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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:38:23 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingSet-Cookie: PHPSESSID6htsvj1t5mso12j6q2jl4b24ct; path/Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cache !DOCTYPE html>html xmlns >head> !-- FACEBOOK Open Graph --> meta propertyog:url content /> !-- should be the link of the shared page --> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> !-- to specify what the page actually is. in this, website is just used as default --> meta propertyog:title - NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, MLS, WNBA - The Original Full Round Mock Draft Site /> !-- title --> meta propertyog:image content/draftsite/images/front-page/banner.jpg /> !-- image shown in widget --> meta propertyog:description contentFull 2025 and 2026 NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS and WNBA mock draft projections with draft history, player descriptions, scouting reports and analysis, and trades. 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Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NFL Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NFL Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NFL Draft>2011/a> a hrefNFL/draft-history1/ classdropdown-item>more.../a> /div> /div> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>RE-DRAFTS/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2014 NFL Re-Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NFL Re-Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NFL Re-Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NFL Re-Draft>2011/a>a classdropdown-item href title2010 NFL Re-Draft>2010/a>a classdropdown-item href title2009 NFL Re-Draft>2009/a>a classdropdown-item href title2008 NFL Re-Draft>2008/a>a classdropdown-item href title2007 NFL Re-Draft>2007/a>a classdropdown-item href title2006 NFL Re-Draft>2006/a>a classdropdown-item href title2004 NFL Re-Draft>2004/a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefnfl/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-3-0-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nfl/mock-draft/2023/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2023 nfl/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>1 Round/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>April 2023/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; 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titleNew England Patriots Logo altNew England Patriots Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New England/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnfl/player/cj-stroud/36042/>CJ Stroud/a> (a class hrefnfl/position/qb/14/>QB/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/ohio-state-university/football/221/>Ohio State/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow my-3 top5-links> !-- see more picks link --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classmy-2 flex-end> a classsee-more-link href/nfl/mock-draft/2023/>i>See full mock draft.../i>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end --> div classdraft-date col-12 col-lg-12 mb-4> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> /div> div classlinks col-12 col-lg-12 d-flex flex-vh-center w-c-100> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 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col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nhl/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 nhl/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>7 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>June 2021/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleDetroit Red Wings Logo altDetroit Red Wings Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Detroit/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnhl/player/owen-power/34006/>Owen Power/a> (a class hrefnhl/position/d/36/>D/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-michigan/hockey/172/>Michigan/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleOttawa Senators Logo altOttawa Senators Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Ottawa/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnhl/player/brandt-clarke/34242/>Brandt Clarke/a> (a class hrefnhl/position/d/36/>D/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefnhl/ohl/barrie/colts/177/>Barrie/a> (OHL)/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul 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NHL Re-Draft>2015/a>a classdropdown-item href title2014 NHL Re-Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NHL Re-Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NHL Re-Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NHL Re-Draft>2011/a>a classdropdown-item href title2010 NHL Re-Draft>2010/a>a classdropdown-item href title2009 NHL Re-Draft>2009/a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefnhl/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-1-2-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nba/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 nba/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>2 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>June 19th, 2021 @ 10:00 PM/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleNew York Knicks Logo altNew York Knicks Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New York/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> img src stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleCade Cunningham altCade Cunningham> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnba/player/cade-cunningham/34963/>Cade Cunningham/a> (a class hrefnba/position/pg/7/>PG/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/oklahoma-state-university/basketball/224/>Oklahoma