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classpagewidth itemscopeitemscope itemtype> hgroup> div idsite-logo>a href titleMarmota Energy>img src altMarmota Energy titleMarmota Energy />/a>/div> div idsite-description classsite-description>span>Gold Mining Information/span>/div> /hgroup> div classsocial-widget> div classrss>a href>RSS/a>/div> /div> !-- /.social-widget --> nav idmain-nav-wrap itemscopeitemscope itemtype> div idmenu-icon classmobile-button>/div> ul idmain-nav classmain-nav menu-name-menu-2>li idmenu-item-25 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item menu-item-25>a href aria-currentpage>Home/a>/li>li idmenu-item-29 classmenu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-29>a href>Gold Mining/a>/li>li idmenu-item-30 classmenu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-30>a href>News/a>/li>li idmenu-item-27 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-27>a href>About Us/a>/li>li idmenu-item-28 classmenu-item 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hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-127 altty1 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2023-07-31 classpost-date entry-date updated>July 31, 2023/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>How Do I Choose the Best Dump Truck Tyres?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Dump truck tyres are specially and uniquely designed tyres that can only be used with large dump trucks. Since dump trucks are used in different terrains, some may be uneven, dump truck tyres usually have deep treads and a wider surface area that provides maximum stability and traction. Therefore, you always have to ensure that the condition of your dump truck tyres is perfect despite the terrain you use the trucks on./p>p> /p>p>This means that whether you want to replace one or all the tyres on your dump truck, you must always ensure that you choose the right tyres. If you have never selected dump truck tyres before, this is the right guide to provide you with the information that will help you make a wise selection./p>p> /p>h2>Things to Consider When Selecting Dump Truck Tyres/h2>p>When selecting dump truck tyres, be sure you will come across different types of tyres with different designs and brands. The most important thing to do is ensure that the tyres you select will suit your dump tries. Fortunately, when you consider the following things then you will not have any problem when it comes to choosing the right dump truck tyres;/p>p> /p>ul>li>The size of the tyres/li>/ul>p>This essential factor should always be considered when selecting tyres for your dump trucks. The truth is that dump truck tyres usually come in different sizes for use by different models of dump trucks. Choosing the right dump truck tyre size is usually an added advantage for you since it ensures that you maximise the overall performance of your dump truck. It also enhances the safety and efficiency of dump trucks whenever you are using them to carry heavy loads on different terrains, including rough ones. For this reason, you should always select the size of the dump truck tyres that will suit your truck, depending on its model./p>p> /p>ul>li>The type of terrain in your dump truck operates/li>/ul>p>Another essential thing to remember when choosing tyres for your dump trucks is the kind of terrain your dump trucks operate on. Some people use their dump trucks on rocky and rough terrains, while others use them on smoother surfaces. The terrain you intend to use your dump truck on determines the type of tyres you choose, especially when it comes to their treads. Dump truck tyres with deeper treads are ideal for dump trucks used on rough terrains, while shallower treads are suitable for smoother terrains. Therefore always begin by determining the kind of terrains you use first so that you can select the tyres with the right treads./p>p> /p>ul>li>The durability of the tyres/li>/ul>p>Dump truck tyres are usually expensive and should be considered a significant investment. For this reason, when buying your tyres, always ensure you go for the ones that will last longer, even if they cost more. Be careful about the brand of the tyres you choose and the quality of the material used in making them. This way, you can select durable tyres for your dump truck./p>p> /p>p> /p>p>In conclusion, investing in the a href>leading brands of dump truck tyres/a> is essential for your dump trucks’ optimal performance, longevity, efficiency and safety. Therefore, you must consider all the above factors when selecting your tyres to make the proper selection. If you still have challenges selecting these tyres, especially if it’s your first time, always seek professional help./p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-126 data-postid126 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-126 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-122 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-122 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2023-06-16 classpost-date entry-date updated>June 16, 2023/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What Are Long-Range Fuel Tanks and Why Should One Invest in These Tanks?