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stylebox-shadow:0px 5px 15px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%);> img src> /span--> i class59f33 icon ifont icon-Doctor-team animated f32 >/i> /div> div class90387 w100 f18 lin3x ttil>内科专家/div> /li> li class3290c li3 fl text_c rel animated fadeInLeft > div class0b673 tps> !--span classfc5f9 pic100 over dblock h0 picb100 br100 stylebox-shadow:0px 5px 15px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%);> img src> /span--> i classaa81e icon ifont icon-Doctor-team animated f32 >/i> /div> div class1079a w100 f18 lin3x ttil>医技专家/div> /li> /div> div classdee56 ge10>/div> div class67dee bd> div class7f76a allbox> div classe0442 pac_team pics cfff col3> div classf5abf bd stylewidth:100%;> ul> li>div class68711 plr5>div classb46f7 box > a href title江永强> span class717a8 picb120>img class5effe am05 src>/span> p class65464 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classd838d nob styledisplay:block>江永强/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class554ae cle>/div> p class154ae bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classc49fa nob>主任医师br/>/strong>strong class53269 nob>总院院长/strong>br/> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa1a75 plr5>div classcb0f5 box > a href title朱胜> span class30687 picb120>img class4ed0a am05 src>/span> p class1d6dd bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class0c627 nob styledisplay:block>朱胜/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class98e81 cle>/div> p classc0106 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class24a7c nob>主任医师br/>/strong>strong class6efbf nob>集团党委委员/strong>br/> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa9285 plr5>div class3841c box > a href title余涛> span class1b295 picb120>img class94e33 am05 src>/span> p class126d2 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class0cab1 nob styledisplay:block>余涛/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class8426a cle>/div> p classa4897 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class2c32d nob>副主任医师br/>/strong>strong class8bbb0 nob>广济医院常务副院长/strong>br/> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa992f plr5>div class7a4e8 box > a href title姚永平> span classcd80c picb120>img classf804c am05 src>/span> p classf32ec bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class16dd0 nob styledisplay:block>姚永平/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class33d9e cle>/div> p class16d9a bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classd8a78 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classf20c3 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class7d9f7 plr5>div classd826f box > a href title谢德明> span classae484 picb120>img class28d6a am05 src>/span> p class917d9 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class31921 nob styledisplay:block>谢德明/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class1aa96 cle>/div> p classdaf3b bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classe5e29 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong>strong classb74db nob>集团党委委员/strong>br/> /p> /div> /li> li>div classf6a36 plr5>div class99fdf box > a href title张德辉> span class52f58 picb120>img class5a18e am05 src>/span> p class639cb bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class241a1 nob styledisplay:block>张德辉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classe510d cle>/div> p class1622b bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classbeca7 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class9aa6d nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classc0813 plr5>div class08528 box > a href title段传军> span classb9496 picb120>img class9ca58 am05 src>/span> p class7f4a2 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class2cb68 nob styledisplay:block>段传军/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class28706 cle>/div> p class77fb8 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class8967e nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classa3e11 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classfe899 plr5>div class83e1f box > a href title苏璿> span class2aacd picb120>img classba712 am05 src>/span> p class091cf bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class3560a nob styledisplay:block>苏璿/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class4ce9e cle>/div> p classea3e5 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class1bf2a nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class734b4 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class66ab7 plr5>div class2f98a box > a href title吴凯> span class2efe2 picb120>img classfc625 am05 src>/span> p classe8383 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class68398 nob styledisplay:block>吴凯/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classabcfb cle>/div> p class6e601 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classc981c nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class0f8a7 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa4435 plr5>div class05b4d box > a href title孟云> span class17cc4 picb120>img classc9e08 am05 src>/span> p class4644c bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class4980c nob styledisplay:block>孟云/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classeee71 cle>/div> p class82eab bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class30d86 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classc67b1 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class36d1c plr5>div class6f5c4 box > a href title曹辉> span class7a0c7 picb120>img classca289 am05 src>/span> p class047ae bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class0acf4 nob styledisplay:block>曹辉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class0d6ac cle>/div> p classace24 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classa778a nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classff7a9 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classc2cf2 plr5>div class22259 box > a href title刘辉> span class892a6 picb120>img class49c9c am05 src>/span> p class5b2df bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class5a513 nob styledisplay:block>刘辉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classb8fac cle>/div> p class22ffa bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class6d797 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class32e7d nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class25e55 plr5>div class2e2bd box > a href title郑晓燚> span classb6aa1 picb120>img class47cea am05 src>/span> p classe599f bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class37521 nob styledisplay:block>郑晓燚/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class1d1d5 cle>/div> p class32f31 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class74815 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class601bb nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa44c9 plr5>div class2c498 box > a href title吴鹏> span class6d807 picb120>img class4ff6a am05 src>/span> p class30358 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class9e208 nob styledisplay:block>吴鹏/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class567a0 cle>/div> p classa5d71 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class4cadc nob>副主任中医师br/>/strong> strong class43c4d nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class4dfe0 plr5>div classbeb42 box > a href title蔡克万> span classd896e picb120>img class915f7 am05 src>/span> p class54247 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class06a0a nob styledisplay:block>蔡克万/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class9eb57 cle>/div> p class19bb9 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class9728d nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class7c84f nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa9524 plr5>div class32203 box > a href title王政林> span class9fb7b picb120>img class47acc am05 src>/span> p classea50f bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class5ee7d nob styledisplay:block>王政林/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classf1fa0 cle>/div> p class92940 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classa31a3 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classcd420 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa06cd plr5>div class214d4 box > a href title江涛> span class4f649 picb120>img class1ae29 am05 src>/span> p classc5781 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class12a26 nob styledisplay:block>江涛/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class2e5c2 cle>/div> p classcdeed bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classc2959 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class94d2d nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classc1b17 plr5>div class6da48 box > a href title陶勇> span class5a19e picb120>img class9b06a am05 src>/span> p class12eb6 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class0b278 nob styledisplay:block>陶勇/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class6fd22 cle>/div> p class32bbb bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classdf802 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class07468 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classd6b5e plr5>div class0d11d box > a href title杨岭> span class6bbdf picb120>img classb1d52 am05 src>/span> p class74f1e bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class045b7 nob styledisplay:block>杨岭/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class56072 cle>/div> p class1a025 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class33052 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classf3bbc nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class85837 plr5>div classf3d9f box > a href title柏文昆> span class6ca5e picb120>img classf939c am05 src>/span> p class89a48 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class85d7d nob styledisplay:block>柏文昆/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class654a7 cle>/div> p class820b8 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class6094e nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classe05df nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classf78c7 plr5>div classce6af box > a href title王怀波> span classa1f20 picb120>img class5ed02 am05 src>/span> p classaa3e3 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class4bc39 nob styledisplay:block>王怀波/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class2774b cle>/div> p class26cfd bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class39a9e nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classa3b2a nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classabb0b plr5>div classb3b36 box > a href title王炎> span classb1f44 picb120>img classea906 am05 src>/span> p class66be0 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classb3b83 nob styledisplay:block>王炎/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class17c38 cle>/div> p class3fdb4 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classa1d07 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class129a0 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class6e332 plr5>div classb8148 box > a href title刘仑> span classb2f1f picb120>img class9260a am05 src>/span> p class56d79 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class48f77 nob styledisplay:block>刘仑/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class0543e cle>/div> p class82380 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classd3f83 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classdc209 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class189ce plr5>div class628f7 box > a href title王鸿> span class5b647 picb120>img class2eb83 am05 src>/span> p classb94ec bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class397f7 nob styledisplay:block>王鸿/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class8de2d cle>/div> p class941f6 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classad554 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classd4462 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classd0850 plr5>div class8fd3c box > a href title高涛涛> span classa7a87 picb120>img class11550 am05 src>/span> p classe5f68 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class5d5d6 nob styledisplay:block>高涛涛/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class646ca cle>/div> p class464b4 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classaf1f0 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class464da nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class841f5 plr5>div class1ac7e box > a href title李有志> span classe7fa9 picb120>img class36529 am05 src>/span> p classe5fed bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classe7132 nob styledisplay:block>李有志/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classcbe65 