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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:36:27 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 7315Connection: keep-aliveSet-Cookie: AWSALBJ1O8sAaJ5et1bnO1xn3YhN3KgO6x2uUSttwky/XGYEnzqhb3dkbsYUlKuaLLxON/yFihSLXFEF0LVwZNa/jHuBjPi7LJ4tHRsrhLhTyqdm4E4T7J0BGTL9WYS2wY; ExpiresSun, 05 Jan 2025 09:36:27 GMT; Path/Set-Cookie: AWSALBCORSJ1O8sAaJ5et1bnO1xn3YhN3KgO6x2uUSttwky/XGYEnzqhb3dkbsYUlKuaLLxON/yFihSLXFEF0LVwZNa/jHuBjPi7LJ4tHRsrhLhTyqdm4E4T7J0BGTL9WYS2wY; ExpiresSun, 05 Jan 2025 09:36:27 GMT; Path/; SameSiteNoneCache-Control: privateSet-Cookie: BNIS_vid0iD6cYXsK3Nsex4IxEyvmnGYM/VrDZLQUe8DV1KWrFSRhHk7xPDNalct/N1pI2sHyqu/h+K2KqA3Q67D8wkuAg; Path/Set-Cookie: BNIS___utm_is1pIWQdgoJD30Dr8+l5i0cjIgrh7voDCOhUBF64hciS2a9emytoTK/i9Evq18FLSErti/9FdkzzQ1IeErwXJKb7AcxBhS45lpnLljlxicy92Su2MIVt50l4w; Max-Age31536000; Path/Set-Cookie: BNIS___utm_is2JHYS9M0cv5673gC44aU6zWOZ73KehkDa/VEVl4ArMeZLzUNGuRhoUJPiefSk1MZry9c5vS/9kH8; Max-Age10800; Path/Set-Cookie: BNIS___utm_is3UuOJQY2cgnsRxheDrgtsu7EWfP6Pjg7/AyEfbnDwPyoo/jd4lIAWXgrWmKexbnfhsoqoEPxyYVY5NxHLb28ZxpeBVfhH+QWjaGfC6e4ZXT8; Path/ !DOCTYPE html>html langen >head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namedescription contentThis report offers an integrated approach to facilitate the successful establishment of native plants and pollinator habitats along roadsides and other areas of disturbance associated with road modifications. It guides readers through a comprehensive process of: 1) initiating, 2) planning, 3) implementing, and 4) monitoring and managing a roadside revegetation project with native plants and pollinator habitat>meta namekeyword contentpollinators, integrated roadside vegetation management, butterflies, bees, moths, nectar plants, host plants, roadside habitat, reduced mowing, native plants, roadside landscape design, roadside maintenance>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno>title>Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat/title>link href/include/css/home.css relstylesheet >link href/learn/manual_2017/include/css/main.css relstylesheet >link href/learn/manual_2017/include/css/media_queries.css relstylesheet >script src/learn/manual_2017/include/js/library.js typetext/javascript>/script>script src>/script>script>try{Typekit.load({ async: true });}catch(e){}/script>/head>body>div idpage classmain home aria-main > header idtop > div classheader-inner > div classprim-nav aria-navigation > ul> li idp0> a href/>Home/a> /li> li idp1> a href/learn/manual_2017/>Technical Report/a> /li> li idp2> a href>Ecoregional Revegetation Application/a> /li> li idp3> a href>Resource Library/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classheader-text > p classheader-title>a href/>ROADSIDE REVEGETATION/a>/p> p classheader-sub-title>An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat/p> /div> !-- SEARCH --> div idsearch rolesearch> div classsearch-wrap> fieldset styleborder: none;> input idquery autocompleteoff classsearch-field namequery typetext maxlength256 valueType search here titleSearch /> input idqueryIcon typeimage classsrchbtn src/images/icon_search.png namesearch valueSearch titleSubmit Search altSubmit Search /> /fieldset> /div> /div>!-- end search --> /div>/header> div classpage-wrapper > div classcontent > img src/images/home/art_science2.png width433 height169 altthe art & science of revegetation/> div classhome-nav-wrapper> div classlearn> a href/learn/> p classsection-title>Learn /p> p classdesc>The strong>Roadside Revegetation Report/strong> is a comprehensive document detailing the complete roadside revegetation process, from project initiation through monitoring and management. A Primer and illustrated brochure compliment the Report./p> p classarrow>›/p> /a> /div> div classexplore> a href> p classsection-title>Explore/p> p classdesc>The strong>Ecoregional Revegetation Application (ERA)/strong> is an online tool for identifying native plant species for individual EPA Level III ecoregions, with an emphasis on workhorse species for creating robust pollinator habitat. ERA is a pollinator-friendly search-and-print nationwide revegetation mapping and plant database./p>p classarrow>›/p> /a> /div> div classfind> a href> p classsection-title>Find/p> p classdesc>The strong>Roadside Revegetation Resource Library/strong> database provides practical and applied information and resources for planning, implementing, and monitoring revegetation projects./p> p classarrow>›/p> /a> /div> /div> p classintro>The Nations roadsides play an important role in the conservation of declining wild pollinators and in supporting the health of managed pollinators. The em>An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat/em> program provides current best practices for planning, designing, and implementing a revegetation project that will also create habitat for pollinators./p> p classphoto-credit>Photo credit: Jennifer Hopwood/p> /div> /div> a idelevatorBtn href#page target_parent classebutton-wrapper titleBack to top > div classebutton >/div>/a> /div>footer> div classfooter-inner > div classfooter-contact> p>em>Roadside Revegation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat/em>/p> p>strong>Contact/strong>: Mr. Amit Armstrong, Western Federal Lands, a >>/p> /div> a href target_blank>img src/learn/manual_2017/images/fed_hwy.svg classfooter-logo border0 altFederal Highway Administration logo >/a> /div>/footer>script typetext/javascript> var SITE_URL; var GA_TRACKING_ID UA-18040446-2; if (document.location.hostname.toLowerCase().search(SITE_URL) ! -1) { (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { iGoogleAnalyticsObject r; ir ir || function () { (ir.q ir.q || ).push(arguments) }, ir.l 1 * new Date(); a s.createElement(o), m s.getElementsByTagName(o)0; a.async 1; a.src g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, script, //, ga); ga(create, GA_TRACKING_ID, auto); ga(send, pageview); } function TrackFileDownload(item) { if (document.location.hostname.toLowerCase().search(SITE_URL) ! -1) { var el $(item); var customLink (typeof (el.attr(href)) ! undefined) ? el.attr(href).toLowerCase() : ; var pageTitle document.title; ga(send, { hitType: event, eventCategory: File Download - + pageTitle + - + el.html(), eventAction: File Download, eventLabel: customLink }); } } $(document).ready(function () { // Track file download link clicks for Google Analytics $(ahref$.pdf, ahref$.xls, ahref$.ppt, ahref$.doc).on(click, function (e) { TrackFileDownload($(this)); }); });/script>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-2MT7QSXZWN);/script>/body>/html>
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