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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:24:45 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLocation: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?shq8YA90YnT4R0DfIw203eK%2B1IZxBVhaSLjOVT2OsG4n9UAJnH8Tv%2F%2BtiptaNr0fpeUoLxVojYDfM573EL2yQzt9HG2qK%2F6Q7ANDIGToBViAjiyMq%2FMW79fzacz5aIA%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f8d68c2ef1a308a-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt9203&min_rtt9203&rtt_var4601&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes50&delivery_rate0&cwnd249&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:24:45 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivelast-modified: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 23:26:44 GMTvary: Accept-Encodingvia: e9scf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?s9GYN%2F%2FSbgiQi%2FuhAi2mKVqw215gp0IqsBwIYfbcUZv2YaEsvNg8SsmTED4G8LlscSLKgoX%2Bffbr1qAZiomye%2BIdWzs2iW17sjVQyC2RHuL%2F5dKgpVIWpePGQJiFsLw%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f8d68c46a846a11-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt8864&min_rtt8737&rtt_var2530&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2849&recv_bytes722&delivery_rate331463&cwnd251&unsent_bytes0&cid5c83c3aa19ba64cc&ts236&x0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN>html langen>head> meta http-equivPICS-Label content(PICS-1.1 L gen true for r (SS~~000 6))> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> meta http-equivContent-Style-Type contenttext/css> title>About Getting Rid of the Cause of Menstrual Cramps/title> meta nameDescription contentMenstrual Cramps are most likely caused by Chemical Estrogens. Get rid of the chemical estrogens and the menstrual cramping goes away.> META NAMEkeywords CONTENTmenstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea treatment, pain, relief, severe cramp, what cause, home remedy, painkiller, period cramps, during pregnancy, painful, period pain, period,menstruation pain, pms, cure, dysmenorrhea remedy, menstrual blood clots, medication, menstruation, self help, natural medicine, self care, health information, pelvic exam, treatments, extremely anemia flooding, yasmin, metrorrhagia herbal remedies> link relshortcut icon hrefincludes/TB-icon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefincludes/TBbasic.css titleSite default> !--if IE 6>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefincludes/TBie6fix.css titleSite default>!endif--> /head>body idwww-MenstrualCramp-com>div classwrapper>div classheader>h1>Menstrual Cramp span classtag>Menstrual span>Cramp Relief/span>/span>/h1>div classclear>hr>/div>/div>div classmain>div classcontent>h6>Menstrual Cramp Relief! - Natural Progesterone/h6>p>by Elizabeth Smith, MD/p>h5>u>Chemical Estrogens (Xenoestrogens) Cause Menstrual Cramps!/u>/h5>h5>Lisa gets font colorred>Menstrual Cramp/font> Remedy - Avoid Xenoestrogens, font colorred>Take Natural Progesterone/font>/h5>p>HI. I wanted to give you an update on my progress. font colorred>b>I eliminated the parabens/xenoestrogens for a month and a half and began to use the progesterone oil/b>/font> as directed (and the laundry detergent). font colorred>b>I have had a normal menstrual period for the first time in about 10 years!!?/b>/font> It is the first time I have been able to be off birth control with no side bloating or menstrual cramping!!! IMG SRCgall_vanda.jpg ALIGNRIGHT ALTOrchid BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMEBeautiful Orchid>I am so happy I discovered your website and product. It is people like you who really care and take the time to educate and help those in need. After having been to so many doctors with no avail, I can finally say I feel healthy for the first time in quite a while. Thank you for all the great information you provide to your customers. You are a blessing! /p>p>-Lisa B. , Irvine, CA /p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>IMG SRCribbon.jpg ALIGNLEFT ALTDysmenorrhea free and happy BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMEProvera and Megestrol causes Breast Cancer.>h3>Natural Progesterone Prevents Breast>br> Artificial synthetic progestins Provera, Megestrol cause Breast>br> See a hrefQandA.html>QandA/a>br> John Lee, MD /h3>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>h5>Natural Menstrual Cramp Relief/h5>p>In over 5 years of clinical practice since 1999 for menstrual cramps, and 3500 patients for female problems. font colorred>b>We have found the menstrual cramp cure. We have even gotten rid of severe menstrual cramps that have plagued women for years in 3 months or less!