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July 12, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classcard rounded-0 overlay-card text-white> div classcard-video> video classw-100 js-player controls crossorigin playsinline poster> source src typevideo/mp4> /video> /div> a href/exhibitions/non-fungible-speculations-group-exhibition/ classcard-img-overlay styleright:auto;> h1 classcard-title h4 mb->/h1> div classcard-text> h2 classh4 mb-0>Non-fungible Speculations Group Exhibition/h2> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> June 12, 2024 - July 12, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a href/exhibitions/the-idea-of-the-acrobat-and-terranum-nuncius-group-exhibition/ classcard rounded-0 overlay-card text-white> img src/uploads/artwork/9-1-naturemorte-5788-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg classcard-img altThe Idea of the Acrobat and Terranum Nuncius Group Exhibition> div classcard-img-overlay data-text> h1 classcard-title h4 mb->/h1> div classcard-text> h2 classh4 mb-0>The Idea of the Acrobat and Terranum Nuncius Group Exhibition/h2> div classh6 fw-bold mb-0>/div> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> January 28, 2019 - February 19, 2020 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a href/exhibitions/ad-infinitum-shilpa-chavan-hitesh-natawalla-samarendra-raj-singh-alice-cicolini-and-aditya-pande/ classcard rounded-0 overlay-card text-white> img src/uploads/artwork/8-1-naturemorte-6218-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg classcard-img altAd Infinitum | Shilpa Chavan, Hitesh Natawalla, Samarendra Raj Singh, Alice Cicolini and Aditya Pande> div classcard-img-overlay data-text> h1 classcard-title h4 mb->/h1> div classcard-text> h2 classh4 mb-0>Ad Infinitum | Shilpa Chavan, Hitesh Natawalla, Samarendra Raj Singh, Alice Cicolini and Aditya Pande/h2> div classh6 fw-bold mb-0>/div> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> February 20, 2010 - March 20, 2010 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classswiper-button-next>>/div> div classswiper-button-prev></div> /div> /div> div classslider-sroller>/div> script> document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function(){ let heroSlide new Swiper(.hero-slider, { speed: 700, loop: true, navigation: { nextEl: .section-hero .swiper-button-next, prevEl: .section-hero .swiper-button-prev, }, scrollbar: { el: .section-hero .slider-sroller, draggable: true, dragSize: 80, // snapOnRelease: false } }); const players Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(.section-hero .js-player)).map(element > new Plyr(element)); console.log(players); heroSlide.on(slideChange, function () { players.forEach(video > video.pause()); //const currentIndex heroSlide.realIndex; }); }); /script> /div> /section> section classsection section-past-exhibitions animFade> div classcontainer> div classsection-title> h2>PAST EXHIBITIONS/h2> /div> div classsection-title> div classfw-normal h3> nav classlink-nav swiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide fw-bold>a href/exhibitions-year/2024/>2024/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2022/>2022/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2019/>2019/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2014/>2014/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2012/>2012/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2011/>2011/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2010/>2010/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/exhibitions-year/2009/>2009/a>/div> /div> /nav> /div> /div> div classexhibitions-data data-wrap pt-4> div classrow gy-4> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3> a href/exhibitions/battle-royale/ classss-wrap> div classss-img> img src/uploads/artwork/79-27-NMAL-ASingh-050-1-3-image.jpg classw-100 altBattle Royale Neeraj Patel, Basist Kumar, Nidhi Agarwal & Ayesha Singh> /div> div classss-text> div classh6 fw-bold mb-0>/div> h4 classmb-0>Battle Royale Neeraj Patel, Basist Kumar, Nidhi Agarwal & Ayesha Singh/h4> !--h3 classh4 mb-0>Conjecture/h3--> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> May 09, 2024 - June 09, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3> a href/exhibitions/h-m/ classss-wrap> div classss-img> img src/uploads/artwork/30-6-naturemorte-4974-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg classw-100 altH&M> /div> div classss-text> div classh6 fw-bold mb-0>/div> h4 classmb-0>H&M/h4> !