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Please a href>upgrade your browser/a> for the best user experience on our site. Thank you./div>/div> !endif--> header idmasthead classsite-header rolebanner> a classhome-link href titlePortfolio relhome> h1 classsite-title>Portfolio/h1> /a> /header>!-- #masthead --> div idmain classsite-main> div idpage classhfeed site> nav idsite-navigation classmain-navigation rolenavigation> div classmenu-main-menu-container>ul idmenu-main-menu classnav-menu>li idmenu-item-107 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-107>a href>Index/a>/li>li idmenu-item-121 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-121>a href>About/a>/li>li idmenu-item-110 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-110>a href>Linked In/a>/li>/ul>/div> /nav>!-- #site-navigation --> div idprimary classcontent-area> div idcontent classsite-content archive rolemain> article idpost-284 classpost-284 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game tag-c tag-mobile tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width360 height360 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 360w, 150w, 300w sizes(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Lemmings /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Lead Programmer for the mobile version of Lemmings.>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Lemmings relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (10 words, estimated 2 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Mobile/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-271 classpost-271 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-aaa category-game tag-c tag-unreal tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width600 height600 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Programming for nDreams /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>div classpage titlePage 1>div classsection>div classlayoutArea>div classcolumn>p>Used Unreal Engine 4 and C++ to develop Vertical Slice Demo of Fracked. More information on the game can be found at>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Programming for nDreams relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (25 words, estimated 6 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unreal/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-235 classpost-235 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width527 height503 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 527w, 300w sizes(max-width: 527px) 100vw, 527px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> The Descent /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>figure classwp-block-image>img alt />p>Date: May-October, 2019br />Concept: VR game, guns fighting monsters in mining shaftbr />Team: 3 programmers, 1 artists, 1 audiobr />Platform: Steam VR w/ Hydraulic platformbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:/p>p>Player stands on hydraulic platform and the hydraulic platform moves to simulate lift descending down mine shaft, as well as any knocks or drops the player’s cage may get on the way down. I worked on the AI and animation state diagrams./p>/figure>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: The Descent relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (72 words, 1 image, estimated 17 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-238 classpost-238 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-programming tag-ar tag-c tag-multithreaded tag-networking tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width225 height225 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 225w, 150w sizes(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Lecturer in Game Programming /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: Sept 2018 – Mar 2019br />Extra Notes:br />Taught classes and labs in the following courses:br />Games Engine Creation (1st)br />Fundamentals of Graphical Programming (1st)br />Concurrent Network Applications (2nd)br />Maths and Algorithms (2nd)br />VR & AR programming (2nd)br />Multiplayer Games (3rd)/p>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Lecturer in Game Programming relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (42 words, estimated 10 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>AR/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Multithreaded/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Networking/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-233 classpost-233 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-ar tag-ipad tag-mobile tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width960 height720 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 960w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Zombie Pirates /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: 2018br />Concept: AR game fighting Zombie Piratesbr />Team: 2 programmers, 2 artists, 1 audiobr />Platform: iPadbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:/p>p>Kids on cruise ship can borrow iPads from the operator. Then they start the game, and point the iPad at the AR target on the wall. Zombie pirates appear to burst through the wall towards the child and the child shoots their cannon at the zombies. The highest scores get recorded on monitors next to the AR target./p>p>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-265 src alt width2220 height1080 srcset 2220w, 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 2220px) 100vw, 2220px />/a>/p>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Zombie Pirates relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (83 words, 1 image, estimated 20 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>AR/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>iPad/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Mobile/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-205 classpost-205 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width3508 height4961 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 3508w, 212w, 768w, 724w sizes(max-width: 3508px) 100vw, 3508px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> The Tower /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: