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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 19:04:56 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:37:48 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3322Content-Type: text !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 transitional//EN>html>head>title>MiCoPrint Kft./title>/head>body bgcolor#ffffff textblack linkred vlinkblue alinkyellow>table namemicoprint border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0>!-- shim row-->tr>td>img srcshim.gif width59 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width10 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width122 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width37 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width2 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width172 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width171 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width4 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width155 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width11 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif height1 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 1 -->tr>td colspan3>img nameLogo srcLogo.gif altLogo width191 height182 border0>/td>td colspan8>img nameCegfelirat srcCegfelirat.gif altCegfelirat width610 height182 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 2 -->tr>td colspan11>img nameHonlap_resz srcHonlap_resz.gif altHonlap resz width801 height82 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 3 -->tr>td colspan5>img nameKozep_bal srcKozep_bal.gif altKozep bal width230 height227 border0>/td>td colspan3>img srcunder_animated1.gif altUnder Construction width281 height214 hspace30>/td>td colspan3>img nameKozep_jobb srcKozep_jobb.gif altKozep jobb width224 height227 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 4 -->tr>td colspan6>img namer4c1 srcr4c1.gif width402 height57 border0>/td>td colspan5>img namer4c7 srcr4c7.gif width399 height57 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 5 -->tr>td>img nameAlso_01_bal srcAlso_01_bal.gif altAlso 01 bal width59 height27 border0>/td>td colspan3>img nameCyan_kep srcCyan_kep.gif altCyan kep width169 height27 border0>/td>td colspan2>img nameMagenta_kep srcMagenta_kep.gif altMagenta kep width174 height27 border0>/td>td>img nameYellow_kep srcYellow_kep.gif altYellow kep width171 height27 border0>/td>td colspan3>img nameBlack_kep srcBlack_kep.gif altBlack kep width170 height27 border0>/td>td>img nameAlso_01_jobb srcAlso_01_jobb.gif altAlso 01 jobb width58 height27 bord
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 19:04:57 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:37:48 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3322Content-Type: text !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 transitional//EN>html>head>title>MiCoPrint Kft./title>/head>body bgcolor#ffffff textblack linkred vlinkblue alinkyellow>table namemicoprint border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0>!-- shim row-->tr>td>img srcshim.gif width59 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width10 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width122 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width37 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width2 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width172 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width171 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width4 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width155 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif width11 height1 border0>/td>td>img srcshim.gif height1 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 1 -->tr>td colspan3>img nameLogo srcLogo.gif altLogo width191 height182 border0>/td>td colspan8>img nameCegfelirat srcCegfelirat.gif altCegfelirat width610 height182 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 2 -->tr>td colspan11>img nameHonlap_resz srcHonlap_resz.gif altHonlap resz width801 height82 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 3 -->tr>td colspan5>img nameKozep_bal srcKozep_bal.gif altKozep bal width230 height227 border0>/td>td colspan3>img srcunder_animated1.gif altUnder Construction width281 height214 hspace30>/td>td colspan3>img nameKozep_jobb srcKozep_jobb.gif altKozep jobb width224 height227 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 4 -->tr>td colspan6>img namer4c1 srcr4c1.gif width402 height57 border0>/td>td colspan5>img namer4c7 srcr4c7.gif width399 height57 border0>/td>/tr>!-- Row 5 -->tr>td>img nameAlso_01_bal srcAlso_01_bal.gif altAlso 01 bal width59 height27 border0>/td>td colspan3>img nameCyan_kep srcCyan_kep.gif altCyan kep width169 height27 border0>/td>td colspan2>img nameMagenta_kep srcMagenta_kep.gif altMagenta kep width174 height27 border0>/td>td>img nameYellow_kep srcYellow_kep.gif altYellow kep width171 height27 border0>/td>td colspan3>img nameBlack_kep srcBlack_kep.gif altBlack kep width170 height27 border0>/td>td>img nameAlso_01_jobb srcAlso_01_jobb.gif altAlso 01 jobb width58 height27 bord
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