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min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>center>H2>The Mendocino Coast is always cool!br>FIND YOUR PLACE - a hreflodging.html>HERE/a>/H2>/center>div style width: 100%; text-align: center>!-- This Weekend --> h3>a hrefmendocino-hotels.html>Hotels/a> img srcimages/wide-starfish.png altstarfish width30 height15> a hrefthings-to-do.html>Things to Do/a> img srcimages/wide-starfish.png altfamily fun width30 height15> a hrefrestaurants.html>Restaurants/a> img srcimages/wide-starfish.png altwedding star width30 height15> a hrefweddings.html>Weddings/a>/h3>Mendocino is a picturesque collection of Victorian villages residing along rugged coastlines, sprawling vineyards, and towering redwood forests, that welcomes those that prefer the scenic path. /div>div style width: 100%;> div style width: auto; float: left>!-- TONIGHT -->!-- Whale Watching -->!-- xxxxx LAST EVENT - ADD NEW EVENT ABOVE --> /div>/div> div style width: 100%; text-align: center; float: left> br>strong>More fun a href/things-to-do.html>things to do?/strong>br>Check out the TOP 10 Things to Do./a>br>br> /div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 10 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div10 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id5392>IMG name main1 src /members/stanfordinn/ravens-restaurant.jpg border 0 alt Ravens >/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a> is known for its natural beauty, from the smallest to the tallest a hrefforest.html>Redwoods/a> in the world, to a hrefglass-beach.html>glass/a>-bottom a hrefbeaches.html>beaches/a> and the only oceanfront botanical gardens in the>br>a hrefmendocinocounty.html>Mendocino County/a> is in a hrefmap-state.html>Northern California/a>, just a few hours above San Francisco. The most popular ways to get to Mendocino are from HWY 101, (from the South) is HWY 128, through our picturesque a hrefwinecountry.html>Mendocino Wine Country/a> over rolling hills and towering redwood forests -or- (from the North) use HWY 20 West, to the coast into Fort Bragg. HWY 1 hugs the coast, it takes a little longer, but the views are spectacular!br clear all>br>div style width: 100%; text-align: center> b>CLICK ANY PHOTO FOR MORE INFORMATION!/b>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 12 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div12 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id6273>IMG name main1 src /members/sweetwaterinn/sweetwaterdechview-cu.jpg border 0 alt Sweetwater Inn & Spa>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>div style width: 100%; text-align: center> h2>a hrefentertainment.html>TOP 10/a> a hrefactivities.html>Things to DObr>in Mendocino County/a>/h2>/div>div style width: 100%;> div style width: auto; float: left>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altfamily fun width30 height20>a hreffamilyfun.html> FAMILY FUN/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino attractions width30 height20>a hrefentertainment.html> ATTRACTIONS/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino shopping width30 height20>a hrefshopping.html> SHOPS & GALLERIES/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino outdoors width30 height20>a hrefoutdoor.html> OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES/a>img srcimages/dot-no.png altMendocino reunions width25 height10>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino beaches forests width30 height20>a hrefbeachlighthouse.html> BEACHES & FORESTS/a> /div> div style width: auto; float: left>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino Dining width30 height20>a hrefdiningout.html> DINING OUT/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg alttasting Mendocino width30 height20>a hrefwine-tasting.html> WINE TASTING/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino history width30 height20>a hrefhistoric.html> PLACES & FACES/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino reunions width30 height20>a hrefgettingtogether.html> GETTING TOGETHER/a>br>img srcimages/starfish-20.jpg altMendocino spas width30 height20>a hrefspas.html> DAY SPAS & PAMPERING/a> /div> div style width: 100%; auto; float: right; text-align: right> h3>a hrefactivities.html>...SEE MORE ACTIVITIES/a>/h3> /div>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 17 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div17 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id575>IMG name main1 src /members/skunktrain/skunktrain.jpg border 0 alt Skunk Train>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>Stroll through these quaint seaside towns and youll discover many fun things to do! Just steps from your a hrefmendocino-bnbs.html>Mendocino B&B/a> youll find charming a href/mendocino_restaurants.html>restaurants/a>, unique a hrefboutiques.html>boutiques/a>, a hrefgalleries.html>galleries/a> specializing in local art, and a hrefentertainment.html>lively entertainment/a>.div style width: 100%; text-align: center>h2>Enjoy the Arts | a href/theater.html>Live Theater and Music/a>/h2>/div>div style width: 100%;> div style width: auto; float: left>!