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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 40846Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 10:25:20 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 02 Jul 2020 19:41:40 GMTETag: 9f8e-5a97a98efd686Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>meta HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html; charsetutf-8>meta NAMEGENERATOR CONTENTMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>meta NAMEProgId CONTENTFrontPage.Editor.Document>link relstylesheet typetext/css href>title>Newton Dialogues On Peace And War/title>script typetext/javascript src>/script>meta nameMicrosoft Border contenttb, default>/head>body>!--msnavigation-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>td>p>script LANGUAGEJavaScript SRC>/script>/p>center>table STYLEborder-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid; border-width: 0; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 2; padding-bottom: 1; background-color: #CCCC99 BORDERCOLOR#000000 CELLPADDING2 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH100% HEIGHT54> tr> td ROWSPAN3 WIDTH5 HEIGHT50> img BORDER0 SRCimagesND/NDPWlogoFresh2.gif ALIGNleft STYLEborder: 0px outset #1188BB CLASSnf WIDTH100 HEIGHT99>/td> td HEIGHT3 COLSPAN2>/td> td ROWSPAN3 HEIGHT50> table BORDER0 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH100% IDAutoNumber5 STYLEborder-collapse: collapse BORDERCOLOR#008080 CELLPADDING0 BGCOLOR#CCCC99> tr> td WIDTH10% >center> div idcostOfWar> !-- Here is where the Cost of War Counter Goes --> div idcostOfWarAf> script languageJavaScript> initCostOfAf(); updateCostOfAf(1000); /script> /div> div idcostOfWarIraq> script languageJavaScript> initCostOfIraq(); updateCostOfIraq(1000); /script> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> div idcostOfWarTotal> script languageJavaScript> initCostOfTotal(); updateCostOfTotal(1000); /script> /div> !-- END Cost of War Counter --> /div> div IDfontsizeBox STYLEdisplay: block;> b>font SIZE4>Fontsize/font>/b>: a CLASSfs fs11 HREF# ONCLICK;changeFontSize( 11,p); STYLEfont-size: 12px; TITLEnormal> A/a> a CLASSfs fs14 HREF# ONCLICKchangeFontSize( 14,p) ; STYLEfont-size: 17px; TITLElarge> A/a> a CLASSfs fs17 HREF# ONCLICKchangeFontSize ( 17,p); STYLEfont-size: 17px; TITLEvery large>A/a> /div> /center>/td> td stylewidth:8%;> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td STYLE height:66; align:right;> div STYLE width: 100%; height: 80%; top: 0px; left: 0px; > span STYLEletter-spacing: -1pt; font-size:26pt; color:#006699; font-family:Times New Roman; >Newton Dialogues on Peace and War/span> div STYLEposition: relative; height:30px; width:100%; bottom:0px> !-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> form IDsearchbox_013058547160726249787:mslgxicrgxm ACTION> input TYPEhidden NAMEcx VALUE013058547160726249787:mslgxicrgxm> p>input NAMEq TYPEtext SIZE40> input TYPEsubmit NAMEsa VALUESearch> input TYPEhidden NAMEcof VALUEFORID:11>/p> div STYLEposition:relative; left:0; float:left; width:100%;> span STYLE font-size:12pt; color:#006699; font-family:arial, HELVETICA; > Search Our Site/span>/div> /form> p> script TYPEtext/javascript SRC>/script> !-- Google CSE Search Box Ends -->/div> /div> /td> /tr>/table>/center>p styletext-align: center;width: 80%; margin-left: 10%;>!--a href target_BLANK>Download The History of Newton Dialogues on Peace and War /a>-->The History of Newton Dialogues consists of two parts - a main document and an Appendix. We have broken the original very large document into two files for convenience./p>p stylefont-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; color: crimson; text-align: justify; width: 80%; margin-left: 10%;>The first part of the History is in a file named b>em>“History of Newton Dialogues - part 1.pdf”/em>/b>. It is a 6 MByte PDF file. You can download it by a href target_BLANK >clicking here./a>/b> If your system is set up properly, the document will automatically open in Adobe Reader. You will be able to read it or print it./p>p stylefont-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; color: crimson; text-align: justify; width: 80%; margin-left: 10%;>The APPENDIX is VERY LARGE (304 Mbytes)PDF file which will take several minutes