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Try Myshort for free.\\n\/>\nmeta property\keywords\ content\url shortener, link shortener\ \/>\n,user:null,guest_role:{id:2,name:guests,default:false,guests:true,created_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z,updated_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z,description:null,type:sitewide,internal:true,permissions:{name:custom_pages.view,id:9,restrictions:},{name:links.create,id:48,restrictions:},{name:localizations.view,id:26,restrictions:},{name:plans.view,id:32,restrictions:},{name:tags.view,id:37,restrictions:},{name:users.view,id:22,restrictions:}},i18n:{id:1,name:English,created_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z,updated_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z,language:en,lines:{Landing page:Landing page,Link page:Link page,This ad will appear at the top of biolink pages.:This ad will appear at the top of biolink pages.,This ad will appear at the top of link splash pages.:This ad will appear at the top of link splash pages.,This ad will appear at the bottom of link splash pages.:This ad will appear at the bottom of link splash pages.,This ad will appear on user dashboard page.:This ad will appear on user dashboard page.,This ad will appear on link frame page.:This ad will appear on link frame page.,This ad will appear at the top of landing page.:This ad will appear at the top of landing page.,This ad will appear on custom link pages.:This ad will appear on custom link pages.,Clicks report:Clicks report,Link shortened:Link shortened,Could not shorten link. Please try again later:Could not shorten link. Please try again later,Copied link to clipboard:Copied link to clipboard,This url is invalid.:This url is invalid.,Copy:Copy,Total links shortened:Total links shortened,Total link clicks:Total link clicks,Users signed up:Users signed up,Password:Password,The link you are trying to access is password protected.:The link you are trying to access is password protected.,Enter:Enter,Landing Page:Landing Page,Action buttons:Action buttons,Primary features:Primary features,Secondary features:Secondary features,Visitors report:Visitors report,Clicks:Clicks,Visitors:Visitors,Links:Links,Configure various link behaviour across the site.:Configure various link behaviour across the site.,Behaviour:Behaviour,Security:Security,Domains:Domains,Whether user should be able to change type when creating or updating links.:Whether user should be able to change type when creating or updating links.,Link type selection:Link type selection,Default link type:Default link type,What type should newly created links have by default (If user did not manually select type).:What type should newly created links have by default (If user did not manually select type).,Direct:Direct,Frame:Frame,Splash:Splash,Link min length:Link min length,Link max length:Link max length,Minimum and maximum length for urls that users will be able to shorten:Minimum and maximum length for urls that users will be able to shorten,Alias min length:Alias min length,Alias max length:Alias max length,Alias content:Alias content,Numbers, letters, underscore and dash:Numbers, letters, underscore and dash,Numbers or letters:Numbers or letters,Letters only:Letters only,Numbers only:Numbers only,Minimum and maximum length as well as what characters link alias are allowed to\n contain.:Minimum and maximum length as well as what characters link alias are allowed to\n contain.,Whether redirection based on location, device or platform is enabled.:Whether redirection based on location, device or platform is enabled.,Link retargeting:Link retargeting,Whether user should be able to apply tracking pixels to links.:Whether user should be able to apply tracking pixels to links.,Tracking pixels:Tracking pixels,Splash page redirect time:Splash page redirect time,After how many seconds should user be redirect to their destination on splash page. In seconds. 0 will disable automatic redirection.:After how many seconds should user be redirect to their destination on splash page. In seconds. 0 will disable automatic redirection.,Show logo at the bottom of biolink pages if user is not subscribed. You can upload a custom image below, otherwise site logo will be used.:Show logo at the bottom of biolink pages if user is not subscribed. You can upload a custom image below, otherwise site logo will be used.,Biolink logo:Biolink logo,Custom biolink logo:Custom biolink logo,Whether non-logged in users can shorten links on homepage.:Whether non-logged in users can shorten links on homepage.,Homepage link shortening:Homepage link shortening,Expire links created from homepage:Expire links created from homepage,Never:Never,After one day:After one day,After three days:After three days,After a week:After a week,Whether statistics about about number of links, clicks and users should be displayed on homepage.:Whether statistics about about number of links, clicks and users should be displayed on homepage.,Show homepage stats:Show homepage stats,Show Footer in Dashboard:Show Footer in Dashboard,Keyword blacklist:Keyword blacklist,Comma separated list of keywords. User will not be able to shorten any URLs that contain specified keywords.:Comma separated list of keywords. User will not be able to shorten any URLs that contain specified keywords.,Domain blacklist:Domain blacklist,Comma separated domain list (, etc.). User will not be able to shorten any URLs from specified domains.:Comma separated domain list (, etc.). User will not be able to shorten any URLs from specified domains.,Google safe browsing API key:Google safe browsing API key,a>Google safe browsing\/a> will prevent urls that are considered unsafe by google from being shortened. It is recommended to use this in order to prevent the site from being marked as deceptive.:a>Google safe browsing\/a> will prevent urls that are considered unsafe by google from being shortened. It is recommended to use this in order to prevent the site from being marked as deceptive.,Phishtank API key:Phishtank API key,Works the same way as google safe browsing service, but uses a>Phishtank\/a> instead.:Works the same way as google safe browsing service, but uses a>Phishtank\/a> instead.,Allow users to manually select which domain to use when shortening links (if there are multiple domains).:Allow users to manually select which domain to use when shortening links (if there are multiple domains).,Domain selection:Domain selection,Allow short links to be accessible via all domains user has access to. With this option off, short links will only be accessible via default domain selected above, or domain user selected when shortening a link.:Allow short links to be accessible via all domains user has access to. With this option off, short links will only be accessible via default domain selected above, or domain user selected when shortening a link.,Link access via multiple domains:Link access via multiple domains,When this is enabled, links will be accessible via \\u201c and \\/linkId\u201c short urls.:When this is enabled, links will be accessible via \\u201c and \\/linkId\u201c short urls.,Subdomain link matching:Subdomain link matching,Default domain:Default domain,Which domain should be used by default when shortening links.:Which domain should be used by default when shortening links.,Biolinks:Biolinks,\u201c:name\u201c clicks:\u201c:name\u201c clicks,Branded domains:Branded domains,Connect domain:Connect domain,Create trusted links with your own branded domains. Once connected, you can set the domain as default or only use it for specific links.:Create trusted links with your own branded domains. Once connected, you can set the domain as