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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: awselb/2.0Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:07:30 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 134Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:07:31 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 14489Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: privateServer: Microsoft-IIS/10.0X-Frame-Options: sameorigin !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns >head>title> Motorcycle Safety Foundation Campus - Training, Lessons, Learn to Ride/title> script srcScripts/hover.js typetext/javascript>/script> meta http-equivimagetoolbar contentno />link relShortcut Icon href/favicon.png />link relStylesheet typetext/css hrefStyleSheets/main.css />link relStylesheet typetext/css hrefStyleSheets/nav.css />link relStylesheet typetext/css hrefStyleSheets/preload.css /> !--if IE 6> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefStyleSheets/IE6.css /> !endif--> meta namedescription contentMotorcycle Safety Foundation Campus - Dedicated to Expanding Rider Education and Motorcycle Safety Opportunities />meta namekeywords contentBRC, DBS, RiderCourse, new rider, rider class, motorcycle lessons, motorcycle training, riding lessons, scooter, dirtbike school, dirt bike, ATV, quad, learn to ride, MSF, Motorcycle Safety Foundation, ASI, ATV Safety Institute />/head>body> form nameaspnetForm methodpost action./ idaspnetForm>input typehidden name__VIEWSTATE id__VIEWSTATE valuesrvXIpHmnh0x/1ZgfsQ0PEaKkah90drjFZVLMosYagpbPWPJ0DaxhJy6j6qPEDs6ZBS1fWBv3pXkNt02APH5fV+h+ufy46/jP+S9gnHTvaer6kMRRPNqSm+x2Plr6MHMPoqhioK5UW16J/jXaIlpoWo5HR6bg23ElZcJNWkE9q/1fwBHalKV761t8tdw+dLd />input typehidden name__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR id__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR valueCA0B0334 /> div idpreload1>/div>div idpreload2>/div>div idpreload3>/div>div idpreload4>/div>div idpreload5>/div>div idpreload6>/div> div idpreload7>/div>div idpreload8>/div>div idpreload9>/div>div idpreloadCourses>/div>div idpreloadInfo>/div>div idpreloadEnroll>/div> div idwrapper> div idheader-wrapper> div idlogo> a hrefDefault.aspx titleMotorcycle Safety Foundation Campus>img srcImages/logo.gif width182 height98 altMotorcycle Safety Foundation Campus border0 />/a> /div> div idheader> div idtagline-wrapper> img srcImages/tagline.gif width331 height20 altTraining | Education | Research /> /div> div idnav-wrapper> div idnav> ul> li idliCourses onmouseoverhover2(liCourses, imgCourses, imgCoursesActive); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses, imgCoursesActive, imgCourses);> a hrefBasicRiderCourse.aspx > img idimgCourses altOur Courses srcImages/nav/nav_courses.gif width183 height37 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive srcImages/nav/nav_courses_hvr.gif width183 height37 border0 classhidden /> /a> ul> li idliCourses1 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses1, imgCourses1, imgCoursesActive1); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses1, imgCoursesActive1, imgCourses1);> img idimgCourses1 altStreet Bikes srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg1.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive1 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg1_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /li> li idliCourses3 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses3, imgCourses3, imgCoursesActive3); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses3, imgCoursesActive3, imgCourses3);> a hrefBasicRiderCourse.aspx > img idimgCourses3 altBasic RiderCourse (BRC) srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg3.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive3 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg3_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> li idliCourses4 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses4, imgCourses4, imgCoursesActive4); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses4, imgCoursesActive4, imgCourses4);> a hrefAdvancedRiderCourse.aspx> img idimgCourses4 altAdvanced RiderCourse srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg4.gif width328 height28 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive4 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg4_hvr.gif width328 height28 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> li idliCourses5 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses5, imgCourses5, imgCoursesActive5); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses5, imgCoursesActive5, imgCourses5);> img idimgCourses5 altDirt Bikes srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg5.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive5 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg5_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /li> li idliCourses6 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses6, imgCourses6, imgCoursesActive6); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses6, imgCoursesActive6, imgCourses6);> a hrefDirtBikeBRC.aspx> img idimgCourses6 altDirtBike Basic RiderCourse srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg6.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive6 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg6_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> li idliCourses7 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses7, imgCourses7, imgCoursesActive7); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses7, imgCoursesActive7, imgCourses7);> img idimgCourses7 altAll-Terrain Vehicles srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg7.