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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 08:59:36 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Location: 325Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 08:59:36 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Content-Type: text/html;charsetUTF-8Content-Language: en-USVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html>html xmlns> head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> title>NFL API from Code by Trey/title> !-- link relstylesheet hrefnode_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css /> link relstylesheet hrefsite.css /> link relstylesheet hrefnode_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css /> link relstylesheet hrefnode_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-grid.css /> link relstylesheet hrefnode_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-utilities.css /> --> link relstylesheet href/styles/normalize.css /> link relstylesheet href/styles/bootstrap.css /> link relstylesheet href/styles/bootstrap-grid.css /> link relstylesheet href/styles/bootstrap-utilities.css /> link relstylesheet href/styles/style.css /> /head> body> div classcontainer> header classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center py-3 mb-4 border-bottom > a href/ classd-flex align-items-center mb-3 mb-md-0 me-md-auto link-body-emphasis text-decoration-none > span classfs-4>NFL API/span> /a> ul classnav nav-pills> li classnav-item> a href# classnav-link active aria-currentpage >Home/a > /li> li classnav-item> a href#playerLookup classnav-link >Player Lookup/a > /li> li classnav-item> a href#teams classnav-link>Teams/a> /li> li classnav-item> a href#categories classnav-link>Categories/a> /li> li classnav-item> a href#endpoints classnav-link>Endpoints/a> /li> /ul> /header> /div> div classpx-4 py-5 text-center> !-- Its a good idea to put some sort of logo here. I like the idea of trying to combine the idea of a Football with something that represents Data. --> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis> Welcome to NFL API /h1> div classcol-lg-6 mx-auto> p classlead mb-4> This API was designed to help people get access to NFL Data, about players, teams and the league since 1960. Visit Rapid API to get a key and get started getting data today! /p> !-- a classbtn btn-primary btn-lg px-4 gap-3 href > Get a Key! /a> --> a classbtn btn-primary btn-lg px-4 gap-3 href >Get a Key!/a > /div> /div> div classcontainer d-flex player-lookup-container idplayerLookup> div classcontainer col-lg-3 player-lookup-input> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis> Lookup Players /h1> div idplayerLookupInput> form action/PlayerLookup methodget classplayer-inputs enctypemultipart/form-data > div classform-group> label forplayer-fName>First Name/label> input idplayer-fName classform-control typetext namefirstName value /> /div> div classform-group> label forplayer-mName>Middle Name/label> input idplayer-mName classform-control typetext namemiddleName value /> /div> div classform-group> label forplayer-lName>Last Name/label> input idplayer-lName classform-control typetext namelastName value /> /div> div classform-group> label forplayer-suff>Suffix/label> input idplayer-suff classform-control typetext namesuffix value /> /div> div classform-group> label forplayer-startYr>Start Year/label> input idplayer-startYr classform-control typenumber namestartYr value0 /> small>The year the player was drafted/small> /div> div classform-group> label forplayer-position>Position/label> select nameposition classform-control idplayer-position > option value0 selectedselected>Choose One/option> option value1 >Quarterback (QB)/option> option value2 >Running back (RB)/option> option value3 >Halfback (HB)/option> option value4 >Tailback (TB)/option> option value5 >Fullback (FB)/option> option value6 >Left Halfback (LH)/option> option value7 >Right Halfback (RH)/option> option value8 >Blocking Back (BB)/option> option value9 >Back (B)/option> option value10 >Wingback (WB)/option> option value11 >Wide Receiver (WR)/option> option value12 >Flanker (FL)/option> option value13 >Split End (SE)/option> option value14 >End (E)/option> option value15 >Tight End (TE)/option> option value16 >Left End (LE)/option> option value17 >Left Tackle (LT)/option> option value18 >Left Offensive Tackle (LOT)/option> option value19 >Tackle (T)/option> option value20 >Left Guard (LG)/option> option value21 >Guard (G)/option> option value22 >Center (C)/option> option value23 >Right Guard (RG)/option> option value24 >Right Tackle (RT)/option> option value25 >Right Offensive Tackle (ROT)/option> option value26 >Right End (RE)/option> option value27 >Defensive Lineman (DL)/option> option value28 >Left Defensive End (LDE)/option> option value29 >Defensive End (DE)/option> option value30 >Left Defensive Tackle (LDT)/option> option value31 >Defensive Tackle (DT)/option> option value32 >Nose Tackle (NT)/option> option value33 >Middle Guard (MG)/option> option value34 >Defensive Guard (DG)/option> option value35 >Right Defensive Tackle (RDT)/option> option value36 >Right Defensive End (RDE)/option> option value37 >Left Outside Linebacker (LOLB)/option> option value38 >Rush Linebacker (RUSH)/option> option value39 >Outside Linebacker (OLB)/option> option value40 >Left Linebacker (LLB)/option> option value41 >Left Inside Linebacker (LILB)/option> option value42 >Weak Side Linebacker (WILL)/option> option value43 >Inside Linebacker (ILB)/option> option value44 >Strong Side Linebacker (SLB)/option> option value45 >Middle Linebacker (MLB)/option> option value46 >Middle Linebacker (MIKE)/option> option value47 >Weak Side Linebacker (WLB)/option> option value48 >Right Inside Linebacker (RILB)/option> option value49 >Right Linebacker (RLB)/option> option value50 >Right Outside Linebacker (ROLB)/option> option value51 >Strong Side Linebacker (SAM)/option> option value52 >Linebacker (LB)/option> option value53 >Left Cornerback (LCB)/option> option value54 >Cornerback (CB)/option> option value55 >Right Cornerback (RCB)/option> option value56 >Strong Safety (SS)/option> option value57 >Free Safety (FS)/option> option value58 >Left Defensive Halfback (LDH)/option> option value59 >Right Defensive Halfback (RDH)/option> option value60 >Long Snapper (LS)/option> option value61 >Left Saftey (LS)/option> option value62 >Safety (S)/option> option value63 >Right Safety (RS)/option> option value64 >Defensive Back (DB)/option> option value65 >Kicker (K)/option> option value66 >Punter (P)/option> option value67 >Punt Returner (PR)/option> option value68 >Kick Returner (KR)/option> option value69 >Returner (RET)/option> option value70 >Offensive Tackle (OT)/option> option value71 >Offensive Line (OL)/option> option value72 >Offensive Guard (OG)/option> option value73 >Edge Linebacker (EDGE)/option> option value74 >Safety (SAF)/option> /select> /div> button typesubmit classbtn btn-lg btn-primary px-4 gap-3 > Search! /button> /form> /div> /div> div classcontainer col-lg-9 player-lookup-results> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis>Results/h1> div idplayerLookupResults> table classtable table-striped> thead classthead-dark> tr> th>Player ID/th> th>Player Name/th> th>Position/th> th>Start Year/th> th>Current Team/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td colspan5>No Results Available/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-7 mx-auto mt-3 teams-container idteams> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis>Teams/h1> table classtable table-striped> thead classthead-dark> tr> th>Team ID/th> th>Short Name/th> th>Team Name/th> th>Active Years/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> !-- Team information goes here --> tr> td>1/td> td>ARI/td> td>Arizona Cardinals/td> td>(1994 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>9/td> td>ATL/td> td>Atlanta Falcons/td> td>(1966 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>29/td> td>BAL/td> td>Baltimore Ravens/td> td>(1996 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>48/td> td>BCL/td> td>Baltimore Colts/td> td>(1953 - 1983)/td> /tr> tr> td>52/td> td>BOS/td> td>Boston Patriots/td> td>(1960 - 1970)/td> /tr> tr> td>56/td> td>BOS/td> td>Boston Braves/td> td>(1932 - 1932)/td> /tr> tr> td>57/td> td>BOS/td> td>Boston Redskins/td> td>(1933 - 1936)/td> /tr> tr> td>21/td> td>BUF/td> td>Buffalo Bills/td> td>(1960 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>10/td> td>CAR/td> td>Carolina Panthers/td> td>(1995 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>45/td> td>CHI/td> td>Decatur Staleys/td> td>(1920 - 1920)/td> /tr> tr> td>46/td> td>CHI/td> td>Chicago Staleys/td> td>(1921 - 1921)/td> /tr> tr> td>13/td> td>CHI/td> td>Chicago Bears/td> td>(1922 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>30/td> td>CIN/td> td>Cincinnati Bengals/td> td>(1968 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>31/td> td>CLE/td> td>Cleveland Browns/td> td>(1946 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>41/td> td>CRD/td> td>Chi/Pit Cards/Steelers/td> td>(1944 - 1944)/td> /tr> tr> td>41/td> td>CRD/td> td>Chi/Pit Cards/Steelers/td> td>(1944 - 1944)/td> /tr> tr> td>40/td> td>CRD/td> td>Chicago Cardinals/td> td>(1920 - 1943)/td> /tr> tr> td>43/td> td>CRD/td> td>St. Louis Cardinals/td> td>(1960 - 1987)/td> /tr> tr> td>40/td> td>CRD/td> td>Chicago Cardinals/td> td>(1945 - 1959)/td> /tr> tr> td>5/td> td>DAL/td> td>Dallas Cowboys/td> td>(1960 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>17/td> td>DEN/td> td>Denver Broncos/td> td>(1960 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>47/td> td>DET/td> td>Portsmouth Spartans/td> td>(1930 - 1933)/td> /tr> tr> td>14/td> td>DET/td> td>Detroit Lions/td> td>(1934 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>49/td> td>DTX/td> td>Dallas Texans/td> td>(1960 - 1962)/td> /tr> tr> td>15/td> td>GNB/td> td>Green Bay Packers/td> td>(1921 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>25/td> td>HOU/td> td>Houston Texans/td> td>(2002 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>39/td> td>HOU/td> td>Houston Oilers/td> td>(1960 - 1996)/td> /tr> tr> td>26/td> td>IND/td> td>Indianapolis Colts/td> td>(1984 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>27/td> td>JAX/td> td>Jacksonville Jaguars/td> td>(1995 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>18/td> td>KAN/td> td>Kansas City Chiefs/td> td>(1963 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>20/td> td>LAC/td> td>Los Angeles Chargers/td> td>(2017 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>20/td> td>LAC/td> td>Los Angeles Chargers/td> td>(1960 - 1960)/td> /tr> tr> td>2/td> td>LAR/td> td>Los Angeles Rams/td> td>(1946 - 1994)/td> /tr> tr> td>2/td> td>LAR/td> td>Los Angeles Rams/td> td>(2016 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>19/td> td>LVR/td> td>Las Vegas Raiders/td> td>(2020 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>22/td> td>MIA/td> td>Miami Dolphins/td> td>(1966 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>16/td> td>MIN/td> td>Minnesota Vikings/td> td>(1961 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>11/td> td>NOR/td> td>New Orleans Saints/td> td>(1967 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>23/td> td>NWE/td> td>New England Patriots/td> td>(1971 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>6/td> td>NYG/td> td>New York Giants/td> td>(1925 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>24/td> td>NYJ/td> td>New York Jets/td> td>(1963 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>53/td> td>NYT/td> td>New York Titans/td> td>(1960 - 1962)/td> /tr> tr> td>35/td> td>OAK/td> td>Oakland Raiders/td> td>(1960 - 1981)/td> /tr> tr> td>35/td> td>OAK/td> td>Oakland Raiders/td> td>(1995 - 2019)/td> /tr> tr> td>7/td> td>PHI/td> td>Philadelphia Eagles/td> td>(1944 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>54/td> td>PHI/td> td>Phi/Pit Eagles/Steelers/td> td>(1943 - 1943)/td> /tr> tr> td>7/td> td>PHI/td> td>Philadelphia Eagles/td> td>(1933 - 1942)/td> /tr> tr> td>54/td> td>PHI/td> td>Phi/Pit Eagles/Steelers/td> td>(1943 - 1943)/td> /tr> tr> td>44/td> td>PHO/td> td>Phoenix Cardinals/td> td>(1988 - 1993)/td> /tr> tr> td>55/td> td>PIT/td> td>Pittsburgh Pirates/td> td>(1933 - 1939)/td> /tr> tr> td>32/td> td>PIT/td> td>Pittsburgh Steelers/td> td>(1940 - 