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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:03:21 GMTServer: ApacheStrict-Transport-Security: max-age63072000; includeSubDomains; preloadLast-Modified: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:03:21 GMTContent-Script-Type: text/javascriptContent-Style-Type: text/cssVary: User-AgentCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidateCache-Control: post-check0, pre-check0Transfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 ?xml version1.0 encodingiso-8859-1?>!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head profile>title>PawPrint :: web site design and application development using the XDe CMS/title>meta nameog:title contentPawPrint :: web site design and application development using the XDe CMS />meta nameog:site_name />meta namerevisit-after content7 days />meta namerobots contentindex,follow,all />meta http-equivpragma contentno-cache />meta http-equivno-cache contentno-cache />meta http-equivcache-control contentno-cache />meta http-equivlanguage contenten />meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namecopyright contentCopyright © 1992-2025 />meta nameauthor />meta namekeywords contentweb design,software,web 2.0,XDe,Website,mobile,sunshine coast,BC,British Columbia,Web Site Development,BC,Vancouver,BC />meta namedescription contentCMS based dynamic web application and site development for business and organizations - web design and software development since 1994 />meta nameog:description contentCMS based dynamic web application and site development for business and organizations - web design and software development since 1994 />meta nameog:type contentwebsite />link relschema.dc href />link relschema.ex href />meta namedc.Language contenten />meta namedc.Creator />meta namedc.Title langen contentPawPrint :: web site design and application development using the XDe CMS />meta namedc.Subject langen contentweb design,software,BC,XDe,CA,Vancouver,digital photography,Canada,BC,Website,digital photography,digital photography,sechelt />meta namedc.Description langen contentCMS based dynamic web application and site development for business and organizations - web design and software development since 1994 />meta http-equivpics-label content(pics-1.1 comment ICRAonline EN v2.0 l gen true for r (nz 1 vz 1 lc 1 oz 1 cz 1) l gen true for r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 1)) />script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAvar pageEndTime 0, pageStartTime new Date().getTime();//>/script>link relstylesheet typetext/css href />script typetext/javascript src>/script>!--if gt IE 6>script typetext/javascript src>/script>!endif-->meta nameviewport contentwidth800 />/head>body>div idppSite>div idppPage>div idppContainerTop>div idppContainerBottom>div idppBannerArea classnoPrint>a href titleSearch classxdeSearchBtn onclickreturn xdeSearchDialog(,Search,);>search/a>a href idppLogo>img src width186 height90 />/a>div idppTag>Innovative Web Design and Application Development/div>img src altPawPrint.netclassppBorderline />/div>div idppCenterArea>div idppNav>a href>home/a>|a href>company/a>|a href>services/a>|a href>resources/a>|a href>news/a>|a href titleMember login onclickreturn ajaxLoginDialog(Login);>Login/a>/div>div>div idppSidebar classnoPrint>ul idppSideNav>li>a href>Contact Us/a>/li>li>a href>XDe Modular CMS/a>/li>li>a href>Forums/a>/li>li>a href>Project Portfolio/a>/li>li>a href>WorldTime/a>/li>li>a href>Versaverter/a>/li>/ul>div idppChirps>div classchirpContainer chirpCtitle max700>div classui-widget-content ui-corner-all chirpItem>a href titlePower Mixer:>Power Mixer:/a>div classchirpAttribution>February 19th, 2014/div>/div>div classui-widget-content ui-corner-all chirpItem>a href titleNew Domain TLDs>New Domain TLDs/a>div classchirpAttribution>January 15th, 2014/div>/div>div classui-widget-content ui-corner-all chirpItem>a href titleChanged your Social passwords?>Changed your Social passwords?