to download. You can download the Appendix by a href target_BLANK > clicking here /a>(APPENDIX - file name is b>em>“History of Newton Dialogues - Appendix.pdf”/em>/b>).When you click on the link to download the APPENDIX a b>new window or tab will open in your browser/b>. Click on the b>Download anyway/b> button in the new browser tab to complete the />/p>/a>/p>table STYLEborder-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid; border-width: 0; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 2; padding-bottom: 1; background-color: #EEEEEE BORDERCOLOR#000000 CELLPADDING2 WIDTH100% CELLSPACING0> tr> td> table BORDER1 CELLSPACING1 WIDTH100% IDAutoNumber9> tr> td WIDTH100%> table BORDER0 CELLSPACING1 IDAutoNumber10 WIDTH100%> tr> td> p ALIGNcenter>b> font COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana SIZE2>Links to Features of Our Site/font>/b>/td> /tr> noscript> TD> DIV ALIGNcenter> SPAN STYLEfont-weight: 700; text-transform: capitalize> FONT COLOR#FF0000 FACEVerdana SIZE1> A HREF>Home/A> | A HREF_DeclarationOfMoralOutrage.htm>Declaration of Moral Outrage/A> | A HREFalternativeViews.htm>Alternative Views Newspaper/A> | A HREF_UpcomingEvents.htm>Upcoming Events/A> | A HREF_PeaceAndWar.htm>Peace and War/A> | A HREF_OtherSites.htm> Other Sites of Interest/A> | A HREF_MissionStatement.htm>Mission Statement/A> | A HREF_Speeches.htm>Speeches/A> | A HREF_Articles.htm>Articles/A> | A HREF_Search.htm>Search/A>| A HREF_Feedback.htm>Feedback/A>/FONT>/SPAN> /TD> /noscript> tr> td STYLEpadding-left: 4; padding-top: 1; padding-bottom: 1 ROWSPAN2 ALIGNcenter> table BORDER1 CELLSPACING1 WIDTH100% IDAutoNumber11 CELLPADDING2 STYLEborder-collapse: collapse BORDERCOLOR#FFFFFF> tr> !-- td classlnk onClickloadNewPage(index.html) onMouseOutthis.bgColor#1188BB; onMouseOverthis.bgColorred; width20% aligncenter bgcolor#1188BB> font color#FFFFFF size2>Home/font>/td>--> script TYPEtext/javascript LANGUAGEJavaScript> //!--newButton(Home,index.html); newButton(AlternativeViews,alternativeViews.htm); newButton(>>> Site Search ,_Search.htm); newButton(Upcoming Events,_UpcomingEvents.htm); newButton(Peace and War,_PeaceAndWar.htm); // --> /script> /tr> tr> script TYPEtext/javascript LANGUAGEJavaScript> //!-- newButton(Other Sites,_OtherSites.htm); newButton(Mission Statement,_MissionStatement.htm); newButton(Speeches,_Speeches.htm); newButton(Articles,_Articles.htm); newButton(Feedback,_Feedback.htm); // -->/script> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>!--msnavigation-->/table>!--msnavigation-->table dirltr border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>!--msnavigation-->td valigntop>table IDndpw_main STYLE border-left-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-top-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; padding-left: 1; padding-right: 1; padding-top: 2; padding-bottom: 1; border-collapse:collapse BORDERCOLOR#111111 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0> tr> td VALIGNtop IDtd_left_column> div IDleftColumn> !--webbot BOTInclude U-INCLUDE_Newton_dialogues_BoilerPlate.htm TAGBODY startspan -->TABLE BORDER0 CELLPADDING6 CELLSPACING2 IDtable_BoilerPlate STYLEwidth:100px; border-collapse: collapse; text-align:right; margin-left:0; margin-right:5 ; border-color:#111111;> TR> TD STYLE padding-left: 4; padding-top: 1; padding-bottom: 1 ALIGNleft> P ALIGNright>SPAN STYLECOLOR:#0000FF>I>Newton Dialogues on Peace and War/I>/SPAN> was formed shortly after the September 11 attacks. We are a group of Newton citizens, united by shared concerns about the current crisis and by a sense of urgency about the many issues facing our country as a result of these attacks. /SPAN>BR> IMG BORDER0 SRCimagesND/blueSpinningEarth.gif CLASSnf WIDTH50 HEIGHT46> SPAN STYLEfont-style: italic>We/SPAN> believe that STRONG>"The United States needs a new direction"./STRONG> While we acknowledge that there are no simple answers to the problems that confront our nation and the rest of the world, Newton Dialogues urges a new direction for the United States. /P> P ALIGNright>A HREF_MissionStatement.htm>Click Here/A> to see our full Mission Statement./P> HR NOSHADE COLOR#000000 WIDTH80%>/TD> /TR> TR> TD BGCOLOR#FFFFCE STYLEborder-style: solid; border-width: 2> DIV STYLEfont-size: .6em