default or only use it for specific links.,Workspaces:Workspaces,Link groups:Link groups,Page options:Page options,Link page options:Link page options,Whether navbar should be hidden on this link page.:Whether navbar should be hidden on this link page.,Hide navbar:Hide navbar,Whether footer should be hidden on this link page.:Whether footer should be hidden on this link page.,Hide footer:Hide footer,Cancel:Cancel,Save:Save,Edit page:Edit page,Link pages:Link pages,No link pages have been created yet:No link pages have been created yet,No matching link pages:No matching link pages,New page:New page,Show a transitional page with fully custom markup. Users who visit the short url will briefly see the page before being redirected to destination url.:Show a transitional page with fully custom markup. Users who visit the short url will briefly see the page before being redirected to destination url.,Name:Name,Message:Message,Button text:Button text,Color:Color,Owner:Owner,Last updated:Last updated,Actions:Actions,Theme:Theme,Theme for the overlay:Theme for the overlay,Position:Position,Position for the overlay:Position for the overlay,Date overlay was created:Date overlay was created,Date overlay was last updated:Date overlay was last updated,User overlay belongs to:User overlay belongs to,Call-to-action overlays:Call-to-action overlays,No overlays have been added yet:No overlays have been added yet,No matching overlays:No matching overlays,Display fully customizable, non-intrusive overlay with a message and call-to-action button over destination website.:Display fully customizable, non-intrusive overlay with a message and call-to-action button over destination website.,Add overlay:Add overlay,Referrers:Referrers,Direct, Email, SMS:Direct, Email, SMS,Type:Type,Pixel ID:Pixel ID,Type of the pixel:Type of the pixel,Date pixel was created:Date pixel was created,Date pixel was last updated:Date pixel was last updated,User pixel belongs to:User pixel belongs to,No tracking pixels have been added yet:No tracking pixels have been added yet,No matching tracking pixels:No matching tracking pixels,Add pixel:Add pixel,Add third party tracking integration to your links using pixels or custom code snippet.:Add third party tracking integration to your links using pixels or custom code snippet.,Upgrade to unlock this feature and many more.:Upgrade to unlock this feature and many more.,Upgrade:Upgrade,You dont have permissions to access this feature.:You dont have permissions to access this feature.,Youve reached the maximum number of :resource allowed for your current plan.:Youve reached the maximum number of :resource allowed for your current plan.,Upgrade to increase this limit and unlock other features.:Upgrade to increase this limit and unlock other features.,Join the PROs:Join the PROs,Maybe later:Maybe later,Find out more:Find out more,Nothing to show:Nothing to show,This group does not have any links yet:This group does not have any links yet,You are about to be redirected to another page.:You are about to be redirected to another page.,Go back:Go back,You are about to be redirected to another page. We are not responsible for the content of that page or the consequences it may have on you.:You are about to be redirected to another page. We are not responsible for the content of that page or the consequences it may have on you.,Redirect in :seconds:Redirect in :seconds,Go to link:Go to link,Content:Content,Appearance:Appearance,Settings:Settings,This biolink does not have any content yet:This biolink does not have any content yet,Add widget:Add widget,Add a link:Add a link,Update:Update,biolink:biolink,Live preview:Live preview,Scheduled and disabled content is not shown:Scheduled and disabled content is not shown,Domain:Domain,Active:Active,All domains:All domains,Status:Status,Whether biolink is disabled or not:Whether biolink is disabled or not,Enabled:Enabled,Disabled:Disabled,Clicks count:Clicks count,Number of times this biolink was visited:Number of times this biolink was visited,Link count:Link count,Number of links in the biolink:Number of links in the biolink,Date biolink was created:Date biolink was created,Date biolink was last updated:Date biolink was last updated,User:User,User biolink was created by:User biolink was created by,No biolinks have been created yet:No biolinks have been created yet,No matching biolinks:No matching biolinks,Link in bio:Link in bio,Offer multiple choices to your followers when they click on your Biolink. Share all your Social Media profiles, videos, songs, articles and other important links with just one url.:Offer multiple choices to your followers when they click on your Biolink. Share all your Social Media profiles, videos, songs, articles and other important links with just one url.,New biolink:New biolink,Link overlays:Link overlays,Custom link pages:Custom link pages,Custom domains:Custom domains,Unlimited:Unlimited,:used out of :total :name::used out of :total :name,:count :name created::count :name created,Current plan: :planName:Current plan: :planName,Free:Free,Next payment: :date:Next payment: :date,:used of :available links created::used of :available links created,:count links created::count links created,There are no links in this group yet:There are no links in this group yet,No matching links:No matching links,\u201c:group\u201c links:\u201c:group\u201c links,Move links to this group:Move links to this group,Add multiple links:Add multiple links,Export links:Export links,Add link:Add link,No links found:No links found,Move links to \u201c:group\u201c:Move links to \u201c:group\u201c,Search for links...:Search for links...,Move:Move,Page options updated:Page options updated,Rotator:Rotator,Manage links:Manage links,Edit link:Edit link,Type of the group:Type of the group,Default:Default,Whether group is disabled or not:Whether group is disabled or not,Number of links in the group:Number of links in the group,Date group was created:Date group was created,Date group was last updated:Date group was last updated,User group was created by:User group was created by,No groups have been created yet:No groups have been created yet,No matching groups:No matching groups,Group links together to::Group links together to:,Simplify multiple link management.:Simplify multiple link management.,View aggregated clicks report for the whole group.:View aggregated clicks report for the whole group.,Redirect to a random link from within the group.:Redirect to a random link from within the group.,Share all links in the group with one link.:Share all links in the group with one link.,New group:New group,Label:Label,Your message here:Your message here,General:General,Style:Style,Background image:Background image,Button link:Button link,Full width:Full width,Rounded:Rounded,Pill:Pill,Top left:Top left,Top right:Top right,Bottom left:Bottom left,Bottom right:Bottom right,Background color:Background color,Text color:Text color,Button background:Button background,Label background:Label background,Label text:Label text,Create link:Create link,Create:Create,Shorten links:Shorten links,Some of the urls are not valid.:Some of the urls are not valid.,Multiple URLs (one per line):Multiple URLs (one per line),Shorten:Shorten,Update link:Update link,Your current plan does not include alias editing.:Your current plan does not include alias editing.,Button label:Button label,e.g. My Webpage:e.g. My Webpage,Destination URL:Destination URL,All my domains (including default):All my domains (including default),Your current plan doesnt include link password protection.:Your current plan doesnt include link password protection.,Schedule:Schedule,Specify a date when :name should become active and when it should expire. Both activation and expiration dates are optional.:Specify a date when :name should become active and when it should expire. Both activation and expiration dates are optional.,Your current plan doesnt include :name scheduling.:Your current plan doesnt include :name scheduling.,Activation date:Activation date,Expiration date:Expiration date,Expiration clicks:Expiration clicks,After :name is visited specified amount of times, it will no longer be accessible.