, x + P ? 1 : 0, P !1), d (f l.shapes ? : ).length, o.scale(t.finalSize / 100, t.finalSize / 100), v && this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(t, o, nr.line, E, x), y createSizedArray(d), c 0; c d; c + 1) { for (m fc.ks.k.i.length, u fc.ks.k, g , p 1; p m; p + 1) 1 p && g.push(o.applyToX(u.v00, u.v01, 0), o.applyToY(u.v00, u.v01, 0)), g.push(o.applyToX(u.op - 10, u.op - 11, 0), o.applyToY(u.op - 10, u.op - 11, 0), o.applyToX(u.ip0, u.ip1, 0), o.applyToY(u.ip0, u.ip1, 0), o.applyToX(u.vp0, u.vp1, 0), o.applyToY(u.vp0, u.vp1, 0)); g.push(o.applyToX(u.op - 10, u.op - 11, 0), o.applyToY(u.op - 10, u.op - 11, 0), o.applyToX(u.i00, u.i01, 0), o.applyToY(u.i00, u.i01, 0), o.applyToX(u.v00, u.v01, 0), o.applyToY(u.v00, u.v01, 0)), yc g } v && (E + nr.l, E + b), this.textSpansS ? this.textSpansS.elem y : this.textSpansS { elem: y }, S + 1 } }, CVTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { var t, e, i, r, s, a, n this.canvasContext; this.finalTransform.mat.props; n.font this.values.fValue, n.lineCap butt, n.lineJoin miter, n.miterLimit 4, || this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag); var o, h this.textAnimator.renderedLetters, l this.textProperty.currentData.l; e l.length; var p, m, f null, c null, d null; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) if (!lt.n) { if ((o ht) && (, this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(o.p), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(o.o)), this.fill) { for (o && o.fc ? f ! o.fc && (f o.fc, n.fillStyle o.fc) : f ! this.values.fill && (f this.values.fill, n.fillStyle this.values.fill), r (p this.textSpanst.elem).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), i 0; i r; i + 1) for (a (m pi).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(m0, m1), s 2; s a; s + 6) this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(ms, ms + 1, ms + 2, ms + 3, ms + 4, ms + 5); this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.fill() } if (this.stroke) { for (o && o.sw ? d ! o.sw && (d o.sw, n.lineWidth o.sw) : d ! this.values.sWidth && (d this.values.sWidth, n.lineWidth this.values.sWidth), o && ? c ! && (c, n.strokeStyle : c ! this.values.stroke && (c this.values.stroke, n.strokeStyle this.values.stroke), r (p this.textSpanst.elem).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), i 0; i r; i + 1) for (a (m pi).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(m0, m1), s 2; s a; s + 6) this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(ms, ms + 1, ms + 2, ms + 3, ms + 4, ms + 5); this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.stroke() } o && this.globalData.renderer.restore() } }, CVEffects.prototype.renderFrame function() {}, HBaseElement.prototype { checkBlendMode: function() {}, initRendererElement: function() { this.baseElement createTag( || div), ? (this.svgElement createNS(svg), this.layerElement createNS(g), this.maskedElement this.layerElement, this.svgElement.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.baseElement.appendChild(this.svgElement)) : this.layerElement this.baseElement, styleDiv(this.baseElement) }, createContainerElements: function() { this.renderableEffectsManager new CVEffects(this), this.transformedElement this.baseElement, this.maskedElement this.layerElement, && this.layerElement.setAttribute(id,, && this.layerElement.setAttribute(class,, 0 ! && this.setBlendMode() }, renderElement: function() { this.finalTransform._matMdf && ( this.finalTransform.mat.toCSS()), this.finalTransform._opMdf && ( this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v) }, renderFrame: function() { || this.hidden || (this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.renderElement(), this.renderInnerContent(), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame !1)) }, destroy: function() { this.layerElement null, this.transformedElement null, this.matteElement && (this.matteElement null), this.maskManager && (this.maskManager.destroy(), this.maskManager null) }, createRenderableComponents: function() { this.maskManager new MaskElement(, this, this.globalData) }, addEffects: function() {}, setMatte: function() {} }, HBaseElement.prototype.getBaseElement SVGBaseElement.prototype.getBaseElement, HBaseElement.prototype.destroyBaseElement HBaseElement.prototype.destroy, HBaseElement.prototype.buildElementParenting HybridRenderer.prototype.buildElementParenting, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, HSolidElement), HSolidElement.prototype.createContent function() { var t; ? ((t createNS(rect)).setAttribute(width,, t.setAttribute(height,, t.setAttribute(fill,, this.svgElement.setAttribute(width,, this.svgElement.setAttribute(height, : ((t createTag(div)).style.width + px, + px,, this.layerElement.appendChild(t) }, extendPrototype(HybridRenderer, ICompElement, HBaseElement, HCompElement), HCompElement.prototype._createBaseContainerElements HCompElement.prototype.createContainerElements, HCompElement.prototype.createContainerElements function() { this._createBaseContainerElements(), ? (this.svgElement.setAttribute(width,, this.svgElement.setAttribute(height,, this.transformedElement this.baseElement) : this.transformedElement this.layerElement }, HCompElement.prototype.addTo3dContainer function(t, e) { for (var i, r 0; r e;) this.elementsr && this.elementsr.getBaseElement && (i this.elementsr.getBaseElement()), r + 1; i ? this.layerElement.insertBefore(t, i) : this.layerElement.appendChild(t) }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HSolidElement, SVGShapeElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, HShapeElement), HShapeElement.prototype._renderShapeFrame HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent, HShapeElement.prototype.createContent function() { var t; if ( 0, this.layerElement.appendChild(this.shapesContainer), t this.svgElement; else { t createNS(svg); var e ? : this.globalData.compSize; t.setAttribute(width, e.w), t.setAttribute(height, e.h), t.appendChild(this.shapesContainer), this.layerElement.appendChild(t) } this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.shapesContainer, 0, , !0), this.filterUniqueShapes(), this.shapeCont t }, HShapeElement.prototype.getTransformedPoint function(t, e) { var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) e ti.mProps.v.applyToPointArray(e0, e1, 0); return e }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateShapeBoundingBox function(t, e) { var i, r, s, a, n, o, h t.transformers, l o._length; if (!(l 1)) { for (i 0; i l - 1; i + 1) r this.getTransformedPoint(h,, s this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.oi), a this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.ii + 1), n this.getTransformedPoint(h, + 1), this.checkBounds(r, s, a, n, e); o.c && (r this.getTransformedPoint(h,, s this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.oi), a this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.i0), n this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.v0), this.checkBounds(r, s, a, n, e)) } }, HShapeElement.prototype.checkBounds function(t, e, i, r, s) { this.getBoundsOfCurve(t, e, i, r); var a this.shapeBoundingBox; s.x bm_min(a.left, s.x), s.xMax bm_max(a.right, s.xMax), s.y bm_min(, s.y), s.yMax bm_max(a.bottom, s.yMax) }, HShapeElement.prototype.shapeBoundingBox { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, HShapeElement.prototype.tempBoundingBox { x: 0, xMax: 0, y: 0, yMax: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, HShapeElement.prototype.getBoundsOfCurve function(t, e, i, r) { for (var s, a, n, o, h, l, p, m t0, r0, t1, r1 , f 0; f 2; ++f) if (a 6 * tf - 12 * ef + 6 * if, s -3 * tf + 9 * ef - 9 * if + 3 * rf, n 3 * ef - 3 * tf, a | 0, n | 0, 0 ! (s | 0))(h a * a - 4 * n * s) 0 || (0 (l (-a + bm_sqrt(h)) / (2 * s)) && l 1 && mf.push(this.calculateF(l, t, e, i, r, f)), 0 (p (-a - bm_sqrt(h)) / (2 * s)) && p 1 && mf.push(this.calculateF(p, t, e, i, r, f))); else { if (0 a) continue; 0 (o -n / a) && o 1 && mf.push(this.calculateF(o, t, e, i, r, f)) } this.shapeBoundingBox.left bm_min.apply(null, m0), bm_min.apply(null, m1), this.shapeBoundingBox.right bm_max.apply(null, m0), this.shapeBoundingBox.bottom bm_max.apply(null, m1) }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateF function(t, e, i, r, s, a) { return bm_pow(1 - t, 3) * ea + 3 * bm_pow(1 - t, 2) * t * ia + 3 * (1 - t) * bm_pow(t, 2) * ra + bm_pow(t, 3) * sa }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateBoundingBox function(t, e) { var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) ti && ? this.calculateShapeBoundingBox(ti, e) : ti && && this.calculateBoundingBox(, e) }, HShapeElement.prototype.currentBoxContains function(t) { return this.currentBBox.x t.x && this.currentBBox.y t.y && this.currentBBox.width + this.currentBBox.x > t.x + t.width && this.currentBBox.height + this.currentBBox.y > t.y + t.height }, HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { if (this._renderShapeFrame(), !this.hidden && (this._isFirstFrame || this._mdf)) { var t this.tempBoundingBox, e 999999; if (t.x e, t.xMax -e, t.y e, t.yMax -e, this.calculateBoundingBox(this.itemsData, t), t.width t.xMax t.x ? 0 : t.xMax - t.x, t.height t.yMax t.y ? 0 : t.yMax - t.y, this.currentBoxContains(t)) return; var i !1; this.currentBBox.w ! t.width && (this.currentBBox.w t.width, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(width, t.width), i !0), this.currentBBox.h ! t.height && (this.currentBBox.h t.height, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(height, t.height), i !0), (i || this.currentBBox.x ! t.x || this.currentBBox.y ! t.y) && (this.currentBBox.w t.width, this.currentBBox.h t.height, this.currentBBox.x t.x, this.currentBBox.y t.y, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(viewBox, this.currentBBox.x + + this.currentBBox.y + + this.currentBBox.w + + this.currentBBox.h), translate( + this.currentBBox.x + px, + this.currentBBox.y + px)) } }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ITextElement, HTextElement), HTextElement.prototype.createContent function() { if (this.isMasked this.checkMasks(), this.isMasked) { this.renderType svg, this.compW, this.compH, this.svgElement.setAttribute(width, this.compW), this.svgElement.setAttribute(height, this.compH); var t createNS(g); this.maskedElement.appendChild(t), this.innerElem t } else this.renderType html, this.innerElem this.layerElement; this.checkParenting() }, HTextElement.prototype.buildNewText function() { var t this.textProperty.currentData; this.renderedLetters createSizedArray(t.l ? t.l.length : 0); var e; e.color e.fill t.fc ? this.buildColor(t.fc) : rgba(0,0,0,0), && (e.stroke this.buildColor(, e.strokeWidth t.sw + px); var i, r, s this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f); if (!this.globalData.fontManager.chars) if (e.fontSize t.finalSize + px, e.lineHeight t.finalSize + px, s.fClass) this.innerElem.className s.fClass; else { e.fontFamily s.fFamily; var a t.fWeight, n t.fStyle; e.fontStyle n, e.fontWeight a } var o, h, l, p t.l; r p.length; var m, f this.mHelper, c , d 0; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) { if (this.globalData.fontManager.chars ? (this.textPathsd ? o this.textPathsd : ((o createNS(path)).setAttribute(stroke-linecap, butt), o.setAttribute(stroke-linejoin, round), o.setAttribute(stroke-miterlimit, 4)), this.isMasked || (this.textSpansd ? l (h this.textSpansd).children0 : ((h createTag(div)).style.lineHeight 0, (l createNS(svg)).appendChild(o), styleDiv(h)))) : this.isMasked ? o this.textPathsd ? this.textPathsd : createNS(text) : this.textSpansd ? (h this.textSpansd, o this.textPathsd) : (styleDiv(h createTag(span)), styleDiv(o createTag(span)), h.appendChild(o)), this.globalData.fontManager.chars) { var u, y this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.finalTexti, s.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily); if (u y ? : null, f.reset(), u && u.shapes && (m, f.scale(t.finalSize / 100, t.finalSize / 100), c this.createPathShape(f, m), o.setAttribute(d, c)), this.isMasked) this.innerElem.appendChild(o); else { if (this.innerElem.appendChild(h), u && u.shapes) { document.body.appendChild(l); var g l.getBBox(); l.setAttribute(width, g.width + 2), l.setAttribute(height, g.height + 2), l.setAttribute(viewBox, g.x - 1 + + (g.y - 1) + + (g.width + 2) + + (g.height + 2)), translate( + (g.x - 1) + px, + (g.y - 1) + px), pi.yOffset g.y - 1 } else l.setAttribute(width, 1), l.setAttribute(height, 1); h.appendChild(l) } } else o.textContent pi.val, o.setAttributeNS(, xml:space, preserve), this.isMasked ? this.innerElem.appendChild(o) : (this.innerElem.appendChild(h), translate3d(0, + -t.finalSize / 1.2 + px,0)); this.isMasked ? this.textSpansd o : this.textSpansd h, block, this.textPathsd o, d + 1 } for (; d this.textSpans.length;) none, d + 1 }, HTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent function() { if ( { if (!this._isFirstFrame && !this.lettersChangedFlag) return; this.isMasked && this.finalTransform._matMdf && (this.svgElement.setAttribute(viewBox, -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v0 + + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v1 + + this.compW + + this.compH), translate( + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v0 + px, + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v1 + px)) } if (this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag), this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag) { var t, e, i, r, s, a 0, n this.textAnimator.renderedLetters, o this.textProperty.currentData.l; for (e o.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) ot.n ? a + 1 : (r this.textSpanst, s this.textPathst, i na, a + 1, i._mdf.m && (this.isMasked ? r.setAttribute(transform, i.m) : i.m), i.o, i.sw && i._mdf.sw && s.setAttribute(stroke-width, i.sw), && && s.setAttribute(stroke,, i.fc && i._mdf.fc && (s.setAttribute(fill, i.fc), i.fc)); if (this.innerElem.getBBox && !this.hidden && (this._isFirstFrame || this._mdf)) { var h this.innerElem.getBBox(); this.currentBBox.w ! h.width && (this.currentBBox.w h.width, this.svgElement.setAttribute(width, h.width)), this.currentBBox.h ! h.height && (this.currentBBox.h h.height, this.svgElement.setAttribute(height, h.height)); this.currentBBox.w h.width + 2 && this.currentBBox.h h.height + 2 && this.currentBBox.x h.x - 1 && this.currentBBox.y h.y - 1 || (this.currentBBox.w h.width + 2, this.currentBBox.h h.height + 2, this.currentBBox.x h.x - 1, this.currentBBox.y h.y - 1, this.svgElement.setAttribute(viewBox, this.currentBBox.x + + this.currentBBox.y + + this.currentBBox.w + + this.currentBBox.h), translate( + this.currentBBox.x + px, + this.currentBBox.y + px)) } } }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HSolidElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, HImageElement), HImageElement.prototype.createContent function() { var t this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData), e new Image; ? (this.imageElem createNS(image), this.imageElem.setAttribute(width, this.assetData.w + px), this.imageElem.setAttribute(height, this.assetData.h + px), this.imageElem.setAttributeNS(, href, t), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.imageElem), this.baseElement.setAttribute(width, this.assetData.w), this.baseElement.setAttribute(height, this.assetData.h)) : this.layerElement.appendChild(e), e.src t, && this.baseElement.setAttribute(id, }, extendPrototype(BaseElement, FrameElement, HierarchyElement, HCameraElement), HCameraElement.prototype.setup function() { var t, e, i this.comp.threeDElements.length; for (t 0; t i; t + 1) 3d (e this.comp.threeDElementst).type && ( + px, 0px 0px 0px, matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)) }, HCameraElement.prototype.createElements function() {}, HCameraElement.prototype.hide function() {}, HCameraElement.prototype.renderFrame function() { var t, e, i this._isFirstFrame; if (this.hierarchy) for (e this.hierarchy.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) i this.hierarchyt.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || i; if (i || || this.p && this.p._mdf || this.px && (this.px._mdf || || this.pz._mdf) || this.rx._mdf || this.ry._mdf || this.rz._mdf || this.or._mdf || this.a && this.a._mdf) { if (this.mat.reset(), this.hierarchy) for (t e this.hierarchy.length - 1; 0 t; t - 1) { var r this.hierarchyt.finalTransform.mProp; this.mat.translate(-r.p.v0, -r.p.v1, r.p.v2), this.mat.rotateX(-r.or.v0).rotateY(-r.or.v1).rotateZ(r.or.v2), this.mat.rotateX(-r.rx.v).rotateY(-r.ry.v).rotateZ(r.rz.v), this.mat.scale(1 / r.s.v0, 1 / r.s.v1, 1 / r.s.v2), this.mat.translate(r.a.v0, r.a.v1, r.a.v2) } if (this.p ? this.mat.translate(-this.p.v0, -this.p.v1, this.p.v2) : this.mat.translate(-this.px.v,, this.pz.v), this.a) { var s; s this.p ? this.p.v0 - this.a.v0, this.p.v1 - this.a.v1, this.p.v2 - this.a.v2 : this.px.v - this.a.v0, - this.a.v1, this.pz.v - this.a.v2; var a Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s0, 2) + Math.pow(s1, 2) + Math.pow(s2, 2)), n s0 / a, s1 / a, s2 / a, o Math.sqrt(n2 * n2 + n0 * n0), h Math.atan2(n1, o), l Math.atan2(n0, -n2); this.mat.rotateY(l).rotateX(-h) } this.mat.rotateX(-this.rx.v).rotateY(-this.ry.v).rotateZ(this.rz.v), this.mat.rotateX(-this.or.v0).rotateY(-this.or.v1).rotateZ(this.or.v2), this.mat.translate(this.globalData.compSize.w / 2, this.globalData.compSize.h / 2, 0), this.mat.translate(0, 0,; var p !this._prevMat.equals(this.mat); if ((p || && this.comp.threeDElements) { var m; for (e this.comp.threeDElements.length, t 0; t e; t + 1) 3d (m this.comp.threeDElementst).type && (p && ( this.mat.toCSS()), && ( + px)); this.mat.clone(this._prevMat) } } this._isFirstFrame !1 }, HCameraElement.prototype.prepareFrame function(t) { this.prepareProperties(t, !0) }, HCameraElement.prototype.destroy function() {}, HCameraElement.prototype.getBaseElement function() { return null }, HEffects.prototype.renderFrame function() {}; var animationManager function() { var t {}, s , r 0, a 0, n 0, o !0, h !1; function i(t) { for (var e 0, i; e a;) se.animation i && (s.splice(e, 1), e - 1, a - 1, i.isPaused || m()), e + 1 } function l(t, e) { if (!t) return null; for (var i 0; i a;) { if (si.elem t && null ! si.elem) return si.animation; i + 1 } var r new AnimationItem; return f(r, t), r.setData(t, e), r } function p() { n + 1, d() } function m() { n - 1 } function f(t, e) { t.addEventListener(destroy, i), t.addEventListener(_active, p), t.addEventListener(_idle, m), s.push({ elem: e, animation: t }), a + 1 } function c(t) { var e, i t - r; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.advanceTime(i); r t, n && !h ? window.requestAnimationFrame(c) : o !0 } function e(t) { r t, window.requestAnimationFrame(c) } function d() { !h && n && o && (window.requestAnimationFrame(e), o !1) } return t.registerAnimation l, t.loadAnimation function(t) { var e new AnimationItem; return f(e, null), e.setParams(t), e }, t.setSpeed function(t, e) { var i; for (i 0; i a; i + 1) si.animation.setSpeed(t, e) }, t.setDirection function(t, e) { var i; for (i 0; i a; i + 1) si.animation.setDirection(t, e) }, function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) }, t.pause function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.pause(t) }, t.stop function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.stop(t) }, t.togglePause function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.togglePause(t) }, t.searchAnimations function(t, e, i) { var r, s .concat(,, a s.length; for (r 0; r a; r + 1) i && sr.setAttribute(data-bm-type, i), l(sr, t); if (e && 0 a) { i || (i svg); var n document.getElementsByTagName(body)0; n.innerText ; var o createTag(div); 100%, 100%, o.setAttribute(data-bm-type, i), n.appendChild(o), l(o, t) } }, t.resize function() { var t; for (t 0; t a; t + 1) st.animation.resize() }, t.goToAndStop function(t, e, i) { var r; for (r 0; r a; r + 1) sr.animation.goToAndStop(t, e, i) }, t.destroy function(t) { var e; for (e a - 1; 0 e; e - 1) se.animation.destroy(t) }, t.freeze function() { h !0 }, t.unfreeze function() { h !1, d() }, t.setVolume function(t, e) { var i; for (i 0; i a; i + 1) si.animation.setVolume(t, e) }, t.mute function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.mute(t) }, t.unmute function(t) { var e; for (e 0; e a; e + 1) se.animation.unmute(t) }, t.getRegisteredAnimations function() { var t, e s.length, i ; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) i.push(st.animation); return i }, t }(), AnimationItem function() { this._cbs , , this.path , this.isLoaded !1, this.currentFrame 0, this.currentRawFrame 0, this.firstFrame 0, this.totalFrames 0, this.frameRate 0, this.frameMult 0, this.playSpeed 1, this.playDirection 1, this.playCount 0, this.animationData {}, this.assets , this.isPaused !0, this.autoplay !1, this.loop !0, this.renderer null, this.animationID createElementID(), this.assetsPath , this.timeCompleted 0, this.segmentPos 0, this.isSubframeEnabled subframeEnabled, this.segments , this._idle !0, this._completedLoop !1, this.projectInterface ProjectInterface(), this.imagePreloader new ImagePreloader, this.audioController audioControllerFactory() }; extendPrototype(BaseEvent, AnimationItem), AnimationItem.prototype.setParams function(t) { (t.wrapper || t.container) && (this.wrapper t.wrapper || t.container); var e t.animType ? t.animType : t.renderer ? t.renderer : svg; switch (e) { case canvas: this.renderer new CanvasRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings); break; case svg: this.renderer new SVGRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings); break; default: this.renderer new HybridRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings) } this.imagePreloader.setCacheType(e), this.renderer.setProjectInterface(this.projectInterface), this.animType e, t.loop || null t.loop || void 0 t.loop || !0 t.loop ? this.loop !0 : !1 t.loop ? this.loop !1 : this.loop parseInt(t.loop), this.autoplay !(autoplay in t) || t.autoplay, ? : , this.autoloadSegments !t.hasOwnProperty(autoloadSegments) || t.autoloadSegments, this.assetsPath t.assetsPath, this.initialSegment t.initialSegment, t.audioFactory && this.audioController.setAudioFactory(t.audioFactory), t.animationData ? this.configAnimation(t.animationData) : t.path && (-1 ! t.path.lastIndexOf(\\) ? this.path t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf(\\) + 1) : this.path t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf(/) + 1), this.fileName t.path.substr(t.path.lastIndexOf(/) + 1), this.fileName this.fileName.substr(0, this.fileName.lastIndexOf(.json)), assetLoader.load(t.path, this.configAnimation.bind(this), function() { this.trigger(data_failed) }.bind(this))) }, AnimationItem.prototype.setData function(t, e) { var i { wrapper: t, animationData: e ? object typeof e ? e : JSON.parse(e) : null }, r t.attributes; i.path r.getNamedItem(data-animation-path) ? r.getNamedItem(data-animation-path).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-path) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-path).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-path) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-path).value : , i.animType r.getNamedItem(data-anim-type) ? r.getNamedItem(data-anim-type).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-type) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-type).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-type) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-type).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-renderer) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-renderer).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-renderer) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-renderer).value : canvas; var s r.getNamedItem(data-anim-loop) ? r.getNamedItem(data-anim-loop).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-loop) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-loop).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-loop) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-loop).value : ; s || (i.loop false ! s && (true s || parseInt(s))); var a r.getNamedItem(data-anim-autoplay) ? r.getNamedItem(data-anim-autoplay).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-autoplay) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-autoplay).value : !r.getNamedItem(bm-autoplay) || r.getNamedItem(bm-autoplay).value; i.autoplay false ! a, r.getNamedItem(data-name) ? r.getNamedItem(data-name).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-name) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-name).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-name) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-name).value : , false (r.getNamedItem(data-anim-prerender) ? r.getNamedItem(data-anim-prerender).value : r.getNamedItem(data-bm-prerender) ? r.getNamedItem(data-bm-prerender).value : r.getNamedItem(bm-prerender) ? r.getNamedItem(bm-prerender).value : ) && (i.prerender !1), this.setParams(i) }, AnimationItem.prototype.includeLayers function(t) { t.op > this.animationData.op && (this.animationData.op t.op, this.totalFrames Math.floor(t.op - this.animationData.ip)); var e, i, r this.animationData.layers, s r.length, a t.layers, n a.length; for (i 0; i n; i + 1) for (e 0; e s;) { if ( { re ai; break } e + 1 } if ((t.chars || t.fonts) && (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, this.renderer.globalData.defs)), t.assets) for (s t.assets.length, e 0; e s; e + 1) this.animationData.assets.push(t.assetse); this.animationData.__complete !1, dataManager.completeData(this.animationData, this.renderer.globalData.fontManager), this.renderer.includeLayers(t.layers), expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this), this.loadNextSegment() }, AnimationItem.prototype.loadNextSegment function() { var t this.animationData.segments; if (!t || 0 t.length || !this.autoloadSegments) return this.trigger(data_ready), void(this.timeCompleted this.totalFrames); var e t.shift(); this.timeCompleted e.time * this.frameRate; var i this.path + this.fileName + _ + this.segmentPos + .json; this.segmentPos + 1, assetLoader.load(i, this.includeLayers.bind(this), function() { this.trigger(data_failed) }.bind(this)) }, AnimationItem.prototype.loadSegments function() { this.animationData.segments || (this.timeCompleted this.totalFrames), this.loadNextSegment() }, AnimationItem.prototype.imagesLoaded function() { this.trigger(loaded_images), this.checkLoaded() }, AnimationItem.prototype.preloadImages function() { this.imagePreloader.setAssetsPath(this.assetsPath), this.imagePreloader.setPath(this.path), this.imagePreloader.loadAssets(this.animationData.assets, this.imagesLoaded.bind(this)) }, AnimationItem.prototype.configAnimation function(t) { if (this.renderer) try { this.animationData t, this.initialSegment ? (this.totalFrames Math.floor(this.initialSegment1 - this.initialSegment0), this.firstFrame Math.round(this.initialSegment0)) : (this.totalFrames Math.floor(this.animationData.op - this.animationData.ip), this.firstFrame Math.round(this.animationData.ip)), this.renderer.configAnimation(t), t.assets || (t.assets ), this.assets this.animationData.assets, this.frameRate, this.frameMult / 1e3, this.renderer.searchExtraCompositions(t.assets), this.trigger(config_ready), this.preloadImages(), this.loadSegments(), this.updaFrameModifier(), this.waitForFontsLoaded(), this.isPaused && this.audioController.pause() } catch (t) { this.triggerConfigError(t) } }, AnimationItem.prototype.waitForFontsLoaded function() { this.renderer && (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded ? this.checkLoaded() : setTimeout(this.waitForFontsLoaded.bind(this), 20)) }, AnimationItem.prototype.checkLoaded function() { this.isLoaded || !this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded || !this.imagePreloader.loaded() && canvas this.renderer.rendererType || (this.isLoaded !0, dataManager.completeData(this.animationData, this.renderer.globalData.fontManager), expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this), this.renderer.initItems(), setTimeout(function() { this.trigger(DOMLoaded) }.bind(this), 0), this.gotoFrame(), this.autoplay && }, AnimationItem.prototype.resize function() { this.renderer.updateContainerSize() }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSubframe function(t) { this.isSubframeEnabled !!t }, AnimationItem.prototype.gotoFrame function() { this.currentFrame this.isSubframeEnabled ? this.currentRawFrame : ~~this.currentRawFrame, this.timeCompleted ! this.totalFrames && this.currentFrame > this.timeCompleted && (this.currentFrame this.timeCompleted), this.trigger(enterFrame), this.renderFrame() }, AnimationItem.prototype.renderFrame function() { if (!1 ! this.isLoaded) try { this.renderer.renderFrame(this.currentFrame + this.firstFrame) } catch (t) { this.triggerRenderFrameError(t) } }, function(t) { t && ! t || !0 this.isPaused && (this.isPaused !1, this.audioController.resume(), this._idle && (this._idle !1, this.trigger(_active))) }, AnimationItem.prototype.pause function(t) { t && ! t || !1 this.isPaused && (this.isPaused !0, this._idle !0, this.trigger(_idle), this.audioController.pause()) }, AnimationItem.prototype.togglePause function(t) { t && ! t || (!0 this.isPaused ? : this.pause()) }, AnimationItem.prototype.stop function(t) { t && ! t || (this.pause(), this.playCount 0, this._completedLoop !1, this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(0)) }, AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndStop function(t, e, i) { i && ! i || (e ? this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t * this.frameModifier), this.pause()) }, AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndPlay function(t, e, i) { this.goToAndStop(t, e, i), }, AnimationItem.prototype.advanceTime function(t) { if (!0 ! this.isPaused && !1 ! this.isLoaded) { var e this.currentRawFrame + t * this.frameModifier, i !1; e > this.totalFrames - 1 && 0 this.frameModifier ? this.loop && this.playCount ! this.loop ? e > this.totalFrames ? (this.playCount + 1, this.checkSegments(e % this.totalFrames) || (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e % this.totalFrames), this._completedLoop !0, this.trigger(loopComplete))) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e) : this.checkSegments(e > this.totalFrames ? e % this.totalFrames : 0) || (i !0, e this.totalFrames - 1) : e 0 ? this.checkSegments(e % this.totalFrames) || (!this.loop || this.playCount-- 0 && !0 ! this.loop ? (i !0, e 0) : (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.totalFrames + e % this.totalFrames), this._completedLoop ? this.trigger(loopComplete) : this._completedLoop !0)) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e), i && (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e), this.pause(), this.trigger(complete)) } }, AnimationItem.prototype.adjustSegment function(t, e) { this.playCount 0, t1 t0 ? (0 this.frameModifier && (this.playSpeed 0 ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed) : this.setDirection(-1)), this.timeCompleted this.totalFrames t0 - t1, this.firstFrame t1, this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.totalFrames - .001 - e)) : t1 > t0 && (this.frameModifier 0 && (this.playSpeed 0 ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed) : this.setDirection(1)), this.timeCompleted this.totalFrames t1 - t0, this.firstFrame t0, this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(.001 + e)), this.trigger(segmentStart) }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSegment function(t, e) { var i -1; this.isPaused && (this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame t ? i t : this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame > e && (i e - t)), this.firstFrame t, this.timeCompleted this.totalFrames e - t, -1 ! i && this.goToAndStop(i, !0) }, AnimationItem.prototype.playSegments function(t, e) { if (e && (this.segments.length 0), object typeof t0) { var i, r t.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) this.segments.push(ti) } else this.segments.push(t); this.segments.length && e && this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), 0), this.isPaused && }, AnimationItem.prototype.resetSegments function(t) { this.segments.length 0, this.segments.push(this.animationData.ip, this.animationData.op), t && this.checkSegments(0) }, AnimationItem.prototype.checkSegments function(t) { return !!this.segments.length && (this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), t), !0) }, AnimationItem.prototype.destroy function(t) { t && ! t || !this.renderer || (this.renderer.destroy(), this.imagePreloader.destroy(), this.trigger(destroy), this._cbs null, this.onEnterFrame this.onLoopComplete this.onComplete this.onSegmentStart this.onDestroy null, this.renderer null) }, AnimationItem.prototype.setCurrentRawFrameValue function(t) { this.currentRawFrame t, this.gotoFrame() }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSpeed function(t) { this.playSpeed t, this.updaFrameModifier() }, AnimationItem.prototype.setDirection function(t) { this.playDirection t 0 ? -1 : 1, this.updaFrameModifier() }, AnimationItem.prototype.setVolume function(t, e) { e && ! e || this.audioController.setVolume(t) }, AnimationItem.prototype.getVolume function() { return this.audioController.getVolume() }, AnimationItem.prototype.mute function(t) { t && ! t || this.audioController.mute() }, AnimationItem.prototype.unmute function(t) { t && ! t || this.audioController.unmute() }, AnimationItem.prototype.updaFrameModifier function() { this.frameModifier this.frameMult * this.playSpeed * this.playDirection, this.audioController.setRate(this.playSpeed * this.playDirection) }, AnimationItem.prototype.getPath function() { return this.path }, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetsPath function(t) { var e ; if (t.e) e t.p; else if (this.assetsPath) { var i t.p; - 1 ! i.indexOf(images/) && (i i.split(/)1), e this.assetsPath + i } else e this.path, e + t.u ? t.u : , e + t.p; return e }, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetData function(t) { for (var e 0, i this.assets.length; e i;) { if (t return this.assetse; e + 1 } }, AnimationItem.prototype.hide function() { this.renderer.hide() }, function() { }, AnimationItem.prototype.getDuration function(t) { return t ? this.totalFrames : this.totalFrames / this.frameRate }, AnimationItem.prototype.trigger function(t) { if (this._cbs && this._cbst) switch (t) { case enterFrame: this.triggerEvent(t, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameModifier)); break; case loopComplete: this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult)); break; case complete: this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)); break; case segmentStart: this.triggerEvent(t, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames)); break; case destroy: this.triggerEvent(t, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this)); break; default: this.triggerEvent(t) } enterFrame t && this.onEnterFrame &&, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameMult)), loopComplete t && this.onLoopComplete &&, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult)), complete t && this.onComplete &&, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)), segmentStart t && this.onSegmentStart &&, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames)), destroy t && this.onDestroy &&, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this)) }, AnimationItem.prototype.triggerRenderFrameError function(t) { var e new BMRenderFrameErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame); this.triggerEvent(error, e), this.onError &&, e) }, AnimationItem.prototype.triggerConfigError function(t) { var e new BMConfigErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame); this.triggerEvent(error, e), this.onError &&, e) }; var Expressions (fY {}, fY.initExpressions function(t) { var e 0, i ; function r() { var t, e i.length; for (t 0; t e; t + 1) it.release(); i.length 0 } t.renderer.compInterface CompExpressionInterface(t.renderer), t.renderer.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(t.renderer), t.renderer.globalData.pushExpression function() { e + 1 }, t.renderer.globalData.popExpression function() { 0 (e - 1) && r() }, t.renderer.globalData.registerExpressionProperty function(t) { -1 i.indexOf(t) && i.push(t) } }, fY), fY; expressionsPlugin Expressions; var ExpressionManager function() { var ob {}, Math BMMath, window null, document null; function $bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) { return t.constructor Array || t.constructor Float32Array } function isNumerable(t, e) { return number t || boolean t || string t || e instanceof Number } function $bm_neg(t) { var e typeof t; if (number e || boolean e || t instanceof Number) return -t; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t)) { var i, r t.length, s ; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) si -ti; return s } return t.propType ? t.v : void 0 } var easeInBez BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.333, 0, .833, .833, easeIn).get, easeOutBez BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.167, .167, .667, 1, easeOut).get, easeInOutBez BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.33, 0, .667, 1, easeInOut).get; function sum(t, e) { var i typeof t, r typeof e; if (string i || string r) return t + e; if (isNumerable(i, t) && isNumerable(r, e)) return t + e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(r, e)) return (t t.slice(0))0 t0 + e, t; if (isNumerable(i, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) return (e e.slice(0))0 t + e0, e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) { for (var s 0, a t.length, n e.length, o ; s a || s n;)(number typeof ts || ts instanceof Number) && (number typeof es || es instanceof Number) ? os ts + es : os void 0 es ? ts : ts || es, s + 1; return o } return 0 } var add sum; function sub(t, e) { var i typeof t, r typeof e; if (isNumerable(i, t) && isNumerable(r, e)) return string i && (t parseInt(t)), string r && (e parseInt(e)), t - e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(r, e)) return (t t.slice(0))0 t0 - e, t; if (isNumerable(i, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) return (e e.slice(0))0 t - e0, e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) { for (var s 0, a t.length, n e.length, o ; s a || s n;)(number typeof ts || ts instanceof Number) && (number typeof es || es instanceof Number) ? os ts - es : os void 0 es ? ts : ts || es, s + 1; return o } return 0 } function mul(t, e) { var i, r, s, a typeof t, n typeof e; if (isNumerable(a, t) && isNumerable(n, e)) return t * e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(n, e)) { for (s t.length, i createTypedArray(float32, s), r 0; r s; r + 1) ir tr * e; return i } if (isNumerable(a, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) { for (s e.length, i createTypedArray(float32, s), r 0; r s; r + 1) ir t * er; return i } return 0 } function div(t, e) { var i, r, s, a typeof t, n typeof e; if (isNumerable(a, t) && isNumerable(n, e)) return t / e; if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(n, e)) { for (s t.length, i createTypedArray(float32, s), r 0; r s; r + 1) ir tr / e; return i } if (isNumerable(a, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) { for (s e.length, i createTypedArray(float32, s), r 0; r s; r + 1) ir t / er; return i } return 0 } function mod(t, e) { return string typeof t && (t parseInt(t)), string typeof e && (e parseInt(e)), t % e } var $bm_sum sum, $bm_sub sub, $bm_mul mul, $bm_div div, $bm_mod mod; function clamp(t, e, i) { if (i e) { var r i; i e, e r } return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), i) } function radiansToDegrees(t) { return t / degToRads } var radians_to_degrees radiansToDegrees; function degreesToRadians(t) { return t * degToRads } var degrees_to_radians radiansToDegrees, helperLengthArray 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; function length(t, e) { if (number typeof t || t instanceof Number) return e e || 0, Math.abs(t - e); e || (e helperLengthArray); var i, r Math.min(t.length, e.length), s 0; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) s + Math.pow(ei - ti, 2); return Math.sqrt(s) } function normalize(t) { return div(t, length(t)) } function rgbToHsl(t) { var e, i, r t0, s t1, a t2, n Math.max(r, s, a), o Math.min(r, s, a), h (n + o) / 2; if (n o) e i 0; else { var l n - o; switch (i .5 h ? l / (2 - n - o) : l / (n + o), n) { case r: e (s - a) / l + (s a ? 6 : 0); break; case s: e (a - r) / l + 2; break; case a: e (r - s) / l + 4 } e / 6 } return e, i, h, t3 } function hue2rgb(t, e, i) { return i 0 && (i + 1), 1 i && (i - 1), i 1 / 6 ? t + 6 * (e - t) * i : i .5 ? e : i 2 / 3 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t } function hslToRgb(t) { var e, i, r, s t0, a t1, n t2; if (0 a) e i r n; else { var o n .5 ? n * (1 + a) : n + a - n * a, h 2 * n - o; e hue2rgb(h, o, s + 1 / 3), i hue2rgb(h, o, s), r hue2rgb(h, o, s - 1 / 3) } return e, i, r, t3 } function linear(t, e, i, r, s) { if (void 0 ! r && void 0 ! s || (r e, s i, e 0, i 1), i e) { var a i; i e, e a } if (t e) return r; if (i t) return s; var n i e ? 0 : (t - e) / (i - e); if (!r.length) return r + (s - r) * n; var o, h r.length, l createTypedArray(float32, h); for (o 0; o h; o + 1) lo ro + (so - ro) * n; return l } function random(t, e) { if (void 0 e && (void 0 t ? (t 0, e 1) : (e t, t void 0)), e.length) { var i, r e.length; t || (t createTypedArray(float32, r)); var s createTypedArray(float32, r), a BMMath.random(); for (i 0; i r; i + 1) si ti + a * (ei - ti); return s } return void 0 t && (t 0), t + BMMath.random() * (e - t) } function createPath(t, e, i, r) { var s, a t.length, n shape_pool.newElement(); n.setPathData(!!r, a); var o, h, l 0, 0; for (s 0; s a; s + 1) o e && es ? es : l, h i && is ? is : l, n.setTripleAt(ts0, ts1, h0 + ts0, h1 + ts1, o0 + ts0, o1 + ts1, s, !0); return n } function initiateExpression(elem, data, property) { var val data.x, needsVelocity /velocity(?!\w\d)/.test(val), _needsRandom -1 ! val.indexOf(random), elemType, transform, $bm_transform, content, effect, thisProperty property; thisProperty.valueAtTime thisProperty.getValueAtTime, Object.defineProperty(thisProperty, value, { get: function() { return thisProperty.v } }), elem.comp.frameDuration 1 / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, elem.comp.displayStartTime 0; var inPoint / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, outPoint / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, width ? : 0, height ? : 0, name, loopIn, loop_in, loopOut, loop_out, smooth, toWorld, fromWorld, fromComp, toComp, fromCompToSurface, position, rotation, anchorPoint, scale, thisLayer, thisComp, mask, valueAtTime, velocityAtTime, __expression_functions , scoped_bm_rt; if (data.xf) { var i, len data.xf.length; for (i 0; i len; i + 1) __expression_functionsi eval((function(){ return + data.xfi + }())) } var expression_function eval(function _expression_function(){ + val + ;scoped_bm_rt$bm_rt})0, numKeys property.kf ? data.k.length : 0, active ! || !0 !, wiggle function(t, e) { var i, r, s this.pv.length ? this.pv.length : 1, a createTypedArray(float32, s); var n Math.floor(5 * time); for (r i 0; i n;) { for (r 0; r s; r + 1) ar + -e + 2 * e * BMMath.random(); i + 1 } var o 5 * time, h o - Math.floor(o), l createTypedArray(float32, s); if (1 s) { for (r 0; r s; r + 1) lr this.pvr + ar + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h; return l } return this.pv + a0 + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h }.bind(this); function loopInDuration(t, e) { return loopIn(t, e, !0) } function loopOutDuration(t, e) { return loopOut(t, e, !0) } thisProperty.loopIn && (loopIn thisProperty.loopIn.bind(thisProperty), loop_in loopIn), thisProperty.loopOut && (loopOut thisProperty.loopOut.bind(thisProperty), loop_out loopOut), thisProperty.smooth && (smooth thisProperty.smooth.bind(thisProperty)), this.getValueAtTime && (valueAtTime this.getValueAtTime.bind(this)), this.getVelocityAtTime && (velocityAtTime this.getVelocityAtTime.bind(this)); var comp elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface.bind(elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface), time, velocity, value, text, textIndex, textTotal, selectorValue; function lookAt(t, e) { var i e0 - t0, e1 - t1, e2 - t2, r Math.atan2(i0, Math.sqrt(i1 * i1 + i2 * i2)) / degToRads; return -Math.atan2(i1, i2) / degToRads, r, 0 } function easeOut(t, e, i, r, s) { return applyEase(easeOutBez, t, e, i, r, s) } function easeIn(t, e, i, r, s) { return applyEase(easeInBez, t, e, i, r, s) } function ease(t, e, i, r, s) { return applyEase(easeInOutBez, t, e, i, r, s) } function applyEase(t, e, i, r, s, a) { void 0 s ? (s i, a r) : e (e - i) / (r - i); var n t(e 1 e ? 1 : e 0 ? 0 : e); if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(s)) { var o, h s.length, l createTypedArray(float32, h); for (o 0; o h; o + 1) lo (ao - so) * n + so; return l } return (a - s) * n + s } function nearestKey(t) { var e, i, r, s data.k.length; if (data.k.length && number ! typeof data.k0) if (i -1, (t * elem.comp.globalData.frameRate) data.k0.t) i 1, r data.k0.t; else { for (e 0; e s - 1; e + 1) { if (t { i e + 1, r; break } if (t > && t + 1.t) { r t - > + 1.t - t ? (i e + 2, + 1.t) : (i e + 1,; break } } - 1 i && (i e + 1, r } else r i 0; var a {}; return a.index i, a.time r / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, a } function key(t) { var e, i, r; if (!data.k.length || number typeof data.k0) throw new Error(The property has no keyframe at index + t); t - 1, e { time: data.kt.t / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, value: }; var s data.kt.hasOwnProperty(s) ? data.kt.s : data.kt - 1.e; for (r s.length, i 0; i r; i + 1) ei si, e.valuei si; return e } function framesToTime(t, e) { return e || (e elem.comp.globalData.frameRate), t / e } function timeToFrames(t, e) { return t || 0 t || (t time), e || (e elem.comp.globalData.frameRate), t * e } function seedRandom(t) { BMMath.seedrandom(randSeed + t) } function sourceRectAtTime() { return elem.sourceRectAtTime() } function substring(t, e) { return string typeof value ? void 0 e ? value.substring(t) : value.substring(t, e) : } function substr(t, e) { return string typeof value ? void 0 e ? value.substr(t) : value.substr(t, e) : } function posterizeTime(t) { time 0 t ? 0 : Math.floor(time * t) / t, value valueAtTime(time) } var index, hasParent !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length), parent, randSeed Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random()), globalData elem.globalData; function executeExpression(t) { return value t, _needsRandom && seedRandom(randSeed), this.frameExpressionId elem.globalData.frameId && textSelector ! this.propType ? value : (textSelector this.propType && (textIndex this.textIndex, textTotal this.textTotal, selectorValue this.selectorValue), thisLayer || (text elem.layerInterface.text, thisLayer elem.layerInterface, thisComp elem.comp.compInterface, toWorld thisLayer.toWorld.bind(thisLayer), fromWorld thisLayer.fromWorld.bind(thisLayer), fromComp thisLayer.fromComp.bind(thisLayer), toComp thisLayer.toComp.bind(thisLayer), mask thisLayer.mask ? thisLayer.mask.bind(thisLayer) : null, fromCompToSurface fromComp), transform || (transform elem.layerInterface(ADBE Transform Group), ($bm_transform transform) && (anchorPoint transform.anchorPoint)), 4 ! elemType || content || (content thisLayer(ADBE Root Vectors Group)), effect || (effect thisLayer(4)), (hasParent !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length)) && !parent && (parent elem.hierarchy0.layerInterface), time this.comp.renderedFrame / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, needsVelocity && (velocity velocityAtTime(time)), expression_function(), this.frameExpressionId elem.globalData.frameId, shape scoped_bm_rt.propType && (scoped_bm_rt scoped_bm_rt.v), scoped_bm_rt) } return executeExpression } return ob.initiateExpression initiateExpression, ob }(), expressionHelpers { searchExpressions: function(t, e, i) { e.x && (i.k !0, i.x !0, i.initiateExpression ExpressionManager.initiateExpression, i.effectsSequence.push(i.initiateExpression(t, e, i).bind(i))) }, getSpeedAtTime: function(t) { var e this.getValueAtTime(t), i this.getValueAtTime(t + -.01), r 0; if (e.length) { var s; for (s 0; s e.length; s + 1) r + Math.pow(is - es, 2); r 100 * Math.sqrt(r) } else r 0; return r }, getVelocityAtTime: function(t) { if (void 0 ! this.vel) return this.vel; var e, i, r this.getValueAtTime(t), s this.getValueAtTime(t + -.001); if (r.length) for (e createTypedArray(float32, r.length), i 0; i r.length; i + 1) ei (si - ri) / -.001; else e (s - r) / -.001; return e }, getValueAtTime: function(t) { return t * this.elem.globalData.frameRate, (t - this.offsetTime) ! this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame && (this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame t ? this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex : 0, this._cachingAtTime.value this.interpolateValue(t, this._cachingAtTime), this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame t), this._cachingAtTime.value }, getStaticValueAtTime: function() { return this.pv }, setGroupProperty: function(t) { this.propertyGroup t } }; ! function() { function o(t, e, i) { if (!this.k || !this.keyframes) return this.pv; t t ? t.toLowerCase() : ; var r, s, a, n, o, h this.comp.renderedFrame, l this.keyframes, p ll.length - 1.t; if (h p) return this.pv; if (i ? s p - (r e ? Math.abs(p - elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, p - : ((!e || e > l.length - 1) && (e l.length - 1), r p - (s ll.length - 1 - e.t)), pingpong t) { if (Math.floor((h - s) / r) % 2 ! 0) return this.getValueAtTime((r - (h - s) % r + s) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0) } else { if (offset t) { var m this.getValueAtTime(s / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), f this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), c this.getValueAtTime(((h - s) % r + s) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), d Math.floor((h - s) / r); if (this.pv.length) { for (n (o new Array(m.length)).length, a 0; a n; a + 1) oa (fa - ma) * d + ca; return o } return (f - m) * d + c } if (continue t) { var u this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), y this.getValueAtTime((p - .001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0); if (this.pv.length) { for (n (o new Array(u.length)).length, a 0; a n; a + 1) oa ua + (ua - ya) * ((h - p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate) / 5e-4; return o } return u + (h - p) / .001 * (u - y) } } return this.getValueAtTime(((h - s) % r + s) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0) } function h(t, e, i) { if (!this.k) return this.pv; t t ? t.toLowerCase() : ; var r, s, a, n, o, h this.comp.renderedFrame, l this.keyframes, p l0.t; if (p h) return this.pv; if (i ? s p + (r e ? Math.abs(elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, - p)) : ((!e || e > l.length - 1) && (e l.length - 1), r (s le.t) - p), pingpong t) { if (Math.floor((p - h) / r) % 2 0) return this.getValueAtTime(((p - h) % r + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0) } else { if (offset t) { var m this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), f this.getValueAtTime(s / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), c this.getValueAtTime((r - (p - h) % r + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), d Math.floor((p - h) / r) + 1; if (this.pv.length) { for (n (o new Array(m.length)).length, a 0; a n; a + 1) oa ca - (fa - ma) * d; return o } return c - (f - m) * d } if (continue t) { var u this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0), y this.getValueAtTime((p + .001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0); if (this.pv.length) { for (n (o new Array(u.length)).length, a 0; a n; a + 1) oa ua + (ua - ya) * (p - h) / .001; return o } return u + (u - y) * (p - h) / .001 } } return this.getValueAtTime((r - (p - h) % r + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0) } function l(t, e) { if (!this.k) return this.pv; if (t .5 * (t || .4), (e Math.floor(e || 5)) 1) return this.pv; var i, r, s this.comp.renderedFrame / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, a s - t, n 1 e ? (s + t - a) / (e - 1) : 1, o 0, h 0; for (i this.pv.length ? createTypedArray(float32, this.pv.length) : 0; o e;) { if (r this.getValueAtTime(a + o * n), this.pv.length) for (h 0; h this.pv.length; h + 1) ih + rh; else i + r; o + 1 } if (this.pv.length) for (h 0; h this.pv.length; h + 1) ih / e; else i / e; return i } var s TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty; TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty function(t, e, i) { var r s(t, e, i); return r.dynamicProperties.length ? r.getValueAtTime function(t) { this._transformCachingAtTime || (this._transformCachingAtTime { v: new Matrix }); var e this._transformCachingAtTime.v; if (e.cloneFromProps(this.pre.props), this.appliedTransformations 1) { var i this.a.getValueAtTime(t); e.translate(-i0 * this.a.mult, -i1 * this.a.mult, i2 * this.a.mult) } if (this.appliedTransformations 2) { var r this.s.getValueAtTime(t); e.scale(r0 * this.s.mult, r1 * this.s.mult, r2 * this.s.mult) } if ( && this.appliedTransformations 3) { var s, a; e.skewFromAxis(-s *, a * } if (this.r && this.appliedTransformations 4) { var n this.r.getValueAtTime(t); e.rotate(-n * this.r.mult) } else if (!this.r && this.appliedTransformations 4) { var o this.rz.getValueAtTime(t), h this.ry.getValueAtTime(t), l this.rx.getValueAtTime(t), p this.or.getValueAtTime(t); e.rotateZ(-o * this.rz.mult).rotateY(h * this.ry.mult).rotateX(l * this.rx.mult).rotateZ(-p2 * this.or.mult).rotateY(p1 * this.or.mult).rotateX(p0 * this.or.mult) } if ( && { var m this.px.getValueAtTime(t), f; if ( { var c this.pz.getValueAtTime(t); e.translate(m * this.px.mult, f *, -c * this.pz.mult) } else e.translate(m * this.px.mult, f *, 0) } else { var d this.p.getValueAtTime(t); e.translate(d0 * this.p.mult, d1 * this.p.mult, -d2 * this.p.mult) } return e }.bind(r) : r.getValueAtTime function(t) { return this.v.clone(new Matrix) }.bind(r), r.setGroupProperty expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty, r }; var p PropertyFactory.getProp; PropertyFactory.getProp function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a p(t, e, i, r, s); a.kf ? a.getValueAtTime expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(a) : a.getValueAtTime expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(a), a.setGroupProperty expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty, a.loopOut o, a.loopIn h, a.smooth l, a.getVelocityAtTime expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime.bind(a), a.getSpeedAtTime expressionHelpers.getSpeedAtTime.bind(a), a.numKeys 1 e.a ? e.k.length : 0, a.propertyIndex e.ix; var n 0; return 0 ! i && (n createTypedArray(float32, 1 e.a ? e.k0.s.length : e.k.length)), a._cachingAtTime { lastFrame: initialDefaultFrame, lastIndex: 0, value: n }, expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e, a), a.k && s.addDynamicProperty(a), a }; var t ShapePropertyFactory.getConstructorFunction(), e ShapePropertyFactory.getKeyframedConstructorFunction(); function i() {} i.prototype { vertices: function(t, e) { this.k && this.getValue(); var i this.v; void 0 ! e && (i this.getValueAtTime(e, 0)); var r, s i._length, a it, n i.v, o createSizedArray(s); for (r 0; r s; r + 1) or i t || o t ? ar0 - nr0, ar1 - nr1 : ar0, ar1; return o }, points: function(t) { return this.vertices(v, t) }, inTangents: function(t) { return this.vertices(i, t) }, outTangents: function(t) { return this.vertices(o, t) }, isClosed: function() { return this.v.c }, pointOnPath: function(t, e) { var i this.v; void 0 ! e && (i this.getValueAtTime(e, 0)), this._segmentsLength || (this._segmentsLength bez.getSegmentsLength(i)); for (var r, s this._segmentsLength, a s.lengths, n s.totalLength * t, o 0, h a.length, l 0; o h;) { if (l + ao.addedLength > n) { var p o, m i.c && o h - 1 ? 0 : o + 1, f (n - l) / ao.addedLength; r bez.getPointInSegment(i.vp, i.vm, i.op,, f, ao); break } l + ao.addedLength, o + 1 } return r || (r i.c ? i.v00, i.v01 : - 10, - 11), r }, vectorOnPath: function(t, e, i) { t 1 t ? this.v.c ? 0 : .999 : t; var r this.pointOnPath(t, e), s this.pointOnPath(t + .001, e), a s0 - r0, n s1 - r1, o Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(n, 2)); return 0 o ? 0, 0 : tangent i ? a / o, n / o : -n / o, a / o }, tangentOnPath: function(t, e) { return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, tangent) }, normalOnPath: function(t, e) { return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, normal) }, setGroupProperty: expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty, getValueAtTime: expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime }, extendPrototype(i, t), extendPrototype(i, e), e.prototype.getValueAtTime function(t) { return this._cachingAtTime || (this._cachingAtTime { shapeValue: shape_pool.clone(this.pv), lastIndex: 0, lastTime: initialDefaultFrame }), t * this.elem.globalData.frameRate, (t - this.offsetTime) ! this._cachingAtTime.lastTime && (this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex this._cachingAtTime.lastTime t ? this._caching.lastIndex : 0, this._cachingAtTime.lastTime t, this.interpolateShape(t, this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue, this._cachingAtTime)), this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue }, e.prototype.initiateExpression ExpressionManager.initiateExpression; var n ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp; ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp function(t, e, i, r, s) { var a n(t, e, i, r, s); return a.propertyIndex e.ix, a.lock !1, 3 i ? expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t,, a) : 4 i && expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e.ks, a), a.k && t.addDynamicProperty(a), a } }(), TextProperty.prototype.getExpressionValue function(t, e) { var i this.calculateExpression(e); if (t.t i) return t; var r {}; return this.copyData(r, t), r.t i.toString(), r.__complete !1, r }, TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty function() { var t this.searchKeyframes(), e this.searchExpressions(); return this.kf t || e, this.kf }, TextProperty.prototype.searchExpressions function() { if ( return this.calculateExpression ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(this)(this.elem,, this), this.addEffect(this.getExpressionValue.bind(this)), !0 }; var ShapePathInterface function(t, e, i) { var r; function s(t) { if (Shape t || shape t || Path t || path t || ADBE Vector Shape t || 2 t) return s.path } var a propertyGroupFactory(s, i); return r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Path, a)), Object.defineProperties(s, { path: { get: function() { return r.k && r.getValue(), r } }, shape: { get: function() { return r.k && r.getValue(), r } }, _name: { value: t.nm }, ix: { value: t.ix }, propertyIndex: { value: t.ix }, mn: { value: }, propertyGroup: { value: i } }), s }, propertyGroupFactory function(e, i) { return function(t) { return (t void 0 t ? 1 : t) 0 ? e : i(t - 1) } }, PropertyInterface function(t, e) { var i { _name: t }; return function(t) { return (t void 0 t ? 1 : t) 0 ? i : e(--t) } }, ShapeExpressionInterface function() { function n(t, e, i) { var r, s , a t ? t.length : 0; for (r 0; r a; r + 1) gr tr.ty ? s.push(o(tr, er, i)) : fl tr.ty ? s.push(h(tr, er, i)) : st tr.ty ? s.push(l(tr, er, i)) : tm tr.ty ? s.push(p(tr, er, i)) : tr tr.ty || (el tr.ty ? s.push(f(tr, er, i)) : sr tr.ty ? s.push(c(tr, er, i)) : sh tr.ty ? s.push(ShapePathInterface(tr, er, i)) : rc tr.ty ? s.push(d(tr, er, i)) : rd tr.ty ? s.push(u(tr, er, i)) : rp tr.ty && s.push(y(tr, er, i))); return s } function o(t, e, i) { var r function(t) { switch (t) { case ADBE Vectors Group: case Contents: case 2: return r.content; default: return r.transform } }; r.propertyGroup propertyGroupFactory(r, i); var s function(t, e, i) { var r, s function(t) { for (var e 0, i r.length; e i;) { if (re._name t || t || re.propertyIndex t || re.ix t || re.ind t) return re; e + 1 } if (number typeof t) return rt - 1 }; s.propertyGroup propertyGroupFactory(s, i), r n(,, s.propertyGroup), s.numProperties r.length; var a m( - 1, - 1, s.propertyGroup); return s.transform a, s.propertyIndex t.cix, s._name t.nm, s }(t, e, r.propertyGroup), a m( - 1, - 1, r.propertyGroup); return r.content s, r.transform a, Object.defineProperty(r, _name, { get: function() { return t.nm } }), r.numProperties, r.propertyIndex t.ix, r.nm t.nm,, r } function h(t, e, i) { function r(t) { return Color t || color t ? r.color : Opacity t || opacity t ? r.opacity : void 0 } return Object.defineProperties(r, { color: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.c) }, opacity: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o) }, _name: { value: t.nm }, mn: { value: } }), e.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Color, i)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Opacity, i)), r } function l(t, e, i) { var r propertyGroupFactory(l, i), s propertyGroupFactory(h, r); var a, n, o t.d ? t.d.length : 0, h {}; for (a 0; a o; a + 1) n a, Object.defineProperty(h, t.dn.nm, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.d.dataPropsn.p) }), e.d.dataPropsa.p.setGroupProperty(s); function l(t) { return Color t || color t ? l.color : Opacity t || opacity t ? l.opacity : Stroke Width t || stroke width t ? l.strokeWidth : void 0 } return Object.defineProperties(l, { color: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.c) }, opacity: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o) }, strokeWidth: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.w) }, dash: { get: function() { return h } }, _name: { value: t.nm }, mn: { value: } }), e.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Color, r)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Opacity, r)), e.w.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Stroke Width, r)), l } function p(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return t e.e.ix || End t || end t ? r.end : t e.s.ix ? r.start : t e.o.ix ? r.offset : void 0 } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i); return r.propertyIndex e.ix, t.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Start, s)), t.e.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(End, s)), t.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Offset, s)), r.propertyIndex e.ix, r.propertyGroup i, Object.defineProperties(r, { start: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s) }, end: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.e) }, offset: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.o) }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } function m(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return e.a.ix t || Anchor Point t ? r.anchorPoint : e.o.ix t || Opacity t ? r.opacity : e.p.ix t || Position t ? r.position : e.r.ix t || Rotation t || ADBE Vector Rotation t ? r.rotation : e.s.ix t || Scale t ? r.scale : && t || Skew t ? r.skew : && t || Skew Axis t ? r.skewAxis : void 0 } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i); return t.transform.mProps.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Opacity, s)), t.transform.mProps.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Position, s)), t.transform.mProps.a.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Anchor Point, s)), t.transform.mProps.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Scale, s)), t.transform.mProps.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Rotation, s)), && (, s)), Angle, s))), t.transform.op.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Opacity, s)), Object.defineProperties(r, { opacity: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.o) }, position: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.p) }, anchorPoint: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.a) }, scale: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.s) }, rotation: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.r) }, skew: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }, skewAxis: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }, _name: { value: e.nm } }), r.ty tr,, r.propertyGroup i, r } function f(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return e.p.ix t ? r.position : e.s.ix t ? r.size : void 0 } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i); r.propertyIndex e.ix; var a tm ? :; return a.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Size, s)), a.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Position, s)), Object.defineProperties(r, { size: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.s) }, position: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.p) }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } function c(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return e.p.ix t ? r.position : e.r.ix t ? r.rotation : t ? r.points : e.or.ix t || ADBE Vector Star Outer Radius t ? r.outerRadius : e.os.ix t ? r.outerRoundness : ! || ! t && ADBE Vector Star Inner Radius ! t ? && t ? r.innerRoundness : void 0 : r.innerRadius } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i), a tm ? :; return r.propertyIndex e.ix, a.or.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Outer Radius, s)), a.os.