STYLEfont-size:8pt; ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize11pt; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize8pt;> SPAN ALIGNright>STRONG>Get InvolvedBR> /STRONG>Newton Dialogues has a number of committees working on a variety of initiatives and upcoming events including speakers, film showings, our web site, Alternative Views newspaper, taking actions against military recruiting, distributing literature and information about the war and its domestic impact, etc. If you are feeling that you want to move from the sidelines to a somewhat more active role (and even better, if you have an idea for a group action that you would like to I>be involved/I> in), pleaseEM> /EM>B> SPAN STYLECOLOR:#000000;font-size: x-small; font-style: italic>EM>contact us/EM>/SPAN>/B> at A - get involved>> and let us know. /SPAN> /DIV> /TD> /TR> TR STYLEpadding-left: 4; padding-top: 1; padding-bottom: 1> TD> DIV STYLEfont-size: .6em ; overflow:visible; ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize11pt; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize8pt;> SPAN ALIGNright>STRONG>A NAMEarticlesMailList>/A>/STRONG> STRONG>Articles email list: /STRONG>Newton Dialogues has started a new email list for sharing articles about the War in Iraq and related issues. If you wish to subscribe simply send an email to SPAN STYLEfont-size:8pt>ndpw-articles-subscribe@BR>>. For those who are afraid of being overwhelmed by emails, we expect to be sending only one or two articles per week./SPAN> /DIV> /TD> /TR>/TABLE>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum54004 endspan -->/div> /td> td IDtd_main_content VALIGNtop> div IDmainContent> a NAMETOP>/a> !--webbot BOTInclude U-Include_MainContent.htm TAGBODY startspan -->div STYLEborder: 1px solid gray; width:96%; position:relative; left:2%> table CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 STYLE border-width:0px; border-color:#000000; WIDTH100%> !-- tr> td onmouseoverthis.T_WIDTH200;return escape(<p align\justify\> <b>COMING SOON!!)> /td> /tr>--> tr> td IDtd_announcements> div> div IDd_vigil STYLEborder: 4px solid; > TABLE WIDTH100% BORDER0 CELLPADDING3 CELLSPACING10 BORDERCOLOR#111111 STYLEborder-collapse: collapse> TR> TD WIDTH95% STYLEborder-width: 2> DIV> DIV STYLEwidth:255px; float:right; text-align:center;> IMG CLASSnf SRCimagesND/vigil3000.jpg WIDTH250 HEIGHT154> Photo by Ellen Shub /DIV> P ALIGNjustify>BIG> Join our Weekly Vigil - /BIG>Still being held STRONG>every Thursday, 5 to/STRONG>STRONG> 6/STRONG>STRONG> p.m., /STRONG>corner of Beacon and Center Streets, Newton Center. We continue to bear witness to the wrongs that are being done, both at home and abroad, in our name. It is more important than ever to express dissent in a public way. STRONG>Please join/STRONG>STRONG> us/STRONG>./P> P ALIGNjustify>This vigil has been held every Thursday since July 11, 2002./P> /DIV> /TD> /TR>/TABLE>/div> div> center>div ideventTitleShort stylevisibility: hidden classeventTitle>!-- a name2008_06_24_07_30_Guantanamo_Into_the_7th_year> /a> --> 2008_06_24_07_30_Guantanamo_Into_the_7th_year/div>center>table classevt> tr idevtPart1> td classannHead alignjustify>!--p stylemargin-top: 0pt; font-size: 11px;>big>span iddayText>TUE/span>SDAY, JUNE span iddateNumber>24/span>, span idtheHour>7/span>:30 span idtheAMPM>P.M./span>span styledisplay: none; idisEnd> - /span>span styledisplay: none; idtheFinishHour>9:/span>span styledisplay: none; idtheFinishMinute>00/span>span styledisplay: none; idtheFinishAMPM> P.M./span> /big>strong>span idtheMainHead>/span>/strong> span stylefont-size: 12pt; color: black; idtheEventDetails0>b> font colorblack faceVerdana size4> span stylebackground-color: #FFFF00; font-weight:bold; font-size:14pt; color:black> GUANTANAMO: Into the 7th Year/span>/font>/b>/span>/p>--> p stylemargin-top: 0pt; font-size: 11px; text-align: center;>big> Help collect signatures for Newton Dialogues Petition for a 25% Cut in the Military Budget./big>/P> p>Signatures are being collected at the Library, The Farmers Market, and other sites. Its fun; its easy. People are friendly and understand the importance of the issue. The military budget is impoverishing our country and diverting badly needed funds for urgent human needs. Please help./p> p>Contact Jerry Manning at a> /a> or 1-617-548-5264 for information on how you can participate. /p> p styletext-align:center >You can download the petition and print it at home from:BR /> a href>> /p> p styletext-align:center > Alternatively, you may read and sign the petition span styletext-weight: bold;>ONLINE/span> at br />a href> /a>br /> and urge your friends, relatives, and associates to sign it too!