State/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleCleveland Cavaliers Logo altCleveland Cavaliers Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Cleveland/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> img src stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleEvan Mobley altEvan Mobley> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnba/player/evan-mobley/34960/>Evan Mobley/a> (a class hrefnba/position/pf/45/>PF/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-southern-california/basketball/270/>USC/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper 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mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleAtlanta Hawks Logo altAtlanta Hawks Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Atlanta/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> img src stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleTerrence Clarke altTerrence Clarke> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnba/player/terrence-clarke/34965/>Terrence Clarke/a> (a class hrefnba/position/sg/46/>SG/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-kentucky/basketball/140/>Kentucky/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow my-3 top5-links> !-- see more picks link --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classmy-2 flex-end> a classsee-more-link href/nba/mock-draft/2021/>i>See full mock draft.../i>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end --> div classdraft-date col-12 col-lg-12 mb-4> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> var cd2 new countdown(cd2); cd2.Div clock2; var countdown 2021-06-19 22:00:00; countdown countdown.replace(/\s/, T); var countdownDate new Date(countdown + UTC-0400); cd2.TargetDate countdown; cd2.DisplayFormat %%D%% abbr titledays>d/abbr>, %%H%% abbr titlehours>h/abbr>, %%M%% abbr titleminutes>m/abbr>, %%S%% abbr titleseconds>s/abbr>; /script> span classtext-blue>Starts in:/span> span classcountdown idclock2>clock/span> script typetext/javascript> !-- cd2.Setup(); //--> /script> /p> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> /div> div classlinks col-12 col-lg-12 d-flex flex-vh-center w-c-100> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>MOCK DRAFT/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2021 NBA Mock Draft>2021/a> /div> /div> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>DRAFT HISTORY/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2020 NBA Draft>2020/a>a classdropdown-item href title2019 NBA Draft>2019/a>a classdropdown-item href title2018 NBA Draft>2018/a>a classdropdown-item href title2017 NBA Draft>2017/a>a classdropdown-item href title2016 NBA Draft>2016/a>a classdropdown-item href title2015 NBA Draft>2015/a>a classdropdown-item href title2014 NBA Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NBA Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NBA Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NBA Draft>2011/a> a hrefNBA/draft-history1/ classdropdown-item>more.../a> /div> /div> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>RE-DRAFTS/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2018 NBA Re-Draft>2018/a>a classdropdown-item href title2017 NBA Re-Draft>2017/a>a classdropdown-item href title2016 NBA Re-Draft>2016/a>a classdropdown-item href title2015 NBA Re-Draft>2015/a>a classdropdown-item href title2014 NBA Re-Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NBA Re-Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NBA Re-Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NBA Re-Draft>2011/a>a classdropdown-item href title2010 NBA Re-Draft>2010/a>a classdropdown-item href title2009 NBA Re-Draft>2009/a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefnba/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-1-3-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/wnba/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 wnba/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>3 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>April 2021/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleNew York Liberty Logo altNew York Liberty Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New York/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/charli-collier/36430/>Charli Collier/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/c/39/>C/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-texas-at-austin/basketball/303/>Texas/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleDallas Wings Logo altDallas Wings Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Dallas/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> img src stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleAari McDonald altAari McDonald> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/aari-mcdonald/33997/>Aari McDonald/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/pg/7/>PG/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-arizona/basketball/10/>Arizona/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleAtlanta Dream Logo altAtlanta Dream Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Atlanta/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/natasha-mack/36142/>Natasha Mack/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/pf/45/>PF/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/oklahoma-state-university/basketball/224/>Oklahoma State/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleIndiana Fever Logo altIndiana Fever Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Indiana/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/rennia-davis/36134/>Rennia Davis/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/sf/44/>SF/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-tennessee-knoxville/basketball/294/>Tennessee/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleDallas Wings Logo altDallas Wings Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Dallas/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/awak-kuier/36149/>Awak Kuier/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/c/39/>C/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefcountry/finland/basketball/66/>Finland/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow my-3 top5-links> !