/a>div classchirpAttribution>January 3rd, 2014/div>/div>/div>/div>img src width200 height106 altPawPrint.netidppNetworking />/div>/div>div idppContent>div classpageitem>div stylewidth: 90%; margin: 0 auto;>h1>Web design that really works/h1>If you´re starting your first a href titleweb design project>web design project/a>, or need to upgrade, it is time to take control online and unleash the vast possibilities that the a href titleXDe Modular CMS>XDe Modular CMS/a> provides. We will work with you to deliver an effective solution for your current needs and ensure that your web site is ready to take your organization into the future.div styletext-align: center; margin: 0px auto;>a href titleHelping Ideas Grow - through web technology>img src width561 height261 altHelping Ideas Grow - through web technology stylemargin: 20px 0 0 0; />/a>/div>/div>/div>div classpageitem>div stylemargin: 0 auto; width: 90%;>h2>CMS Web Site/h2>Your web site needs to do much more today then it used to. It must be fast, easy to maintain, interactive and beautiful. The browser wars are back and now strong>mobile devices/strong> are becoming a more and more important audience to consider. Your web site needs to work across all these various platforms, while at the same time remaining aesthetically pleasing and easy to maintain. It needs to do all this, and you need to maintain it without having to go back to university to learn how!br />br />Find out how the a href titleXDe Content Management System>XDe Content Management System/a> can make your web site perform across all these platforms. Diving into strong>social media/strong>? Need strong>HTML5 Video/strong>? The world of the web is changing, don´t be left behind. Find out how a new PawPrint web site can overhaul your online image and speak to your audience regardless of where they />br />div stylemargin:auto; text-align: center;>a href titleWeb Development Services classtextbutton>Web Development Services/a> a href titleWeb Design FAQ classtextbutton>Web Design FAQ/a>/div>br />/div>/div>div classpageitem>div styletext-align: right; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto;>Web Design, Technology and Development News/div>div classnewsLatestItem>div classnewsSectionBox newsArticle>div classnewsDateOnly ui-state-active>February 19th, 2014/div>div classnewsArticleSpecs>div classnewsQStats ui-state-active newsDate>February 19th, 2014/div>ul>li>span classui-icon ui-icon-folder-open jqIcon style>/span> a href titleView this category>Technobloggle/a>/li>li>span classui-icon ui-icon-contact jqIcon style>/span>em>a href titleRelated Chirps>1 Chirp/a>/em>/li>li>span classxdePageAuthorBy>By/span>: a classxdePageAuthorName relauthor href>Scott Baker/a>/li>/ul>/div>h1>a href titlePermalink>Power Mixer/a>/h1>h4>Siftware Review: Better control over your windows audio/h4>div classnewsImage nisummary nileft>a href titleclick to view detail>img src altclick to view detail classnewsImage />/a>div classniCaption>Power Mixer Control Deck/div>/div>I had been looking for some better controls for my system audio and finally found a great solution in Power Mixer from Actual Solution. The windows mixer replacement boasts a wide array of features for the audio enthusiast and hobbyist alike. div stylemargin: 1em 0 0 0;>a href titleView the full text for Power Mixer classtextbutton>read more/a> /div>hr />div classtagList>span classtagTitle>Tags/span>: a href>audio/a> a href>software/a> a href>review/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div idppFooter classnoPrint>div idppFooterContent>div idppFooterNav1 classppFooterNav>Web Designul>li>a href titleEnterprise Quality Web Design Services>Services/a>/li>li>a href titleArticles, Information, and Tools relating to web site development>Resources/a>/li>li>a href titleSearch Engine Optimization>SEO/a>/li>li>a href titleFrequently Asked Questions about Web Design and Development>F.A.Q./a>/li>/ul>/div>div idppFooterNav2 classppFooterNav>Softwareul>li>a href>WorldTime/a>/li>li>a href>Versaverter/a>/li>li>a href>mSTAS/a>/li>/ul>/div>div idppFooterNav3 classppFooterNav>Companyul>li>a href>Contact Us/a>/li>li>a href>Your Privacy/a>/li>li>a href>Company Profile/a>/li>/ul>/div>div idppPhone> /div>div idppSocialBox>a href titleJoin us on Facebook idppFacebook classnewWindow>Tell your friends/a>a href titleJoin us on Google+ idppGplus classnewWindow>Circle on Google+/a>a href titleFollow us on Twitter idppTwitter classnewWindow>Follow on Twitter/a>a href titleSubscribe idppRSS classnewWindow>Subscribe/a>/div>/div>div idppCopyright>strong>Copyright © 1992-2025>br />a href titleWeb Design and Development Services classnewWindow>web development/a>: a href titleThis web site is built using the XDe Modular CMS classnewWindow>>/div>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAevalOnReady + pageEndTime new Date().getTime();;//>/script>/body>/html>
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