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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 10:18:01 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 194Connection: keep-aliveLocation: max-age63072000X-Frame-Options: DENY html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body bgcolorwhite>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)/center>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 10:18:02 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 13864Last-Modified: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 08:11:23 GMTConnection: keep-aliveAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: trueAccess-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONSAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-TypeStrict-Transport-Security: max-age63072000Cache-Control: no-store, max-age0Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html;charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1.0, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, widthdevice-width, user-scalableno> meta namerobots contentnoimageindex> base href/> title>/title> link relpreconnect href> link reldns-prefetch href> link relpreconnect href> link reldns-prefetch href> link relpreconnect href> link reldns-prefetch href> link relpreconnect href> link reldns-prefetch href> link href;400;500&displayswap relstylesheet> link idfavicon relshortcut icon href> link href/manifest.webmanifest relmanifest> script> // NOTE: We needthat next check for IE8 mode here (instead of in BrowserCompatibility) // because IE8 cant load properly bios script. // It impossible because bios contain code like: some object>.default // and IE8 interpret it as reserved word istead of as object property. // So such construction cause an error in IE8 // and to show static page about browser compatibility // we need to detect that browser before loading our scripts. // // NOTE: Most logs at rollbar says that the page loaded in IE11 with enabled documentMode IE8. // At the moment we are not sure why mode switched in users browser. // NOTE: In IE8 on Win XP the app is not loaded as that version of browser does not support HTTPS. // But the HTTPS works fine in IE8 on Win 7. // Also IE11 with documentMode IE8 can load the app via HTTPS (I tested it on BrowserStack). var isIE function() { var itIsIE false; itIsIE itIsIE || (navigator.appName Microsoft Internet Explorer); var ua navigator.userAgent; itIsIE itIsIE || (ua.indexOf(MSIE) > -1); // NOTE: We have log at Rollbar with userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko // Unexpectedly there is no keyford MSIE so also added checking for Trident. itIsIE itIsIE || (ua.indexOf(Trident) > -1); return itIsIE; }; if (isIE()) { window.location.href /compatibility/incompatible-browser.html; } /script> style typetext/css> /* HACK: Directly include the loading spinner. Plain and simple. TODO: Move this into an extra file and inject the contents here for clean index.html */ { padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } .app-is-loading .chat-loader { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; -webkit-transition: all 0s; transition: all 0s; } .chat-loader { display: flex; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; position: fixed; background-color: #4a3b3b; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1000; justify-content: center; align-items: center; -webkit-transition: all 0.5s; transition: all 0.5s; } .chat-loader .chat-loader-content { text-align: center; } .chat-loader .chat-loader-animation { display: inline-block; width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; border: 3px solid #aaa; animation: chat-loader-spinner 1.2s linear infinite; -webkit-animation: chat-loader-spinner 1.2s linear infinite; } @keyframes chat-loader-spinner { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes chat-loader-spinner { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } .chat-loader .chat-loader-animation { position: relative; } .chat-loader .chat-loader-animation:before, .chat-loader .chat-loader-animation:after { content: ; position: absolute; top: 6px; left: 22px; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 50%; background: tomato; } .chat-loader .chat-loader-animation:after { top: auto; bottom: 6px; } .chat-loader .chat-loader-text { color: white; font-size: 4vh; } /style> !-- TODO: Once everything is switch clean up this area. Its messy for interopt reasons. LIVECONFIG: Depending on the ENV inject: - development: inject script> block with liveConfig from package.json - production: inject script> block with placeholder for further injection during deployment --> script>window.liveConfig { environment: live, apiEndpoint:, imageProcessorEndpoint:, rollbarEnabled: true, rollbarAccessToken: 4eef030d78ed4979be636aaca3d71a69, rollbarEnvironment: production, filePickerApiKey: AdsZKEFjAT5OzmMtozX5hz, awsAccessKey: AKIAIOKORTSC3MKCZF3Q, yeKterceSswa: vy/oi6fLU24oOr7jsPsXEKv9Vi1NXG75KSH+O/KI, yeKipAyhpig: RlYgbOTmdAkYFpqPYXIv0BDSCLj5lEeb, s3Bucket: chat-production-frontend-temp, rtmpHost:, rtmpPort: 1935, rtmpApplication: live, rtmpInstance:, rtmpUser: , rtmpPass: , rtmpHdfvrApplication: hdfvr, socketEndpoint: wss://, alternativeSocketEndpoint: wss://, useApiSocket: true };/script> script>window.buildData {revisions:{modules:fb717d0729d6d90f387fe6a3390dba191a5cb4b7,branch:master,stage:bd72e6b,4e3c260,cbd2b23,c297d75,bce4ded,7d3bcb3,44a73a9,b97d3d2,64633ed,1e6dab5,3e52706,2a36af8,d0c2961,46a592c,9fb4cd9,7aea9c4,3d54972,548a40f,f3d0441,bd717ea,2ae175c,356b94f,6ec7ca0,39d0e14,e7d64d0,d369bfb,07981ba,3295b2b,230b5ef,b38fc1c,91674d7,5936295,45f2992,158028b,f64ef23,fac6748,e9e0935,6373ff9,f94722f,b6ecb84,75bab73,2f0e402,79698ee,712d93d,b13293c,0e8ad40,422b4c0,09f86ca,1296100,5299a3a,73048a6,a98c4aa,0e7f0f8,70da564,aaf700e,9f898f5,f91f9a0,9e13d49,08ac535,9cbf87a,13c20e7,6dda044,46b6dac,67140c9,88a1472,a976a58,5a1025b,c3d456a,0d3b6d7,ff0dd85,75fd30b,d556947,209d4eb,6d1ea8c,1f0dfe4,a106ed1,5319083,884226f,da3c83f,8035e52,0f02ae8,d8ed48f,950ecf8,465f9a7,3ae72c9,afeeb11,1919131,d3c99cf,4a5ca7d,8486dbb,8ce184d,0ea2e8e,20c73e1,e869e47,1e8d542,e2da39d,2215091,cbec2bc,d44bf38,0f434e5,a6d02ca,4b60a98,a16d203,f1b6c40,b6366b8,55b8d32,f1929e4,7e264f6,812b2d5,f4fbff9,ea9bd14,21c24c6,845d74a,97335b1,f166c81,076fc9b,f49ffef,3098453,cc12550,c67ffab,8219bf5,c244ed0,6f9d3db,f5307b8,01a17af,42a0f30,9927781,33895a1,e18ff69,9ba7f8f,e14db0c,b2e5ee7,256521e,4d3a7b2,72e9bf7,e01c55e,e6e8666,fe2c182,60baaa9,b36ce4a,2705010,40b2a88,7ec1d1c,66ae2eb,f1a6947,d4054f0,801db04,d7997a8,977d002,dd7d95b,a306543,4ac4361,1cb6e12,64adb71,7e45f9b,40f4519,e3713c2,acf8cb5,frontend_version:71,worker_version:2,build_url:LOCAL,build_number:53218,build_time:2025-02-07T01:53:04.096Z,appType:END_USER,clientApp:FRONT_END_CHAT,clientVersion:0}};/script> script typetext/javascript> try { // NOTE: Some external scripts is not enough smart // they call window.onbeforeunload even if it s not set. // So we added noop function to mute such errors. // More details in task FRONTEND-2297. if (typeof window.onbeforeunload undefined || window.onbeforeunload null) { window.onbeforeunload function() {}; } } catch (e) {} /script> script> // FRONTEND-2302 - Loash-es/uniq use method Set.prototype.forEach already during parsing/initalizing of libs.js // so in old browsers like Firefox 24 where this method is not yet implemented we have broken initalization of libs // (for example loadedLibs() will return false)) // so we will show for user Loading error... instead of suggestion to update browser. // So setting of fake method is completely enough to mute error because we do not need to have workable application here, // we need app which show proper message instead of boring useless errors. // In same time more older browsers does not support class Set and such case are covered by lodash-es // so lodash method will not work (actually I did not check it for sure but it does not look like possible) // and will not throw error. if (typeof Set ! undefined && typeof Set.prototype.forEach undefined) { Set.prototype.forEach function() {}; } /script>link hrefvendors~app.fb4bea42.css relstylesheet>link hrefapp.8b39efd1.css relstylesheet>/head>body classapp-is-loading> !-- Site loader --> div classchat-loader> div classchat-loader-content> span classchat-loader-animation>/span> div idchat-landing-spinner-text classchat-loader-text>Loading.../div> /div> /div> div idconversion styleposition: absolute; height: 0>/div> app-root>/app-root> !-- All-In-Page Modals --> div ui-viewchatModal>/div> !-- just empty Flex Layout element on main page for initialize Flex Layout not from dialog. --> flex-layout-init>/flex-layout-init> script typetext/javascript> function getBrowserLanguage() { var lang window.navigator.languages ? window.navigator.languages0 : null; lang lang || window.navigator.language || window.navigator.browserLanguage || window.navigator.userLanguage; if (typeof lang ! undefined && lang ! null) { if (lang.indexOf(-) ! -1) lang lang.split(-)0; if (lang.indexOf(_) ! -1) lang lang.split(_)0; } return lang; } function changeSpinnerState(state) { var lang getBrowserLanguage(); var message ; if (state 0) { // initial state. message Loading...; if (lang de) message Lade...; } if (state 1) { // everything is okay, we are bootstrapping the application now message Starting...; if (lang de) message Starte...; } if (state 2) { message Error while loading... br>please a href# onclicklocation.reload(true);>reload/a>; if (lang de) message Fehler beim Laden... br>bitte a href# onclicklocation.reload(true);>neuladen/a>; } var elem document.getElementById(chat-landing-spinner-text); if (elem) { elem.innerHTML message; } } function loadedLibs() { return !!window.vendorScriptIsLoaded && !!window.appScriptIsLoaded; } function isSourcesLoaded() { // NOTE: It is not yet clear how to determine which script is actually not loaded. // But for sure if any of them is not loaded then any library which should be available in global scope are not available there. // So it is anough to check for example if available angular. if (loadedLibs()) { // Libs, config and application is loaded changeSpinnerState(1); } else { changeSpinnerState(2); if (window.rootLog) { var logdata { libs: { vendor: !!window.vendorScriptIsLoaded, app: !!window.appScriptIsLoaded } }; window.rootLog.warn(Bootstrap: Failed to load application and libraries, logdata, { reportRemotely: true }); } } } changeSpinnerState(0); // Actually here is not matter which event listen - load or DOMContentLoaded // because we have not images and frames on page // so both event will call callback at nearly same time. window.addEventListener(load, isSourcesLoaded); /script>script srcruntime.a160f2fd.js>/script>script srcvendors~app.356d2efa.js>/script>script srcapp.dacac266.js>/script>/body>/html>
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