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Outer Roundness, s)),, s)), a.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Position, s)), a.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Rotation, s)), && ( Radius, s)), Roundness, s))), Object.defineProperties(r, { position: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.p) }, rotation: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.r) }, points: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }, outerRadius: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.or) }, outerRoundness: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.os) }, innerRadius: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }, innerRoundness: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } function d(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return e.p.ix t ? r.position : e.r.ix t ? r.roundness : e.s.ix t || Size t || ADBE Vector Rect Size t ? r.size : void 0 } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i), a tm ? :; return r.propertyIndex e.ix, a.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Position, s)), a.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Size, s)), a.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Rotation, s)), Object.defineProperties(r, { position: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.p) }, roundness: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.r) }, size: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.s) }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } function u(e, t, i) { function r(t) { if (e.r.ix t || Round Corners 1 t) return r.radius } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i), a t; return r.propertyIndex e.ix, a.rd.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Radius, s)), Object.defineProperties(r, { radius: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.rd) }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } function y(e, t, i) { function r(t) { return e.c.ix t || Copies t ? r.copies : e.o.ix t || Offset t ? r.offset : void 0 } var s propertyGroupFactory(r, i), a t; return r.propertyIndex e.ix, a.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Copies, s)), a.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(Offset, s)), Object.defineProperties(r, { copies: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.c) }, offset: { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(a.o) }, _name: { value: e.nm } }),, r } return function(t, e, r) { var s; function i(t) { if (number typeof t) return 0 (t void 0 t ? 1 : t) ? r : st - 1; for (var e 0, i s.length; e i;) { if (se._name t) return se; e + 1 } } return i.propertyGroup propertyGroupFactory(i, function() { return r }), s n(t, e, i.propertyGroup), i.numProperties s.length, i._name Contents, i } }(), TextExpressionInterface function(e) { var i; function r(t) { switch (t) { case ADBE Text Document: return r.sourceText } } return Object.defineProperty(r, sourceText, { get: function() { e.textProperty.getValue(); var t e.textProperty.currentData.t; return void 0 ! t && (e.textProperty.currentData.t void 0, (i new String(t)).value t || new String(t)), i } }), r }, LayerExpressionInterface function() { function s(t) { var e new Matrix; void 0 ! t ? this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.getValueAtTime(t).clone(e) : this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e); return e } function a(t, e) { var i this.getMatrix(e); return i.props12 i.props13 i.props14 0, this.applyPoint(i, t) } function n(t, e) { var i this.getMatrix(e); return this.applyPoint(i, t) } function o(t, e) { var i this.getMatrix(e); return i.props12 i.props13 i.props14 0, this.invertPoint(i, t) } function h(t, e) { var i this.getMatrix(e); return this.invertPoint(i, t) } function l(t, e) { if (this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) { var i, r this._elem.hierarchy.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) this._elem.hierarchyi.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(t) } return t.applyToPointArray(e0, e1, e2 || 0) } function p(t, e) { if (this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) { var i, r this._elem.hierarchy.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) this._elem.hierarchyi.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(t) } return t.inversePoint(e) } function m(t) { var e new Matrix; if (e.reset(), this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e), this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) { var i, r this._elem.hierarchy.length; for (i 0; i r; i + 1) this._elem.hierarchyi.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e); return e.inversePoint(t) } return e.inversePoint(t) } function f() { return 1, 1, 1, 1 } return function(e) { var i; function r(t) { switch (t) { case ADBE Root Vectors Group: case Contents: case 2: return r.shapeInterface; case 1: case 6: case Transform: case transform: case ADBE Transform Group: return i; case 4: case ADBE Effect Parade: case effects: case Effects: return r.effect; case ADBE Text Properties: return r.textInterface } } r.getMatrix s, r.invertPoint p, r.applyPoint l, r.toWorld n, r.toWorldVec a, r.fromWorld h, r.fromWorldVec o, r.toComp n, r.fromComp m, r.sampleImage f, r.sourceRectAtTime e.sourceRectAtTime.bind(e); var t getDescriptor(i TransformExpressionInterface((r._elem e).finalTransform.mProp), anchorPoint); return Object.defineProperties(r, { hasParent: { get: function() { return e.hierarchy.length } }, parent: { get: function() { return e.hierarchy0.layerInterface } }, rotation: getDescriptor(i, rotation), scale: getDescriptor(i, scale), position: getDescriptor(i, position), opacity: getDescriptor(i, opacity), anchorPoint: t, anchor_point: t, transform: { get: function() { return i } }, active: { get: function() { return e.isInRange } } }), r.startTime, r.index, r.source, r.height 0 ? : 100, r.width 0 ? : 100, r.inPoint / e.comp.globalData.frameRate, r.outPoint / e.comp.globalData.frameRate, r._name, r.registerMaskInterface function(t) { r.mask new MaskManagerInterface(t, e) }, r.registerEffectsInterface function(t) { r.effect t }, r } }(), CompExpressionInterface function(r) { function t(t) { for (var e 0, i r.layers.length; e i;) { if (r.layerse.nm t || r.layerse.ind t) return r.elementse.layerInterface; e + 1 } return null } return Object.defineProperty(t, _name, { value: }), (t.layer t).pixelAspect 1, t.height || r.globalData.compSize.h, t.width || r.globalData.compSize.w, t.pixelAspect 1, t.frameDuration 1 / r.globalData.frameRate, t.displayStartTime 0, t.numLayers r.layers.length, t }, TransformExpressionInterface function(t) { function e(t) { switch (t) { case scale: case Scale: case ADBE Scale: case 6: return e.scale; case rotation: case Rotation: case ADBE Rotation: case ADBE Rotate Z: case 10: return e.rotation; case ADBE Rotate X: return e.xRotation; case ADBE Rotate Y: return e.yRotation; case position: case Position: case ADBE Position: case 2: return e.position; case ADBE Position_0: return e.xPosition; case ADBE Position_1: return e.yPosition; case ADBE Position_2: return e.zPosition; case anchorPoint: case AnchorPoint: case Anchor Point: case ADBE AnchorPoint: case 1: return e.anchorPoint; case opacity: case Opacity: case 11: return e.opacity } } if (Object.defineProperty(e, rotation, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.r || t.rz) }), Object.defineProperty(e, zRotation, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rz || t.r) }), Object.defineProperty(e, xRotation, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rx) }), Object.defineProperty(e, yRotation, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.ry) }), Object.defineProperty(e, scale, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s) }), t.p) var i ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p); else { var r, s ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px), a ExpressionPropertyInterface(; t.pz && (r ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz)) } return Object.defineProperty(e, position, { get: function() { return t.p ? i() : s(), a(), r ? r() : 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, xPosition, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px) }), Object.defineProperty(e, yPosition, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }), Object.defineProperty(e, zPosition, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz) }), Object.defineProperty(e, anchorPoint, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.a) }), Object.defineProperty(e, opacity, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.o) }), Object.defineProperty(e, skew, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }), Object.defineProperty(e, skewAxis, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface( }), Object.defineProperty(e, orientation, { get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.or) }), e }, ProjectInterface function() { function e(t) { this.compositions.push(t) } return function() { function t(t) { for (var e 0, i this.compositions.length; e i;) { if ( && t) return this.compositionse.prepareFrame && && this.compositionse.prepareFrame(this.currentFrame), this.compositionse.compInterface; e + 1 } } return t.compositions , t.currentFrame 0, t.registerComposition e, t } }(), EffectsExpressionInterface function() { function l(s, t, e, i) { function r(t) { for (var e s.ef, i 0, r e.length; i r;) { if (t ei.nm || t || t ei.ix) return 5 ei.ty ? oi : oi(); i + 1 } throw new Error } var a, n propertyGroupFactory(r, e), o , h s.ef.length; for (a 0; a h; a + 1) 5 s.efa.ty ? o.push(l(s.efa, t.effectElementsa, t.effectElementsa.propertyGroup, i)) : o.push(p(t.effectElementsa, s.efa.ty, i, n)); return ADBE Color Control && Object.defineProperty(r, color, { get: function() { return o0() } }), Object.defineProperties(r, { numProperties: { get: function() { return } }, _name: { value: s.nm }, propertyGroup: { value: n } }), r.enabled 0 ! s.en, r } function p(t, e, i, r) { var s ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p); return t.p.setGroupProperty && t.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(, r)), function() { return 10 e ? i.comp.compInterface(t.p.v) : s() } } return { createEffectsInterface: function(t, e) { if (t.effectsManager) { var i, r , s, a t.effectsManager.effectElements.length; for (i 0; i a; i + 1) r.push(l(si, t.effectsManager.effectElementsi, e, t)); var n || , o function(t) { for (i 0, a n.length; i a;) { if (t ni.nm || t || t ni.ix) return ri; i + 1 } }; return Object.defineProperty(o, numProperties, { get: function() { return n.length } }), o } } } }(), MaskManagerInterface function() { function a(t, e) { this._mask t, this._data e } Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, maskPath, { get: function() { return this._mask.prop.k && this._mask.prop.getValue(), this._mask.prop } }), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, maskOpacity, { get: function() { return this._mask.op.k && this._mask.op.getValue(), 100 * this._mask.op.v } }); return function(e, t) { var i, r createSizedArray(e.viewData.length), s e.viewData.length; for (i 0; i s; i + 1) ri new a(e.viewDatai, e.masksPropertiesi); return function(t) { for (i 0; i s;) { if (e.masksPropertiesi.nm t) return ri; i + 1 } } } }(), ExpressionPropertyInterface function() { var s { pv: 0, v: 0, mult: 1 }, n { pv: 0, 0, 0, v: 0, 0, 0, mult: 1 }; function o(r, s, a) { Object.defineProperty(r, velocity, { get: function() { return s.getVelocityAtTime(s.comp.currentFrame) } }), r.numKeys s.keyframes ? s.keyframes.length : 0, r.key function(t) { if (r.numKeys) { var e ; e s in s.keyframest - 1 ? s.keyframest - 1.s : e in s.keyframest - 2 ? s.keyframest - 2.e : s.keyframest - 2.s; var i unidimensional a ? new Number(e) : Object.assign({}, e); return i.time s.keyframest - 1.t / s.elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, i.value unidimensional a ? e0 : e, i } return 0 }, r.valueAtTime s.getValueAtTime, r.speedAtTime s.getSpeedAtTime, r.velocityAtTime s.getVelocityAtTime, r.propertyGroup s.propertyGroup } function e() { return s } return function(t) { return t ? unidimensional t.propType ? function(t) { t && pv in t || (t s); var e 1 / t.mult, i t.pv * e, r new Number(i); return r.value i, o(r, t, unidimensional), function() { return t.k && t.getValue(), i t.v * e, r.value ! i && ((r new Number(i)).value i, o(r, t, unidimensional)), r } }(t) : function(e) { e && pv in e || (e n); var i 1 / e.mult, r && || e.pv.length, s createTypedArray(float32, r), a createTypedArray(float32, r); return s.value a, o(s, e, multidimensional), function() { e.k && e.getValue(); for (var t 0; t r; t + 1) st at e.vt * i; return s } }(t) : e } }(), t7, u7; function SliderEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, i) } function AngleEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, i) } function ColorEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, i) } function PointEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, i) } function LayerIndexEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, i) } function MaskIndexEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, i) } function CheckboxEffect(t, e, i) { this.p PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, i) } function NoValueEffect() { this.p {} } function EffectsManager(t, e) { var i t.ef || ; this.effectElements ; var r, s, a i.length; for (r 0; r a; r++) s new GroupEffect(ir, e), this.effectElements.push(s) } function GroupEffect(t, e) { this.init(t, e) } t7 function() { function i(t, e) { return this.textIndex t + 1, this.textTotal e, this.v this.getValue() * this.mult, this.v } return function(t, e) { this.pv 1, this.comp t.comp, this.elem t, this.mult .01, this.propType textSelector, this.textTotal e.totalChars, this.selectorValue 100, this.lastValue 1, 1, 1, this.k !0, this.x !0, this.getValue ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(this)(t, e, this), this.getMult i, this.getVelocityAtTime expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime, this.kf ? this.getValueAtTime expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(this) : this.getValueAtTime expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(this), this.setGroupProperty expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty } }(), u7 TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp, TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp function(t, e, i) { return 1 e.t ? new t7(t, e, i) : u7(t, e, i) }, extendPrototype(DynamicPropertyContainer, GroupEffect), GroupEffect.prototype.getValue GroupEffect.prototype.iterateDynamicProperties, GroupEffect.prototype.init function(t, e) { t, this.effectElements , this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(e); var i, r, s, a; for (i 0; i s; i + 1) { switch (r null, ai.ty) { case 0: r new SliderEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 1: r new AngleEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 2: r new ColorEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 3: r new PointEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 4: case 7: r new CheckboxEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 10: r new LayerIndexEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 11: r new MaskIndexEffect(ai, e, this); break; case 5: r new EffectsManager(ai, e, this); break; default: r new NoValueEffect(ai, e, this) } r && this.effectElements.push(r) } }; var lottie {}, _isFrozen !1; function setLocationHref(t) { locationHref t } function searchAnimations() { !0 standalone ? animationManager.searchAnimations(animationData, standalone, renderer) : animationManager.searchAnimations() } function setSubframeRendering(t) { subframeEnabled t } function loadAnimation(t) { return !0 standalone && (t.animationData JSON.parse(animationData)), animationManager.loadAnimation(t) } function setQuality(t) { if (string typeof t) switch (t) { case high: defaultCurveSegments 200; break; case medium: defaultCurveSegments 50; break; case low: defaultCurveSegments 10 } else !isNaN(t) && 1 t && (defaultCurveSegments t); roundValues(!(50 defaultCurveSegments)) } function inBrowser() { return undefined ! typeof navigator } function installPlugin(t, e) { expressions t && (expressionsPlugin e) } function getFactory(t) { switch (t) { case propertyFactory: return PropertyFactory; case shapePropertyFactory: return ShapePropertyFactory; case matrix: return Matrix } } function checkReady() { complete document.readyState && (clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval), searchAnimations()) } function getQueryVariable(t) { for (var e queryString.split(&), i 0; i e.length; i++) { var r ei.split(); if (decodeURIComponent(r0) t) return decodeURIComponent(r1) } }, lottie.pause animationManager.pause, lottie.setLocationHref setLocationHref, lottie.togglePause animationManager.togglePause, lottie.setSpeed animationManager.setSpeed, lottie.setDirection animationManager.setDirection, lottie.stop animationManager.stop, lottie.searchAnimations searchAnimations, lottie.registerAnimation animationManager.registerAnimation, lottie.loadAnimation loadAnimation, lottie.setSubframeRendering setSubframeRendering, lottie.resize animationManager.resize, lottie.goToAndStop animationManager.goToAndStop, lottie.destroy animationManager.destroy, lottie.setQuality setQuality, lottie.inBrowser inBrowser, lottie.installPlugin installPlugin, lottie.freeze animationManager.freeze, lottie.unfreeze animationManager.unfreeze, lottie.setVolume animationManager.setVolume, lottie.mute animationManager.mute, lottie.unmute animationManager.unmute, lottie.getRegisteredAnimations animationManager.getRegisteredAnimations, lottie.__getFactory getFactory, lottie.version 5.7.4; var standalone __STANDALONE__, animationData __ANIMATIONDATA__, renderer ; if (standalone) { var scripts document.getElementsByTagName(script), index scripts.length - 1, myScript scriptsindex || { src: }, queryString myScript.src.replace(/^^\?+\??/, ); renderer getQueryVariable(renderer) } var readyStateCheckInterval setInterval(checkReady, 100); return lottie;}));/script>!-- endbuild -->div idlottie>/div>script>var animationData { v: 5.7.4, fr: 30, ip: 0, op: 901, w: 1224, h: 1224, nm: Outvoice_ConveyorBelt_Retime, ddd: 0, assets: { id: comp_0, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 4, nm: Exit, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 1134.233, 913.892, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -43.176, 37.379, 43.176, 37.379, 43.176, -37.379, -43.176, -37.379 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -46.823, 114.183, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -43.176, 17.812, 43.176, 17.812, 43.176, -17.812, -43.176, -17.812 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -46.823, 58.327, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -62.054, 128.121, 62.054, 128.121, 62.054, -128.121, -62.054, -128.121 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -27.8, 93, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -62.054, 160.531, 62.054, 160.531, 62.054, -160.531, -62.054, -160.531 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -27.8, -34.6, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -81.03, 91.689, 81.03, 91.689, 81.03, -91.689, -81.03, -91.689 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 91.4, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -81.03, 160.531, 81.03, 160.531, 81.03, -160.531, -81.03, -160.531 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 4, nm: Entry, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 89.733, 284.392, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -43.176, 37.379, 43.176, 37.379, 43.176, -37.379, -43.176, -37.379 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -46.823, 114.183, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -43.176, 17.812, 43.176, 17.812, 43.176, -17.812, -43.176, -17.812 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -46.823, 58.327, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -62.054, 128.121, 62.054, 128.121, 62.054, -128.121, -62.054, -128.121 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -27.8, 93, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -62.054, 160.531, 62.054, 160.531, 62.054, -160.531, -62.054, -160.531 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -27.8, -34.6, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -81.03, 91.689, 81.03, 91.689, 81.03, -91.689, -81.03, -91.689 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 91.4, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -81.03, 160.531, 81.03, 160.531, 81.03, -160.531, -81.03, -160.531 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: CollectionBot_Light_Right, parent: 6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 28.251, 16.015, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -3.116, 15.714, -17.596, -0.321, -9.737, -7.439, -3.491, -0.46, 8.612, -15.839, 17.096, -8.722 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 217, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 225, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 260, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 268, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 519, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 554, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 562, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 805, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 813, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 848, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 856, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1099, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1107, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1142, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1150, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1391, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1399, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1434, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1442, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1684, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1692, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1727, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { t: 1735, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0.8, 12.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -16.406, 16.406, 0, 0, 16.406, -16.406, 0 , o: 0, 16.406, -16.406, 0, 0, -16.406, 16.406, 0 , v: 29.705, 0, 0, 29.705, -29.705, 0, 0, -29.705 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 217, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 225, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 260, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 268, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 519, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 554, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 562, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 805, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 813, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 848, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 856, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1099, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1107, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1142, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1150, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1391, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1399, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1434, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1442, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1684, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1692, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1727, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { t: 1735, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 10.2, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0, 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0 , o: 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0, 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0 , v: 40.589, 0, 0, 40.589, -40.589, 0, 0, -40.589 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 10.3, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0, 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0 , o: 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0, 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0 , v: 40.589, 0, 0, 40.589, -40.589, 0, 0, -40.589 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: CollectionBot_Right, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 1117.243, 492.034, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, -19.961, 4.294, 0 , o: 4.294, 0, 0, 19.961, 0, 0 , v: -3.887, -36.143, 3.887, 0, -3.887, 36.143 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1211.576, 288.315, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 15.888, 12.851, -2.7, 3.338 , o: -2.7, 3.338, -15.888, -12.851, 0, 0 , v: 28.976, 22.88, -4.681, 5.656, -28.559, -23.658 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1163.502, 302.004, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 19.961, 0, 0, 4.294 , o: 0, 4.294, -19.961, 0, 0, 0 , v: 36.143, -3.887, 0, 3.887, -36.143, -3.887 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1147.738, 349.715, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -46.624, 0, 0, -19.961, 0, 0, 6.601, 0, 0, -6.964, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -46.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.601, 19.961, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.964, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 57.439, -74.432, 26.981, -74.432, -57.439, 9.988, -57.439, 62.479, -21.296, 74.432, 14.847, 62.479, 14.847, 10.463, 27.456, -2.146, 57.439, -2.146 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1169.034, 326.604, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 51.71, -165.736, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1169.034, 326.603, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 71.649, -75.668, 71.649, -75.668, -71.649, 75.668, -71.649 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 28.349, 17, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 45.306, -75.668, 45.306, -75.668, -45.306, 75.668, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 28.359, -99.861, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 45.306, -75.668, 45.306, -75.668, -45.306, 75.668, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 4.653, -87.118, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 71.409, 41.676, -71.409, 41.676, -71.409, -41.676, 71.409, -41.676 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0.2, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Wrist 2, parent: 118, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -64, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -24, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 229, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 239, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 269, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 523, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 533, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 817, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 827, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 857, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1111, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1121, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1151, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1403, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1413, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1696, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { t: 1736, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.209, 9.297, 3.057, 0.069, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 3.057, 0.069, 0.209, -9.297, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.353, 13.832, 33.546, -0.557, 27.521, -13.594, -32.39, -13.833, -33.555, 13.142 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 40.8, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Top 2, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -99, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -89, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -74, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 194, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 204, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 219, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 488, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 498, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 513, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1076, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1086, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1101, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1368, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1393, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1661, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1671, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1686, s: 25 }, { t: 1696, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.845, 0.688, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.582, 16.86, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 3, parent: 10, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -95, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 198, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 492, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 786, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1080, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1372, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1665, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 3, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -95, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 198, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 492, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 786, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1080, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1372, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1665, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: 0 }, { t: 1665, s: 52.3 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -0.432, 2.45, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { t: 1665, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 3, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -95, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 198, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 492, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 786, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1080, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1372, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1665, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 3, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -95, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 198, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 492, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 786, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1080, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1372, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1665, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: 0 }, { t: 1665, s: 52.3 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 1.327, -1.495, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { t: 1665, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 2, parent: 26, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 165, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 2, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 181, s: -25 }, { t: 196, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 165, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 21, parent: 16, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 195, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 21, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: -52.3 }, { t: -95, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -2.52, -23.028, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -4.745, -34.813, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -4.745, -34.813, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: -13.238, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -12, s: -13.238, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 0, s: -28.363, -18.948, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 12, s: 26.512, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 72, s: 26.512, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 164, s: -39.988, -14.073, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 195, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 13, parent: 18, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 195, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 13, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: -52.3 }, { t: -95, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -31.313, -24.032, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -21.266, -12.991, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -21.266, -12.991, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: -12.773, -23.98, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -12, s: -12.773, -23.98, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 0, s: 7.376, -28.789, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 12, s: -52.523, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 72, s: -52.523, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 164, s: -95.023, -33.48, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 195, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 8, parent: 20, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 195, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 8, parent: 194, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: -52.3 }, { t: -95, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -12, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 0, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 12, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 72, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 164, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 195, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 6, parent: 22, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 195, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 6, parent: 194, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: -52.3 }, { t: -95, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -12, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 0, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 12, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 72, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 164, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 195, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 7, parent: 24, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -0.3030303030303, op: 0, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 7, parent: 194, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: -52.3 }, { t: -95, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -12, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 0, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 12, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -0.3030303030303, op: 0, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 2, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 181, s: 25 }, { t: 196, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 165, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 165, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 195, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 200, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 230, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 165, op: 231, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 3, parent: 40, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 459, op: 525, st: -62, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 3, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 475, s: -25 }, { t: 490, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 459, op: 525, st: -62, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 29, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 22, parent: 30, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 489, op: 525, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 30, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 22, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -52.3 }, { t: 198, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -2.492, -21.489, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 281, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 293, s: -28.335, -17.409, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 305, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 365, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 457, s: -39.96, -12.534, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 489, op: 525, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 31, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 14, parent: 32, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 489, op: 525, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 32, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 14, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -52.3 }, { t: 198, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -31.285, -22.493, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 281, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 293, s: 7.404, -27.25, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 305, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 365, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 457, s: -94.995, -31.941, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 489, op: 525, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 33, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 10, parent: 34, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 293, op: 489, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 34, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 10, parent: 192, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -52.3 }, { t: 198, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 281, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 293, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 305, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 365, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 457, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 293, op: 489, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 35, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 7, parent: 36, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 198, op: 489, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 36, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 7, parent: 192, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -52.3 }, { t: 198, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 281, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 293, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 305, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 365, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 457, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 198, op: 489, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 37, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 9, parent: 38, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 198, op: 293, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 38, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 9, parent: 192, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -52.3 }, { t: 198, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 281, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 293, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 305, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 198, op: 293, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 39, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 3, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 475, s: 25 }, { t: 490, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 459, op: 525, st: -62, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 40, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 489, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 494, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 524, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 459, op: 525, st: -62, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 41, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 4, parent: 54, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 753, op: 819, st: 232, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 42, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 4, parent: 41, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 769, s: -25 }, { t: 784, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 753, op: 819, st: 232, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 43, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 23, parent: 44, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 783, op: 819, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 44, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 23, parent: 41, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: -52.3 }, { t: 492, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -2.492, -21.489, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 575, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 587, s: -28.335, -17.409, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 599, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 659, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 751, s: -39.96, -12.534, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 783, op: 819, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 45, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 15, parent: 46, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 783, op: 819, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 46, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 15, parent: 41, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: -52.3 }, { t: 492, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -31.285, -22.493, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 575, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 587, s: 7.404, -27.25, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 599, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 659, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 751, s: -94.995, -31.941, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 783, op: 819, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 47, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 12, parent: 48, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 587, op: 783, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 48, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 12, parent: 190, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: -52.3 }, { t: 492, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 575, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 587, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 599, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 659, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 751, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 587, op: 783, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 49, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 8, parent: 50, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 492, op: 783, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 50, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 8, parent: 190, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: -52.3 }, { t: 492, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 575, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 587, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 599, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 659, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 751, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 492, op: 783, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 51, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 11, parent: 52, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 492, op: 587, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 52, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 11, parent: 190, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: -52.3 }, { t: 492, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 575, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 587, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 599, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 492, op: 587, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 53, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 4, parent: 41, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 769, s: 25 }, { t: 784, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 753, op: 819, st: 232, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 54, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 753, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 783, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 788, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 818, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 753, op: 819, st: 232, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 55, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 5, parent: 68, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1047, op: 1113, st: 526, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 56, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 5, parent: 55, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1063, s: -25 }, { t: 1078, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1047, op: 1113, st: 526, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 57, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 24, parent: 58, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1077, op: 1113, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 58, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 24, parent: 55, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: -52.3 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -2.492, -21.489, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -4.717, -33.274, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 869, s: -13.21, -22.284, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 881, s: -28.335, -17.409, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 893, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 953, s: 26.54, -12.534, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1045, s: -39.96, -12.534, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1077, op: 1113, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 59, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 16, parent: 60, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1077, op: 1113, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 60, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 16, parent: 55, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: -52.3 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -31.285, -22.493, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -21.238, -11.452, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 869, s: -12.745, -22.441, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 881, s: 7.404, -27.25, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 893, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 953, s: -52.495, -31.941, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1045, s: -94.995, -31.941, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1077, op: 1113, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 61, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 14, parent: 62, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 881, op: 1077, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 62, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 14, parent: 188, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: -52.3 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 869, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 881, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 893, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 953, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1045, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 881, op: 1077, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 63, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 9, parent: 64, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 786, op: 1077, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 64, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 9, parent: 188, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: -52.3 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 869, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 881, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 893, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 953, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1045, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 786, op: 1077, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 65, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 13, parent: 66, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 786, op: 881, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 66, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 13, parent: 188, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: -52.3 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 869, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 881, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 893, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 786, op: 881, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 67, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 5, parent: 55, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1063, s: 25 }, { t: 1078, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1047, op: 1113, st: 526, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 68, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1047, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1077, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1082, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1102, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1047, op: 1113, st: 526, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 69, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 6, parent: 82, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1339, op: 1405, st: 818, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 70, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 6, parent: 69, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1355, s: -25 }, { t: 1370, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1339, op: 1405, st: 818, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 71, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 25, parent: 72, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1369, op: 1405, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 72, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 25, parent: 69, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1080, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -2.554, -24.569, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -4.779, -36.354, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -4.779, -36.354, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: -13.273, -25.364, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1163, s: -13.273, -25.364, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1175, s: -28.397, -20.489, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1187, s: 26.477, -15.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1247, s: 26.477, -15.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1339, s: -40.023, -15.614, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1369, op: 1405, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 73, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 17, parent: 74, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1369, op: 1405, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 74, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 17, parent: 69, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1080, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -31.347, -25.573, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -21.3, -14.532, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -21.3, -14.532, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: -12.807, -25.521, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1163, s: -12.807, -25.521, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1175, s: 7.342, -30.33, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1187, s: -52.557, -35.021, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1247, s: -52.557, -35.021, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1339, s: -95.057, -35.021, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1369, op: 1405, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 75, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 16, parent: 76, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1175, op: 1369, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 76, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 16, parent: 186, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1080, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1163, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1175, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1187, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1247, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1339, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1175, op: 1369, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 77, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 10, parent: 78, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1080, op: 1369, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 78, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 10, parent: 186, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1080, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1163, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1175, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1187, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1247, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1339, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1080, op: 1369, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 79, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 15, parent: 80, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1080, op: 1175, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 80, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 15, parent: 186, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1080, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1163, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1175, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1187, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1080, op: 1175, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 81, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 6, parent: 69, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1355, s: 25 }, { t: 1370, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1339, op: 1405, st: 818, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 82, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1369, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1374, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1404, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1339, op: 1405, st: 818, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 83, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand 7, parent: 96, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1632, op: 1698, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 84, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw 7, parent: 83, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1648, s: -25 }, { t: 1663, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1632, op: 1698, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 85, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 26, parent: 86, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1662, op: 1688, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 86, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 26, parent: 83, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1372, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -2.52, -23.028, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -4.745, -34.813, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -4.745, -34.813, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: -13.238, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1455, s: -13.238, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1467, s: -28.363, -18.948, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1479, s: 26.512, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1539, s: 26.512, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1631, s: -39.988, -14.073, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1662, op: 1688, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 87, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 18, parent: 88, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1662, op: 1688, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 88, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 18, parent: 83, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1372, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -31.313, -24.032, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -21.266, -12.991, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -21.266, -12.991, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: -12.773, -23.98, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1455, s: -12.773, -23.98, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1467, s: 7.376, -28.789, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1479, s: -52.523, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1539, s: -52.523, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1631, s: -95.023, -33.48, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1662, op: 1688, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 89, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 18, parent: 90, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1467, op: 1662, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 90, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 18, parent: 184, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1372, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1455, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1467, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1479, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1539, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1631, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1467, op: 1662, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 91, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 11, parent: 92, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1372, op: 1662, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 92, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 11, parent: 184, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1372, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1455, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1467, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1479, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1539, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1631, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1372, op: 1662, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 93, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 17, parent: 94, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1372, op: 1467, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 94, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 17, parent: 184, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1372, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1455, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1467, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1479, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1372, op: 1467, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 95, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw 7, parent: 83, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1648, s: 25 }, { t: 1663, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1632, op: 1698, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 96, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1632, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1662, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1667, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1697, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1632, op: 1698, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 97, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 20, parent: 98, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1760, op: 1761, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 98, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 20, parent: 182, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1665, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1748, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1760, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1772, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1832, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1924, s: 257.117, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1760, op: 1761, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 99, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 12, parent: 100, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1665, op: 1761, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 100, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 12, parent: 182, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1665, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 265.793, 216.741, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 275.839, 227.782, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1748, s: 284.333, 216.793, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1760, s: 304.481, 211.984, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1772, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1832, s: 244.583, 207.293, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1924, s: 202.083, 207.293, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1665, op: 1761, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 101, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 19, parent: 102, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1665, op: 1760, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 102, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 19, parent: 182, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1665, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 294.586, 217.745, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 292.36, 205.96, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1748, s: 283.867, 216.949, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1760, s: 268.742, 221.825, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1772, s: 323.617, 226.699, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1665, op: 1760, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 103, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_Hand, parent: 114, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -986.30303030303, op: -986, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 104, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_BottomClaw, parent: 103, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1021, s: -25 }, { t: -1011, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -986.30303030303, op: -986, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 105, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 5, parent: 106, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -987.30303030303, op: -987, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 106, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 5, parent: 114, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1363, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1333, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1323, s: -52.3 }, { t: -1302, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1366, s: -26.554, -23.028, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1336, s: -28.779, -34.812, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1326, s: -28.779, -34.812, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1302, s: -37.273, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1219, s: -37.273, -23.823, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1207, s: -52.397, -18.948, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1195, s: 2.477, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1135, s: 2.477, -14.073, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: -1043, s: -64.023, -14.073, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -987.30303030303, op: -987, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 107, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 4, parent: 108, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -987.30303030303, op: -987, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 108, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 4, parent: 114, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1363, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1333, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1323, s: -52.3 }, { t: -1302, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1366, s: -55.347, -24.032, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1336, s: -45.3, -12.991, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1326, s: -45.3, -12.991, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1302, s: -36.807, -23.98, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1219, s: -36.807, -23.98, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1207, s: -16.658, -28.789, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1195, s: -76.557, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1135, s: -76.557, -33.48, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: -1043, s: -119.057, -33.48, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -987.30303030303, op: -987, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 109, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 4, parent: 110, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1012.30303030303, op: -1012, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 110, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1363, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1333, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1323, s: -52.3 }, { t: -1302, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1366, s: 1287.385, 943.409, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1336, s: 1285.16, 931.624, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1326, s: 1285.16, 931.624, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1302, s: 1276.667, 942.