\nOptionally, after click amount is reached :name can redirect to specified url instead.:After :name is visited specified amount of times, it will no longer be accessible.\nOptionally, after click amount is reached :name can redirect to specified url instead.,Your current plan doesnt include expiration clicks.:Your current plan doesnt include expiration clicks.,Max clicks:Max clicks,Redirect URL:Redirect URL,Optional:Optional,Location targeting:Location targeting,Redirect users to different url based on their location.:Redirect users to different url based on their location.,Add location:Add location,Country:Country,Device targeting:Device targeting,Redirect users to different url based on their device.:Redirect users to different url based on their device.,Add device:Add device,Device:Device,Desktop:Desktop,Tablet:Tablet,Mobile:Mobile,Platform targeting:Platform targeting,Redirect users to different url based on their platform.:Redirect users to different url based on their platform.,Add platform:Add platform,Platform:Platform,Windows:Windows,MacOs:MacOs,iOS:iOS,Android:Android,Linux:Linux,Your current plan doesnt include link retargeting.:Your current plan doesnt include link retargeting.,URL:URL,Remove:Remove,Title:Title,description:description,Tags:Tags,link:link,Restrictions:Restrictions,Retargeting:Retargeting,SEO:SEO,UTM:UTM,Select which domain should one :name|other :names be accessible with.:Select which domain should one :name|other :names be accessible with.,When one :name is|other :names are disabled, 404 page will be shown when short URL is visited.:When one :name is|other :names are disabled, 404 page will be shown when short URL is visited.,Groups:Groups,Which groups should one link|other these links belong to.:Which groups should one link|other these links belong to.,Pixels:Pixels,Which tracking pixels should be used for one this :name|other these :names.:Which tracking pixels should be used for one this :name|other these :names.,Redirect user to url instantly:Redirect user to url instantly, Show url inside iframe with :siteName navigation bar.: Show url inside iframe with :siteName navigation bar.,Show splash page with optional ads and redirect user to url after a delay.:Show splash page with optional ads and redirect user to url after a delay.,Show specified link page with :siteName navigation bar and button to open\n long url.:Show specified link page with :siteName navigation bar and button to open\n long url.,Redirect user instantly and show specified overlay over the link.:Redirect user instantly and show specified overlay over the link.,Overlay:Overlay,Link overlay:Link overlay,UTM tags:UTM tags,Add UTMs to track web traffic in analytics tools.:Add UTMs to track web traffic in analytics tools.,Your current plan doesnt include UTM functionality.:Your current plan doesnt include UTM functionality.,Source:Source,e.g: adwords, google, facebook:e.g: adwords, google, facebook,Medium:Medium,e.g: banner, email, social post:e.g: banner, email, social post,Campaign:Campaign,e.g: holiday special, birthday promo:e.g: holiday special, birthday promo,Term:Term,Use to identify ppc keywords:Use to identify ppc keywords,Use to differentiate ads or words on a page:Use to differentiate ads or words on a page,Custom parameters:Custom parameters,Add query parameters to track web traffic in analytics tools.:Add query parameters to track web traffic in analytics tools.,Your current plan doesnt include query parameters functionality.:Your current plan doesnt include query parameters functionality.,Key:Key,Value:Value,Add parameter:Add parameter,Summary:Summary,Expires at:Expires at,Last clicked:Last clicked,Link statistics:Link statistics,Type of the link:Type of the link,Custom page:Custom page,Whether link is disabled or not:Whether link is disabled or not,Whether link is password protected:Whether link is password protected,Has a password:Has a password,Does not have a password:Does not have a password,Click count:Click count,Total number of clicks for link:Total number of clicks for link,Clicked at:Clicked at,Date link was last clicked:Date link was last clicked,Date link will expire:Date link will expire,Date link was created:Date link was created,Date link was last updated:Date link was last updated,User link was created by:User link was created by,No links have been created yet:No links have been created yet,Shorten multiple links:Shorten multiple links,Shorten link:Shorten link,Copied to clipboard:Copied to clipboard,Copy to clipboard:Copy to clipboard,Share:Share,Copied QR code link to clipboard:Copied QR code link to clipboard,Copy QR code:Copy QR code,Check out this link:Check out this link,Share to facebook:Share to facebook,Share to twitter:Share to twitter,Link created:Link created,one 1 link|other :count links shortened:one 1 link|other :count links shortened,Link updated:Link updated,:count total clicks::count total clicks,Top devices:Top devices,Top browsers:Top browsers,Top platforms:Top platforms,Overlay created:Overlay created,Overlay updated:Overlay updated,Create pixel:Create pixel,More information:More information,Custom code for page head:Custom code for page head,Custom code for page body:Custom code for page body,Update \u201c:name\u201c:Update \u201c:name\u201c,Pixel created:Pixel created,Pixel updated:Pixel updated,:site logo::site logo,Custom appearance:Custom appearance,Fully customize your Biolink. Change background color or select gradients and images. Choose button style, text color, typeface and more.:Fully customize your Biolink. Change background color or select gradients and images. Choose button style, text color, typeface and more.,Save changes:Save changes,Colors:Colors,Button color:Button color,Button text color:Button text color,Font:Font,Branding:Branding,Upgrade to remove :site logo.:Upgrade to remove :site logo.,Hide :site logo:Hide :site logo,Fill:Fill,Outline:Outline,Square:Square,Buttons:Buttons,No shadow:No shadow,Light shadow:Light shadow,Hard shadow:Hard shadow,Shadow:Shadow,Edit:Edit,Remove item:Remove item,Are you sure you want to remove this item from the biolink?:Are you sure you want to remove this item from the biolink?,Create biolink:Create biolink,Description:Description,Whether this biolink is viewable publicly.:Whether this biolink is viewable publicly.,Widget updated:Widget updated,Widget added:Widget added,Appearance saved:Appearance saved,Could not save appearance:Could not save appearance,Could not update content item:Could not update content item,Biolink updated:Biolink updated,Biolink created:Biolink created,Create link group:Create link group,Whether this link group is viewable publicly.:Whether this link group is viewable publicly.,When checked, url above will redirect to random link from the group, instead of showing all links belonging to group.:When checked, url above will redirect to random link from the group, instead of showing all links belonging to group.,Update link group:Update link group,Moved links to \u201c:group\u201c:Moved links to \u201c:group\u201c,Link group created:Link group created,Link group updated:Link group updated,Header button 1:Header button 1,Header button 2:Header button 2,Footer button:Footer button,Header title:Header title,Header