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0 0 1 .13-.402l3.577-.53c.27-.04.504-.21.626-.454L7.29 1.099Z/> defs> radialGradient idc cx0 cy0 r1 gradientTransformtranslate(7.5 7.5) rotate(90) scale(7.5) gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#fff stop-opacity0/> stop offset1 stop-color#FAA501/> /radialGradient> linearGradient idb x17.5 x27.5 y11.673 y213.015 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#FFFF7C/> stop offset.473 stop-color#fff/> stop offset.705 stop-color#F7DB49/> stop offset1 stop-color#F38C03/> /linearGradient> filter ida width13.048 height12.462 x.976 y.668 color-interpolation-filterssRGB filterUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> feFlood flood-opacity0 resultBackgroundImageFix/> feBlend inSourceGraphic in2BackgroundImageFix resultshape/> feColorMatrix inSourceAlpha resulthardAlpha values0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0/> feOffset/> feGaussianBlur stdDeviation.815/> feComposite in2hardAlpha k2-1 k31 operatorarithmetic/> feColorMatrix values0 0 0 0 0.996078 0 0 0 0 0.647059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/> feBlend in2shape 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0/> feOffset/> feGaussianBlur stdDeviation.815/> feComposite in2hardAlpha k2-1 k31 operatorarithmetic/> feColorMatrix values0 0 0 0 0.996078 0 0 0 0 0.647059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/> feBlend in2shape resulteffect1_innerShadow_16_55/> /filter> /defs> /svg>svg class&:first-of-type:ml-2.5 inline-flex w-4 h-4 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 15 14> g filterurl(#a)> path fillurl(#b) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 0l-3.205 1.673a.536.536 0 0 1-.776-.564l.602-3.565a.536.536 0 0 0-.154-.471L1.137 5.937a.536.536 0 0 1 .297-.913l3.576-.529a.536.536 0 0 0 .402-.292L7.02.966Z/> path fillurl(#c) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 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classw-min leading-tight ml-auto block text-left uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-base sm:text-sm xs:text-sm sm:pl-0> Even geen keuken? Huur een span classtext-red>nood/span>keuken!/span> /div> /div> nav x-popover:group classlg:hidden> ul classlist-none flex flex-wrap justify-end items-center gap-x-30px gap-y-2> li x-data x-popover classrelative > button x-popover:button classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-red typebutton > span>Producten/span> svg classw-4 h-4 x-bind:class{rotate-180: $popover.isOpen} xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 18 18> path fillcurrentColor dM8.975 13.412c-.133 0-.258-.021-.375-.063a.878.878 0 0 1-.325-.212l-4.6-4.6a.948.948 0 0 1-.275-.7c0-.284.092-.517.275-.7a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275l3.9 3.9 3.9-3.9a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275a.948.948 0 0 1 .275.7.948.948 0 0 1-.275.7l-4.6 4.6c-.1.1-.208.17-.325.212a1.106 1.106 0 0 1-.375.063Z/> /svg> /button> ul x-popover:panel x-cloak classz-10 p-2.5 border border-red/50 absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 mt-2.5 w-280px bg-white rounded-md shadow-sm> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Keuken huren/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Aanrechtblad huren/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Keuken demontage/a> /li> /ul> /li> li x-data x-popover classrelative > button x-popover:button classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-red typebutton > span>Reserveren/span> svg classw-4 h-4 x-bind:class{rotate-180: $popover.isOpen} xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 18 18> path fillcurrentColor dM8.975 13.412c-.133 0-.258-.021-.375-.063a.878.878 0 0 1-.325-.212l-4.6-4.6a.948.948 0 0 1-.275-.7c0-.284.092-.517.275-.7a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275l3.9 3.9 3.9-3.9a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275a.948.948 0 0 1 .275.7.948.948 0 0 1-.275.7l-4.6 4.6c-.1.1-.208.17-.325.212a1.106 1.106 0 0 1-.375.063Z/> /svg> /button> ul x-popover:panel x-cloak classz-10 p-2.5 border border-red/50 absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 mt-2.5 w-280px bg-white rounded-md shadow-sm> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Noodkeukens/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Noodbladen/a> /li> /ul> /li> li x-data x-popover classrelative > button x-popover:button classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-red typebutton > span>Zakelijk/span> svg classw-4 h-4 x-bind:class{rotate-180: $popover.isOpen} xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 18 18> path fillcurrentColor dM8.975 13.412c-.133 0-.258-.021-.375-.063a.878.878 0 0 1-.325-.212l-4.6-4.6a.948.948 0 0 1-.275-.7c0-.284.092-.517.275-.7a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275l3.9 3.9 3.9-3.9a.948.948 0 0 1 .7-.275c.283 0 .517.091.7.275a.948.948 0 0 1 .275.7.948.948 0 0 1-.275.7l-4.6 4.6c-.1.1-.208.17-.325.212a1.106 1.106 0 0 1-.375.063Z/> /svg> /button> ul x-popover:panel x-cloak classz-10 p-2.5 border border-red/50 absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 mt-2.5 w-280px bg-white rounded-md shadow-sm> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Horeca/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Evenementorganisatoren/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Noodopvang/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Overige/a> /li> /ul> /li> li x-data x-popover classrelative > button x-popover:button classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base uppercase font-sans 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normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Over ons/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >FAQ - Veelgestelde vragen/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Contact/a> /li> li classrelative > a href classflex items-center justify-between gap-2.5 text-base normal font-sans font-normal leading-snug rounded-md hover:bg-red hover:text-white px-2.5 py-2.5 focus-visible:bg-red focus-visible:text-white >Voorwaarden/a> /li> /ul> /li> /ul> /nav> div classhidden lg:flex justify-end grow pl-4> button classfocus-visible:ring-0 focus-visible:outline-none typebutton aria-labelOpen menu x-data x-on:click.prevent$dispatch(menu-toggle)> svg classw-4 h-4 text-red roleimg aria-hiddentrue > use href >/use>/svg> /button> /div> /div>/div>/header> section classbg-orange py-blocky data-blockvisualtext>div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4 flex items-center lg:block > div classw-7/12 lg:w-full lg:mb-4 relative &>iframe:max-w-full &>iframe:h-auto &>iframe:aspect-video> iframe width1920 height1080 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen titleNoodkeuken, mobiele en modulaire keuken die je huurt.>/iframe> /div> div classrichtext w-5/12 pl-8 space-y-8 lg:w-full lg:pl-0 lg:text-center> h1>span classtext-red>Nood/span>keuken/h1>p>span classtext-red>Nood/span>keuken® is de comfortabelste keuken die je kunt huren tijdens een verbouwing en projecten. Modulaire en mobiele keukens die je eenvoudig zelf samenstelt doordat elk keukenonderdeel apart te huren is. Onze prijzen zijn inclusief transport, geen verborgen kosten!/p> div classflex gap-4 lg:justify-center>a classinline-flex no-underline px-6 py-3 bg-red rounded-xl text-3xl uppercase text-white font-extrabold href>stel samen/a>a classinline-flex no-underline px-6 py-3 bg-red rounded-xl text-3xl uppercase text-white font-extrabold href>bel me/a> /div> div clasflex gap-4 mt-4 lg:justify-center> a classunderline relnoopener href target_blank>/a> /div> /div>/div>/section> section classpy-blocky data-blockhowitworks> div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4> h2 classtext-center mb-8 uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-5xl > span classtext-red>Nood/span>keuken, snel geregeld zonder gedoe/h2> div classgrid grid-cols-3 text-center md:grid-cols-1 gap-8> div class> img alt classw-128px aspect-square mb-4 mx-auto block loadinglazy width128 height128 src /> h3 classfont-medium>Reserveer online/h3> p>Kies je periode, units en opties en je span classtext-red>Nood/span>keuken® is gereserveerd/p> /div> div class> img alt classw-128px aspect-square mb-4 mx-auto block loadinglazy width58 height101 src /> h3 classfont-medium>Persoonlijk contact/h3> p>We bespreken de mogelijkheden zodat de tijdelijke keuken zonder zorgen geleverd kan worden./p> /div> div class> img alt classw-128px aspect-square mb-4 mx-auto block loadinglazy width128 height128 src /> h3 classfont-medium>Gebracht en gehaald/h3> p>De keuken wordt gratis bezorgd, aangesloten en weer bij je opgehaald/p> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classpy-blocky data-blockcontent> div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4 richtext &_img:max-w-full &_iframe:max-w-full &_iframe:aspect-video &_iframe:h-auto> h2>span classtext-red>Nood/span>keuken - huur van tijdelijke, mobiele keukens/h2> img alt classmax-w-full sm:mx-auto sm:w-full loadinglazy width2400 height1600 src /> /div>/section> section classpy-blocky data-blockproscons> div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4> div classgrid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-1 gap-8> div> h2 classtext-red text-center mb-8 uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-5xl>Herken je dit?