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Are you an off-roader? What kind of experience do you expect to have out there? While most off-roaders want to be on the road for a day, others want to go out for weeks. The latter want to cruise across the outbacks of the most adventurous places. However, the main issue they always experience is the need for adequate fuel in their tanks. This is said to be the main issue since, in most places, cruising fuel stations are very rare. Fortunately, when you invest in long-range fuel tanks, you will not experience this problem even if you want to go cruising for a long time./p>p> /p>h2>What Are Long-Range Fuel Tanks/h2>p>Most people are used to standard tanks and may need help to understand long-range fuel tanks. However, a good number of off-roaders have invested in these tanks so that they can increase their vehicles’ range. Long-range fuel tanks are simply accessories that maximise the ability of your vehicle to hold more fuel. These tanks replace the standard fuel tanks and can also come as auxiliary fuel tanks. Whether you replace your standard fuel tank or use the auxiliary fuel tank, the main intention is always to allow your vehicle to hold more fuel as you cruise, especially if cruising in isolated places./p>p> /p>h2>What are The Benefits of Investing in Long Range Fuel Tanks?/h2>p>Investing in long-range fuel tanks comes with several benefits that, include;/p>p> /p>ul>li>It gives off-roaders peace of mind/li>/ul>p>If you have ever driven in remote areas, you understand how wild these places can be. Imagine being stuck in the middle of isolated places with your loved ones miles away from towns just because you ran out of fuel. This may seem like watching a horror movie, but it happens to many off-roaders daily, especially those cruising with vehicles using standard fuel tanks. If you run out of fuel in such a situation, you can be sure that getting help may take a very long time, and even if you call for emergency services, you may be too far for them to reach on time./p>p> /p>p>The only way you can avoid going through such terrible moments is when you invest in long-range fuel tanks. When you have such a tank, you are always sure that you will ensure that you increase the fuel capacity that your vehicle holds. This way, you do not have to worry about your fuel running out when you are in the middle of nowhere. Also, you will have enough fuel depending on the distance you plan to cruise. This gives every off-roader peace of mind when traversing with their loved ones and friends./p>p> /p>ul>li>It enhances efficiency/li>/ul>p>If you love travelling long distances or towing a caravan, you benefit from investing in long-range fuel tanks. These tanks enable an efficient experience since you will have fewer travel stops. When you take off, you will keep driving. However, when you do not have a long-range fuel tank, you will have to pre-plan your journey and check on service stations where you can get more fuel on your route. This enhances efficiency for every off-roader./p>p> /p>ul>li>It increases your storage capacity/li>/ul>p>If you do not have a long-range fuel tank, you must store fuel in as many jerry cans as possible to ensure adequate fuel for the rest of your journey. Though jerry cans are cheaper than long-range fuel tanks, they usually take so much of your limited storage space in your vehicle. Fortunately, when you have a long-range fuel tank, you fit it on your vehicle’s underside, ensuring you have storage space. We highly advise you to choose having a a href>high-capacity long range fuel tank upgrade/a>./p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-122 data-postid122 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-122 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-116 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-116 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-08-17 classpost-date entry-date updated>August 17, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What Are Commerical Rice Cookers and Does Your Kitchen Need One?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Rice is a very popular food, whether as a side or the main course. Restaurants, especially Asian restaurants, have to serve lots of rice at once and find a way to keep it warm before serving it. Businesses are always striving for better ways to prepare and serve their delicious tasting rice./p>p>This is where commercial rice cookers come in. Not only do they help businesses cook and serve big portions of rice at once, they also keep rice warm and make the texture all the tastier./p>p>So if you have a business specialising in Asian cuisine, then you should read this article to find out everything you need to know about commercial rice cookers, what they can do, and why they are important./p>p> /p>h2>Cooking Sushi Rice with a commercial rice cooker/h2>p>Sushi rice will turn out wonderful in a commercial rice cooker. Why? Because sushi rice needs to have a specific texture, and when cooked in bulk, it can burn easily and ruin the flavour and consistency. Rice cookers ensure that you get the perfect texture and taste for your sushi rice./p>p>This is only one example of why commercial rice cookers are good for your business. Read on to discover more about the different types of commercial rice cookers!/p>h2>Gas or Electric rice cookers?/h2>p>Which one is better? Gas or electric? There is no true answer to this question but let’s go over the reasons why both are great choices so that you can decide which one fits your company better./p>p>Gas cookers obviously use gas instead of electricity. If your business already has gas lines, then this makes the most sense. Gas cookers are perfect for sushi rice as it mimics the most traditional way that sushi rice is prepared – creating a tasty authentic dish! Gas cookers also tend to cook really fast, helping you out when orders heap up./p>p>Gas cookers also need to be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure there is no blockage in the pipes that can keep steam from ventilating./p>p> /p>h2>Should you go with an electric rice cooker?