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We will not only recycle your scrap metal in Sydney, but span classreadMore>a href titleCASH FOR SCRAP relnofollow>Read More/a>/span> /p> /div> /article> article classpexcerpt1 post excerpt last> a href titleSYDNEY WIDE SERVICES relnofollow idfeatured-thumbnail> div classfeatured-thumbnail>img width220 height162 src classattachment-featured wp-post-image altold-car-removals-sydney title />/div> div classfeatured-cat>WIDE SERVICES/div> /a> header> h2 classtitle> a href titleSYDNEY WIDE SERVICES relbookmark>SYDNEY WIDE SERVICES/a> /h2> /header>!--.header--> div classpost-content image-caption-format-1> p> One World Metal Recycling provide services to all areas of Sydney, from Western Sydney to Northern beaches, Coronalla to Campbelltown and Penrith to Hornsby. Just call us and span classreadMore>a href titleSYDNEY WIDE SERVICES relnofollow>Read More/a>/span> /p> /div> /article> article classpexcerpt2 post excerpt > a href titleBIN SERVICES AND FREE PICKUPS relnofollow idfeatured-thumbnail> div classfeatured-thumbnail>img width220 height162 src classattachment-featured wp-post-image altfree-car-removals-sydney title />/div> div classfeatured-cat>FREE PICKUPS/div> /a> header> h2 classtitle> a href titleBIN SERVICES AND FREE PICKUPS relbookmark>BIN SERVICES AND FREE PICKUPS/a> /h2> /header>!--.header--> div classpost-content image-caption-format-1> p> One World Metal Recycling are committed to turn your scrap into cash. We provide all size of bins for residential, commercial and industrial scrap metals. 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We provide onsite weighing for scrap metal and pay cash instantly. span classreadMore>a href titleWEIGHBRIDGE AND SCALING SERVICES relnofollow>Read More/a>/span> /p> /div> /article> !--Start Pagination--> !--End Pagination--> /div> aside classsidebar c-4-12> div idsidebars classsidebar> div classsidebar_list> li idsearch-2 classwidget widget-sidebar widget_search>form methodget idsearchform classsearch-form action _lpchecked1> fieldset> input typetext names ids valueSearch the site onblurif (this.value ) {this.value Search the site;} onfocusif (this.value Search the site) {this.value ;} > input idsearch-image classsbutton typesubmit styleborder:0; vertical-align: top; valueSearch> /fieldset>/form>/li>li idcategories-2 classwidget widget-sidebar widget_categories>h3>Categories/h3> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href titleView all posts filed under CASH FOR SCRAP>CASH FOR SCRAP/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-2>a href titleView all posts filed under FREE PICKUPS>FREE PICKUPS/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href titleView all posts filed under SCALING SERVICES>SCALING SERVICES/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href titleView all posts filed under WIDE SERVICES>WIDE SERVICES/a>/li> /ul>/li> /div> /div>!--sidebars-->/aside> /div>!--.content--> /div>!--#page-->footer> /footer>!--footer-->div classcopyrights>!--start copyrights-->div classrow idcopyright-note> div classcopyright-left-text>Copyright © 2013 - 2024 a href titlejuck metal websites relnofollow>One World Metal/a>./div>div classcopyright-text>Powered by a href target_blank>iMedia/a>/div>div classfooter-navigation> ul classmenu> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href titleView all posts filed under CASH FOR SCRAP>CASH FOR SCRAP/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-2>a href titleView all posts filed under FREE PICKUPS>FREE PICKUPS/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href titleView all posts filed under SCALING SERVICES>SCALING SERVICES/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href titleView all posts filed under WIDE SERVICES>WIDE SERVICES/a>/li> /ul> /div>div classtop>a href#top classtoplink> /a>/div>/div>!--end copyrights-->/div>/div>!--.main-container-->/body>/html>
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