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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:10:22 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 17:37:21 GMTETag: e4e118-1c1f-4e5f6d723b640Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7199Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Powered-By: PleskLinMS-Author-Via: DAVContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head>title>Domain Default page/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />meta http-equivCache-Control contentno-cache />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link relicon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/style.css />script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAdocument.write(script languagejavascript typetext/javascript srchttp:// + location.hostname + :8880/javascript/promo-flags.js.php>/ + script>\n);//>/script>/head>body>div classpage> div classheader clear> script typetext/javascript> //!CDATA if (window.product_copyrights) { document.write(a classcompany-logo href>Parallels/a>); } //> /script> div classheader-area> h1>a classproduct-logo href titleParallels Plesk Panel>Parallels Plesk Panel/a>/h1> span classheader-text> script typetext/javascript> //!CDATA if (window.product_copyrights) { document.write(a classtop-copyright href>© 1999-2009, Parallelsbr />All rights reserved/a>); } if (window.plesk_promo) { if (window.plesk_promo.virtuozzo) { document.write(a classtxt-banner href>Discover strong>Parallelsbr />Virtuozzo Containers/strong>/a>); } } //> /script> /span> /div> /div> div classwrapper> div classcontainer> div classcontent> div classdescription> h2>Web Sites Default Page/h2> p>strong>This page is generated by a href>Parallels Plesk Panel/a>, the leading hosting automation software. You see this page because you have set up your Web server for serving a new site, but have not uploaded the site content yet./strong>/p> p>You can do the following:/p> ul> li>Upload your Web site contents using FTP./li> li>Install Web applications on your site: an image gallery, a discussion forum, an online store, a chat, and many other applications./li> li>Create a Web site using a href>Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder/a> wizard, if this service is available from your hosting provider./li> /ul> p classhr>To log in to your Parallels Plesk Panel, visit script typetext/javascript> //!CDATA document.write(a hrefhttps:// + location.hostname + :8443>https:// + location.hostname +:8443/a>); //> /script>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classtwo-col clear> div classtest-pages> h3>span>Test Pages/span>/h3> div classblock-area> p>Parallels Plesk Panel provides several test pages that you can use for checking the scripting features, testing database connections and mail sending. Click an icon to see test pages for different scripts:/p> div classicons-area> a hreftest/apacheasp/test.html classicon idasp>span>ASP/span>/a> a hreftest/ssi/test.html classicon idssi>span>SSI/span>/a> a hreftest/php/test.html classicon idphp>span>PHP/span>/a> a hreftest/coldfusion/test.html classicon idcoldfusion>span>ColdFusion/span>/a> a hreftest/perl/test.html classicon idperl>span>Perl/span>/a> a hreftest/python/test.html classicon idpython>span>Python/span>/a> a hreftest/fcgi/test.html classicon idfcgi>span>FastCGI/span>/a> a hreftest/miva/test.html classicon idmiva>span>Miva/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div idpromo-plesk-domain classpromo> h3>span>Other Parallels Solutions/span>/h3> div classblock-area> div classpromo-block> div classclear> a classbox href>img srcimg/common/pdfm_box.jpg altParallels Desktop for Mac />/a> h4>a href>span>Parallels/span> Desktop® for Mac/a>/h4> p>The best solution for running Windows, Linux, or any of many other operating systems alongside OS X./p> a classmore href>Learn More!/a> /div> div classclear> a classbox href>img srcimg/common/pws_box.jpg altParallels Workstation />/a> h4>a href>span>Parallels®/span> Workstation/a>/h4> p>The most powerful, stable, easiest-to-use, cost-effective desktop virtual PC solution available today./p> a classmore href>Learn More!/a> /div> /div> ul classclear> li classfirst>strong>a href>Parallels Virtuozzo Containers/a>/strong> - the most efficient server virtualization technology./li> li>strong>a href>Parallels Automation/a>/strong> - hosting, SaaS, and cloud computing automation solution./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter> div classfooter-area> script typetext/javascript> //!CDATA if (window.product_copyrights) { document.write(p classdescription>This page was generated by a href>Parallels Plesk Panel/a>/p>); } //> /script> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>(function(){var Ddocument,Wwindow;function A(){if(W.plesk){return;}W.plesk1;if(D.getElementsByTagName){var SD.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendChild(D.createElement(script));S.setAttribute(type,text/javascript);S.setAttribute(src,}}if(D.addEventListener){D.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded,A,false)}/*@cc_on D.write(\x3cscript id\_IE_onload\ defer\defer\ src\javascript:void(0)\>\x3c\/script>);(D.getElementById(_IE_onload)).onreadystatechangefunction(){if(this.readyStatecomplete){A()}};@*/if(/WebK/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){var CsetInterval(function(){if(/loaded|complete/.test(D.readyState)){clearInterval(C);A()}},10)}W/*@cc_on !@*/0?attachEvent:addEventListener(/*@cc_on on+@*/load,A,false)})()/script>/body>/html>
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