/p> /td> /tr>!--tr idevtPart2 nameevtPart2 classannbody onmouseoverthis.classNameannBodyOver; onmouseoutthis.classNameannBody;> td> div> Local Attorneys Doris Tennant and Ellen Lubell, representing (on a pro bono basis) a detainee at the Guantanamo' Detention Center will will speak about their experiences, ongoing legal issues, and the threat to all our civil liberties.p>Donations to defray the substantial expenses associated with this work will be accepted at the> br> For more information about the representation of prisoners at Guantanamo see the websites of the The Center for Constitutional Rights, which is coordinating the efforts of all Guantanamo counsel, at a target_blank href>> and a target_blank href>> about the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the "War on Terror." /p> div> span idstrWhere>At Newton Main Library, Druker Auditorium, Newton/span>span styledisplay: inline; idthisMapLink>(a target_blank href,+Newton,+MA&sll42.337151,-71.207843&sspn0.014212,0.033603&layer&ieUTF8&z16&ll42.337151,-71.207843&spn0.007106,0.023839&om1&iwlocaddr> Click for Map/a>)/span> /div> /div> /span>/td> /tr>-->/table>/center>/center> div> /div>/div> div> div aligncenter> table> tr> td height20 colspan2 aligncenter> p>NewTV video of Ceremony marking the passage of the Aldermens Iraq Resolution/p> /td> /tr> tr> td > div >a namevideo_display>/a> div aligncenter styledisplay:block; idvideo_thumb >a href#video_display onclickdocument.getElementById(ytvideo1).style.displayblock; document.getElementById(video_thumb).style.displaynone;> img classnf srcimagesND/2008_02.jpg width122 height100>/div> div aligncenter idytvideo1 styledisplay:none;>object > param namemovie value> /param> param namewmode valuetransparent> /param> embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash wmodetransparent width425 height355> /embed> /object> /div>p stylemargin-top: 2px; text-align: center;> click on image to see video window - then click on img classnf border0 srcimagesND/2008_03.jpg width37 height21> button/p>/div> /td> td> p stylemargin:15% ; text-align:center>a href__announcements/NDPWEvents/NewtonBoardOfAldermenIraqResolution.pdf>Click here for Downloadable file with Newton Board Of Aldermen Iraq Resolution (Adobe Reader - PDF Format)/a>/div> /p> /td> /tr> /table>/div>/div> div> center>div ideventTitleShort stylevisibility: hidden classeventTitle> a name2007_01_09_07_30_Newton_Dialogues_on_Peace_and_War_Supports_the_Appeal_for_Re> /a>2007_01_09_07_30_Newton_Dialogues_on_Peace_and_War_Supports_the_Appeal_for_Re/div>table classevt> tr idevtPart1> td classannHead alignjustify> p stylemargin-top: 0pt; font-size: 12px;>span idtheMainHead> big>Newton Dialogues on Peace and War Supports the "Appeal for Redress",/big>/span> em>span idsecondHead>a petition to Congress from active duty service men and women to withdraw our armed forces and bases from Iraq./span> /em>/p> /td> /tr> tr idevtPart2 nameevtPart2 classannBody onmouseoverthis.classNameannBodyOver; onmouseoutthis.classNameannBody;> td> div> span idtheEventDetails>The petition reads:br> i>As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home/i> span idAppealForRedress> span onclicktoggleDisplay(this) classhideShowClick>Click Here for More.../span> div idAppealForRedress_theArea classhideShowArea> A group from the Appeal will publicly present their petition and active duty signatures to members of Congress on Monday, January 17 at 3:30pm. A good way to support them would be for each of us to let our congressman and senators know that we'd like them to support the Appeal by being present January 17. Calls to their office are most effective and emails are also useful. Contact information is below. It takes just a few minutes; please do it> ul> li>Senator Ted Kennedy: (202) 224-4543 a href title>>/li> li>Senator John Kerry: (202) 224-2742 a href