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1219, s: 1276.667, 942.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1207, s: 1261.542, 947.489, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1195, s: 1316.417, 952.364, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1135, s: 1316.417, 952.364, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: -1043, s: 1249.917, 952.364, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1012.30303030303, op: -1012, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 111, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 2, parent: 112, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1012.30303030303, op: -1012, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 112, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1363, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1333, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1323, s: -52.3 }, { t: -1302, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1366, s: 1258.593, 942.405, 0, to: 1.674, 1.84, 0, ti: -1.674, -1.84, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1336, s: 1268.639, 953.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1326, s: 1268.639, 953.446, 0, to: 1.416, -1.832, 0, ti: -1.416, 1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1302, s: 1277.133, 942.457, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1219, s: 1277.133, 942.457, 0, to: -2.05, -0.567, 0, ti: -0.167, 3.484, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1207, s: 1297.281, 937.648, 0, to: 0.167, -3.484, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1195, s: 1237.383, 932.957, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1135, s: 1237.383, 932.957, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: -1043, s: 1194.883, 932.957, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1012.30303030303, op: -1012, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 113, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right_TopClaw, parent: 103, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1021, s: 25 }, { t: -1011, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -986.30303030303, op: -986, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 114, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Right, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1032, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1012, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1007, s: 1024.8, 469.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: -987, s: 1190.8, 469.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.534, -7.659, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 28.534, 7.897 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -986.30303030303, op: -986, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 115, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 2, parent: 116, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1207.30303030303, op: -1207, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 116, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1363, s: 1.7 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1333, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1323, s: -52.3 }, { t: -1302, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1366, s: 1287.385, 943.409, 0, to: -0.371, -1.964, 0, ti: 0.371, 1.964, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1336, s: 1285.16, 931.624, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -1326, s: 1285.16, 931.624, 0, to: -1.416, 1.832, 0, ti: 1.416, -1.832, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -1302, s: 1276.667, 942.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1219, s: 1276.667, 942.614, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.344, -3.925, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -1207, s: 1261.542, 947.489, 0, to: -0.344, 3.925, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: -1195, s: 1316.417, 952.364, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -1207.30303030303, op: -1207, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 117, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Bottom 2, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -99, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -89, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -74, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 194, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 204, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 219, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 488, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 498, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 513, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1076, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1086, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1101, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1368, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1393, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1661, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1671, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1686, s: -25 }, { t: 1696, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.845, 0.274, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.262, -15.925, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0.001, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0.001, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 118, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm 2, parent: 119, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -95, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -64, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 198, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 229, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 492, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 523, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 786, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 817, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1080, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1111, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1372, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1403, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1665, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1696, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 81.703, 0.375, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -119, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -95, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -88, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -64, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 174, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 198, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 205, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 229, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 468, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 492, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 499, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 523, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 762, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 786, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 793, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 817, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1056, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1080, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1087, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1111, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1348, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1372, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1379, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1403, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1641, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1665, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1672, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1696, s: 90, 90, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 4.296, 1.963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.963, 0, 0, -4.296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 78.053, 7.778, 81.608, -0.001, 78.053, -7.779, -37.164, -7.778, -37.163, 7.779 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 119, ty: 3, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm_Rotate 2, parent: 120, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -129, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -24, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -14, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 16, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 164, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 239, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 269, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 279, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 309, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 458, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 533, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 573, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 603, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 827, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 857, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 867, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 897, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1046, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1121, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1151, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1161, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1191, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1338, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1413, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1453, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1483, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1631, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1665, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1696, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1736, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1746, s: -55 }, { t: 1776, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -0.156, 0.102, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 120, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Joint 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -64, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -24, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -14, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 16, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 229, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 239, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 269, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 279, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 309, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 523, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 533, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 573, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 603, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 817, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 827, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 857, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 867, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 897, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1111, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1121, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1151, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1161, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1191, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1403, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1413, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1453, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1483, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: 735.156, 121.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1696, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1736, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1746, s: 735.156, 141.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { t: 1776, s: 735.156, 111.898, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -129, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -24, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -14, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 16, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 164, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 239, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 269, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 279, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 309, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 458, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 533, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 573, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 603, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 827, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 857, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 867, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 897, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1046, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1121, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1151, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1161, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1191, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1338, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1413, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1453, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1483, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1631, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1665, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1696, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1736, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1746, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { t: 1776, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 41.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 121, ty: 4, nm: CollectionBot_Light_Left, parent: 122, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 28.251, 16.015, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -3.116, 15.714, -17.596, -0.321, -9.737, -7.439, -3.491, -0.46, 8.612, -15.839, 17.096, -8.722 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -496, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -492, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -457, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -453, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 124, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 132, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 167, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 175, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 418, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 426, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 469, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 711, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 719, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 754, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 762, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1005, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1013, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1048, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1056, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1299, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1307, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1342, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1350, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1593, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1601, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1636, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { t: 1644, s: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -0.068, 12.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -16.406, 16.406, 0, 0, 16.406, -16.406, 0 , o: 0, 16.406, -16.406, 0, 0, -16.406, 16.406, 0 , v: 29.705, 0, 0, 29.705, -29.705, 0, 0, -29.705 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -496, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -492, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -457, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -453, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 124, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 132, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 167, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 175, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 418, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 426, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 469, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 711, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 719, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 754, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 762, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1005, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1013, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1048, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1056, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1299, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1307, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1342, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1350, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1593, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1601, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1636, s: 0.586343050003, 1, 0.595051646233, 1 }, { t: 1644, s: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 10.2, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0, 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0 , o: 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0, 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0 , v: 40.589, 0, 0, 40.589, -40.589, 0, 0, -40.589 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 10.3, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0, 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0 , o: 0, 22.417, -22.417, 0, 0, -22.417, 22.417, 0 , v: 40.589, 0, 0, 40.589, -40.589, 0, 0, -40.589 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 122, ty: 4, nm: CollectionBot_Left, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 107.868, 806.659, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, -19.961, 4.294, 0 , o: 4.294, 0, 0, 19.961, 0, 0 , v: -3.887, -36.143, 3.887, 0, -3.887, 36.143 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1211.576, 288.315, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 15.888, 12.851, -2.7, 3.338 , o: -2.7, 3.338, -15.888, -12.851, 0, 0 , v: 28.976, 22.88, -4.681, 5.656, -28.559, -23.658 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1163.502, 302.004, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 19.961, 0, 0, 4.294 , o: 0, 4.294, -19.961, 0, 0, 0 , v: 36.143, -3.887, 0, 3.887, -36.143, -3.887 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1147.738, 349.715, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -46.624, 0, 0, -19.961, 0, 0, 6.601, 0, 0, -6.964, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -46.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.601, 19.961, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.964, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 57.439, -74.432, 26.981, -74.432, -57.439, 9.988, -57.439, 62.479, -21.296, 74.432, 14.847, 62.479, 14.847, 10.463, 27.456, -2.146, 57.439, -2.146 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1169.034, 326.604, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 51.71, -165.736, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1169.034, 326.603, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 71.649, -75.668, 71.649, -75.668, -71.649, 75.668, -71.649 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 28.349, 17, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 45.306, -75.668, 45.306, -75.668, -45.306, 75.668, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 28.359, -99.861, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.668, 45.306, -75.668, 45.306, -75.668, -45.306, 75.668, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 4.653, -87.118, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 71.409, 41.676, -71.409, 41.676, -71.409, -41.676, 71.409, -41.676 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0.2, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 123, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 2, parent: 128, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 366, op: 432, st: -155, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 124, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 2, parent: 123, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 382, s: -25 }, { t: 397, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 366, op: 432, st: -155, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 125, ty: 4, nm: Files 3, parent: 123, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: 27.592, 7.377, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 211, s: -23.978, -1.451, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 284, s: -23.978, -1.451, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 334, s: -75.478, -1.451, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 7.657, 0, -7.657, -8.841, -7.657, 8.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 998.417, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 179, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 191, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.379, 9.276, -2.379, 9.276, -2.379, -9.276, 2.379, -9.276 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1002.057, 246.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 91, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 101, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.379, 9.276, -2.379, 9.276, -2.379, -9.276, 2.379, -9.276 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 992.338, 246.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 91, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 101, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 7.657, -13.589, 0 , o: 0, -13.589, 6.364, 0 , v: -12.303, 12.303, 12.303, -12.303 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 98, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.873, 245.893, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 12.359, 12.294, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 183, s: 360 }, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.225, 13.589, 0 , o: 0, 13.589, -5.932, 0 , v: 12.303, -12.303, -12.303, 12.303 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 98, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.993, 246.014, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.126, -12.191, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 183, s: 360 }, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0, 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0 , o: 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0, 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0 , v: 17.181, 0, 0, 17.181, -17.181, 0, 0, -17.181 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 167, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 179, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0, 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0 , o: 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0, 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0 , v: 17.181, 0, 0, 17.181, -17.181, 0, 0, -17.181 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 4, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 65, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 77, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 46, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.141, 35.008, 46.141 , c: true } }, { t: 66, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 46, s: 0 }, { t: 52, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 396, op: 432, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 126, ty: 4, nm: Files 2, parent: 196, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: 118.105, 243.459, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 211, s: 169.674, 234.631, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 284, s: 169.674, 234.631, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 334, s: 221.174, 234.631, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 7.657, 0, -7.657, -8.841, -7.657, 8.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 998.417, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 179, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 191, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.379, 9.276, -2.379, 9.276, -2.379, -9.276, 2.379, -9.276 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1002.057, 246.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 91, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 101, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.379, 9.276, -2.379, 9.276, -2.379, -9.276, 2.379, -9.276 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 992.338, 246.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 91, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 101, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 7.657, -13.589, 0 , o: 0, -13.589, 6.364, 0 , v: -12.303, 12.303, 12.303, -12.303 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 98, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.873, 245.893, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 12.359, 12.294, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 183, s: 360 }, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.225, 13.589, 0 , o: 0, 13.589, -5.932, 0 , v: 12.303, -12.303, -12.303, 12.303 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 98, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.993, 246.014, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.126, -12.191, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 76, s: 0 }, { t: 183, s: 360 }, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0, 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0 , o: 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0, 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0 , v: 17.181, 0, 0, 17.181, -17.181, 0, 0, -17.181 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 167, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 179, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0, 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0 , o: 0, 9.489, -9.489, 0, 0, -9.489, 9.489, 0 , v: 17.181, 0, 0, 17.181, -17.181, 0, 0, -17.181 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 4, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 65, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 77, s: 93.5, 93.5 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 46, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.141, 35.008, 46.141 , c: true } }, { t: 66, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 46, s: 0 }, { t: 52, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.817, 245.903, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 46, op: 396, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 127, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 2, parent: 123, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 382, s: 25 }, { t: 397, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 366, op: 432, st: -155, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 128, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 366, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 396, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 401, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 431, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 366, op: 432, st: -155, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 129, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 3, parent: 134, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 659, op: 725, st: 138, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 130, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 3, parent: 129, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -25 }, { t: 690, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 659, op: 725, st: 138, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 131, ty: 4, nm: Art 2, parent: 129, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 490, s: 27.592, 7.377, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 504, s: -23.978, -1.451, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 577, s: -23.978, -1.451, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 627, s: -75.478, -1.451, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.117, 30.421, -0.117, 30.421, -0.117, -30.421, 0.117, -30.421 , c: true } }, { t: 367, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 30.421, -23.22, 30.421, -23.22, -30.421, 23.22, -30.421 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 0 }, { t: 363, s: 3 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 430, s: { i: 0.563, 1.363, 6.737, 0, 1.405, 5.604, -5.276, 0, 0, 6.399 , o: 3.453, 9.255, -3.816, 0, 1.4, 4.825, 6.398, 0, 0, -1.566 , v: 10.475, -8.003, -0.362, 8.099, -11.353, -0.352, -0.233, 8.003, 11.353, -3.582 , c: true } }, { t: 442, s: { i: 0.563, 1.363, 4.978, -0.429, 2.265, 2.719, -5.276, 0, 0, 6.399 , o: -0.133, 6.705, -3.224, 0.278, 1.4, 4.825, 6.398, 0, 0, -1.566 , v: 10.475, -8.003, -2.112, 2.349, -11.353, -0.352, -0.233, 8.003, 11.353, -3.582 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.235294118524, 0.560784339905, 0.235294118524, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.696, 146.927, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 427, s: 0 }, { t: 428, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -1.527, 2.004, 0, 0, 1.527, -2.004, 0 , o: 0, 1.527, -2.004, 0, 0, -1.527, 2.004, 0 , v: 3.629, 0, 0, 2.764, -3.629, 0, 0, -2.764 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.494117647409, 0.901960790157, 0.501960813999, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1080.067, 138.677, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 447, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 455, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.399, 6.399, 0, 0, 6.399, -6.399, 0 , o: 0, 6.399, -6.399, 0, 0, -6.399, 6.399, 0 , v: 11.586, 0, 0, 11.586, -11.586, 0, 0, -11.586 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 413, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 425, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 9.954, 0, 4.586, 8.08 , o: -4.586, 8.08, -9.954, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.221, -6.765, 0, 6.766, -23.221, -6.766 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 0 }, { t: 390, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 163.261, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -9.954, 0, -4.632, -7.904 , o: 4.586, -8.079, 9.823, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.129, 6.765, 0.092, -6.765, 23.129, 6.447 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 366, s: 0 }, { t: 378, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.371, 123.428, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.803, 9.803, 0, 0, 9.803, -9.803, 0 , o: 0, 9.803, -9.803, 0, 0, -9.803, 9.803, 0 , v: 17.751, 0, 0, 17.751, -17.751, 0, 0, -17.751 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 392, s: 0 }, { t: 411, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 339, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.006, 45.963, 35.011, 45.963 , c: true } }, { t: 359, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 339, s: 0 }, { t: 345, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 689, op: 725, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 132, ty: 4, nm: Art, parent: 194, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 490, s: 118.105, 243.459, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 504, s: 169.674, 234.631, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 577, s: 169.674, 234.631, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 627, s: 221.174, 234.631, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.117, 30.421, -0.117, 30.421, -0.117, -30.421, 0.117, -30.421 , c: true } }, { t: 367, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 30.421, -23.22, 30.421, -23.22, -30.421, 23.22, -30.421 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 0 }, { t: 363, s: 3 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 430, s: { i: 0.563, 1.363, 6.737, 0, 1.405, 5.604, -5.276, 0, 0, 6.399 , o: 3.453, 9.255, -3.816, 0, 1.4, 4.825, 6.398, 0, 0, -1.566 , v: 10.475, -8.003, -0.362, 8.099, -11.353, -0.352, -0.233, 8.003, 11.353, -3.582 , c: true } }, { t: 442, s: { i: 0.563, 1.363, 4.978, -0.429, 2.265, 2.719, -5.276, 0, 0, 6.399 , o: -0.133, 6.705, -3.224, 0.278, 1.4, 4.825, 6.398, 0, 0, -1.566 , v: 10.475, -8.003, -2.112, 2.349, -11.353, -0.352, -0.233, 8.003, 11.353, -3.582 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.235294118524, 0.560784339905, 0.235294118524, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.696, 146.927, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 427, s: 0 }, { t: 428, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -1.527, 2.004, 0, 0, 1.527, -2.004, 0 , o: 0, 1.527, -2.004, 0, 0, -1.527, 2.004, 0 , v: 3.629, 0, 0, 2.764, -3.629, 0, 0, -2.764 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.494117647409, 0.901960790157, 0.501960813999, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1080.067, 138.677, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 447, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 455, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.399, 6.399, 0, 0, 6.399, -6.399, 0 , o: 0, 6.399, -6.399, 0, 0, -6.399, 6.399, 0 , v: 11.586, 0, 0, 11.586, -11.586, 0, 0, -11.586 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 413, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 425, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 9.954, 0, 4.586, 8.08 , o: -4.586, 8.08, -9.954, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.221, -6.765, 0, 6.766, -23.221, -6.766 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 0 }, { t: 390, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 163.261, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -9.954, 0, -4.632, -7.904 , o: 4.586, -8.079, 9.823, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.129, 6.765, 0.092, -6.765, 23.129, 6.447 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 366, s: 0 }, { t: 378, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.371, 123.428, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -9.803, 9.803, 0, 0, 9.803, -9.803, 0 , o: 0, 9.803, -9.803, 0, 0, -9.803, 9.803, 0 , v: 17.751, 0, 0, 17.751, -17.751, 0, 0, -17.751 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 1.5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 392, s: 0 }, { t: 411, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 339, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.006, 45.963, 35.011, 45.963 , c: true } }, { t: 359, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 339, s: 0 }, { t: 345, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1083.463, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 339, op: 689, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 133, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 3, parent: 129, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 25 }, { t: 690, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 659, op: 725, st: 138, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 134, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 659, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 689, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 724, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 659, op: 725, st: 138, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 135, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 4, parent: 140, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 953, op: 1019, st: 432, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 136, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 4, parent: 135, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 969, s: -25 }, { t: 984, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 953, op: 1019, st: 432, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 137, ty: 4, nm: Files 4, parent: 135, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 784, s: 26.081, 8.559, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 798, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 871, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 921, s: -76.988, -0.269, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 653, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.097, 21.886, -0.097, 21.886, -0.097, -21.886, 0.097, -21.886 , c: true } }, { t: 668, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 21.886, -23.22, 21.886, -23.22, -21.886, 23.22, -21.886 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 653, s: 0 }, { t: 659, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 4.772, 2.958, 0, 0, -4.772, -2.958, 0 , o: 0, -4.772, -2.958, 0, 0, 4.772, 2.958, 0 , v: 5.357, 2.097, 0, -8.64, -5.357, 2.097, 0, 8.64 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.494117647409, 0.901960790157, 0.501960813999, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1173.905, 147.564, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 0 }, { t: 699, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 6.831, 4.235, 0, 0, -6.831, -4.235, 0 , o: 0, -6.831, -4.235, 0, 0, 6.831, 4.235, 0 , v: 7.668, 3.002, 0, -12.369, -7.668, 3.002, 0, 12.369 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1181.898, 142.561, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 696, s: 0 }, { t: 720, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -15.901, -7.821, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 8.963, -4.106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.22, -3.655, 23.22, -3.655, 23.22, 8.231, -23.22, 8.231 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 157, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 717, s: 0 }, { t: 744, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -6.02, -8.448, 0, 0 , o: 9.727, 0, 6.02, 8.448, 0, 0 , v: -13.423, -8.835, 12.671, 2.637, -13.423, 8.445 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1162.884, 147.759, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 741, s: 0 }, { t: 768, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 21.886, -23.22, 21.886, -23.22, -21.886, 23.22, -21.886 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.8156863451, 0.8156863451, 0.8156863451, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 100 }, { t: 784, s: 0 }, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 633, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.009, 46.037, -35.009, 46.037, -35.009, 46.141, 35.009, 46.141 , c: true } }, { t: 653, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 633, s: 0 }, { t: 639, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 983, op: 1019, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 138, ty: 4, nm: Files, parent: 192, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 784, s: 119.618, 243.099, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 798, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 871, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 921, s: 222.687, 234.27, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 653, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.097, 21.886, -0.097, 21.886, -0.097, -21.886, 0.097, -21.886 , c: true } }, { t: 668, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 21.886, -23.22, 21.886, -23.22, -21.886, 23.22, -21.886 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 653, s: 0 }, { t: 659, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 4.772, 2.958, 0, 0, -4.772, -2.958, 0 , o: 0, -4.772, -2.958, 0, 0, 4.772, 2.958, 0 , v: 5.357, 2.097, 0, -8.64, -5.357, 2.097, 0, 8.64 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.494117647409, 0.901960790157, 0.501960813999, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1173.905, 147.564, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 0 }, { t: 699, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 6.831, 4.235, 0, 0, -6.831, -4.235, 0 , o: 0, -6.831, -4.235, 0, 0, 6.831, 4.235, 0 , v: 7.668, 3.002, 0, -12.369, -7.668, 3.002, 0, 12.369 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1181.898, 142.561, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 696, s: 0 }, { t: 720, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -15.901, -7.821, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 8.963, -4.106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.22, -3.655, 23.22, -3.655, 23.22, 8.231, -23.22, 8.231 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 157, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 717, s: 0 }, { t: 744, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -6.02, -8.448, 0, 0 , o: 9.727, 0, 6.02, 8.448, 0, 0 , v: -13.423, -8.835, 12.671, 2.637, -13.423, 8.445 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.800000011921, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1162.884, 147.759, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 741, s: 0 }, { t: 768, s: 100 }, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.22, 21.886, -23.22, 21.886, -23.22, -21.886, 23.22, -21.886 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.8156863451, 0.8156863451, 0.8156863451, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 100 }, { t: 784, s: 0 }, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 633, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.009, 46.037, -35.009, 46.037, -35.009, 46.141, 35.009, 46.141 , c: true } }, { t: 653, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 633, s: 0 }, { t: 639, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1172.681, 143.345, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 633, op: 983, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 139, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 4, parent: 135, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 969, s: 25 }, { t: 984, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 953, op: 1019, st: 432, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 140, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 953, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 983, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 988, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1018, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 953, op: 1019, st: 432, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 141, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 5, parent: 146, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1247, op: 1313, st: 726, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 142, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 5, parent: 141, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1263, s: -25 }, { t: 1278, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1247, op: 1313, st: 726, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 143, ty: 4, nm: Article 6, parent: 141, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1078, s: 26.081, 8.559, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1092, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1165, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1215, s: -76.988, -0.269, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 30.375, 22.595, 30.375 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1029, s: 0 }, { t: 1044, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.716, 22.75, 12.716, 22.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1018, s: 0 }, { t: 1033, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.844, 14.625, 19.594, 14.625 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1007, s: 0 }, { t: 1022, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 7.125, 22.595, 7.125 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 996, s: 0 }, { t: 1011, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.95, -0.453, 12.481, -0.453 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 985, s: 0 }, { t: 1000, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, -7.75, 22.595, -7.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 974, s: 0 }, { t: 989, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -11.232, -20.209, 0.482, -20.209 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 967, s: 0 }, { t: 974, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.928, -20.25, -15.822, -20.25 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 962, s: 0 }, { t: 969, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.578, -31, 19.56, -31 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 10, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 947, s: 0 }, { t: 962, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 927, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: 947, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 927, s: 0 }, { t: 933, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1277, op: 1313, st: 208, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 144, ty: 4, nm: Article 5, parent: 190, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1078, s: 119.618, 243.099, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1092, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1165, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1215, s: 222.687, 234.27, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 30.375, 22.595, 30.375 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1029, s: 0 }, { t: 1044, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.716, 22.75, 12.716, 22.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1018, s: 0 }, { t: 1033, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.844, 14.625, 19.594, 14.625 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1007, s: 0 }, { t: 1022, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 7.125, 22.595, 7.125 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 996, s: 0 }, { t: 1011, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.95, -0.453, 12.481, -0.453 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 985, s: 0 }, { t: 1000, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, -7.75, 22.595, -7.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 974, s: 0 }, { t: 989, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -11.232, -20.209, 0.482, -20.209 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 967, s: 0 }, { t: 974, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.928, -20.25, -15.822, -20.25 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 962, s: 0 }, { t: 969, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.578, -31, 19.56, -31 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 10, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 947, s: 0 }, { t: 962, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 927, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: 947, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 927, s: 0 }, { t: 933, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 927, op: 1277, st: 208, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 145, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 5, parent: 141, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1263, s: 25 }, { t: 1278, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1247, op: 1313, st: 726, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 146, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1247, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1277, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1282, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1312, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1247, op: 1313, st: 726, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 147, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 6, parent: 152, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1541, op: 1607, st: 1020, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 148, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 6, parent: 147, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1557, s: -25 }, { t: 1572, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1541, op: 1607, st: 1020, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 149, ty: 4, nm: Audio 2, parent: 147, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 26.081, 8.559, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1386, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1459, s: -25.488, -0.269, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1509, s: -76.988, -0.269, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 143.444, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -24.636, 0, 24.636, 0 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: 50 }, { t: 1252, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: 50 }, { t: 1252, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 2, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 173.188, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.816, 0, 2.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.667, 0, 25.667 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.816, 0, 2.816 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.667, 0, 25.667 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1250, s: 50 }, { t: 1261, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1250, s: 50 }, { t: 1261, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1226, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1256, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1316, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -14.225, 0, 14.225 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1006.123, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1226, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1256, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1316, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -14.225, 0, 14.225 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 986.49, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 976.674, 136.705, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1015.939, 136.705, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1221, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.009, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.016, 35.009, 46.016 , c: true } }, { t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1221, s: 0 }, { t: 1227, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 143.444, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1571, op: 1607, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 150, ty: 4, nm: Audio, parent: 188, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 119.618, 243.099, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1386, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1459, s: 171.187, 234.27, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1509, s: 222.687, 234.27, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 143.444, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -24.636, 0, 24.636, 0 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: 50 }, { t: 1252, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: 50 }, { t: 1252, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 2, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 173.188, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.816, 0, 2.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.667, 0, 25.667 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.816, 0, 2.816 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.667, 0, 25.667 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1250, s: 50 }, { t: 1261, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1250, s: 50 }, { t: 1261, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1226, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1256, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1316, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -14.225, 0, 14.225 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1006.123, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1226, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1256, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.566, 0, 25.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1316, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -2.885, 0, 2.885 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -14.225, 0, 14.225 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1260, s: 50 }, { t: 1271, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 986.49, 136.704, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 976.674, 136.705, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1271, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1301, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -25.567, 0, 25.567 , c: false } }, { t: 1331, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0, -3.247, 0, 3.247 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 5, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 0 }, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 50 }, { t: 1281, s: 100 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1015.939, 136.705, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1221, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.009, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.016, 35.009, 46.016 , c: true } }, { t: 1241, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1221, s: 0 }, { t: 1227, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 996.307, 143.444, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1221, op: 1571, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 151, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 6, parent: 147, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1557, s: 25 }, { t: 1572, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1541, op: 1607, st: 1020, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 152, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1541, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1571, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1576, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 1606, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1541, op: 1607, st: 1020, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 153, ty: 4, nm: Code, parent: 186, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1664, s: 116.595, 243.834, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1678, s: 168.164, 235.006, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1751, s: 168.164, 235.006, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1801, s: 219.664, 235.006, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 296.505, -468.556, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 273.138, -499.08, 277.794, -497.034, 277.794, -494.134, 270.31, -497.877, 270.31, -500.323, 277.794, -504.076, 277.794, -501.177 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 1533, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 1541, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 285.2, -499.176, 321.631, -499.176 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1540, s: 0 }, { t: 1553, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 2, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -490.542, 309.006, -490.542 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1552, s: 0 }, { t: 1565, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -481.908, 316.012, -481.908 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1564, s: 0 }, { t: 1577, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -473.274, 309.006, -473.274 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1576, s: 0 }, { t: 1589, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -464.64, 321.631, -464.64 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1588, s: 0 }, { t: 1601, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -456.006, 309.006, -456.006 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1600, s: 0 }, { t: 1610, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -447.372, 297.674, -447.372 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1609, s: 0 }, { t: 1622, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -438.738, 302.622, -438.738 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1621, s: 0 }, { t: 1634, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 308.92, -431.094, 306.793, -431.094, 311.285, -447.348, 313.413, -447.348 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 1631, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 1639, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 319.767, -438.763, 315.018, -440.83, 315.018, -443.708, 322.604, -439.966, 322.604, -437.52, 315.018, -433.767, 315.018, -436.646 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: 1637, s: 0, 0 }, { t: 1645, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1513, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: 1533, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1513, s: 0 }, { t: 1519, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 296.525, -468.425, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1513, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 154, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand 7, parent: 159, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 72, op: 138, st: -449, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 155, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw 7, parent: 154, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 88, s: -25 }, { t: 103, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 72, op: 138, st: -449, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 156, ty: 4, nm: Code 2, parent: 154, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: 29.094, 6.209, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -83, s: -22.475, -2.619, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -10, s: -22.475, -2.619, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 40, s: -73.975, -2.619, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 296.505, -468.556, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 273.138, -499.08, 277.794, -497.034, 277.794, -494.134, 270.31, -497.877, 270.31, -500.323, 277.794, -504.076, 277.794, -501.177 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -228, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -220, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 285.2, -499.176, 321.631, -499.176 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -221, s: 0 }, { t: -208, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 2, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -490.542, 309.006, -490.542 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -209, s: 0 }, { t: -196, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -481.908, 316.012, -481.908 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -197, s: 0 }, { t: -184, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -473.274, 309.006, -473.274 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -185, s: 0 }, { t: -172, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -464.64, 321.631, -464.64 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -173, s: 0 }, { t: -160, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -456.006, 309.006, -456.006 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -161, s: 0 }, { t: -151, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -447.372, 297.674, -447.372 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -152, s: 0 }, { t: -139, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -438.738, 302.622, -438.738 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -140, s: 0 }, { t: -127, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 308.92, -431.094, 306.793, -431.094, 311.285, -447.348, 313.413, -447.348 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -130, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -122, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 319.767, -438.763, 315.018, -440.83, 315.018, -443.708, 322.604, -439.966, 322.604, -437.52, 315.018, -433.767, 315.018, -436.646 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -124, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -116, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -248, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: -228, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -248, s: 0 }, { t: -242, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 296.525, -468.425, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 102, op: 138, st: -3324, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 157, ty: 4, nm: Code 3, parent: 198, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: 114.987, 244.162, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -83, s: 166.556, 235.333, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -10, s: 166.556, 235.333, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 40, s: 218.056, 235.333, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 296.505, -468.556, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 273.138, -499.08, 277.794, -497.034, 277.794, -494.134, 270.31, -497.877, 270.31, -500.323, 277.794, -504.076, 277.794, -501.177 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 270.251, -499.019, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -228, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -220, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 285.2, -499.176, 321.631, -499.176 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -221, s: 0 }, { t: -208, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 2, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -490.542, 309.006, -490.542 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -209, s: 0 }, { t: -196, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -481.908, 316.012, -481.908 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -197, s: 0 }, { t: -184, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -473.274, 309.006, -473.274 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -185, s: 0 }, { t: -172, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -464.64, 321.631, -464.64 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -173, s: 0 }, { t: -160, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -456.006, 309.006, -456.006 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -161, s: 0 }, { t: -151, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -447.372, 297.674, -447.372 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -152, s: 0 }, { t: -139, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 272.575, -438.738, 302.622, -438.738 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -140, s: 0 }, { t: -127, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 308.92, -431.094, 306.793, -431.094, 311.285, -447.348, 313.413, -447.348 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 312.42, -447.454, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -130, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -122, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 319.767, -438.763, 315.018, -440.83, 315.018, -443.708, 322.604, -439.966, 322.604, -437.52, 315.018, -433.767, 315.018, -436.646 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.713725507259, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 322.552, -438.761, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0 }, t: -124, s: 0, 0 }, { t: -116, s: 100, 100 }, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -248, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: -228, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -248, s: 0 }, { t: -242, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 296.525, -468.425, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 102, st: -3324, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 158, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw 7, parent: 154, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 88, s: 25 }, { t: 103, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 72, op: 138, st: -449, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 159, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 72, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 102, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 107, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: 137, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 72, op: 138, st: -449, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 160, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_Hand, parent: 165, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -24.034, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -492.30303030303, op: -492, st: -1069, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 161, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_BottomClaw, parent: 160, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -527, s: -25 }, { t: -517, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.178, 0.172, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.25, -16, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -492.30303030303, op: -492, st: -1069, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 162, ty: 4, nm: Article 2, parent: 165, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -717, s: 3.557, 7.377, 0, to: -8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: 8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -703, s: -48.012, -1.451, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -630, s: -48.012, -1.451, 0, to: -8.583, 0, 0, ti: 8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: -580, s: -99.512, -1.451, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 30.375, 22.595, 30.375 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -766, s: 0 }, { t: -751, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.716, 22.75, 12.716, 22.