--h3 classh4 mb-0>Conjecture/h3--> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> March 01, 2024 - September 01, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3> a href/exhibitions/non-fungible-speculations-group-exhibition/ classss-wrap> div classss-img> img src/uploads/artwork/6-1-naturemorte-8696-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg classw-100 altNon-fungible Speculations Group Exhibition> /div> div classss-text> div classh6 fw-bold mb-0>/div> h4 classmb-0>Non-fungible Speculations Group Exhibition/h4> !--h3 classh4 mb-0>Conjecture/h3--> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> June 12, 2024 - July 12, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer py-0> div classslider-scroller mt-0>/div> /div> /section>!--section classsection section-viewing-room animFade> div classcontainer> div classswiper scroll-slider> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a href#> img classd-block loadinglazy src./images-nm/vr2.jpg altConjecture> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a href#> img classd-block loadinglazy src./images-nm/vr2.jpg altConjecture> /a> /div> /div> !- div classswiper-button-next>>/div> div classswiper-button-prev></div> - /div> /div> div classcontainer py-0> div classslider-scroller mt-0>/div> /div> /section>--> section classsection section-artists animFade> div classcontainer pb-0> div classsection-title> h2>ARTISTS/h2> /div> div classsection-title> h3 classfw-bold>A-Z/h3> /div> div classartist-data pt-4> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-lg-6> div classname-list hover-data> ul classlist-unstyled d-flex flex-lg-wrap> li> a href/artists-details/aditya-pande/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-90-42-news-awards-img2.jpg>/span>Aditya Pande/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/ayesha-singh/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-81-27-naturemorte-13926-q80-w1200-h800-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Ayesha Singh/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/basist-kumar/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-82-28-Basist.jpg>/span>Basist Kumar/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/benitha-perciyal/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-31-6-naturemorte-4975-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Benitha Perciyal/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/bharat-sikka/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-80-32-naturemorte-6052-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Bharat Sikka/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/bharti-kher/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-42-9-naturemorte-9773-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Bharti Kher/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/dhruvi-acharya/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-83-41-naturemorte-7007-q80-w1200-h800-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Dhruvi Acharya/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/imran-qureshi/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-52-10-naturemorte-1555-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Imran Qureshi/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/jitish-kallat/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-84-40-naturemorte-12191-q80-w1200-h800-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Jitish Kallat/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/l-n-tallur/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-60-11-naturemorte-4580-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>L. N. Tallur/a> /li> li> a href/artists-details/manisha-parekh/>span>img loadinglazy src/uploads/artwork/R850-70-12-naturemorte-2230-h800-q90-rz3-b75.jpg>/span>Manisha Parekh/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 d-none d-lg-block> div classss-img> img classw-100 hover-src-data src/uploads/artwork/R850-90-42-news-awards-img2.jpg altAditya Pande> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer pb-0> div classslider-scroller mt-0>/div> /div> /section> section classsection section-fairs animFade> div classcontainer pb-0> div classsection-title> h2>FAIRS/h2> /div> div classsection-title> div classfw-normal h3> nav classlink-nav swiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide fw-bold>a href/fairs-year/2024/>2024/a>/div> div classswiper-slide >a href/fairs-year/2022/>2022/a>/div> /div> /nav> /div> /div> div classfairs-data data-wrap pt-4> div classrow gy-4> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3> a href/fairs/india-art-fair-2024/ classss-wrap> div classss-img> img src/uploads/artwork/88-42-naturemorte-8697-q80-h250-rz3-b75.jpg classw-100 altIndia Art Fair 2024> /div> div classss-text> h4 