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onmouseoverjavascript:show(smenu4);> ul> li>a hrefceremonycatalog.htm>Funeral Catalog/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc1.htm>Memorial Dedication/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc2.htm>True Elegance/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc3.htm>Garden of Peace/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc4.htm>Forever True/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc5.htm>Forever Loved/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc6.htm>Ring of Honor/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc7.htm>Standing Dedication/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc8.htm>Blanket Dedication/a>/li> li>a hrefproductc9.htm>Ring of Grace/a>/li> /ul> /dd>/dl>!--webbot botInclude endspan i-checksum34941 -->/div>div idtopareacontent>!-- #BeginEditable topareacontent -->h2> Making it Affordable:/h2>h2>/h2>h5>img alt classimageleft-noborder height27 srcimages/flower2.png width27 />All items will be hand delivered and placed on grave site. /h5>h5>img alt classimageleft-noborder height27 srcimages/flower1.png width27 />Any applicable sales tax is included in our prices./h5>h5>img alt classimageleft-noborder height27 srcimages/flower3.png width27 />$20.00 delivery fee will be added at checkout./h5>!-- #EndEditable -->/div>div idtopareasmtext>!-- #BeginEditable topareasmtext -->p>/p>p>img alt height113 srcimages/text/service.png width165 />/p>p>/p>p>a hrefplanahead.htm>img altMORE height63 srcimages/morebutton.png width82 />/a>/p>!-- #EndEditable -->/div>/div>div idtop>img alttop height55 srcimages/top2col.jpg width960 />div idpagename>!-- #BeginEditable pagename -->h1> Never Forget Welcome/h1>!-- #EndEditable -->/div>/div>div idcontent2col>!-- #BeginEditable content -->div idcontent2col0>h3>National Cemetery Floral Guidelines /h3>p>We specialize in creating beautiful cemetery arrangements designed to follow all National Cemetery guidelines. We are dedicated to excellence and you can be assured that your order will be delivered on time and placed properly on your loved ones National Cemetery grave site. b>All orders need to be purchased at least 2 days prior to the date you wish the flowers to be placed on the National Cemetery grave site. /b>/p>p>img altbullet height8 srcimages/bullet.jpg width8 /> We can place natural cut flowers on National Cemetery graves at any time of the year. br />br />img altbullet height8 srcimages/bullet.jpg width8 /> As a general rule, silk flowers and potted plants will be allowed on National Cemetery graves for a period extending 10 days before through 10 days after Easter Sunday and Memorial />br />img altbullet height8 srcimages/bullet.jpg width8 /> Christmas wreaths, potted poinsettias and other seasonal adornments may be placed on National Cemetery graves from Dec. 10 through Jan. 10./p>p classcenter>a hrefgravecatalog.htm>img altNational Cemetery Florist Shop Now Button height29 srcimages/icons/shop.gif width101 />/a>/p>h4>Locate a National Gravesite /h4>p>Many people do not realize how many National Cemeteries there />The United States has well over 100 National Cemeteries at this time. img altNational Cemetry Cross with Rose classimageright height101 srcimages/cross&rose.jpg width190 />/p>p>The Department of the Army maintains two national cemeteries, the Arlington National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldiers' & Airmen's Home National Cemetery./p>h5>National Cemetery Contact Info click a hrefcemeterylist.htm>here/a>!/h5>h5>To locate a National Cemetery Gravesite a href target_blank>click here!/a>/h5>h5>Enter your loved one in our all NEW Memorial Dedication click a hrefdedication/dedication_page1.htm>here/a>!