/B>/font> Menstrual cramps are the result of contractions of the uterus and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, headache, or lightheadedness. The 25 cent medical term for menstrual cramping is primary dysmenorrhea. Dys means pain and menorrhea refers to period. Dysmenorrhea means painful period. Menstrual cramps may or may not be accompanied by pms, premenstrual syndrome. PMS is characterized by premenstrual bloating and cyclical breast tenderness among other symptoms./p>p>IMG SRChappytennis.jpg ALIGNLEFT ALTEnd Menstural Cramping, be free and happy BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMEForget the menstrual cramp and play tennis.>font colorred>B>We tell our patients to avoid xenoestrogens (xeno means foreign) and take Natural Progesterone./b>/font> Patients claim that this simple solution is the menstrual cramp remedy! There are certain chemicals in our environment that act like estrogen and/or hormone disrupting that make the menstrual cramp worse. These xenoestrogens have been implicated in early puberty in girls aged 8 making them sprout breast buds and pubic hair. /p>p>Natural Progesterone is used by OB/GYNs that specialize in fertility to prevent 1st trimester miscarriage and calm the uterus down and STOP the miscarriage contractions. font colorred>b>My patients tell me that regular OB/GYNs are unaware that there is a difference between Natural Progesterone and synthetic progestins and birth control pills. But OB/GYNs that specialize infertility DO know the difference between synthetic progestins and Natural Progesterone./b>/font> a hrefprogest.html nameThe difference between Natural Progesterone and Progestins.>See the difference for yourself here./a> Natural Progesterone is NOT the same as the PROGESTIN found in birth control pills. Quite the opposite. Birth control pills CAUSE cancer. Natural Progesterone PREVENTS cancer. Natural Progesterone is bioidentical to the hormone that your body produces. Synthetic Progestins are chemically modified so that they can be patented. Natural Progesterone is canNOT be patented because it is found in nature. Why is this important? If a progestin is patented by a company, only they can make that progestin. Then they can charge high prices (over one hundred dollars per month) and make large profits. With the high profits, the companies can hire $60,000 - $100,000 per year salesmen to push these patented artificial progestins on unsuspecting physicians. So, Birth Control Pills are NOT the SAME as Natural Progesterone. a hrefprogest.html nameSynthetic Progestins are bad for you.>See Progestins./a>/p>p>Mainstream medicine asserts that the menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions. The uterine contractions are caused by prostaglandins. So they treat the menstrual cramps with drugs like Ibuprofen (Motrin), and Naproxen (Naprosyn) that block the bodys ability to make prostaglandins. However, as any women can tell you, these drugs kind of work, but the drugs dont work too well./p>p>I am going to the cause of the cause of the problem. I am saying that you should eliminate the things that cause the abnormal release of prostaglandins. Go upstream and solve the root of the problem./p>p>a href titleMenstrual Cramp Cause and Cure targetnew>See a new website explaining the cause of Menstrual Cramps and treatment using avoidance of xenoestrogens and taking Natural Progesterone./a>/p>h5>Enter Natural Progesterone for the Menstrual Cramp (Dysmennorhea)/h5>p>Pro means for and Gesterone means gestation. Progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy. I have personally stopped 1st trimester miscarriages by applying topical Natural Progesterone on the women having the miscarriage uterine contractions. I had one women that was having a miscarriage with contractions at eight weeks. Within 3 hours of applying topical Natural Progesterone the contractions stopped. She carried a healthy set of twins to term (as of 2005 they are still healthy, smart and at two years old). OB/GYNs specializing in fertility (not the regular OB/GYNs) know the trick of using Natural Progesterone to stop 1st trimester miscarriage contractions as well. In a city of one million people, there are only 2-3 OB/GYNs that specialize in fertility (they are rare birds)./p>p>I had been using Natural Progesterone and the avoidance of xenoestrogens to treat endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pms, fibrocystic breast disease, and uterine fibroids as has John Lee, MD since 1999. Then, my patients quite consistently told me (quite happily) that their menstrual cramps would go away too!