subtitle:Header subtitle,Link shortening:Link shortening,Header image:Header image,Header image opacity:Header image opacity,In order for overlay colors to appear, header image opacity will need to be less then 100%:In order for overlay colors to appear, header image opacity will need to be less then 100%,Header overlay color 1:Header overlay color 1,Header overlay color 2:Header overlay color 2,Show link statistics:Show link statistics,Footer title:Footer title,Footer subtitle:Footer subtitle,Footer background image:Footer background image,Pricing title:Pricing title,Pricing subtitle:Pricing subtitle,Show pricing table:Show pricing table,Add feature:Add feature,Image:Image,Subtitle:Subtitle,Background:Background,Flat color:Flat color,Gradient:Gradient,Custom color:Custom color,Custom gradient:Custom gradient,Direction:Direction,Apply:Apply,Click to change color:Click to change color,Worm flame:Worm flame,Night fade:Night fade,Winter nova:Winter nova,Heavy rain:Heavy rain,Cloudy knoxville:Cloudy knoxville,Rare wind:Rare wind,Saint petersburg:Saint petersburg,Everlasting sky:Everlasting sky,Soft grass:Soft grass,Delicate:Delicate,Broken hearts:Broken hearts,Lush:Lush,Ash:Ash,Clouds:Clouds,Mango pulp:Mango pulp,Cooper:Cooper,Vicious stance:Vicious stance,Custom image:Custom image,Protruding squares:Protruding squares,Launch day:Launch day,Alternating triangles:Alternating triangles,Monstera patch:Monstera patch,Confetti doodles:Confetti doodles,Hurricane aperture:Hurricane aperture,Looney loops:Looney loops,Icy explosion:Icy explosion,Nuclear point:Nuclear point,Angled focus:Angled focus,Circular focus:Circular focus,Farseeing eyeball:Farseeing eyeball,Canyon funnel:Canyon funnel,Threads ahead:Threads ahead,Sprinkle:Sprinkle,Circuit board:Circuit board,Snow:Snow,Redirect link:Redirect link,Redirect link updated:Redirect link updated,Redirect until:Redirect until,Send all visitors straight to this link, instead of your Biolink, until the specified date. After that date, Biolink will resume to showing normally.:Send all visitors straight to this link, instead of your Biolink, until the specified date. After that date, Biolink will resume to showing normally.,Link animation:Link animation,Animation updated:Animation updated,Add animation to draw attention to this link. :br Selected animation will repeat five times by default.:Add animation to draw attention to this link. :br Selected animation will repeat five times by default.,Change thumbnail:Change thumbnail,Animation:Animation,Redirect:Redirect,:count clicks::count clicks,:count lifetime clicks::count lifetime clicks,Schedule updated:Schedule updated,Start date:Start date,End date:End date,Leave b>start date\/b> blank to display this link immediately.:Leave b>start date\/b> blank to display this link immediately.,Leave b>end date\/b> blank to display this link forever.:Leave b>end date\/b> blank to display this link forever.,Link thumbnail:Link thumbnail,Thumbnail updated:Thumbnail updated,Add:Add,Unpin from top:Unpin from top,Pin to top:Pin to top,Upload an image and optionally add a link it will redirect to when clicked.:Upload an image and optionally add a link it will redirect to when clicked.,Text:Text,Add title and optional description. Can be used as a header for the whole biolink or a group of multiple widgets.:Add title and optional description. Can be used as a header for the whole biolink or a group of multiple widgets.,Social Links:Social Links,Add your socials links to display them as icon buttons.:Add your socials links to display them as icon buttons.,Youtube Video:Youtube Video,Paste a YouTube video URL to show it as a video embed in your profile.:Paste a YouTube video URL to show it as a video embed in your profile.,Soundcloud Audio:Soundcloud Audio,Paste a SoundCloud URL to show it as a playable song in your profile.:Paste a SoundCloud URL to show it as a playable song in your profile.,Vimeo Video:Vimeo Video,Paste a vimeo URL to show it as a video embed in your profile.:Paste a vimeo URL to show it as a video embed in your profile.,Spotify Embed:Spotify Embed,Paste a spotify song, album, artist, playlist, podcast or episode url to show it as an embed in your profile.:Paste a spotify song, album, artist, playlist, podcast or episode url to show it as an embed in your profile.,Twitch Embed:Twitch Embed,Paste twitch profile or clip url to show it as an embed in your profile.:Paste twitch profile or clip url to show it as an embed in your profile.,TikTok Embed:TikTok Embed,Paste TikTok video url to show it as an embed in your profile.:Paste TikTok video url to show it as an embed in your profile.,Stretch to fit:Stretch to fit,Fit image:Fit image,Repeat image:Repeat image,Upload image:Upload image,Select:Select,Avatar:Avatar,Destination url:Destination url,Redirect user to this url when clicking the image.:Redirect user to this url when clicking the image.,Invalid soundcloud url:Invalid soundcloud url,Soundcloud track url:Soundcloud track url,Embed this soundcloud track within biolink.:Embed this soundcloud track within biolink.,Invalid spotify url:Invalid spotify url,Spotify share url:Spotify share url,Any share url from spotify can be used, including artist, album, track, playlist etc.:Any share url from spotify can be used, including artist, album, track, playlist etc.,Invalid tiktok url:Invalid tiktok url,Tiktok url:Tiktok url,Embed this tiktok video within biolink.:Embed this tiktok video within biolink.,Email:Email,Facebook url:Facebook url,Twitter handle:Twitter handle,Instagram username:Instagram username,TikTok username:TikTok username,Youtube channel url:Youtube channel url,SoundCloud url:SoundCloud url,Bandcamp url:Bandcamp url,LinkedIn url:LinkedIn url,WhatsApp:WhatsApp,Telegram url:Telegram url,Twitch url:Twitch url,Patreon url:Patreon url,Pinterest url:Pinterest url,Spotify artist url:Spotify artist url,Amazon shop url:Amazon shop url,Snapchat url:Snapchat url,Apple music url:Apple music url,Twitch channel or clip url:Twitch channel or clip url,Embed this twitch channel or clip within biolink.:Embed this twitch channel or clip within biolink.,Invalid vimeo url:Invalid vimeo url,Vimeo video url:Vimeo video url,Embed this vimeo video within biolink.:Embed this vimeo video within biolink.,Invalid youtube url:Invalid youtube url,Youtube video url:Youtube video url,Embed this youtube video within biolink.:Embed this youtube video within biolink.,$start does not allow framing. Please select a different link type.:$start does not allow framing. Please select a different link type.,URLs cant contain the word \:word\.:URLs cant contain the word \:word\.,URLs from \:domain\ domain cant be shortened.:URLs from \:domain\ domain cant be shortened.,$start cant be shortened, because it is unsafe.:$start cant be shortened, because it is unsafe.,$start cant be shortened, because it is used for phising.:$start cant be shortened, because it is used for phising.,You have exhausted your link click quota for this month.:You have exhausted your link click quota for this month.,You can increase it by upgrading your plan.:You can increase it by upgrading your plan.,Could not persist settings.:Could not persist settings.,Could not validate selected optimization. Is it enabled on the server?:Could not validate selected optimization. Is it enabled on the server?,These credentials are not valid:These credentials are not valid,Gmail account needs to be connected.:Gmail account needs to be connected.,:username replied to your comment:::username replied to your comment:,View user:View user,on:on,Current site url cant be attached as custom domain.:Current site url cant be attached as custom domain.,Could not validate domain.:Could not validate domain.,There