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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 17:43:19 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 03:42:23 GMTETag: 15d9-57f76f3088d2bAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 5593Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 17:53:19 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8/> meta namedescription contentA short romantic comedy about the girl next door, online dating, a bridezilla sister, and the positively unacceptable asymmetrical wedding pictures! /> meta namekeywords contentshort film, romantic comedy, online dating, bridezilla sister /> meta nameverify-v1 contentrIKtiqhaWzRBtQNl2Ct9PbbfMzuLdSHfFSBptoaOeB0 /> title>The Mating Game: A Short Film Romantic Comedy about Online Dating/title> link relstylesheet hrefassets/style.css typetext/css charsetutf-8 /> script srcscripts/mootoolsCore.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> script srcscripts/core.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> !--if IE> link relstylesheet hrefassets/ieFix.css typetext/css charsetutf-8 /> !endif--> !--if lt IE 7> script srcscripts/iePNG.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> script typetext/javascript> DD_belatedPNG.fix(#nav ul li span,#header h1 a,#nav ul li a,#videoShow,#logLine,#blog,#calLinks,#blog h2, #calLinks h2); /script> !endif-->/head>body> div idwrapper> div idheader> h1>a href#>The Mating Game: A Short Film Romantic Comedy about Online Dating/a>/h1> p>Directed by Kiersten Lane/p> /div> div idnav> ul> li idhomeTab>span>Home/span>/li> li idbehindTab>a relnofollow hrefbehindScenes.html>Behind the Scenes/a>/li> li idcreditsTab>a relnofollow hrefcredits.html>Bios & Credits/a>/li> /ul> /div> div idcontent classnoBack> div idvideoShow> div idtheVideo> !--object width789 height444>param nameallowfullscreen valuetrue />param nameallowscriptaccess valuealways />param namemovie value />iframe src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreentrue allowscriptaccessalways width789 height444 frameborder0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>/iframe>/object>--> object width789 height444>param nameallowfullscreen valuetrue />param nameallowscriptaccess valuealways />param namemovie value />iframe src width789 height444 frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe>/iframe>/object> /div> ul idvideoNav> li>h2>a href#trailer classselected> img srcassets/images/videoShow/trailer.jpg width190 height107 altTrailer /> Trailer /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#firstScene> img srcassets/images/videoShow/MG Credits.jpg width190 height107 altFirstScene /> The Mating Game /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#outtakes> img srcassets/images/videoShow/outtakes.jpg width190 height107 altOuttakes /> Outtakes /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#introCredits> img srcassets/images/videoShow/introCredits.jpg width190 height107 altTrailer /> Intro /a>/h2>/li> /ul> /div> div idlogLine>p>A short romantic comedy about the girl next door, online dating, a bridezilla sister, and the positively unacceptable asymmetrical wedding pictures!/p>/div> div idhomeMisc> div idblog> h2>Blog/h2> h3> Its about time!/h3> p>The Mating Games festival life is now over and the film is available to you here in its entirety. Enjoy and thanks to everyone who made this film possible! a relnofollow href classreadMore>Read More/a>/p> /div> div idcalLinks> h2>Links/h2> div classevent> span>/span> /div> ul idlinks> li>a href>span classlinkName>Vimeo/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> li>a href classlinkName>IMDB/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> li>a href>span classlinkName>Facebook/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div idfooter> ul> li>Copyright 2006-2009, Kiersten Lane/li> li> script typetext/javascript>document.write( n uers\znvygb:xvrefgraynar\100tznvy\056pbz\>Pbagnpg Hf\057n>.replace(/a-zA-Z/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((cZ?90:122)>(cc.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);})); /script> /li> /ul> /div> /div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-2286452-5);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 17:43:19 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 03:42:23 GMTETag: 15d9-57f76f3088d2bAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 5593Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 17:53:19 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8/> meta namedescription contentA short romantic comedy about the girl next door, online dating, a bridezilla sister, and the positively unacceptable asymmetrical wedding pictures! /> meta namekeywords contentshort film, romantic comedy, online dating, bridezilla sister /> meta nameverify-v1 contentrIKtiqhaWzRBtQNl2Ct9PbbfMzuLdSHfFSBptoaOeB0 /> title>The Mating Game: A Short Film Romantic Comedy about Online Dating/title> link relstylesheet hrefassets/style.css typetext/css charsetutf-8 /> script srcscripts/mootoolsCore.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> script srcscripts/core.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> !--if IE> link relstylesheet hrefassets/ieFix.css typetext/css charsetutf-8 /> !endif--> !--if lt IE 7> script srcscripts/iePNG.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> script typetext/javascript> DD_belatedPNG.fix(#nav ul li span,#header h1 a,#nav ul li a,#videoShow,#logLine,#blog,#calLinks,#blog h2, #calLinks h2); /script> !endif-->/head>body> div idwrapper> div idheader> h1>a href#>The Mating Game: A Short Film Romantic Comedy about Online Dating/a>/h1> p>Directed by Kiersten Lane/p> /div> div idnav> ul> li idhomeTab>span>Home/span>/li> li idbehindTab>a relnofollow hrefbehindScenes.html>Behind the Scenes/a>/li> li idcreditsTab>a relnofollow hrefcredits.html>Bios & Credits/a>/li> /ul> /div> div idcontent classnoBack> div idvideoShow> div idtheVideo> !--object width789 height444>param nameallowfullscreen valuetrue />param nameallowscriptaccess valuealways />param namemovie value />iframe src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreentrue allowscriptaccessalways width789 height444 frameborder0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>/iframe>/object>--> object width789 height444>param nameallowfullscreen valuetrue />param nameallowscriptaccess valuealways />param namemovie value />iframe src width789 height444 frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe>/iframe>/object> /div> ul idvideoNav> li>h2>a href#trailer classselected> img srcassets/images/videoShow/trailer.jpg width190 height107 altTrailer /> Trailer /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#firstScene> img srcassets/images/videoShow/MG Credits.jpg width190 height107 altFirstScene /> The Mating Game /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#outtakes> img srcassets/images/videoShow/outtakes.jpg width190 height107 altOuttakes /> Outtakes /a>/h2>/li> li>h2>a href#introCredits> img srcassets/images/videoShow/introCredits.jpg width190 height107 altTrailer /> Intro /a>/h2>/li> /ul> /div> div idlogLine>p>A short romantic comedy about the girl next door, online dating, a bridezilla sister, and the positively unacceptable asymmetrical wedding pictures!/p>/div> div idhomeMisc> div idblog> h2>Blog/h2> h3> Its about time!/h3> p>The Mating Games festival life is now over and the film is available to you here in its entirety. Enjoy and thanks to everyone who made this film possible! a relnofollow href classreadMore>Read More/a>/p> /div> div idcalLinks> h2>Links/h2> div classevent> span>/span> /div> ul idlinks> li>a href>span classlinkName>Vimeo/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> li>a href classlinkName>IMDB/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> li>a href>span classlinkName>Facebook/span> span classlinkURL>>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div idfooter> ul> li>Copyright 2006-2009, Kiersten Lane/li> li> script typetext/javascript>document.write( n uers\znvygb:xvrefgraynar\100tznvy\056pbz\>Pbagnpg Hf\057n>.replace(/a-zA-Z/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((cZ?90:122)>(cc.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);})); /script> /li> /ul> /div> /div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-2286452-5);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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