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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.25.3Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 08:56:13 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 169Connection: keep-aliveLocation: max-age15768000 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.25.3/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.25.3Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 08:56:14 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingCache-BYPASS-Reason: DefaultSkip !doctype html>html dirltr langen-US classno-js>head> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, minimum-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> meta namekeywords content /> meta namedescription content> !-- Title --> title>Osborne House Hotel in Llandudno North Wales - Home/title> !-- iDevices & Retina Favicons --> link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed typeimage/x-icon href sizes72x72 /> link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed typeimage/x-icon href sizes114x114 /> link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed typeimage/x-icon href sizes144x144 /> link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed typeimage/x-icon href /> !-- Desktop Favicons --> link relicon typeimage/png href sizes16x16> !-- Google Fonts CSS Stylesheet // More here --> link 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--> script typetext/javascript src>/script> link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediaall> link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediaall> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> !--script defer src>/script>--> script defer src>/script> script> function convertDateFormat(date) { const day, month, year date.split(/); return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; } function getUrlParameter(name) { const urlParams new URLSearchParams(; return urlParams.get(name); } document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, (event) > { // Initialize the iframe const iframe document.createElement(iframe); iframe.src; clockPmsWbeIframe; none; document.body.appendChild(iframe); // Wait for the iframe to load iframe.addEventListener(load, () > { block; window.clockPmsWbeInit({ wbeBaseUrl: iframe.src, defaultMode: standard, roundedCorners: false, language: null, }); // Ensure the URL parameter is used after initialization const roomTypeParam getUrlParameter(r); if (roomTypeParam) { setTimeout(() > { window.clockPmsWbeShow({ roomTypeIds: parseInt(roomTypeParam), submit: true }); }, 1000); // Adjust the delay as necessary } document.querySelectorAll(data-clock-pms-wbe-form).forEach((form) > { form.addEventListener(submit, (e) > { e.preventDefault(); const formData new FormData(; const arrivalDate formData.get(arrival) ? convertDateFormat(formData.get(arrival)) : convertDateFormat(formData.get(checkin_date)); const departureDate formData.get(departure) ? convertDateFormat(formData.get(departure)) : convertDateFormat(formData.get(checkout_date)); const adults formData.get(booking_guests); // Get the number of adults // Retrieve the room type ID dynamically let roomTypeId; for (let key, value of formData.entries()) { if (key.startsWith(booking_clock_)) { roomTypeId value; break; } } const params { arrival: arrivalDate, departure: departureDate, bonusCode: formData.get(bonusCode), companyCode: formData.get(companyCode), blockCode: formData.get(blockCode), roomTypeIds: roomTypeId ? parseInt(roomTypeId) : JSON.parse(29266,29265,29264,29251,29250,29256,29263,29259,29249,29253,29247,29262,29261,29260,29255,29245,36986,29248,29239,29254,29243,29246,29244,29257,29258), rateIds: , adults: adults, // Include the number of adults submit: true, }; window.clockPmsWbeShow(params); }); }); document.querySelectorAll(data-clock-pms-wbe-button).forEach((button) > { button.addEventListener(click, (e) > { e.preventDefault(); const roomTypeIds button.getAttribute(data-room-type-ids).split(,).map(Number); const adults 2; // Set a default number of adults or fetch from another source if needed window.clockPmsWbeShow({ roomTypeIds: roomTypeIds, adults: adults, // Include the number of adults submit: true, }); }); }); }); }); /script>/head>body classpreloader> !-- Page Wrapper --> div idpage_wrapper> !-- Header style 1 --> header idheader classsite-header cta_button data-header-style1> !-- Header background --> div classkl-header-bg>/div> !--/ Header background --> !