was an issue. Please try again later.:There was an issue. Please try again later.,You dont have required permissions for this action.:You dont have required permissions for this action.,This domain is blacklisted.:This domain is blacklisted.,Banned: :reason:Banned: :reason,This user is banned.:This user is banned.,The provided password does not match your current password.:The provided password does not match your current password.,Could not attach specified users to role.:Could not attach specified users to role.,Could not delete currently logged in user: :email:Could not delete currently logged in user: :email,Could not delete admin user: :email:Could not delete admin user: :email,There was an issue. Please try again.:There was an issue. Please try again.,Specified credentials are not valid:Specified credentials are not valid,This password is not correct.:This password is not correct.,Could not retrieve social sign in account.:Could not retrieve social sign in account.,There must be at least one localization.:There must be at least one localization.,Locale code is required:Locale code is required,Invoice:Invoice,Invoice ID:Invoice ID,Invoice Date:Invoice Date,Billed To:Billed To,From:From,Qty:Qty,Price:Price,Subscription Dues:Subscription Dues,plan:plan,Total:Total,Notes:Notes,Current period:Current period,Previous period:Previous period,Sessions:Sessions,Others:Others,Other:Other,:inviter invited you to :siteName :workspace::inviter invited you to :siteName :workspace,Join your :workspace teammates on :siteName:Join your :workspace teammates on :siteName,Join your team:Join your team,This invitation link will expire in 3 days.:This invitation link will expire in 3 days.,If you do not wish to join this workspace, no further action is required.:If you do not wish to join this workspace, no further action is required.,:inviter invited you to join `:workspace.`::inviter invited you to join `:workspace.`,Accepting the invitation will give you access to links, domains, overlays and other resources in this workspace.:Accepting the invitation will give you access to links, domains, overlays and other resources in this workspace.,This download link will only work if you are logged in as user who has requested the export and it will expire in one day.:This download link will only work if you are logged in as user who has requested the export and it will expire in one day.,This download link will expire in one day.:This download link will expire in one day.,\u201c:name\u201c CSV export is ready to download.:\u201c:name\u201c CSV export is ready to download.,Files of this type are not allowed:Files of this type are not allowed,The file size may not be greater than :size:The file size may not be greater than :size,You have exhausted your allowed space of :space. Delete some files or upgrade your plan.:You have exhausted your allowed space of :space. Delete some files or upgrade your plan.,New message via :siteName contact page.:New message via :siteName contact page.,New message via :siteName contact page from :userEmail:New message via :siteName contact page from :userEmail,Unable to resume subscription that is not within grace period.:Unable to resume subscription that is not within grace period.,Could not delete :plan:Could not delete :plan,This subscription ID already exists:This subscription ID already exists,Could not change plan on PayPal:Could not change plan on PayPal,Hello, :name:Hello, :name,View subscription:View subscription,Payment for :name subscription failed:Payment for :name subscription failed,We could not charge your specified payment method for :planName. We will retry it one more time, after which time your subscription on :siteName will be cancelled and you will lose associated benefits.:We could not charge your specified payment method for :planName. We will retry it one more time, after which time your subscription on :siteName will be cancelled and you will lose associated benefits.,View receipt:View receipt,:name payment receipt::name payment receipt,This is a receipt for your latest :siteName payment.:This is a receipt for your latest :siteName payment.,Invalid emails: :emails:Invalid emails: :emails,Could not find users for emails: :emails:Could not find users for emails: :emails,Auto update method is required.:Auto update method is required.,Go to Link:Go to Link,All rights reserved.:All rights reserved.,Whoops!:Whoops!,Hello!:Hello!,Regards:Regards,If you\u2019re having trouble clicking the \:actionText\ button, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser::If you\u2019re having trouble clicking the \:actionText\ button, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser:,Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.:Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.,Your password has been reset!:Your password has been reset!,We have e-mailed your password reset link!:We have e-mailed your password reset link!,This password reset token is invalid.:This password reset token is invalid.,We cant find a user with that e-mail address.:We cant find a user with that e-mail address.,The email or password you entered is incorrect.:The email or password you entered is incorrect.,Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.:Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.,The :attribute must be accepted.:The :attribute must be accepted.,The :attribute is not a valid URL.:The :attribute is not a valid URL.,The :attribute must be a date after :date.:The :attribute must be a date after :date.,The :attribute must be a date after or equal to :date.:The :attribute must be a date after or equal to :date.,The :attribute may only contain letters.:The :attribute may only contain letters.,The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.:The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.,The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.:The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.,The :attribute must be an array.:The :attribute must be an array.,The :attribute must be a date before :date.:The :attribute must be a date before :date.,The :attribute must be a date before or equal to :date.:The :attribute must be a date before or equal to :date.,The :attribute must be between :min and :max.:The :attribute must be between :min and :max.,The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.:The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.,The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.:The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.,The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.:The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.,The :attribute field must be true or false.:The :attribute field must be true or false.,The :attribute confirmation does not match.:The :attribute confirmation does not match.,The :attribute is not a valid date.:The :attribute is not a valid date.,The :attribute does not match the format :format.:The :attribute does not match the format :format.,The :attribute and :other must be different.:The :attribute and :other must be different.,The :attribute must be :digits digits.:The :attribute must be :digits digits.,The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.:The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.,The :attribute has invalid image dimensions.:The :attribute has invalid image dimensions.,The :attribute field has a duplicate value.:The :attribute field has a duplicate value.,The :attribute must be a valid email address.:The :attribute must be a valid email address.,The selected :attribute is invalid.:The selected :attribute is invalid.,The :attribute must be a file.:The :attribute must be a file.,The :attribute field must have