/h2>p>Electric rice cookers are really easy to operate and are very portable since they do not need to connect with gas lines. Whether your business is small or large, electric rice cookers are a great choice./p>p>Cleaning your electric rice cooker is also an easy and straightforward task, and you won’t need to worry about build-up or ventilation./p>h2>The Main Benefits of Choosing a Commercial Rice Cooker for your Business/h2>p>There are many benefits that come with having a commercial rice cooker, especially since you will be able to serve more customers at once while also serving amazingly cooked and fresh dishes. Here is a list of the main benefits:/p>ul>li>Easier operation – commercial rice cookers are easy to use; just add water and measure the rice./li>li>Cooking large amounts – for busy businesses, the larger amount of rice that can cook at once, the better. This ensures lots of customers are served and satisfied./li>li>Rice tastes better – because of the way the commercial rice cooker prepares rice, it ensures rice always comes out delicious./li>/ul>p> /p>p>If you are looking to upscale your business, then you should consider making the investment in commercial rice cookers that last the distance. It will help you maintain and gain new customers as well as make the process of preparing rice easier./p>div idthemify_builder_content-116 data-postid116 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-116 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-112 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-112 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-06-24 classpost-date entry-date updated>June 24, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Facts About Concrete Scanning/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Whenever you are starting any construction projects, it is always advisable that you begin by locating underground utilities for the sake of your protection and safety. Also this determines the continuity of your project. Unfortunately, most people fail to begin by locating the underground utilities and therefore are left anywhere when they should cut, call or drill into concrete. To ensure that you know when you are supposed to do all these, you have to make sure that you begin by scanning the concrete you will be drilling on./p>p> /p>h2>What is Concrete Scanning?/h2>p>Concrete scanning is a procedure that involves using a GPR or ground-penetrating radar to scan concrete walls, slabs, floors, tunnels, encasements, columns and other structures to locate Livewire, Rebar, cables, conduit, utilities, pipes and any other embedded objects. The ground-penetrating radar uses radar pulses to locate and identify any subsurface objects. Fortunately, the process is not only non-destructive but also does not disrupt any existing buildings./p>p> /p>h2>Why is Concrete Scanning a Great Part of Construction Projects?/h2>p>In case you are wondering why people consider concrete scanning before they begin on most construction projects, it is because concrete scanning is a part of this project. The following are some of the reasons why concrete scanning makes a great part of most construction projects;/p>ul>li>It enhances safety in construction sites/li>/ul>p>In case you have never performed concrete scanning before starting your construction project, you would agree that it is possible for one to unintentionally strike any underground hazards. This can lead to an unexpected accident where the people on the construction sites get fatally or seriously injured. To ensure that this does not happen, the only thing you have to do is make sure that you know what is lying underground at your construction site. This can be made easier by carrying out concrete scanning before you begin on the project, thereby enhancing the safety of the people on the construction sites./p>ul>li>It protects peoples’ businesses/li>/ul>p>Although protecting and preserving the lives of people is very important, you also need to protect and preserve your business. When you cut into or strike any other ground, you are putting your business at risk for penalties, fines, loss of reputation and budget overruns. However, hiring a concrete scanning professional helps locate any underlying hazards in there to protect your business in return./p>ul>li>It saves on time/li>/ul>p>Concrete scanning house people in a construction site in Brisbane know where they should cut, core or drill preventing any damage on the subsurface objects. Unfortunately, without concrete scanning, the subsurface object will be damaged and this leads to the development of your project. Therefore people choose to carry out concrete scanning before they begin their construction projects to prevent derailment and save time./p>ul>li>It is money saving/li>/ul>p>While most companies can afford to hire concrete scanning professionals, they choose to ignore it. Unfortunately, they cannot afford to shut down a construction site for several hours or days and neither can they afford to replace the damaged equipment. Paying penalties and fines is also expensive, just like losing one’s reputation. For this reason, construction companies are a href>experienced using our GPR scanner technologies/a> to prevent any damages that could lead to any of the above things. This helps them save so much money in the long run./p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-112 data-postid112 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-112 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-103 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-103 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-02-09 classpost-date entry-date updated>February 9, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Why should you have drinking fountains in your office?