title>>/li> li>Cong. Barney Frank: (202) 225-5931 a href title>>/li> /ul> Here's a sample message that you might send:br> i>I urge you to publicly declare your support of the Appeal for Redress, a petition from active duty service men and women for the US to withdraw from Iraq. I'd especially appreciate it if you'd participate in the presentation to Congress of their signatures at 3:30pm January 17, on the Independence Avenue steps of the Rayburn Office Building./i>br> More information about this effort (including making a donation) can be found at a href title>>. span styledisplay: none; idthisMapLink>(a target_blank href,+Newton,+MA>Click for Map/a>)/span>/div> /span>/span>/div> /td> /tr>/table>/center>/div> p STYLEtext-align:center;>a HREF_UpcomingEvents.htm>Additional Announcements of Upcoming Events of Interest/a>/p>/div>/div>p> /td> /tr> tr> td IDtd_otherStuff> div aligncenter> center> table classevt> tr idevtPart1> td classannHead alignjustify> p styleMARGIN-TOP: 0pt; FONT-SIZE: 12px>big>span iddayText> Information about Cuba./span> strong> span idtheMainHead> /span>/strong>/big>/td>/p> /tr> tr idevtPart2 nameevtPart2 classannBody onmouseoverthis.classNameannBodyOver; onmouseoutthis.classNameannBody;> td> div> span idtheEventDetails> a href>Repository of information/a> about Cuba with links to websites and downloadable articles (in PDF format)./span> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>div aligncenter> center> table classevt> tr idevtPart1> td classannHead alignjustify> p styleMARGIN-TOP: 0pt; FONT-SIZE: 12px>big>span iddayText> Amnesty International Activities/span> strong> span idtheMainHead>/span>/strong>/big>/p> /td> p>/p> /tr> tr idevtPart2 nameevtPart2 classannBody onmouseoverthis.classNameannBodyOver; onmouseoutthis.classNameannBody;> td> div> span idtheEventDetails> span stylefont-size: 1.5em;>Denounce Torture: Stop it now!/span> table stylewidth:100%> caption alignbottom styletext-align: center>Corridor at the Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. ©AFP. /caption> tr> td styletext-align: center> a href> img altDenounce Torture: Stop it now! srcimagesND/ag_prison_sm.jpg classnf stylewidth:150; height:125;; WIDTH300 HEIGHT125>/a> /td> /tr> /table> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 ;text-align:center> a href>Sign the Petition >/a> /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 ;text-align:center>Denounce Torture: a href>Full Coverage >/a>. br> /p> /span>/div> /td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>table>tbody>tr>td> a href> img classnf border0 srcimagesND/rss.gif width18 height18>Click Here/a> for an RSS Feed to your Browser/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> /td> /tr> tr> td> hr NOSHADE COLOR#000000 WIDTH90%>/td> /tr> /table>/div>!--SCRIPT TYPEtext/javascript SRCscripts/wz_tooltip.js>/SCRIPT>-->p>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum64212 endspan -->/div> /td> td IDtd_new_content CLASSnewbar VALIGN top> div STYLEmargin-top:0;> !--webbot BOTInclude U-INCLUDE_New_content_has_been_added.htm TAGBODY startspan -->table IDAutoNumber9 BORDERCOLOR#111111 CELLPADDING3 CELLSPACING0 BORDER0> tr> td> p>font COLOR#FF5050>b>NEW CONTENT has been added recently:/b>/font> font COLOR#FF5050>b>Always check the Upcoming Events section for new Events listings/b>/font>/p> div STYLEborder-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; background-color: #FFFF00> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>a HREF_articles/Bush_Says_%20US_Pullout_Would_Let_Iraq.htm>Washington Post Article: Bush Says U.S. Pullout Would Let Iraq Radicals Use Oil as a Weapon /a>The During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, President Bush and his aides sternly dismissed suggestions that the war was all about oil. "Nonsense," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld declared. "This is not about that," said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.Now, more than 3 1/2 years later, someone else is asserting that the war is about oil -- President Bush. /div> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> Doug McIntyre, a i>conservative/i> talk show host wrote "/a>a HREF_articles/DougMcIntyreApology.htm>An Apology from a Bush Voter/a>". span IDtheArticleBody>I was wrong