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -777, s: 0 }, { t: -762, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.844, 14.625, 19.594, 14.625 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -788, s: 0 }, { t: -773, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 7.125, 22.595, 7.125 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -799, s: 0 }, { t: -784, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.95, -0.453, 12.481, -0.453 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -810, s: 0 }, { t: -795, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, -7.75, 22.595, -7.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -821, s: 0 }, { t: -806, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -11.232, -20.209, 0.482, -20.209 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -828, s: 0 }, { t: -821, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.928, -20.25, -15.822, -20.25 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -833, s: 0 }, { t: -826, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.578, -31, 19.56, -31 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 10, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -848, s: 0 }, { t: -833, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -868, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: -848, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -868, s: 0 }, { t: -862, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -492.30303030303, op: -492, st: -1587, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 163, ty: 4, nm: Article, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -717, s: 1110.905, 969.123, 0, to: 8.595, -1.471, 0, ti: -8.595, 1.471, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -703, s: 1162.474, 960.295, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -630, s: 1162.474, 960.295, 0, to: 8.583, 0, 0, ti: -8.583, 0, 0 }, { t: -580, s: 1213.974, 960.295, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 30.375, 22.595, 30.375 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -766, s: 0 }, { t: -751, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.716, 22.75, 12.716, 22.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -777, s: 0 }, { t: -762, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.844, 14.625, 19.594, 14.625 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -788, s: 0 }, { t: -773, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, 7.125, 22.595, 7.125 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -799, s: 0 }, { t: -784, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.95, -0.453, 12.481, -0.453 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -810, s: 0 }, { t: -795, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.845, -7.75, 22.595, -7.75 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -821, s: 0 }, { t: -806, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -11.232, -20.209, 0.482, -20.209 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -828, s: 0 }, { t: -821, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -23.928, -20.25, -15.822, -20.25 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -833, s: 0 }, { t: -826, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 4, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.578, -31, 19.56, -31 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 10, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tm, s: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 1 }, e: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -848, s: 0 }, { t: -833, s: 99 }, ix: 2 }, o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 3 }, m: 1, ix: 3, nm: Trim Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Trim, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -868, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 45.709, 35.008, 45.709 , c: true } }, { t: -848, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -868, s: 0 }, { t: -862, s: 4 }, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -518.30303030303, op: -518, st: -1587, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 164, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left_TopClaw, parent: 160, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -527, s: 25 }, { t: -517, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.053, 0.078, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.375, 16.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -492.30303030303, op: -492, st: -1069, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 165, ty: 4, nm: CollectionArm_Left, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -538, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0, to: 27.667, 0, 0, ti: -27.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -518, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -513, s: 201.7, 783.28, 0, to: -27.667, 0, 0, ti: 27.667, 0, 0 }, { t: -493, s: 35.7, 783.28, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 29.784, -7.603, -24.034, -7.778, -24.034, 7.778, 29.784, 7.954 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: -492.30303030303, op: -492, st: -1069, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 166, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Wrist 4, parent: 177, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -57, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -23, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 8, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 237, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 271, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 302, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 529, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 594, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 822, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 856, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 887, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1115, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1149, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1180, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1409, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1474, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1703, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1737, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.209, 9.297, 3.057, 0.069, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 3.057, 0.069, 0.209, -9.297, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.353, 13.832, 33.546, -0.557, 27.521, -13.594, -32.39, -13.833, -33.555, 13.142 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 40.8, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 167, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Top 4, parent: 166, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -27, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -17, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -2, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 267, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 292, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 469, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 484, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 494, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 559, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 569, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 584, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 777, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 787, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 852, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 862, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 877, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1055, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1070, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1145, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1155, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1170, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1349, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1364, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1374, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1439, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1449, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1464, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1643, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1658, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1733, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1743, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1758, s: 24 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.845, 0.688, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.582, 16.86, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 168, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag, parent: 166, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -23, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 30, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 271, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 324, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 563, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 616, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 856, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 909, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1149, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1202, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1443, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1496, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1737, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1790, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -84, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -44, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 210, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 240, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 250, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 502, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 532, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 542, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 795, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 825, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 835, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1088, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1118, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1128, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1382, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1412, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1422, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1676, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1716, s: 0 }, { t: 1737, s: 50.548 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -65.706, 1.138, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: -57, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: -23, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 237, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 271, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 529, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 563, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 822, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 856, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1115, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1149, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1409, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1443, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1703, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1737, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1737, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 169, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, parent: 200, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -84, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -44, s: -52.3 }, { t: -23, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: -57, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: -23, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: -23, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 18, st: -1235, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 170, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 4, parent: 198, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 210, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 240, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 250, s: -52.3 }, { t: 271, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 237, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 271, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 271, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 271, op: 312, st: -941, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 171, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 5, parent: 196, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 502, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 532, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 542, s: -52.3 }, { t: 563, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 529, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 563, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 563, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 563, op: 604, st: -649, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 172, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 6, parent: 194, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 795, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 825, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 835, s: -52.3 }, { t: 856, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 822, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 856, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 856, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 856, op: 897, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 173, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 7, parent: 192, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1088, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1118, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1128, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1149, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1115, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1149, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1149, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1149, op: 1190, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 174, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 8, parent: 190, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1382, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1412, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1422, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1443, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1409, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1443, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1443, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1443, op: 1484, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 175, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 9, parent: 188, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1676, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1716, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1737, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 295.39, 215.471, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1703, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1737, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1737, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1737, op: 1761, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 176, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Bottom 4, parent: 166, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -27, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -17, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -2, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 267, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 292, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 469, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 484, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 494, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 559, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 569, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 584, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 777, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 787, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 852, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 862, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 877, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1055, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1070, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1145, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1155, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1170, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1349, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1364, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1374, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1439, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1449, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1464, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1643, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1658, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1733, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1743, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1758, s: -24 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.165, 0.248, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.262, -15.925, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0.001, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0.001, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 177, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm 4, parent: 178, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -23, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 8, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 271, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 302, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 563, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 594, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 856, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 887, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1149, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1180, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1443, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1474, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1737, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 81.703, 0.375, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -47, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -23, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -16, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 8, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 247, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 271, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 278, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 302, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 539, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 563, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 570, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 594, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 832, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 856, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 863, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 887, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1125, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1149, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1156, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1180, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1419, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1443, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1450, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1474, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1713, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1737, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1744, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1768, s: 90, 90, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 4.296, 1.963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.963, 0, 0, -4.296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 78.053, 7.778, 81.608, -0.001, 78.053, -7.779, -37.164, -7.778, -37.163, 7.779 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 178, ty: 3, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm_Rotate 4, parent: 179, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 18, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 489, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1075, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1369, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1663, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1737, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -0.156, 0.102, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 179, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Joint 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -97, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -57, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -23, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 8, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 18, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 197, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 237, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 271, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 302, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 489, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 529, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 594, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 782, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 822, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 856, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 887, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1075, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1115, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1149, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1180, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1369, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1409, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1474, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1663, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: 660.156, 769.898, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1703, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1737, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: 660.156, 749.898, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: 660.156, 739.898, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 18, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 489, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1075, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1369, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1663, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1737, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { t: 1768, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 41.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 180, ty: 0, nm: Person_3, parent: 181, refId: comp_1, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 1681, op: 1761, st: 1681, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 181, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1697, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 2111, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 2252, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 2278, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 2419, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 2602, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 2743, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 2768, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 2909, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 3317, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 1697, op: 1761, st: 1697, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 182, ty: 0, nm: Person_2, parent: 183, refId: comp_2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 1388, op: 1761, st: 1388, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 183, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1404, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 1818, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 1959, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 1985, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 2126, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 2309, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 2450, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 2475, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 2616, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 3024, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 1404, op: 1761, st: 1404, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 184, ty: 0, nm: Person_4, parent: 185, refId: comp_3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 1095, op: 1761, st: 1095, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 185, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 10, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1111, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 1525, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 1666, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 1692, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 1833, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 2016, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 2157, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 2182, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 2323, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 2731, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 1111, op: 1761, st: 1111, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 186, ty: 0, nm: Person_6, parent: 187, refId: comp_4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 803, op: 1761, st: 803, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 187, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 9, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 819, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 1233, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 1374, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 1400, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 1541, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 1724, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 1865, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 1890, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 2031, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 2439, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 819, op: 1761, st: 819, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 188, ty: 0, nm: Person_5, parent: 189, refId: comp_5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 509, op: 1761, st: 509, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 189, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 525, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 939, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 1080, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 1106, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 1247, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 1430, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 1571, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 1596, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 1737, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 2145, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 525, op: 1761, st: 525, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 190, ty: 0, nm: Person_1, parent: 191, refId: comp_6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 215, op: 1761, st: 215, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 191, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 231, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 645, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 786, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 812, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 953, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 1136, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 1277, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 1302, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 1443, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1851, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 231, op: 1761, st: 231, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 192, ty: 0, nm: Person_3, parent: 193, refId: comp_1, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 1571, st: -79, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 193, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 18, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -63, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 351, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 492, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 518, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 659, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 842, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 983, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 1008, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 1149, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1557, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1587, st: -63, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 194, ty: 0, nm: Person_2, parent: 195, refId: comp_2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 1278, st: -372, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 195, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 17, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -356, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: 58, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 199, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: 225, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 366, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 549, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 690, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 715, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 856, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1264, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1294, st: -356, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 196, ty: 0, nm: Person_4, parent: 197, refId: comp_3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 985, st: -665, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 197, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 16, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -649, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: -235, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: -94, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: -68, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 73, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: 256, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 397, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 422, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 563, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 971, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1001, st: -649, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 198, ty: 0, nm: Person_6, parent: 199, refId: comp_4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 693, st: -957, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 199, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 15, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -941, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: -527, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: -386, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: -360, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: -219, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: -36, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 105, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 130, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 271, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 679, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 709, st: -941, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 200, ty: 0, nm: Person_5, parent: 201, refId: comp_5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 399, st: -1251, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 201, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 14, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1235, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: -821, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: -680, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: -654, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: -513, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: -330, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: -189, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: -164, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: -23, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 385, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 415, st: -1235, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 202, ty: 0, nm: Person_1, parent: 203, refId: comp_6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.9, -16.918, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 222.5, 211.5, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 445, h: 423, ip: 0, op: 105, st: -1545, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 203, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_PersonLine_Null 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: -1529, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.676 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.309 }, t: -1115, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 99.751, 0.5, 0, ti: -0.5, -101.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: -974, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.323 }, t: -948, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0.5, 84.251, 0, ti: 86.251, -1, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: -807, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.69 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.316 }, t: -624, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -105.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -105.251, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: -483, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: -458, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: -317, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 91, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 121, st: -1529, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 204, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLines, refId: comp_7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1737, op: 1761, st: 197, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 205, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLines, refId: comp_7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 87, op: 1737, st: -1453, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 206, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLines, refId: comp_7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 0, op: 87, st: -3103, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 208, ty: 4, nm: ConveyorBelt, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 607.171, 641.339, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 0, -11.037, 11.037, 0, 15.348, 0, 0, 11.037, 11.037, 15.349, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, 0, 11.037, -11.037, 0, -15.348, 0, 0, -11.036, -11.037, -15.349, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 15.349, 0, 11.037, -11.037, 0, 0, 0, -15.348, -11.037, -11.037, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, -15.349, 0, -11.036, 11.037, 0, 0, 0, 15.349, 11.037, 11.037, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 607.4, 394.082, -187.349, 394.082, -405.38, 176.051, -405.38, 138.031, -183.346, -80, 160.289, -80, 201.205, -97.115, 218.321, -138.031, 218.321, -176.051, 201.205, -216.967, 160.289, -234.082, -607.4, -234.082, -607.4, -394.082, 200.321, -394.082, 418.353, -176.051, 418.353, -138.031, 200.321, 80, -147.317, 80, -188.234, 97.115, -205.348, 138.031, -205.348, 176.051, -188.234, 216.967, -147.317, 234.082, 607.4, 234.082 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 209, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Wrist 3, parent: 216, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -64, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 229, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 523, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 817, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1111, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1403, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { t: 1696, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.209, 9.297, 3.057, 0.069, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 3.057, 0.069, 0.209, -9.297, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.353, 13.832, 33.546, -0.557, 27.521, -13.594, -32.39, -13.833, -33.555, 13.142 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 40.8, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 210, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Top 3, parent: 209, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -99, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -89, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -74, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 114, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 124, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 194, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 204, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 219, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 408, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 418, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 488, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 498, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 513, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 732, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 996, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1006, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1076, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1086, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1101, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1288, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1298, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1368, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1393, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1581, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1591, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1661, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1671, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1686, s: 25 }, { t: 1696, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.845, 0.688, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.582, 16.86, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 211, ty: 4, nm: COMPANY DOCS Outlines 5, parent: 212, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 604.782, 336.963, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0.3, 2.295, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: -27.909, -3.933, -28.315, -2.274, -29.612, -1.816, -30.962, -2.473, -31.356, -4.889, -31.356, -7.119, -30.934, -9.321, -29.58, -9.99, -28.286, -9.515, -27.901, -7.792, -25.509, -7.792, -26.649, -10.89, -29.58, -11.968, -32.645, -10.651, -33.748, -6.9, -33.748, -4.914, -32.681, -1.155, -29.612, 0.162, -26.661, -0.876, -25.525, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -15.747, -6.86, -16.898, -10.626, -20.004, -11.968, -23.133, -10.602, -24.261, -6.803, -24.261, -4.784, -23.109, -1.139, -19.987, 0.162, -16.87, -1.151, -15.747, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -18.139, -4.768, -18.601, -2.542, -19.987, -1.824, -21.414, -2.558, -21.877, -4.841, -21.877, -6.941, -21.406, -9.223, -20.004, -9.973, -18.593, -9.195, -18.139, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.036, -11.806, -14.036, 0, -11.652, 0, -11.652, -3.195, -11.871, -8.117, -9.511, 0, -7.889, 0, -5.53, -8.117, -5.749, -3.195, -5.749, 0, -3.357, 0, -3.357, -11.806, -6.47, -11.806, -8.692, -3.268, -10.922, -11.806 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: M, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: M, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.687, 0.67, 0, 1.157, 0.695, 0.724, 1.168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.216, 0, 0.686, -0.67, 0, -1.157, -0.695, -0.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.53, -4.152, 5.384, -5.157, 6.414, -7.898, 5.372, -10.719, 2.579, -11.806, -1.443, -11.806, -1.443, 0, 0.941, 0, 0.941, -4.152 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.254, -0.349, 0, -0.589, 0.249, -0.297, 0.454, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.427, 0.005, 0.254, 0.349, 0, 0.568, -0.249, 0.297, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.941, -9.819, 2.603, -9.819, 3.625, -9.288, 4.006, -7.881, 3.633, -6.584, 2.579, -6.138, 0.941, -6.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: P, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: P, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 12.828, 0, 15.374, 0, 11.66, -11.806, 9.479, -11.806, 5.79, 0, 8.311, 0, 8.944, -2.416, 12.195, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 10.566, -8.611, 11.668, -4.403, 9.463, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 24.731, -11.806, 22.355, -11.806, 22.355, -4.054, 18.861, -11.806, 16.477, -11.806, 16.477, 0, 18.861, 0, 18.861, -7.744, 22.347, 0, 24.731, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: N, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: N, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.193, -11.806, 25.599, -11.806, 28.769, -4.281, 28.769, 0, 31.186, 0, 31.186, -4.281, 34.348, -11.806, 31.753, -11.806, 29.977, -6.503 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Y, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Y, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.916, 16.397, -11.53, 15.071, -10.302, 11.418, -10.302, 9.505, -11.555, 5.904, -14.851, 4.591, -17.972, 4.591, -17.972, 16.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -14.721, 6.577, -13.148, 7.263, -12.686, 9.569, -12.686, 11.621, -13.197, 13.79, -14.875, 14.418, -15.589, 14.418, -15.589, 6.577 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: -0.28, 9.537, -1.431, 5.771, -4.537, 4.429, -7.667, 5.795, -8.794, 9.594, -8.794, 11.613, -7.642, 15.258, -4.52, 16.559, -1.403, 15.245, -0.28, 11.556 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: -2.672, 11.629, -3.134, 13.855, -4.52, 14.572, -5.948, 13.839, -6.41, 11.556, -6.41, 9.456, -5.939, 7.173, -4.537, 6.423, -3.126, 7.202, -2.672, 9.578 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.878, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 7.05, 12.464, 6.645, 14.122, 5.348, 14.58, 3.998, 13.924, 3.604, 11.507, 3.604, 9.278, 4.026, 7.076, 5.38, 6.407, 6.673, 6.881, 7.059, 8.605, 9.451, 8.605, 8.311, 5.507, 5.38, 4.429, 2.315, 5.746, 1.212, 9.496, 1.212, 11.483, 2.279, 15.241, 5.348, 16.559, 8.299, 15.521, 9.434, 12.464 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 14.64, 14.621, 13.343, 14.159, 12.945, 12.675, 10.553, 12.675, 11.084, 14.743, 12.556, 16.089, 14.64, 16.559, 17.308, 15.691, 18.289, 13.283, 17.506, 10.972, 14.997, 9.44, 13.618, 8.625, 13.229, 7.745, 13.578, 6.752, 14.551, 6.383, 15.568, 6.817, 15.921, 8.077, 18.297, 8.077, 17.839, 6.18, 16.529, 4.887, 14.591, 4.429, 11.903, 5.333, 10.845, 7.729, 11.624, 9.865, 14.178, 11.442, 15.52, 12.209, 15.889, 13.299 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 212, ty: 4, nm: CompanyDocs 5, parent: 209, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: 0 }, { t: 1665, s: 52.3 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -0.432, 2.45, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -0.432, 2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0, to: 0.432, -2.45, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -77.455, -12.255, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 0.432, -2.45, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -80.047, 2.446, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { t: 1665, s: -66.158, 2.446, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 584.458, 314.293, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 599.958, 334.293, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 213, ty: 4, nm: TAX DOCS Outlines 6, parent: 214, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: -45, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 565.258, 322.549, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -0.105, -5.903, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -25.866, -11.806, -34.048, -11.806, -34.048, -9.819, -31.177, -9.819, -31.177, 0, -28.785, 0, -28.785, -9.819, -25.866, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: T, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: T, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -19.201, 0, -16.655, 0, -20.369, -11.806, -22.55, -11.806, -26.239, 0, -23.717, 0, -23.085, -2.416, -19.833, -2.416 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -21.463, -8.611, -20.36, -4.403, -22.566, -4.403 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: A, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: A, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -13.444, -11.806, -16.176, -11.806, -13.395, -5.952, -16.233, 0, -13.468, 0, -11.855, -4.127, -10.233, 0, -7.468, 0, -10.306, -5.952, -7.533, -11.806, -10.265, -11.806, -11.855, -7.752 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: X, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: X, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.819, 0.884, 0, 1.552, 0, 0, 0.819, 0.876, 1.378, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.438, 0, 0.819, -0.884, 0, 0, -0.016, -1.524, -0.819, -0.876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.624, 0, 4.01, -1.326, 5.238, -4.979, 5.238, -6.892, 3.985, -10.492, 0.689, -11.806, -2.433, -11.806, -2.433, 0 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.308, -0.435, 0, -1.103, 0, 0, 0.324, -0.419, 0.795, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, 0.022, 0.308, 0.435, 0, 0, -0.016, 1.027, -0.324, 0.419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.819, -9.819, 2.392, -9.134, 2.854, -6.827, 2.854, -4.776, 2.343, -2.607, 0.665, -1.978, -0.049, -1.978, -0.049, -9.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: D, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: D, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.757, 0.895, 1.314, 0, 0.751, -0.911, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.757, -0.868, -1.324, 0, -0.749, 0.876, 0, 1.584 , o: -0.011, -1.616, -0.757, -0.895, -1.335, 0, -0.751, 0.911, 0, 0, 0.011, 1.562, 0.757, 0.868, 1.33, 0, 0.749, -0.876, 0, 0 , v: 15.26, -6.86, 14.109, -10.626, 11.003, -11.968, 7.873, -10.602, 6.746, -6.803, 6.746, -4.784, 7.898, -1.139, 11.02, 0.162, 14.137, -1.151, 15.26, -4.841 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.303, -0.478, 0.622, 0, 0.308, 0.489, 0, 1.033, 0, 0, -0.303, 0.5, -0.632, 0, -0.303, -0.519, 0, -1.065 , o: -0.005, 1.005, -0.303, 0.478, -0.643, 0, -0.308, -0.489, 0, 0, 0.011, -1.022, 0.303, -0.5, 0.638, 0, 0.303, 0.519, 0, 0 , v: 12.868, -4.768, 12.406, -2.542, 11.02, -1.824, 9.592, -2.558, 9.13, -4.841, 9.13, -6.941, 9.601, -9.223, 11.003, -9.973, 12.414, -9.195, 12.868, -6.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: O, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: mm, mm: 1, nm: Merge Paths 1, mn: ADBE Vector Filter - Merge, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: O, np: 5, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0.238, -0.305, 0.627, 0, 0.262, 0.438, 0, 1.173, 0, 0, -0.265, 0.446, -0.638, 0, -0.235, -0.316, -0.022, -0.832, 0, 0, 0.668, 0.719, 1.286, 0, 0.735, -0.878, 0, -1.622, 0, 0, -0.711, -0.878, -1.335, 0, -0.697, 0.692, -0.06, 1.346 , o: -0.032, 0.8, -0.238, 0.305, -0.638, 0, -0.262, -0.438, 0, 0, 0.016, -1.022, 0.265, -0.446, 0.627, 0, 0.235, 0.316, 0, 0, -0.092, -1.346, -0.668, -0.719, -1.308, 0, -0.735, 0.879, 0, 0, 0, 1.627, 0.711, 0.879, 1.27, 0, 0.697, -0.692, 0, 0 , v: 22.59, -3.933, 22.185, -2.274, 20.888, -1.816, 19.538, -2.473, 19.144, -4.889, 19.144, -7.119, 19.566, -9.321, 20.92, -9.99, 22.213, -9.515, 22.598, -7.792, 24.99, -7.792, 23.851, -10.89, 20.92, -11.968, 17.855, -10.651, 16.752, -6.9, 16.752, -4.914, 17.819, -1.155, 20.888, 0.162, 23.839, -0.876, 24.974, -3.933 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: C, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: C, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.832, 0, 0.265, 0.308, 0, 0.681, 0, 0, -0.354, -0.584, -0.627, -0.313, -0.762, 0, -0.654, 0.578, 0, 1.027, 0.522, 0.605, 1.151, 0.416, 0.259, 0.262, 0, 0.324, -0.232, 0.246, -0.416, 0, -0.235, -0.289, 0, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.305, 0.557, 0.568, 0.305, 0.724, 0, 0.705, -0.603, 0, -0.995, -0.519, -0.603, -1.184, -0.449, -0.246, -0.246, 0, -0.481 , o: -0.6, 0, -0.265, -0.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.795, 0.354, 0.584, 0.627, 0.313, 1.124, 0, 0.654, -0.578, 0, -0.935, -0.522, -0.605, -0.66, -0.281, -0.259, -0.262, 0, -0.416, 0.232, -0.246, 0.443, 0, 0.235, 0.289, 0, 0, 0, -0.708, -0.305, -0.557, -0.568, -0.305, -1.087, 0, -0.705, 0.603, 0, 0.822, 0.519, 0.603, 0.649, 0.265, 0.246, 0.246, 0, 0.881 , v: 30.18, -1.776, 28.883, -2.238, 28.485, -3.722, 26.093, -3.722, 26.624, -1.654, 28.096, -0.308, 30.18, 0.162, 32.848, -0.705, 33.829, -3.114, 33.046, -5.425, 30.537, -6.957, 29.158, -7.772, 28.769, -8.652, 29.118, -9.645, 30.091, -10.014, 31.108, -9.58, 31.461, -8.319, 33.837, -8.319, 33.379, -10.217, 32.069, -11.51, 30.131, -11.968, 27.443, -11.064, 26.385, -8.668, 27.164, -6.531, 29.718, -4.954, 31.06, -4.188, 31.429, -3.097 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: S, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: S, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 214, ty: 4, nm: TaxDocs 6, parent: 209, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -156, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -126, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -116, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 137, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 431, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 461, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 471, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 725, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 755, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 765, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1019, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1049, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1059, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1311, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1341, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1351, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: 52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1604, s: 54 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1634, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1644, s: 0 }, { t: 1665, s: 52.3 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 1.327, -1.495, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 1.327, -1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0, to: -1.327, 1.495, 0, ti: -2.315, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -60.641, 11.141, 0, to: 2.315, 0, 0, ti: -1.327, 1.495, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -52.678, 2.174, 0, to: -2.315, 0, 0, ti: 2.315, 0, 0 }, { t: 1665, s: -66.567, 2.174, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 588.878, 314.449, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 35.008, 46.037, -35.008, 46.037, -35.008, -46.037, 35.008, -46.037 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 564.949, 324.458, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 215, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Bottom 6, parent: 209, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -99, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -89, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -74, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 114, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 124, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 194, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 204, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 219, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 408, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 418, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 488, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 498, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 513, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 732, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 996, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1006, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1076, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1086, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1101, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1288, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1298, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1368, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1393, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1581, s: -25 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1591, s: -25 }, { t: 1601, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.846, 0.274, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.262, -15.925, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0.001, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0.001, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 216, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm 3, parent: 217, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -95, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -64, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 198, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 229, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 492, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 523, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 786, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 817, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1080, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1111, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1372, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1403, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1665, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1696, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 81.703, 0.375, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -119, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -95, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -88, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -64, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 174, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 198, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 205, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 229, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 468, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 492, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 499, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 523, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 762, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 786, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 793, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 817, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1056, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1080, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1087, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1111, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1348, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1372, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1379, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1403, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1641, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1665, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1672, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1696, s: 90, 90, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 4.296, 1.963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.963, 0, 0, -4.296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 78.053, 7.778, 81.608, -0.001, 78.053, -7.779, -37.164, -7.778, -37.163, 7.779 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 217, ty: 3, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm_Rotate 3, parent: 218, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -129, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 164, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 458, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1046, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1338, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1631, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1665, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1696, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -0.156, 0.102, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 218, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Joint 3, parent: 219, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -159, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -129, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -64, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 134, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 164, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 229, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 428, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 458, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 523, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 722, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 752, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 817, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1016, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1046, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1111, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1308, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1338, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1403, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1601, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1631, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1696, s: 100, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -129, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -95, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -64, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 164, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 198, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 229, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 458, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 492, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 523, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 752, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 786, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 817, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1046, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1080, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1111, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1338, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1372, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1403, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1631, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1665, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { t: 1696, s: 0, -120.328, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -159, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -129, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -119, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -95, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -88, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -64, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 104, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 134, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 164, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 174, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 198, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 205, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 229, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 398, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 458, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 468, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 492, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 523, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 793, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 817, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 986, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1016, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1046, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1056, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1087, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1111, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1308, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1338, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1348, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1372, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1403, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1571, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1601, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1631, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1641, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1665, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1672, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { t: 1696, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 41.