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>People have always been looking for a way that is convenient for them to deliver fresh and reliable water to the people in their offices. This is why office owners have water coolers or even water delivery services to ensure that everyone in the office stays hydrated and has access to delicious freshwater. Just like water coolers and water dispensers, drinking fountains have become popular features of offices, outdoor spaces as well as public buildings./p>p>Drinking fountains are mainly used to offer instant water whenever you are passing by the fountain. They also have faucets making it easier for anyone to fill their cups or bottles. Today many people are using drinking fountains as additional or alternative water sources for their offices. In case you do not have the drinking fountains yet it can be difficult for you to understand why you need them in your office and at times you can underestimate the benefits of having drinking fountains in your workplace./p>p> /p>h2>Are there any benefits of having drinking fountains in your office?/h2>p>The following are some of the benefits of having drinking fountains in your office:/p>ul>li>Provide access to freshwater/li>/ul>p>One drinking fountain has the capability of supplying water to thousands of people especially when you have an office that is located in high traffic areas. For this reason, if you have an office that is ever busy, you do not have to worry about providing enough fresh water to your employees as well as clients no matter how many they are./p>ul>li>They are eco friendly/li>/ul>p>Drinking fountains are usually environmentally friendly. For this reason, when you have the drinking fountains in your office, you will reduce the reliance on bottled water ensuring plastic bottles are not dumped in the environment leading to pollution. It also helps to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide due to the production and transportation of bottled water, therefore drinking fountains are eco-friendly./p>ul>li>They offer convenience/li>/ul>p>Drinking fountains are usually located at pivotal areas in the offices as well as public spaces. This means that anyone has the convenience of hydrating themselves when they are in the offices engaging in different office activities. Also, the drinking fountains require little maintenance and can be accessed any time of the day or night making them convenient for use in the offices as compared to any other types of drinks./p>ul>li>They offer versatility/li>/ul>p>Irrespective of whether you wish to install the drinking fountains outdoors or indoors, there are several varieties that you can add to the drinking fountains to suit the needs of the users. For instance, you can have carbon filters to provide filtered water, refrigeration to offer chilled water, and bubbles for bottle filling. They are also available in different kinds of sizes and shapes allowing you to select the drinking fountains that are suitable for your office needs. All these things make the drinking fountains versatile./p>ul>li>They are economical/li>/ul>p>When you have an office you have to make sure that you provide an adequate amount of water to your employees and clients. This means that you get to spend so much on ensuring that everyone gets water while they are in the office. However, when you have your drinking fountains, all you need to spend is the fountains and plumbing costs rather than the overall maintenance costs. When you do this you will realise that you spend less unlike when you have the drinking fountains./p>h2>/h2>h2>Final thoughts/h2>p>In case you have been wondering why there are a href>drinking fountains for parks and schools/a>, it is due to the above reason. Therefore, you should also consider having these assets installed in your office. By doing this you will be able to provide access to adequate and reliable water to thousands of people visiting your office./p>div idthemify_builder_content-103 data-postid103 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-103 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-99 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-99 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-100 alttow3 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-10-30 classpost-date entry-date updated>October 30, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What kind of towing service company should I select on the Gold Coast?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>You never know when you need towing services from the towing companies on the Gold Coast. However, if you are involved in an accident or your car gets damaged beyond repair, you may end up requiring a towing service company. This is because you cannot leave your car anywhere when this happens, but instead, you must get it to the safest destination that comes to mind. Despite the reasons you need towing services on the Gold Coast, you must make sure that you select the best towing company./p>p> /p>p>It is always recommendable that you contact the towing companies you think are best for you to ensure that you don’t select them in a rush. Even if you don’t require to win services at the moment, you should choose and contact a towing company from the Gold Coast to make them aware that whenever you need towing, they will be the company you call. For you to get the towing services instantly when your car breaks down or after an accident, you must have selected the best company./p>p> /p>h2>What defines the best towing coming on the Gold Coast?