1942)/td> /tr> tr> td>32/td> td>PIT/td> td>Pittsburgh Steelers/td> td>(1945 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>50/td> td>RAI/td> td>Los Angeles Raiders/td> td>(1982 - 1994)/td> /tr> tr> td>51/td> td>RAM/td> td>Cleveland Rams/td> td>(1937 - 1945)/td> /tr> tr> td>36/td> td>SDG/td> td>San Diego Chargers/td> td>(1961 - 2016)/td> /tr> tr> td>4/td> td>SEA/td> td>Seattle Seahawks/td> td>(1976 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>3/td> td>SFO/td> td>San Francisco 49ers/td> td>(1946 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>37/td> td>STL/td> td>St. Louis Rams/td> td>(1995 - 2015)/td> /tr> tr> td>12/td> td>TAM/td> td>Tampa Bay Buccaneers/td> td>(1976 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>28/td> td>TEN/td> td>Tennessee Titans/td> td>(1999 - 2023)/td> /tr> tr> td>38/td> td>TEN/td> td>Tennessee Oilers/td> td>(1997 - 1998)/td> /tr> tr> td>34/td> td>WAS/td> td>Washington Redskins/td> td>(1937 - 2019)/td> /tr> tr> td>33/td> td>WAS/td> td>Washington Football Team/td> td>(2020 - 2021)/td> /tr> tr> td>8/td> td>WAS/td> td>Washington Commanders/td> td>(2022 - 2023)/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div classcol-lg-7 mx-auto categories-container idcategories> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis> Statistical Categories /h1> table classtable table-striped> thead> tr> th>Category Name/th> th>Data Field/th> th>Description/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> !-- Statistics Information goes here--> tr> td>Yds/Rushing Att/td> td>rushingYardsPerAttempt/td> td>Rushing Yards per Attempt. Minimum 6.25 rushes per game scheduled to qualify as leader.Minimum 750 rushes to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>2-pt. Conv. Made/td> td>twoPointConversionsMade/td> td>Two-Point Conversions Made/td> /tr> tr> td>Num/td> td>offensiveSnaps/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td>Rushing TD/td> td>rushingTouchdowns/td> td>Rushing Touchdowns/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumble Return Yds/td> td>fumbleRecoverYards/td> td>Yards recovered fumbles were returned/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumbles Lost/td> td>numberOfFumblesLost/td> td>Fumbles Lost by Player (since 1994) or Team/td> /tr> tr> td>Pass Attempts/td> td>passAttempts/td> td>Passes attempted/td> /tr> tr> td>Receptions/td> td>receptions/td> td>Receptions/td> /tr> tr> td>Passing TD/td> td>passingTouchdowns/td> td>Passing Touchdowns/td> /tr> tr> td>Punting Yds/td> td>puntYards/td> td>Total Punt Yardage/td> /tr> tr> td>Rushing Att/td> td>rushingAttempts/td> td>Rushing Attempts (sacks not included in NFL)/td> /tr> tr> td>Tackles For Loss/td> td>tacklesForLoss/td> td>Tackles For Loss, recorded for 95% of games from 1999-2007 and 100% since 2008/td> /tr> tr> td>Passes Defended/td> td>numPassesDefended/td> td>Passes defended by a defensive player, since 1999/td> /tr> tr> td>Sacked Yds Lost/td> td>numPassSackYards/td> td>Yards lost due to sacks (first recorded in 1969, player per game since 1981)/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumbles Forced/td> td>numberOfFumblesForced/td> td>Number of times forced a fumble by the opposition recovered by either team/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumble Return TD/td> td>fumbleRecoverTouchdowns/td> td>Fumbles recovered resulting in a touchdown for the recoverer/td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Pass Att/td> td>passingYardsPerAttempt/td> td>Yards gained per pass attempt . Minimum 14 attempts per scheduled game to qualify as leader.. Minimum 1500 pass attempts to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Reception/td> td>receivingYardsPerReception/td> td>Receiving Yards per Reception. Minimum 1.875 catches per game scheduled to qualify as leader.Minimum 200 receptions to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Kick Returns/td> td>kickReturns/td> td>Kickoff Returns/td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Punt Return/td> td>puntReturnYardsPerPunt/td> td>Yards per Punt Return</b>. Minimum 1.25 returns per game scheduled to qualify as leader.. Minimum 75 punt returns to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Interceptions/td> td>defensiveInterceptions/td> td>Passes intercepted on defense/td> /tr> tr> td>Adj Yds/Pass Att/td> td>adjustedPassingYardsPerAttempt/td> td>Adjusted Yards gained per pass attempt(Passing Yards + 20 * Passing TD - 45 * Interceptions) / (Passes Attempted)Minimum 14 attempts per scheduled game to qualify as leader.Minimum 1500 pass attempts to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Catch Pct/td> td>catchPercentage/td> td>Catch%, receptions divided by targets (since 1992)/td> /tr> tr> td>Punts Blocked/td> td>puntsBlocked/td> td>Times Punts Blocked/td> /tr> tr> td>Extra Point %/td> td>extraPointPct/td> td>Extra Point Percentage. (Extra Points Made)/(Extra Points Attempted). Minimum 1.5 attempts per game scheduled to be a leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Pct/td> td>defensiveSnapPct/td> td>Percentage of available defensive snaps taken for games in which this player appeared./td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Return Yds/td> td>puntReturnYards/td> td>Punts Return Yardage/td> /tr> tr> td>Receiving TD/td> td>receivingTouchdowns/td> td>Receiving Touchdowns/td> /tr> tr> td>Sacked /td> td>numPassesSacked/td> td>Times Sacked (first recorded in 1969, player per game since 1981)/td> /tr> tr> td>Kick Return Yds/td> td>kickReturnYards/td> td>Yardage for Kickoffs Returned/td> /tr> tr> td>Pct/td> td>offensiveSnapPct/td> td>Percentage of available offensive snaps taken for games in which this player appeared./td> /tr> tr> td>Passes Intercepted/td> td>passingInterceptions/td> td>Interceptions thrown/td> /tr> tr> td>Punts/td> td>numberOfPunts/td> td>Times Punted/td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Kick Return/td> td>kickReturnYardsPerReturn/td> td>Yards per Kickoff Return - Kick Return Yardage/Kickoff ReturnsMinimum one return per game scheduled to qualify as leader.Minimum 75 kick returns to qualify as career leader/td> /tr> tr> td>Field Goals Att/td> td>fieldGoalsAttempted/td> td>Field Goals