cle>/div> p classcc92f bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class2307f nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class98acc nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classb1623 plr5>div classe9417 box > a href title张艳> span classb243b picb120>img classd31bd am05 src>/span> p classd78b5 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class8c202 nob styledisplay:block>张艳/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class99416 cle>/div> p class2c492 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class2f0ce nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classb75c9 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classfbc23 plr5>div classc0c0b box > a href title杨柳> span class30af9 picb120>img class7baa4 am05 src>/span> p classbde0d bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classed06d nob styledisplay:block>杨柳/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classfe179 cle>/div> p class2515a bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class415ae nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classa42d3 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classe501c plr5>div class09adf box > a href title韩瑞> span class25b3c picb120>img classd163e am05 src>/span> p class50ee7 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class6cc18 nob styledisplay:block>韩瑞/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classab2d5 cle>/div> p class47f73 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class2c282 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classc7f9d nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class7e2ad plr5>div class14cc5 box > a href title谭震> span classa145b picb120>img class45945 am05 src>/span> p class0a80a bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classe637a nob styledisplay:block>谭震/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classf31cd cle>/div> p classb1c84 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classf9d1e nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class69840 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class3b262 plr5>div class98f99 box > a href title郝子龙> span classc4647 picb120>img class0b8fb am05 src>/span> p class77d54 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classa5788 nob styledisplay:block>郝子龙/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classd3663 cle>/div> p class09cee bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class9b39e nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classaad02 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class082c5 plr5>div classc8b6d box > a href title姜宝> span class0bea0 picb120>img classd2762 am05 src>/span> p class922cb bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class64ab8 nob styledisplay:block>姜宝/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class49918 cle>/div> p class0b2c1 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class0c6b2 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class68c4a nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa8f60 plr5>div class8d83b box > a href title张军> span class717c5 picb120>img classe5f6d am05 src>/span> p classa70f5 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classf0ecb nob styledisplay:block>张军/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class4125d cle>/div> p class7c898 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class08048 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class1030f nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class41f53 plr5>div class4c97e box > a href title甘柳> span class10397 picb120>img classed8a0 am05 src>/span> p class400fc bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class2305d nob styledisplay:block>甘柳/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classe8e93 cle>/div> p class3eee4 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classfa658 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class00b7e nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class43b9d plr5>div class2c612 box > a href title刘鸿娟> span class31616 picb120>img class1c061 am05 src>/span> p class3f610 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classc63b6 nob styledisplay:block>刘鸿娟/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class37932 cle>/div> p class0df1b bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classd525d nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class56ac6 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class86051 plr5>div class71e9f box > a href title吴在顶> span class2623a picb120>img class87bd7 am05 src>/span> p class10b65 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classc7f9d nob styledisplay:block>吴在顶/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class120f2 cle>/div> p classd1766 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classa36dd nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class2f41c nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class60d15 plr5>div class3358a box > a href title吴跃虎> span classb1f44 picb120>img classf35f6 am05 src>/span> p class11bec bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class83b36 nob styledisplay:block>吴跃虎/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classe663d cle>/div> p class4b7c9 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class62517 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class02c73 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class8ee8c plr5>div classa244b box > a href title周民> span classdba81 picb120>img classc26c4 am05 src>/span> p classec987 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class2d896 nob styledisplay:block>周民/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class18d16 cle>/div> p class3d51c bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class73a5f nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class38224 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class5a6d6 plr5>div class3a866 box > a href title胡红耘> span classf2580 picb120>img classb8a4f am05 src>/span> p class9fc41 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classaa3aa nob styledisplay:block>胡红耘/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classb10d6 cle>/div> p classa3955 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class87bb6 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classdf0cd nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classcbe7c