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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:58:58 GMTServer: ApacheP3P: CPNOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEMExpires: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: 3e8d5f661192abfdfa037356d853d7a2rll8nh8687oiorb571ieg2tn83; path/Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:58:58 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen-gb langen-gb >head> base href /> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow /> meta namekeywords contentjoomla, Joomla /> meta namedescription contentJoomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system /> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management /> title>Motion Capture Society/title> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 /> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 /> link relstylesheet href/components/com_acajoom/css/acajoom.css typetext/css /> script typetext/javascript src/media/system/js/mootools.js>/script> script typetext/javascript src/media/system/js/caption.js>/script> script typetext/javascript> window.addEvent(domready, function(){ var JTooltips new Tips($$(.hasTip), { maxTitleChars: 50, fixed: false}); 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text-align: right; namelogin-form classstandard-form action methodpost styletext-align: right;>h4 styletext-align: left;>MCS Login/h4>label>Username input namelog idsidebar-user-login classinput tabindex97 typetext />/label>label>Password input namepwd idsidebar-user-pass classinput tabindex98 typepassword />/label>p classforgetmenot>label>input namerememberme idsidebar-rememberme valueforever tabindex99 typecheckbox /> Remember Me/label>/p>input namewp-submit idsidebar-wp-submit valueLog In tabindex100 typesubmit /> /form>!-- Beginning Module : Acajoom PRO 4.0.2 --> script languagejavascript typetext/javascript> !-- function submitacajoommod1(formname) { var form eval(document.+formname);var place,1);var point,place+1); if ( || E-mail) {alert( Please enter a valid e-mail address. );return false; } else {if ((place > -1)&&( >2)&&(point > 1)){form.submit();return true; } else {alert( Please enter a valid e-mail address. );return false;}}} //--> /script>form action methodpost namemodacajoomForm1> div class side-block styletext-align:right>h4 stylefloat: left; classpretext>Newsletter Sign-Up/h4>br /> fieldset classnewsletter>input typehidden value1 namesubscribed1 />input typehidden namesub_list_id1 value2 />input typehidden nameacc_level1 value0 />Email: input idwz_12 typetext size10 valueE-mail classinputbox nameemail onblurif(this.value) this.valueE-mail; onfocusif(this.valueE-mail) this.value ; />br /> input idwz_2 typecheckbox value1 namereceive_html checkedchecked /> Receive HTML?br classspacer>br /> input idaca_22 typebutton valueSubscribe classbutton nameSubscribe onclickreturn submitacajoommod1(modacajoomForm1); />br /> /fieldset>/div> input typehidden nameact valuesubscribe /> input typehidden nameredirectlink value/thank-you-subscribe /> input typehidden namelistname value0 /> input typehidden nameItemid value999 />/form>br styleclear:both;!-- End Module : Acajoom PRO 4.0.2 -->/div>div idcontent>table classblog cellpadding0 cellspacing0>tr> td valigntop> div> table classcontentpaneopen>tr>td valigntop colspan2>h3 styletext-align: justify;>WELCOME/h3>p styletext-align: justify;>The Motion Capture Society (MCS) is an international, professional, honorary nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of the motion capture industry./p>p styletext-align: justify;>This society supports people and companies with an expressed interest in the motion capture profession and is committed to enhancing the global state of the motion capture industry. We celebrate everyone from enthusiastic beginners to the industry leaders in every aspect of our community: artists, designers, animators, programmers, directors, producers, hardware and software developers. We celebrate, aggregate, support, train and promote motion capture professionals in their local and global communities. We offer unbiased enthusiastic support of all genres, styles, tools and outlooks. No matter what the format or scope, we tie the whole community together./p>p>strong>Become a member of our society today....its FREE./strong>/p>p>span stylecolor: #3366ff;>strong>em>click the join tab at the top of the screen to find out more./em>/strong>/span>/p>p> /p>p>The old forum has been replaced by our new MCS social network./p>p>Members must log in to access the network, their profile page and the MCS discussion groups./p>p> /p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor: #3366ff;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>span stylefont-size: 14pt;>strong>Other MCS Resources Available around the web/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p styletext-align: justify;>em>In addition to the information we provide on our site, we post or rebroadcast job opportunities, upcoming events, parties and miscellaneous information from time to time through our other portals on various social networks around the /> /em>/p>p styletext-align: justify;> /p>p>strong> em>You may want to follow/friend/join/like us on the folllowing sites:br />/em>/strong>/p>p>Our Tumblr Blog - a href >strong> /strong>/a>/p>p>Follow us on TWITTER - a href>strong>>/a>/p>p>Join our Linkedin Groupstrong> - a href>>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: justify;>Or our Facebook Group -strong> a href!/group.php?gid13392006583>!/group.php?gid13392006583/a>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: justify;> /p>div styletext-align: justify;>strong>For any Motion Capture related questions, needs or requirements you may have, please click the contact tab at the top of the screen for more details /strong>/div>div styletext-align: justify;>strong>br />/strong>/div>p styletext-align: justify;> /p>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>br />/strong>/p>br />p styletext-align: justify;> /p>!-- START of joscomment -->!-- END of joscomment -->/td>/tr>/table>span classarticle_separator> /span> /div> /td>/tr>/table> div classmoduletable home_blog> h3>Latest Blog Posts/h3> ul classlatestnews home_blog> li classlatestnews home_blog> a href/blog/216-greenlight-hell classlatestnews home_blog> Greenlight Hell/a> /li> li classlatestnews home_blog> a href/blog/203-mocap-press-area classlatestnews home_blog> Mocap Press Area/a> /li> li classlatestnews home_blog> a href/blog/77-the-new-mcs-website classlatestnews home_blog> Become a member of the society/a> /li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable home_blog> h3>Latest Events/h3> ul classeventlistmod home_blog> li> span classlocation> a href/events/details/12-test-event>Test Event/a> /span>br /> span classdate> April 23, 2014 - April 30, 2014 | 10.00 - San Francisco, California /span> /li> li> span classlocation> a href/events/details/13-birds-of-a-feather>birds of a feather/a> /span>br /> span classdate> August 13, 2014 - August 13, 2014 | 18.00 - Vancouver, BC /span> /li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable> div stylefloat: left; text-align: left classsponsors>p>span stylefont-size: small;>strong>Sponsors:/strong>/span>/p>div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: small;>strong>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a target_blank href>img stylevertical-align: middle; margin: 25px; height97 width140 titleXSENS altXSENS logo src/images/sponsors/movenlogo.jpg />/a>a target_blank href>img stylevertical-align: middle; margin: 15px; height140 width140 titlePhaseSpace altPhaseSpace Logo src/images/sponsors/phasespacelogo.jpg />/a>/span>/strong>/span>/div>div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: small;>a target_blank href>img titleNatural Point altNatural Point Logo src/images/sponsors/naturalpointlogo.gif stylevertical-align: middle; margin: 15px; />/a>img stylevertical-align: middle; margin: 15px; altMotion Analysis height36 width264 src/images/stories/maclogo_white_bkgrd_black.jpg titleMotion Analysis />img stylevertical-align: middle; margin: 15px; altVicon height37 width109 src/images/stories/vicon_logo.jpg titleVicon />/span>/div>/div> /div> /div>!-- end #content -->br styleclear:both; />/div>!-- end #wrapper -->/div>!-- end #page -->div idfooter>div>Copyright © 2024 Motion Capture Society. All Rights Reserved./div>div>a href>Joomla!/a> is Free Software released under the a href>GNU/GPL License./a>/div>/div>!-- end #footer -->/body>/html>
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