/h2> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/arrow-marker.svg /> p>Je voelt je overweldigd door wat er komt kijken bij een verbouwing van je oude keuken/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/arrow-marker.svg /> p>Wil je je klant bij de aankoop van een nieuwe keuken ontzorgen?/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/arrow-marker.svg /> p>Heb je voor een sociale woningrenovatie een tijdelijke keukenoplossing nodig?/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/arrow-marker.svg /> p>Organiseer je een evenement waar je extra cateringfaciliteiten nodig hebt/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/arrow-marker.svg /> p>Is er een water- of brandschade en heb je snel een oplossing voor een tijdelijke keuken nodig?/p> /div> /div> div> h2 classtext-black text-center mb-8 uppercase font-sans font-extrabold text-5xl>Dan wil je dit!/h2> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/check-marker.svg /> p>Een tijdelijke keuken voor tijdens de verbouwing/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/check-marker.svg /> p>Makkelijk, snel, betaalbaar en veilig, voor de periode waarin jij dat wilt/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/check-marker.svg /> p>Het hele project snel en naar volledige tevredenheid geregeld/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/check-marker.svg /> p>Compact maar compleet, overal te plaatsen en extra luxe als je dat zou willen/p> /div> div classflex items-baseline> img alt classw-11 h-11 mr-4 relative top-3 md:top-6 loadinglazy src/dist/img/icons/check-marker.svg /> p>Geen verborgen kosten, maar eerlijke prijzen/p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classbg-orange py-blocky data-blockvisualtext>div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4 flex items-center lg:block > div classw-7/12 lg:w-full lg:mb-4 relative &>iframe:max-w-full &>iframe:h-auto &>iframe:aspect-video> img alt classlg:mx-auto loadinglazy width1960 height2041 src /> /div> div classrichtext w-5/12 pl-8 space-y-8 lg:w-full lg:pl-0 lg:text-center> h2>Flexibel tijdelijke keukens huren/h2>p>Onze mobiele tijdelijke keukens zijn flexibel naar jouw wensen aan te passen. Je kunt ook alleen de benodigde onderdelen van een a href>keuken huren/a>. Bijvoorbeeld een koelkast, combi-oven of een vaatwasser. Handig als jezelf nog bijvoorbeeld een tweede koelkast in huis hebt. /p> div classflex gap-4 lg:justify-center>a classinline-flex no-underline px-6 py-3 bg-red rounded-xl text-3xl uppercase text-white font-extrabold href>stel samen/a>a classinline-flex no-underline px-6 py-3 bg-red rounded-xl text-3xl uppercase text-white font-extrabold href>bel me/a> /div> div clasflex gap-4 mt-4 lg:justify-center> a classunderline relnoopener href target_blank>/a> /div> /div>/div>/section>footer classbg-#f1f1f1 &_h2:text-3xl &_h3:text-2xl data-blockfooter> div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4 pt-12 text-base > div class> p>strong>De grootste, meest veelzijdige leverancier van tijdelijke mobiele keukenoplossingen./strong>/p> /div> /div>div classmax-w-6xl mx-auto px-4 py-12 text-base grid grid-cols-6 md:grid-cols-1 gap-20 md:gap-8 &_a:text-black hover:&_a:underline &_h2:text-2xl &_p:text-lg > div classcol-span-2 md:col-span-1> h3>Veel gekozen paginas:/h3>p>a href>Keuken huren/a>br />a href>Keuken verwijderen/a>br />a href>Keuken huren Amsterdam/a>br />a href>Keuken huren Den Haag/a>br />a href>Keuken huren Rotterdam/a>br />a href>Tijdelijke Horeca keukens/a>br />a href>Landelijke dekking/a>br /> /p> /div> div classcol-span-2 md:col-span-1 > div classcontents &_a:gap-x-0.5 &_a:flex &_a:items-center> h3>strong>Reviews/strong>/h3>p>a href,2.6418293,7z/data!3m1!4b1!4m18!1m9!3m8!1s0x8359dc144ce197f:0xb4b560f37f36a26a!2sNoodkeuken!8m2!3d52.190951!4d5.2795551!