/h2>p>When hiring a towing company, you must know the kind of towing company you should hire among the many you come across on the Gold Coast. It will never be an easy decision for you to make when selecting the best towing services company, but you must make the right call. This is why you need to know what makes the best towing company around you. The following are some things that will tell you that the company you are selecting is the right one to offer you the towing services you need./p>p> /p>ul>li>Quick service/li>/ul>p>Imagine that you are stranded in the middle of nowhere, and you have been waiting for many hours for someone to arrive and offer you the towing services you need. This is sad, and I’m sure you do not want to wait for hours for the company you called to arrive where you are stranded. Instead, you need a company that will take less time to reach wherever you are. This is why you should hire a towing company that offers quick towing services to its clients./p>p> /p>ul>li>Reputable/li>/ul>p>The company’s reputation offering you towing services is an essential factor you need to consider before making any calls. It’s a valuable tool that you can use to make your decision, especially if you have two or more towing companies in question. You need to make sure that you look for reviews and references to understand why you are selecting a particular company. The best company to offer you the towing services you need on the Gold Coast must have a good reputation. This always assures you that you are selecting a reliable company that offers high-quality and reliable towing services./p>p> /p>ul>li>Insurance/li>/ul>p>During towing, accidents occur, and so much loss could be experienced, leading to too many expenses. You did not want to pay for the losses you would incur in case of such an accident when your towing company offered you the services you needed. This is why you need to select a company with suitable insurance coverage since they compensate you whenever there’s an emergency./p>p> /p>ul>li>Variety of services offered/li>/ul>p>As you look for the most suitable company offering towing services on the Gold Coast, you must consider the type of services this company provides. Most of the towing companies provide just transportation to their customers. However, the towing company you select should offer a variety of services to their customers, such as repair services, especially for those involved in an accident. If you’re wondering what type of towing company should consider the services they offer, you need to look for a company that provides more than just transportation./p>p> /p>p>Selecting a href>a Gold Coast towing service/a> can be a very tedious task for anyone. However, you must never make any mistakes that may hinder you from selecting the best companies. To know that you have made the right choices find out whether the towing companies you have in mind have the above features./p>div idthemify_builder_content-99 data-postid99 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-99 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-95 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-95 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-96 altsail1 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-10-23 classpost-date entry-date updated>October 23, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Tips to Maintain a Boat/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Like our beloved cars, boats require maintenance too for safety and smooth boating. With proper care and maintenance, you can trust your boat to serve you the longest time possible before dimming unfit for sea, lake, or river traveling. Boat maintenance goes way beyond the visual aspects of boat maintenance. Before going into the waters, there are certain aspects that you cannot see but require regular maintenance if your boat must last its optimal lifespan. There is care that your boat will require after every outing and those that you must schedule for a fixed period. Fortunately, many boat care services are manageable even without a technician or a mechanic. However, when major boat services and maintenance calls in, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional mechanic to keep maneuvering the waters with peace of mind. As for now, this boat care guide will help you handle mishaps of your boat./p>p>The general ways that can help keep your boat in tiptop condition involve cleaning your boat and making sure that the engine and other moveable parts are well lubed. Just like you won’t drive a car without engine oil, you won’t ride a boat without engine oil to and at the right levels. Weather and debris do damage the exterior parts of your boat and it may require regular coating and waxing./p>h2>/h2>h2>Tips that will help you keep your boat sparkling and in great shape for a long time/h2>p>strong>Keep the exterior clean:/strong> Besides beauty, there is an advantage in keeping the exterior of the boat clean. It helps keep at bay invasive species that can damage the exterior, besides animals and plants may hitch onto it when you ride. To keep and protect our waterways, it is critical to clean the exterior of the boat. It also helps keep the structure of the boat by removing debris and dirt for your boat to remain intact all the time. And lastly, a clean boat will perform efficiently and reduce fuel consumption significantly./p>p>strong>Proper