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 219, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Base 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 735.156, 232.226, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -3.075, 9.299, 0, 0, 3.075, -9.299, 0 , o: 0, 3.075, -9.299, 0, 0, -3.075, 9.299, 0 , v: 16.838, 0, 0, 5.568, -16.838, 0, 0, -5.568 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -51.9, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -9.299, 0, 0, 3.058, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 3.058, 9.299, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -16.838, 13.676, 0, 19.213, 16.838, 13.676, 16.838, -19.213, -16.838, -19.213 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -32.678, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.601, 19.961, 0, 0, 6.601, -19.961, 0 , o: 0, 6.601, -19.961, 0, 0, -6.601, 19.961, 0 , v: 36.143, 0, 0, 11.952, -36.143, 0, 0, -11.952 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -17.7, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 36.143, 14.734, -36.143, 14.734, -36.143, -15.031, 36.143, -15.031 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 220, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Wrist 5, parent: 224, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 7.407, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -57, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -23, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 8, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 237, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 271, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 302, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 529, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 594, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 822, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 856, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 887, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1115, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1149, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1180, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1409, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1474, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1703, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0, to: -7.407, 0, 0, ti: 7.407, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1737, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -81.608, 0.001, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -7.407, 0, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: -37.163, 0.001, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.209, 9.297, 3.057, 0.069, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 3.057, 0.069, 0.209, -9.297, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 28.353, 13.832, 33.546, -0.557, 27.521, -13.594, -32.39, -13.833, -33.555, 13.142 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 40.8, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 221, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Top 5, parent: 220, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -27, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -17, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -2, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 267, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 292, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 469, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 484, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 494, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 559, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 569, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 584, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 777, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 787, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 852, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 862, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 877, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1055, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1070, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1145, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1155, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1170, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1349, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1364, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1374, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1439, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1449, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1464, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1643, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1658, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1733, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1743, s: 24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1758, s: 24 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -12.845, 0.688, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.582, 16.86, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.835, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0, -11.409, 0, 0, -17.835, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, -11.409, -11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17.835, 17.834, 0 , v: 32.344, 16.172, 20.69, 16.172, 0, -4.518, -20.69, 16.172, -32.344, 16.172, 0, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 222, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 2, parent: 220, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -84, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -54, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -44, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 210, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 240, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 250, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 502, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 532, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 542, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 795, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 825, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 835, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1088, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1118, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1128, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1382, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1412, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1422, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: 50.548 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1676, s: 55 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1706, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1716, s: 0 }, { t: 1737, s: 50.548 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -65.706, 1.138, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: -57, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: -23, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 237, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 271, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 529, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 563, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 822, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 856, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1115, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1149, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1409, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1443, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1703, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1737, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -72, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -33, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 222, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 261, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 514, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 553, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1100, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1139, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1394, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1433, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1688, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1727, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1737, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 237, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 223, ty: 4, nm: Armbot_Top_Claw_Bottom 5, parent: 220, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -27, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: -17, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -2, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 177, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 267, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 292, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 469, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 484, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 494, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 559, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 569, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 584, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 762, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 777, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 787, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 852, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 862, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 877, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1055, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1070, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1080, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1145, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1155, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1170, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1349, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1364, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1374, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1439, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1449, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1464, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1643, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1658, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1668, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1733, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1743, s: -24 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1758, s: -24 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -13.165, 0.248, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 26.262, -15.925, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 17.834, 0, 0, 17.834, 0, 0, -11.408, 0, 0, 11.408, 0, 0 , o: -17.835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.408, 11.408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.834 , v: 0.001, 16.172, -32.344, -16.172, -20.69, -16.172, 0.001, 4.518, 20.69, -16.172, 32.344, -16.172 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 224, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm 5, parent: 225, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: -23, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 8, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 271, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 302, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 563, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 594, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 856, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 887, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1149, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1180, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1443, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1474, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 0.8 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2 }, t: 1737, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.8, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -11.75, 0.274, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: -16.75, 0.274, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 81.703, 0.375, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -47, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -23, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: -16, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 8, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 247, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 271, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 278, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 302, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 539, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 563, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 570, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 594, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 832, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 856, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 863, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 887, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1125, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1149, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1156, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1180, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1419, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1443, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1450, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1474, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1713, s: 90, 90, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1737, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 1744, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1768, s: 90, 90, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 4.296, 1.963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 1.963, 0, 0, -4.296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 78.053, 7.778, 81.608, -0.001, 78.053, -7.779, -37.164, -7.778, -37.163, 7.779 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 225, ty: 3, nm: ArmBot_Top_Arm_Rotate 5, parent: 226, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 18, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 489, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1075, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1369, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1663, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: -55 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1737, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1768, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -0.156, 0.102, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 226, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Joint 5, parent: 227, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { t: -113, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -87, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: -68, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 181, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 207, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 226, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 473, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 499, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 518, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 766, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 792, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 811, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1059, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1085, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1104, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1353, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1379, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1398, s: 0, h: 1 }, { t: 1647, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1673, s: 100, h: 1 }, { t: 1692, s: 0, h: 1 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -97, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -57, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: -23, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 8, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 18, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 197, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 237, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 271, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 302, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 489, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 529, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 563, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 594, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 782, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 822, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 856, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 887, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1075, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1115, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1149, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1180, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1369, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1409, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1443, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1474, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 5, 0, ti: 0, -5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1663, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: 0, -90.328, 0, to: 0, -5, 0, ti: 0, 5, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1703, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: 0, -120.328, 0, to: 0, 1.667, 0, ti: 0, -1.667, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }, t: 1737, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: 0, -110.328, 0, to: 0, -1.667, 0, ti: 0, 1.667, 0 }, { t: 1768, s: 0, -120.328, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0, 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0 , o: 0, 12.446, -12.446, 0, 0, -12.446, 12.446, 0 , v: 22.535, 0, 0, 22.535, -22.535, 0, 0, -22.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -127, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -97, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -87, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -57, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -47, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -23, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: -16, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 8, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 18, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 167, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 197, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 207, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 237, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 247, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 271, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 278, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 302, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 459, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 489, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 499, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 529, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 539, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 563, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 570, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 594, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 752, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 822, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 856, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 863, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1045, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1075, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1085, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1115, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1125, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1149, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1156, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1180, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1339, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1369, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1409, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1419, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1443, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1450, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1474, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1633, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1663, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1673, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, -4.873, 0, -2.6, 8.675, -4.873, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1703, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1713, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1737, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.6, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.4, y: 0 }, t: 1744, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 14.877, 0, 17.15, 8.675, 14.877, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, { t: 1768, s: { i: 0, 0, -4.791, 0, 0, 1.584, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 1.584, 4.791, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -8.675, 25.127, 0, 27.4, 8.675, 25.127, 8.675, -27.4, -8.675, -27.4 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 41.5, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 227, ty: 4, nm: ArmBot_Top_Base 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 660.156, 860.226, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -3.075, 9.299, 0, 0, 3.075, -9.299, 0 , o: 0, 3.075, -9.299, 0, 0, -3.075, 9.299, 0 , v: 16.838, 0, 0, 5.568, -16.838, 0, 0, -5.568 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -51.9, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -9.299, 0, 0, 3.058, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 3.058, 9.299, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -16.838, 13.676, 0, 19.213, 16.838, 13.676, 16.838, -19.213, -16.838, -19.213 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -32.678, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.601, 19.961, 0, 0, 6.601, -19.961, 0 , o: 0, 6.601, -19.961, 0, 0, -6.601, 19.961, 0 , v: 36.143, 0, 0, 11.952, -36.143, 0, 0, -11.952 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -17.7, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 36.143, 14.734, -36.143, 14.734, -36.143, -15.031, 36.143, -15.031 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.301960796118, 0.72549021244, 0.301960796118, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: 1188, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 228, ty: 4, nm: ConveyorBelt_Detail, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 2.553, 0, 0, 4.854, -2.553, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -2.553, 0, 0, -4.854, 2.553, 0 , v: 200.074, -167.294, 195.451, -158.505, 190.828, -167.294, 195.451, -176.083 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 6, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 3.972, 0, 0, 4.854, -3.972, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -3.972, 0, 0, -4.854, 3.972, 0 , v: 177.034, -181.933, 169.842, -173.144, 162.65, -181.933, 169.842, -190.722 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 142.001, -184.872, 133.213, -176.083, 124.424, -184.872, 133.213, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 103.775, -184.872, 94.986, -176.083, 86.197, -184.872, 94.986, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 65.549, -184.872, 56.76, -176.083, 47.971, -184.872, 56.76, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 27.323, -184.872, 18.534, -176.083, 9.745, -184.872, 18.534, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -10.904, -184.872, -19.693, -176.083, -28.481, -184.872, -19.693, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -49.13, -184.872, -57.919, -176.083, -66.708, -184.872, -57.919, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -87.356, -184.872, -96.145, -176.083, -104.934, -184.872, -96.145, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -125.582, -184.872, -134.371, -176.083, -143.16, -184.872, -134.371, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -163.809, -184.872, -172.598, -176.083, -181.386, -184.872, -172.598, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -202.035, -184.872, -210.824, -176.083, -219.613, -184.872, -210.824, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 13, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -240.261, -184.872, -249.05, -176.083, -257.839, -184.872, -249.05, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 14, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 13, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -278.487, -184.872, -287.276, -176.083, -296.065, -184.872, -287.276, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 15, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 14, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -316.714, -184.872, -325.503, -176.083, -334.292, -184.872, -325.503, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 16, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 15, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -354.94, -184.872, -363.729, -176.083, -372.518, -184.872, -363.729, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 17, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 16, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -393.166, -184.872, -401.955, -176.083, -410.744, -184.872, -401.955, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 18, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 17, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -431.393, -184.872, -440.181, -176.083, -448.97, -184.872, -440.181, -193.661 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 19, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 18, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -2.553, 0, 0, 4.854, 2.553, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 2.553, 0, 0, -4.854, -2.553, 0 , v: -195.516, 146.186, -190.893, 154.975, -186.271, 146.186, -190.893, 137.397 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 21, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 19, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -3.972, 0, 0, 4.854, 3.972, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 3.972, 0, 0, -4.854, -3.972, 0 , v: -172.476, 131.547, -165.284, 140.336, -158.092, 131.547, -165.284, 122.758 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 22, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 20, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 447.246, 443.056, 438.457, 451.845, 429.668, 443.056, 438.457, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 23, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 21, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 409.02, 443.056, 400.231, 451.845, 391.442, 443.056, 400.231, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 24, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 22, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 370.793, 443.056, 362.004, 451.845, 353.216, 443.056, 362.004, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 25, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 23, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 332.567, 443.056, 323.778, 451.845, 314.989, 443.056, 323.778, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 26, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 24, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 294.341, 443.056, 285.552, 451.845, 276.763, 443.056, 285.552, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 27, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 25, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 256.115, 443.056, 247.326, 451.845, 238.537, 443.056, 247.326, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 28, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 26, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 217.888, 443.056, 209.099, 451.845, 200.31, 443.056, 209.099, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 29, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 27, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 179.662, 443.056, 170.873, 451.845, 162.084, 443.056, 170.873, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 30, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 28, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 141.436, 443.056, 132.647, 451.845, 123.858, 443.056, 132.647, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 31, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 29, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 103.209, 443.056, 94.421, 451.845, 85.632, 443.056, 94.421, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 32, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 30, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 64.983, 443.056, 56.194, 451.845, 47.405, 443.056, 56.194, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 33, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 31, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: 26.757, 443.056, 17.968, 451.845, 9.179, 443.056, 17.968, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 34, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 32, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -11.469, 443.056, -20.258, 451.845, -29.047, 443.056, -20.258, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 35, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 33, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -49.696, 443.056, -58.485, 451.845, -67.273, 443.056, -58.485, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 36, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 34, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -87.922, 443.056, -96.711, 451.845, -105.5, 443.056, -96.711, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 37, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 35, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -126.148, 443.056, -134.937, 451.845, -143.726, 443.056, -134.937, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 38, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 36, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -164.374, 443.056, -173.163, 451.845, -181.952, 443.056, -173.163, 434.267 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 39, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 37, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.854, 0 , v: -202.601, 442.375, -211.39, 451.164, -220.178, 442.375, -211.39, 433.586 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 40, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 38, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 0.597, 0, 0, 4.854, -0.597, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -0.597, 0, 0, -4.854, 0.597, 0 , v: -394.446, 286.702, -395.528, 295.491, -396.61, 286.702, -395.528, 277.913 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 41, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 39, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 1.219, 0, 0, 4.854, -1.219, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -1.219, 0, 0, -4.854, 1.219, 0 , v: -380.661, 319.394, -382.867, 328.183, -385.074, 319.394, -382.867, 310.606 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 42, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 40, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 1.809, 0, 0, 4.854, -1.809, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -1.809, 0, 0, -4.854, 1.809, 0 , v: -365.561, 347.319, -368.837, 356.108, -372.113, 347.319, -368.837, 338.53 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 43, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 41, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 2.65, 0, 0, 4.854, -2.65, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -2.65, 0, 0, -4.854, 2.65, 0 , v: -345.241, 372.247, -350.039, 381.036, -354.837, 372.247, -350.039, 363.458 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 44, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 42, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 3.296, 0, 0, 4.854, -3.296, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -3.296, 0, 0, -4.854, 3.296, 0 , v: -317.037, 398.487, -323.004, 407.275, -328.972, 398.487, -323.004, 389.698 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 45, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 43, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 3.899, 0, 0, 4.854, -3.899, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -3.899, 0, 0, -4.854, 3.899, 0 , v: -283.438, 419.529, -290.497, 428.318, -297.556, 419.529, -290.497, 410.74 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 46, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 44, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 4.367, 0, 0, 4.854, -4.367, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -4.367, 0, 0, -4.854, 4.367, 0 , v: -244.721, 434.922, -252.628, 443.711, -260.535, 434.922, -252.628, 426.133 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 47, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 45, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: -137.444, 128.608, -128.655, 137.397, -119.866, 128.608, -128.655, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 48, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 46, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: -99.217, 128.608, -90.428, 137.397, -81.639, 128.608, -90.428, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 49, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 47, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: -60.991, 128.608, -52.202, 137.397, -43.413, 128.608, -52.202, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 50, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 48, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: -22.765, 128.608, -13.976, 137.397, -5.187, 128.608, -13.976, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 51, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 49, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 15.462, 128.608, 24.25, 137.397, 33.039, 128.608, 24.25, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 52, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 50, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 53.688, 128.608, 62.477, 137.397, 71.266, 128.608, 62.477, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 53, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 51, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 91.914, 128.608, 100.703, 137.397, 109.492, 128.608, 100.703, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 54, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 52, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 130.14, 128.608, 138.929, 137.397, 147.718, 128.608, 138.929, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 55, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 53, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 168.367, 128.608, 177.155, 137.397, 185.944, 128.608, 177.155, 119.819 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 56, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 54, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.854, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.854, 0 , v: 206.593, 127.927, 215.382, 136.716, 224.171, 127.927, 215.382, 119.138 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 57, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 55, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -0.597, 0, 0, 4.854, 0.597, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 0.597, 0, 0, -4.854, -0.597, 0 , v: 398.438, -27.747, 399.52, -18.958, 400.602, -27.747, 399.52, -36.535 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 58, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 56, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -1.219, 0, 0, 4.854, 1.219, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 1.219, 0, 0, -4.854, -1.219, 0 , v: 384.653, 4.946, 386.86, 13.735, 389.066, 4.946, 386.86, -3.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 59, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 57, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -1.809, 0, 0, 4.854, 1.809, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 1.809, 0, 0, -4.854, -1.809, 0 , v: 369.553, 32.871, 372.829, 41.66, 376.105, 32.871, 372.829, 24.082 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 60, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 58, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -2.65, 0, 0, 4.854, 2.65, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 2.65, 0, 0, -4.854, -2.65, 0 , v: 349.233, 57.799, 354.031, 66.588, 358.829, 57.799, 354.031, 49.01 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 61, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 59, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -3.296, 0, 0, 4.854, 3.296, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 3.296, 0, 0, -4.854, -3.296, 0 , v: 321.029, 84.038, 326.997, 92.827, 332.964, 84.038, 326.997, 75.249 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 62, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 60, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -3.899, 0, 0, 4.854, 3.899, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 3.899, 0, 0, -4.854, -3.899, 0 , v: 287.43, 105.08, 294.489, 113.869, 301.548, 105.08, 294.489, 96.292 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 63, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 61, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -4.367, 0, 0, 4.854, 4.367, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 4.367, 0, 0, -4.854, -4.367, 0 , v: 248.713, 120.473, 256.62, 129.262, 264.528, 120.473, 256.62, 111.684 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 64, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 62, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, -1.371, 0, 0, 4.854, 1.371, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, 1.371, 0, 0, -4.854, -1.371, 0 , v: -208.189, 169.304, -205.707, 178.093, -203.225, 169.304, -205.707, 160.515 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 65, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 63, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.854, 1.371, 0, 0, 4.854, -1.371, 0 , o: 0, 4.854, -1.371, 0, 0, -4.854, 1.371, 0 , v: 212.747, -144.176, 210.265, -135.387, 207.783, -144.176, 210.265, -152.965 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 66, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 64, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 64, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 1, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 229, ty: 4, nm: ConveyorBelt_Under, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 608.079, 680.631, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 0, -11.037, 11.037, 0, 15.348, 0, 0, 11.037, 11.037, 15.349, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, 0, 11.037, -11.037, 0, -15.348, 0, 0, -11.036, -11.037, -15.349, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 0, 0, -120.223, 0, 0, 15.349, 0, 11.037, -11.037, 0, 0, 0, -15.348, -11.037, -11.037, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.223, 0, 0, -15.349, 0, -11.036, 11.037, 0, 0, 0, 15.349, 11.037, 11.037, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 608.308, 394.082, -188.257, 394.082, -406.289, 176.051, -406.289, 138.031, -192.26, -80, 159.381, -80, 200.297, -97.115, 217.412, -138.031, 217.412, -176.051, 200.297, -216.967, 159.381, -234.082, -608.308, -234.082, -608.308, -394.082, 199.413, -394.082, 417.444, -176.051, 417.444, -138.031, 199.413, 80, -148.225, 80, -189.142, 97.115, -206.256, 138.031, -206.256, 176.051, -189.142, 216.967, -148.225, 234.082, 608.308, 234.082 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 230, ty: 4, nm: CollctionBot_Base_Right, parent: 6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.771, 34.287, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 141.943, 8.573, -64.164, 8.573, -64.164, -11.073, 141.943, -11.073 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -38.85, 65.649, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 103.149, 45.306, -103.149, 45.306, -103.149, -45.306, 103.149, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 9.7, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 231, ty: 4, nm: CollctionBot_Base_Left, parent: 122, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.771, 34.287, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 141.943, 8.573, -64.164, 8.573, -64.164, -11.073, 141.943, -11.073 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -38.85, 65.649, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 103.149, 45.306, -103.149, 45.306, -103.149, -45.306, 103.149, -45.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 9.7, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1761, st: -1563, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_1, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 4, nm: Shape Layer 4, parent: 8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 820, s: 60 }, { t: 824, s: 0 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -140.188, 176.751, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 816, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { t: 821, s: 105.263, 105.263, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { d: 1, ty: el, s: { a: 0, k: 54.001, 54.001, ix: 2 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 3 }, nm: Ellipse Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Ellipse, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Ellipse 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 816, op: 825, st: 108, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 4, nm: Shape Layer 3, parent: 8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 782, s: 60 }, { t: 786, s: 0 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -140.188, 176.751, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 778, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { t: 783, s: 105.263, 105.263, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { d: 1, ty: el, s: { a: 0, k: 54.001, 54.001, ix: 2 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 3 }, nm: Ellipse Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Ellipse, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Ellipse 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 778, op: 787, st: 70, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 4, nm: Shape Layer 2, parent: 8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 747, s: 60 }, { t: 751, s: 0 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -140.188, 176.751, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 743, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { t: 748, s: 105.263, 105.263, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { d: 1, ty: el, s: { a: 0, k: 54.001, 54.001, ix: 2 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 3 }, nm: Ellipse Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Ellipse, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Ellipse 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 743, op: 752, st: 35, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: Shape Layer 1, parent: 8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 712, s: 60 }, { t: 716, s: 0 }, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -140.188, 176.751, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, 0.667, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 708, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { t: 713, s: 105.263, 105.263, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { d: 1, ty: el, s: { a: 0, k: 54.001, 54.001, ix: 2 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 3 }, nm: Ellipse Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Ellipse, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -42.25, -67.75, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Ellipse 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 708, op: 717, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 736, s: 190 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: 190 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: 204.988 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 796, s: 204.988 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 806, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: { i: -6.318, 0.515, -10.06, -9.538, -1.968, 2.573, 0, 0, 2.665, 2.316, 21.525, -2.007, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 15.044, -1.225, 2.708, 2.568, 0, 0, 1.968, -2.573, -13.101, -11.385, -5.906, 0.551, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 8.286, 20.109, 16.509, 19.014, 23.103, 10.393, 22.008, 2.17, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: { i: -6.318, 0.515, -10.06, -9.538, -1.968, 2.573, 0, 0, 2.665, 2.316, 21.525, -2.007, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 15.044, -1.225, 2.708, 2.568, 0, 0, 1.968, -2.573, -13.101, -11.385, -5.906, 0.551, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 8.286, 20.109, 16.509, 19.014, 23.103, 10.393, 22.008, 2.17, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 681, op: 871, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 6, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 40 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 40 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 19.1, 14.046, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 19.1, 14.046, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 681, op: 871, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Camera, parent: 29, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 37.709, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 1.872, -1.082, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -171.413, 211.73, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 678, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 690, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 859, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 869, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -175.563, 210.399, -161.42, 210.399 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -175.563, 203.33, -161.42, 203.33 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -175.563, 196.26, -161.42, 196.26 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.944, 6.944, 0, 0, 6.944, -6.944, 0 , o: 0, 6.944, -6.944, 0, 0, -6.944, 6.944, 0 , v: -133.942, 199.214, -146.516, 211.788, -159.09, 199.214, -146.516, 186.641 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.944, 6.944, 0, 0, 6.944, -6.944, 0 , o: 0, 6.944, -6.944, 0, 0, -6.944, 6.944, 0 , v: -128.14, 202.54, -140.714, 215.114, -153.287, 202.54, -140.714, 189.966 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -161.42, 181.779, -161.42, 223.301 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.792, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.332 , v: -121.596, 223.301, -158.219, 223.301, -164.634, 223.301, -166.885, 223.301, -175.563, 214.623, -175.563, 190.456, -166.885, 181.779, -164.207, 181.779, -158.219, 181.779, -124.24, 181.779, -115.563, 190.456, -115.563, 217.268 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.792, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.792, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.792 , v: -118.44, 228.667, -152.418, 228.667, -158.834, 228.667, -161.085, 228.667, -169.762, 219.989, -169.762, 195.822, -161.085, 187.145, -158.406, 187.145, -152.418, 187.145, -118.44, 187.145, -109.763, 195.822, -109.763, 219.989 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -133.916, 172.349, -145.009, 172.349, -147.33, 183.441, -131.319, 183.441 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 705, s: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 709, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 712, s: 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { t: 716, s: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -129.892, 167.294, -149.238, 167.294, -153.287, 186.641, -125.362, 186.641 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 678, op: 874, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair_Front, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 9.869, -30.366, 0, to: -1.604, 0, 0, ti: 1.604, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 0.244, -30.366, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 0.244, -30.366, 0, to: -2.292, 0, 0, ti: 2.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -13.506, -30.366, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -13.506, -30.366, 0, to: 2.292, 0, 0, ti: -2.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 0.244, -30.366, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 0.244, -30.366, 0, to: 1.604, 0, 0, ti: -1.604, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 9.869, -30.366, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, -30.059, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.837, 0.239, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -62.876, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -5.687, -0.48, 2.207, -4.586, 1.598, -5.413, -3.617, -1.251, -7.729, 0.883, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 31.499, 0 , v: 15.677, 26.316, 10.199, 28.799, 12.453, 22.624, 15.437, 9.951, 16.902, -0.712, 12.764, -8.845, 0.64, -16.133, -10.936, -16.133, -18.234, -10.685, -22.315, -0.195, -24.817, 11.136, -30.243, 26.995, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -39.397, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 39.397, 0 , v: 29.927, 29.115, 21.824, 28.853, 22.578, 22.549, 22.438, 9.932, 22.152, -0.649, 14.264, -8.841, 0.64, -16.133, -10.576, -16.133, -17.865, -11.06, -21.905, -0.82, -24.406, 9.761, -28.883, 23.495, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -39.397, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 39.397, 0 , v: 29.927, 29.115, 21.824, 28.853, 22.578, 22.549, 22.438, 9.932, 22.152, -0.649, 14.264, -8.841, 0.64, -16.133, -10.576, -16.133, -17.865, -11.06, -21.905, -0.82, -24.406, 9.761, -28.883, 23.495, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.294, -4.332, -35.113, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 0.026, 1.515, 1.191, 5.483, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 49.262, 0 , v: 45.052, 29.066, 22.949, 29.978, 23.246, 23.799, 23.089, 10.932, 22.902, -0.712, 14.889, -8.841, 0.265, -16.178, -9.201, -16.883, -11.74, -10.727, -13.78, -0.928, -13.156, 9.734, -11.633, 20.995, 9.024, -30.671 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.294, -4.332, -35.113, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 0.026, 1.515, 1.191, 5.483, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 49.262, 0 , v: 45.052, 29.066, 22.949, 29.978, 23.246, 23.799, 23.089, 10.932, 22.902, -0.712, 14.889, -8.841, 0.265, -16.178, -9.201, -16.883, -11.74, -10.727, -13.78, -0.928, -13.156, 9.734, -11.633, 20.995, 9.024, -30.671 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -39.397, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 39.397, 0 , v: 29.927, 29.115, 21.824, 28.853, 22.578, 22.549, 22.438, 9.932, 22.152, -0.649, 14.264, -8.841, 0.64, -16.133, -10.576, -16.133, -17.865, -11.06, -21.905, -0.82, -24.406, 9.761, -28.883, 23.495, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.216, 1.415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -39.397, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -4.81, -3.072, -7.311, -2.901, -5.841, -4.472, -8.273, 0.683, -9.62, 2.048, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 39.397, 0 , v: 29.927, 29.115, 21.824, 28.853, 22.578, 22.549, 22.438, 9.932, 22.152, -0.649, 14.264, -8.841, 0.64, -16.133, -10.576, -16.133, -17.865, -11.06, -21.905, -0.82, -24.406, 9.761, -28.883, 23.495, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.837, 0.239, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.716, 3.196, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.671, -2.222, -62.876, 0 , o: -3.598, 1.428, -5.687, -0.48, 2.207, -4.586, 1.598, -5.413, -3.617, -1.251, -7.729, 0.883, -3.451, 4.209, -1.562, 5.508, 2.886, 6.314, 4.233, 5.632, 2.886, 4.096, 0, 0, 31.499, 0 , v: 15.677, 26.316, 10.199, 28.799, 12.453, 22.624, 15.437, 9.951, 16.902, -0.712, 12.764, -8.845, 0.64, -16.133, -10.936, -16.133, -18.234, -10.685, -22.315, -0.195, -24.817, 11.136, -30.243, 26.995, -1.463, -30.059 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 18.409, 2.77, 0, to: -1.312, 0, 0, ti: 1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 10.534, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 10.534, 2.77, 0, to: -2.125, 0, 0, ti: 2.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -2.216, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -2.216, 2.77, 0, to: 2.125, 0, 0, ti: -2.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 10.534, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 10.534, 2.77, 0, to: 1.312, 0, 0, ti: -1.312, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 18.409, 2.77, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 1.352, 2.77, 0, to: -2.188, 0, 0, ti: 2.188, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -11.773, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 618, s: -11.773, 2.77, 0, to: -1.292, 0, 0, ti: 1.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -19.523, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -19.523, 2.77, 0, to: 1.292, 0, 0, ti: -1.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -11.773, 2.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -11.773, 2.77, 0, to: 2.188, 0, 0, ti: -2.188, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 1.352, 2.77, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 15.82, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.064, 2.18 , o: 2.79, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 3.718, -0.956, 13.488, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 668, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.064, 2.18 , o: 2.79, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -14.782, -0.956, -5.012, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.064, 2.18 , o: 2.79, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -14.782, -0.956, -5.012, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.064, 2.18 , o: 2.79, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 3.718, -0.956, 13.488, -0.956 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 662, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 674, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 726, s: -6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 736, s: -12.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: -12.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: 2.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 796, s: 2.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 806, s: -6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 228.97, 188.912, 0, to: -1.292, 0, 0, ti: 1.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.22, 188.912, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.22, 188.912, 0, to: -1.312, 0, 0, ti: 1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 213.345, 188.912, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 213.345, 188.912, 0, to: 1.312, 0, 0, ti: -1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.22, 188.912, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.22, 188.912, 0, to: 1.292, 0, 0, ti: -1.292, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 228.97, 188.912, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 33.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 10.336, 0, 0, 19.971, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 15.427, -18.907, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 8.618, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 12.511, 0, 0, 17.574, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -12.511, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 0, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 12.511, 0, 0, 17.574, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -12.511, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 0, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 19.274, 0, 0, 16.072, -15.223, 0 , o: 0, 21.88, -9.238, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.224, 0 , v: 27.565, 0.977, -8.119, 30.172, -27.565, 0.977, 0, -30.797 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 19.274, 0, 0, 16.072, -15.223, 0 , o: 0, 21.88, -9.238, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.224, 0 , v: 27.565, 0.977, -8.119, 30.172, -27.565, 0.977, 0, -30.797 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 12.511, 0, 0, 17.574, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -12.511, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 0, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 12.511, 0, 0, 17.574, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -12.511, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 0, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 10.336, 0, 0, 19.971, -16.195, 0 , o: 0, 15.427, -18.907, 0, 0, -17.574, 16.195, 0 , v: 29.324, 1.06, 8.618, 30.761, -29.324, 1.06, 0, -30.761 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 17, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 19, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -0.015, -0.058, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 20, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 736, s: 190 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: 190 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: 204.988 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 796, s: 204.988 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 806, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 196.