to have voted for George W. Bush. In historic terms, I believe George W. Bush is the worst two-term President in the history of the country .../div> /span> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>Seymore Hershs article "/i>i>a HREF_articles/SeymoreHershIranPlans.htm>The Iran Plans/a>", describing the Administrations plans for bombing Iran with tactical nuclear weapons has been added to the "Articles" section../i>/div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>"a HREF_articles/FindingAPlaceFor911InAmericanHistory2.htm>Finding a Place in American History for 9/11" /a>by Joseph J. Ellis recently appeared as an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times./div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>The text of "/i>i>a HREFSpeeches/2006_02_24BillMoyers.htm>Restoring the Public Trust/a>font COLOR#FF5050>", a speech by Bill Moyers./font>/i>font COLOR#FF5050>/div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>"a HREF_articles/FindingAPlaceFor911InAmericanHistory2.htm>Finding a Place in American History for 9/11" /a>by Joseph J. Ellis recently appeared as an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times./i>/font>/div> font COLOR#FF5050> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> i>"A time comes when silence is betrayal." That time has come for us in relation to Vietnam./i> a HREFSpeeches/MLKingRiverside.htm>Beyond Vietnami>, Dr. Martin Luther King, Speech at Riverside Church, April, 1967./i>/a>/div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> "/font>i>font COLOR#FF5050>span STYLEfont-weight: 400; font-style: italic>The war against Iraq, the assault on its people, the occupation of its cities, will come to an end, sooner or later. The process has already begun. The first signs of mutiny are appearing in Congress./span>"i> a HREF_articles/HowardZinnAfterTheWar.htm>After the War, /i>Howard Zinn span STYLEfont-weight: 400>in span STYLEfont-weight: 400; font-style: italic>The Progressive/span>/a>/div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> Newton Dialogues has started an email list for sharing articles about the War in Iraq and related issues. a HREF#articlesMailList>Click Here/a> for more information. /span> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> a HREF#AmnestyInternational>Click Here/a> for information on Amnesty Internationals activities calling for an end to torture and for an investigation into abuses at the Guantanamo "detention facility". span>/span> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> A new book font FACETimes New Roman STYLEfont-size: 1em>b>i>A Civil Republic: Beyond Capitalism and Nationalism/i>/b> /font>by b> span STYLEfont-size: 1em>Sev Bruyn/span>/b>, emeritus professor in the Department of Sociology at Boston College and an active member of Newton Dialogues a TARGET_blank HREFACivilReplublicSevBruyn.htm>Click Here/a>./font>/div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> span CLASSa3>An article examining the Civilian Death Toll in Iraq and why Americans have been kept misinformed about civilian casualties in the war, (inspired by the study published in the Lancet and presented at the Newton Dialogues Monthly meeting by /span>Dr. Les Robertsspan CLASSa3>, one the authors of the Lancet study) has been added to the a HREF_PeaceAndWar.htm#IraqiCivilianDeaths>Peace And War/a> section. /span> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> A moving statement about "heroism" and "cowardice" by i>b>Sgt. Camilo Mejia/b>, /i>who became a conscientious objector after serving a tour of duty in Iraqspan CLASSa3> was added to the a HREF_PeaceAndWar.htm#HeroAndCoward>Peace and War/a> section. /span> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> Rep. Ed Markey has introduced a bill in Congress to ban the practice of "outsourcing torture" to other countries. The text of his Press Release on this bill has been added to the span CLASSa3> a HREF_PeaceAndWar.htm#MarkeyOutsourcingTorture>Peace and War/a> section. /span>/font> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em";> /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em; display:none; CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em"; COLOR#FF5050> A link to a short but powerful movie by