/p>p>font colorred>B>I would estimate that our success rate tops 90% of completely getting rid of menstrual cramps if the patient is willing to make some simple lifestyle changes and take Natural Progesterone./b>/font>/p>p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>h3>IMG SRCrowing.jpg ALIGNLEFT ALTNatural Progesterone does away with mentrual cramping BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMEProgesterone give menstrual cramp relief.>font colorred>Women with PMS often experience painful periods (dysmenorrhea) which are most often caused when the endometrial lining of the uterus extends into the muscular wall of the uterus (adenomyosis). When shedding of the endometrium occurs (menstruation), the blood is released into the muscular lining, causing severe pain. Conventional medicine treats this pain with NSAIDS (non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, but ignores the underlying metabolic hormonal imbalance that caused it. The problem can often be simply resolved by restoring proper progesterone levels, which restores normal growth and shedding of the endometrium. /font> br>br> John Lee, MD /h3>h3>br> /h3>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>h5>The Role of Xenoestrogens, Phytoestrogens and Hormone Disrupters for the Menstrual Cramp/h5>p>The Herman-Giddens landmark study of 1997 showed that 15% of girls aged 8 in the United State are sprouting breast buds and pubic hair. Among African Americans 50% of girls aged 8 are sprouting breast buds and pubic hair. The cover story in Time Magazine October 30, 2000 implicated various chemicals that mimicked estrogen as causing early puberty. a href,10987,1101001030-58388,00.html nameEarly puberty caused by xenoestrogens may also cause menstrual cramping.>See the TIME article on early puberty here./a> /p>p>The breast cancer incidence during the 1950s in the USA was 1 out of 20. In 1989, the breast cancer incidence was 1 out of 11. In 2004, according to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, the breast cancer incidence was 1 out of 8 in the USA. There are areas of the USA where breast cancer is much more prevalent./p>p>In 2004, 43% of the male bass in the Potomac river were producing eggs. a hrefbass.html nameMale bass produce eggs.>See the article from the Washington Post here about feminized male bass here./a> In 2004, below the sewage outfall in the Platte River, Colorado, the ratio of female fish to male White Sucker fish was 9 to 1 with 10% hemaphrodites (a hemaphrodite is half female and half male). Above the sewage outfall in the Platte River, the ratio of male fish to female fish is 1 to 1. a hrefsucker.html nameSucker fish are both female and male below the sewage outfall. Are these same chemicals causing menstrual cramping?>See the article from the Denver Post here about feminized white sucker fish here./a> Clearly, there are hormone disrupters present in the sewage outfall in the Platte River./p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>p>div ALIGNCENTER>a href> IMG SRCaddpurp1.gif ALIGNcenter ALTNatural Progesterone Buy BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMEbuy Progesterone>/a>/div>/p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>p>A hormone is a chemical messenger. /p>p>It is like the blueprint for the building is virgin and untouched. The masons that are building the wall of the building are healthy. However, the messengers that read the blueprint and tell the masons what to do are screwed up. Thus, the building becomes screwed up. The building is your body. Being screwed up means you get the menstrual cramp./p>p>IMG SRCstretch.jpg ALIGNRIGHT ALTExcercise free and happy BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMENo menstrual cramp and exercise.>These chemicals are NOT toxic. The chemicals are NOT carcinogenic. The chemicals are now known as hormone disrupters. Chemicals that specifically mimic estrogen are called xenoestrogens xeno means foreign. So xenoestrogen means foreign estrogen. The new theory that has been espoused since 1991, is that these xenoestrogens are causing many female problems such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast disease, premenstrual syndrome, and most recently menstrual cramps. In 1996, the EPA was given a congressional mandate to study the effects of hormone disrupters. However, the EPA is 5 years behind, not for lack of trying, but because the science is new and no one knows what the testing standard should be. a hrefxeno.html nameXenoestrogens cause menstrual cramp.