a value.:The :attribute field must have a value.,The :attribute must be an image.:The :attribute must be an image.,The :attribute field does not exist in :other.:The :attribute field does not exist in :other.,The :attribute must be an integer.:The :attribute must be an integer.,The :attribute must be a valid IP address.:The :attribute must be a valid IP address.,The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address.:The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address.,The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address.:The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address.,The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.:The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.,The :attribute may not be greater than :max.:The :attribute may not be greater than :max.,The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.:The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.,The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.:The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.,The :attribute may not have more than :max items.:The :attribute may not have more than :max items.,The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.:The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.,The :attribute must be at least :min.:The :attribute must be at least :min.,The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.:The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.,The :attribute must be at least :min characters.:The :attribute must be at least :min characters.,The :attribute must have at least :min items.:The :attribute must have at least :min items.,The :attribute must be a number.:The :attribute must be a number.,The :attribute field must be present.:The :attribute field must be present.,The :attribute format is invalid.:The :attribute format is invalid.,The :attribute field is required.:The :attribute field is required.,The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.:The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.,The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.:The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.,The :attribute field is required when :values is present.:The :attribute field is required when :values is present.,The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.:The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.,The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.:The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.,The :attribute and :other must match.:The :attribute and :other must match.,The :attribute must be :size.:The :attribute must be :size.,The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.:The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.,The :attribute must be :size characters.:The :attribute must be :size characters.,The :attribute must contain :size items.:The :attribute must contain :size items.,The :attribute must be a string.:The :attribute must be a string.,The :attribute must be a valid zone.:The :attribute must be a valid zone.,The :attribute has already been taken.:The :attribute has already been taken.,The :attribute failed to upload.:The :attribute failed to upload.,Current password is incorrect.:Current password is incorrect.,Please confirm your email address.:Please confirm your email address.,User with email \:attribute\ does not exist.:User with email \:attribute\ does not exist.,This is not a valid date format.:This is not a valid date format.,name:name,message:message,The provided two factor recovery code was invalid.:The provided two factor recovery code was invalid.,The provided two factor authentication code was invalid.:The provided two factor authentication code was invalid.,The provided password was incorrect.:The provided password was incorrect.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one number.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one number.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one special character.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one special character.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character and one number.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character and one number.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character and one special character.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character and one special character.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character, one number, and one special character.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one uppercase character, one number, and one special character.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one special character and one number.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters and contain at least one special character and one number.,The :attribute must be at least :length characters.:The :attribute must be at least :length characters.,Showing:Showing,to:to,of:of,results:results,Pagination Navigation:Pagination Navigation,Go to page :page:Go to page :page,Reset Password Notification:Reset Password Notification,You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.:You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.,Reset Password:Reset Password,This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.:This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.,If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.:If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.,Verify Email Address:Verify Email Address,Please click the button below to verify your email address.:Please click the button below to verify your email address.,If you did not create an account, no further action is required.:If you did not create an account, no further action is required.,Not Found:Not Found,Server Error:Server Error,Forbidden:Forbidden,Too Many Requests:Too Many Requests,Page Expired:Page Expired,Unauthorized:Unauthorized,Service Unavailable:Service Unavailable,Dashboard:Dashboard,Link Groups:Link Groups,Branded Domains:Branded Domains,CTA Overlays:CTA Overlays,Tracking Pixels:Tracking Pixels,Link Pages:Link Pages,Developers:Developers,Privacy Policy:Privacy Policy,Terms of Service:Terms of Service,Contact Us:Contact Us,Admin Area:Admin Area,Account Settings:Account Settings,Analytics:Analytics,Plans:Plans,Subscriptions:Subscriptions,Users:Users,Roles:Roles,Pages:Pages,Files:Files,Localizations:Localizations,Ads:Ads,Features:Features,Pricing:Pricing,Access Admin:Access Admin,admin:admin,Required in order to access any admin area page.:Required in order to access any admin area page.,Update Appearance:Update Appearance,Allows access to appearance editor.:Allows access to appearance editor.,Super Admin:Super Admin,Give all permissions to user.:Give all permissions to user.,Access Api:Access Api,api:api,Allow users to use the API and access API section in their account settings page.:Allow users to use the API and access API section in their account settings page.,View Roles:View Roles,roles:roles,Allow viewing ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.,Create Roles:Create Roles,Allow creating new roles, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new roles, regardless of who is the owner.,Update Roles:Update Roles,Allow updating ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow updating ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.,Delete Roles:Delete Roles,Allow deleting ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow deleting ALL roles, regardless of who is the owner.,View Custom Pages:View Custom Pages,custom_pages:custom_pages,Allow viewing of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own pages without this