-- SYMPHONY Winter -->!-- FEB 11 OPUS -->!-- MAR 1 - APR 8 EVENT -->!-- APR 28-29 SYMPHONY Spring -->!-- JUL 7-21 -->!-- JUL 26 - AUG 12 EVENT -->!-- AUG 2- SEPT 9 EVENT -->!-- opus - dec 28 EVENT -->!-- 11/11/18 SYMPHONY Fall -->br>!-- JAZZ Night -->!-- xxxxx LAST EVENT - ADD NEW EVENT ABOVE --> /div> /div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 5 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div5 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id5538>IMG name main1 src /members/stanfordinn/rent-canoe-bicycle-too.jpg border 0 alt Stanford Inn By The Sea>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hreffortbragg.html>Fort Bragg/a> a hreffortbragg_lodging.html>hotels/a> are available on the beach and centrally located within walking distance to a hreffortbragg_restaurants.html>restaurants/a>, a hreffort-bragg-activities.html>shopping/a>, beaches and a hreffort-bragg-activities.html>fun things to do in Fort Bragg/a>. You can ride gentle horses along a sandy a href/?id2981>beach/a> or the Skunk Train through redwood forests. Sea lovers will find waterfront a hreffortbragg_restaurants.html>restaurants/a> and a hrefmendocino-whale-watching.html>Mendocino whale watching/a> offered by a hrefboatsfishing.html>charter boats/a> in the a href/?id469>Noyo Harbor/a> south of Fort Braggbr>br>a href?id257>Glass Beach/a> is an unique Must See that the kids will love! Many years ago there was a trash deposit in this cove where Elm Street meets the ocean. Its been gone for a long time, but what remains at the waters edge are lots of pieces of rounded ocean glass. The ocean waves splash on beautiful rocks in the water and its a wonderful place to watch the sunset. Chances are, you have never seen anything like it, and it is relatively easy to get to. BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 3 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div3 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id2976>IMG name main1 src /members/littleriverinn/little-river-inn-oceanfront-livingroom.jpg border 0 alt Mendocino Resort>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>The Mendocino Coast offers the ideal backdrop for an elegant coastal wedding. Some of the most popular locations for a href/weddings.html>Mendocino weddings/a> are oceanfront bluffs, Victorian gardens, under the redwoods or in a picturesque vineyard! Some of our a href/wedding-ceremonies.html>Mendocino Inns/a> specialize in all inclusive Mendocino weddings, offering a href/wedding-ceremonies.html>wedding/a>, a href/wedding-receptions.html>reception/a>, honeymoon and a hreflodging.html> guest lodging/a> all in one place!br>br>Consider returning to one of our romantic a hrefmendocino-inns.html>Inns of Mendocino/a> on your anniversary to fall in love again, with each other and the romantic a hrefmendocino-coast.html>Mendocino Coast/a>!br>br>div alignright>strong>a href/weddings.html>Get Married/a>br>on the Mendocino Coast/strong>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 16 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div16 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id1747>IMG name main1 src /members/agatecoveinn/agatecoveinn-window-chair.jpg border 0 alt Agate Cove Inn>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a> is best known for spectacular scenery, seaside Victorian villages and distinctive a href/?id751>wineries/a>, although most people a hrefmendocino_lodging.html>come to Mendocino/a> to getaway and a hrefmassage.html>relax/a>. The majority of our a href mendocino-hotels.html>Mendocino Hotels/a> put a large emphasis on pampering their guests! Most offer scrumptious a hrefmendocino-bed-and-breakfasts.html>breakfasts, some even in bed/a>, others offer a rejuvenating a hrefdayspa.html>massage/a> in a luxurious a hrefdayspa.html>Day Spa/a>. Enjoy your stay in one of our romantic a hrefmendocino-inns.html>Mendocino Inns/a> to unwind for a few days, youll both be glad you did. Coastal a href>dispensaries/a> are available. The combination of cool coastal breezes, warm days and the fertile soils of the a hrefwinecountry.html>Mendocino Wine Country/a> help produce world-renowned award winning a hrefmendocino-wines.html>Mendocino wines/a>. Spend a relaxing day a