-- Header wrapper 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data-room-type-ids29266,29265,29264,29251,29250,29256,29263,29259,29249,29253,29247,29262,29261,29260,29255,29245,36986,29248,29239,29254,29243,29246,29244,29257,29258,29267,29268,29270,29269,29271> BOOK NOW /a> !--/ Button full color style --> !-- Button full lined style --> !--a href target_self classbtn btn-lined> GET IN TOUCH /a>--> !--/ Button full lined style --> /div> !--/ Link more buttons --> !-- Small Title --> h4 classtitle_small> 7 PREMIUM SUITES, RESTAURANT AND BAR /h4> !--/ Small Title --> /div> !--/ Captions animateme wrapper --> /div> !--/ Captions container --> /div> !--/ Slide 3 --> !-- Slide 1 --> div classitem iosslider__item> !-- Image --> div classslide-item-bg stylebackground-image: url(images/osborne/main_slider_07.jpg);> /div> !--/ Image --> !-- Gradient overlay --> div classkl-slide-overlay stylebackground:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%, rgba(53,53,53,0.1) 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, top, top, 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full color style --> !--a href target_self classbtn btn-fullcolor> BOOK NOW /a>--> a href# target_self classbtn btn-fullcolor data-clock-pms-wbe-button data-room-type-ids29266,29265,29264,29251,29250,29256,29263,29259,29249,29253,29247,29262,29261,29260,29255,29245,36986,29248,29239,29254,29243,29246,29244,29257,29258,29267,29268,29270,29269,29271> BOOK NOW /a> !--/ Button full color style --> !-- Button full lined style --> a href target_self classbtn btn-lined> GET IN TOUCH /a> !--/ Button full lined style --> /div> !--/ Link more buttons --> !-- Small Title --> h4 classtitle_small> 7 PREMIUM SUITES, RESTAURANT AND BAR /h4> !--/ Small Title --> /div> !--/ Captions animateme wrapper --> /div> !--/ Captions container --> /div> !--/ Slide 1 --> !-- Slide 1 --> div classitem iosslider__item> !-- Image --> div classslide-item-bg stylebackground-image: url(images/osborne/main_slider_03.jpg);> /div> !--/ Image --> !-- Gradient overlay --> div classkl-slide-overlay 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h3 classtitle_big> ITALIAN MARBLE BATHROOMS WITH ROLLTOP BATHS /h3> !--/ Big Title --> !-- Link more buttons --> div classmore> !-- Button full color style --> !--a href target_self classbtn btn-fullcolor> BOOK NOW /a>--> a href# target_self classbtn btn-fullcolor data-clock-pms-wbe-button data-room-type-ids29266,29265,29264,29251,29250,29256,29263,29259,29249,29253,29247,29262,29261,29260,29255,29245,36986,29248,29239,29254,29243,29246,29244,29257,29258,29267,29268,29270,29269,29271> BOOK NOW /a> !--/ Button full color style --> !-- Button full lined style --> a href target_self classbtn btn-lined> GET IN TOUCH /a> !--/ Button full lined style --> /div> !--/ Link more buttons --> !-- Small Title --> h4 classtitle_small> 7 PREMIUM SUITES, RESTAURANT AND BAR /h4> !--/ Small Title --> /div> !--/ Captions animateme wrapper --> /div> !--/ Captions container --> /div> !--/ Slide 1 --> /div> !--/ Slides --> !-- Navigation Controls - Prev --> div classkl-iosslider-prev> !-- Arrow --> span 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classcol-md-6> div classform-group> span classform-label>Adults/span> select classform-control namebooking_guests idbooking_guests> option>1/option> option selected>2/option> option>3/option> option>4/option> /select> span classselect-arrow>/span> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classform-btn stylepadding-top:5px;> div classd-lg-block> button classbtn btn-fullcolor typesubmit>Check Availability/button> /div> !--div classd-lg-none> button classd-lg-none btn-element btn-fullcolor btn btn-xs idbook_btn_ typesubmit>Checkbr>Availability/button> /div>--> /div> /div> /div> /form> /div> !--/ Title element with top line --> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 --> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-5 mt-10> a classweatherwidget-io href data-label_1LLANDUDNO data-label_2WEATHER data-themeoriginal data-basecolorrgba(40,59,85, 0.3) >LLANDUDNO WEATHER/a> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-1 mt-10> a href target_blank titleOsborne Facebook>img srcimages/osborne/social_fb_53.png width53 height53 altOsborne Facebook>/a> a href target_blank titleOsborne Twitter>img srcimages/osborne/social_tw_53.png width53 height53 altOsborne Twitter>/a> a href,o0,clocal target_blank titleOsborne on Tripadvisor>img srcimages/osborne/social_ta_53.png width53 height53 altOsborne on Tripadvisor>/a> a target_blank titleEmail The Osborne>img srcimages/osborne/social_em_53.png width53 height52 altVerified Expedia Reviews>/a> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3 --> /div> !--/ row --> /div> !