plr5>div class39a1f box > a href title戴栋栋> span class5ce63 picb120>img classc2d1c am05 src>/span> p classd6672 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class273c5 nob styledisplay:block>戴栋栋/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classcbfa8 cle>/div> p class2b76d bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class4b7d0 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class01d2a nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classb712d plr5>div classfa853 box > a href title刘文婷> span class75988 picb120>img class6f960 am05 src>/span> p class901fa bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class9a56d nob styledisplay:block>刘文婷/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class2d999 cle>/div> p classe2184 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class245fd nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong classb0d92 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classb9bed plr5>div classd098d box > a href title徐宗雪> span classd7940 picb120>img classe1b72 am05 src>/span> p classe3c5f bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classd9095 nob styledisplay:block>徐宗雪/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classb8a2c cle>/div> p class3d114 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class02a03 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class51925 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classb6587 plr5>div class19873 box > a href title随志辉> span classb0a3b picb120>img class919f8 am05 src>/span> p classaab56 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class88f2a nob styledisplay:block>随志辉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class480c6 cle>/div> p class646b7 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class771f5 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class94513 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class363e1 plr5>div class2d760 box > a href title史洪超> span classdda33 picb120>img classa8349 am05 src>/span> p class37546 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classa14ac nob styledisplay:block>史洪超/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class557e0 cle>/div> p class44e11 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class6d317 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classb156e nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classd66dc plr5>div class4a5d5 box > a href title江鸿才> span class576c5 picb120>img class22bec am05 src>/span> p classe3d89 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class04261 nob styledisplay:block>江鸿才/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classcba1c cle>/div> p classb91fd bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classa68c7 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class02626 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class75185 plr5>div classa837b box > a href title方成> span class6df10 picb120>img classc6fae am05 src>/span> p class12b8b bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class18f66 nob styledisplay:block>方成/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class05bf4 cle>/div> p class7b0d8 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classdf347 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class6b1d7 nob>骨科医疗中心院长/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class38d03 plr5>div class787a3 box > a href title甘晓东> span classf3ad1 picb120>img classd6447 am05 src>/span> p classab6e2 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classcf19e nob styledisplay:block>甘晓东/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class50ecf cle>/div> p class65da0 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classeb0df nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class20e9e nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classe4d4c cle>/div> div class37744 hd2>ul>/ul>/div> /div> /div> div classe68b0 allbox> div class8bd8e pac_team pics cfff col3> div classdc309 bd stylewidth:100%;> ul> li>div classc22cf plr5>div class06868 box > a href title钱志刚> span class55656 picb120>img class9e3f9 am05 src>/span> p classed7d7 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class35f85 nob styledisplay:block>钱志刚/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class7c810 cle>/div> p classcf7c2 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classb249c nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class34e45 nob>凤凰医院院长/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class45bc2 plr5>div class4d33a box > a href title李永安> span class80f81 picb120>img class0d0c5 am05 src>/span> p classc0638 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classeb04b nob styledisplay:block>李永安/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classe4f7f cle>/div> p class16dd2 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classedf93 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class1cf62 nob>安徽省名中医/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class2c016 plr5>div class83b8f box > a href title谢鸿寿> span class30780 picb120>img class1c75b am05 src>/span> p classcf071 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classdf120 nob styledisplay:block>谢鸿寿/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class6a7ec cle>/div> p class65635 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class0bdac nob>副主任医师br/>/strong>strong class888ae nob>集团党委委员/strong>br/> /p> /div> /li> li>div classb2009 plr5>div class751ab box > a href title徐从景> span classdd502 picb120>img class58fa7 am05 src>/span> p classeebdc bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class109ee nob styledisplay:block>徐从景/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classac6b0 cle>/div> p class15dac bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class472c0 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class8a002 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classc529d plr5>div class9e52b box > a href title徐莉君> span class6b067 picb120>img classa4bc9 am05 src>/span> p class1344a bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class99809 nob styledisplay:block>徐莉君/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class34208 cle>/div> p class55643 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class12ba9 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class406dc nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class312e8 plr5>div class3d95d box > a href