href/wine-tasting.html target_blank>wine tasting/a>. Any weekend can be a long weekend - Just treat yourself to an extra day in a hrefabout-mendocino.html>Mendocino/a>!BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 2 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div2 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id2096>IMG name main1 src /members/schoolhousecreek/watertower-sunset.jpg border 0 alt Inn at Schoolhouse Creek>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>The coastal route on Hwy 1, also called Shoreline HWY, takes a little longer as you travel along the rugged coastline, but you gain spectacular ocean views and quaint seaside villages. The Mendocino County Line and a hrefsouthcoast.html>South Coast/a> of Mendocino, begins at a hrefsouthcoast.html>Gualala and continues through Point Arena/a>. To access the South Coast from the interior, take Hwy 128 toward the coast, from Hwy 101, then turn South on HWY 1. Albion and Elk straddle where Hwy 128 meets the sea. Heading north from Hwy 128 youll discover a hreflittleriver.html>Little River/a> and a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a>. The northern route to the coast from Hwy 101, is Hwy 20 west to a hreffortbragg.html>Fort Bragg/a>.br>br>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 1 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div1 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id4545>IMG name main1 src /members/schoolhousecreek/pelicanspier.jpg border 0 alt Inn at Schoolhouse Creek>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino Village/a> is surrounded on three sides by beautiful ocean bluffs, known as the a href/?id435>Mendocino Headlands/a>. With walking trails that afford incredible views of the ocean and New England style Victorians that have been lovingly restored into romantic a hrefmendocino-bed-and-breakfasts.html>Mendocino Bed and Breakfasts/a>, specialty shops and a hrefmendocino-vacation-rentals.html>Mendocino Vacation Rentals/a>.br>br>Fans of a href/?id455>Murder She Wrote/a> will recognize this seaside village as Cabot Cove. Thats right, Murder She Wrote was filmed in the Village of Mendocino (Hollywoods version of Maine). See if you can spot the Homes in Mendocino that were portrayed as her home -or- the scene of the>br>div alignright>strong>a hrefmendocino-activities.html>Things to Do in Mendocino/a>/strong>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 18 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div18 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id2191>IMG name main1 src /members/alegria/alegria-inn-hottub.jpg border 0 alt Alegria Inn>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a> is the only town on the California Coast that is designated as an Historical Landmark. Established in the 1850s, the architecture is reminiscent of Maine with its grand Victorians and quaint Saltbox cottages. Flowers grow lush and many of the a hrefmendocino-hotels.html>Mendocino hotels/a> offer beautiful gardens to enjoy. a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a> is a photographers paradise, everywhere you look there is another picture postcard waiting to be snapped. From crashing waves and old-fashioned water towers to flower covered picket fences and deserted sandy a href/?id2981>beaches/a> - just some of the magic that awaits you in a hrefabout-mendocino.html>Historic Mendocino/a>.br>br>There is one very tall reason why the Mendocino Coast looks they way it does. Its the Redwoods, the area was discovered and settled to harvest the redwoods that built San Francisco.BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 9 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div9 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id545>IMG name main1 src /members/schoolhousecreek/schoolhouse-oceanview-room.jpg border 0 alt Inn at Schoolhouse Creek>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>The quaint seaside village of Elk is the best-kept secret only 30 minutes south of Mendocino and well worth the trip. This sleepy picturesque village is perfect for getting closer and getting away together. Treat yourself to an oceanfront Bed and Breakfast Inn along Elks Coast. a hrefmendocino-inns.html>Mendocino Inns/a> on the Mendocino Coast surround their guests with breathtaking a hrefocean-view-lodging-mendocino.html>Mendocino ocean views/a> that are truly>br>Albion is a small fishing village with lodging, restaurants and scenic vistas. The historic Albion River Bridge, was built in 1944 and is the last wooden bridge in operation along Highway 1. It was constructed from salvaged wood during World War II, when steel and concrete were in short