-- see more picks link --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classmy-2 flex-end> a classsee-more-link href/wnba/mock-draft/2021/>i>See full mock draft.../i>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end --> div classdraft-date col-12 col-lg-12 mb-4> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> /div> div classlinks col-12 col-lg-12 d-flex flex-vh-center w-c-100> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>MOCK DRAFT/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2021 WNBA Mock Draft>2021/a> /div> /div> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>DRAFT HISTORY/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2020 WNBA Draft>2020/a>a classdropdown-item href title2019 WNBA Draft>2019/a>a classdropdown-item href title2018 WNBA Draft>2018/a>a classdropdown-item href title2017 WNBA Draft>2017/a>a classdropdown-item href title2016 WNBA Draft>2016/a>a classdropdown-item href title2015 WNBA Draft>2015/a>a classdropdown-item href title2014 WNBA Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 WNBA Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 WNBA Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 WNBA Draft>2011/a> a hrefWNBA/draft-history1/ classdropdown-item>more.../a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefwnba/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-1-4-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/mlb/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 mlb/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>5 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>June 14th, 2021 @ 3:00 PM/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleArizona Diamondbacks Logo altArizona Diamondbacks Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Arizona/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefmlb/player/kumar-rocker/36944/>Kumar Rocker/a> (a class hrefmlb/position/rhp/42/>RHP/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/vanderbilt-university/baseball/319/>Vanderbilt/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleAtlanta Braves Logo altAtlanta Braves Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Atlanta/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefmlb/player/jack-leiter/36943/>Jack Leiter/a> (a class hrefmlb/position/rhp/42/>RHP/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/vanderbilt-university/baseball/319/>Vanderbilt/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleBaltimore 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Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NFL Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NFL Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NFL Draft>2011/a> a hrefNFL/draft-history1/ classdropdown-item>more.../a> /div> /div> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 dropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>RE-DRAFTS/a> div classdropdown-menu my-1 border-rad-3> a classdropdown-item href title2014 NFL Re-Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NFL Re-Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NFL Re-Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NFL Re-Draft>2011/a>a classdropdown-item href title2010 NFL Re-Draft>2010/a>a classdropdown-item href title2009 NFL Re-Draft>2009/a>a classdropdown-item href title2008 NFL Re-Draft>2008/a>a classdropdown-item href title2007 NFL Re-Draft>2007/a>a classdropdown-item href title2006 NFL Re-Draft>2006/a>a classdropdown-item href title2004 NFL Re-Draft>2004/a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefnfl/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-3-0-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nfl/mock-draft/2023/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2023 nfl/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>1 Round/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>April 2023/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; 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hrefnfl/player/pierce-quick/36051/>Pierce Quick/a> (a class hrefnfl/position/og/11/>OG/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-alabama-tuscaloosa/football/5/>Alabama/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleNew York Jets Logo altNew York Jets Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>NY Jets/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnfl/player/wandale-robinson/36046/>WanDale Robinson/a> (a class hrefnfl/position/wr/16/>WR/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-nebraska-lincoln/football/188/>Nebraska/a>/p> /div> /li> 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titleNew England Patriots Logo altNew England Patriots Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New England/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnfl/player/cj-stroud/36042/>CJ Stroud/a> (a class hrefnfl/position/qb/14/>QB/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/ohio-state-university/football/221/>Ohio State/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow my-3 top5-links> !