storage:/strong> Protect your boat after every water exploration by storing it away from weather elements such as rain, ice, and direct sunlight. There are several options for storing your boat. First is outdoor storage, which is a popular method although it will require thorough coverage to prevent weather elements. Secondly, we have an indoor storage option which is an excellent storage option because your boat is kept free from weather elements such as rain, sunshine, mildew, rust, and more. And lastly, on-the-water storage, available in many harbours. This storage option is only practical if you have a larger vessel that requires a crane to lift it out of the water and you must have deep waters. Once you decide where to store your vessel in the water, all other maintenance practices must be done to keep it in tiptop condition until the next sailing season comes around./p>p>strong>Boat engine care:/strong> This should not be intimidating like most of us would like to think. Changing engine oil is an exercise you can DIY within an hour. By checking the levels of engine oil and other lubricants applicable to your boat, you enhance the lifespan and your engine will run for a long time within hitches or glitches. Change spark plugs when needed and get rid of trapped objects on the propeller after every outing./p>p> /p>p>Spraytech Marine offer boat servicing in Gold Coast. To make sure that maintenance is properly carried out, call them as they are experts in this field./p>div idthemify_builder_content-95 data-postid95 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-95 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-91 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-91 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-92 altsound2 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-09-03 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 3, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>The use of sound reducing panels for homes and offices/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>If you are thinking about reducing the noise in your home or the office, soundproof panels are a good option. These are also considered cheaper compared to any other soundproofing method. Sound reducing panels can work well to reduce high frequency sound wave if they have a moderate amount of mass. Soundproof panels may not block the noise entirely because they do not have enough insulation and might not respond well to low frequency waves which might have a long wavelength./p>p>The use of sound proofing is effective when you are trying to block out mild or moderate amount of noise. This panel are usually intended to improve the acoustics of the room and not for intense noise reduction. You first need to decide what kind of sound proofing panels would work for you to stop however this depends upon a number of factors. There are a variety of sound producing panels available in the market however you need to find out which one would be the most cost effective for your specific requirement./p>h2>/h2>h2>strong>How do the sound reducing panels work?/strong>/h2>p>Sound reducing panels can work by having a damping or deadening effect on the sound wave. The sound absorption materials present in this panel can help absorb the sound. This way they would be able to eliminate the background noise and control the Echoes by controlling the reverberations./p>p>If you want to eliminate the sound coming from the outside of the home then you can do with any standard cheap soundproof parallel. However if you want to reduce much bigger amount of noise like the one coming from a garbage truck you may need to invest in high quality soundproofing material. There are many heavy-duty options available which you can choose from. For a classroom setting it is better to go for heavy duty soundproofing material because children need to be in a room which is quiet and calm in order to gain the most from their teacher./p>h2>/h2>h2>strong>Types of sound reducing panels/strong>/h2>p>There are usually two types of sound proof panels available. These include the wedge ridge and the egg crate soundproof panel./p>p>The wedge ridge panels are comparatively sleeker then the egg crate panels, a href>the best material for sound absorption/a>. These are more preferable because they tend to look better when placed over the wall. Do make use of a design which consist of squares with alternating design either in the form of horizontal and vertical ridges. This design helps trap the noise without distorting the sound in the room./p>p>These panels are around an inch thick and come in different colours. This is why these are easier to fit in when there’s any kind of room decor. These panels are usually used in recording Studios because of their better capability with absorbing the sound./p>p>These kind of panels are also cheaper when compared with the egg crate panels. However they might not be so effective in blocking the sound completely. If you have a severe level of noise you might want to consider using the egg crate panels./p>div idthemify_builder_content-91 data-postid91 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-91 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-82 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-82 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2021-05-07 classpost-date entry-date updated>May 7, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Handy Preventative Maintenance John Deere Tractor Parts/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Owning a John Deere tractor also means regular maintenance to keep it