title赵守成> span class7baac picb120>img class4c91b am05 src>/span> p class2c97f bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class92622 nob styledisplay:block>赵守成/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classa163a cle>/div> p classec50e bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classb6509 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class253a5 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classd3c87 plr5>div classafce5 box > a href title李枫> span class5f455 picb120>img class1234e am05 src>/span> p class75e02 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classbc63e nob styledisplay:block>李枫/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class053cf cle>/div> p class9a61f bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class218aa nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class41893 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class9b408 plr5>div classa02c1 box > a href title杜宁迁> span class4e627 picb120>img class3057f am05 src>/span> p classc1b99 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class872d3 nob styledisplay:block>杜宁迁/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class5735f cle>/div> p class6864e bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class6cdb5 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class90315 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classefdf6 plr5>div class1c34c box > a href title王贵勤> span class42456 picb120>img class511ae am05 src>/span> p classd4485 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class9262b nob styledisplay:block>王贵勤/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classd037a cle>/div> p class5cfcc bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class6b0b1 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class3d3ca nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class93227 plr5>div class211d2 box > a href title张淮民> span class3e910 picb120>img classdc88f am05 src>/span> p classc8da4 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classaa41b nob styledisplay:block>张淮民/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class42c50 cle>/div> p class02c59 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classc4881 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class675cb nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class4cca6 plr5>div classb98f9 box > a href title朱明久> span classc92e2 picb120>img class52d3c am05 src>/span> p class3d2e9 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class3dfc9 nob styledisplay:block>朱明久/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class66396 cle>/div> p class34412 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classec7ac nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classa476a nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classaa3fa plr5>div classfd646 box > a href title王莉> span classda1e6 picb120>img classa8d54 am05 src>/span> p class9754f bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classcc5a9 nob styledisplay:block>王莉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class21195 cle>/div> p class79226 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classee58e nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class28ed8 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class74a1e plr5>div classb4e32 box > a href title李朝伟> span classda4c5 picb120>img classbbf98 am05 src>/span> p classeb5f6 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classc6e84 nob styledisplay:block>李朝伟/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class8f74c cle>/div> p classa6930 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classf29c8 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class8f570 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class57114 plr5>div classd0684 box > a href title余永胜> span classb7f22 picb120>img classb81b8 am05 src>/span> p class854af bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class72095 nob styledisplay:block>余永胜/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classdb3fa cle>/div> p classb4631 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class21d08 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class14c92 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class7ed73 plr5>div classe4a31 box > a href title常琳> span class49647 picb120>img classfaf0d am05 src>/span> p class03191 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classc5f80 nob styledisplay:block>常琳/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classb39f7 cle>/div> p class750b1 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class9a518 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classfdadb nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class68d75 plr5>div class04cb2 box > a href title朱高春> span class40a19 picb120>img class1e3b8 am05 src>/span> p classdee5a bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classb8fe6 nob styledisplay:block>朱高春/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classf8be6 cle>/div> p class1b57c bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class9aecc nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class519df nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class58c71 plr5>div class6920e box > a href title邵蔚> span class443f3 picb120>img class89a1d am05 src>/span> p class7b5cf bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classc18c5 nob styledisplay:block>邵蔚/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class741af cle>/div> p class96042 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class792c8 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong classddb4c nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class3d47c plr5>div class93197 box > a href title张玲> span classe0d36 picb120>img class6260d am05 src>/span> p classc51fc bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class06e7e nob styledisplay:block>张玲/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class1d080 cle>/div> p class45855 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class1efb5 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class395bf nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class8e38d plr5>div class96913 box > a href title程家凤> span class81a16 picb120>img class3c07e am05 src>/span> p classbdb15 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class970d2 nob styledisplay:block>程家凤/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class8c792 