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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 02:36:39 GMTcontent-type: text/htmltransfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 12:40:07 GMTvary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 html>!-- #BeginTemplate /Templates/locos.dwt -->head>title>MiddlePeak Railways Ltd - Shunter Lok/Loco/Loc hire - Locomotive & Rolling Stock; hire & Leasing!! Railshunters - rangeerlocomotieven/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namekeywords contentrailway, shunter, shunting, main, lhippel, bakkie, rangeer, lok, ine, locomotive, loco, Railshunters, rangeerlocomotieven, engine, sale, sales, supply, lease, for, hire, english, electric, ruston, rushton, hornsby, air, brake, vacuum, engineering, service, services, trip, holland, netherlands, loc, rangeer, rangeerlok, hipple, 600, bakki, bakkie, NS, radio, middle, peak, middlepeak, peak, district, buxton, hope, services, train, passenger, public, transport, timetables, routes, help, information, stations, line, TOC, local>meta namedescription contentMiddlePeak Railways; Rail vehicle solutions. Locomotives for hire/lease & re-sale. Both mainline & Shunting locos.>/head>body bgcolor#bbbbbb text#000000 link#0000FF vlink#009933 alink#999900>table width99% border0 aligncenter> tr> td width2% rowspan2> /td> td width26% rowspan2 valigntop alignleft>img srcimages/logos/MP_LOGO1.gif width262 height173>/td> td width44% aligncenter rowspan2> div aligncenter> h1>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Rail Equipment Solutions/font>/h1> /div> /td> td width26% rowspan2 alignright valigntop> pre>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>b>font size3>MiddlePeak Railways Ltd,P.O. Box 71,High Peak,SK23 7WL,UNITED KINGDOMTel: +44 (0) 870 881 6743Fax: +44 (0) 870 991 7350a>>/font>/b>/font>/pre> /td> td width2% rowspan2> /td> /tr> tr> /tr>/table>table width99% border0 aligncenter> tr> td width15%> /td> td width51%> div aligncenter>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif color#666666>b>font color#FFFF00>Rail solutions for the 21st century!/font>/b>/font>/div> /td> td width15%> /td> /tr>/table>table width99% border0 cellspacing1 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width2%> /td> td colspan3>!-- #BeginEditable Nav%20Bar --> table width100% border1> tr bgcolor#FFFF00> td>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a hrefindex.htm>Home/a>font color#000000>>>Locomotives & Rolling Stock/font>/font>/td> /tr> /table> !-- #EndEditable -->/td> td width2%> /td> /tr> tr> td width2% height203>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>/font>/td> td width29% height203> table width100% border1 height100%> tr> td> div aligncenter> h2>a hrefsales.htm>Locomotives & Rolling Stock for Sale/a>/h2> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td height203> table width100% border1 height100%> tr> td>!-- #BeginEditable News%20Box --> div aligncenter> h2>a hrefspares.htm>Spare Parts & Equipment/a>/h2> /div> !-- #EndEditable -->/td> /tr> /table> /td> td width29% height203> table width100% border1 height100%> tr> td> div aligncenter> h2>a hreflocohire.htm>Locomotive & Equipment Hire/Lease/a>/h2> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td width2% height203> /td> /tr>/table>table width99% border0 aligncenter> tr> td width2%> /td> td valignmiddle colspan2>!-- #BeginEditable info1 -->!-- #EndEditable -->!-- #BeginEditable info2 --> table width98% border1> tr> td>h2 aligncenter> /h2> p alignleft>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>MiddlePeak Railways hold a fleet of a hreflocohire.htm>hire & lease locomotives/a>, including serveral which are very similar to the ex-British Railways class 08/11 diesel shunter & ex-NS Dutch 600 Class (Rangeer Lok/Bakkie). Each locomotive can be hired complete with a turnkey maintenance package to suit your the customer requirements. We have access to a large range of other types of locomotive & equipment if required. We can also offer other a hrefspares.htm>reconditioned/new parts/a> for both the British/Dutch Shunters (powered by English Electric 6KT engines) & other types of locomotive (loc), Industrial & Mainline./font>/p> table width85% cellspacing2 cellpadding2 aligncenter border1> tr> td width50%> p alignleft>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>In conjunction with our industry partners, we can offer the following;/font>/p> ul>li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Locomotive maintenance & repairs - Industrial & Mainline./font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Rail equipment training./font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Turn-key locomotive/rolling stock hire & lease packages - Industrial & Mainline./font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Locomotive modifications (including retro-fitting with Radio Control). /font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Trackwork maintenance/modifications. /font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>New & re-manufactured replacement parts./font>/li> li>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>Sales & purchase agents on on behalf of UK & overseas clients./font>/li> /td> td> div aligncenter>img srcimages/vehicles/600_indust.jpg border2 width425 height290>/div> /td> /tr> /table> p alignleft>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>MiddlePeak often acts as both sales & purchase agents on on behalf of UK & overseas clients, with shipping arranged too. If your company has any redundant locomotives or other rail related equipment, please a>contact us/a> - as we may be able to assist with disposal./font>/p> table width85% cellspacing2 cellpadding2 aligncenter border1> tr> td width50%> p>div aligncenter>font color#FFFF00>b>h2>Latest News:/h2>/b>/font>/div>/p> ul>p alignleft>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>MiddlePeak Railways is pleased to announce that an initial pair of a href>Europhoenix/a> locomotives have been ordered by Hungarian open access operator a href>Floyd/a>, who have retained an option for further machines. The first of which was shipped from the UK during February 2009. Floyd are specialists in intermodal container freight traffic, especially between Hungary & Germany. These first 2 locomotives will initially be used as standby power for container to power freight traffic within Hungary./p>p alignleft>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>The order from a href>Floyd/a> was negotiated by MiddlePeak Railways Ltd, who have subsequently been working alongside a href>Europhoenix/a> to manage commercial aspects of the program & final customer delivery. MiddlePeak have strong European ties & operate a fleet of former NS (Netherlands Spoorwegen) radio control shunting locomotives – of which one is currently depot shunter with Europheonix at Long Marston./p> /td> td> div aligncenter>img srcimages/vehicles/floyd_86.jpg border2 width455 height315>/div> /td> /tr> /table> table width99% border0 cellspacing1 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width2%> /td> td colspan3>!-- #BeginEditable Nav%20Bar --> table width100% border1> tr bgcolor#FFFF00> td>h2 aligncenter>a hrefcom_rail.htm>Peak District Public Transport/a>/h2>font color#000000>/td> /tr> /table> !-- Start of StatCounter Code -->script typetext/javascript languagejavascript>!-- var sc_project1523185; var sc_invisible1; var sc_partition13; var sc_securitye696a16a; //-->/script>script typetext/javascript languagejavascript src>/script>noscript>a href target_blank>img src altfree counter statistics border0>/a> /noscript>!-- End of StatCounter Code -->/body>!-- #EndTemplate -->/html>
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