classmb-0 fw-900>India Art Fair 2024/h4> h3 classh5 mb-0>New delhi/h3> time classh5 fw-normal mb-0> July 01, 2024 - June 02, 2024 /time> div classplus>+/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer pb-0> div classslider-scroller mt-0>/div> /div> /section>section classsection section-publications animFade> div classcontainer pb-0> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-lg-4> div classsection-content> div classsection-title> h2>PUBLICATIONS/h2> /div> div classsection-title> h3 classfw-bold>Passage Ray Meeker/h3> /div> div classsection-text pt-2 fs-6> p>Catalogue published in conjunction with Ray Meekers site specific installation i>Passage/i> at Hyatt, Chennai, India in 2012 made in collaboration with Golden Bridge Pottery./p>p>Contributors: Ray Meeker, Aarti Vir, Adil Writer, Rakhee Kane, Antra Sinha, Deborah Smith, Michel Hutin, Ashwin Bhat and Sharbani Das Gupta/p> p> 42 pages; Soft cover; 11.4 x 8.3 inINR 3950.00, USD 59.95, GBP 49.99 /p> p>strong>a href/publications/passage-ray-meeker/>Read More +/a>/strong>/p> p>strong>a href/publications/>View More Publications +/a>/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-l2 col-lg-8 pad-lg-col> img classw-100 d-block loadinglazy src/uploads/publications/3-RayMeeker.jpg altPassage Ray Meeker> /div> /div> div classmt-5> div classswiper publications-slider> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a href/publications/where-the-shadows-are-so-deep-imran-qureshi/ classcard card-default h-auto border-0> div classcard-header border-0 p-0> img loadinglazy src/uploads/publications/R200-2-22.jpg altWhere the Shadows are so Deep Imran Qureshi> /div> div classcard-body px-0 pb-0> strong>Where the Shadows are so Deep Imran Qureshi/strong> br> Hardcover; 48 pages; 24 × 17 cm br>Read More + /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a href/publications/blessings-upon-the-land-of-my-love-imran-qureshi/ classcard card-default h-auto border-0> div classcard-header border-0 p-0> img loadinglazy src/uploads/publications/R200-4-naturemorte-10415-q80-w1200-h800-rz3-b75.jpg altBlessings upon the Land of my Love Imran Qureshi> /div> div classcard-body px-0 pb-0> strong>Blessings upon the Land of my Love Imran Qureshi/strong> br> Hard cover; 85 Pages; 11 x 9 in br>Read More + /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classslider-sroller> /div> script> document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function(){ new Swiper(.publications-slider, { speed: 700, loop: true, slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 50, scrollbar: { el: .section-publications .slider-sroller, draggable: true, dragSize: 80 }, breakpoints: { 0: { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 20 }, 768: { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 30 }, 992: { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 50 }, 1200: { slidesPerView: 5 } } }); }); /script> /div>/section> section classsection section-publications animFade> div classcontainer border-bottom> div classsection-title border-0 mb-0> h2>ABOUT NATURE MORTE/h2> /div> div classsection-text column-3 pt-2> p>Founded in New York's East Village in 1982 and closed in 1988, Peter Nagy revived Nature Mode in New Delhi in 1997 as a commercial gallery and a curatorial experiment. Since then, Nature Morte has become synonymous in India with challenging and experimental forms of art; championing conceptual, lens-based, and installation genres and representing a generation of Indian artists who have gone on to international exposure. The gallery now has two exhibition spaces in New Delhi. The main gallery is located at the Dhan Mill complex in the Chhatarpur area, in the extreme south of the city. Within this mix.-use complex comprised of boutiques, cafes and artists' studios, Nature Morte occupies a 400 square meter space on the ground floor at the center of the complex, where we host our major exhibitions. In addition, a secondary gallery is in the neighborhood of Va.nt Vihar, measuring 70 square meters and used for smaller shows. The Vasant Vihar space also houses the gallery's offices, private viewing rooms, and expanded storage. In addition, the gallery has maintained multiple branches in various locations: Berlin (2008-2014), Calcutta (2006-2009), and at the Oberoi Gurgaon hotel (2011-2014). Nature Morte also hosts large scale exhibitions in the Famous Studios, Mumbai annually. The gallery is owned by its co-directors: Aparajita Jain and Peter Nagy./p>p> /p> !--p>strong>a href#>Read More +/a>/strong>/p--> /div> /div> /section>!