--/ container --> !-- Bottom mask style 3 - left aligned --> div classkl-bottommask kl-bottommask--mask3 mask3l> svg width5000px height57px classsvgmask svgmask-left viewbox0 0 5000 57 version1.1 xmlns xmlns:xlink> defs> filter x-50% y-50% width200% height200% filterunitsobjectBoundingBox idfilter-mask3> feoffset dx0 dy3 inSourceAlpha resultshadowOffsetInner1>/feoffset> fegaussianblur stddeviation2 inshadowOffsetInner1 resultshadowBlurInner1>/fegaussianblur> fecomposite inshadowBlurInner1 in2SourceAlpha operatorarithmetic k2-1 k31 resultshadowInnerInner1>/fecomposite> fecolormatrix values0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 inshadowInnerInner1 typematrix resultshadowMatrixInner1>/fecolormatrix> femerge> femergenode inSourceGraphic>/femergenode> femergenode inshadowMatrixInner1>/femergenode> /femerge> /filter> /defs> path dM9.09383679e-13,57.0005249 L9.09383679e-13,34.0075249 L2418,34.0075249 L2434,34.0075249 C2434,34.0075249 2441.89,33.2585249 2448,31.0245249 C2454.11,28.7905249 2479,11.0005249 2479,11.0005249 L2492,2.00052487 C2492,2.00052487 2495.121,-0.0374751261 2500,0.000524873861 C2505.267,-0.0294751261 2508,2.00052487 2508,2.00052487 L2521,11.0005249 C2521,11.0005249 2545.89,28.7905249 2552,31.0245249 C2558.11,33.2585249 2566,34.0075249 2566,34.0075249 L2582,34.0075249 L5000,34.0075249 L5000,57.0005249 L2500,57.0005249 L1148,57.0005249 L9.09383679e-13,57.0005249 Z classbmask-bgfill filterurl(#filter-mask3) fill#f6f6f6>/path> /svg> i classfas fa-angle-down>/i> /div> !--/ Bottom mask style 3 - left aligned --> /section> !--/ Title + sub-title + buttons full width section with theme color(.tbg) --> !-- Service boxes boxed style section with custom top padding --> section classhg_section--relative> !-- Background source --> div classkl-bg-source> !-- Gradient overlay --> div classkl-bg-source__overlay stylebackground: rgba(245,245,245,1); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(245,245,245,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(245,245,245,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(255,255,255,1))); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(245,245,245,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(245,245,245,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(245,245,245,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(245,245,245,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%);> /div> !--/ Gradient overlay --> /div> !--/ Background source --> /section> !--/ Service boxes boxed style section with custom top padding --> section classhg_section pt-0 pb-10> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-12> div classkl-title-block clearfix text-left tbk-symbol-- tbk-icon-pos--after-title> !-- Title with custom font, size and weight --> h3 classtbk__title kl-font-alt fs-xl fw-bold> OSBORNE HOUSE HOTEL LLANDUDNO /h3> !--/ Title --> !-- Sub-Title with custom size and weight --> h4 classtbk__subtitle fs-s fw-vthin> Osborne House is a boutique gem - it has an ornate candlelight cafe downstairs and just seven unique large suites upstairs. It has old school Victorian splendour with a modern edge and is situated ideally overlooking the stunning seafront and close walking distance to shops and local bars and restaurants. The six suites have glorious sea views of Llandudno bay and are all 500 square meters each. They consist of a King bedroom (one twin bedded) and a separate lounge area with plush sofa and original working gas fireplace. The bathrooms are marble with cast iron baths, separate walk-in shower, and Lefroy Brooks fittings. All this with full air-conditioning, Free Wi-Fi, TV and tea/ coffee facilities. A big plus is also the fact that all these suites have a car parking space each at the back of the property. There is also a family suite at the rear with a King room and lounge area and separate twin-bedded room and, although this suite has no view, it is ideal for older>The opulent Cafe serves food Tuesday to Saturday from 4 to>All facilities of the parent hotel Empire 100 yards away are available to Osborne residents. /h4> !--/ Sub-Title --> /div> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-12 --> /div> !--/ row --> /div> !--/ container --> /section> section classhg_section pt-50 pb-0 mb-0> div classcontainer> div classkl-title-block clearfix text-left tbk-symbol--icon tbk--colored tbk-icon-pos--left-title> !-- Title with custom kl-font-alt font, size, line height, gray color and bold style --> h3 classtbk__title kl-font-alt fs-xxl lh-38 gray fw-bold> !-- Title bottom symbol icon .fas fa-ellipsis-h, light-gray2 color --> span classtbk__symbol> span classtbk__icon fas fa-ellipsis-h light-gray2>/span> /span> !