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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 11:31:48 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 12:12:47 GMTETag: 23d4-4c90768cc0dc0Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 9172Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Minooka Grain, Lumber & Supplies - Minooka, Illinois/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>style typetext/css>!--.style1 {color: #243A7A}-->/style>link hrefNewMinookaLumber.css relstylesheet typetext/css>style typetext/css>!--body { background-color: #2D384C;}-->/style>/head>body leftmargin0 topmargin0 marginwidth0 marginheight0>table width795 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr> td height19 colspan2 classwhite-text p1>div alignright classSmall1>a hrefcontact.html classstyle1>Contact Us >>/a> | a href!/pages/Minooka-IL/Minooka-Grain-Lumber-Supply-Co/380885044609 target_blank classstyle1>Follow us on Facebook >>/a>img srcimages/spacer.gif>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td width22% height67 classwhite-text p1>a idform href,+Minooka,+Illinois&sll41.456317,-88.26695&sspn0.006979,0.021007&glus&ieUTF8&hq&hnear404+W+Mondamin+St,+Minooka,+Grundy,+Illinois+60447&ll41.458616,-88.264933&spn0.030876,0.054932&z14&iwlocA&outputembed>img srcimages/topnav_map.gif width198 height97 border0>/a>/td> td width78% classwhite-text p1>a hrefindex.html>img srcimages/topnav_banner.gif altMinooka Grain, Lumber & Supply - Home titleMinooka Grain, Lumber & Supply - Home width597 height97 border0>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td height19 colspan2 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter>span classSmall1>Hours of Operation: strong>Monday - Friday 6:30 AM - 4:30 PM/strong> | strong> Saturday: Call for Hours/strong> | strong>Sunday and Holiday: Closed/strong>/span>br>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td height22 rowspan2 classwhite-text p1>img srcimages/N_NavigationBar.jpg width203 height333 border0 usemap#Map> map nameMap> area shaperect coords19,289,119,305 href target_blank altsporting goods> area shaperect coords19,275,130,289 href target_blank altlawn and garden> area shaperect coords19,259,151,274 href target_blank altheating and cooling> area shaperect coords19,243,81,258 href target_blank altelectrical> area shaperect coords19,228,83,242 href target_blank althardware> area shaperect coords19,213,94,228 href target_blank altautomotive> area shaperect coords19,197,98,212 href target_blank althousewares> area shaperect coords19,182,91,197 href target_blank altplumbing> area shaperect coords19,166,132,182 href target_blank altpaint and sundries> area shaperect coords19,151,91,166 href target_blank altfasteners> area shaperect coords19,136,100,151 href target_blank altpower tools> area shaperect coords19,120,91,135 href target_blank althand tools> area shaperect coords19,74,80,89 href/suppliers.html altsuppliers> area shaperect coords19,59,105,73 hrefofficespace.html> area shaperect coords19,44,176,58 hrefproducts-services.html altdepartment & services> area shaperect coords19,28,62,44 href/index.html althome> /map>/td> td height11 classwhite-text p1>object classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,29,0 width594 height200> param namemovie valueNewHomeFlash.swf> param namequality valuehigh> param namemenu valuefalse> embed srcNewHomeFlash.swf width594 height200 qualityhigh pluginspage typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash menufalse>/embed> /object>/td> /tr> tr> td height11 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter> table width100% border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding0> tr classSmall1> td width52% height67 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter>a hrefstore_images.html>img srcimages/lumberwarehouse_box.jpg width183 height95 border0>/a>br> lumber warehouse photos/div>/td> td width52% classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter>a hrefelevator.html>img srcimages/grainmill_box.jpg width184 height94 border0>/a>br> grainelevator /div>/td> td width52% classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter>a href/officespace.html>img srcimages/officespace_box.jpg width184 height94 border0>/a>br> office space /div>/td> /tr> /table> /div>/td> /tr> tr> td height22 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter> object classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,29,0 width134 height94> param namemovie valueimages/Logos_1.swf> param namequality valuehigh> embed srcimages/Logos_1.swf qualityhigh pluginspage typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash width134 height94>/embed> /object> /div>/td> td height11 classwhite-text p1> table width100% border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding0> tr> td width52% height67 classwhite-text p1>p classSmall1>Serving the Minooka and surrounding area with quality wood, hardware and building materials has been the cornerstone of strong>Minooka Grain, Lumber & Supply Co. /strong> for the past 20 years, although our roots extend back as a farmers cooperative to 1908. We began to place more emphasis on the lumber aspect of the business as more and more farmland was lost to development. We are dedicated to offering top quality products at reasonable prices, backed by unsurpassed, personalized one-on-one service for each customer./p> p classSmall1> From framing lumber to finishing lumber, prefinished doors and millwork to the locksets, we have what you need. Our company experts can give you estimates on the lumber for your home plans & free delivery is available. And, other construction materials, such as drywall, insulation, vinyl sidings, etc. are available./p>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td height22 colspan2 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter> table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing10 classTinyFony> tr> td width25% height13 classwhite-text p1>div aligncenter>span classgray-text-regular>a href# classgray-text-regular>/a>a href/contact.html classStandardFont>Contact Us/a>/span>/div>/td> td width75% aligncenter classgray-text-regular>© 2011 Minooka Grain, Lumber and Supply Company . All rights reserved/td> /tr> /table> /div>/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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