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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 17:00:16 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1Content-Length: 237Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLocation: max-age3600Expires: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 18:00:16 GMTAge: 0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 17:00:16 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 9316Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 18:14:07 GMTETag: 2464-55c128e1d39c0Accept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 18:00:16 GMTAge: 0 HTML>HEAD>TITLE>Mighty Companions, a Non-Profit Organization/TITLE>meta http-equivpics-label content(pics-1.1 comment ICRAonline v2.0 l gen true for r (nz 1 vz 1 lz 1 oz 1 cz 1) l gen true for r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))>meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta http-equivcontent-language contenten>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>/HEAD>META NAMEDESCRIPTION CONTENTEncouraging the awareness of ourselves as a One Life>META NAMEKEYWORDS CONTENTbrian swimme, enlightenment, now, awakening, awakened, mighty companions, suzanne taylor, lex hixon, nondualism, non-duality, non duality, nur, nonduality, spirituality, crop circles, awareness, one life, advaita, self-inquiry, self inquiry, richard moss, marianne williamson, rachel naomi remen, andrew weil, ram dass, harville hendrix, richard moss, consciousness, science and spirituality, social commentary, vedanta, timeless awareness, willis harman, new mind, leaders of thought>BODY TEXT#000080 LINK#0000ff BGCOLOR#ffffff>a href>/a>table cellspacing10 width100%>tbody>tr>td valigntop width35%>center>font faceARIAL size3>b>Love your>i>-a href>Ken Wilber/a>/i>-/b>br>/font>img srcbluemen3a.gif border0 height200 width219>/center>/td>td valigntop width65%>center>font faceARIAL size2>b>Your website is a light-house for any navigator in the ocean of nonduality./b>br>i>b>-Marc Batz-/b>/i>/font>br>br>font size2>America is something different fromwhatever evils its power structures have imposed on it. Imperfect peoplecome and go, but under all of them is this river of America that theidealistic Founding Fathers so brilliantly conceptualized. They, too, wereflawed humans, but this spirit of the United States is something else again.The flags waving are for that, not for George Bush. We are one, beyond whereour leadership steers us. Thank God. We are a hope of the world. Maybe,thanks to this tragedy. we will achieve our promise. Lets pray for>i>-b>Suzanne Taylor, Founder of Mighty Companions/b>-/i>br>br>table border1 bordercolor#000080 cellpadding10 width80%>tbody>tr>td>center>font size4>b>This is an archival site, not maintained for all links to work but still a treasure trove of wonderful> Suzanne Taylors current site is i>a href>>/i>. Become engaged there to help uplevel our worldview!/font>br>/center>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/font>/center>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table cellspacing10 width100%>tbody>tr>td valigntop width35%>p aligncenter>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size4>b>Founder/b>/font>font size1> br>br>/font>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Suzanne Taylor/font>br>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size4>b>Wisdom Advisors/b>/font>font size1> br>br>/font>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Carol Adriennebr>Andrew Beathbr>Ken Careybr>Alan Cohenbr>Richard Heinbergbr>Barbara Marx Hubbardbr>Thomas Hurleybr>Daphne Rose Kingmabr>Georgia Lambertbr>Robert Mullerbr>Judith Orloffbr>Carol E. Parrishbr>Ronnie Rubinbr>Andrew Schmooklerbr>John Steinerbr>Brian Swimmebr>Russell Targbr>Marianne Williamsonfont size1> br>br>/font>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Willis Harman/font>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size1>(1918-1997)/font>font size1> br>br>/font>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Lex Hixon/font>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size1>(1942-1995)/font>br>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Terence McKenna/font>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size1>(1946-2000)/font>br>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>Robert Theobald/font>br>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size1>(1929-1999)/font>/font>/p>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>font faceTimes New Roman size3>br>/font>/font>center>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>font faceTimes New Roman size3>b>What is a hrefmain.html>i>Mighty Companions/i>/a>?/b>/font>/font>/center>font faceMonotype Corsiva, Arial size3>font faceTimes New Roman size3>br>br>font faceTimes size3>a hrefpage7.html>Appreciations/a>...for how i>Mighty Companions/i> activities and publications have touched peoples>br>a hrefpage8.html>Fundraising/a>: support i>Mighty Companions/i> while saving money on your long distance phone bill!/font>br>br>br>/font>/font>/td>td bgcolor#000080 width1>font size1>./font>/td>td valigntop width65%>p>font size2>/font>/p>blockquote>center>font size2>Now comes a period ofsettling down. This is a quiet time, in which the teacher of God restsa while in reasonable peace. Now he consolidates his learning. Now hebegins to see the transfer value of what he has learned. Its potentialis literally staggering, and the teacher of God is now at the point inhis progress at which he sees in it his whole way out. Give up whatyou do not want, and keep what you do. The teacher of God needs thisperiod of respite...when he is ready to go on, he goes with b>mighty companions/b> beside him. Now he rests a while, and gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone. br>b>i>- A Course in Miracles -/i>/b>/font>/center>/blockquote>p>/p>br>br>p>font size4>These times are dangerously out of balance. Exploitation has supplantedinterest in the common good. What can be done to bring about a morelife-sustaining perception, grounded in an awareness that we are one?br>br>The good news is that seeking God is giving way to expressing God. Afterlifetimes of spiritual practice, self-aware people can sit around the campfire,glowing together. This is an everyday God sort of thing, hearkening toearlier connections to the land and the tribe that have been acculturated outof us. It is timely now for those with a developed capacity for seeingthrough the illusion to grow a field of>br>What is coming clear to you? Let this site be a focal point to pulse the vibe of an awakened>center>-a href/suzanne>Suzanne Taylor/a>-/center>br>/font>br>br>/p>center>font size2>Noblefriendship is the supreme remedy for all ills, physical andmental. br>b>i>-Nisargadatta-/i>/b>br>br>br>Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,br>Rains from the sky a meteoric showerbr>Of facts...they lie unquestioned,>Wisdom enough to leech us of our illbr>Is daily spun, but there exists no loombr>To weave it into>b>i>-Edna St. Vincent Millay-/i>/b>br>br>/font>/center>font size2>br>/font>blockquote>font size2>font size2>a nameLEX>/a>A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventionalintelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that theelevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This isa genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing throughpersons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as anyhighly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundationor a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism -- natural, wild, free. It ismade up of individuals devoted to serving the world anddeveloping themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from whichauthentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world. b>i>-Lex Hixon-/i>/b>/font>/font>/blockquote>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p aligncenter>font size4>i>Dedicated to encouraging the awareness of ourselves as a One Life./i>/font>/p>center>font faceTrebuchet MS,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif size4>a hrefindex.html>Home/a> | a hrefmain.html>Mighty Companions/a> | a href>> | a href/suzanne>Suzanne Taylor/a>br>a href>WebRadio Show/a> |a href>Human Being Society/a> | a href/lexhixon>Lex Hixon/a> | a href/cropcircles>Crop Circles/a>br>a hrefmailform.html>Contact Us/a> | a hreftable.html>Site Map/a>br>font size1>a href target_blank>Labelled with ICRA/a>/font>/font>/center>font faceTrebuchet MS,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif size4>br>br>font size1>ip/font>/font>/BODY>/HTML>
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