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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 10:20:41 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 01:55:36 GMTETag: 58dd-603dddfba408bAccept-Ranges: byt !DOCTYPE html>HTML>HEAD>title>JAMMIN REGGAE ARCHIVES - Gateway to reggae on the Internet/title>meta nametitle contentJammin Reggae Archives - Gateway to reggae on the Internet>meta namedescription contentReggae Music News and Information>meta http-equivdistribution contentglobal>meta http-equivresource-type contentdocument>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namekeywords contentreggae, reggae website,reggae music, dub, roots, reggae radio, dancehall, recent releases, Mike Pawka - mhp>meta nameROBOTS contentALL>meta namewebutation-site-verification contentwebutationb6f8362417dcbe3e9d7ef2b11adf6067 />link RELSHORTCUT ICON HREFimages/favicon.ico>/HEAD>BODY BACKGROUNDimages/bck_lion.gif> a nametop>/a>TABLE Width100%>TR>TD alignleft>IMG alignleft SRCimages/jammin.gif width108 height130> TD aligncenter VAligntop> /TD>TD aligncenter> IMG alignmiddle SRCimages/gateway.jpg /TD>TD alignright VAligntop>TABLE>tr>!-- top right image code -->!-- TD aligncenter> A HREFphp/form_contest.php>img altWin A Copy aligncenter border0 srcimages/winacopy.jpg /a>/td> --> !-- contest code -->td aligncenter>!-- reggae lover podcast codediv classimg-with-text> A HREF>IMG border0img srcimages/reggaelover.png altreggae lover podcast /> p>b>JCans Getting Love On Billboard Charts/b>/p>/div>end reggae lover podcast code -->/td>td alignmiddle>!-- div classimg-with-text> A HREF>IMG border0img srcimages/reggaeology.jpg altreggaeology podcast /> p>b>Don Drummond/b>/p>/div> -->/td>TD alignleft>A HREF>IMG border0 SRCimages/sotc.png >/TD> !-- Sounds of the Caribbean -->!-- td alignmiddle> IMG border0 SRCimages/holidays.jpg >/a>/td> !-- holiday image code -->!-- TD alignmiddle>A HREF>IMG border0 SRCimages/toots.jpg >/TD> !-- petition code -->!-- td alignmiddle> IMG border0 SRCimages/newyear.jpg >/a>/
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 10:20:42 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 01:55:36 GMTETag: 58dd-603dddfba408bAccept-Ranges: byt !DOCTYPE html>HTML>HEAD>title>JAMMIN REGGAE ARCHIVES - Gateway to reggae on the Internet/title>meta nametitle contentJammin Reggae Archives - Gateway to reggae on the Internet>meta namedescription contentReggae Music News and Information>meta http-equivdistribution contentglobal>meta http-equivresource-type contentdocument>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namekeywords contentreggae, reggae website,reggae music, dub, roots, reggae radio, dancehall, recent releases, Mike Pawka - mhp>meta nameROBOTS contentALL>meta namewebutation-site-verification contentwebutationb6f8362417dcbe3e9d7ef2b11adf6067 />link RELSHORTCUT ICON HREFimages/favicon.ico>/HEAD>BODY BACKGROUNDimages/bck_lion.gif> a nametop>/a>TABLE Width100%>TR>TD alignleft>IMG alignleft SRCimages/jammin.gif width108 height130> TD aligncenter VAligntop> /TD>TD aligncenter> IMG alignmiddle SRCimages/gateway.jpg /TD>TD alignright VAligntop>TABLE>tr>!-- top right image code -->!-- TD aligncenter> A HREFphp/form_contest.php>img altWin A Copy aligncenter border0 srcimages/winacopy.jpg /a>/td> --> !-- contest code -->td aligncenter>!-- reggae lover podcast codediv classimg-with-text> A HREF>IMG border0img srcimages/reggaelover.png altreggae lover podcast /> p>b>JCans Getting Love On Billboard Charts/b>/p>/div>end reggae lover podcast code -->/td>td alignmiddle>!-- div classimg-with-text> A HREF>IMG border0img srcimages/reggaeology.jpg altreggaeology podcast /> p>b>Don Drummond/b>/p>/div> -->/td>TD alignleft>A HREF>IMG border0 SRCimages/sotc.png >/TD> !-- Sounds of the Caribbean -->!-- td alignmiddle> IMG border0 SRCimages/holidays.jpg >/a>/td> !-- holiday image code -->!-- TD alignmiddle>A HREF>IMG border0 SRCimages/toots.jpg >/TD> !-- petition code -->!-- td alignmiddle> IMG border0 SRCimages/newyear.jpg >/a>/
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