at its peak. The only way you can make the tractor function and perform as great as newly bought for a long time is dedicated maintenance. This means that having the tractor serviced at every service milestone as well as daily maintenance is the smartest way to keep it in tip-top condition./p>p>The scenario of your tractor breaking down in the middle of a project is all too familiar. Harvesting and planting projects can be delayed when the tractor shows an issue/s that needs immediate attention and repair./p>p>When this happens, the quickest fix is what you need. And the best way to make quick repairs is to have handy preventative maintenance John Deere tractor parts on hand./p>p>Routine repairs mean having these John Deere tractor parts within easy reach./p>p> /p>h4>Fuses/h4>p>Electrical components have become part and parcel of all small or big tractors. A fuse serves as the protective component for all your machine’s electrical circuits. Fixing electrical problems is not always costly. A blown fuse is a simple and inexpensive issue to fix. Properly replacing them is easy and quick when the tractor’s ampere rating is clearly marked and fuses colour-coded./p>h4>Light bulbs/h4>p>Immediately replacing burnt bulbs can seem like a minor problem that you’re tempted to overlook. However, your safety and the people working with you can be compromised when the tractor’s burnt warning lights, headlights, and taillights are not immediately replaced. Keeping stock of these specific tractor lights allows you to replace a burnt bulb when it happens./p>h4>Filters/h4>p>The dirty work that tractors of all sizes do, in turn, makes them dirty as well. A day’s work of kicking up dust, dirt, and debris can compromise the tractor’s important components. The use of different types and kinds of filters helps to protect the various important parts of the tractor./p>p>Air filters, fuel filters, and oil filters become worn and dirty after a hard day’s work. Replacing them as often as possible is the best way to protect the various parts of the tractor./p>p>John Deere makes it convenient and easy by providing four-in-one filter packaging. Purchasing one package takes care of all the filter needs of your tractor. It’s best to stock on additional filters especially when the project demands a frequent change of filters./p>h4>Coolants and fluids/h4>p>The best way to keep the smooth running of your tractor’s engine is to maintain its fluids at optimum levels. This includes daily checking of the tractor’s transmission fluid, engine coolant, radiator fluid, and hydraulic fluid. Replenishing the empty tanks of the tractor means keeping a good supply of important fluids around./p>p>Bigger engine issues with your tractor are prevented when clean coolant is frequently replenished. This helps in preventing engine clogs, internal damage, and rust./p>h4>Zerk fittings/h4>p>One of the daily maintenance chores to do is to grease your tractor. The tractor’s Zerk fittings and joints have to be regularly greased to make them last for as long as possible. Stocking on fittings is recommended to make it quick and easy to replace broken fittings as they happen./p>p>Stocking up on John Deere tractor parts is an affordable option that saves you time and money in the long run. Contact us to know more about our available John Deere tractor parts./p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-82 data-postid82 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-82 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-79 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-79 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-80 altcs5 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-04-30 classpost-date entry-date updated>April 30, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>How to select a perfect auto electrician in Strathpine/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>With advancements in technology, electric circuits have become a very important part of different car models. These systems control most of the personal cars we see on the streets and are connected to important features of these cars. The electric circuits of modern cars are very complicated, and as a result, very many electrical issues regarding these automobiles have become common./p>p> /p>p>To fix these problems, you must hire an auto mechanic who has the required skill. Since fixing the electric issues with automobiles can be very complicated, you need to be keen when selecting the auto electrician you will be working with./p>p> /p>h2>Factors to consider when selecting an auto electrician/h2>p> /p>p>When looking for a good auto electrician in Strathpine, be prepared to meet with multiple before you pick the one that will be right for you. This is why you have to look for several factors before you make your final decisions. These factors include:/p>p> /p>ul>li>Qualification and experience level – The qualification and experience level of your chosen auto electrician is very important. It determines the quality of services that the auto electrician is capable of offering you. You do not want to hire someone who will cause more damages to your auto vehicle. This is why you must look for both qualified and experienced mechanics./li>/ul>p>In some cases, if it is clear you do not know what you are looking for, the auto electrician may trick you and charge you more money for a cheaper service. To avoid this, you must make sure that you ask for their certification and find out on your own whether you are working with someone who is trained or not. Be sure to research the service you need done and get quotes