cle>/div> p class1e783 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class3ea87 nob>主任医师br/>/strong> strong class069ac nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class695ba plr5>div class88813 box > a href title王晓培> span classdb07e picb120>img classaf3c2 am05 src>/span> p class43e6d bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class44d21 nob styledisplay:block>王晓培/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class5a8ed cle>/div> p class730a1 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class8c2fb nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class18ab3 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class0a57a plr5>div classd9873 box > a href title叶平> span class6b463 picb120>img class5f792 am05 src>/span> p class7027e bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class5c384 nob styledisplay:block>叶平/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class54d6e cle>/div> p class5ec1c bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classc9d61 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class4ce4c nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class7a468 plr5>div class1bccf box > a href title刘焰华> span class53a13 picb120>img class12dd6 am05 src>/span> p classa83be bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class92f03 nob styledisplay:block>刘焰华/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class541c5 cle>/div> p classe7f40 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class80fc6 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class42ae6 nob>科室副主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classaf6b2 plr5>div class1aa86 box > a href title汪蛟龙> span classf3f19 picb120>img class7674a am05 src>/span> p classefa70 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class42b68 nob styledisplay:block>汪蛟龙/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class11984 cle>/div> p classfb6f4 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class53fde nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class76377 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class6e105 plr5>div class405a5 box > a href title冯如兰> span class03a7b picb120>img class24d81 am05 src>/span> p class93f82 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classb74b8 nob styledisplay:block>冯如兰/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class81d3e cle>/div> p class9f121 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classbcc45 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class3cb6e nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classeca40 plr5>div class0688d box > a href title黄家琴> span class1c7f6 picb120>img classe35af am05 src>/span> p class1d034 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class43184 nob styledisplay:block>黄家琴/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classfc497 cle>/div> p class0121e bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class8d925 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class3b32a nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class04854 plr5>div class25ace box > a href title梁进> span classf9b67 picb120>img classc59d8 am05 src>/span> p classda2e9 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class77c86 nob styledisplay:block>梁进/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class31e63 cle>/div> p class36788 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class51a72 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class834e7 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class16240 plr5>div classd4655 box > a href title刘卫淮> span classe07d1 picb120>img class3c2cf am05 src>/span> p classdbcd2 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class9992a nob styledisplay:block>刘卫淮/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classc1b1a cle>/div> p class023df bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class60330 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class86743 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class36d3c plr5>div class5ef9b box > a href title谢修文> span classdd8b9 picb120>img class55fe7 am05 src>/span> p classc1240 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class434c1 nob styledisplay:block>谢修文/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class09944 cle>/div> p class1adca bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class4d3c0 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class4514b nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class83fcb plr5>div classcd641 box > a href title杨传留> span class6f270 picb120>img classc162c am05 src>/span> p class23b29 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong classa4f64 nob styledisplay:block>杨传留/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class24e86 cle>/div> p classf496d bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classca4fd nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class51a79 nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classa8760 plr5>div class1b430 box > a href title姚大莉> span class2b153 picb120>img classeed24 am05 src>/span> p classace6d bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class085d1 nob styledisplay:block>姚大莉/strong> /p> /a> /div> div classf15db cle>/div> p class5b131 bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classe1da5 nob>副主任中医师br/>/strong> strong class86aba nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div classef63c plr5>div class97b14 box > a href title袁家跃> span class70bc3 picb120>img class24dee am05 src>/span> p class53ca1 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class4b8ff nob styledisplay:block>袁家跃/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class03d5d cle>/div> p class1645a bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong classb2988 nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class0288f nob>科室主任br/>/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class616e5 plr5>div class698c9 box > a href title王云> span class9dfb3 picb120>img classfae3f am05 src>/span> p class260c7 bgafff7 c333 f18 lin2x> strong class0d343 nob styledisplay:block>王云/strong> /p> /a> /div> div class5aeaf cle>/div> p classbf4eb bgafff0 cfff ptb10 lin1x6 > strong class5cdda nob>副主任医师br/>/strong> strong class2a535 nob cfff>-/strong> /p> /div> /li> li>div class6ed68 plr5>div class933bb box > a href title汪云> span class1f21a picb120>img class37c80 am05 src>/span> p 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