-- see more picks link --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classmy-2 flex-end> a classsee-more-link href/nfl/mock-draft/2023/>i>See full mock draft.../i>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end --> div classdraft-date col-12 col-lg-12 mb-4> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> p classmb-0 font-weight-bold> /p> /div> div classlinks col-12 col-lg-12 d-flex flex-vh-center w-c-100> div classitem dropdown> a href classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3 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col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nhl/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 nhl/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>7 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>June 2021/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleDetroit Red Wings Logo altDetroit Red Wings Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Detroit/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnhl/player/owen-power/34006/>Owen Power/a> (a class hrefnhl/position/d/36/>D/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-michigan/hockey/172/>Michigan/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center bg-gray> !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleOttawa Senators Logo altOttawa Senators Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>Ottawa/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnhl/player/brandt-clarke/34242/>Brandt Clarke/a> (a class hrefnhl/position/d/36/>D/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefnhl/ohl/barrie/colts/177/>Barrie/a> (OHL)/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul 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NHL Re-Draft>2015/a>a classdropdown-item href title2014 NHL Re-Draft>2014/a>a classdropdown-item href title2013 NHL Re-Draft>2013/a>a classdropdown-item href title2012 NHL Re-Draft>2012/a>a classdropdown-item href title2011 NHL Re-Draft>2011/a>a classdropdown-item href title2010 NHL Re-Draft>2010/a>a classdropdown-item href title2009 NHL Re-Draft>2009/a> /div> /div> div classitem> a hrefnhl/trades/ classbtn btn-df-blue px-3 mr-2 mb-3>TRADES/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div iddraft-1-2-submenu-tab-content classtab-pane px-0 container > div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-12 col-lg-3 col-md-3 tab-image> div classborder-white flex-vh-center> div classwrapper text-center> a href/nba/mock-draft/2021/ classtop-5-box> div> h2 classmb-lg-2 mt-3 text-white text-uppercase>2021 nba/h2> img idsport-silhoutte class src alt> h3 classmb-1 text-white>Mock Draft/h3> !-- Number of Rounds --> p idnum-of-rounds classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>2 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>June 19th, 2021 @ 10:00 PM/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleNew York Knicks Logo altNew York Knicks Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New York/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> img src stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleCade Cunningham altCade Cunningham> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefnba/player/cade-cunningham/34963/>Cade Cunningham/a> (a class hrefnba/position/pg/7/>PG/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a 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classmb-sm-2 text-white font-weight-bold>3 Rounds/p> !-- end --> p classmb-0 text-white font-weight-bold>Draft date:/p> p classmb-4 text-white>April 2021/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-9 col-md-9 tab-contents> ul classlist-group wrapper abs-flex-vh-center > !-- ul classlist-group wrapper > --> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classimage mr-2> a href>img src classtable_team_logo stylepadding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:middle; titleNew York Liberty Logo altNew York Liberty Logo>/a> /div> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a href>New York/a>/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a class hrefwnba/player/charli-collier/36430/>Charli Collier/a> (a class hrefwnba/position/c/39/>C/a>)/p> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item item flex-left-center> div classcontent> p classmb-0>a hrefschool/university-of-texas-at-austin/basketball/303/>Texas/a>/p> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlist-group wrapper 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football season is winding down and I wanted to take a look at the projected sleepers in college football that could develop into solid NFL players over the next few seasons. This will be a two part series as I will focus on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. 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Also, among the many prospects being .../p> /div> /div> /div> hr classseparator mx-3> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow my-3> !-- img src altarticle-image class> --> div classcol-lg-7 col-sm-7> div classcontent> p classtext-light-gray m-2>Nov. 26, 2020 - Michael Stewart/p> h3 classtext-dark-gray>a class hrefarticle/2020-21-heisman-trophy-watch-top-5second-edition/1050/>2020-21 Heisman Trophy Watch Top 5/Second Edition/a>/h3> p> Introduction: This is the 2nd edition of my 2020 Heisman watch of the top 5 candidates in college football. I’ve added some new names to the list For those of you who may not know the Heisman Trophy is awarded to the most outstanding .../p> /div> /div> /div> hr classseparator mx-3> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow my-3> !-- img src altarticle-image class> --> div classcol-lg-7 col-sm-7> div classcontent> p classtext-light-gray m-2>Nov. 22, 2020 - DJ Boyer/p> h3 classtext-dark-gray>a class hrefarticle/heisman-watch-week-12/1049/>Heisman Watch: Week 12/a>/h3> p>Heisman Watch 2020: Week 121. Kyle Trask - QB Florida LW: 82. Mac Jones - QB Alabama LW: 23. Zach Wilson - QB BYU LW: 34. Justin Fields - QB Ohio State LW: 45. Trevor Lawrence - QB Clemson LW:16. 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