August 2016br />Concept: A VR archery game taking place in an ancient />Team (5):br />Aaron Humphries (3D Artist)br />Ben Luff (Designer/Programmer/Audio)br />Chris Winn (Designer)br />Michael MacKinnon (Producer/Programmer)br />Nelson de Costa (Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windows with HTC Vivebr />Engine: Unity Engine 5.4/p>p>Role: Producer and Programmer (Gameplay/Audio)/p>p>Extra Notes:br />The game makes use of 3m x 3m play area with no teleportation. A tower is used so thatbr />the player can move vertically to encounter new areas to experience. This allows for thebr />elimination of teleportation and forces the player to fully immerse themselves into thebr />room-scale element of the game./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>The Tower/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: The Tower relbookmark>Read the full post (599 words, 11 images, estimated 2:24 mins reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-200 classpost-200 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-coursework category-game category-tech-demo tag-c tag-mobile tag-networking tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width2844 height1362 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 2844w, 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 2844px) 100vw, 2844px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Networking: Team Tanks /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: April 2016br />Concept: two players operate a tank togetherbr />Team: Solobr />Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Repository: a href>>/p>p>Extra Notes:br />This was the final project for a Networking />The Assignment: create a networked game environmentbr />What I developed: To add something extra, I decided to do a cross platform networked />A PC would act as server with two players: a player on the PC server and a player onbr />an iPhone using Google />Player 1 on the PC moved a tank around the environment and had a good clear />Player 2 on the iPhone using Google Cardboard moved the tank’s turret by turning the phone to look in another direction. By tapping on the screen, the player could fire a projectile into the scene./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>Networking: Team Tanks/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: Networking: Team Tanks relbookmark>Read the full post (129 words, 1 image, estimated 31 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Mobile/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Networking/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-196 classpost-196 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-coursework category-game category-tech-demo tag-cplusplus tag-tests tag-unreal data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width960 height542 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 960w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> AI Driving /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: December 2015br />Concept: Driving around a track by AIbr />Team: Solobr />Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unreal Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:br />This was the final project for an AI />The Assignment: create top-down 2D view of a car driving along a vertical line. Providebr />input controls that allow you to shift the car right or left and use a Fuzzy Logicbr />Controller to control steering the car back to the vertical />What I developed: To add some extra challenge to my assignment, I took the 3D car driving gamebr />sample from Unreal Engine and spliced in an AI controller in place of the inputbr />controls. I then created the Fuzzy Logic Controller supported with automated tests (sobr />I could modify the FLC if needed later with confidence) and gave it to the AI Controller./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>AI Driving/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: AI Driving relbookmark>Read the full post (138 words, estimated 33 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>CPlusPlus/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>tests/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unreal/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-187 classpost-187 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width1024 height767 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> APCO Trainer /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: February 2016br />Concept: The game presents users with a scenario and a fully explorable, 3D object. Different areas of the object can then be highlighted and interacted with (e.g. removing the back of a phone, unplugging the Ethernet from a PC tower, or ejecting the disk from a games console), with the final aim being to submit the object in an appropriate state for future testing./p>p>Team (4):br />Ben Luff (Designer)br />Chris Winn (Designer/3D Modeller)br />Louis Dimmock (Programmer)br />Michael MacKinnon (Producer/Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unity Enginebr />My Role: Producer and Programmer (Gameplay/Audio)/p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>APCO Trainer/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: APCO Trainer relbookmark>Read the full post (190 words, 5 images, estimated 46 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-180 classpost-180 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width708 height502 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 708w, 300w sizes(max-width: 708px) 100vw, 708px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Cult V Cult: The Myxtery /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: January 2016br />Concept: You and your cult buddies need to work together to sate the hunger of Sassarilla the demon. Sassy has a craving for you and your friends delicious mortal bodies. Create the right concoctions as a team to keep Sassy at bay. Wait though, while you do that you need create your own secret (read not secret) potions to gain favour with Sassy and save yourself leaving your friends to be />Team (5):br />Blair Gray (Designer)br />Caitlin Goodale (Artist)br />Glenn Patrick Cullen (Programmer)br />Inka Nieminen (Artist)br />Michael MacKinnon (Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windows with PS4 Controllersbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>Cult V Cult: The Myxtery/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: Cult V Cult: The Myxtery relbookmark>Read the full post (125 words, 4 images, estimated 30 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> /div>!