--/ Title bottom symbol --> ROOMS AT THE OSBORNE HOUSE /h3> /div> /div> !--/ container --> /section> section classhg_section mb-70 mt-0 pt-0> div classcontainer> div classrow> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 --> div classcol> !-- Team member --> div classteam_member> !-- Image link --> a href target_self classgrayHover> !-- Image --> img src classimg-fluid altKing Suite 1st Floor titleKing Suite 1st Floor /> !--/ Image --> /a> !--/ Image link --> !-- Name --> h4> King Suite 1st Floor /h4> !--/ Name --> !-- Details --> div classdetails> !-- Description --> div classdesc> p> Positioned at the front of the hotel with large bay windows, we have two First Floor King Suites, strong>"Elizabeth"/strong> and strong>"Victoria"/strong>, both enjoying stunning views of the famous Llandudno Victorian promenade. /p> /div> !--/ Description --> /div> !--/ Details --> /div> !--/ Team member --> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 --> div classcol> !-- Team member --> div classteam_member> !-- Image link --> a href target_self classgrayHover> !-- Image --> img src classimg-fluid altKing Suite 2nd Floor titleKing Suite 2nd Floor /> !--/ Image --> /a> !--/ Image link --> !-- Name --> h4> King Suite 2nd Floor /h4> !--/ Name --> !-- Details --> div classdetails> !-- Description --> div classdesc> p> Our King Suite on the second floor, strong>"Katie"/strong>, offers spacious accommodation with classic luxury appeal. Featuring plush upholstered furniture in the large living area with a working gas fire offering a cosy and comfortable environment. /p> /div> !--/ Description --> /div> !--/ Details --> /div> !--/ Team member --> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 --> div classcol> !-- Team member --> div classteam_member> !-- Image link --> a href target_self classgrayHover> !-- Image --> img src classimg-fluid altKing Suite 3rd Floor titleKing Suite 3rd Floor /> !--/ Image --> /a> !--/ Image link --> !-- Name --> h4> King Suite 3rd Floor /h4> !--/ Name --> !-- Details --> div classdetails> !-- Description --> div classdesc> p> Two luxury suites are on the third floor, strong>"Elyse"/strong> and strong>"Jessica"/strong>, both commanding views across the promenade and Llandudno bay. /p> /div> !--/ Description --> /div> !--/ Details --> /div> !--/ Team member --> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 --> div classcol> !-- Team member --> div classteam_member> !-- Image link --> a href target_self classgrayHover> !-- Image --> img src classimg-fluid altTwin Suite 2nd Floor titleTwin Suite 2nd Floor /> !--/ Image --> /a> !--/ Image link --> !-- Name --> h4> Twin Suite 2nd Floor /h4> !--/ Name --> !-- Details --> div classdetails> !-- Description --> div classdesc> p> Located at the front of the second floor, strong>"Helene"/strong> is our only twin suite at Osborne House, offering two luxurious single beds each with Egyptian cotton sheets and down duvet. /p> /div> !--/ Description --> /div> !--/ Details --> /div> !--/ Team member --> /div> !--/ col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 --> div classcol> !-- Team member --> div classteam_member> !-- Image link --> a href target_self classgrayHover> !-- Image --> img src classimg-fluid altFamily Suite Rear 1st Floor titleFamily Suite Rear 1st Floor /> !--/ Image --> /a> !--/ Image link --> !-- Name --> h4> Family Suite Rear 1st Floor /h4> !--/ Name --> !-- Details --> div classdetails> !-- Description --> div classdesc> p> Our family suite, strong>"Lily"/strong>, is situated at the rear of the hotel on the first floor. You enter the suite into a large living room with 3 seater sofa and chair, TV and DVD player. /p> /div> !--/ Description --> /div> !--/ Details --> /div> !--/ Team member --> /div> /div> !--/ row --> /div> !--/ container --> /section> div classclearfix mb-60> /div> section classhg_section pt-60 pb-100> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12> !-- Action box element style 3 --> div classaction_box style3 data-arrowposcenter stylemargin-top:-25px;> div classaction_box_inner> div classaction_box_content row> div classac-content-text col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-7> !-- Title --> h4 classtext> span classfw-thin>SIGN UP TO OUR span classfw-semibold>NEWSLETTER/span> FOR LATEST NEWS, span classfw-semibold>OFFERS/span>, COMPETITIONS & MORE/span> /h4> !--/ Title --> !-- Sub-Title --> h5 classac-subtitle mb-md-30> A wealth of news and information to your inbox. 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