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classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarSupportedContent> ul classnavbar-nav ml-auto> li classnav-item active> a classnav-link href#about>About/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href#games>Games/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href#team>Team/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href#contact>Contact/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /nav> /header>!-- Header End --> !-- /// HERO SECTION /// --> !--div idhero-section classmedium-margin> div classrow hero-unit> div classcontainer> div classhero-caption>--> !-- Main Tagline --> !--h1>We make spam classcolored>Games/spam>br/> we would like to span classcolored>Play/span>/h1> h1>/h1> /div> /div> /div> /div>--> !-- Hero Section End --> !-- /// HERO SECTION /// --> section idhero-section> div classrow hero-unit> div classcontainer> div classrow text-center> div classcol-md-6> div classhero-caption> !-- Main Tagline --> img src/images/headline2.png classimg-fluid headline altsource code> a href classbutton stylewidth: 150px;>Wishlist NOW/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classvideo-box> a classjs-video-button data-video-idkMQ22p7oHNg data-channelyoutube> img classplay-button src/images/play-button-white.svg altplay-button stylemargin-top: 10em;> h2>WATCH TRAILER/h2> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>!-- Hero Section End --> !-- /// Main Container /// --> div classcontainer> !-- /// ABOUT SECTION /// --> div idabout classlarge-margin> a hrefabout>/a>!-- Nav Anchor --> div classrow heading tiny-margin> div classcol-md-auto> h1 classanimation-element slide-down>ABOUT span classcolored>US/span>/h1> /div> div classcol> hr classanimation-element extend> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> p classsmall-margin> Neith Owl for Programming Systems is an independant game studio that is passionate about creating innovative and immersive games. We are a team of experienced and talented developers who are dedicated to crafting games that push the boundaries of what is possible. br /> We believe that games have the power to transport players to new worlds, challenge their minds, and inspire their imaginations. Thats why we are committed to creating games that are both entertaining and thought-provoking. /p> !--img idawards src/images/awards.png classimg-fluid altawads>--> /div> div classcol-md-6> img idsupport-image src/images/placeholder.jpg data-src/images/about.png classimg-fluid b-lazy altdigital collage> /div> /div> /div> !-- /// GAMES SECTION /// --> div idgames classlarge-margin stylemargin-bottom: 12em;> a hrefgames>/a>!-- Nav Anchor --> div classrow heading tiny-margin> div classcol-md-auto> h1 classanimation-element slide-down>OUR span classcolored>GAMES/span>/h1> /div> div classcol> hr classanimation-element extend> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-11 small-margin> p>strong>Our philosophy is simple:/strong> We make games we would like to play./p> /div> div classcol-md-12> ul classgame-tags> li>Sort By Tag :/li> li>a href# data-filter*>ALL/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.pc>PC/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classgames-portfolio > !-- Game Card Video --> div classrow game-card pc new> div classcol-lg-12 col-xl-5 game-card-left> !--a href# classjs-video-button data-video-idDPBW_MFqeRs data-channelyoutube> !-- Video link goes here div classoverlay> i classfa fa-play fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/placeholder.jpg data-src/images/game.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altvideo thumbnail> !-- Video Thumbnail Img /a>--> img src/images/placeholder.jpg data-src/images/game.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altvideo thumbnail> !-- Video Thumbnail Img --> /div> div classcol-lg-12 col-xl-7 game-card-right> h2 classshort-hr-left stylecolor:white;>Impulse Rogue/h2> p classtags>span classsubtle>Action RPG | PC /span> /p> p classgame-description>Impulse Rogue is a punishing souls-like action RPG. Master combat, face relentless enemies, venture fractured mind, explore twisted landscapes, unravel forgotten mysteries, confront lurking demons. Will you succumb to darkness, or emerge victorious? a pure souls fate hangs in the balance. span classexpand colored strong data-togglemodal data-target#game1>Read More/span>/p> div classsteam-btn> a href> i classfab fa-steam-square fa-3x>/i> p>Wishlist on br>span classspaced>STEAM/span>/p> /a> /div> div classreviews> !--a href#> div classscore-card> p classscore>8.0/p> p>Gamespot/p> /div> /a>--> !--a href#> div classscore-card> p classscore>7.9/p> p>IGN/p> /div> /a>--> !--a href#> div classscore-card> p classscore>86/p> p>Metacritic/p> /div> /a>--> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmodal fade game-modal idgame1 tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbyscales aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-lg roledocument> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> h1 classmodal-title idscales stylemargin: 5% 0 0 12%;>Impulse & Rogue/h1> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal aria-labelClose> span aria-hiddentrue>×/span> /button> /div> div classmodal-body> h2 classshort-hr-left>Unravel the Twisted Truth Within/h2> p> Venture into the depths of a fractured mind, where beauty and horror collide. As Rena, you must confront the ArchDemons and the Necromancer who seek to steal Yelenas soul. Explore the twisted landscapes of Yelenas psyche, uncovering the darkest corners of her past and battling the demons that lurk within. As you delve deeper into the labyrinth of her mind, the lines between truth and illusion will blur, and you will be forced to question everything you thought you knew. and the true nature of their bond becomes a central enigma in the battle to save Yelenas very essence. /p> img classimg-fluid src/images/gallery/modal_1.jpg altscreenshot> br> h2 classshort-hr-left>Descend into the Depths of a Fractured Mind/h2> p> The mind is a vast and uncharted territory, and the depths of Yelenas mind are no exception. As you descend into the depths of her psyche, you will encounter twisted and nightmarish landscapes that reflect her innermost fears and desires. The very fabric of reality is malleable in this realm, and you will never know what to expect around the next corner. where your courage and determination will be tested in the pursuit of unraveling the mysteries hidden within the fractured psyche of Yelena. /p> img classimg-fluid src/images/gallery/modal_2.jpg altscreenshot> br> h2 classshort-hr-left>Where Beauty and Horror Collide/h2> p>In the depths of Yelenas mind, beauty and horror collide. You will find yourself wandering through a Broadleaf Forest in the fall, its beauty marred by the presence of Nightmares that lurk within its depths. These Nightmares are twisted manifestations of Yelenas deepest fears