-- #content --> nav classnavigation paging-navigation rolenavigation> div classnav-links> div classnav-previous>a href >Older posts/a>/div> span classpagination-item>Page 1 of 2/span> /div>!-- .nav-links --> /nav>!-- .navigation --> /div>!-- #primary --> /div>!-- #main --> /div>!-- #page --> footer idgk-footer rolecontentinfo> div idgk-bottom rolecomplementary> div classwidget-area> div idcategories-3 classwidget widget_categories>h3 classwidget-title>Categories/h3> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-33>a href>AAA/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-35>a href>Coursework/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-32>a href>Game/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-34>a href>Indie/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href>Programming/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-38>a href>Tech Demo/a>/li> /ul> /div>div idarchives-4 classwidget widget_archive>h3 classwidget-title>Archives/h3> ul> li>a href>February 2022/a> (1)/li> li>a href>April 2020/a> (1)/li> li>a href>November 2019/a> (3)/li> li>a href>September 2016/a> (8)/li> li>a href>July 2012/a> (1)/li> /ul> /div>div idmy-reading-library classwidget mrl_widget>h3 classwidget-title>My Reading Library/h3>div classmy-reading-library> br> h4>u>strong>Current Books:/strong>/u>/h4> table stylefont-size:9px;>tr>td stylevertical-align:top;>a target_blank href>img src altCLR via C# />/a>/td>td stylevertical-align:top;>a href>strong>CLR via C#/strong>/a>br>By Jeffrey Richterbr>a target_blank href>Amazon Customer Reviews/a>br>Planned Book/td>/tr>/table> table stylefont-size:9px;>tr>td stylevertical-align:top;>a target_blank href>img src altThe Hunger Games: Catching fire />/a>/td>td stylevertical-align:top;>a href>strong>The Hunger Games: Catching fire/strong>/a>br>By Suzanne Collinsbr>a target_blank href>Amazon Customer Reviews/a>br>Planned Book/td>/tr>/table> /div>/div> /div> /div> div idgk-social> div classmenu-social-menu-container>ul idmenu-social-menu classsocial-menu>li idmenu-item-112 classicon-gplus menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-112>a href#>Google+/a>/li>li idmenu-item-113 classicon-fb menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-113>a href#>Fb/a>/li>li idmenu-item-114 classicon-twitter menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-114>a href#>Twitter/a>/li>li idmenu-item-115 classicon-pinterest menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-115>a href#>Pinterest/a>/li>li idmenu-item-116 classicon-youtube menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-116>a href#>Youtube/a>/li>li idmenu-item-117 classicon-rss menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-117>a href#>RSS/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> div idgk-copyrights> p classcopyright>Free WordPress Theme designed by a href>>/p> p classpoweredby>Proudly published with a href>WordPress/a>/p> /div>!-- .site-info --> /footer>!-- end of #gk-footer --> span classscauto-footer>small>© 2025 - a href relnofollow>Privacy Policy/a>/small>/span>link relstylesheet idmediaelement-css href typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idwp-mediaelement-css href typetext/css mediaall />script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>var mejsL10n {language:en,strings:{mejs.install-flash:You are using a browser that does not have Flash player enabled or installed. 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More information on the game can be found at>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Programming for nDreams relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (25 words, estimated 6 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unreal/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-235 classpost-235 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width527 height503 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 527w, 300w sizes(max-width: 527px) 100vw, 527px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> The Descent /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>figure classwp-block-image>img alt />p>Date: May-October, 2019br />Concept: VR game, guns fighting monsters in mining shaftbr />Team: 3 programmers, 1 artists, 1 audiobr />Platform: Steam VR w/ Hydraulic platformbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:/p>p>Player stands on hydraulic platform and the hydraulic platform moves to simulate lift descending down mine shaft, as well as any knocks or drops the player’s cage may get on the way down. I worked on the AI and animation state diagrams./p>/figure>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: The Descent relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (72 words, 1 image, estimated 17 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-238 classpost-238 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-programming tag-ar tag-c tag-multithreaded tag-networking tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width225 height225 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 225w, 150w sizes(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Lecturer in Game Programming /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: Sept 2018 – Mar 2019br />Extra Notes:br />Taught classes and labs in the following courses:br />Games Engine Creation (1st)br />Fundamentals of Graphical Programming (1st)br />Concurrent Network Applications (2nd)br />Maths and Algorithms (2nd)br />VR & AR programming (2nd)br />Multiplayer Games (3rd)/p>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Lecturer in Game Programming relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (42 words, estimated 10 