>Read about xenoestrogens here./a> /p>p>Scientists now think that many female problems including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pms, and breast cysts are caused by xenoestrogens (xeno means foreign)./p>p>The menstrual cramp is also thought to be caused by xenoestrogens and/or hormone disrupters./p>h5>The Menstrual Cramp (Dysmenorrhea), Xenoestrogens and Parabens used as Preservatives/h5>p>font colorred>B>When my patients, cut out xenoestrogens diligently and take Natural Progesterone, almost always menstrual cramping becomes a thing of the past, and they begin to feel normal - menstrual cramp free again./b>/font>/p>p>The most prominent xenoestrogen (but not the only one) that seems to associated with menstrual cramping is parabens that are present as preservatives in shampoos, lotions and liquid personal care products. Although parabens are relatively nontoxic, and are not very carcinogenic, parabens are a xenoestrogen. It seems that in my practice if we eliminate parabens (along with other xenoestrogens) in the patients environment much of the menstrual cramping goes away. Giving the patient Natural Progesterone gets rid of the remainder of the menstrual cramping./p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>p>div ALIGNCENTER>a href> IMG SRCaddpurp1.gif ALIGNcenter ALTRemote Natural Progesterone Buy BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMERemotely buy Progesterone>/a>/div>/p>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>p>John Sumpter from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex found subcutaneous administration of butylparaben produced a positive estrogenic response on uterine tissue./p>p>In my practice, I initially used progesterone creams that had parabens as preservatives and many of my patients complained of increased menstrual cramping. Endometriosis patients complained of increased pain from the progesterone cream formulated with parabens as a preservative./p>p>One of my physician colleagues, had a one woman that had a menstrual cramp for 15 years. She went on a program of avoidance of xenoestrogens and taking Natural Progesterone. She was menstrual cramp free for one entire year. Then, all of a sudden, she began to have menstrual cramps for 3 consecutive months and called my physician colleague to complain. The colleague asked her, What did you change 3 months ago? She answered sheepishly that her daughter worked for a beauty salon and was able to get designer shampoos and hair care products for half price, and so she began to use those products 3 months ago./p> div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>h3>IMG SRCrunning.jpg ALIGNRIGHT ALTNatural Progesterone gets rid of Dysmenorrhea BORDER0 HSPACE10 VSPACE10 NAMENatural Progesterone prevents Dysmenorrhea>On Using Natural Progesterone:br>br>Its as if my body breathed a big sigh of relief .br>br>My life is back on track and my symptoms are>br>br> John Lee, MDs Patientsbr> /h3>h3>br> /h3>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div> br>h5>Remedy for the Menstrual Cramp ( Dysmenorrhea )/h5>p>font colorred>B>I tell my patients to avoid chemicals that act like estrogen (xenoestrogens) and take over-the-counter topical Natural Progesterone to quiet the uterus naturally. The progesterone cream should be formulated WITHOUT parabens. The menstrual cramp is generally gone in 2-3 months. Even the severe menstrual cramp goes away after 2-3 months./b>/font>/p>p>font colorred>B>The majority of my women patients revel in being normal again with no severe menstrual cramp for the first time in years. /b>/font> /p>br>div styletext-align: center>div stylebackground: #fcf5fdurl(purple.gif)no-repeat; border: 0px double #999999;margin: 1em auto 0; padding: 18px 0 0; width: 570px;>hr stylewidth: 0; line-height: 5px>/div>/div>h5>Anne Recommends font colorred>Progestelle for Menstrual Cramp/font> Treatment/h5>p>I recommend this product. For 15 years, I had severe cramps. I had to take 6 ibuprofen every few hours for 2 days. I had been known to cry from the pain and nearly wanted to go to the hospital if I ever tried not to take pain medication. I went to doctors who, even while sympathetic, could not tell me what was wrong. Every test came back normal, but I knew something was wrong. I had researched years ago alternatives and the only thing I ever heard suggested was to become a vegan, which I already was. I had long given up hope, except for a glimmer that one day led me to your website. I followed your protocols about xenoestogens - got rid of most plastic and changed toiletries and laundry soap. In the beginning I used the recommended dose, but as time went on my use was a bit more erratic - mainly because I like experimenting. I have found that when I use the recommended dose consistently, I have virtually no cramps