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11sw_wcb8m!3m7!1s0x8359dc144ce197f:0xb4b560f37f36a26a!8m2!3d52.190951!4d5.2795551!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11sw_wcb8m?entryttu>Google reviews 4.9 svg class&:first-of-type:ml-1.5 inline-flex w-4 h-4 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 15 14> g filterurl(#a)> path fillurl(#b) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 0l-3.205 1.673a.536.536 0 0 1-.776-.564l.602-3.565a.536.536 0 0 0-.154-.471L1.137 5.937a.536.536 0 0 1 .297-.913l3.576-.529a.536.536 0 0 0 .402-.292L7.02.966Z/> path fillurl(#c) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 0l-3.205 1.673a.536.536 0 0 1-.776-.564l.602-3.565a.536.536 0 0 0-.154-.471L1.137 5.937a.536.536 0 0 1 .297-.913l3.576-.529a.536.536 0 0 0 .402-.292L7.02.966Z/> /g> path stroke#FDAC16 stroke-width.6 dM7.289 1.1a.236.236 0 0 1 .422 0L9.32 4.336a.836.836 0 0 0 .626.455l3.576.53c. 2.531a.836.836 0 0 0-.24.736l.602 3.565a.236.236 0 0 1-.341.248L7.887 11.13a.836.836 0 0 0-.774 0l-3.205 1.674a.236.236 0 0 1-.341-.249l.602-3.565a.836.836 0 0 0-.24-.736l-2.582-2.53a.236.236 0 0 1 .13-.402l3.577-.53c.27-.04.504-.21.626-.454L7.29 1.099Z/> defs> radialGradient idc cx0 cy0 r1 gradientTransformtranslate(7.5 7.5) rotate(90) scale(7.5) gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#fff stop-opacity0/> stop offset1 stop-color#FAA501/> /radialGradient> linearGradient idb x17.5 x27.5 y11.673 y213.015 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#FFFF7C/> stop offset.473 stop-color#fff/> stop offset.705 stop-color#F7DB49/> stop offset1 stop-color#F38C03/> /linearGradient> filter ida width13.048 height12.462 x.976 y.668 color-interpolation-filterssRGB filterUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> feFlood flood-opacity0 resultBackgroundImageFix/> feBlend inSourceGraphic in2BackgroundImageFix resultshape/> feColorMatrix inSourceAlpha resulthardAlpha values0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0/> feOffset/> feGaussianBlur stdDeviation.815/> feComposite in2hardAlpha k2-1 k31 operatorarithmetic/> feColorMatrix values0 0 0 0 0.996078 0 0 0 0 0.647059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/> feBlend in2shape resulteffect1_innerShadow_16_55/> /filter> /defs> /svg>svg class&:first-of-type:ml-1.5 inline-flex w-4 h-4 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 15 14> g filterurl(#a)> path fillurl(#b) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 0l-3.205 1.673a.536.536 0 0 1-.776-.564l.602-3.565a.536.536 0 0 0-.154-.471L1.137 5.937a.536.536 0 0 1 .297-.913l3.576-.529a.536.536 0 0 0 .402-.292L7.02.966Z/> path fillurl(#c) dM7.02.966a.536.536 0 0 1 .96 0l1.608 3.237a.536.536 0 0 0 .402.292l3.576.53a.536.536 0 0 1 .297.912l-2.582 2.53a.536.536 0 0 0-.154.472l.602 3.565a.536.536 0 0 1-.776.564l-3.205-1.673a.536.536 0 0 0-.496 0l-3.205 1.673a.536.536 0 0 1-.776-.564l.602-3.565a.536.536 0 0 0-.154-.471L1.137 5.937a.536.536 0 0 1 .297-.913l3.576-.529a.536.536 0 0 0 .402-.292L7.02.966Z/> /g> path stroke#FDAC16 stroke-width.6 dM7.289 1.1a.236.236 0 0 1 .422 0L9.32 4.336a.836.836 0 0 0 .626.455l3.576.53c. 2.531a.836.836 0 0 0-.24.736l.602 3.565a.236.236 0 0 1-.341.248L7.887 11.13a.836.836 0 0 0-.774 0l-3.205 1.674a.236.236 0 0 1-.341-.249l.602-3.565a.836.836 0 0 0-.24-.736l-2.582-2.53a.236.236 0 0 1 .13-.402l3.577-.53c.27-.04.504-.21.626-.454L7.29 1.099Z/> defs> radialGradient idc cx0 cy0 r1 gradientTransformtranslate(7.5 7.5) rotate(90) scale(7.5) gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#fff stop-opacity0/> stop offset1 stop-color#FAA501/> /radialGradient> linearGradient idb x17.5 x27.5 y11.673 y213.015 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop stop-color#FFFF7C/> stop offset.473 stop-color#fff/> stop offset.705 stop-color#F7DB49/> stop offset1 stop-color#F38C03/> /linearGradient> filter ida width13.048 height12.462 x.976 y.668 color-interpolation-filterssRGB filterUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> feFlood flood-opacity0 resultBackgroundImageFix/> feBlend inSourceGraphic in2BackgroundImageFix resultshape/> feColorMatrix inSourceAlpha resulthardAlpha values0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0/> feOffset/> feGaussianBlur stdDeviation.815/> feComposite in2hardAlpha k2-1 k31 operatorarithmetic/> 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