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>AR/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Multithreaded/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Networking/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-233 classpost-233 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-ar tag-ipad tag-mobile tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width960 height720 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 960w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Zombie Pirates /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: 2018br />Concept: AR game fighting Zombie Piratesbr />Team: 2 programmers, 2 artists, 1 audiobr />Platform: iPadbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:/p>p>Kids on cruise ship can borrow iPads from the operator. Then they start the game, and point the iPad at the AR target on the wall. Zombie pirates appear to burst through the wall towards the child and the child shoots their cannon at the zombies. The highest scores get recorded on monitors next to the AR target./p>p>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-265 src alt width2220 height1080 srcset 2220w, 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 2220px) 100vw, 2220px />/a>/p>div classpost-teaser-block>a href titlePermanent Link: Zombie Pirates relbookmark>Permanent link to this post/a> (83 words, 1 image, estimated 20 secs reading time)/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>AR/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>iPad/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Mobile/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-205 classpost-205 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width3508 height4961 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 3508w, 212w, 768w, 724w sizes(max-width: 3508px) 100vw, 3508px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> The Tower /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: August 2016br />Concept: A VR archery game taking place in an ancient />Team (5):br />Aaron Humphries (3D Artist)br />Ben Luff (Designer/Programmer/Audio)br />Chris Winn (Designer)br />Michael MacKinnon (Producer/Programmer)br />Nelson de Costa (Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windows with HTC Vivebr />Engine: Unity Engine 5.4/p>p>Role: Producer and Programmer (Gameplay/Audio)/p>p>Extra Notes:br />The game makes use of 3m x 3m play area with no teleportation. A tower is used so thatbr />the player can move vertically to encounter new areas to experience. This allows for thebr />elimination of teleportation and forces the player to fully immerse themselves into thebr />room-scale element of the game./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>The Tower/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: The Tower relbookmark>Read the full post (599 words, 11 images, estimated 2:24 mins reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-200 classpost-200 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-coursework category-game category-tech-demo tag-c tag-mobile tag-networking tag-unity tag-vr data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width2844 height1362 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 2844w, 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 2844px) 100vw, 2844px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Networking: Team Tanks /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: April 2016br />Concept: two players operate a tank togetherbr />Team: Solobr />Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Repository: a href>>/p>p>Extra Notes:br />This was the final project for a Networking />The Assignment: create a networked game environmentbr />What I developed: To add something extra, I decided to do a cross platform networked />A PC would act as server with two players: a player on the PC server and a player onbr />an iPhone using Google />Player 1 on the PC moved a tank around the environment and had a good clear />Player 2 on the iPhone using Google Cardboard moved the tank’s turret by turning the phone to look in another direction. By tapping on the screen, the player could fire a projectile into the scene./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>Networking: Team Tanks/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: Networking: Team Tanks relbookmark>Read the full post (129 words, 1 image, estimated 31 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Mobile/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Networking/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>VR/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-196 classpost-196 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-coursework category-game category-tech-demo tag-cplusplus tag-tests tag-unreal data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width960 height542 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 960w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> AI Driving /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: December 2015br />Concept: Driving around a track by AIbr />Team: Solobr />Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unreal Engine/p>p>Role: Programmer/p>p>Extra Notes:br />This was the final project for an AI />The Assignment: create top-down 2D view of a car driving along a vertical line. Providebr />input controls that allow you to shift the car right or left and use a Fuzzy Logicbr />Controller to control steering the car back to the vertical />What I developed: To add some extra challenge to my assignment, I took the 3D car driving gamebr />sample from Unreal Engine and spliced in an AI controller in place of the inputbr />controls. I then created the Fuzzy Logic Controller supported with automated tests (sobr />I could modify the FLC if needed later with confidence) and gave it to the AI Controller./p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>AI Driving/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: AI Driving relbookmark>Read the full post (138 words, estimated 33 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>CPlusPlus/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>tests/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unreal/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-187 