supply. BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 8 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div8 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id630>IMG name main1 src /members/stanfordinn/stanford-inn-arial.jpg border 0 alt Stanford Inn By The Sea>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>On The Southern a hrefsouthcoast.html>Mendocino County line/a>, youll find the quaint little town of Gualala. Some people call it gwa-LA-la, but the old-timers call it wa-LA-la. Said to come from the Kashaya Pomo Indian phrase, ah kha wa la lee which means, Where the water flows down, named for the river that flows out to the ocean right across from the center of>br>Point Arena was one of the first lighthouses built on the California coast and definitely one of the prettiest. The 1906 earthquake nearly destroyed the original lighthouse. The rebuilt lighthouse is open daily for tours. Set in one of the most spectacular, yet peaceful surroundings on the northern California coast, the Point Arena tower is the only Pacific West coast lighthouse of significant height (115 feet) that you can climb to the top! BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 4 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div4 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id4929>IMG name main1 src /members/searock/sea-rock-cottage-1.jpg border 0 alt Sea Rock Inn>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>a hrefwinecountry.html>Mendocino Wine Country/a> begins about 90 miles north of San Francisco in the inland valleys of Mendocino County. Due to the varied terrain and expansive range of micro-climates, the a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a> wine growing region is able to produce an impressive variety of grapes that create superior wines. The first vineyards were planted here in the early 1850s, beginning a rich tradition of World-Class Wines that continues to this>br>Nearly 40 a href/?id751>wineries/a> are located in three regions of Mendocino County - Redwood Valley - Ukiah, Hopland and Anderson Valley. Redwood Valley - Ukiah and Hopland are both in the Russian River area of the County. In addition, the western most winery on the continental United States is on the Mendocino Coast that showcases a winery tasting room at the oceans edge.BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 7 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div7 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id378>IMG name main1 src /members/littleriverinn/little-river-inn-golf-couple.jpg border 0 alt Little River Inn>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>Combined with the unparalleled views of wide-open spaces with redwood trees and rolling meadows to the ocean bluffs, the a hrefmendocinocoast.html>Mendocino Coast/a> is a wonderful way to spend a weekend relaxing in your RV at a local a href/campgrounds.html>campground/a>, a hrefmendocino-county-lodging.html>Mendocino County Lodging/a> or asking your honey to a href>Marry Me in Mendocino/a>. Perhaps, you prefer to live on the edge, let us help you find a Mendocino Beach>br>Renting a a hrefmendocino-vacation-rentals.html>Mendocino Vacation Rental Home/a> is popular with families and couples that want a private family atmosphere with more amenities; such as a kitchen, separate bedrooms, private hot tub, tv and beach access. a hrefmendocino-vacation-rentals.html>Mendocino Vacation Rentals/a> are perfect for extended families attending a wedding or traveling together. Many a hrefmendocino-inns.html>Mendocino Inns/a> have private cottages on their property that make the perfect vacation>br>div alignright>b>....Morebr>a hrefmendocino-vacation-rentals.html>Mendocino Vacation Rentals/a>/b>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 13 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div13 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id5735>IMG name main1 src /members/beachcomber/beachcomber-fort-bragg.jpg border 0 alt Beachcomber Motel and Spa on the Beach>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>i>Mendocino enjoys a cool Maritime climate./i> Summer days can be cooled by fog, while daytime highs average in the upper sixties and lows in the fifties. Winters rarely, if ever, see frost or snow, thanks to the Pacific Ocean. Mendocino averages about 43 inches of rain per year concentrated mainly in fall, winter and spring. a href/?id4891>strong>Wondering how to pack?