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: { i: -6.318, 0.515, -10.06, -9.538, -1.968, 2.573, 0, 0, 2.665, 2.316, 21.525, -2.007, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 15.044, -1.225, 2.708, 2.568, 0, 0, 1.968, -2.573, -13.101, -11.385, -5.906, 0.551, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 8.286, 20.109, 16.509, 19.014, 23.103, 10.393, 22.008, 2.17, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: { i: -6.318, 0.515, -10.06, -9.538, -1.968, 2.573, 0, 0, 2.665, 2.316, 21.525, -2.007, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 15.044, -1.225, 2.708, 2.568, 0, 0, 1.968, -2.573, -13.101, -11.385, -5.906, 0.551, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 8.286, 20.109, 16.509, 19.014, 23.103, 10.393, 22.008, 2.17, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 25, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 40 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 40 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 681, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 693, s: 19.1, 14.046, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 858, s: 19.1, 14.046, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 870, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 683, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 11.709 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 726, s: 11.709 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 736, s: 5.509 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: 5.509 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: 20.489 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 796, s: 20.489 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 806, s: 11.709 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 11.709 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.108, 0.48, -9.076, 5.315, 0, 0, 1.836, 2.669, 0, 0, 2.669, -1.836, 4.765, -3.019, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 7.45, -0.585, 5.065, -2.967, 2.669, -1.836, 0, 0, -1.836, -2.669, 0, 0, -4.765, 3.019, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -5.001, 11.167, 18.737, 3.536, 28.28, -2.416, 29.788, -10.574, 23.636, -19.515, 15.478, -21.023, 5.458, -14.435, -11.961, -11.102, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.108, 0.48, -9.076, 5.315, 0, 0, 1.836, 2.669, 0, 0, 2.669, -1.836, 4.765, -3.019, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 7.45, -0.585, 5.065, -2.967, 2.669, -1.836, 0, 0, -1.836, -2.669, 0, 0, -4.765, 3.019, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -5.001, 11.167, 18.737, 3.536, 28.28, -2.416, 29.788, -10.574, 23.636, -19.515, 15.478, -21.023, 5.458, -14.435, -11.961, -11.102, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 29, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 28, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: -26 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -26 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 23.228, -15.187, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 23.228, -15.187, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 30, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair_Back, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -1.331, -37.695, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, -39.604, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 2.794, 3.601, 2.822, 6.232, 6.388, 3.149, 7.265, 2.051, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -9.834, -1.144, -6.743, 3.995, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -1.308, 5.846, -1.952, 3.077, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.926, -3.036, 0, 0 , v: 31.567, 10.846, 32.913, -1.41, 30.973, -13.827, 27.346, -25.104, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -33.444, -17.586, -36.889, -5.169, -37.999, 6.94, -37.268, 20.293, -31.18, 31.591, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 24.169, 30.101, 30.06, 26.983, 30.696, 20.319 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -10.591, -1.601, -4.671, 4.403, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -3.016, 6.138, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 35.692, 10.834, 36.788, -1.419, 33.598, -13.877, 28.846, -25.141, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -31.694, -17.632, -34.514, -5.174, -35.999, 6.943, -34.893, 20.168, -29.18, 31.644, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 28.669, 30.207, 34.435, 26.965, 35.071, 20.569 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -10.591, -1.601, -4.671, 4.403, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -3.016, 6.138, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 35.692, 10.834, 36.788, -1.419, 33.598, -13.877, 28.846, -25.141, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -31.694, -17.632, -34.514, -5.174, -35.999, 6.943, -34.893, 20.168, -29.18, 31.644, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 28.669, 30.207, 34.435, 26.965, 35.071, 20.569 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -0.95, -9.613, -2.945, -8.217, -6.251, -5.884, -5.39, -4.743, -7.996, -4.51, -10.591, -1.601, -6.118, 1.986, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.685, 6.138, -1.433, 6.443, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 38.817, 10.846, 39.788, -1.41, 34.973, -13.827, 29.971, -25.104, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -11.161, -33.67, -20.564, -27.815, -27.444, -17.586, -29.014, -5.169, -28.499, 6.94, -25.893, 20.082, -19.805, 31.583, -9.897, 35.461, -4.97, 37.02, -0.801, 37.01, 0.962, 37.932, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 22.454, 36.434, 31.669, 30.254, 37.81, 26.983, 38.446, 20.565 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -0.95, -9.613, -2.945, -8.217, -6.251, -5.884, -5.39, -4.743, -7.996, -4.51, -10.591, -1.601, -6.118, 1.986, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.685, 6.138, -1.433, 6.443, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 38.817, 10.846, 39.788, -1.41, 34.973, -13.827, 29.971, -25.104, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -11.161, -33.67, -20.564, -27.815, -27.444, -17.586, -29.014, -5.169, -28.499, 6.94, -25.893, 20.082, -19.805, 31.583, -9.897, 35.461, -4.97, 37.02, -0.801, 37.01, 0.962, 37.932, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 22.454, 36.434, 31.669, 30.254, 37.81, 26.983, 38.446, 20.565 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1001, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -10.591, -1.601, -4.671, 4.403, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -3.016, 6.138, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 35.692, 10.834, 36.788, -1.419, 33.598, -13.877, 28.846, -25.141, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -31.694, -17.632, -34.514, -5.174, -35.999, 6.943, -34.893, 20.168, -29.18, 31.644, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 28.669, 30.207, 34.435, 26.965, 35.071, 20.569 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 3.745, 3.342, 4.233, 6.109, 10.233, 2.389, 9.159, 3.072, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -10.591, -1.601, -4.671, 4.403, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -3.016, 6.138, -1.904, 3.106, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.991, -4.88, 0, 0 , v: 35.692, 10.834, 36.788, -1.419, 33.598, -13.877, 28.846, -25.141, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -31.694, -17.632, -34.514, -5.174, -35.999, 6.943, -34.893, 20.168, -29.18, 31.644, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 28.669, 30.207, 34.435, 26.965, 35.071, 20.569 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 2.794, 3.601, 2.822, 6.232, 6.388, 3.149, 7.265, 2.051, 14.975, -2.901, 8.1, -5.461, 4.324, -10.922, -2.253, -9.728, -5.233, -8.362, -7.312, -5.803, -6.981, -5.632, -8.885, -5.204, -9.834, -1.144, -6.743, 3.995, -4.256, 3.238, -3.85, 5.738, -3.334, 0.158, 0, 0, -3.714, 5.071, -1.686, 6.138, -1.308, 5.846, -1.952, 3.077, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.342, -0.158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.926, -3.036, 0, 0 , v: 31.567, 10.846, 32.913, -1.41, 30.973, -13.827, 27.346, -25.104, 15.968, -33.504, 4.351, -37.087, -12.036, -33.674, -23.689, -27.872, -33.444, -17.586, -36.889, -5.169, -37.999, 6.94, -37.268, 20.293, -31.18, 31.591, -21.522, 35.577, -14.345, 37.081, -6.426, 37.045, -1.163, 37.939, 4.745, 37.045, 10.94, 37.045, 17.954, 36.378, 24.169, 30.101, 30.06, 26.983, 30.696, 20.319 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_2, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: Person2-Art 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.29, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0, to: -6.667, -58.375, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 183.424, 236.711, 0, to: 0.059, 0.001, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.71, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: 183.424, 236.711, 0, to: 0.417, -17.875, 0, ti: -6.667, -58.375, 0 }, { t: 868, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -318.192, 276.683, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 680, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 694, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 854, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 868, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: -0.996, -4.917, 4.917, 0, 0.996, 4.917, -4.917, 0 , o: 0.996, 4.917, -4.917, 0, -0.996, -4.917, 4.917, 0 , v: -312.351, 280.802, -319.449, 289.704, -330.156, 280.802, -323.058, 271.899 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.629, 0, 0, 0, 1.288, 4.082, 0, 0, -6.629, 0, 0, 0, -1.288, -4.082, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -4.28, 0, 0, 0, -1.995, -6.322, 0, 0, 4.28, 0, 0, 0, 1.995, 6.322 , v: -295.097, 315.3, -329.579, 315.3, -338.934, 308.443, -355.588, 255.663, -346.234, 242.902, -311.751, 242.902, -302.397, 249.759, -285.743, 302.539 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.629, 0, 0, 0, 1.288, 4.082, 0, 0, -6.629, 0, 0, 0, -1.288, -4.082, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -4.28, 0, 0, 0, -1.995, -6.322, 0, 0, 4.28, 0, 0, 0, 1.995, 6.322 , v: -290.151, 310.465, -324.633, 310.465, -333.988, 303.607, -350.642, 250.828, -341.288, 238.067, -306.805, 238.067, -297.451, 244.924, -280.797, 297.704 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 869, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: Head_Bun, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -27.671 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 27.671 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 27.671 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 0 }, { t: 1183, s: -27.671 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -8.886, -22.268, 0, to: 1.458, -0.208, 0, ti: -1.458, 0.208, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -0.136, -23.518, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -0.136, -23.518, 0, to: 1.646, 0.292, 0, ti: -1.646, -0.292, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 9.739, -21.768, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 9.739, -21.768, 0, to: -1.646, -0.292, 0, ti: 1.646, 0.292, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -0.136, -23.518, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -0.136, -23.518, 0, to: -1.458, 0.208, 0, ti: 1.458, -0.208, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: -8.886, -22.268, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -279.541, -197.374, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -0.464, -6.425, -4.666, -0.344, -2.64, 5.966, 2.263, 2.126 , o: -9.423, -0.634, 0.464, 6.425, 4.666, 0.344, 2.64, -5.966, -2.263, -2.126 , v: -274.841, -228.172, -296.042, -218.595, -291.074, -197.484, -263.441, -203.221, -262.23, -219.911 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -267.693, -220.449, -263.758, -216.515, -259.824, -220.449, -263.758, -224.384 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 2, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 2, ty: sh, ix: 3, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -265.877, -215.343, -261.942, -211.409, -258.008, -215.343, -261.942, -219.277 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 3, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 3, ty: sh, ix: 4, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -297.652, -218.483, -301.586, -214.549, -297.652, -210.614, -293.718, -214.549 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 4, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 4, ty: sh, ix: 5, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -265.364, -209.541, -261.429, -205.607, -257.495, -209.541, -261.429, -213.475 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 5, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 5, ty: sh, ix: 6, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -266.923, -203.678, -262.989, -199.743, -259.054, -203.678, -262.989, -207.612 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 6, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 6, ty: sh, ix: 7, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -276.694, -226.817, -272.759, -222.882, -268.825, -226.817, -272.759, -230.751 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 7, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 7, ty: sh, ix: 8, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -281.992, -228.599, -278.058, -224.664, -274.124, -228.599, -278.058, -232.533 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 8, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 8, ty: sh, ix: 9, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -287.223, -228.241, -283.289, -224.307, -279.355, -228.241, -283.289, -232.175 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 9, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 9, ty: sh, ix: 10, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0 , o: 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0 , v: -271.269, -224.664, -267.335, -220.73, -263.401, -224.664, -267.335, -228.599 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 10, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 10, ty: sh, ix: 11, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -288.719, -230.751, -292.653, -226.817, -288.719, -222.882, -284.785, -226.817 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 11, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 11, ty: sh, ix: 12, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -293.091, -227.924, -297.026, -223.989, -293.091, -220.055, -289.157, -223.989 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 12, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 12, ty: sh, ix: 13, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -296.055, -223.24, -299.989, -219.306, -296.055, -215.372, -292.121, -219.306 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 13, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 13, ty: sh, ix: 14, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -297.652, -213.165, -301.586, -209.231, -297.652, -205.297, -293.718, -209.231 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 14, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 14, ty: sh, ix: 15, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173, -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173 , o: -2.173, 0, 0, 2.173, 2.173, 0, 0, -2.173 , v: -295.839, -207.478, -299.774, -203.544, -295.839, -199.609, -291.905, -203.544 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 15, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 16, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 8.689, -9.49, 0, to: -1.479, 0, 0, ti: 1.479, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -0.186, -9.49, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -0.186, -9.49, 0, to: -1.438, 0, 0, ti: 1.438, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -8.811, -9.49, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -8.811, -9.49, 0, to: 1.438, 0, 0, ti: -1.438, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -0.186, -9.49, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -0.186, -9.49, 0, to: 1.479, 0, 0, ti: -1.479, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 8.689, -9.49, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 2.103, -9.182, -5.376, -6.521, 0.285, 2.037, -2.074, 7.062, -2.149, -0.019, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -1.133, -3.43, 1.868, -8.386, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -2.796, 12.21, 2.223, 2.696, -1.415, -10.131, 1.773, -6.034, 3.14, 0.028, 8.591, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 1.431, 4.331, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 17.512, -10.212, -10.563, -25.505, -38.887, -4.284, -34.658, 23.555, -31.994, 23.602, -21.21, 3.159, -13.573, -5.11, 0, -4.108, 11.385, -5.129, 15.319, 0.218, 15.557, 19.686, 17.97, 21.869 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -3.286, 2.866, -1.169, 0.1, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -2.166, -2.67, 2.435, -11.822, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.807, -13.628, 1.822, -1.589, 3.129, -0.268, 9.918, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 2.735, 3.371, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 27.2, -10.221, 0, -22.88, -27.2, -10.221, -26.658, 21.867, -24.057, 19.914, -20.697, -2.923, -15.76, -5.132, 0, -4.108, 15.76, -5.132, 21.732, -1.703, 24.057, 19.914, 26.658, 21.867 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -3.286, 2.866, -1.169, 0.1, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -2.166, -2.67, 2.435, -11.822, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.807, -13.628, 1.822, -1.589, 3.129, -0.268, 9.918, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 2.735, 3.371, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 27.2, -10.221, 0, -22.88, -27.2, -10.221, -26.658, 21.867, -24.057, 19.914, -20.697, -2.923, -15.76, -5.132, 0, -4.108, 15.76, -5.132, 21.732, -1.703, 24.057, 19.914, 26.658, 21.867 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -1.807, 3.119, -1.169, 0.1, -9.441, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -1.894, -7.206, -1.31, -11.839, -2.024, 2.848 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.884, -14.762, 1.212, -2.092, 3.129, -0.268, 7.559, 0, 1.531, 0.005, 2.343, 8.913, 0, 0, 4.026, -5.667 , v: 37.325, -8.596, 7.25, -23.943, -17.7, -10.226, -17.345, 21.888, -15.557, 19.92, -13.734, -2.424, -11.073, -5.11, -0.438, -4.125, 11.385, -5.129, 19.967, 1.495, 32.369, 22.998, 36.033, 21.888 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -1.807, 3.119, -1.169, 0.1, -9.441, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -1.894, -7.206, -1.31, -11.839, -2.024, 2.848 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.884, -14.762, 1.212, -2.092, 3.129, -0.268, 7.559, 0, 1.531, 0.005, 2.343, 8.913, 0, 0, 4.026, -5.667 , v: 37.325, -8.596, 7.25, -23.943, -17.7, -10.226, -17.345, 21.888, -15.557, 19.92, -13.734, -2.424, -11.073, -5.11, -0.438, -4.125, 11.385, -5.129, 19.967, 1.495, 32.369, 22.998, 36.033, 21.888 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -3.286, 2.866, -1.169, 0.1, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -2.166, -2.67, 2.435, -11.822, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.807, -13.628, 1.822, -1.589, 3.129, -0.268, 9.918, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 2.735, 3.371, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 27.2, -10.221, 0, -22.88, -27.2, -10.221, -26.658, 21.867, -24.057, 19.914, -20.697, -2.923, -15.76, -5.132, 0, -4.108, 15.76, -5.132, 21.732, -1.703, 24.057, 19.914, 26.658, 21.867 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 3.663, -7.788, -2.827, -5.582, 0, 0, -3.286, 2.866, -1.169, 0.1, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -2.166, -2.67, 2.435, -11.822, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -5.331, 11.335, 1.579, 3.117, -2.807, -13.628, 1.822, -1.589, 3.129, -0.268, 9.918, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 2.735, 3.371, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 27.2, -10.221, 0, -22.88, -27.2, -10.221, -26.658, 21.867, -24.057, 19.914, -20.697, -2.923, -15.76, -5.132, 0, -4.108, 15.76, -5.132, 21.732, -1.703, 24.057, 19.914, 26.658, 21.867 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 5.331, 11.335, 15.69, 0, 2.103, -9.182, -5.376, -6.521, 0.285, 2.037, -2.074, 7.062, -2.149, -0.019, -9.918, 0, -3.139, -0.011, -1.133, -3.43, 1.868, -8.386, -1.579, 3.117 , o: -3.663, -7.788, -15.69, 0, -2.796, 12.21, 2.223, 2.696, -1.415, -10.131, 1.773, -6.034, 3.14, 0.028, 8.591, 0, 1.194, 0.004, 1.431, 4.331, 0, 0, 2.827, -5.582 , v: 17.512, -10.212, -10.563, -25.505, -38.887, -4.284, -34.658, 23.555, -31.994, 23.602, -21.21, 3.159, -13.573, -5.11, 0, -4.108, 11.385, -5.129, 15.319, 0.218, 15.557, 19.686, 17.97, 21.869 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 19.034, 4.395, 0, to: -1.604, 0, 0, ti: 1.604, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 9.409, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 9.409, 4.395, 0, to: -1.917, 0, 0, ti: 1.917, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -2.091, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -2.091, 4.395, 0, to: 1.917, 0, 0, ti: -1.917, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 9.409, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 9.409, 4.395, 0, to: 1.604, 0, 0, ti: -1.604, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 19.034, 4.395, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 1.602, 4.395, 0, to: -2, 0, 0, ti: 2, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -10.398, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -10.398, 4.395, 0, to: -1.354, 0, 0, ti: 1.354, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -18.523, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -18.523, 4.395, 0, to: 1.583, 0, 0, ti: -1.583, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -9.023, 4.395, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -9.023, 4.395, 0, to: 1.771, 0, 0, ti: -1.771, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 1.602, 4.395, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 16.82, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: 5.512, 0.786, 12.551, 0.802 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -4.051, 0.935, 4.051, 0.935 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -4.051, 0.935, 4.051, 0.935 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -12.551, 0.786, -5.512, 0.802 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -12.551, 0.786, -5.512, 0.802 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -4.051, 0.935, 4.051, 0.935 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: -4.051, 0.935, 4.051, 0.935 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: 5.512, 0.786, 12.551, 0.802 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: 5.512, -0.464, 12.551, -0.448 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.584, 5.931 , o: 2.265, 6.5, 0, 0 , v: 3.78, -2.776, 15.363, -2.776 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.584, 5.931 , o: 2.265, 6.5, 0, 0 , v: 3.78, -2.776, 15.363, -2.776 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.396, 1.539 , o: 3.144, 1.477, 0, 0 , v: 5.512, -0.464, 12.551, -0.448 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 662, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 674, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 228.97, 190.412, 0, to: -1.292, 0, 0, ti: 1.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.22, 190.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.22, 190.412, 0, to: -1.312, 0, 0, ti: 1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 213.345, 190.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 213.345, 190.412, 0, to: 1.312, 0, 0, ti: -1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.22, 190.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.22, 190.412, 0, to: 1.292, 0, 0, ti: -1.292, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 228.97, 190.412, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 33.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 463, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 12.747, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 12.133, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 7.179, 32.018, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 11.76, 0, 0, 17.574, -15.224, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -11.76, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.223, 0 , v: 27.565, 0, 0, 31.821, -27.565, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 11.76, 0, 0, 17.574, -15.224, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -11.76, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.223, 0 , v: 27.565, 0, 0, 31.821, -27.565, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 14.519, 0, 0, 16.072, -15.223, 0 , o: 0, 20.094, -10.094, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.224, 0 , v: 27.565, 0.977, -8.101, 31.797, -27.565, 0.977, 0, -31.797 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 14.519, 0, 0, 16.072, -15.223, 0 , o: 0, 20.094, -10.094, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.224, 0 , v: 27.565, 0.977, -8.101, 31.797, -27.565, 0.977, 0, -31.797 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 11.76, 0, 0, 17.574, -15.224, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -11.76, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.223, 0 , v: 27.565, 0, 0, 31.821, -27.565, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 11.76, 0, 0, 17.574, -15.224, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -11.76, 0, 0, -17.574, 15.223, 0 , v: 27.565, 0, 0, 31.821, -27.565, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 12.747, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 12.133, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 7.179, 32.018, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 15, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 17, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -0.015, -0.058, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 18, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 705, s: 101.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 731, s: 108 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: 91.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 108 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 821, s: 91.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 842, s: 101.6 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.061, 1.062, 0, 1.62, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.62, 0, 1.062, -1.061, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 2.713, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 29.446, 9.575, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 20.639, -11.293, -11.358, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 698, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 705, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 842, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 850, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.061, 1.062, 0, 1.62, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.62, 0, 1.062, -1.061, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 2.713, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 29.446, 9.575, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 20.639, -11.293, -11.358, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.061, 1.062, 0, 1.62, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.62, 0, 1.062, -1.061, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 2.713, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 29.446, 9.575, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 20.639, -11.293, -11.358, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.785, 2.703, -4.346, 3.571, -0.157, 1.511, 1.034, 1.247, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 2.202, -1.149, 6.393, -0.159, 3.278, 0.543, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 8.7, 0.665, 8.785, -2.703, 1.178, -0.968, 0.157, -1.511, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -2.57, 1.491, -6.243, 3.258, -2.68, 0.067, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 7.487, 7.611, 28.314, -2.426, 30.358, -6.346, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, 6.787, -15.843, -11.02, -10.588, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.785, 2.703, -4.346, 3.571, -0.157, 1.511, 1.034, 1.247, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 2.202, -1.149, 6.393, -0.159, 3.278, 0.543, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 8.7, 0.665, 8.785, -2.703, 1.178, -0.968, 0.157, -1.511, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -2.57, 1.491, -6.243, 3.258, -2.68, 0.067, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 7.487, 7.611, 28.314, -2.426, 30.358, -6.346, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, 6.787, -15.843, -11.02, -10.588, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.061, 1.062, 0, 1.62, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.62, 0, 1.062, -1.061, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 2.713, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 29.446, 9.575, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 20.639, -11.293, -11.358, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 23, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 705, s: 101.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 842, s: 101.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -3.543, 11.008, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 705, s: 8.702, 22.881, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 842, s: 8.702, 22.881, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 4, nm: Pen 2, parent: 24, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: 306.298 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 242.298 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: 258.298 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 721, s: 242.298 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 731, s: 245.598 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 741, s: 229.598 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 258.298 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 761, s: 242.298 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: 245.598 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 781, s: 229.598 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 258.298 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 801, s: 242.298 }, { i: { x: 0.612, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 811, s: 258.298 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.224, y: 0 }, t: 821, s: 245.598 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: 229.598 }, { i: { x: 0.683, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.275, y: 0 }, t: 841, s: 242.298 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 242.298 }, { t: 858, s: 306.298 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -1.532, 5.643, 0, to: -0.169, 1.299, 0, ti: 0.169, -1.299, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 701, s: -2.544, 13.437, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: -2.544, 13.437, 0, to: 0.169, -1.299, 0, ti: -0.169, 1.299, 0 }, { t: 858, s: -1.532, 5.643, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 89.547, 89.547, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 693, op: 869, st: 366, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: -54.091 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -54.091 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_3, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: Person4-Filmeing 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: 169.924, 237.211, 0, to: -10.667, -94.875, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 145.174, 210.211, 0, to: 0.059, 0.001, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.71, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: 145.174, 210.211, 0, to: 2.667, -20.625, 0, ti: -9.667, -78.125, 0 }, { t: 868, s: 169.924, 237.211, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 12.026, 242.38, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 680, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 694, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 854, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 868, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.242, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -3.242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.242 , v: 20.438, 277.042, 11.983, 277.042, 6.112, 282.913, 6.112, 282.913, 26.309, 282.913, 26.309, 282.913 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: -2.285, 1.34, 0, 0, 1.34, 2.285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.285, -1.34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.34, 2.285 , v: 41.434, 317.045, 41.434, 317.045, 43.145, 310.482, 26.977, 282.913, 16.2, 283.02, 34.871, 315.334 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.285, 1.34, 0, 0, -1.34, 2.285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -2.285, -1.34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.34, 2.285 , v: -9.034, 317.045, -9.034, 317.045, -10.745, 310.482, 6.112, 282.913, 16.2, 283.02, -2.472, 315.334 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.869, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.869, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -2.869, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.869 , v: 16.2, 317.704, 16.2, 317.704, 11.004, 312.509, 11.004, 233.083, 21.395, 233.083, 21.395, 312.509 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 21.395, 179.546, 24.662, 187.369, 30.737, 187.466, 27.151, 179.546 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 11.798, 179.567, 2.734, 179.567, 2.734, 187.369, 11.798, 187.369 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -3.449, 3.449, 0, 0, 3.449, -3.449, 0 , o: 0, 3.449, -3.449, 0, 0, -3.449, 3.449, 0 , v: 6.316, 173.301, 0.07, 179.546, -6.175, 173.301, 0.07, 167.055 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 23.944, 179.546, 0.07, 179.546, 0.07, 167.055, 28.892, 169.915, 37.773, 187.369, 28.001, 187.368 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 16.876, 179.567, 7.811, 179.567, 7.811, 187.369, 16.876, 187.369 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -1.715, 1.715, 0, 0, 1.715, -1.715, 0 , o: 0, 1.715, -1.715, 0, 0, -1.715, 1.715, 0 , v: 14.11, 194.982, 11.004, 198.088, 7.899, 194.982, 11.004, 191.876 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 2, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 698, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 718, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 722, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 742, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 746, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 766, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 770, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 790, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 814, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 818, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 838, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 842, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 862, s: 1, 0.399097681046, 0.285320937634, 1 }, { t: 866, s: 0.526839196682, 0.134518310428, 0.134518310428, 1 }, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.228, 4.228, 0, 0, 4.228, -4.228, 0 , o: 0, 4.228, -4.228, 0, 0, -4.228, 4.228, 0 , v: -16.626, 211.607, -24.281, 219.262, -31.935, 211.607, -24.281, 203.952 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -11.03, 11.03, 0, 0, 11.03, -11.03, 0 , o: 0, 11.03, -11.03, 0, 0, -11.03, 11.03, 0 , v: -4.308, 211.607, -24.281, 231.58, -44.253, 211.607, -24.281, 191.635 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.474, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.474 , v: 49.388, 233.083, 24.662, 233.083, 18.373, 226.793, 18.373, 193.658, 24.662, 187.369, 49.388, 187.369, 55.677, 193.658, 55.677, 226.793 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 13, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 13, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -11.03, 11.03, 0, 0, 11.03, -11.03, 0 , o: 0, 11.03, -11.03, 0, 0, -11.03, 11.03, 0 , v: 1.31, 211.607, -18.662, 231.58, -38.634, 211.607, -18.662, 191.635 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 14, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 14, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.895, 7.895, 0, 0, 7.895, -7.895, 0 , o: 0, 7.895, -7.895, 0, 0, -7.895, 7.895, 0 , v: 11.965, 211.607, -2.33, 225.903, -16.626, 211.607, -2.33, 197.312 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 15, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 15, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.474, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.474, 0, 0, 3.474, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.474 , v: 29.551, 233.083, -13.265, 233.083, -19.555, 226.793, -19.555, 193.658, -13.265, 187.369, 29.551, 187.369, 35.841, 193.658, 35.841, 226.793 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 16, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 16, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.811, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.811 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.811, 0, 0, -2.811 , v: 57.262, 187.368, 43.43, 187.368, 43.43, 197.548, 57.262, 197.548, 62.352, 192.458 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 17, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 17, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -4.944, 4.944, 0, 0, 4.944, -4.944, 0 , o: 0, 4.944, -4.944, 0, 0, -4.944, 4.944, 0 , v: 68.306, 192.458, 59.353, 201.41, 50.401, 192.458, 59.353, 183.506 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 18, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 18, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 869, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: Head_Beard, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 12.164, 14.935, 0, to: -2.042, 0, 0, ti: 2.042, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -0.086, 14.935, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -0.086, 14.935, 0, to: -2.042, 0, 0, ti: 2.042, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -12.336, 14.935, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -12.336, 14.935, 0, to: 2.042, 0, 0, ti: -2.042, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -0.086, 14.935, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1104, s: -0.086, 14.935, 0, to: 0.167, 0, 0, ti: -2.042, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 0.914, 14.935, 0, to: 2.042, 0, 0, ti: -1.875, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 12.164, 14.935, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 72.822, -163.421, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.369, 0, -0.257, 0.307, -0.563, 0, -0.355, 0.389, -0.429, 0, -0.29, 0.338, -0.455, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.043, -0.208, 0.011, -1.434, 0.307, -1.279, 0.306, 0, 0.494, -0.836, 0.281, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.369, 0, 0.372, 0.496, 0.492, 0, 0.403, 0.432, 0.374, 0, 0.278, 0.566, -0.134, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -0.801, 0.138, -0.809, 0.008, -0.274, -0.127, -0.851, 0, -0.254, -0.108, -0.324, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.667, -159.873, 73.627, -160.372, 75.072, -159.569, 76.176, -160.211, 77.51, -159.509, 78.522, -160.046, 79.656, -159.076, 79.441, -157.923, 79.511, -157.259, 78.072, -154.526, 76.135, -152.308, 75.266, -152.52, 73.358, -151.129, 72.558, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.501, 0, -0.349, 0.307, -0.764, 0, -0.481, 0.389, -0.751, 0, -0.508, 0.338, -0.796, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.074, -0.208, 0.02, -1.434, 0.417, -1.279, 0.415, 0, 0.67, -0.836, 0.381, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.501, 0, 0.505, 0.496, 0.667, 0, 0.546, 0.432, 0.656, 0, 0.487, 0.566, -0.235, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.402, 0.138, -1.416, 0.008, -0.372, -0.127, -1.154, 0, -0.345, -0.108, -0.439, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.821, -159.873, 74.123, -160.372, 76.083, -159.569, 77.835, -160.201, 79.814, -159.5, 81.587, -160.036, 83.573, -159.066, 83.197, -157.913, 83.319, -157.249, 80.798, -154.516, 77.779, -152.298, 76.6, -152.51, 73.759, -151.129, 72.673, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.501, 0, -0.349, 0.307, -0.764, 0, -0.481, 0.389, -0.751, 0, -0.508, 0.338, -0.796, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.074, -0.208, 0.02, -1.434, 0.417, -1.279, 0.415, 0, 0.67, -0.836, 0.381, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.501, 0, 0.505, 0.496, 0.667, 0, 0.546, 0.432, 0.656, 0, 0.487, 0.566, -0.235, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.402, 0.138, -1.416, 0.008, -0.372, -0.127, -1.154, 0, -0.345, -0.108, -0.439, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.821, -159.873, 74.123, -160.372, 76.083, -159.569, 77.835, -160.201, 79.814, -159.5, 81.587, -160.036, 83.573, -159.066, 83.197, -157.913, 83.319, -157.249, 80.798, -154.516, 77.779, -152.298, 76.6, -152.51, 73.759, -151.129, 72.673, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: -0.325, 0.597, -0.415, 0, -0.346, 0.432, -0.422, 0, -0.338, 0.496, -0.335, 0, -0.306, 0.307, -0.739, 0, -0.465, 0.389, -0.727, 0, -0.537, 0.338, -0.842, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.079, -0.208, 0.021, -1.434, 0.403, -1.279, 0.402, 0, 0.649, -0.836, 0.281, 0, 0.273, -0.142, 0.823, 0, 0.26, -0.127, 0.951, 0.313, 0.555, 0.256, 0, 0.234, 0.156, 0.33, -0.085, 0 , o: 0.322, 0.338, 0.475, 0, 0.304, 0.389, 0.484, 0, 0.233, 0.307, 0.335, 0, 0.443, 0.496, 0.645, 0, 0.529, 0.432, 0.635, 0, 0.515, 0.566, -0.248, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.482, 0.138, -1.497, 0.008, -0.36, -0.127, -1.117, 0, -0.334, -0.108, -0.325, 0, -0.467, -0.865, -0.29, 0, 0.092, -1.198, -0.393, -1.312, 0.052, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.082, 0.018, 0.538, 0 , v: 66.336, -160.036, 67.458, -159.5, 68.711, -160.201, 69.82, -159.569, 71.104, -160.372, 71.975, -159.873, 72.6, -160.372, 75.022, -159.58, 76.718, -160.212, 78.633, -159.511, 81.573, -160.047, 84.33, -159.066, 83.932, -157.913, 84.061, -157.249, 81.396, -154.516, 77.265, -152.298, 76.124, -152.51, 72.967, -151.132, 72.521, -151.315, 71.558, -151.083, 69.544, -152.513, 68.72, -152.302, 67.424, -154.501, 66.038, -157.224, 65.783, -157.888, 65.531, -159.073, 65.748, -159.263 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: -0.325, 0.597, -0.415, 0, -0.346, 0.432, -0.422, 0, -0.338, 0.496, -0.335, 0, -0.306, 0.307, -0.739, 0, -0.465, 0.389, -0.727, 0, -0.537, 0.338, -0.842, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.079, -0.208, 0.021, -1.434, 0.403, -1.279, 0.402, 0, 0.649, -0.836, 0.281, 0, 0.273, -0.142, 0.823, 0, 0.26, -0.127, 0.951, 0.313, 0.555, 0.256, 0, 0.234, 0.156, 0.33, -0.085, 0 , o: 0.322, 0.338, 0.475, 0, 0.304, 0.389, 0.484, 0, 0.233, 0.307, 0.335, 0, 0.443, 0.496, 0.645, 0, 0.529, 0.432, 0.635, 0, 0.515, 0.566, -0.248, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.482, 0.138, -1.497, 0.008, -0.36, -0.127, -1.117, 0, -0.334, -0.108, -0.325, 0, -0.467, -0.865, -0.29, 0, 0.092, -1.198, -0.393, -1.312, 0.052, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.082, 0.018, 0.538, 0 , v: 66.336, -160.036, 67.458, -159.5, 68.711, -160.201, 69.82, -159.569, 71.104, -160.372, 71.975, -159.873, 72.6, -160.372, 75.022, -159.58, 76.718, -160.212, 78.633, -159.511, 81.573, -160.047, 84.33, -159.066, 83.932, -157.913, 84.061, -157.249, 81.396, -154.516, 77.265, -152.298, 76.124, -152.51, 72.967, -151.132, 72.521, -151.315, 71.558, -151.083, 69.544, -152.513, 68.72, -152.302, 67.424, -154.501, 66.038, -157.224, 65.783, -157.888, 65.531, -159.073, 65.748, -159.263 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.501, 0, -0.349, 0.307, -0.764, 0, -0.481, 0.389, -0.751, 0, -0.508, 0.338, -0.796, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.074, -0.208, 0.02, -1.434, 0.417, -1.279, 0.415, 0, 0.67, -0.836, 0.381, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.501, 0, 0.505, 0.496, 0.667, 0, 0.546, 0.432, 0.656, 0, 0.487, 0.566, -0.235, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.402, 0.138, -1.416, 0.008, -0.372, -0.127, -1.154, 0, -0.345, -0.108, -0.439, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.821, -159.873, 74.123, -160.372, 76.083, -159.569, 77.835, -160.201, 79.814, -159.5, 81.587, -160.036, 83.573, -159.066, 83.197, -157.913, 83.319, -157.249, 80.798, -154.516, 77.779, -152.298, 76.6, -152.51, 73.759, -151.129, 72.673, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.501, 0, -0.349, 0.307, -0.764, 0, -0.481, 0.389, -0.751, 0, -0.508, 0.338, -0.796, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.074, -0.208, 0.02, -1.434, 0.417, -1.279, 0.415, 0, 0.67, -0.836, 0.381, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.501, 0, 0.505, 0.496, 0.667, 0, 0.546, 0.432, 0.656, 0, 0.487, 0.566, -0.235, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -1.402, 0.138, -1.416, 0.008, -0.372, -0.127, -1.154, 0, -0.345, -0.108, -0.439, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.821, -159.873, 74.123, -160.372, 76.083, -159.569, 77.835, -160.201, 79.814, -159.5, 81.587, -160.036, 83.573, -159.066, 83.197, -157.913, 83.319, -157.249, 80.798, -154.516, 77.779, -152.298, 76.6, -152.51, 73.759, -151.129, 72.673, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: -0.513, 0.597, -0.656, 0, -0.546, 0.432, -0.667, 0, -0.505, 0.496, -0.369, 0, -0.257, 0.307, -0.563, 0, -0.355, 0.389, -0.429, 0, -0.29, 0.338, -0.455, -0.037, 0, -0.432, -0.043, -0.208, 0.011, -1.434, 0.307, -1.279, 0.306, 0, 0.494, -0.836, 0.281, 0, 0.39, -0.142, 1.178, 0, 0.372, -0.127, 1.417, 0.008, 1.402, 0.138, 0, 0.234, 0.247, 0.33, -0.134, 0 , o: 0.508, 0.338, 0.751, 0, 0.481, 0.389, 0.764, 0, 0.349, 0.307, 0.369, 0, 0.372, 0.496, 0.492, 0, 0.403, 0.432, 0.374, 0, 0.278, 0.566, -0.134, 0.325, 0, 0.234, -0.801, 0.138, -0.809, 0.008, -0.274, -0.127, -0.851, 0, -0.254, -0.108, -0.324, 0, -0.669, -0.865, -0.415, 0, -0.417, -1.279, -0.02, -1.434, 0.075, -0.208, 0, -0.444, 0.129, 0.018, 0.849, 0 , v: 64.056, -160.036, 65.829, -159.5, 67.808, -160.201, 69.56, -159.569, 71.52, -160.372, 72.667, -159.873, 73.627, -160.372, 75.072, -159.569, 76.176, -160.211, 77.51, -159.509, 78.522, -160.046, 79.656, -159.076, 79.441, -157.923, 79.511, -157.259, 78.072, -154.526, 76.135, -152.308, 75.266, -152.52, 73.358, -151.129, 72.558, -151.311, 71.428, -151.079, 68.545, -152.51, 67.366, -152.298, 64.348, -154.516, 61.826, -157.249, 61.949, -157.913, 61.55, -159.093, 61.942, -159.053 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0.25, 0.492, 0.779, 0, 0.051, -0.011, 0.357, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.028, -0.183, 0.051, 0, 0.014, -1.521, 0.118, 0, 0.342, -1.45, 0.252, 0, 0.336, -0.878, 0.219, 0, 0.293, -0.197, 0.907, 0, 0.266, -0.165, 0.859, 0, 0.439, -0.668, 0.362, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.306, 0, 0.264, -0.107, 1.165, 0, 0.431, -0.217, 1.039, 0, 0.612, -0.911, 0.453, 0, 0.419, -1.082, 0.508, 0, 0.401, -0.17, 1.287, 0, 0.471, -0.182, 1.848, 0, 0.242, -0.036, 1.655, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.184, 0, 0.379, -0.56, 0.113, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.691, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.44, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.531, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -2.027, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.315, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.785, 0, -0.239, 0.023, -3.175, 0, -0.761, 0.274, -2.691, 0, -0.874, 2.005, -0.588, 0.124, -1.185, 2.609, -0.164, 0.047, 0, 3.495, 0.007, 0.14, -0.574, 3.063, 0.337, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.127, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.3, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.393, 0.708 , o: -0.656, -1.446, -0.052, 0, -0.176, -0.56, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.05, -0.011, -0.77, 0, -0.113, -0.036, -0.86, 0, -0.219, -0.182, -0.599, 0, -0.187, -0.17, -0.237, 0, -0.289, -1.082, -0.312, 0, -0.422, -0.911, -0.716, 0, -0.297, -0.217, -0.803, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.306, 0, -0.507, -0.89, -0.526, 0, -0.636, -0.668, -1.247, 0, -0.386, -0.165, -1.316, 0, -0.426, -0.197, -0.47, 0, -0.723, -0.878, -0.543, 0, -0.736, -1.45, -0.254, 0, -0.031, -1.521, -0.111, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.768, 0, -0.11, -0.011, -1.674, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.567, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.433, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.183, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.486, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.01, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.246, 0, 0.724, 2.726, 0.867, 0, 1.26, 2.005, 2.691, 0, 0.528, 0.274, 2.297, -0.486, 0.166, 0.023, 1.905, -0.552, 0, -0.142, 1.67, -0.365, 0.189, -1.01, 1.405, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 1.122, -0.854, 0, -0.932, 0.998, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.977, -1.686 , v: 94.656, -168.929, 92.09, -170.766, 91.937, -170.735, 91.093, -171.671, 90.096, -169.692, 90.143, -169.118, 89.993, -169.148, 88.586, -166.4, 88.241, -166.469, 86.294, -164.321, 85.591, -164.293, 84.13, -162.839, 83.519, -163.11, 83.144, -162.791, 81.184, -164.652, 80.312, -164.389, 78.283, -165.913, 76.493, -164.815, 75.498, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.615, -163.832, 71.756, -163.664, 69.083, -165.167, 67.64, -164.815, 65.043, -165.913, 62.099, -164.389, 60.834, -164.652, 57.99, -162.791, 56.583, -163.11, 55.27, -162.839, 52.127, -164.293, 50.597, -164.009, 46.43, -166.469, 45.69, -166.4, 42.664, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 42.443, -169.692, 40.3, -171.671, 38.485, -170.735, 38.156, -170.766, 35.125, -167.967, 36.266, -165.794, 35.353, -163.272, 37.782, -159.542, 37.1, -156.957, 41.479, -151.545, 41.196, -149.844, 44.621, -144.779, 43.857, -141.934, 49.752, -135.866, 49.729, -135.445, 56.583, -129.116, 57.31, -129.152, 63.866, -124.401, 66.319, -124.832, 72.615, -121.475, 77.033, -124.851, 78.734, -124.796, 83.279, -129.172, 83.939, -129.354, 88.534, -135.464, 88.518, -135.885, 92.105, -141.938, 92.075, -144.798, 93.824, -149.851, 93.628, -151.553, 95.352, -156.969, 94.816, -159.561, 95.562, -163.292, 94.929, -165.814 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.546, 0, 0.101, -0.011, 0.709, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.056, -0.183, 0.102, 0, 0.028, -1.521, 0.234, 0, 0.68, -1.45, 0.501, 0, 0.668, -0.878, 0.434, 0, 0.393, -0.197, 1.215, 0, 0.356, -0.165, 1.151, 0, 0.588, -0.668, 0.485, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.283, 0, 0.243, -0.107, 1.076, 0, 0.398, -0.217, 0.959, 0, 0.566, -0.911, 0.418, 0, 0.387, -1.082, 0.469, 0, 0.37, -0.17, 1.189, 0, 0.435, -0.182, 1.707, 0, 0.224, -0.036, 1.528, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.093, 0, 0.35, -0.56, 0.104, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.638, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.337, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -1.871, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.061, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.495, 0, -0.221, 0.023, -2.932, 0, -0.703, 0.274, -2.485, 0, -1.164, 2.005, -0.8, 0, -0.669, 2.726, -0.227, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.449, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.17, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.4, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.524, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.104, 0, -0.35, -0.56, -1.093, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.099, -0.011, -1.528, 0, -0.224, -0.036, -1.707, 0, -0.435, -0.182, -1.189, 0, -0.37, -0.17, -0.47, 0, -0.387, -1.082, -0.418, 0, -0.565, -0.911, -0.959, 0, -0.398, -0.217, -1.076, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.283, 0, -0.469, -0.89, -0.485, 0, -0.588, -0.668, -1.151, 0, -0.356, -0.165, -1.215, 0, -0.393, -0.197, -0.434, 0, -0.668, -0.878, -0.501, 0, -0.68, -1.45, -0.234, 0, -0.028, -1.521, -0.102, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.709, 0, -0.101, -0.011, -1.546, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.523, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.4, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.169, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.449, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.227, 0, 0.669, 2.726, 0.8, 0, 1.164, 2.005, 2.485, 0, 0.703, 0.274, 2.932, 0, 0.221, 0.023, 3.495, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.061, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.871, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.338, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.638, -0.513 , v: 107.442, -167.967, 104.643, -170.766, 104.339, -170.735, 102.663, -171.671, 100.684, -169.692, 100.778, -169.118, 100.48, -169.148, 97.686, -166.4, 97.002, -166.469, 93.154, -164.009, 91.742, -164.293, 88.84, -162.839, 87.627, -163.11, 86.327, -162.791, 83.701, -164.652, 82.533, -164.389, 79.814, -165.913, 77.416, -164.815, 76.083, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.821, -163.832, 72.027, -163.664, 69.56, -165.167, 68.227, -164.815, 65.829, -165.913, 63.11, -164.389, 61.942, -164.652, 59.316, -162.791, 58.016, -163.11, 56.804, -162.839, 53.901, -164.293, 52.489, -164.009, 48.641, -166.469, 47.957, -166.4, 45.163, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 44.959, -169.692, 42.98, -171.671, 41.304, -170.735, 41, -170.766, 38.201, -167.967, 39.255, -165.794, 38.412, -163.272, 40.654, -159.542, 40.025, -156.957, 44.069, -151.545, 43.807, -149.844, 46.97, -144.779, 46.264, -141.934, 51.709, -135.866, 51.687, -135.445, 58.016, -129.116, 58.688, -129.152, 64.742, -124.401, 67.007, -124.832, 72.821, -121.475, 78.636, -124.832, 80.901, -124.401, 86.955, -129.152, 87.627, -129.116, 93.956, -135.445, 93.934, -135.866, 99.379, -141.934, 98.673, -144.779, 101.836, -149.844, 101.574, -151.545, 105.618, -156.957, 104.988, -159.542, 107.232, -163.272, 106.388, -165.794 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.546, 0, 0.101, -0.011, 0.709, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.056, -0.183, 0.102, 0, 0.028, -1.521, 0.234, 0, 0.68, -1.45, 0.501, 0, 0.668, -0.878, 0.434, 0, 0.393, -0.197, 1.215, 0, 0.356, -0.165, 1.151, 0, 0.588, -0.668, 0.485, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.283, 0, 0.243, -0.107, 1.076, 0, 0.398, -0.217, 0.959, 0, 0.566, -0.911, 0.418, 0, 0.387, -1.082, 0.469, 0, 0.37, -0.17, 1.189, 0, 0.435, -0.182, 1.707, 0, 0.224, -0.036, 1.528, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.093, 0, 0.35, -0.56, 0.104, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.638, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.337, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -1.871, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.061, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.495, 0, -0.221, 0.023, -2.932, 0, -0.703, 0.274, -2.485, 0, -1.164, 2.005, -0.8, 0, -0.669, 2.726, -0.227, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.449, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.17, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.4, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.524, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.104, 0, -0.35, -0.56, -1.093, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.099, -0.011, -1.528, 0, -0.224, -0.036, -1.707, 0, -0.435, -0.182, -1.189, 0, -0.37, -0.17, -0.47, 0, -0.387, -1.082, -0.418, 0, -0.565, -0.911, -0.959, 0, -0.398, -0.217, -1.076, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.283, 0, -0.469, -0.89, -0.485, 0, -0.588, -0.668, -1.151, 0, -0.356, -0.165, -1.215, 0, -0.393, -0.197, -0.434, 0, -0.668, -0.878, -0.501, 0, -0.68, -1.45, -0.234, 0, -0.028, -1.521, -0.102, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.709, 0, -0.101, -0.011, -1.546, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.523, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.4, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.169, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.449, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.227, 0, 0.669, 2.726, 0.8, 0, 1.164, 2.005, 2.485, 0, 0.703, 0.274, 2.932, 0, 0.221, 0.023, 3.495, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.061, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.871, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.338, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.638, -0.513 , v: 107.442, -167.967, 104.643, -170.766, 104.339, -170.735, 102.663, -171.671, 100.684, -169.692, 100.778, -169.118, 100.48, -169.148, 97.686, -166.4, 97.002, -166.469, 93.154, -164.009, 91.742, -164.293, 88.84, -162.839, 87.627, -163.11, 86.327, -162.791, 83.701, -164.652, 82.533, -164.389, 79.814, -165.913, 77.416, -164.815, 76.083, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.821, -163.832, 72.027, -163.664, 69.56, -165.167, 68.227, -164.815, 65.829, -165.913, 63.11, -164.389, 61.942, -164.652, 59.316, -162.791, 58.016, -163.11, 56.804, -162.839, 53.901, -164.293, 52.489, -164.009, 48.641, -166.469, 47.957, -166.4, 45.163, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 44.959, -169.692, 42.98, -171.671, 41.304, -170.735, 41, -170.766, 38.201, -167.967, 39.255, -165.794, 38.412, -163.272, 40.654, -159.542, 40.025, -156.957, 44.069, -151.545, 43.807, -149.844, 46.97, -144.779, 46.264, -141.934, 51.709, -135.866, 51.687, -135.445, 58.016, -129.116, 58.688, -129.152, 64.742, -124.401, 67.007, -124.832, 72.821, -121.475, 78.636, -124.832, 80.901, -124.401, 86.955, -129.152, 87.627, -129.116, 93.956, -135.445, 93.934, -135.866, 99.379, -141.934, 98.673, -144.779, 101.836, -149.844, 101.574, -151.545, 105.618, -156.957, 104.988, -159.542, 107.232, -163.272, 106.388, -165.794 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.634, 0, 0.107, -0.011, 0.749, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.059, -0.183, 0.108, 0, 0.03, -1.521, 0.248, 0, 0.718, -1.45, 0.53, 0, 0.706, -0.878, 0.459, 0, 0.416, -0.197, 1.284, 0, 0.377, -0.165, 1.217, 0, 0.621, -0.668, 0.513, 0, 0.343, -0.89, 0.207, 0, 0.178, -0.107, 0.744, 0, 0.275, -0.217, 0.663, 0, 0.391, -0.911, 0.289, 0, 0.222, -1.082, 0.269, 0, 0.212, -0.17, 0.671, 0, 0.246, -0.182, 0.964, 0, 0.126, -0.036, 0.863, 0, 0.056, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 0.649, 0, 0.208, -0.56, 0.062, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.379, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -0.883, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -1.04, -1.33, 0, -0.593, -1.428, -0.92, -0.037, -1.027, -2.463, -1.322, -0.026, -0.14, -2.556, -1.259, -0.168, 0.023, -2.125, -0.642, -0.536, 0.274, -2.005, 0, -1.23, 2.005, -0.846, 0, -0.707, 2.726, -0.24, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.01, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.474, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.179, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.423, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.553, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.11, 0, -0.37, -0.56, -1.156, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.105, -0.011, -1.616, 0, -0.237, -0.036, -1.804, 0, -0.46, -0.182, -1.257, 0, -0.392, -0.17, -0.496, 0, -0.409, -1.082, -0.442, 0, -0.598, -0.911, -1.014, 0, -0.421, -0.217, -1.137, 0, -0.178, -0.107, -0.207, 0, -0.343, -0.89, -0.336, 0, -0.406, -0.668, -0.796, 0, -0.246, -0.165, -0.84, 0, -0.225, -0.197, -0.249, 0, -0.16, -0.786, -0.283, 0, -0.384, -1.45, -0.132, 0, -0.016, -1.521, -0.058, 0, 0.031, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.421, 0, -0.06, -0.011, -0.918, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.72, 0.732, 0, 1.619, -0.266, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.129, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.342, 0.85, 0.098, 2.684, -0.007, 0.14, 0.585, 3.132, 0.155, 0.076, 0.306, 1.965, 0.584, 0.177, 0.888, 2.005, 2.005, 0, 0.743, 0.274, 3.1, 0, 0.233, 0.023, 3.695, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.236, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.978, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.471, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.406, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.674, -0.513 , v: 109.562, -167.967, 106.603, -170.766, 106.282, -170.735, 104.511, -171.671, 102.418, -169.692, 102.518, -169.118, 102.203, -169.148, 99.249, -166.4, 98.526, -166.469, 94.458, -164.009, 92.965, -164.293, 89.897, -162.839, 88.615, -163.11, 87.241, -162.791, 84.465, -164.652, 82.573, -164.4, 79.7, -165.924, 77.165, -164.826, 75.755, -165.178, 73.007, -163.664, 72.427, -163.832, 71.846, -163.664, 70.073, -165.167, 69.151, -164.815, 67.493, -165.913, 65.613, -164.389, 64.806, -164.652, 63.036, -162.791, 62.292, -163.11, 61.473, -163.026, 60.431, -164.293, 59.633, -164.009, 58.007, -166.469, 57.621, -166.4, 56.044, -169.148, 55.875, -169.118, 55.928, -169.692, 54.307, -171.671, 53.312, -170.735, 53.131, -170.766, 51.438, -168.092, 51.407, -165.794, 50.115, -163.24, 50.817, -159.542, 49.941, -156.957, 51.54, -151.545, 51.34, -149.844, 53.753, -144.779, 53.434, -141.934, 57.369, -135.866, 57.509, -135.351, 62.119, -129.397, 62.694, -129.152, 66.5, -125.046, 68.354, -124.851, 72.899, -121.494, 79.11, -124.832, 81.505, -124.401, 87.905, -129.152, 88.615, -129.116, 95.305, -135.445, 95.283, -135.866, 101.038, -141.934, 100.293, -144.779, 103.636, -149.844, 103.359, -151.545, 107.635, -156.957, 106.969, -159.542, 109.34, -163.272, 108.448, -165.794 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.634, 0, 0.107, -0.011, 0.749, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.059, -0.183, 0.108, 0, 0.03, -1.521, 0.248, 0, 0.718, -1.45, 0.53, 0, 0.706, -0.878, 0.459, 0, 0.416, -0.197, 1.284, 0, 0.377, -0.165, 1.217, 0, 0.621, -0.668, 0.513, 0, 0.343, -0.89, 0.207, 0, 0.178, -0.107, 0.744, 0, 0.275, -0.217, 0.663, 0, 0.391, -0.911, 0.289, 0, 0.222, -1.082, 0.269, 0, 0.212, -0.17, 0.671, 0, 0.246, -0.182, 0.964, 0, 0.126, -0.036, 0.863, 0, 0.056, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 0.649, 0, 0.208, -0.56, 0.062, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.379, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -0.883, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -1.04, -1.33, 0, -0.593, -1.428, -0.92, -0.037, -1.027, -2.463, -1.322, -0.026, -0.14, -2.556, -1.259, -0.168, 0.023, -2.125, -0.642, -0.536, 0.274, -2.005, 0, -1.23, 2.005, -0.846, 0, -0.707, 2.726, -0.24, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.01, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.474, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.179, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.423, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.553, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.11, 0, -0.37, -0.56, -1.156, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.105, -0.011, -1.616, 0, -0.237, -0.036, -1.804, 0, -0.46, -0.182, -1.257, 0, -0.392, -0.17, -0.496, 0, -0.409, -1.082, -0.442, 0, -0.598, -0.911, -1.014, 0, -0.421, -0.217, -1.137, 0, -0.178, -0.107, -0.207, 0, -0.343, -0.89, -0.336, 0, -0.406, -0.668, -0.796, 0, -0.246, -0.165, -0.84, 0, -0.225, -0.197, -0.249, 0, -0.16, -0.786, -0.283, 0, -0.384, -1.45, -0.132, 0, -0.016, -1.521, -0.058, 0, 0.031, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.421, 0, -0.06, -0.011, -0.918, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.72, 0.732, 0, 1.619, -0.266, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.129, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.342, 0.85, 0.098, 2.684, -0.007, 0.14, 0.585, 3.132, 0.155, 0.076, 0.306, 1.965, 0.584, 0.177, 0.888, 2.005, 2.005, 0, 0.743, 0.274, 3.1, 0, 0.233, 0.023, 3.695, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.236, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.978, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.471, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.406, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.674, -0.513 , v: 109.562, -167.967, 106.603, -170.766, 106.282, -170.735, 104.511, -171.671, 102.418, -169.692, 102.518, -169.118, 102.203, -169.148, 99.249, -166.4, 98.526, -166.469, 94.458, -164.009, 92.965, -164.293, 89.897, -162.839, 88.615, -163.11, 87.241, -162.791, 84.465, -164.652, 82.573, -164.4, 79.7, -165.924, 77.165, -164.826, 75.755, -165.178, 73.007, -163.664, 72.427, -163.832, 71.846, -163.664, 70.073, -165.167, 69.151, -164.815, 67.493, -165.913, 65.613, -164.389, 64.806, -164.652, 63.036, -162.791, 62.292, -163.11, 61.473, -163.026, 60.431, -164.293, 59.633, -164.009, 58.007, -166.469, 57.621, -166.4, 56.044, -169.148, 55.875, -169.118, 55.928, -169.692, 54.307, -171.671, 53.312, -170.735, 53.131, -170.766, 51.438, -168.092, 51.407, -165.794, 50.115, -163.24, 50.817, -159.542, 49.941, -156.957, 51.54, -151.545, 51.34, -149.844, 53.753, -144.779, 53.434, -141.934, 57.369, -135.866, 57.509, -135.351, 62.119, -129.397, 62.694, -129.152, 66.5, -125.046, 68.354, -124.851, 72.899, -121.494, 79.11, -124.832, 81.505, -124.401, 87.905, -129.152, 88.615, -129.116, 95.305, -135.445, 95.283, -135.866, 101.038, -141.934, 100.293, -144.779, 103.636, -149.844, 103.359, -151.545, 107.635, -156.957, 106.969, -159.542, 109.34, -163.272, 108.448, -165.794 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.546, 0, 0.101, -0.011, 0.709, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.056, -0.183, 0.102, 0, 0.028, -1.521, 0.234, 0, 0.68, -1.45, 0.501, 0, 0.668, -0.878, 0.434, 0, 0.393, -0.197, 1.215, 0, 0.356, -0.165, 1.151, 0, 0.588, -0.668, 0.485, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.283, 0, 0.243, -0.107, 1.076, 0, 0.398, -0.217, 0.959, 0, 0.566, -0.911, 0.418, 0, 0.387, -1.082, 0.469, 0, 0.37, -0.17, 1.189, 0, 0.435, -0.182, 1.707, 0, 0.224, -0.036, 1.528, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.093, 0, 0.35, -0.56, 0.104, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.638, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.337, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -1.871, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.061, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.495, 0, -0.221, 0.023, -2.932, 0, -0.703, 0.274, -2.485, 0, -1.164, 2.005, -0.8, 0, -0.669, 2.726, -0.227, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.449, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.17, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.4, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.524, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.104, 0, -0.35, -0.56, -1.093, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.099, -0.011, -1.528, 0, -0.224, -0.036, -1.707, 0, -0.435, -0.182, -1.189, 0, -0.37, -0.17, -0.47, 0, -0.387, -1.082, -0.418, 0, -0.565, -0.911, -0.959, 0, -0.398, -0.217, -1.076, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.283, 0, -0.469, -0.89, -0.485, 0, -0.588, -0.668, -1.151, 0, -0.356, -0.165, -1.215, 0, -0.393, -0.197, -0.434, 0, -0.668, -0.878, -0.501, 0, -0.68, -1.45, -0.234, 0, -0.028, -1.521, -0.102, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.709, 0, -0.101, -0.011, -1.546, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.523, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.4, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.169, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.449, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.227, 0, 0.669, 2.726, 0.8, 0, 1.164, 2.005, 2.485, 0, 0.703, 0.274, 2.932, 0, 0.221, 0.023, 3.495, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.061, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.871, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.338, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.638, -0.513 , v: 107.442, -167.967, 104.643, -170.766, 104.339, -170.735, 102.663, -171.671, 100.684, -169.692, 100.778, -169.118, 100.48, -169.148, 97.686, -166.4, 97.002, -166.469, 93.154, -164.009, 91.742, -164.293, 88.84, -162.839, 87.627, -163.11, 86.327, -162.791, 83.701, -164.652, 82.533, -164.389, 79.814, -165.913, 77.416, -164.815, 76.083, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.821, -163.832, 72.027, -163.664, 69.56, -165.167, 68.227, -164.815, 65.829, -165.913, 63.11, -164.389, 61.942, -164.652, 59.316, -162.791, 58.016, -163.11, 56.804, -162.839, 53.901, -164.293, 52.489, -164.009, 48.641, -166.469, 47.957, -166.4, 45.163, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 44.959, -169.692, 42.98, -171.671, 41.304, -170.735, 41, -170.766, 38.201, -167.967, 39.255, -165.794, 38.412, -163.272, 40.654, -159.542, 40.025, -156.957, 44.069, -151.545, 43.807, -149.844, 46.97, -144.779, 46.264, -141.934, 51.709, -135.866, 51.687, -135.445, 58.016, -129.116, 58.688, -129.152, 64.742, -124.401, 67.007, -124.832, 72.821, -121.475, 78.636, -124.832, 80.901, -124.401, 86.955, -129.152, 87.627, -129.116, 93.956, -135.445, 93.934, -135.866, 99.379, -141.934, 98.673, -144.779, 101.836, -149.844, 101.574, -151.545, 105.618, -156.957, 104.988, -159.542, 107.232, -163.272, 106.388, -165.794 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0.882, 1.546, 0, 0.101, -0.011, 0.709, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.056, -0.183, 0.102, 0, 0.028, -1.521, 0.234, 0, 0.68, -1.45, 0.501, 0, 0.668, -0.878, 0.434, 0, 0.393, -0.197, 1.215, 0, 0.356, -0.165, 1.151, 0, 0.588, -0.668, 0.485, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.283, 0, 0.243, -0.107, 1.076, 0, 0.398, -0.217, 0.959, 0, 0.566, -0.911, 0.418, 0, 0.387, -1.082, 0.469, 0, 0.37, -0.17, 1.189, 0, 0.435, -0.182, 1.707, 0, 0.224, -0.036, 1.528, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.093, 0, 0.35, -0.56, 0.104, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.638, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.337, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -1.871, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.061, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.495, 0, -0.221, 0.023, -2.932, 0, -0.703, 0.274, -2.485, 0, -1.164, 2.005, -0.8, 0, -0.669, 2.726, -0.227, 0, 0, 3.495, 0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.148, 0.449, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.17, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.4, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.524, 0.708 , o: 0, -1.546, -0.104, 0, -0.35, -0.56, -1.093, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.099, -0.011, -1.528, 0, -0.224, -0.036, -1.707, 0, -0.435, -0.182, -1.189, 0, -0.37, -0.17, -0.47, 0, -0.387, -1.082, -0.418, 0, -0.565, -0.911, -0.959, 0, -0.398, -0.217, -1.076, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.283, 0, -0.469, -0.89, -0.485, 0, -0.588, -0.668, -1.151, 0, -0.356, -0.165, -1.215, 0, -0.393, -0.197, -0.434, 0, -0.668, -0.878, -0.501, 0, -0.68, -1.45, -0.234, 0, -0.028, -1.521, -0.102, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.709, 0, -0.101, -0.011, -1.546, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.523, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.4, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.169, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.449, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.009, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.227, 0, 0.669, 2.726, 0.8, 0, 1.164, 2.005, 2.485, 0, 0.703, 0.274, 2.932, 0, 0.221, 0.023, 3.495, 0, 0, -0.142, 3.061, -0.33, 0, -1.028, 1.871, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 2.338, -0.691, 0, -0.932, 1.33, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.638, -0.513 , v: 107.442, -167.967, 104.643, -170.766, 104.339, -170.735, 102.663, -171.671, 100.684, -169.692, 100.778, -169.118, 100.48, -169.148, 97.686, -166.4, 97.002, -166.469, 93.154, -164.009, 91.742, -164.293, 88.84, -162.839, 87.627, -163.11, 86.327, -162.791, 83.701, -164.652, 82.533, -164.389, 79.814, -165.913, 77.416, -164.815, 76.083, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.821, -163.832, 72.027, -163.664, 69.56, -165.167, 68.227, -164.815, 65.829, -165.913, 63.11, -164.389, 61.942, -164.652, 59.316, -162.791, 58.016, -163.11, 56.804, -162.839, 53.901, -164.293, 52.489, -164.009, 48.641, -166.469, 47.957, -166.4, 45.163, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 44.959, -169.692, 42.98, -171.671, 41.304, -170.735, 41, -170.766, 38.201, -167.967, 39.255, -165.794, 38.412, -163.272, 40.654, -159.542, 40.025, -156.957, 44.069, -151.545, 43.807, -149.844, 46.97, -144.779, 46.264, -141.934, 51.709, -135.866, 51.687, -135.445, 58.016, -129.116, 58.688, -129.152, 64.742, -124.401, 67.007, -124.832, 72.821, -121.475, 78.636, -124.832, 80.901, -124.401, 86.955, -129.152, 87.627, -129.116, 93.956, -135.445, 93.934, -135.866, 99.379, -141.934, 98.673, -144.779, 101.836, -149.844, 101.574, -151.545, 105.618, -156.957, 104.988, -159.542, 107.232, -163.272, 106.388, -165.794 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0.25, 0.492, 0.779, 0, 0.051, -0.011, 0.357, 0, 0, -1.093, -0.028, -0.183, 0.051, 0, 0.014, -1.521, 0.118, 0, 0.342, -1.45, 0.252, 0, 0.336, -0.878, 0.219, 0, 0.293, -0.197, 0.907, 0, 0.266, -0.165, 0.859, 0, 0.439, -0.668, 0.362, 0, 0.469, -0.89, 0.306, 0, 0.264, -0.107, 1.165, 0, 0.431, -0.217, 1.039, 0, 0.612, -0.911, 0.453, 0, 0.419, -1.082, 0.508, 0, 0.401, -0.17, 1.287, 0, 0.471, -0.182, 1.848, 0, 0.242, -0.036, 1.655, 0, 0.099, -0.011, 0, 0.201, 1.184, 0, 0.379, -0.56, 0.113, 0, 0, -1.546, -0.691, -0.513, 0, -0.948, -1.44, -0.721, 0, -0.932, -2.531, -0.691, 0, -0.593, -2.027, -0.92, 0, -1.028, -3.315, -0.33, 0, -0.142, -3.785, 0, -0.239, 0.023, -3.175, 0, -0.761, 0.274, -2.691, 0, -0.874, 2.005, -0.588, 0.124, -1.185, 2.609, -0.164, 0.047, 0, 3.495, 0.007, 0.14, -0.574, 3.063, 0.337, 0.85, 0, 2.226, 0.127, 0.537, 0, 2.561, 0.3, 0.775, 0, 1.619, 0.393, 0.708 , o: -0.656, -1.446, -0.052, 0, -0.176, -0.56, -0.551, 0, 0, 0.201, -0.05, -0.011, -0.77, 0, -0.113, -0.036, -0.86, 0, -0.219, -0.182, -0.599, 0, -0.187, -0.17, -0.237, 0, -0.289, -1.082, -0.312, 0, -0.422, -0.911, -0.716, 0, -0.297, -0.217, -0.803, 0, -0.243, -0.107, -0.306, 0, -0.507, -0.89, -0.526, 0, -0.636, -0.668, -1.247, 0, -0.386, -0.165, -1.316, 0, -0.426, -0.197, -0.47, 0, -0.723, -0.878, -0.543, 0, -0.736, -1.45, -0.254, 0, -0.031, -1.521, -0.111, 0, 0.056, -0.183, 0, -1.093, -0.768, 0, -0.11, -0.011, -1.674, 0, 0, 0.882, -0.567, 0.708, 0, 1.619, -0.433, 0.775, 0, 2.561, -0.183, 0.537, 0, 2.226, -0.486, 0.85, 0, 3.148, -0.01, 0.14, 0, 3.495, 0.246, 0, 0.724, 2.726, 0.867, 0, 1.26, 2.005, 2.691, 0, 0.528, 0.274, 2.297, -0.486, 0.166, 0.023, 1.905, -0.552, 0, -0.142, 1.67, -0.365, 0.189, -1.01, 1.405, -0.92, 0, -0.593, 1.122, -0.854, 0, -0.932, 0.998, -0.721, 0, -0.948, 0.977, -1.686 , v: 94.656, -168.929, 92.09, -170.766, 91.937, -170.735, 91.093, -171.671, 90.096, -169.692, 90.143, -169.118, 89.993, -169.148, 88.586, -166.4, 88.241, -166.469, 86.294, -164.321, 85.591, -164.293, 84.13, -162.839, 83.519, -163.11, 83.144, -162.791, 81.184, -164.652, 80.312, -164.389, 78.283, -165.913, 76.493, -164.815, 75.498, -165.167, 73.616, -163.664, 72.615, -163.832, 71.756, -163.664, 69.083, -165.167, 67.64, -164.815, 65.043, -165.913, 62.099, -164.389, 60.834, -164.652, 57.99, -162.791, 56.583, -163.11, 55.27, -162.839, 52.127, -164.293, 50.597, -164.009, 46.43, -166.469, 45.69, -166.4, 42.664, -169.148, 44.865, -169.118, 42.443, -169.692, 40.3, -171.671, 38.485, -170.735, 38.156, -170.766, 35.125, -167.967, 36.266, -165.794, 35.353, -163.272, 37.782, -159.542, 37.1, -156.957, 41.479, -151.545, 41.196, -149.844, 44.621, -144.779, 43.857, -141.934, 49.752, -135.866, 49.729, -135.445, 56.583, -129.116, 57.31, -129.152, 63.866, -124.401, 66.319, -124.832, 72.615, -121.475, 77.033, -124.851, 78.734, -124.796, 83.279, -129.172, 83.939, -129.354, 88.534, -135.464, 88.518, -135.885, 92.105, -141.938, 92.075, -144.798, 93.824, -149.851, 93.628, -151.553, 95.352, -156.969, 94.816, -159.561, 95.562, -163.292, 94.929, -165.814 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 2, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Head_Glasses, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 11.578, 2.282, 0, to: -2, 0, 0, ti: 2, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -0.422, 2.282, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -0.422, 2.282, 0, to: -1.979, 0, 0, ti: 1.979, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -12.297, 2.282, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -12.297, 2.282, 0, to: 1.979, 0, 0, ti: -1.979, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -0.422, 2.282, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -0.422, 2.282, 0, to: 2, 0, 0, ti: -2, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 11.578, 2.282, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 72.673, -176.2, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.549, -178.251, 74.235, -178.251 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 74.611, -178.25, 70.735, -178.