classpost-187 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width1024 height767 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> APCO Trainer /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: February 2016br />Concept: The game presents users with a scenario and a fully explorable, 3D object. Different areas of the object can then be highlighted and interacted with (e.g. removing the back of a phone, unplugging the Ethernet from a PC tower, or ejecting the disk from a games console), with the final aim being to submit the object in an appropriate state for future testing./p>p>Team (4):br />Ben Luff (Designer)br />Chris Winn (Designer/3D Modeller)br />Louis Dimmock (Programmer)br />Michael MacKinnon (Producer/Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windowsbr />Engine: Unity Enginebr />My Role: Producer and Programmer (Gameplay/Audio)/p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>APCO Trainer/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: APCO Trainer relbookmark>Read the full post (190 words, 5 images, estimated 46 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> article idpost-180 classpost-180 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-game category-indie tag-c tag-unity data-cols4> div classarticle-helper notloaded> div classpost-preview transition animation animation-slide-up data-url> header classentry-header full-width-image data-url> img width708 height502 src classattachment-gk-portfolio-size size-gk-portfolio-size wp-post-image alt srcset 708w, 300w sizes(max-width: 708px) 100vw, 708px /> h2 classentry-title> a href relbookmark> Cult V Cult: The Myxtery /a> /h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-summary> a href relbookmark>p>Date: January 2016br />Concept: You and your cult buddies need to work together to sate the hunger of Sassarilla the demon. Sassy has a craving for you and your friends delicious mortal bodies. Create the right concoctions as a team to keep Sassy at bay. Wait though, while you do that you need create your own secret (read not secret) potions to gain favour with Sassy and save yourself leaving your friends to be />Team (5):br />Blair Gray (Designer)br />Caitlin Goodale (Artist)br />Glenn Patrick Cullen (Programmer)br />Inka Nieminen (Artist)br />Michael MacKinnon (Programmer)/p>p>Platform: Windows with PS4 Controllersbr />Engine: Unity Engine/p>div classpost-teaser-block>This is a preview of q>Cult V Cult: The Myxtery/q>. a href titlePermanent Link: Cult V Cult: The Myxtery relbookmark>Read the full post (125 words, 4 images, estimated 30 secs reading time)/a>/div>/a> /div>!-- .entry-summary --> /div> ul classtags-links>li>a href reltag>C#/a>, /li>li>a href reltag>Unity/a>/li>/ul> /div>/article>!-- #post --> /div>!-- #content --> nav classnavigation paging-navigation rolenavigation> div classnav-links> div classnav-previous>a href >Older posts/a>/div> span classpagination-item>Page 1 of 2/span> /div>!-- .nav-links --> /nav>!-- .navigation --> /div>!-- #primary --> /div>!-- #main --> /div>!-- #page --> footer idgk-footer rolecontentinfo> div idgk-bottom rolecomplementary> div classwidget-area> div idcategories-3 classwidget widget_categories>h3 classwidget-title>Categories/h3> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-33>a href>AAA/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-35>a href>Coursework/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-32>a href>Game/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-34>a href>Indie/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href>Programming/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-38>a href>Tech Demo/a>/li> /ul> /div>div idarchives-4 classwidget widget_archive>h3 classwidget-title>Archives/h3> ul> li>a href>February 2022/a> (1)/li> li>a href>April 2020/a> (1)/li> li>a href>November 2019/a> (3)/li> li>a href>September 2016/a> (8)/li> li>a href>July 2012/a> (1)/li> /ul> /div>div idmy-reading-library classwidget mrl_widget>h3 classwidget-title>My Reading Library/h3>div classmy-reading-library> br> h4>u>strong>Current Books:/strong>/u>/h4> table stylefont-size:9px;>tr>td stylevertical-align:top;>a target_blank href>img src altCLR via C# />/a>/td>td stylevertical-align:top;>a href>strong>CLR via C#/strong>/a>br>By Jeffrey Richterbr>a target_blank href>Amazon Customer Reviews/a>br>Planned Book/td>/tr>/table> table stylefont-size:9px;>tr>td stylevertical-align:top;>a target_blank href>img src altThe Hunger Games: Catching fire />/a>/td>td stylevertical-align:top;>a href>strong>The Hunger Games: Catching fire/strong>/a>br>By Suzanne Collinsbr>a target_blank href>Amazon Customer Reviews/a>br>Planned Book/td>/tr>/table> /div>/div> /div> /div> div idgk-social> div classmenu-social-menu-container>ul idmenu-social-menu classsocial-menu>li idmenu-item-112 classicon-gplus menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-112>a href#>Google+/a>/li>li idmenu-item-113 classicon-fb menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-113>a href#>Fb/a>/li>li idmenu-item-114 classicon-twitter menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-114>a href#>Twitter/a>/li>li idmenu-item-115 classicon-pinterest menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-115>a href#>Pinterest/a>/li>li idmenu-item-116 classicon-youtube menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-116>a href#>Youtube/a>/li>li idmenu-item-117 classicon-rss menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-117>a href#>RSS/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> div idgk-copyrights> p classcopyright>Free WordPress Theme designed by a href>>/p> p classpoweredby>Proudly published with a href>WordPress/a>/p> /div>!-- .site-info --> /footer>!-- end of #gk-footer --> span classscauto-footer>small>© 2025 - a href relnofollow>Privacy Policy/a>/small>/span>link relstylesheet idmediaelement-css href typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idwp-mediaelement-css href typetext/css mediaall />script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>var mejsL10n {language:en,strings:{mejs.install-flash:You are using a browser that does not have Flash player enabled or installed. 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