permission.:Allow viewing of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own pages without this permission.,Create Custom Pages:Create Custom Pages,Allow creating new custom pages, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new custom pages, regardless of who is the owner.,Count:Count,Maximum number of pages user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of pages user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,Update Custom Pages:Update Custom Pages,Allow editing of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own pages without this permission.:Allow editing of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own pages without this permission.,Delete Custom Pages:Delete Custom Pages,Allow deleting of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own pages without this permission.:Allow deleting of all pages on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own pages without this permission.,View Custom Domains:View Custom Domains,custom_domains:custom_domains,Allow viewing all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own domains without this permission.:Allow viewing all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own domains without this permission.,Create Custom Domains:Create Custom Domains,Allow user to connect their own custom domains.:Allow user to connect their own custom domains.,Maximum number of domains user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of domains user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,Update Custom Domains:Update Custom Domains,Allow editing all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own domains without this permission.:Allow editing all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own domains without this permission.,Delete Custom Domains:Delete Custom Domains,Allow deleting all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own domains without this permission.:Allow deleting all domains on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own domains without this permission.,View Files:View Files,files:files,Allow viewing all uploaded files on the site. Users can view their own uploads without this permission.:Allow viewing all uploaded files on the site. Users can view their own uploads without this permission.,Create Files:Create Files,Allow uploading files on the site. This permission is used by any page where it is possible for user to upload files.:Allow uploading files on the site. This permission is used by any page where it is possible for user to upload files.,Update Files:Update Files,Allow editing all uploaded files on the site. Users can edit their own uploads without this permission.:Allow editing all uploaded files on the site. Users can edit their own uploads without this permission.,Delete Files:Delete Files,Allow deleting all uploaded files on the site. Users can delete their own uploads (where applicable) without this permission.:Allow deleting all uploaded files on the site. Users can delete their own uploads (where applicable) without this permission.,Download Files:Download Files,Allow downloading all uploaded files on the site. Users can download their own uploads (where applicable) without this permission.:Allow downloading all uploaded files on the site. Users can download their own uploads (where applicable) without this permission.,View Users:View Users,users:users,Allow viewing user profile pages on the site. User can view their own profile without this permission.:Allow viewing user profile pages on the site. User can view their own profile without this permission.,Create Users:Create Users,Allow creating users from admin area. Users can register for new accounts without this permission. Registration can be disabled from settings page.:Allow creating users from admin area. Users can register for new accounts without this permission. Registration can be disabled from settings page.,Update Users:Update Users,Allow editing details of any user on the site. User can edit their own details without this permission.:Allow editing details of any user on the site. User can edit their own details without this permission.,Delete Users:Delete Users,Allow deleting any user on the site. User can request deletion of their own account without this permission.:Allow deleting any user on the site. User can request deletion of their own account without this permission.,View Localizations:View Localizations,localizations:localizations,Allow viewing ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.,Create Localizations:Create Localizations,Allow creating new localizations, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new localizations, regardless of who is the owner.,Update Localizations:Update Localizations,Allow updating ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow updating ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.,Delete Localizations:Delete Localizations,Allow deleting ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow deleting ALL localizations, regardless of who is the owner.,View Settings:View Settings,settings:settings,Allow viewing ALL settings, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL settings, regardless of who is the owner.,Update Settings:Update Settings,Allow updating ALL settings, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow updating ALL settings, regardless of who is the owner.,View Plans:View Plans,plans:plans,Allow viewing ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.,Create Plans:Create Plans,Allow creating new plans, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new plans, regardless of who is the owner.,Update Plans:Update Plans,Allow updating ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow updating ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.,Delete Plans:Delete Plans,Allow deleting ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow deleting ALL plans, regardless of who is the owner.,View Invoices:View Invoices,invoices:invoices,Allow viewing ALL invoices, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL invoices, regardless of who is the owner.,View Tags:View Tags,tags:tags,Allow viewing ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow viewing ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.,Create Tags:Create Tags,Allow creating new tags, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new tags, regardless of who is the owner.,Update Tags:Update Tags,Allow updating ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow updating ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.,Delete Tags:Delete Tags,Allow deleting ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow deleting ALL tags, regardless of who is the owner.,View Workspaces:View Workspaces,workspaces:workspaces,Allow viewing of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own workspaces without this permission.:Allow viewing of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own workspaces without this permission.,Create Workspaces:Create Workspaces,Allow creating new workspaces, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new workspaces, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of workspaces user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of workspaces user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,Member count:Member count,Maximum number of members workspace is allowed to have.:Maximum number of members workspace is allowed to have.,Update Workspaces:Update Workspaces,Allow editing of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own workspaces without this permission.:Allow editing of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own workspaces without this permission.,Delete Workspaces:Delete Workspaces,Allow deleting of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own workspaces without this permission.:Allow deleting of all workspaces on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own workspaces without this permission.,Create Links:Create Links,links:links,Allow creating new links, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new links, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of urls user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of urls user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,Maximum number of clicks\/visits allowed per month for all user urls. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of clicks\/visits allowed per month for all user urls. Leave empty for unlimited.,Alias:Alias,Whether user is allowed to set custom alias for links.:Whether user is allowed to set custom alias for links.,Expiration:Expiration,Whether user is allowed to set expiration date or clicks for links.:Whether user is allowed to set expiration date or clicks for links.,Whether user is allowed to set password for links.:Whether user is allowed to set password for links.,Utm:Utm,Whether user is allowed to use utm builder when shortening links.:Whether user is allowed to use utm builder when shortening links.,Whether user is allowed to use location, device and platform retargeting features.:Whether user is allowed to use location, device and platform retargeting features.,View Links:View Links,Allow viewing of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own links without this permission.:Allow viewing of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own links without this permission.,Update Links:Update Links,Allow editing of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own links without this permission.:Allow editing of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own links without this permission.,Delete Links:Delete Links,Allow deleting of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own links without this permission.:Allow deleting of all links on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own links without this permission.,Create Link Overlays:Create Link Overlays,link_overlays:link_overlays,Allow creating new link overlays, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new link overlays, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of overlays user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of overlays user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,View Link Overlays:View Link Overlays,Allow viewing of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own overlays without this permission.:Allow viewing of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own overlays without this permission.,Update Link Overlays:Update Link Overlays,Allow editing of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own overlays without this permission.:Allow editing of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own overlays without this permission.,Delete Link Overlays:Delete Link Overlays,Allow deleting of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own overlays without this permission.:Allow deleting of all overlays on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own overlays without this permission.,Create Link Groups:Create Link Groups,link_groups:link_groups,Allow creating new link groups, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new link groups, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of groups user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of groups user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,View Link Groups:View Link Groups,Allow viewing of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own groups without this permission.:Allow viewing of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own groups without this permission.,Update Link Groups:Update Link Groups,Allow editing of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own groups without this permission.:Allow editing of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own groups without this permission.,Delete Link Groups:Delete Link Groups,Allow deleting of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own groups without this permission.:Allow deleting of all link groups on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own groups without this permission.,Create Biolinks:Create Biolinks,biolinks:biolinks,Allow creating new biolinks, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new biolinks, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of biolinks user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of biolinks user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,View Biolinks:View Biolinks,Allow viewing of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own biolinks without this permission.:Allow viewing of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own biolinks without this permission.,Update Biolinks:Update Biolinks,Allow editing of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own biolinks without this permission.:Allow editing of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own biolinks without this permission.,Delete Biolinks:Delete Biolinks,Allow deleting of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own biolinks without this permission.:Allow deleting of all biolinks on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own biolinks without this permission.,Create Tracking Pixels:Create Tracking Pixels,tracking_pixels:tracking_pixels,Allow creating new tracking pixels, regardless of who is the owner.:Allow creating new tracking pixels, regardless of who is the owner.,Maximum number of pixels user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.:Maximum number of pixels user will be able to create. Leave empty for unlimited.,View Tracking Pixels:View Tracking Pixels,Allow viewing of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own pixels without this permission.:Allow viewing of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can view their own pixels without this permission.,Update Tracking Pixels:Update Tracking Pixels,Allow editing of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own pixels without this permission.:Allow editing of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can edit their own pixels without this permission.,Delete Tracking Pixels:Delete Tracking Pixels,Allow deleting of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own pixels without this permission.:Allow deleting of all pixels on the site, regardless of who created them. User can delete their own pixels without this permission.}},themes:{all:{id:1,name:Dark,is_dark:true,default_light:false,default_dark:true,user_id:1,values:{--be-foreground-base:255 255 255,--be-primary-light:239 246 255,--be-primary:191 219 254,--be-primary-dark:147 197 253,--be-on-primary:56 30 114,--be-background:23 23 26,--be-background-alt:34 34 38,--be-background-chip:66 68 74,--be-paper:36 37 40,--be-disabled-bg-opacity:12%,--be-disabled-fg-opacity:30%,--be-hover-opacity:8%,--be-focus-opacity:12%,--be-selected-opacity:16%,--be-text-main-opacity:100%,--be-text-muted-opacity:70%,--be-divider-opacity:12%},font:null,created_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z,updated_at:2024-07-13T21:21:13.000000Z},{id:2,name:Light,is_dark:false,default_light:true,default_dark:false,user_id:1,values:{--be-foreground-base:0 0 0,--be-primary-light:191 219 254,--be-primary:59 130 246,--be-primary-dark:37 99 235,--be-on-primary:255 255 255,--be-background:255 255 255,--be-background-alt:246 248 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