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 74.611, -178.25, 70.735, -178.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 71.299, -178.252, 69.735, -178.251 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 71.299, -178.252, 69.735, -178.251 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 74.611, -178.25, 70.735, -178.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 74.611, -178.25, 70.735, -178.25 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 75.549, -178.251, 74.235, -178.251 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 4.196, 0, 0, -2.27, -7.393, 0, -1.898, 4.45, 4.096, 0 , o: -4.196, 0, 0, 2.27, 7.393, 0, 1.898, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 59.519, -182.965, 54.124, -178.243, 61.018, -169.434, 73.705, -176.699, 69.509, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, 4.45, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 56.233, -182.965, 51.329, -178.243, 57.595, -169.434, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, 4.45, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 56.233, -182.965, 51.329, -178.243, 57.595, -169.434, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -4.26, 0, -0.808, 4.574, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.961, 3.058, 0, 0.831, -4.699, 0, 0 , v: 60.313, -182.985, 55.289, -178.23, 61.195, -169.431, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -4.26, 0, -0.808, 4.574, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.961, 3.058, 0, 0.831, -4.699, 0, 0 , v: 60.313, -182.985, 55.289, -178.23, 61.195, -169.431, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, 4.45, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 56.233, -182.965, 51.329, -178.243, 57.595, -169.434, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, 4.45, 3.723, 0 , o: -3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 56.233, -182.965, 51.329, -178.243, 57.595, -169.434, 69.128, -176.699, 65.314, -182.965 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 4.196, 0, 0, -2.27, -7.393, 0, -1.898, 4.45, 4.096, 0 , o: -4.196, 0, 0, 2.27, 7.393, 0, 1.898, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 59.519, -182.965, 54.124, -178.243, 61.018, -169.434, 73.705, -176.699, 69.509, -182.965 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 2, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 2, ty: sh, ix: 3, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 4.248, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -4.002, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 86.552, -182.962, 90.58, -178.229, 85.189, -169.431, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 89.114, -182.965, 94.018, -178.243, 87.752, -169.434, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 89.114, -182.965, 94.018, -178.243, 87.752, -169.434, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: -4.309, 0, 0, -2.27, 7.591, 0, 1.949, 4.45, -4.206, 0 , o: 4.309, 0, 0, 2.27, -7.592, 0, -1.949, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 86.51, -182.965, 92.05, -178.243, 84.971, -169.434, 71.942, -176.699, 76.251, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: -4.309, 0, 0, -2.27, 7.591, 0, 1.949, 4.45, -4.206, 0 , o: 4.309, 0, 0, 2.27, -7.592, 0, -1.949, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 86.51, -182.965, 92.05, -178.243, 84.971, -169.434, 71.942, -176.699, 76.251, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 89.114, -182.965, 94.018, -178.243, 87.752, -169.434, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 6.72, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -6.72, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 89.114, -182.965, 94.018, -178.243, 87.752, -169.434, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: -3.814, 0, 0, -2.27, 4.248, 0, 1.725, 4.45, -3.723, 0 , o: 3.814, 0, 0, 2.27, -4.002, 0, -1.725, -4.45, 0, 0 , v: 86.552, -182.962, 90.58, -178.229, 85.189, -169.431, 76.219, -176.699, 80.033, -182.965 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 3, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 4, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 20.659, 1.02, 0, to: -1.688, 0, 0, ti: 1.688, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 10.534, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 10.534, 1.02, 0, to: -2.208, 0, 0, ti: 2.208, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -2.716, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -2.716, 1.02, 0, to: 2.208, 0, 0, ti: -2.208, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 10.534, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 10.534, 1.02, 0, to: 1.688, 0, 0, ti: -1.688, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 20.659, 1.02, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 85, 85, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 2.352, 1.02, 0, to: -2.25, 0, 0, ti: 2.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -11.148, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -11.148, 1.02, 0, to: -1.667, 0, 0, ti: 1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -21.148, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -21.148, 1.02, 0, to: 1.667, 0, 0, ti: -1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -11.148, 1.02, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -11.148, 1.02, 0, to: 2.25, 0, 0, ti: -2.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 2.352, 1.02, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 85, 85, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 16.445, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: 8.694, 4.832, 14.993, 4.815 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, 4.809, 3.618, 4.809 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, 4.809, 3.618, 4.809 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -15.493, 4.832, -9.194, 4.815 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -15.493, 4.832, -9.194, 4.815 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, 4.809, 3.618, 4.809 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, 4.809, 3.618, 4.809 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.114, 1.459 , o: 2.297, 1.506, 0, 0 , v: 8.694, 4.832, 14.993, 4.815 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 678, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 691, s: -20.955 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 704, s: -25.955 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 841, s: -25.955 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.22, 189.412, 0, to: -1, 0, 0, ti: 1, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.22, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.22, 189.412, 0, to: -1.104, 0, 0, ti: 1.104, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.595, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 691, s: 214.595, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 704, s: 212.095, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 841, s: 212.095, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 854, s: 214.595, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.595, 189.412, 0, to: 1.104, 0, 0, ti: -1.104, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.22, 189.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.22, 189.412, 0, to: 1, 0, 0, ti: -1, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.22, 189.412, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 33.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 16, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 18, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -0.015, -0.058, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 19, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 85.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 85.3 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 24, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 683, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: -15.591 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: -15.591 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.984, 0.301, -5.495, 3.081, 0, 0, 1.998, 2.55, 0, 0, 2.55, -1.998, 0, 0.016, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.169, -0.137, 5.389, -3.022, 2.55, -1.998, 0, 0, -1.998, -2.55, 0, 0, -3.869, 2.874, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.154, 11.683, 13.993, 4.44, 24.194, -1.691, 25.193, -9.926, 18.499, -18.469, 10.264, -19.468, 0.825, -13.776, -10.525, -11.045, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.984, 0.301, -5.495, 3.081, 0, 0, 1.998, 2.55, 0, 0, 2.55, -1.998, 0, 0.016, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.169, -0.137, 5.389, -3.022, 2.55, -1.998, 0, 0, -1.998, -2.55, 0, 0, -3.869, 2.874, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.154, 11.683, 13.993, 4.44, 24.194, -1.691, 25.193, -9.926, 18.499, -18.469, 10.264, -19.468, 0.825, -13.776, -10.525, -11.045, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.886274569642, 0.662745098039, 0.278431372549, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: -35.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: -35.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 701, s: 19.229, -12.619, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 846, s: 19.229, -12.619, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_4, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 4, nm: Laptop2-Screen, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.29, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0, to: -6.667, -58.375, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 164.424, 243.961, 0, to: 0.059, 0.001, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.71, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: 164.424, 243.961, 0, to: 0.417, -17.875, 0, ti: -6.667, -58.375, 0 }, { t: 868, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 376.626, 279.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 680, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 694, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 854, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 868, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 385.225, 286.551, 343.762, 286.551, 343.762, 273.333, 385.225, 273.333 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 2.595, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.595, 0, 0, -2.595, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.595, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -2.595, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.595, 0, 0, 2.595, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.595 , v: 411.526, 316.801, 321.172, 316.801, 316.473, 312.102, 316.473, 247.398, 321.172, 242.699, 411.526, 242.699, 416.225, 247.398, 416.225, 312.102 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 869, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 20.296, -5.852, 0, to: -1.583, 0, 0, ti: 1.583, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 10.796, -5.852, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 10.796, -5.852, 0, to: -1.375, 0, 0, ti: 1.375, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 2.546, -5.852, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 2.546, -5.852, 0, to: 1.375, 0, 0, ti: -1.375, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 10.796, -5.852, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 10.796, -5.852, 0, to: 1.583, 0, 0, ti: -1.583, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 20.296, -5.852, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: -7.088, 2.07, -6.754, -6.335, -1.342, -12.474, -3.249, -2.496, 0.39, 1.488, -4.954, -2.038, 0.059, 3.389, -2.981, -1.122, -0.926, 9.557, 13.763, 8.962, 10.844, -10.574 , o: 7.952, -2.318, 10.738, 10.073, 0.678, 6.021, 0.025, -2.562, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.856, -4.997, 1.19, -12.374, -16.103, -10.494, -5.244, 5.116 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -1.765, -8.735, 4.59, 23.648, 10.167, 35.081, 9.845, 29.971, 15.675, 36.415, 14.459, 30.409, 17.653, 32.018, 16.831, 11.703, 5.349, -24.331, -40.174, -23.691 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.726, -6.365, -5.192, -8.428, -4.837, 0.784, 1.315, 2.533, -5.182, 0.967, 0.153, 3.267, -2.379, 2.833, 0.754, 8.585, 11.442, 10.121, 12.86, -9.911 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 11.787, 11.155, 3.859, 6.265, -3.726, -2.549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.935, -0.069, -1.088, -12.392, -14.262, -12.616, -5.804, 4.473 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -3.087, -9.697, 10.703, 24.602, 23.766, 33.933, 19.118, 28.328, 29.624, 30.894, 25.97, 25.675, 31.904, 23.847, 24.103, 11.661, 14.003, -24.312, -28.154, -26.816 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.726, -6.365, -5.192, -8.428, -4.837, 0.784, 1.315, 2.533, -5.182, 0.967, 0.153, 3.267, -2.379, 2.833, 0.754, 8.585, 11.442, 10.121, 12.86, -9.911 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 11.787, 11.155, 3.859, 6.265, -3.726, -2.549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.935, -0.069, -1.088, -12.392, -14.262, -12.616, -5.804, 4.473 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -3.087, -9.697, 10.703, 24.602, 23.766, 33.933, 19.118, 28.328, 29.624, 30.894, 25.97, 25.675, 31.904, 23.847, 24.103, 11.661, 14.003, -24.312, -28.154, -26.816 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.926, -6.146, -3.729, -9.167, -4.044, -1.068, 0.878, 2.715, -5.269, 0.099, 0.132, 2.668, -2.813, 2.401, -4.493, 12.234, 14.114, 11.309, 13.511, -10.223 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 17.272, 15.32, 2.772, 6.813, -1.747, -3.542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.855, -0.882, 6.599, -17.963, -16.381, -13.127, -5.844, 4.422 , v: -25.074, -11.742, -6.027, -8.839, 4.107, 28.825, 12.899, 40.553, 11.79, 33.887, 24.909, 40.247, 21.476, 33.821, 30.006, 35.081, 26.308, 16.561, 15.779, -23.026, -25.714, -21.694 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.926, -6.146, -3.729, -9.167, -4.044, -1.068, 0.878, 2.715, -5.269, 0.099, 0.132, 2.668, -2.813, 2.401, -4.493, 12.234, 14.114, 11.309, 13.511, -10.223 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 17.272, 15.32, 2.772, 6.813, -1.747, -3.542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.855, -0.882, 6.599, -17.963, -16.381, -13.127, -5.844, 4.422 , v: -25.074, -11.742, -6.027, -8.839, 4.107, 28.825, 12.899, 40.553, 11.79, 33.887, 24.909, 40.247, 21.476, 33.821, 30.006, 35.081, 26.308, 16.561, 15.779, -23.026, -25.714, -21.694 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.726, -6.365, -5.192, -8.428, -4.837, 0.784, 1.315, 2.533, -5.182, 0.967, 0.153, 3.267, -2.379, 2.833, 0.754, 8.585, 11.442, 10.121, 12.86, -9.911 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 11.787, 11.155, 3.859, 6.265, -3.726, -2.549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.935, -0.069, -1.088, -12.392, -14.262, -12.616, -5.804, 4.473 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -3.087, -9.697, 10.703, 24.602, 23.766, 33.933, 19.118, 28.328, 29.624, 30.894, 25.97, 25.675, 31.904, 23.847, 24.103, 11.661, 14.003, -24.312, -28.154, -26.816 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: -6.842, 2.781, -6.726, -6.365, -5.192, -8.428, -4.837, 0.784, 1.315, 2.533, -5.182, 0.967, 0.153, 3.267, -2.379, 2.833, 0.754, 8.585, 11.442, 10.121, 12.86, -9.911 , o: 6.842, -2.781, 11.787, 11.155, 3.859, 6.265, -3.726, -2.549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.935, -0.069, -1.088, -12.392, -14.262, -12.616, -5.804, 4.473 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -3.087, -9.697, 10.703, 24.602, 23.766, 33.933, 19.118, 28.328, 29.624, 30.894, 25.97, 25.675, 31.904, 23.847, 24.103, 11.661, 14.003, -24.312, -28.154, -26.816 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: -7.088, 2.07, -6.754, -6.335, -1.342, -12.474, -3.249, -2.496, 0.39, 1.488, -4.954, -2.038, 0.059, 3.389, -2.981, -1.122, -0.926, 9.557, 13.763, 8.962, 10.844, -10.574 , o: 7.952, -2.318, 10.738, 10.073, 0.678, 6.021, 0.025, -2.562, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.856, -4.997, 1.19, -12.374, -16.103, -10.494, -5.244, 5.116 , v: -26.012, -11.742, -1.765, -8.735, 4.59, 23.648, 10.167, 35.081, 9.845, 29.971, 15.675, 36.415, 14.459, 30.409, 17.653, 32.018, 16.831, 11.703, 5.349, -24.331, -40.174, -23.691 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 20.034, 3.77, 0, to: -1.479, 0, 0, ti: 1.479, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 11.159, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 11.159, 3.77, 0, to: -2.167, 0, 0, ti: 2.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -1.841, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -1.841, 3.77, 0, to: 2.167, 0, 0, ti: -2.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 11.159, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 11.159, 3.77, 0, to: 1.479, 0, 0, ti: -1.479, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 20.034, 3.77, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 108, 108, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 2.477, 3.77, 0, to: -2.104, 0, 0, ti: 2.104, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -10.148, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -10.148, 3.77, 0, to: -1.521, 0, 0, ti: 1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -19.273, 3.77, 0, to: -1.667, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 948, s: -20.148, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: -1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -19.273, 3.77, 0, to: 1.667, 0, 0, ti: -1.521, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -10.148, 3.77, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -10.148, 3.77, 0, to: 2.104, 0, 0, ti: -2.104, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 2.477, 3.77, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 108, 108, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.562, 20.382, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: 6.637, -0.901, 13.613, -0.932 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -3.801, -0.948, 3.801, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 618, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -3.801, -0.948, 3.801, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -13.176, -0.902, -6.199, -0.933 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -13.176, -0.902, -6.199, -0.933 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -3.801, -0.948, 3.801, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: -3.801, -0.948, 3.801, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: 6.637, -0.901, 13.613, -0.932 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: 6.637, -0.901, 13.613, -0.932 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -0.438, 4.172 , o: 2.185, 5.813, 0, 0 , v: 4.907, -2.745, 15.343, -2.792 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -0.438, 4.172 , o: 2.185, 5.813, 0, 0 , v: 4.907, -2.745, 15.343, -2.792 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.521, 1.734 , o: 2.769, 1.797, 0, 0 , v: 6.637, -0.901, 13.613, -0.932 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 662, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 674, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 228.345, 189.662, 0, to: -1.188, 0, 0, ti: 1.188, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.22, 189.662, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.22, 189.662, 0, to: -1.208, 0, 0, ti: 1.208, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 213.97, 189.662, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 213.97, 189.662, 0, to: 1.208, 0, 0, ti: -1.208, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.22, 189.662, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.22, 189.662, 0, to: 1.188, 0, 0, ti: -1.188, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 228.345, 189.662, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 33.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.269, 0, 0, 19.481, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 13.981, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 8.261, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.655, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -8.22, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.21, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.054, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.655, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -8.22, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.21, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.054, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 16.835, 0, 0, 11.856, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 19.481, -8.415, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, -8.555, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 16.835, 0, 0, 11.856, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 19.481, -8.415, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, -8.555, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.655, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -8.22, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.21, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.054, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.655, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -8.22, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.21, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.054, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 7.269, 0, 0, 19.481, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 13.981, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 8.261, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -0.015, -0.058, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 14, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 117.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 117.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 19, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: Laptop2-Base, parent: 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 376.827, 279.788, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 376.626, 279.75, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 436.779, 289.698, 340.243, 289.698, 340.243, 305.72, 414.473, 305.051 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 436.779, 299.206, 414.473, 315.758, 414.473, 305.051, 436.779, 289.698 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.349019607843, 0.647058823529, 0.933333393172, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 23, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_5, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 4, nm: Microphone, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.29, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0, to: -6.667, -58.375, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 179.174, 239.711, 0, to: 0.059, 0.001, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.71, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: 179.174, 239.711, 0, to: 0.417, -17.875, 0, ti: -6.667, -58.375, 0 }, { t: 868, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 211.861, 272.477, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 680, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 694, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 854, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 868, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 225.747, 242.83, 215.9, 252.678 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 224.786, 231.549, 203.658, 252.678 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 218.27, 225.457, 199.147, 244.58 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 199.635, 242.83, 209.483, 252.678 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 200.596, 231.549, 221.724, 252.678 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 207.113, 225.457, 225.444, 243.789 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 7.128, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7.128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7.128 , v: 212.447, 224.787, 212.447, 224.787, 199.541, 237.692, 199.541, 252.678, 225.352, 252.678, 225.352, 237.692 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.754, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.754 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.754, 0, 0, 2.754, 0, 0, 0 , v: 229.707, 263.869, 194.015, 263.869, 194.015, 257.664, 199.002, 252.678, 224.721, 252.678, 229.707, 257.664 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 8, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 9.856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -9.856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.856 , v: 211.861, 292.568, 211.861, 292.568, 194.015, 274.722, 194.015, 263.869, 229.707, 263.869, 229.707, 274.722 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 9, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 9, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 3.991, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -3.991, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 216.509, 309.79, 212.08, 310.919, 207.496, 309.79, 207.496, 289.458, 216.509, 289.458 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 0.803921580315, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 10, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 10, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -1.667, 13.547, 0, 0, 1.667, -13.547, 0 , o: 0, 1.667, -13.547, 0, 0, -1.667, 13.547, 0 , v: 236.39, 309.081, 211.861, 312.1, 187.332, 309.081, 211.861, 306.062 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 11, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 11, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, -13.547, 0, 0, 1.667, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 1.667, 13.547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 187.332, 309.081, 187.332, 317.148, 211.861, 320.167, 236.39, 317.148, 236.39, 309.081 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 0.360784322023, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 12, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 12, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -4.246, -20.124, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 26.389, -0.606, -13.389, 3.802 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.29, -11.967 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 18.889, -0.606, -25.679, 3.697 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.29, -11.967 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 18.889, -0.606, -25.679, 3.697 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 26.389, -0.606, -13.389, 3.802 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 26.374, -0.482, -16.374, 11.452 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.65, -14.242 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 18.874, -0.482, -28.624, 10.597 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.65, -14.242 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 18.874, -0.482, -28.624, 10.597 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 26.374, -0.482, -16.374, 11.452 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 2, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 2, ty: sh, ix: 3, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 26.117, -1.034, -11.117, -2.436 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.768, -15.229 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 18.617, -1.034, -23.466, -2.165 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.768, -15.229 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 18.617, -1.034, -23.466, -2.165 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 26.117, -1.034, -11.117, -2.436 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 3, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 3, ty: sh, ix: 4, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 27.764, -1.28, -5.264, -10.929 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 19.666, -12.736 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 20.264, -1.28, -17.627, -9.533 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 19.666, -12.736 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 20.264, -1.28, -17.627, -9.533 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 27.764, -1.28, -5.264, -10.929 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 4, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 4, ty: sh, ix: 5, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 8.948, -0.324 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 28.172, -0.689, 14.828, -15.821 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 4.522, 0.926 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 20.672, -0.689, 7.63, -16.446 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 4.522, 0.926 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 20.672, -0.689, 7.63, -16.446 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 8.948, -0.324 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 28.172, -0.689, 14.828, -15.821 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 5, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 6, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 17.29, -9.972 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -23.889, 2.327 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.29, -11.967 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 18.889, -0.606, -25.679, 3.697 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.29, -11.967 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 18.889, -0.606, -25.679, 3.697 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.564, -10.763 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -24.514, 3.827 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 17.29, -9.972 , o: -17.594, -3.689, 0, 0 , v: 24.514, -0.601, -23.889, 2.327 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 1, ty: sh, ix: 2, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 17.025, -12.372 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -23.999, 7.602 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.65, -14.242 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 18.874, -0.482, -28.624, 10.597 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 13.65, -14.242 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 18.874, -0.482, -28.624, 10.597 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 15.417, -12.737 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -27.499, 11.477 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 17.025, -12.372 , o: -17.045, 0.96, 0, 0 , v: 24.499, -0.477, -23.999, 7.602 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 2, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 2, ty: sh, ix: 3, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 19.768, -11.86 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.117, -3.16 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.768, -15.229 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 18.617, -1.034, -23.466, -2.165 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.768, -15.229 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 18.617, -1.034, -23.466, -2.165 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 18.819, -13.733 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.242, -2.41 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 19.768, -11.86 , o: -6.547, -7.34, 0, 0 , v: 24.242, -1.029, -22.117, -3.16 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 3, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 3, ty: sh, ix: 4, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -17.389, -9.653 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.529, -1.486 , o: 13.637, 1.26, 0, 0 , v: 20.264, -1.28, 10.623, -9.658 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 16.529, -1.486 , o: 13.637, 1.26, 0, 0 , v: 20.264, -1.28, 10.623, -9.658 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -16.389, -10.903 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 22.329, -11.996 , o: -2.236, -8.488, 0, 0 , v: 25.889, -1.275, -17.389, -9.653 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 4, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ind: 4, ty: sh, ix: 5, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.948, -0.079 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 1.203, -18.441 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 4.198, 2.671 , o: 0.229, -6.71, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 15.953, -16.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 4.198, 2.671 , o: 0.229, -6.71, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 15.953, -16.566 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.731, 2.239 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 13.203, -17.816 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.948, -0.079 , o: 0, -8.768, 0, 0 , v: 26.297, -0.684, 1.203, -18.441 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 5, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 6, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 6, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 4, nm: Head_Sides, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 22.52, -13.993, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.096, -0.477, 0, 0 , v: -7.793, 1.576, 1.981, -1.514 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.221, -0.165, 0, 0 , v: 2.144, -0.736, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.221, -0.165, 0, 0 , v: 2.144, -0.736, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.096, -0.477, 0, 0 , v: -7.793, 1.576, 1.981, -1.514 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 4.721, -0.29, 0, 0 , v: -6.043, 6.576, 3.731, 3.486 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.533, -0.165, 0, 0 , v: 4.082, 4.139, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.533, -0.165, 0, 0 , v: 4.082, 4.139, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 4.721, -0.29, 0, 0 , v: -6.043, 6.576, 3.731, 3.486 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 4.596, -0.227, 0, 0 , v: -4.731, 12.014, 3.856, 9.674 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.158, -0.04, 0, 0 , v: 5.332, 9.514, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.158, -0.04, 0, 0 , v: 5.332, 9.514, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 4.596, -0.227, 0, 0 , v: -4.731, 12.014, 3.856, 9.674 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -46.469, 5.219, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.531, 5.219, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: -100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, -0.352, 0, 0 , v: 1.644, -0.424, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.116, -0.579, 0, 0 , v: -8.293, 1.397, 2.356, -1.232 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.116, -0.579, 0, 0 , v: -8.293, 1.397, 2.356, -1.232 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -2.356, 0.889, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.741, -0.352, 0, 0 , v: 1.644, -0.424, 2.356, -0.889 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.679, -0.415, 0, 0 , v: 3.394, 4.576, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.929, -0.204, 0, 0 , v: -6.543, 6.397, 4.106, 3.768 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.929, -0.204, 0, 0 , v: -6.543, 6.397, 4.106, 3.768 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: -0.606, 5.889, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.679, -0.415, 0, 0 , v: 3.394, 4.576, 4.106, 4.111 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.616, -0.415, 0, 0 , v: 4.707, 10.014, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.366, 0, 0, 0 , v: -5.231, 11.835, 5.418, 9.205 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 6.366, 0, 0, 0 , v: -5.231, 11.835, 5.418, 9.205 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 2.783, -0.473, 0, 0 , v: 0.707, 11.326, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0.616, -0.415, 0, 0 , v: 4.707, 10.014, 5.418, 9.549 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 1.531, 5.219, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.531, 5.219, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: Head_Beard, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -0.32, 20.565, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: -15.027, 0, -3.28, 7.84, 0, 0, 2.188, -4.662, 1.518, -1.774, 0.884, 2.164, 2.116, 0, 1.464, -3.734, 2.159, 0.576, 0.606, 4.023, 17.585, 2.375, 0, 0 , o: 8.674, 0, 0, 0, -3.355, 1, -1.729, 3.683, -1.936, 2.263, -1.163, -2.847, -2.116, 0, -0.655, 1.67, -2.256, -0.601, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 3.761, 8.014 , v: 9.189, 13.585, 26.005, -6.611, 29.079, -14.146, 23.849, -6.296, 19.161, 2.529, 14.653, 3.19, 9.176, 0.539, 2.636, 3.588, -1.747, 4.029, -6.248, -2.609, -26.736, -16.333, -23.911, -5.472 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: -13.224, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.706, -4.684, 2.256, -0.6, 1.058, 2.888, 2.116, 0, 1.058, -2.888, 4.094, 1.089, 0.606, 4.023, 8.51, 4.188, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -8.51, 4.188, -0.606, 4.023, -4.094, 1.089, -1.058, -2.888, -2.116, 0, -1.058, 2.888, -2.256, -0.6, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: 0.66, 14.147, 26.177, -6.598, 25.376, -14.147, 16.083, -2.61, 11.583, 4.028, 5.95, 3.564, 0.66, 0.538, -4.63, 3.564, -10.263, 4.028, -14.763, -2.61, -25.376, -14.147, -26.177, -6.598 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: -13.224, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.706, -4.684, 2.256, -0.6, 1.058, 2.888, 2.116, 0, 1.058, -2.888, 4.094, 1.089, 0.606, 4.023, 8.51, 4.188, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -8.51, 4.188, -0.606, 4.023, -4.094, 1.089, -1.058, -2.888, -2.116, 0, -1.058, 2.888, -2.256, -0.6, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: 0.66, 14.147, 26.177, -6.598, 25.376, -14.147, 16.083, -2.61, 11.583, 4.028, 5.95, 3.564, 0.66, 0.538, -4.63, 3.564, -10.263, 4.028, -14.763, -2.61, -25.376, -14.147, -26.177, -6.598 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: -6.435, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.104, -4.736, 2.093, -1.034, 1.258, 2.432, 2.116, 0, 1.098, -2.873, 1.487, 1.452, 1.666, 3.633, 1.476, 5.627, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -16.402, 2.938, -0.109, 4.964, -1.421, 0.702, -1.725, -3.335, -2.116, 0, -0.708, 1.853, -1.671, -1.631, -1.45, -3.161, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: -9.467, 13.397, 26.552, -9.723, 28.001, -16.647, 7.458, -4.36, 2.458, 4.34, -2.613, 3.376, -9.465, 0.538, -14.755, 3.564, -18.638, 3.528, -22.201, -3.86, -25.939, -14.086, -26.114, -6.613 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: -6.435, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.104, -4.736, 2.093, -1.034, 1.258, 2.432, 2.116, 0, 1.098, -2.873, 1.487, 1.452, 1.666, 3.633, 1.476, 5.627, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -16.402, 2.938, -0.109, 4.964, -1.421, 0.702, -1.725, -3.335, -2.116, 0, -0.708, 1.853, -1.671, -1.631, -1.45, -3.161, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: -9.467, 13.397, 26.552, -9.723, 28.001, -16.647, 7.458, -4.36, 2.458, 4.34, -2.613, 3.376, -9.465, 0.538, -14.755, 3.564, -18.638, 3.528, -22.201, -3.86, -25.939, -14.086, -26.114, -6.613 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: -13.224, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.706, -4.684, 2.256, -0.6, 1.058, 2.888, 2.116, 0, 1.058, -2.888, 4.094, 1.089, 0.606, 4.023, 8.51, 4.188, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -8.51, 4.188, -0.606, 4.023, -4.094, 1.089, -1.058, -2.888, -2.116, 0, -1.058, 2.888, -2.256, -0.6, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: 0.66, 14.147, 26.177, -6.598, 25.376, -14.147, 16.083, -2.61, 11.583, 4.028, 5.95, 3.564, 0.66, 0.538, -4.63, 3.564, -10.263, 4.028, -14.763, -2.61, -25.376, -14.147, -26.177, -6.598 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: -13.224, 0, 0, 7.942, 0, 0, 0.706, -4.684, 2.256, -0.6, 1.058, 2.888, 2.116, 0, 1.058, -2.888, 4.094, 1.089, 0.606, 4.023, 8.51, 4.188, 0, 0 , o: 13.224, 0, 0, 0, -8.51, 4.188, -0.606, 4.023, -4.094, 1.089, -1.058, -2.888, -2.116, 0, -1.058, 2.888, -2.256, -0.6, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 0, 7.942 , v: 0.66, 14.147, 26.177, -6.598, 25.376, -14.147, 16.083, -2.61, 11.583, 4.028, 5.95, 3.564, 0.66, 0.538, -4.63, 3.564, -10.263, 4.028, -14.763, -2.61, -25.376, -14.147, -26.177, -6.598 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: -15.027, 0, -3.28, 7.84, 0, 0, 2.188, -4.662, 1.518, -1.774, 0.884, 2.164, 2.116, 0, 1.464, -3.734, 2.159, 0.576, 0.606, 4.023, 17.585, 2.375, 0, 0 , o: 8.674, 0, 0, 0, -3.355, 1, -1.729, 3.683, -1.936, 2.263, -1.163, -2.847, -2.116, 0, -0.655, 1.67, -2.256, -0.601, -0.706, -4.684, 0, 0, 3.761, 8.014 , v: 9.189, 13.585, 26.005, -6.611, 29.079, -14.146, 23.849, -6.296, 19.161, 2.529, 14.653, 3.19, 9.176, 0.539, 2.636, 3.588, -1.747, 4.029, -6.248, -2.609, -26.736, -16.333, -23.911, -5.472 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mustache, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: -6.352, 11.586, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.359, -2.169 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 15.477, -1.159, 5.398, 1.189 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.7, -2.148 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 4.852, -1.163, -4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.7, -2.148 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 4.852, -1.163, -4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.547, -1.697 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -7.398, -1.145, -14.477, 1.155 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.547, -1.697 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -7.398, -1.145, -14.477, 1.155 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.7, -2.148 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 4.852, -1.163, -4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.7, -2.148 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 4.852, -1.163, -4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.359, -2.169 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 15.477, -1.159, 5.398, 1.189 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.359, -2.169 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 15.477, -1.159, 5.398, 1.189 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.076, -0.899 , o: -3.084, -1.524, 0, 0 , v: 15.436, -1.945, 5.36, -4.306 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, 3.076, -0.899 , o: -3.084, -1.524, 0, 0 , v: 15.436, -1.945, 5.36, -4.306 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, 2.359, -2.169 , o: -3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: 15.477, -1.159, 5.398, 1.189 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.539, -1.022 , o: 2.415, 0, 0, 0 , v: 6.148, -1.159, 12.852, 0.355 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.7, -2.148 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -4.852, -1.163, 4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.7, -2.148 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -4.852, -1.163, 4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.101, -2.169 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -17.352, -1.159, -6.773, 1.189 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.101, -2.169 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -17.352, -1.159, -6.773, 1.189 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.7, -2.148 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -4.852, -1.163, 4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.7, -2.148 , o: 3.44, 0, 0, 0 , v: -4.852, -1.163, 4.852, 1.163 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.539, -1.022 , o: 2.415, 0, 0, 0 , v: 6.148, -1.159, 12.852, 0.355 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.539, -1.022 , o: 2.415, 0, 0, 0 , v: 6.148, -1.159, 12.852, 0.355 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.843, -0.13 , o: 2.1, -1.191, 0, 0 , v: 6.167, -2.031, 12.745, -4.021 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.843, -0.13 , o: 2.1, -1.191, 0, 0 , v: 6.167, -2.031, 12.745, -4.021 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.539, -1.022 , o: 2.415, 0, 0, 0 , v: 6.148, -1.159, 12.852, 0.355 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 13.695, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 19.534, -1.355, 0, to: -1.792, 0, 0, ti: 1.792, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 8.784, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 8.784, -1.355, 0, to: -1.917, 0, 0, ti: 1.917, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -2.716, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -2.716, -1.355, 0, to: 1.917, 0, 0, ti: -1.917, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 8.784, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 8.784, -1.355, 0, to: 1.792, 0, 0, ti: -1.792, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 19.534, -1.355, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.003, -1.136, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 2.852, -1.355, 0, to: -2, 0, 0, ti: 2, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -9.148, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -9.148, -1.355, 0, to: -1.667, 0, 0, ti: 1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -19.148, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 948, s: -19.148, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -19.148, -1.355, 0, to: 1.667, 0, 0, ti: -1.667, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -9.148, -1.355, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -9.148, -1.355, 0, to: 2, 0, 0, ti: -2, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 2.852, -1.355, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.01, -1.511, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 3.489, -3.489, 0, 0, -3.489 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth 3, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 16.445, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 462, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -15.907, -0.948, -5.574, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -15.907, -0.948, -5.574, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.306, 7.756 , o: 3.298, 8.5, 0, 0 , v: 1.139, -4.088, 18.005, -4.088 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.306, 7.756 , o: 3.298, 8.5, 0, 0 , v: 1.139, -4.088, 18.005, -4.088 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 847, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth 2, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 16.445, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 696, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 698, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 704, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 708, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 710, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 714, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 718, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 720, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 724, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 728, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 730, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 733, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.414, 0.216, -2.461, 0.036 , o: -1.081, 0.009, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 2.205, -0.032 , v: -8.622, -0.262, -11.303, -0.33, -14.156, -0.349, -10.687, 2.049 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 737, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 738, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 742, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 744, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 748, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 754, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 758, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 760, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 763, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.414, 0.216, -2.461, 0.036 , o: -1.081, 0.009, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 2.205, -0.032 , v: -8.622, -0.262, -11.303, -0.33, -14.156, -0.349, -10.687, 2.049 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 771, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 773, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 776, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.414, 0.216, -2.461, 0.036 , o: -1.081, 0.009, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 2.205, -0.032 , v: -8.622, -0.262, -11.303, -0.33, -14.156, -0.349, -10.687, 2.049 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 780, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 782, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 786, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 788, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 792, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 798, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 800, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 804, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 808, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 814, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 818, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 820, s: { i: 0, 0, 0.628, 0.015, -0.058, -0.408, -1.358, 0.026 , o: -0.106, -0.319, -0.967, -0.023, 0, 0, 0.846, -0.016 , v: -10.857, 0.03, -11.712, -0.74, -12.765, 0.096, -11.486, 1.069 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.414, 0.216, -2.461, 0.036 , o: -1.081, 0.009, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 2.205, -0.032 , v: -8.622, -0.262, -11.303, -0.33, -14.156, -0.349, -10.687, 2.049 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 827, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 828, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 832, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 834, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.625, 2.56 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 838, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, { t: 840, s: { i: 0, 0, 1.912, 0.083, 1.388, 0.966, -3.613, 0 , o: -1.717, 1.155, -1.697, -0.074, 0, 0, 3.613, 0 , v: -5.574, -0.948, -11.172, 0.632, -15.907, -0.948, -10.762, 0.653 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 692, op: 847, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 12, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 16.445, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 462, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -15.907, -0.948, -5.574, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -15.907, -0.948, -5.574, -0.948 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.521, 2.18 , o: 3.206, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: -5.613, -0.956, 5.613, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.306, 7.756 , o: 3.298, 8.5, 0, 0 , v: 1.139, -4.088, 18.005, -4.088 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.306, 7.756 , o: 3.298, 8.5, 0, 0 , v: 1.139, -4.088, 18.005, -4.088 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -3.241, 2.18 , o: 2.951, 2.055, 0, 0 , v: 5.218, -0.956, 15.551, -0.956 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 692, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 662, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 674, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -7.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: -7.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: 5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: -7.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -7.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 228.97, 191.412, 0, to: -1.292, 0, 0, ti: 1.292, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.22, 191.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.22, 191.412, 0, to: -1.312, 0, 0, ti: 1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 213.345, 191.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 213.345, 191.412, 0, to: 1.312, 0, 0, ti: -1.312, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.22, 191.412, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.22, 191.412, 0, to: 1.292, 0, 0, ti: -1.292, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 228.97, 191.412, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 33.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 12.747, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 12.133, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 7.167, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 16.106, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 19.481, -12.665, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, -7.305, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 16.106, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 19.481, -12.665, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, -7.305, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 0, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, -18.443, 12.747, 0, 0, 18.443, -15.287, 0 , o: 0, 12.133, -15.287, 0, 0, -18.443, 15.287, 0 , v: 27.679, 0, 7.167, 33.393, -27.679, 0, 0, -33.393 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 16, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 18, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -0.015, -0.058, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 19, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 100.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: 100.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: 59.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: 59.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: 100.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 100.4 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 24, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: -0.004, -0.004, 0, ti: 0.003, 0.003, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: 23.902, 8.846, 0, to: -0.045, -0.049, 0, ti: 0.227, 0.048, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.087, -0.018, 0, ti: 0.133, 0.028, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.003, 0.003, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: 23.902, 8.846, 0, to: -0.045, -0.049, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 750, s: -37.191 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 794, s: -37.191 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 810, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.933333393172, 0.349019607843, 0.349019607843, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 27, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_6, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 4, nm: LaptopScreen, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.29, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0, to: -6.667, -58.375, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 694, s: 164.424, 243.961, 0, to: 0.059, 0.001, 0, ti: 0.104, 0.062, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.71, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: 164.424, 243.961, 0, to: 0.417, -17.875, 0, ti: -6.667, -58.375, 0 }, { t: 868, s: 174.924, 244.711, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 9.721, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.1, 0.1, 0.29, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 680, s: 0, 0, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.667, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 694, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.9, 0.9, 0.71, y: 1, 1, 1 }, o: { x: 0.5, 0.5, 0.333, y: 0, 0, 0 }, t: 854, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 868, s: 0, 0, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -6.369, 6.369, 0, 0, 6.369, -6.369, 0 , o: 0, 6.369, -6.369, 0, 0, -6.369, 6.369, 0 , v: 11.533, 0, 0, 11.533, -11.533, 0, 0, -11.533 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -1.132, 1.161, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.624, 0, 0, -3.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.624, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -3.