/strong>/a>br>br>strong>TIP:/strong>br>When looking amongst our impressive selection of a hrefmendocino-hotels.html>Mendocino Hotels/a>, try to shop for value!br>br>Usually the best deal, isnt the lowest price! Your best value will always be relative to the quality of your Mendocino experience! Consider the amenities and extras! Does the room a hrefbedandbreakfast.html>include breakfast/a>? Views and fireplaces really add to a relaxing atmosphere. Whatever your heart desires, were confident youll find the best places to stay on b>a hrefmendocino.html>Mendocino/a>.com/b>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 6 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div6 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id6194>IMG name main1 src /members/bluedoorgroup/blue-door-group-mendocino.jpg border 0 alt Blue Door Group - Inns of Mendocino>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>Golf courses are generally long stretches of grass with a few trees and a sand trap or two to make things interesting. But the oceanview a hrefhorsescourses.html>Mendocino Golf Course/a> has been awarded a top honor: already a Certified Audubon Cooperation Sanctuary Property, the Little River Golf Course was proclaimed the Winner of the Environmental Leaders in Golf Award (ELGA) announced by Golf Digest Magazine and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of>br>Another unusual and interesting State Park awaits you, just turn East on Little River - Airport Road and follow the signs to the a href/?id510>Pygmy Forest/a>. The nutrient-poor, highly acidic clay hardpan soil is relatively inhospitable. As a result, the trees are dwarfed, some mature trees are barely waist-high even though they are hundreds of years old just like the towering redwoods in the middle of the park.BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 14 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row;flex-direction:row class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div14 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id4604>IMG name main1 src /members/cottageslittleriver/cottageslrcove_bbq.jpg border 0 alt Cottages at Little River Cove>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>div style width: 100%; text-align: center>h2>a hrefmendocino-wines.html>MENDOCINO WINES/a>/h2>/div>div style width: 100%;> div style width: auto; float: left> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2605>CHARDONNAY/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2657>PINOT GRIGIO / GRIS/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2659>SAUVIGNON BLANC/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2667>VIOGNIER/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2669>ROSÉ/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2645>SPARKLING WINES/a> /div> div style width: auto; float: left> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2666>CABERNET SAUVIGNON/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2668>MERLOT/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2672>PETITE SIRAH/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2673>PINOT NOIR/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2674>SYRAH/a>br> img srcimages/sq-20.jpg altmendocino wine width30 height20>a href/?id2665>ZINFANDEL/a>br> /div> div style width: 100%; auto; float: right; text-align: right> h3>a href/winecountry.html>...SEE MENDOCINO WINE COUNTRY/a>/h3> /div>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->!--Section 11 array: (15), (10), (12), (17), (5), (3), (16), (2), (1), (18), (9), (8), (4), (7), (13), (6), (14), (11)--> div style align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:space-around;justify-content:space-around;margin:auto;max-width: 1000px;width:100%;border: 0px solid red;-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse class EVEN>div style min-width: 300px; border: 0px solid green class SideBySide> div ID div11 style display:block; border: 0px solid blue>A target _blank HREF /?id2429>IMG name main1 src /members/littleriverinn/little-river-inn-bar.jpg border 0 alt Little River Inn restaurant>/A> /div> !-- close blue --> /div> !-- Close Green -->div style border: 0px solid purple; min-width: 300px; class SideBySide> div align left class paragraph style border: 0px solid black>div alignright>b>a hrefmap-state.html>Getting Here/a> is made easy with drivingbr>directions from your location to anybr> town within Mendocino>br>br>Look for the linksbr>below on every>Use them to visit each townbr>and their lodging, activities and restaurantsbr>within that town./b>/div>BR> /div> !--close black --> /div>!-- close purple --> /div>!--close red-->/div>div id sidebarMain>DIV align center class paragraph>B>BR>!--array: (), (), (2_just_added.gif), (), (), (3), (Same Window)-->iMG src /sidebars/images/2_just_added.gif alt Mendocino Image border 0 >BR>!--array: (mendocino-dispensaries.html), (CANNABIS 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