Attempted/td> /tr> tr> td>Rushing Yds/td> td>rushingYards/td> td>Rushing Yards Gained (sack yardage is not included by NFL)/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumbles Recovered/td> td>numberFumblesRecovered/td> td>Fumbles recovered by a Player or Team. Original fumble by either team/td> /tr> tr> td>Pass Completion %/td> td>passCompletionPercentage/td> td>Percentage of Passes Completed. Minimum 14 attempts per scheduled game to qualify as leader.Minimum 1500 pass attempts to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Passer Rating/td> td>passerRating/td> td>Quarterback Rating, see glossary for details. Different ratings are used by the NFL and NCAA.Minimum 1500 pass attempts to qualify as career leader, minimum 150 pass attempts for playoffs leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Field Goal %/td> td>fieldGoalPercentage/td> td>Percentage of field goals made, 100*(FGM/FGA). Minimum 0.75 attempts per game scheduled to qualify as a leader.Minimum 100 FGA to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Targets/td> td>targets/td> td>Pass Targets (since 1992, derived from NFL play-by-play data)/td> /tr> tr> td>Total Field Goals Made/td> td>fieldGoalsMade/td> td>Total Field Goals Made/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Return TD/td> td>puntReturnTouchdowns/td> td>Punts Returned for Touchdown/td> /tr> tr> td>Pct/td> td>speicalTeamsSnapPct/td> td>Percentage of available special teams snaps taken for games in which this player appeared./td> /tr> tr> td>Tackles Solo/td> td>tacklesSolo/td> td>Tackles. Before 1994: unofficial and inconsistently recorded from team to team. For amusement only.. 1994-now: unofficial but consistently recorded.. /td> /tr> tr> td>Num/td> td>defensiveSnaps/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td>Num/td> td>specialTeamsSnaps/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Punt/td> td>puntYardsPerPunt/td> td>Yards per Punt</b>. Minimum one punt per game scheduled to qualify as leader.Minimum 250 punts to qualify as career leader./td> /tr> tr> td>Points Scored/td> td>totalPoints/td> td>Total points scored by all means/td> /tr> tr> td>Touchdowns/td> td>allTouchdowns/td> td>Touchdowns of every type/td> /tr> tr> td>Safeties/td> td>safetiesMade/td> td>Safeties scored by player/team/td> /tr> tr> td>Passing Yds/td> td>passingYards/td> td>Yards Gained by Passing. For teams, sack yardage is deducted from this total/td> /tr> tr> td>Receiving Yds/td> td>receivingYards/td> td>Receiving Yards/td> /tr> tr> td>Fumbles/td> td>numberOfFumbles/td> td>Number of times fumbled both lost and recovered by own teamThese represent ALL fumbles by the player on offense, defense, and special teams.Available for player games since 1990./td> /tr> tr> td>Passes Completed/td> td>passCompletions/td> td>Passes completed/td> /tr> tr> td>QB Hits/td> td>qbHits/td> td>Quarterback hits, recorded since 2006/td> /tr> tr> td>Intercept. Ret. Yds/td> td>defensiveInterceptionYards/td> td>Yards interceptions were returned/td> /tr> tr> td>Extra Pt Att/td> td>extraPointsAttempted/td> td>Extra Points Attempted/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Returns/td> td>puntReturns/td> td>Punts Returned/td> /tr> tr> td>Kick Return TD/td> td>kickReturnTouchdowns/td> td>Kickoffs Returned for a touchdown/td> /tr> tr> td>Intercept. Ret. TD/td> td>defensiveInterceptionTouchdowns/td> td>Interceptions returned for touchdowns/td> /tr> tr> td>Yds/Target/td> td>receivingYardsPerTarget/td> td>Receiving Yards per Target (target numbers since 1992)/td> /tr> tr> td>Assists/td> td>tacklesAssisted/td> td>Assists on tackles. Before 1994: combined with solo tackles. 1994-now: unofficial, but consistently recorded. /td> /tr> tr> td>Extra Pt Made/td> td>extraPointsMade/td> td>Extra Points Made/td> /tr> tr> td>Sacks/td> td>numSacks/td> td>Sacks (official since 1982,based on play-by-play, game filmand other research since 1960)/td> /tr> tr> td>Tackles Combined/td> td>tacklesCombined/td> td>Tackles Combined solo + assisted tackles Prior to 1994, all tackles are put into 'combined', though they are unofficial and inconsistently recorded from team to team. For amusement only./td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Net Yds/Punt/td> td>puntNetYardsPerPunt/td> td>Punt Net Yards per Punt. Includes blocked punts/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt In 20 %/td> td>puntsInside20Pct/td> td>Percentage of punts downed inside opponent's 20 yard line/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt TB/td> td>puntTouchbacks/td> td>Punts resulting in a touchback/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Touchback %/td> td>puntTouchbackPercent/td> td>Percentage of punts resulting in a touchback/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt Net Yds/td> td>puntNetYards/td> td>Punt Net Yards, punt yards - opp. punt return yards - 20 * touchbacks/td> /tr> tr> td>opp Punt Return Yds/td> td>puntReturnYardsByOpponent/td> td>Punts Return Yardage by opposition/td> /tr> tr> td>Punt In 20/td> td>puntsInside20/td> td>Punts inside opponent's 20 yard line/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div classcol-lg-7 mx-auto endpoints-container idendpoints> h1 classdisplay-5 fw-bold text-body-emphasis> Available Endpoints /h1> div idaccordion> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-4 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-4 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Team Schedule/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-4 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetTeamSchedule /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> Gets the schedule of a Team in a given season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-5 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-5 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >League Standings/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-5 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetNflStandings /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> Gets the Standings of all NFL Teams in a given season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-6 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-6 