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.624, 0, 0, 3.624, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.624 , v: 43.314, 37.051, -43.314, 37.051, -49.876, 30.489, -49.876, -30.489, -43.314, -37.051, 43.314, -37.051, 49.876, -30.489, 49.876, 30.489 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 869, st: -1, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 4, nm: Head_Hair, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0.049, -16.999, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 99.01, 99.01, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: -11.482, 5.351, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -18.659, -2.442, 1.069, -2.993, -8.956, -4.957, 3.136, -5.06, -4.613, -0.003, -1.116, -3.846, 4.039, -13.258, 0.484, 3.7, 0.117, 5.151, 4.045, 1.618, 21.309, -5.485, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.493, 5.146, 0, 0, -0.334, -2.554, -0.124, -5.473, -4.046, -1.618, -9.458, 2.434, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -27.223, -3.508, -11.608, -23.35, -12.654, -17.275, 17.203, -27.465, 12.336, -22.707, 34.25, -18.2, 26.429, -11.59, 36.782, -11.154, 34.035, -1.81, 32.381, 25.976, 30.878, 20.827, 30.427, 14.042, 23.714, 0.75, -8.89, 1.203, -15.512, 9.853, -18.488, 21.782, -31.97, 26.661 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: -11.583, 5.378, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -17.389, -1.995, 1.069, -2.993, -11.759, -6.343, 3.136, -5.06, -4.955, 0.63, -2.578, -4.698, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, -1.113, 5.36, 4.045, 1.618, 20.785, -8.083, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.578, 4.698, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, 1.113, -5.36, -4.045, -1.618, -9.102, 3.54, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -30.473, -3.27, -16.358, -22.475, -17.654, -17.025, 11.578, -26.965, 8.086, -22.332, 30.25, -17.7, 22.554, -11.215, 35.532, -10.779, 33.785, -2.185, 32.381, 25.976, 25.503, 23.245, 23.177, 15.053, 21.964, 3.625, -18.39, 1.703, -24.762, 10.603, -24.863, 22.032, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: -11.583, 5.378, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -17.389, -1.995, 1.069, -2.993, -11.759, -6.343, 3.136, -5.06, -4.955, 0.63, -2.578, -4.698, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, -1.113, 5.36, 4.045, 1.618, 20.785, -8.083, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.578, 4.698, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, 1.113, -5.36, -4.045, -1.618, -9.102, 3.54, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -30.473, -3.27, -16.358, -22.475, -17.654, -17.025, 11.578, -26.965, 8.086, -22.332, 30.25, -17.7, 22.554, -11.215, 35.532, -10.779, 33.785, -2.185, 32.381, 25.976, 25.503, 23.245, 23.177, 15.053, 21.964, 3.625, -18.39, 1.703, -24.762, 10.603, -24.863, 22.032, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: -5.232, 8.613, -5.972, 3.693, -1.552, -1.382, -14.159, 0.558, -0.917, -2.949, -8.912, -0.582, -0.384, -4.192, -4.113, 1.997, -0.741, -6.346, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, 0.008, 5.474, 4.045, 1.618, 16.934, -5.97, 0.745, -3.735, -0.968, -3.688, 0, 0 , o: 1.268, -8.012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.708, 0.051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.509, 3.029, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, -0.008, -5.287, -4.045, -1.618, -3.615, 1.274, -0.819, 4.105, 0.911, 3.47, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -32.973, -3.27, -20.733, -20.6, -19.029, -18.65, 4.612, -27.84, 7.336, -22.332, 21.707, -21.575, 21.553, -12.34, 28.032, -13.404, 32.035, -2.56, 32.381, 25.976, 20.253, 23.205, 15.802, 14.38, 13.464, 3.576, -24.265, 0.938, -30.762, 10.488, -30.613, 21.782, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: -5.232, 8.613, -5.972, 3.693, -1.552, -1.382, -14.159, 0.558, -0.917, -2.949, -8.912, -0.582, -0.384, -4.192, -4.113, 1.997, -0.741, -6.346, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, 0.008, 5.474, 4.045, 1.618, 16.934, -5.97, 0.745, -3.735, -0.968, -3.688, 0, 0 , o: 1.268, -8.012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.708, 0.051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.509, 3.029, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, -0.008, -5.287, -4.045, -1.618, -3.615, 1.274, -0.819, 4.105, 0.911, 3.47, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -32.973, -3.27, -20.733, -20.6, -19.029, -18.65, 4.612, -27.84, 7.336, -22.332, 21.707, -21.575, 21.553, -12.34, 28.032, -13.404, 32.035, -2.56, 32.381, 25.976, 20.253, 23.205, 15.802, 14.38, 13.464, 3.576, -24.265, 0.938, -30.762, 10.488, -30.613, 21.782, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: -11.583, 5.378, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -17.389, -1.995, 1.069, -2.993, -11.759, -6.343, 3.136, -5.06, -4.955, 0.63, -2.578, -4.698, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, -1.113, 5.36, 4.045, 1.618, 20.785, -8.083, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.578, 4.698, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, 1.113, -5.36, -4.045, -1.618, -9.102, 3.54, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -30.473, -3.27, -16.358, -22.475, -17.654, -17.025, 11.578, -26.965, 8.086, -22.332, 30.25, -17.7, 22.554, -11.215, 35.532, -10.779, 33.785, -2.185, 32.381, 25.976, 25.503, 23.245, 23.177, 15.053, 21.964, 3.625, -18.39, 1.703, -24.762, 10.603, -24.863, 22.032, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: -11.583, 5.378, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -17.389, -1.995, 1.069, -2.993, -11.759, -6.343, 3.136, -5.06, -4.955, 0.63, -2.578, -4.698, 7.181, -16.688, 3.135, 2.023, -1.113, 5.36, 4.045, 1.618, 20.785, -8.083, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.578, 4.698, 0, 0, -3.135, -2.023, 1.113, -5.36, -4.045, -1.618, -9.102, 3.54, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -30.473, -3.27, -16.358, -22.475, -17.654, -17.025, 11.578, -26.965, 8.086, -22.332, 30.25, -17.7, 22.554, -11.215, 35.532, -10.779, 33.785, -2.185, 32.381, 25.976, 25.503, 23.245, 23.177, 15.053, 21.964, 3.625, -18.39, 1.703, -24.762, 10.603, -24.863, 22.032, -32.65, 27.19 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: -11.482, 5.351, -9.692, 3.136, -0.699, -2.265, -18.659, -2.442, 1.069, -2.993, -8.956, -4.957, 3.136, -5.06, -4.613, -0.003, -1.116, -3.846, 4.039, -13.258, 0.484, 3.7, 0.117, 5.151, 4.045, 1.618, 21.309, -5.485, -0.708, -3.742, 2.731, -2.326, 0, 0 , o: -0.761, -8.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.49, -0.641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.493, 5.146, 0, 0, -0.334, -2.554, -0.124, -5.473, -4.046, -1.618, -9.458, 2.434, 0.708, 3.742, -2.731, 2.326, -1.82, -2.933 , v: -27.223, -3.508, -11.608, -23.35, -12.654, -17.275, 17.203, -27.465, 12.336, -22.707, 34.25, -18.2, 26.429, -11.59, 36.782, -11.154, 34.035, -1.81, 32.381, 25.976, 30.878, 20.827, 30.427, 14.042, 23.714, 0.75, -8.89, 1.203, -15.512, 9.853, -18.488, 21.782, -31.97, 26.661 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 4, nm: Head_Mouth, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 12.106, 14.063, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 12.5, -0.025, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 99.01, 99.01, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.875, 1.676 , o: 2.423, 1.738, 0, 0 , v: 8.882, -0.981, 16.118, -0.981 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.626, 1.838 , o: 1.36, 1.713, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, -0.956, 3.618, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.626, 1.838 , o: 1.36, 1.713, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, -0.956, 3.618, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.442, 1.92 , o: 1.814, 1.573, 0, 0 , v: -15.368, -0.956, -8.132, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, -2.442, 1.92 , o: 1.814, 1.573, 0, 0 , v: -15.368, -0.956, -8.132, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.626, 1.838 , o: 1.36, 1.713, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, -0.956, 3.618, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.626, 1.838 , o: 1.36, 1.713, 0, 0 , v: -3.618, -0.956, 3.618, -0.956 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.875, 1.676 , o: 2.423, 1.738, 0, 0 , v: 8.882, -0.981, 16.118, -0.981 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1286, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.875, 1.676 , o: 2.423, 1.738, 0, 0 , v: 8.882, -0.981, 16.118, -0.981 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1294, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.299, 5.921 , o: 2.485, 7.076, 0, 0 , v: 5.133, -2.382, 19.867, -2.382 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.299, 5.921 , o: 2.485, 7.076, 0, 0 , v: 5.133, -2.382, 19.867, -2.382 , c: false } }, { t: 1386, s: { i: 0, 0, -1.875, 1.676 , o: 2.423, 1.738, 0, 0 , v: 8.882, -0.981, 16.118, -0.981 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 3, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 4, nm: Head_L_Eye, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 3.508, 2.568, 0, to: -2.393, 0, 0, ti: 2.393, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -10.848, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -10.848, 2.568, 0, to: -1.65, 0, 0, ti: 1.65, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -20.749, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -20.749, 2.568, 0, to: 1.65, 0, 0, ti: -1.65, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -10.848, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -10.848, 2.568, 0, to: 2.393, 0, 0, ti: -2.393, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 3.508, 2.568, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 99.01, 99.01, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0.852, 1.768, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0.664, -1.607, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 2.239, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0.852, 1.768, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0.664, -1.607, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.036, -0.386, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0.852, 1.768, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0.664, -1.607, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0.036, -0.386, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0, 0.852, 1.768, -1.927, 0 , o: 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0, 0.664, -1.607, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 2.239, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 4, nm: Head_R_Eye, parent: 7, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 463, s: 20.996, 2.568, 0, to: -1.733, 0, 0, ti: 1.733, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 10.6, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 10.6, 2.568, 0, to: -2.31, 0, 0, ti: 2.31, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -3.261, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -3.261, 2.568, 0, to: 2.31, 0, 0, ti: -2.31, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 10.6, 2.568, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 10.6, 2.568, 0, to: 1.733, 0, 0, ti: -1.733, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 20.996, 2.568, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 99.01, 99.01, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1287, s: { i: -0.976, -1.795, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: -0.913, 1.643, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 2.239, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1295, s: { i: -0.976, -1.795, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: -0.913, 1.643, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, -0.038, -0.386, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1379, s: { i: -0.976, -1.795, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: -0.913, 1.643, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, -0.038, -0.386, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, { t: 1387, s: { i: -0.976, -1.795, 1.927, 0, 0, 1.927, -1.927, 0 , o: -0.913, 1.643, -1.927, 0, 0, -1.927, 1.927, 0 , v: 3.489, 0, 0, 2.239, -3.489, 0, 0, -2.239 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 4, nm: Head, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 228, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 244, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 265, s: -13.39 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 277, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 357, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 362, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 367, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 373, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 378, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 417, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 422, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 428, s: 20 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 433, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 446, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 662, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 674, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 680, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 692, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 854, s: -12 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 868, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 878, s: -21 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.157, y: 0 }, t: 894, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1177, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1198, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1208, s: -17 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1228, s: 15 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 15 }, { t: 1284, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 459, s: 225.906, 188.09, 0, to: -0.812, 0, 0, ti: 0.812, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.031, 188.09, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.031, 188.09, 0, to: -0.979, 0, 0, ti: 0.979, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 215.156, 188.09, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 215.156, 188.09, 0, to: 0.979, 0, 0, ti: -0.979, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.031, 188.09, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.031, 188.09, 0, to: 0.812, 0, 0, ti: -0.812, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 225.906, 188.09, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 31.821, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 101, 101, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0, 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0 , o: 0, 17.574, -17.574, 0, 0, -17.574, 17.574, 0 , v: 31.821, 0, 0, 31.821, -31.821, 0, 0, -31.821 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 4, nm: Person_Neck, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: -1.167, 0, 0, ti: 1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 214.309, 185.593, 0, to: 1.167, 0, 0, ti: -1.167, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 221.309, 185.593, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 227.059, 185.593, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, -1.875, 14.984, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 0, 14.946, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 0, 0, 7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, -7.447, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 9.544, 4.143, 2.188, 14.922, -9.544, 4.143, -9.544, -14.946, 9.544, -14.946 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1650, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 4, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.6, 5.779 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.506, -5.977, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.681, 24.752, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 1183, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 2.694, -6.746, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 11.573, 3.476, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.412, 24.103, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 949, op: 1184, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 1.569, -5.121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, 10.323, 2.726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -12.85, -13.801, -29.459, 24.769, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, 26.095, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true } }, { t: 666, s: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.1, 5.529 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.631, -6.102, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 29.759, 24.711, 14.1, -10.195, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 461, op: 667, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: -154.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -154.4 }, { t: 1398, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.313, 0.403, -13.809, -8.199, -1.729, 2.74, 0, 0, 3.202, 1.816, 11.226, -1.597, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.696, -0.937, 2.786, 1.654, 0, 0, 1.729, -2.74, -21.884, -12.414, -5.65, 0.804, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.961, 18.363, 20.052, 16.533, 25.846, 7.356, 24.017, -0.736, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 3, parent: 11, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 887, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1293, s: 41.4 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 41.4 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1273, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1293, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 21.483, 9.737, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1183, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand, parent: 13, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { t: 688, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 4, nm: Pen, parent: 14, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: -229.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 344, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 350, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 355, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 396, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.562, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.195, y: 0 }, t: 402, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.843, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.352, y: 0 }, t: 407, s: -147 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -165.498 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -165.498 }, { t: 434, s: -229.498 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 326, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0, to: -1.411, -0.158, 0, ti: 1.411, 0.158, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 335, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -6.54, 12.861, 0, to: 1.411, 0.158, 0, ti: -1.411, -0.158, 0 }, { t: 434, s: 1.928, 13.81, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 2.113, 2.489, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: -97.087, 97.087, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -1.987, -2.489, 1.987, 2.489 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, -1.274, 1.017, -1.017, -1.273 , o: -1.016, -1.274, 1.275, -1.016, 0, 0 , v: -0.501, 4.526, -3.843, -4.39, 4.113, 0.843 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: -2, -2.8, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 2, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 327, op: 435, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 4, nm: MoneyBag 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1167, s: 2.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1197, s: -52.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1207, s: -52.3 }, { t: 1228, s: -1.752 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1278, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0, to: 2.5, -17.333, 0, ti: 8, 9.083, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0.06, 0.172, 0, ti: 0, 0.104, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 279.89, 165.471, 0, to: 0, -0.104, 0, ti: 2.5, -17.333, 0 }, { t: 1390, s: 295.39, 215.471, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 1.5, -36.25, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100.705, 100.705, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0.491, -0.648, 0.869, 0, 0.541, 0.905, 0, 1.681, 0, 0, -1.339, -1.744, -2.464, -0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.275, 1.51, 0, 2.407, 0.484, 1.125, 1.004, 0.89, 2.279, 1.083, 0.441, 0.67, 0, 1.011, -0.427, 0.655, -0.755, 0, -0.491, -0.84, 0, -1.709, 0, 0, 1.189, 1.752, 2.136, 0.413, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, -1.545, 0, -2.364, -0.513, -1.146, -1.047, -0.89, -2.179, -0.968, -0.484, -0.684, 0, -1.182 , o: -0.491, 0.648, -1.083, 0, -0.541, -0.904, 0, 0, 0, 2.905, 1.339, 1.745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.299, 1.274, -1.509, 0, -1.538, -0.484, -1.125, -1.004, -0.89, -1.239, -0.726, -0.442, -0.669, 0, -1.168, 0.427, -0.655, 0.783, 0, 0.491, 0.841, 0, 0, 0, -2.692, -1.189, -1.752, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.151, 0.285, -1.311, 1.546, 0, 1.581, 0.513, 1.147, 1.047, 0.89, 1.111, 0.598, 0.484, 0.684, 0, 1.14 , v: 2.233, -5.522, 0.192, -4.55, -2.243, -5.907, -3.055, -9.785, -9.101, -9.785, -7.093, -2.809, -1.388, 0.342, -1.388, 4.593, 1.816, 4.593, 1.816, 0.342, 7.104, -2.371, 9.016, -8.246, 8.289, -12.241, 6.057, -15.264, 1.132, -18.223, -1.388, -20.317, -2.051, -22.838, -1.41, -25.572, 0.363, -26.555, 2.275, -25.294, 3.012, -21.47, 9.058, -21.47, 7.274, -28.136, 2.286, -31.383, 2.286, -36.04, -0.94, -36.04, -0.94, -31.468, -6.131, -28.723, -8.097, -22.859, -7.328, -18.768, -4.988, -15.713, -0.149, -12.925, 2.243, -11.002, 2.97, -8.204 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: $, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: 0, 17.2, to: 0, 0.926, ti: 0, -0.926 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1194, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, 0, ti: 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: 0, 22.756, to: 0, -0.926, ti: 0, 0.926 }, { t: 1228, s: 0, 17.2 }, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: $, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -9.921, -36.391, 10.035, -36.391 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 8, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -2.909, -35.547, -9.341, -22.703 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 7, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 3, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 2.534, -35.172, 8.966, -22.328 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 6, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 4, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 0.035, -36.195, 0.035, -49.305 , c: false }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 5, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 5, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1179, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1194, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1218, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 25.561, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -25.561, -18.195, -33.954, 14.38, 0, 42.2, 33.954, 14.38 , c: true } }, { t: 1228, s: { i: 5.429, 7.924, 11.885, 0, 5.429, -7.924, 0, -14.82, -21.57, 0, 0, 14.82 , o: -5.429, -7.924, -11.885, 0, -5.429, 7.924, 0, 14.82, 21.57, 0, 0, -14.82 , v: 28.319, -18.195, 0, -36.683, -28.319, -18.195, -39.471, 14.38, 0, 36.683, 39.471, 14.38 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 6, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 3.032, 2.935, 4.372, 0, 3.032, -2.935, -7.19, -10.858, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: -3.032, -2.935, -4.372, 0, -3.033, 2.935, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.19, -10.858 , v: 11.573, -10.49, 0, -9.707, -11.572, -10.49, -4.774, 11.618, 0, 11.618, 4.774, 11.618 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -50.363, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 7, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 1.467, 2.446, 15.72, 0, 1.467, -2.446, -2.935, -1.761, -1.442, -3.938, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.935, 1.761 , o: -1.467, -2.446, -15.72, 0, -1.467, 2.446, 2.935, 1.761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.442, -3.938, 2.935, -1.761 , v: 19.79, -8.229, 0, -11.262, -19.79, -8.229, -13.627, 1.357, -7.098, 11.262, 0, 10.063, 7.098, 11.262, 13.627, 1.357 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.439215689898, 0.811764717102, 0.447058826685, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, -44.748, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 2, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 8, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1269, op: 1744, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 5, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 1184, op: 1794, st: 1200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.455, 0, 0, 0, 4.748, -4.148, 0, -5.742, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 6.09, 4.952 , o: 0, 0, -6.8, 0, -9.552, 7.726, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8.461, -4.646, -3.778 , v: 10.717, -37.934, -2.467, -37.934, -20.228, -31.273, -29.795, -10.782, -29.475, 28.747, -20.288, 37.934, 28.538, 37.934, 37.725, 28.747, 37.725, -10.926, 27.744, -31.892 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 461, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 666, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 117.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 117.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 1133, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -21.6 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -21.6 }, { t: 1398, s: 53 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 245, 205, 0, to: 0.833, 0, 0, ti: -0.833, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -1.125, 0, 0, ti: 1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 243.25, 205, 0, to: 1.125, 0, 0, ti: -1.125, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 250, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 250, 205, 0, to: -0.833, 0, 0, ti: 0.833, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 245, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -19.792, -0.118, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: 95, 95, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -8.565, -6.497, -1.816, 2.683, 0, 0, 2.777, 2.18, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 2.973, 2.255, 0, 0, 1.816, -2.683, -8.397, -6.591, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 11.554, 18.684, 19.7, 17.113, 25.782, 8.124, 24.211, -0.021, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: { i: -6.336, 0.172, -9.226, -5.519, -1.51, 2.866, 0, 0, 3, 1.862, 16.435, -1.87, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 14.205, -0.386, 3.203, 1.916, 0, 0, 1.51, -2.866, -9.069, -5.631, -5.894, 0.671, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 13.392, 17.239, 21.317, 14.784, 26.377, 5.183, 23.922, -2.742, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: { i: -6.362, -0.487, -8.691, 7.142, 2.068, 2.494, 0, 0, 2.681, -1.556, 13.857, 2.294, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 17.399, 1.331, 2.355, -1.935, 0, 0, -2.068, -2.493, -12.907, 7.49, -6.135, -1.016, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 28.314, -2.426, 29.084, -10.686, 22.154, -19.04, 13.894, -19.81, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 1398, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 4, nm: R_Arm_Hand, parent: 19, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: 36 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 25 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1290, s: -40.7 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: -40.7 }, { t: 1398, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0.062, 0.067, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 701, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: -0.062, -0.067, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 807, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 815, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 823, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 831, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 839, s: 23.51, 11.792, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 847, s: 23.911, 8.857, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0.455, -1.65, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: -0.826, 2.994, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1270, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0.333 }, t: 1290, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 1378, s: 25.583, -15.016, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1398, s: 31.355, -0.29, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -9.673, -0.022, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1666, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 4, nm: LaptopBase, parent: 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 9.721, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 9.721, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 48.268, -8.011, -48.268, -8.011, -48.268, 8.011, 25.962, 7.342 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 21.051, 17.997, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 3, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: 11.153, -3.522, -11.153, 13.03, -11.153, 2.323, 11.153, -13.03 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 2, lj: 2, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 0.815686285496, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 58.03, 23.075, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 4, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 2, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 680, op: 1665, st: -1, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 4, nm: Person_Body 3, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 220.781, 263.482, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 37.934, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 6.432, 0, 0, 0, 4.752, -4.164, 0, -8.101, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5.074, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 4.937, 7.448 , o: 0, 0, -6.815, 0, -5.649, 4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 5.074, 0, 0, 0, -0.296, -7.312, -4.639, -3.754 , v: 2.717, -37.953, -10.717, -37.934, -28.509, -31.246, -37.725, -10.926, -37.725, 27.097, -37.725, 28.747, -28.538, 37.934, 20.538, 37.916, 29.725, 28.729, 27.848, -10.215, 19.695, -31.951 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 949, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 338, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 360, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 370, s: -80.123 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 390, s: -78.801 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 412, s: -95.544 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: -80.5 }, { i: { x: 0.825, y: 0.642 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -66.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 511, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 664, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.328, y: 0 }, t: 684, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 689, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 702, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 703, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 711, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 719, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 727, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 735, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 743, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 751, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 759, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 767, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 775, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 783, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 791, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 799, s: -42.3 }, { i: { x: 0.672, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: -52.291 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 864, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 873, s: -104.8 }, { i: { x: 0.832, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 884, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -53 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -53 }, { t: 1183, s: -66.2 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 461, s: 198.5, 205, 0, to: -1.25, 0, 0, ti: 1.25, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 511, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 616, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0.958, 0, 0, ti: -0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 666, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 865, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 949, s: 196.75, 205, 0, to: -0.958, 0, 0, ti: 0.958, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 999, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: 191, 205, 0, to: 1.25, 0, 0, ti: -1.25, 0, 0 }, { t: 1183, s: 198.5, 205, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -20.083, 0, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 461, s: -103, 103, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 511, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 616, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 666, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 865, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 949, s: -95, 95, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 999, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { i: { x: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833, y: 0.833, 0.833, 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167, y: 0.167, 0.167, 0.167 }, t: 1133, s: -100, 100, 100 }, { t: 1183, s: -103, 103, 100 }, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 327, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: { i: -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.238, 0.091, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0.125, 0.106, 13.87, 0.511, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.091, 3.238, 0, 0, 3.238, -0.091, 0, 0, -0.168, -10.648, -13.87, -0.511, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -4.818, 11.272, -4.777, 14.585, -4.74, 17.565, 1.29, 23.263, 12.139, 22.957, 17.837, 16.928, 17.119, 3.31, -1.138, -10.698, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 433, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -4.584, -0.965, -3.535, -2.03, 0, 0, -2.446, 2.516, 0, 0, 2.516, 2.446, 0.062, 0.053, 6.935, 0.256, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 2.373, 0.5, 3.294, 1.892, 2.516, 2.446, 0, 0, 2.446, -2.516, 0, 0, -5.53, -2.869, -6.935, -0.256, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -6.163, 11.283, 3.983, 16.038, 9.962, 19.652, 18.948, 19.526, 27.144, 11.095, 27.017, 2.109, 14.606, -3.991, -5.387, -10.995, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: { i: -5.443, -2.488, -10.387, -6.577, -2.798, 4.9, 0, 0, 2.808, 1.615, 0, 0, 1.615, -2.808, 0.006, 0.015, 6.405, 4.553, 4.636, 1.078, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 5.918, 3.747, 3.401, -5.955, 1.615, -2.808, 0, 0, -2.808, -1.615, 0, 0, -0.378, 0.846, -0.127, -0.073, -4.636, -1.078, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -20.247, 12.047, -3.436, 22.455, 15.991, 15.331, 21.342, 6.787, 19.182, -1.223, 9.773, -6.634, 1.764, -4.473, -0.899, -0.235, -8.292, -4.449, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, { t: 887, s: { i: -6.237, 0, -6.125, -0.139, -6.3, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, 0, 3.24, 0, -0.01, 0.013, 6.103, 0.056, 0, 0, 0, -6.237, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 3.171, 0.072, 5.87, -0.023, 3.24, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.24, 0, 0, -7.071, 0.082, -0.127, -0.073, -6.237, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6.237 , v: -19.871, 11.293, -2.344, 11.315, 14.422, 11.353, 25.298, 11.293, 31.164, 5.427, 31.164, -5.427, 25.298, -11.293, 12.093, -11.293, -9.637, -11.293, -19.871, -11.293, -31.164, 0, -31.164, 0 , c: true } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 0.898039221764, 0.674509823322, 0.278431385756, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 4, nm: L_Arm_Hand 2, parent: 23, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 85 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: -44.2 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 688, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: -44.2 }, { t: 887, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 319, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: -4.274, 12.491, 0, ti: 10.263, -0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 335, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: -5.078, 0.447, 0, ti: -10.263, 0.903, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 423, s: 6.087, 20.142, 0, to: 10.263, -0.903, 0, ti: -4.274, 12.491, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 443, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 4.274, -12.491, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 660, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0 }, t: 675, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 0.667 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 688, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 859, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 872, s: 10.774, -0.753, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 887, s: 28.386, 0.125, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -12.641, 0.393, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 0, k: { i: 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0, 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0 , o: 0, 7.02, 7.02, 0, 0, -7.02, -7.02, 0 , v: -12.711, 0, 0, 12.711, 12.711, 0, 0, -12.711 , c: true }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 10, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: fl, c: { a: 0, k: 1, 1, 1, 1, ix: 4 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 5 }, r: 1, bm: 0, nm: Fill 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Group 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 666, op: 1183, st: 16, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_7, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 1, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 3190, op: 4811, st: 3190, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 3080, op: 4701, st: 3080, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 3, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2970, op: 4591, st: 2970, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 4, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2860, op: 4481, st: 2860, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 5, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2750, op: 4371, st: 2750, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 6, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2640, op: 4261, st: 2640, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 7, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2530, op: 4151, st: 2530, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 8, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2420, op: 4041, st: 2420, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 9, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2310, op: 3931, st: 2310, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 10, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2200, op: 3821, st: 2200, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 11, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 2090, op: 3711, st: 2090, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 12, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1980, op: 3601, st: 1980, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 13, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1870, op: 3491, st: 1870, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 14, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1760, op: 3381, st: 1760, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 15, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1650, op: 3271, st: 1650, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 16, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1540, op: 3161, st: 1540, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 17, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1430, op: 3051, st: 1430, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 18, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1320, op: 2941, st: 1320, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 19, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1210, op: 2831, st: 1210, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 20, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 1100, op: 2721, st: 1100, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 21, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 990, op: 2611, st: 990, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 22, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 880, op: 2501, st: 880, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 23, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 770, op: 2391, st: 770, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 24, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 660, op: 2281, st: 660, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 25, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 550, op: 2171, st: 550, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 26, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 440, op: 2061, st: 440, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 27, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 330, op: 1951, st: 330, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 28, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 220, op: 1841, st: 220, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 29, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 110, op: 1731, st: 110, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 30, ty: 0, nm: ConveyorBeltLine, refId: comp_8, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 612, 612, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, w: 1224, h: 1224, ip: 0, op: 1621, st: 0, bm: 0 } }, { id: comp_8, layers: { ddd: 0, ind: 1, ty: 4, nm: ConveyorBelt-Line, parent: 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 401, s: 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 548, s: 90 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 588, s: 90 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 734, s: 180 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 892, s: 180 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1039, s: 90 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1079, s: 90 }, { t: 1225, s: 0 }, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, ix: 2, l: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: -243.25, -284.625, 0, ix: 1, l: 2 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, 100, ix: 6, l: 2 } }, ao: 0, shapes: { ty: gr, it: { ind: 0, ty: sh, ix: 1, ks: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 401, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -365, -243.25, -204.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 438, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.559, -368.336, -243.178, -195.954 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 476, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.099, -376.479, -243.087, -189.363 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 548, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -384.375, -243.25, -184.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 588, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -384.375, -243.25, -184.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 659, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.17, -378.664, -242.69, -191.223 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 734, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -365, -243.25, -204.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.333, y: 0 }, t: 892, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -365, -243.25, -204.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 929, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.46, -371.816, -243.137, -201.896 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 967, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.57, -380.199, -243.181, -194.492 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1039, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -384.375, -243.25, -184.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1079, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -384.375, -243.25, -184.25 , c: false } }, { i: { x: 0.667, y: 1 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 1150, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.17, -378.664, -242.69, -191.223 , c: false } }, { t: 1225, s: { i: 0, 0, 0, 0 , o: 0, 0, 0, 0 , v: -243.25, -365, -243.25, -204.25 , c: false } }, ix: 2 }, nm: Path 1, mn: ADBE Vector Shape - Group, hd: false }, { ty: st, c: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, 0, 1, ix: 3 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 4 }, w: { a: 0, k: 4, ix: 5 }, lc: 1, lj: 1, ml: 4, bm: 0, nm: Stroke 1, mn: ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke, hd: false }, { ty: tr, p: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 2 }, a: { a: 0, k: 0, 0, ix: 1 }, s: { a: 0, k: 100, 100, ix: 3 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 6 }, o: { a: 0, k: 100, ix: 7 }, sk: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 4 }, sa: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 5 }, nm: Transform }, nm: Shape 1, np: 3, cix: 2, bm: 0, ix: 1, mn: ADBE Vector Group, hd: false }, ip: 0, op: 1621, st: 0, bm: 0 }, { ddd: 0, ind: 2, ty: 3, nm: ConveyorBelt_TravelLine_Null 2, sr: 1, ks: { o: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 11 }, r: { a: 0, k: 0, ix: 10 }, p: { a: 1, k: { i: { x: 0.562, y: 0.648 }, o: { x: 0.167, y: 0.167 }, t: 0, s: -0.4, 325.918, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.66, y: 0.659 }, o: { x: 0.325, y: 0.326 }, t: 414, s: 788.178, 325.918, 0, to: 75.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -75.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.666, y: 0.666 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.332 }, t: 555, s: 925.337, 463.077, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.663, y: 0.663 }, o: { x: 0.329, y: 0.33 }, t: 581, s: 925.337, 502.841, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: 75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.733 }, o: { x: 0.332, y: 0.266 }, t: 722, s: 788.178, 640, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.67, y: 0.669 }, o: { x: 0.336, y: 0.337 }, t: 905, s: 438.795, 640, 0, to: -75.751, 0, 0, ti: 0, -75.751, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.668, y: 0.679 }, o: { x: 0.334, y: 0.322 }, t: 1046, s: 301.636, 777.159, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.674, y: 0.673 }, o: { x: 0.34, y: 0.341 }, t: 1071, s: 301.636, 816.923, 0, to: 0, 75.751, 0, ti: -75.751, 0, 0 }, { i: { x: 0.833, y: 0.833 }, o: { x: 0.442, y: 0.357 }, t: 1212, s: 438.795, 954.082, 0, to: 0, 0, 0, ti: 0, 0, 0 }, { t: 1620, s: 1214.4, 954.082, 0 }, ix: 2, l: 2 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The OutVoice team is extremely helpful and responsive but not often needed with such a user-friendly and seamless product./p> p>strong>Dustin Singh/strong>br /> Group Controller, Hearst Newspapers /p> /li> li> img src altClickHole logo classmb-4 stylewidth: auto /> p classmb-3 font-italic fw-bold fs-4>OutVoice is absolutely ideal for freelance payments, especially for small publishers like us. Super simple, no headaches, gives us everything we need to quickly and efficiently deliver payments to our contractors with minimal paperwork and effort. Unlike virtually every other HR tool/service weve used, this one actually makes life easier for us./p> p>strong>Steve Etheridge/strong>br /> Editor-in-Chief/Co-Owner of ClickHole/p> /li> li> svg idcos-logo-full-white_svg__Layer_1 xmlns x0 y0 viewBox0 0 300 68 styleenable-background:new 0 0 300 68 xml:spacepreserve width180 height41 altCoSchedule Logo classcos-logo logo-white mb-3> style> .cos-logo-full-white_svg__st0 { fill: #fff } /style> path classcos-logo-full-white_svg__st0 dM285.2 28.2c-6.1 0-10.6 4.7-10.6 11.3s4.4 11.3 10.6 11.3c3.5 0 6.4-1.3 7.8-2.5 1.1-.9 1.2-1.1.3-2.3-.1-.2-.7-1-.9-1.2-.7-1-1.1-.8-2.1-.2l-.2.1c-1.6 1-3.1 1.4-4.7 1.4-2.8 0-5.5-2.4-6-5.2h13.8c1.1 0 1.5-.4 1.6-1.4.1-.4.1-1.1.1-1.5.1-5.6-4-9.8-9.7-9.8zm-5.6 8.6c.6-2.5 2.9-4.2 5.6-4.2 2.4 0 4.5 1.8 4.9 4.2h-10.5zM116.3 28.2c-6.1 0-11 5-11 11.2 0 6.3 4.9 11.3 11 11.3s11-5.1 11-11.3c0-6.2-4.9-11.2-11-11.2zm0 17.9c-3.4 0-6.1-3-6.1-6.7s2.7-6.6 6.1-6.6c3.4 0 6.1 2.9 6.1 6.6 0 3.8-2.7 6.7-6.1 6.7zM138.8 32c-3.9-1.5-6-3.1-6-5.7 0-1.7 1.4-4.1 5.4-4.1 2.8 0 6.1 2.1 6.4 1.3.1 1.7-.5.4-.5.8-1.2 1.2-1.7.5-.7.1-1.3-.3-1.5-.5-.3-4-2.7-8.8-2.7-7.5 0-10.4 4.9-10.4 8.4 0 5.3 3.8 7.7 8.6 9.6 4.7 1.9 7.2 3.6 7.2 6.3 0 2.3-2.1 4.2-5.4 4.2-3.7 0-7.3-2.9-7.6-3.1-.5-.4-1.2-.2-1.6.4-.4.6-.8 1.3-1.2 1.9-.5.8-.1 1.1.3 4.4 3.6 10.2 3.6 6.2 0 10.6-3.9 10.6-8.6-.1-5.6-4.8-8.1-10.3-10.3zM102.4 43.1c-.3-.2-.7-.3-1 0-2.1 1.7-4.3 3-7.5 3-6.2 0-11-5.4-11-11.7 0-6.3 4.7-11.8 10.9-11.8 2.7 0 5.5 1.2 7.5 3 . 1.1 0l1.9-2c.3-.4.3-.9 0-1.3-3-2.7-6.2-4.2-10.6-4.2C85 18.1 78 25.4 78 34.5s7 16.3 15.7 16.3c3.9 0 7.6-1.4 10.6-4.4.3-.3.4-.9 0-1.2l-1.9-2.1zM237.8 18.1h-2.5c-.6 0-1.1.5-1.1 1.1V30c-1.7-1.2-3.7-1.9-5.9-1.9-5.9 0-10.7 5-10.7 11.2 0 6.3 4.8 11.3 10.7 11.3 2.2 0 4.2-.7 5.9-1.9v.2c0 .6.5 1.1 1.1 1.1h2.5c.6 0 1.1-.5 1.1-1.1V19.3c0-.6-.5-1.2-1.1-1.2zm-9.6 28c-3.3 0-5.9-3-5.9-6.7s2.6-6.6 5.9-6.6c3.3 0 5.9 2.9 5.9 6.6 0 3.8-2.6 6.7-5.9 6.7zM205.3 28.2c-6.1 0-10.6 4.7-10.6 11.3s4.4 11.3 10.6 11.3c3.5 0 6.4-1.3 7.8-2.5 1.1-.9 1.2-1.1.3-2.3-.1-.2-.7-1-.9-1.2-.7-1-1.1-.8-2.1-.2l-.2.1c-1.6 1-3.1 1.4-4.7 1.4-2.8 0-5.5-2.4-6-5.2h13.8c1.1 0 1.5-.4 1.6-1.4.1-.4.1-1.1.1-1.5.1-5.6-4-9.8-9.7-9.8zm-5.6 8.6c.6-2.5 2.9-4.2 5.6-4.2 2.4 0 4.5 1.8 4.9 4.2h-10.5zM183.7 28.2c-2.8 0-4.9 1.1-6.1 2V19.3c0-.6-.5-1.1-1.1-1.1H174c-.6 0-1.1.5-1.1 1.1v29.8c0 .6.5 1.1 1.1 1.1h2.5c.6 0 1.1-.5 1.1-1.1V35.4c.6-.6 2.9-2.4 5.9-2.4 2.6 0 3.9 1.7 3.9 5v11.2c0 .6.5 1.1 1.1 1.1h2.6c.6 0 1.1-.5 1.1-1.1V38c0-6.3-3.1-9.8-8.5-9.8zM169.9 43.9l-.6-.4c-.9-.7-1.3-.9-2.4.2-.1.1-.3.2-.4.4-1 1-2.1 2.1-4.5 2.1-3.4 0-6-2.9-6-6.6 0-3.7 2.7-6.5 6.1-6.5 1.6 0 3.1.7 4.2 1.9l. 1.1 1.1 2.2.1l.9-.8c1-.9 1.2-1.2.3-2.4-2-2.5-4.6-3.8-7.8-3.8-6 0-11.1 5.2-11.1 11.3 0 6.3 4.8 11.2 11 11.2 3.4 0 6.5-1.7 8.3-4.6.7-1.3.4-1.7-.5-2.4zM261.2 28.7h-2.1c-.9 0-1.6 0-1.6 1.6v11.8c-.5 2.4-2.5 4.2-4.9 4.2-2.4 0-4.5-1.8-4.9-4.2V30.3c0-1.6-.8-1.6-1.6-1.6H244c-.6 0-1.1.5-1.1 1.1v11.4c.2 5.5 4.2 9.5 9.8 9.5 5.6 0 9.6-4 9.8-9.5V29.8c-.2-.6-.7-1.1-1.3-1.1zM273.6 46.7l-.3-.3c-2.4-2.4-2.4-4.1-2.4-4.1v-23c0-.6-.5-1.1-1.1-1.1h-2.5c-.6 0-1.1.5-1.1 1.1v23.4c0 2.1.8 4.1 2.3 5.6l1.8 1.8c.4.4 1.2.4 1.6 0l1.8-1.8c.3-.4.3-1.1-.1-1.6zM55.3 33.1c-2.9-.5-5.7 1.4-6.3 4.3-1.4 8-8.4 13.8-16.5 13.7-9.2 0-16.7-7.6-16.7-16.8 0-9.2 7.6-16.7 16.8-16.7.7 0 1.4 0 2 .1 3 .4 5.6-1.7 6-4.7.4-3-1.7-5.6-4.7-6-1.1-.1-2.2-.2-3.3-.2C17.4 6.8 5.1 19.1 5 34.3c-.1 15.2 12.3 27.6 27.4 27.6 13.4 0 24.8-9.5 27.2-22.6.5-2.9-1.4-5.7-4.3-6.2zm-24.9-5.2c-2.1-2.1-5.5-2.1-7.6 0-2.1 2.1-2.1 5.5 0 7.6l9.8 9.8 26-26c2.1-2.1 2.1-5.5 0-7.6-2.1-2.1-5.5-2.1-7.6 0L32.5 30l-2.1-2.1z>/path> path stylefill:#e6e6e6 dm32.5 30 7.6 7.7L35 27.5z>/path> /svg> p classmb-3 font-italic fw-bold fs-2>This platform has been a literal game-changer for us./p> p>strong>Ben Sailer/strong>br /> Inbound Marketing Director at Coschedule /p> /li> li> img src altThe Real News Network logo classmb-3 stylewidth: auto /> p classmb-3 font-italic fw-bold fs-3>The time it takes to pay freelancers has gone down to minutes and it has allowed us the ability to SCALE./p> p>strong>Jonathan Keen/strong>br /> Chief Financial Officer at The Real News Network/p> /li> li> img src altTech Raptor logo classmb-3 stylewidth: auto /> p classmb-3 font-italic fw-bold fs-4>OutVoice has saved me numerous hours a month in handling paying my team, reduced the time they have to wait for their money, and made it easier than ever to onboard, work with, and pay my freelancers./p> p>strong>Rutledge Daugette/strong>br /> CEO at TechRaptor/p> /li> /ul> /div> /section> /div> div classcontainer-fluid bg-green-light py-5> section classrow p-xl-5 m-xl-5 justify-content-around> div classcol-auto text-center> span classcircle bg-green-medium d-block p-5 mb-3 position-relative stylewidth: 350px; height: 350px;> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 512 512 styleheight: 75px; top: 15%; left: 40%; position: absolute classkey> !--! 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Pay your freelance team right away, on the 1st, 15th, whenever! Once you click strong>pay/strong> we take care of the rest. /p> a href classd-none arrow text-green>span>Learn more /span>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-11 col-lg-5 mb-5> div classrow mt-5> div classcol-12 col-md-6 py-3 ps-md-5> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 classicon-medium icon-react my-3> !--! 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Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --> path fill#39b54b dM48 48h88c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24H32C14.3 0 0 14.3 0 32V136c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24V48zM175.8 224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48s-21.5-48-48-48s-48 21.5-48 48s21.5 48 48 48zm-26.5 32C119.9 256 96 279.9 96 309.3c0 14.7 11.9 26.7 26.7 26.7h56.1c8-34.1 32.8-61.7 65.2-73.6c-7.5-4.1-16.2-6.4-25.3-6.4H149.3zm368 80c14.7 0 26.7-11.9 26.7-26.7c0-29.5-23.9-53.3-53.3-53.3H421.3c-9.2 0-17.8 2.3-25.3 6.4c32.4 11.9 57.2 39.5 65.2 73.6h56.1zm-89.4 0c-8.6-24.3-29.9-42.6-55.9-47c-3.9-.7-7.9-1-12-1H280c-4.1 0-8.1 .3-12 1c-26 4.4-47.3 22.7-55.9 47c-2.7 7.5-4.1 15.6-4.1 24c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24H408c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24c0-8.4-1.4-16.5-4.1-24zM464 224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48s-21.5-48-48-48s-48 21.5-48 48s21.5 48 48 48zm-80-32c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64s64-28.7 64-64zM504 48h88v88c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H504c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24zM48 464V376c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24s-24 10.7-24 24V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32H136c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24H48zm456 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24H608c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V376c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24s-24 10.7-24 24v88H504z /> /svg> p>strong>Attract and retain the best talent/strong>/p> p classfont-light>Freelancers and editorial team members prefer OutVoice over other freelancer management systems thanks to its publishing-specific design, intuitive UX and features made with them in mind. /p> a href classd-none arrow text-green>span>Learn more /span>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 py-3 pe-md-5> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 640 512 classicon-medium icon-react my-3> !--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. ---> path fill#39b54b dM353.8 54.1L330.2 6.3c-3.9-8.3-16.1-8.6-20.4 0L286.2 54.1l-52.3 7.5c-9.3 1.4-13.3 12.9-6.4 19.8l38 37-9 52.1c-1.4 9.3 8.2 16.5 16.8 12.2l46.9-24.8 46.6 24.4c8.6 4.3 18.3-2.9 16.8-12.2l-9-52.1 38-36.6c6.8-6.8 2.9-18.3-6.4-19.8l-52.3-7.5zM256 256c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32H384c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V288c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H256zM32 320c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32H160c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V352c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H32zm416 96v64c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32H608c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V416c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H480c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32z /> /svg> p>strong>Advanced data insights/strong>/p> p classfont-light>OutVoice is the only freelancer management system that allows your business to connect freelancer spend to each published article’s URL. Using our optional CMS plugin, unlock a key component in monitoring ROI on content spend. Customizable category tags also allow you to break down how and where your freelance budget is spent. /p> a href classd-none arrow text-green>span>Learn more /span>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>/div> div classFAQ bg-green mb-5> div classcontainer> section classrow> div classcol-lg-10 offset-lg-1> h2 classfw-bold mt-5 pt-xl-5 pb-2>FAQs/h2> div classfaq-group> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What is OutVoice? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoice is a freelancer management and payments system built to expedite the process of onboarding, managing, and paying freelancers and independent contractors. OutVoice allows businesses to automate invoices and organize all freelancers, tax docs, and agreements in one place. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What does the onboarding process look like? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> p>With OutVoice, the onboarding process is easy and gets your team up and running in a few simple steps:/p> ol> li aria-level1>Sign up for an OutVoice account here: a href>>./li> li aria-level1>Complete the required steps for setup, fund your account, and upload any required documents./li> li aria-level1>Invite managers and editors, set up user permissions and admin settings./li> li aria-level1>Invite freelancers./li> li aria-level1>Once freelancers have completed registration, you can start sending payments and receiving payment requests./li> /ol> /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> How do freelancers get paid? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> Freelancers in the US get paid directly to their bank account. Depending on location, freelancers will be presented with trusted alternative payment options. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> How long does it take for freelancers to get paid? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> Once a payment request has been approved or a payment has been sent, it typically takes 2 to 3 days for the payment to reach the freelancers bank account. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What sort of accounting or administrative controls does OutVoice have? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoice offers a wide range of customizable administrative and accounting workflows. Your company can designate a “final approver” to oversee a conveyor belt of transactions, access an “accountability trail” and approve or deny payments within a specified cancellation window. OutVoices customizable admin and accounting workflows are built with your current process in mind. To learn more, a href target_blank>schedule a demo/a>. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What makes OutVoice different? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> p>OutVoice is the only freelancer management and payments system built by publishers and former freelancers. We use this technology ourselves and pride ourselves on its unique publishing-specific features and integrations./p> p>Unlike other options on the market (like Talentdesk, Deel, Worksuite, and Tipalti), OutVoices WordPress invoice plugin allows you to pay freelance writers with the same click of a button that publishes the work while our Slack plugin lets you integrate payments into your everyday workflow./p> p>OutVoice allows your business to categorize freelancer payments, directly connecting content spend with ROI — giving you better insights into how, and where your budget is spent./p> p>We also do not charge per freelancer or per editor. Unlimited seats on all plans./p> /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> Does OutVoice integrate with my current accounting system? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> Yes! OutVoice stores all of your transactions in one place and makes it easy to export to other systems with the click of a button. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> How much does it cost? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoices simple volume-based fees are scalable to the budget of any organization, big or small. To find out more about how our solution can improve your freelancer payment workflow, a href>contact us/a>. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> How do I access OutVoice? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoice is accessible on any internet browser by going to a href>>. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What sort of integrations does OutVoice offer? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoices one-of-a-kind CMS plug-in is perfect for small and large editorial operations. We also have a Slack integration so that you can onboard, manage, and pay freelancers without leaving Slack. To learn more about how OutVoice can integrate with your businesss current workflow, a href/integrations/>click here/a>. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> What kind of freelancers can OutVoice pay? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> OutVoice is designed to help your business pay any kind of freelancer, contractor or 1099 worker within your organization — whether theyre paid per project, per hour, per week or per month. /div> /div> div classfaq-wrapper mb-2 border> span classfaq-toggle float-end pe-3 pt-3> i classfas fa-plus>/i> /span> div classfaq-question pe-5 bg-green-medium> Can OutVoice help me find freelancers? /div> div classfaq-answer border-top bg-green-light text-dark> Yes! OutVoices Call for Submission tool allows businesses to put out a “pitch call” to either OutVoices entire pool of freelancers or internally to their own team. To learn more about the Call for Submissions tool, a href target_blank>schedule a demo/a>. /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div>/div>div classmb-xl-5> /div> div classcontainer-fluid> section classrow px-xl-5 mx-xl-5 justify-content-center> div classcol-11 text-center p-5 mb-5 bg-green-medium > h2 classfw-bold fs-1 pt-xl-5 text-green>Ready to get started?/h2> p classmt-5 toggleVisibility>Enter your email address and a member of our sales team will be in touch/p> div classrow justify-content-center pb-xl-5> div classcol-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-5 col-xxl-3 mb-1> input typeemail nameemail idemailValue classform-control mb-1 input-outline-dark placeholderEmail address> /div> div classcol-auto> button idgetStartedSubmit typesubmit classbtn btn-outline-dark shadow-black bg-green btn-sm>Submit/button> a classtext-dark arrow ms-4 toggleVisibility href target_blank>small>span>Request Demo /span>/small>/a> /div> p idthankYou styledisplay: none classmt-5>Thank you for your submission. A member our team will reach out./p> /div> /div> /section>/div> footer classpt-1 pb-3> div classcontainer-fluid pt-5 pb-5> div classrow footer-bar pb-5 justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-10 px-3> div classrow justify-content-between mx-2 border-top> div classcol-6 col-md-3 order-1 order-md-0 > div classfooter-links pt-5> ul idmenu-footer-menu classnav navbar-nav mr-auto mt-2 mt-lg-0>li idmenu-item-50 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-50>a href>Blog/a>/li>li idmenu-item-51 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-51>a href>Data Security/a>/li>li idmenu-item-52 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-52>a href>Terms and Conditions/a>/li>li idmenu-item-96 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-96>a href>Privacy Policy/a>/li>li idmenu-item-123 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-123>a href>For Editors/a>/li>/ul> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-3 order-1 order-md-0 > div classfooter-links pt-5> a href/integrations>Integrations/a> br /> a href/contact>Contact Us/a> br /> a href/freelancer-faqs/>FAQs/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-5 col-lg-4 order-0 order-md-1> div classsubscribe pt-5> h3 classfs-5 fw-bold>Subscribe to OutVoice/h3> p classmt-4 mb-1 toggleVisibilityNewsletter>small>Enter your email and join our mailing list/small>/p> div classrow justify-content-left pb-xl-5> div classcol-12 col-sm-6 col-md-12 col-xl-8 mb-1> label foremailValueNewsletter classsr-only>Email address/label> input typeemail nameemail idemailValueNewsletter classform-control mb-1 input-outline-dark placeholderEmail address> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-auto text-center> button idnewsletterSubmit typesubmit classbtn btn-outline-dark shadow-black bg-green btn-sm>Submit/button> /div> p idthankYouNewsletter styledisplay: none classmt-3>Thank you for joining our mailing list./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter-copyright pt-5 text-center> div classrow> div classcol> p classcopyright>small>© 2025 OutVoice, Inc./small>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> script typetext/javascript> window._mfq window._mfq || ; (function() { var mf document.createElement(script); mf.type text/javascript; mf.defer true; mf.src //; document.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendChild(mf); })();/script>script typetext/javascript src idbootstrap-js-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idoutvoiceTheme-js-js>/script>/footer>/body>/html>
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