-- section classsection section-past-events animFade> div classcontainer border-bottom> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-lg-4> div classsection-title> h2>EVENTS/h2> /div> div classsection-title> h3 classfw-normal h3> THE DHAN MILL /h3> /div> div classsection-text> p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit arnet, cons.tetuer adipiscing elit, .d diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci Cation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con.quat. Duffs autem vet eum inure. /p> p>strong>a href#>See More +/a>/strong>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-l2 col-lg-8 pad-xl-col> img classw-100 loadinglazy src./images-nm/events.jpg altEvents> /div> /div> /div>/section> -->div classfooter-wrapper> div classcontainer animFade> footer classfooter-main text-white bg-dark> div classfooter-logo logo text-white mb-4 mb-xxl-5> img src/images-nm/logo-footer.svg alt> /div> div classrow justify-content-between> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 d-flex col-xxl--auto mb-5> div classfooter-text pe-4> h5>The Dhan Mill/h5> address> p> 287, 288, 100 Feet Rd br />Chhatarpur Hillsbr />New Delhi 110074/p> span>11 AM–7 PM/span>br> span>Tuesday–Sunday/span> br>br> !-- a hreftel:>/a> --> a hreftel:+91XXXXXXXXXX>+91XXXXXXXXXX/a> /address> /div> div classfooter-text> h5>Google Maps/h5> a href> img classvv-map src/uploads/information_location_footer/1-NMGalleryPlans-DhanMill-S2.jpg> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 d-flex col-xxl--auto mb-5> div classfooter-text pe-4> h5>Vasant Vihar Gallery/h5> address> p> 7 Poorvi Marg Block A,br />Vasant Vihar br />New Delhi 110057/p> span>10 AM–6 PM/span>br> span>Monday–Saturday/span> br>br> !-- a hreftel:>/a> --> a hreftel:+91XXXXXXXXXX>+91XXXXXXXXXX/a> /address> /div> div classfooter-text> h5>Google Maps/h5> a href> img classvv-map src/uploads/information_location_footer/2-NMGalleryPlans-VV-F2.jpg> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 d-flex col-xxl--auto mb-5> div classfooter-text pe-4> h5>Dhanraj Mahal/h5> address> p> Block A, Third Floor Apollo Bandar,br /> Colaba,br /> Mumbai Maharashtra 400001/p> span>11 AM -7 PM/span>br> span>Monday–Saturday/span> br>br> !-- a hreftel:>/a> --> a hreftel:+91XXXXXXXXXX>+91XXXXXXXXXX/a> /address> /div> div classfooter-text> h5>Google Maps/h5> a href> img classvv-map src/uploads/information_location_footer/3-NMGalleryPlans-Colaba-F2.jpg> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 pb-2> hr classmt-0 mb-5> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-2 col-xxl--auto mb-5> div classfooter-text> h5>OFFICE/h5> address> 7 Poorvi Marg br> Block A, Vasant Vihar br> New Delhi 110057 br>br> By appointment onlybr>br> a hreftel:+9111406871XX>+911140687117/a> /address> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 col-xxl--3 mb-5> div classfooter-text ng-appidsContactApp ng-controllerindexContactCtrl> h5>SUBSCRIBE/h5> form idfrmSubscribe namefrmSubscribe novalidate autocompleteoff ng-submitfrmSubscribe.$valid && submit()> div classrow g-3> div classform-group mb-4> label for>First Name/label> input typetext classform-control ng-modeldataFrm.first_name maxlength100 required only-letters autocompleteoff autocorrectoff spellcheckfalse> /div> div classform-group mb-4> label for>Last Name/label> input typetext classform-control ng-modeldataFrm.last_name maxlength100 required only-letters autocompleteoff autocorrectoff spellcheckfalse> /div> div classform-group mb-4> label for>Email ID/label> input typeemail classform-control maxlength255 required ng-pattern/^(\w-\.+)@((\0-9{1,3}\.0-9{1,3}\.0-9{1,3}\.)|((\w-+\.)+))(a-zA-Z{2,4}|0-9{1,3})(\?)$/ autocompleteoff autocorrectoff spellcheckfalse> /div> div classbtn-wrap> button ng-hideloader || show_message classbtn btn-light>SUBMIT/button> div ng-showloader ng-cloak> div classspinner>/div> /div> div ng-showsuccess 2 && show_message ng-cloak> strong>Warning!/strong> {{message}} /div> div ng-showsuccess 0 && show_message ng-cloak> strong>Error!/strong> {{message}} /div> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-3 col-xxl-auto mb-5> div classfooter-text> h5>Online/h5> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0> li classmt-3>a href#>Artsy/a>/li> li classmt-3>a href#>Twitter/a>/li> li classmt-3>a href#>Facebook/a>/li> li classmt-3>a href#>Instagram/a>/li> li classmt-3>a href#>linkedin/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-3 col-xxl-auto> div classfooter-text ft-last> h5>ENQUIRE/h5> For general queries: br> a>>br>br> For press images and show information: br> a>> /div> /div> /div> div classcopyright-info mt-4> div classrow> div classcol> COPYRIGHT 2024. 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