whatsoever. I have also found that after using Progestrelle for nearly two years, on the months I dont use it, my cramps are no worse than the feelings of indigestion. And while I did change my diet recently to 100% raw vegan, which seems to have helped as well, I am convinced that this product performed nothing less than a miracle. I dont think I can express my gratitude, because to be honest, I wasnt sure that it would work! Every woman who has cramps should at least give this product a shot and see if it helps. /p>p>I dont know if I am good at writing testimonials, but in writing this, I realized how truly grateful I am. Sometimes I forget because there are so many medicines out there that dont work... and there are so many people that try to sell you things that are next to useless. I didnt think it would work, and even now I dont understand how it did work. It seems so simple, and I dont understand why no one told me about it. So sometimes I think I just imagined it all! But I know that cant be true. But the alternative seems so scary... why cant women buy this product everywhere... why dont doctors recommend it? Anyway, either I imagined it all, or you truly saved my life. I dont mean that melodramatically. There were times when the pain was so great that I thought I would be better off dead./p>p> Thanks./p>p>-Anne S. , Oakland, CA /p> p>*Whole grains also regulate hormonal levels due to their high levels of vitamin B and vitamin E, which have a beneficial effect on both the liver and the ovaries. In 1942, a researcher named Biskind found that B vitamin deficiency hindered the livers ability to metabolize estrogen levels in both animal and human test subjects. The addition of B vitamin supplementation to the diet of women suffering from PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fibrocystic breast disease helped to decrease the severity of their symptoms. Studies conducted at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s found that taking a specific B vitamin, pyridoxine B6, helped to relieve symptoms of menstrual cramps and PMS. /p>p>Research also conducted during the 1980s at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center similarly found, in several placebo controlled studies, that vitamin E is useful in reducing many PMS symptoms, as well as fibrocystic breast discomfort. Other studies have found that vitamin E supplementation reduced menopause related hot flashes, fatigue, and mood swings in 66 to 85 percent of the women tested, depending on the study. One additional study noted a decrease in the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in 50 percent of the postmenopausal women volunteers. /p>br>/div>div classsidebar>h2 classnavbar>Menu/h2>ul classnavbar> li classactive>Home/li> li>a hrefcause.html>Cause of Menstrual Cramp/a>/li> li>a hrefxeno.html>Xenoestrogen - Foreign Estrogen/a>/li> li>a hrefphyto.html>Phytoestrogen - Plant Estrogen/a>/li> li>a hrefdose.html>Natural Progesterone Dose/a>/li> li>a hrefprogest.html>Artificial Prescription Progestins/a>/li> li>a hrefestro.html>NO Estrogen Use/a>/li> li>a hrefthyroid.html>Excess Estrogen affects Thyroid (Too Fat on belly and hips?)/a>/li> li>a hreftest.html>Test Progesterone Levels/a>/li> li>a hrefstories.html>Testimonials/a>/li> li>a hreffail.html>Troubleshooting/a>/li> li>a hrefQandA.html>Q & A/a>/li> li>a hrefsummary.html>Summary/a>/li> li>a hrefbooks.html>Books/a>/li> li>a hrefprogesterone.html>h5>font colorred>u>BUY Correct Progesterone/u>/font>/h5>/a>/li> /ul> h2>Links/h2>p>a href,10987,1101001030-58388,00.html>img srcearlypuberty.gif altChemical estrogens (xenoestrogens) cause early puberty in girls. titleEarly Puberty caused by xenoestrogens and menstrual cramp caused by xenoestrogens.>/a>/p>br>br>p>a href>img srcproad.gif altTherapeutic Natural Progesterone for Menstrual Cramp. titleProgesterone for menstrual cramp.>/a>/p>p>a href>img srcdumad.gif altDysmenorrhea Menstrual Cramp referral. titleDysmenorrhea menstrual cramp.>/a>/p>br>br>!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->script typetext/javascript languagejavascript>var sc_project783139; var sc_partition6; var sc_security0ccb2160; /script>script typetext/javascript languagejavascript src>/script>noscript>a href target_blank>img src altfree web page hit counter border0>/a> /noscript>!-- End of StatCounter Code -->br>br>p>a href>Endometriosis Free?/a>/p>/div> !-- end sidebar -->div classclear>hr>/div>/div> !-- end main -->div classfooter>p classcopyright>Copyright © 2002-2017 Menstrual Cramp Education./p>p>Updated 20 abbr titleJune>June/abbr> 2005./p>p>Site by E. 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