the American Friends Service Committee has been added to this page. a HREFindex-old1.htm#AFSCMovie>Click Here/a> to see more. /div> div STYLEfont-size: .6em CLASSnewContent ONMOUSEOVERstyle.fontSize".9em"; ONMOUSEOUTstyle.fontSize".7em"; COLOR#FF5050> strong>U.S. & Coalition Casualties/strong> a TARGET_blank HREF>Click Here/a> for the latest figures from CNN. /div> /span>/i>/i>/i>/td> /tr>/table>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum31517 endspan -->/div>/td> /td> /tr>/table>center>table STYLEborder-collapse: collapse; border-left-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-top-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 2; padding-bottom: 1 BORDERCOLOR#111111 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH90%> tr> td IDtd_teasers WIDTH90%> div IDteasers> !--webbot BOTInclude U-INCLUDETeasers.htm TAGBODY startspan -->div aligncenter> center>table border0 cellspacing0 width90% idAutoNumber2 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 cellpadding0> tr> td width100%> p alignjustify> img border0 srcimagesND/GirlSmoke.jpg hspace3 onDblClickdoSomething2(); alignleft width144 height104>●A one hour film strong>Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the War in Iraq/strong> is available in DVD or VHS to borrow on DVD or VHS. a hrefUncovered.htm> Click Here/a> for more details on borrowing the film. a target_blank hrefarchives/UncoveredPoster.htm>Click Here/a> to see the movie poster. /p> /td> /tr>/table>/center>/div>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum10971 endspan -->/div> /td> /tr>/table>/center>table> tr> td> p ALIGNjustify STYLEmargin-top: 6; margin-bottom: 6>b> a NAMEContactInfo>/a>Contact Information/b>br /> b>Email/b>: Send an email to a webcontact>> (OR a HREF_Feedback.htm>Click Here/a> to contact us without using email) to find out more about our group or to ask to be placed on our email list which is used to distribute information about local peace /> b>Mail/b>: Newton Dialogues, !--webbot BOTSubstitution S-VARIABLECompanyAddress startspan -->strong>CompanyAddress/strong>!--webbot botSubstitution i-checksum6366 endspan -->.br /> b>Webmaster/b>: Send email to a>> (or if your browser is configured to send email a>Click Here/a> .br /> b>General Feedback/b>: a HREF_Feedback.htm>Click Here/a> to send us a note without using email. /p> /td> /tr> tr> td WIDTH100% IDtd_visitsAndTopLink> !--webbot BOTInclude U-INCLUDEvisitsAndToplink.htm TAGBODY startspan -->table width100% styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tbody> tr> td width50%> div styledisplay:none> img classnf src/cgi-bin/counter.gif?VISIBLE stylewidth: 45; border-width: 0 height45 alignbottom /> /div> !-- Start of StatCounter Code --> script typetext/javascript languagejavascript>var sc_project460938; var sc_partition2; /script> script typetext/javascript languagejavascript src> /script> noscript> a href target_blank> img src altbest tracker border0 /> /a>/noscript> !-- End of StatCounter Code -->span stylevertical-align: middle> font stylefont-size: 11pt; font-weight: 700> !-- End of StatCounter Code -->Visits/font>font size2> /font> /span>/td> td width50% alignright> a href#TOP>Top/a>/td> /tr>/tbody>/table>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum2493 endspan -->/td> /tr>/table>!--msnavigation-->/td>/tr>!--msnavigation-->/table>!--msnavigation-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>td>table BORDER0 CELLSPACING1 WIDTH100% IDAutoNumber3> tr> td WIDTH100% HEIGHT24> p ALIGNcenter> span STYLEfont-weight: 700; text-transform: capitalize> font COLOR#FF0000 FACEVerdana SIZE1> a HREF>Home/a> | a HREF_DeclarationOfMoralOutrage.htm>Declaration of Moral Outrage/a> | !-- a href../_AlternativeViews.htm>Alternative Views Newspaper/a> | --> a HREF_Articles.htm>Articles/a> | a HREF_UpcomingEvents.htm>Upcoming Events/a> | a HREF_PeaceAndWar.htm>Peace and War/a> | a HREF_OtherSites.htm>Other Sites of Interest/a> | a HREF_MissionStatement.htm>Mission Statement/a> | a HREF_Speeches.htm>Speeches/a> | a HREF_Archives.htm> Archives/a> | a HREF_Search.htm>Search/a>| a HREF_Feedback.htm>Feedback/a>/font>/span>/td> /tr> tr> td WIDTH50% HEIGHT22> h5>font SIZE1>Page Last modified: Thursday, 05. 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