/h5>p>/p>h4>Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/h4>p>The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located high on a hill overlooking Washington, DC. The tomb was dedicated in 1921 and contains the remains of soldiers from WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. The tomb is guarded 24 hours a day./p>p classcenter>img altNational Cemetery Tomb of the Unknown Soldier height375 srcimages/guard3.jpg width500 />/p>p classcenter>/p>h5>img alt classimageleft-noborder height27 srcimages/flower1.png width27 />Thank You/h5>p>My father, Cpl. Arno P. Herzer passed a little over a year ago. He is buried at a hrefarlington/index.htm>A/a>rlington National Cemetery. My sister Marilyn and I have placed floral orders several times from you and I just want to thank you for helping us take care of our />br />To you it may be a business, but to us you are a blessing./p>h5>/h5>h4>Serving our National Cemeteries With Pride./h4>p>ALABAMA NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT MITCHELL NATIONAL CEMETERY, MOBILE NATIONAL CEMETERY, RICHARDSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, SITKA NATIONAL CEMETERY, NATIONAL MEMORIAL CEMETERY OF ARIZONA, PRESCOTT NATIONAL CEMETERY, FAYETTEVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT SMITH NATIONAL CEMETERY, LITTLE ROCK NATIONAL CEMETERY, BAKERSFIELD NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT ROSECRANS NATIONAL CEMETERY, GOLDEN GATE NATIONAL CEMETERY, LOS ANGELES NATIONAL CEMETERY, RIVERSIDE NATIONAL CEMETERY, SACRAMENTO VALLEY NATIONAL CEMETERY, SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL CEMETERY, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT LOGAN NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT LYON NATIONAL CEMETERY, BARRANCAS NATIONAL CEMETERY, BAY PINES NATIONAL CEMETERY, FLORIDA NATIONAL CEMETERY, JACKSONVELLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, SARASOTA NATIONAL CEMETERY, SOUTH FLORIDA NATIONAL CEMETERY, ST. AUGUSTINE NATIONAL CEMETERY, GEORGIA NATIONAL CEMETERY, MARIETTA NATIONAL CEMETERY, NATIONAL MEMORIAL CEMETERY OF THE PACIFIC, ALTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, CAMP BUTLER NATIONAL CEMETERY, DANVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, MOUND CITY NATIONAL CEMETERY, QUINCY NATIONAL CEMETERY, ROCK ISLAND NATIONAL CEMETERY, CROWN HILL NATIONAL CEMETERY, MARION NATIONAL CEMETERY, NEW ALBANY NATIONAL CEMETERY, KEOKUK NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT LEAVENWORTH NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT SCOTT NATIONAL CEMETERY, LEAVENWORTH NATIONAL CEMETERY, CAMP NELSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, CAVE HILL NATIONAL CEMETERY, DANVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, LEBANON NATIONAL CEMETERY, LEXINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, MILL SPRINGS NATIONAL CEMETERY, ZACHARY TAYLOR NATIONAL CEMETERY, ALEXANDRIA NATIONAL CEMETERY, BATON ROUGE NATIONAL CEMETERY, PORT HUDSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, TOGUS NATIONAL CEMETERY, ANNAPOLIS NATIONAL CEMETERY, BALTIMORE NATIONAL CEMETERY, LOUDON PARK NATIONAL CEMETERY, MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT CUSTER NATIONAL CEMETERY, GREAT LAKES NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT SNELLING NATIONAL CEMETERY, BILOXI NATIONAL CEMETERY, CORINTH NATIONAL CEMETERY, ATCHEZ NATIONAL CEMETERY, JEFFERSON BARRACKS NATIONAL CEMETERY, JEFFERSON CITY NATIONAL CEMETERY, SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT MCPHERSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, BEVERLY NATIONAL CEMETERY, FINN'S POINT NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT BAYARD NATIONAL CEMETERY, SANTA FE NATIONAL CEMETERY, BATH NATIONAL CEMETERY, CALVERTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, CYPRESS HILLS NATIONAL CEMETERY, LONG ISLAND NATIONAL CEMETERY, WOODLAWN NATIONAL CEMETERY, NEW BERN NATIONAL CEMETERY, RALEIGH NATIONAL CEMETERY, SALISBURY NATIONAL CEMETERY, WILMINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, DAYTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT GIBSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT SILL NATIONAL CEMETERY, EAGLE POINT NATIONAL CEMETERY, ROSEBURG NATIONAL CEMETERY, WILLAMETTE NATIONAL CEMETERY, INDIANTOWN GAP NATIONAL CEMETERY, PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL CEMETERY, NATIONAL CEMETERY OF THE ALLEGHENIES, WASHINGTON CROSSING NATIONAL CEMETERY, PUERTO RICO NATIONAL CEMETERY, BEAUFORT NATIONAL CEMETERY, FLORENCE NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT JACKSON NATIONAL CEMETERY, BLACK HILLS NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT MEADE NATIONAL CEMETERY, HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL CEMETERY, CHATTANOOGA NATIONAL CEMETERY, KNOXVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, MEMPHIS NATIONAL CEMETERY, MOUNTAIN HOME NATIONAL CEMETERY, NASHVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT BLISS NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT SAM HOUSTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, HOUSTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, KERRVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, SAN ANTONIO NATIONAL CEMETERY, ALEXANDRIA NATIONAL CEMETERY, ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, BALLS BLUFF NATIONAL CEMETERY, CITY POINT NATIONAL CEMETERY, COLD HARBOR NATIONAL CEMETERY, CULPEPER NATIONAL CEMETERY, DANVILLE NATIONAL CEMETERY, FORT HARRISON NATIONAL CEMETERY, GLENDALE NATIONAL CEMETERY, HAMPTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, HAMPTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, QUANTICO NATIONAL CEMETERY, RICHMOND NATIONAL CEMETERY, SEVEN PINES NATIONAL CEMETERY, STAUNTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, WINCHESTER NATIONAL CEMETERY, TAHOMA NATIONAL CEMETERY, SOLDIER'S & AIRMEN'S NATIONAL CEMETERY, GRAFTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, WEST VIRGINIA NATIONAL CEMETERY, WOOD NATIONAL CEMETERY/p>/div>!-- #EndEditable -->/div>!-- #BeginEditable content -->div idsidebar>p classcenter>/p>hr />h4>Today's Date.../h4>div classcalendar>script typetext/javascript srcScripts/calendar.js>/script>/div>p>/p>h4>Days to Remember:/h4>ul> li>Anniversary of Death/li> li>Armed Forces Day/li> li>Birthday/li> li>Christmas Day/li> li>Easter/li> li>Father's Day/li> li>Independence Day/li> li>Memorial Day/li> li>Mothers Day/li> li>Veteran's Day/li>/ul>p>/p>p classcenter>img altSupport our troops. height145 srcimages/support_our_troops.gif width188 />br />Support Our Troops/p>p classcenter>/p>h5>You Should Know.../h5>ol> li>We are strictly a National Cemetery Florist./li> li>We offer a complete line of approved arrangements./li> li>We only accept credit card payments. No cash or checks./li> li>Payments can be made on our website or by phone. (800) 780-3211/li>/ol>p classcenter>img altCredit Cards height57 srcimages/icons/chargecards.jpg width85 />/p>hr />p>/p>h4>Why Send Flowers?/h4>p>Flowers are a token of your love and a tribute left to the loved one you've lost. It is a way of grieving but also a way of remembering. Whether you send a poinsettia at Christmas time or fresh flowers to remember your loved one's birthday just take a moment of silence and focus on those past memories that bring a smile to your face for that is how I am sure they would like to be remembered./p>p>For many years, "Decoration Day," as it was called at that time, was celebrated as a day for Americans to remember those who lost their lives in service of their country. In 1882, the name Decoration Day was changed to Memorial Day, and in 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday to be held on the last Monday of May every year. National observance is marked officially by the placing of a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery./p>p>Over the years, Memorial Day has come to be regarded as a day off from work rather than a day to connect with our nation’s history. In May 1997, an organization committed to providing annual programs of remembrance for those who lost a loved one in the service of our country began a national movement of remembrance to put the "memorial back in Memorial Day." The campaign was organized after a group of schoolchildren in Washington, D.C., was asked what Memorial Day meant, and they responded that it was the day the swimming pools open. Since that time, television and radio stations throughout America pause at 3pm EDT for one minute of respectful silence for those who have died in the service of America./p>p>By sending flowers to a National Cemetery gravesite is to let a great nation and it's people understand, that this brave soul although only a few may know their name has not been forgotten by the one's who loved them./p>hr />p>/p>/div>!-- #EndEditable -->div idfooter2col>!--webbot botInclude U-Includeincludes/footer.htm TAGBODY startspan --> a hrefindex.htm>Home/a> • a hrefcontact.htm>Contact Us/a> • a hrefplanahead.htm>About Us/a>br />b>National Cemetery Florist ©2009-2018 - All rights reserved/b>br />!--webbot botInclude endspan i-checksum29938 -->/div>/div>!-- close wrapper -->script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-5686307-3);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>!-- #EndTemplate -->grammarly-desktop-integration data-grammarly-shadow-roottrue>/grammarly-desktop-integration>
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