and desires, and they taint the beauty of the forest with their presence./p> img classimg-fluid src/images/gallery/modal_3.jpg altscreenshot> br> h2 classshort-hr-left>A Dark and Gritty Roguelike Adventure/h2> p>Impulse Rogue is a dark and gritty souls-like adventure that will test your skills and your resolve. The world is unforgiving, and death is always just around the corner. But with each death, you will learn and grow stronger, and you will come closer to uncovering the truth that lies hidden within the depths of Yelenas mind./p> img classimg-fluid src/images/gallery/modal_4.jpg altscreenshot> br> h2 classshort-hr-left>A Battle For Control Of the Soul/h2> p> The Archdemons and the Necromancer seek to control Yelenas soul, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. You must use all of your cunning and strength to defeat them, and to free Yelenas soul from their clutches. The fate of her soul hangs in the balance. You are her only hope against the darkness that threatens to engulf her. /p> img classimg-fluid src/images/gallery/modal_5.jpg altscreenshot> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbutton secondary data-dismissmodal>Close/button> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- Game Card End --> /div> /div> !-- /// TEAM SECTION /// --> div idteam classlarge-margin> a hrefteam>/a>!-- Nav Anchor --> div classrow heading tiny-margin> div classcol-md-auto> h1 classanimation-element slide-down>THE span classcolored>TEAM/span>/h1> /div> div classcol> hr classanimation-element extend> /div> /div> div classrow medium-margin> div classcol-md-11 tiny-margin> p>A bunch of gamers who quitted their day jobs, so they decided to make their own video games./p> p>/p> /div> div idfull-row classrow text-center> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/omar.jpg data-src/images/team/omar.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Omar Hamza/p> p classsubtle>Game Director/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/ann.jpg data-src/images/team/ann.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Ann Hamza/p> p classsubtle>Creative Director | Composer/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/ahmed.jpg data-src/images/team/ahmed.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Ahmed Mostafa/p> p classsubtle>Lead Game Designer/p> /div>div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png data-src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Abdelrhman Zien/p> p classsubtle>Technical Director/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/ibrahim.jpg data-src/images/team/ibrahim.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Ibrahim Elkholy/p> p classsubtle>Art Director/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/anan.jpg data-src/images/team/anan.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Anan Maqsoud/p> p classsubtle>Senior Artist/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/ananali.jpg data-src/images/team/ananali.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Anan Ali/p> p classsubtle>Environment Artist/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/sara.jpg data-src/images/team/sara.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Sara Saeed/p> p classsubtle>Junior Artist/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/shimaa.jpg data-src/images/team/shimaa.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Shimaa Ahmed/p> p classsubtle>Marketing Manager/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/mody.jpg data-src/images/team/mody.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Mohammed Walaa/p> p classsubtle>PR Manager/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/salem.jpg data-src/images/team/salem.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Abdallah Salem/p> p classsubtle>Community Manager/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png data-src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Cody Cook/p> p classsubtle>Musician / SFX Design/p> /div> div classcol-md-3>/div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/linda.jpg data-src/images/team/linda.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Linda Smith/p> p classsubtle>Costume Designer/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 team-card> figure> img src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png data-src/images/team/BGPlaceholder.png classimg-fluid b-lazy altteammember> /figure> p classteam-name>Ahmed Maged/p> p classsubtle>Lead Narrative Designer/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow tiny-margin> div classcol-md-11> h1 classanimation-element slide-down>Our span classcolored>Gallery/span>/h1> p>Or in another words.. The Photoshoot of our friends/p> /div> /div> div classgrid-gallery> div classrow> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game1_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game1_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game1_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game2_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game2_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game2_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game3_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game3_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game3_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game4_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game4_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game4_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game5_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game5_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game5_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 gallery-item> a href/images/gallery/game9_.jpg data-lightboxstudio_gallery> div classoverlay gallery> i classfa fa-picture-o fa-3x>/i> /div> img src/images/gallery/game9_.jpg data-src/images/gallery/game9_.jpg classimg-fluid b-lazy alt> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /// CAREERS SECTION /// --> div idcareers classlarge-margin> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 text-center> h1 classanimation-element slide-down short-hr-center>Our span classcolored>Newsletter/span>/h1> p>Stay updated with all our news by subscribing to our newsletter on MailChimp/p> div idmc_embed_shell> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css> style typetext/css> #mc_embed_signup { background: #fff; false; clear: left; font: 14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } #newsletter button { display: inline-block; height: 43px; width: auto; } .button { background: #E48632 !important; border: none; border-radius: 2px; color: #FFF; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 5px 15px; transition: all 0.2s ease; } .button:hover { background: #FFF !important; color: #2B2B2B !important; } /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. 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