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Conference Standings/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-6 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetConferenceStandings /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> Gets the Standings of all NFL Teams in a given Conference in a given season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-7 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-7 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Division Standings/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-7 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDivisionStandings /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> Gets the Standings of all NFL Teams in a given Conference & Division in a given season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-8 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-8 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Team Standings/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-8 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetTeamStandings /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> Gets the Standings of a team in a given season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-9 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-9 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories in a Season for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-9 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesAllTeamsInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season. Returns a row for each team that played in that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-10 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-10 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories in a Week for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-10 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesAllTeamsInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season & week. Returns a row for each team that played in that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-11 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-11 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Player All Time/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-11 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForPlayerAllTime /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for player during their entire career. Returns a single row that is their career stats. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-12 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-12 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Player In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-12 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForPlayerInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for player during the given season. Returns a single row for each team they played for in the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-13 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-13 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Player In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-13 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForPlayerInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for player during the given season & week. Returns a single row for their stats during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-14 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-14 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Player With a Team/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-14 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForPlayerWithTeam /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for player during their time playing for a given team. Returns a single row for their stats during with that team. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-15 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-15 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Team In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-15 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForTeamInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for the given team in the given season. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-16 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-16 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Team In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-16 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesForTeamInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories for the given team in the given season & week. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-17 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-17 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-17 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-18 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-18 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >All Statistical Categories for a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-18 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetAllStatCategoriesInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets all statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season & week. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-19 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-19 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories in a Season for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-19 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesAllTeamsInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season. Returns a row for each team that played in that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-20 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-20 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories in a Week for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-20 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesAllTeamsInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season & week. Returns a row for each team that played in that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-21 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-21 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Player All Time/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-21 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerAllTime /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for player during their entire career. Returns a single row that is their career stats. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-22 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-22 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Player In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-22 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for player during the given season. Returns a single row for each team they played for in the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-23 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-23 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Player In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-23 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for player during the given season & week. Returns a single row for their stats during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-24 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-24 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Player With a Team/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-24 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerWithTeam /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for player during their time playing for a given team. Returns a single row for their stats during with that team. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-25 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-25 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Team In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-25 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForTeamInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for the given team in the given season. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-26 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-26 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Team In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-26 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesForTeamInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories for the given team in the given season & week. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-27 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-27 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-27 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-28 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-28 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Defensive Statistical Categories for a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-28 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetDefensiveStatCategoriesInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Defensive statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season & week. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-29 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-29 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories in a Season for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-29 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesAllTeamsInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season. Returns a row for each team that played in that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-30 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-30 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories in a Week for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-30 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesAllTeamsInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season & week. Returns a row for each team that played in that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-31 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-31 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Player All Time/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-31 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerAllTime /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for player during their entire career. Returns a single row that is their career stats. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-32 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-32 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Player In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-32 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for player during the given season. Returns a single row for each team they played for in the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-33 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-33 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Player In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-33 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for player during the given season & week. Returns a single row for their stats during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-34 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-34 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Player With a Team/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-34 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForPlayerWithTeam /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for player during their time playing for a given team. Returns a single row for their stats during with that team. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-35 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-35 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Team In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-35 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForTeamInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for the given team in the given season. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-36 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-36 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Team In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-36 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesForTeamInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories for the given team in the given season & week. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-37 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-37 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-37 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-38 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-38 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Offensive Statistical Categories for a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-38 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetOffensiveStatCategoriesInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Offensive statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season & week. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-39 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-39 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories in a Season for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-39 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesAllTeamsInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season. Returns a row for each team that played in that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-40 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-40 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories in a Week for All Teams/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-40 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesAllTeamsInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories agreggated by Team for the given season & week. Returns a row for each team that played in that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-41 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-41 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Player All Time/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-41 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForPlayerAllTime /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for player during their entire career. Returns a single row that is their career stats. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-42 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-42 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Player In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-42 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForPlayerInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for player during the given season. Returns a single row for each team they played for in the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-43 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-43 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Player In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-43 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForPlayerInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for player during the given season & week. Returns a single row for their stats during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-44 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-44 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Player With a Team/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-44 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForPlayerWithTeam /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for player during their time playing for a given team. Returns a single row for their stats during with that team. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-45 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-45 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Team In a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-45 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForTeamInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for the given team in the given season. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-46 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-46 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Team In a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-46 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesForTeamInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories for the given team in the given season & week. Returns a single row for the stats for that team during the week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-47 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-47 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Season/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-47 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesInSeason /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that season. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard> div classcard-header idheading-48 > h5 classmb-0> button classbtn btnCollapse data-togglecollape data-target#collapse-48 onclickhandleCollapse(this); >Special Teams Statistical Categories for a Week/button> /h5> /div> div idcollapse-48 classcollapse data-parent#accordion > div classcard-body> div classcontainer d-flex> div classendpoint-definition col-lg-4> p classendpoint-label>Endpoint/p> /GetSpecialTeamsStatCategoriesInWeek /div> !-- div classendpoint-params col-lg-4> p classparams-label>Parameters/p> ul classparam-list> li classparam-item> Param 1: teamName /li> li classparam-item> Param 2: year /li> /ul> /div> --> div classdescription col-lg-4> p classdescription-label>Description/p> This gets Special Teams statistical categories aggregated from all players in the given season & week. Returns a single for the stats for the league during that week. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /body> !-- script srcnode_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js>/script> script srcnode_modules/@popperjs/core/dist/cjs/popper.js>/script> script srcnode_modules/bootstrap/js/src/util/index.js>/script> script srcnode_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js>/script> script srcnode_modules/bootstrap/js/dist/collapse.js>/script> script srcindex.js>/script> --> script src/scripts/jquery.js>/script> script src/scripts/bootstrap.js>/script> script src/scripts/index.js>/script>/html>
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