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive7 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg7_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /li> li idliCourses8 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses8, imgCourses8, imgCoursesActive8); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses8, imgCoursesActive8, imgCourses8);> a hrefATVRiderCourse.aspx> img idimgCourses8 altATV RiderCourse srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg8.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive8 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg8_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> li idliCourses9 onmouseoverhover2(liCourses9, imgCourses9, imgCoursesActive9); onmouseoutnohover2(liCourses9, imgCoursesActive9, imgCourses9);> a hrefCourseLocations.aspx> img idimgCourses9 altCourse Locations srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg9.gif width328 height29 border0 classvisible /> img idimgCoursesActive9 srcImages/ddl/ddl_bg9_hvr.gif width328 height29 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idliInfo onmouseoverhover2(liInfo, imgInfo, imgInfoActive); onmouseoutnohover2(liInfo, imgInfoActive, imgInfo);> a hrefLinks.aspx> img idimgInfo altInformation & Resources srcImages/nav/nav_info.gif width276 height37 border0 classvisible /> img idimgInfoActive srcImages/nav/nav_info_hvr.gif width276 height37 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> li idliEnroll onmouseoverhover2(liEnroll, imgEnroll, imgEnrollActive); onmouseoutnohover2(liEnroll, imgEnrollActive, imgEnroll);> a hrefEnroll.aspx> img idimgEnroll altHow to Enroll srcImages/nav/nav_enroll.gif width182 height37 border0 classvisible /> img idimgEnrollActive srcImages/nav/nav_enroll_hvr.gif width182 height37 border0 classhidden /> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> div classclear>/div> div idhome-wrapper> div idsplash-wrapper> div>img srcImages/splash_front1.jpg altThe Best First Ride Is with Us width503 height272 />/div> div>img srcImages/splash_front2.jpg altThe Best First Ride Is with Us width503 height214 />/div> /div> div idcontent-wrapper> div idcontent> div>img srcImages/hdr/hdr_txt_front.gif width342 height13 altThe MSF campuses are a place for learning. />/div> p classno-padding narrow> The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Campuses are dedicated to expanding rider education and motorcycle safety opportunities. At an MSF Campus you may find new riders participating in a Basic i>RiderCourse/i> to earn their license waiver, youngsters learning how to safely operate ATVs in an ATV Safety Institute ATV i>RiderCourse/i>, and a family entering the exciting world of off-highway motorcycling together in a DirtBike School class. Beyond that the MSF Campuses are utilized for training new RiderCoaches, ATV Safety Instructors and DirtBike School Coaches. New curriculum products are tested and evaluated at the Campuses, and ongoing professional development opportunities occur for current RiderCoaches, ATV Safety Instructors and DirtBike School Coaches. The MSF Campuses are where you will usually find new curriculum products offered first in an area, so check back frequently to find out what the MSF Campus can do for you. /p> /div> div idenroll-btn> a idctl00_content_lnkEnroll titleClick Here to Find a RiderCourse Near You onmouseoverreplace2('imgFindRiderCourse', 'imgFindRiderCourseHover'); onmouseoutreplace2('imgFindRiderCourseHover', 'imgFindRiderCourse'); href target_blank> img idimgFindRiderCourse srcImages/btn/btn_find_ridercourse.gif width355 height77 altClick Here to Find a RiderCourse Near You border0 classvisible /> img idimgFindRiderCourseHover srcImages/btn/btn_find_ridercourse_hvr.gif width355 height77 altClick Here to Find a RiderCourse Near You border0 classhidden /> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> div idfooter-wrapper> div idfooter> div idfooter-col1> a hrefDefault.aspx>Home/a> | a hrefSiteMap.aspx>Site Map/a> | a href target_blank>Campus Crew Login/a> /div> div idfooter-col2-wrapper> div idfooter-col2> div stylefloat: left; height: 120px; padding-right: 2px;> a href target_blank>img srcImages/logo_sm.gif width19 height18 border0 altMotorcycle Safety Foundation />/a> /div> div stylepadding-bottom: 2px;>a href target_blank>© 2024 Motorcycle Safety Foundation /a>/div> The Motorcycle Safety Foundation® is the internationally recognized developer of the comprehensive, research-based, Rider Education and Training System (RETS). RETS curricula promotes lifelong-learning for motorcyclists and continuous professional development for certified RiderCoaches(SM) and other trainers. MSF also actively participates in government relations, safety research, public awareness campaigns and the provision of technical assistance to state training and licensing programs. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation is a national, not-for-profit organization endorsed by a href target_blank >BMW/a>, a href target_blank >BRP/a>, a href target_blank >Harley-Davidson/a>, a href target_blank >Honda/a>, a href target_blank >Indian Motorcycle/a>, a href target_blank >Kawasaki/a>, a HREF target_blank >KTM/a>, a href target_blank >Suzuki/a>, a href target_blank >Triumph/a> and a href target_blank > Yamaha/a>. /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> /div> /form> script typetext/javascript> var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.); document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E)); /script> script typetext/javascript> try { var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-726434-19); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} /script>/body>/html>
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