from multiple mechanics before deciding on one. Qualified and experienced auto electricians will always offer the best services since they are competent in what they do./p>p> /p>ul>li>A balance between quality and price: When you are looking for the auto electrician you will be hiring, pay attention to your budget, how much the electrician is asking for, and the service you need. Your budget will ultimately determine who you hire. Keep in mind that if you search for the cheapest electrician, you must also be diligent in finding reviews from people who have hired them in the past. To be on the safe side, it is important that you look for someone who charges a fair price, and also has good reviews./li>/ul>p> /p>ul>li>Reputation – Any auto electrician’s reputation is important in helping you decide whether you should hire them or not. It is, therefore, important that you take your time to find the most reputable auto electricians around you. This will help ensure that you hire someone who has been offering high-quality services to others before./li>/ul>p> /p>ul>li>Availability – It is also important that you know whether you are selecting an auto electrician who is always busy or someone who can make sacrifices when you need them. You may never know when your car will develop electrical issues, and therefore, you must have an auto electrician you can contact at any time. This must be a committed auto electrician./li>/ul>p> /p>h2>Qualities an auto electrician must have/h2>p> /p>p>Before you a href>hire an auto electrician/a>, you must look for the following qualities in them;/p>ul>li>Problem-solving/li>li>Creative and innovative/li>li>Strong communication skills/li>li>Top-notch equipment/li>li>Reputable/li>li>Licensed and insured/li>/ul>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-79 data-postid79 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-79 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-75 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-75 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2021-03-14 classpost-date entry-date updated>March 14, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Benefits of An Asset Tracking System/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>As a business owner, you may need to track your assets and make sure that they are safe, in good condition, and the right place. The invention of IoT has resulted in massive upgrades in the asset tracking systems. Currently, you can keep track of your assets or properties right from your mobile device at the comfort of your home. Many companies develop asset tracking systems for businesses and personal use. You should therefore do thorough research when finding the right solution for your business./p>p> /p>p>In an asset tracking system, each asset is assigned a unique code which can be scanned by the barcode reader. This way, you can keep track of each asset as it moves from one section to another until it reaches the consumer./p>p> /p>p>For automobiles, there are special tracking sensors that can be fitted which can show the exact location of the vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen, it will be easier to find it without a stretch./p>p> /p>h2>Reasons why you should have an asset tracking system in your business/h2>p> /p>p>The following are the main benefits of having an asset tracking system in your business:/p>ul>li>Secures your assets – The asset tracking system helps you to secure all your assets and the process of recording information is automated, therefore there are minimal theft cases as compared to the manual method of recording information./li>li>Keep records of your assets – The asset tracking system records information and stores it for future reference in case you will need to revisit. This is more reliable as compared to recording information over a sheet of paper which can easily wear out resulting in loss of crucial information./li>li>Reduces maintenance costs – It ensures that the assets are properly managed by providing scheduling of maintenance and a reminder for the same, thus the assets are well maintained and there is minimum risk of damage./li>li>Simplifies Audit process – The system readily provides information to the audit team and simplifies the work of having to look at different documents. It makes the company more transparent in its operations./li>li>It minimises errors – The system has high accuracy as compared to the human documentation process. It eliminates the chances of double-entry, duplication, and mismatch./li>li>You can assess information from anywhere – The asset tracking system will enable you to keep track of your assets anywhere, anytime using your mobile gadget. You can easily find information without the need to get into the business to retrieve that information./li>/ul>p> /p>h2>How do you get the asset tracking system?/h2>p>There are so many firms that deal with vehicle tracking systems, some even operate on a global scale. However, you need to assess your business to find out your requirements before evaluating the right company for your business. Your requirements will enable you to find a company that will suit your business. You should also consider your budget since companies differ in terms of the costs of their operations./p>p> /p>p>Moreover, it would be wise if you could find a company that has a high reputation in the public and has a couple of satisfied customers. Their systems should be reliable at all times with minimal rundown instances./p>p> /p>p>Integrating an asset tracking system in your business is the first step in realising your potential and also provides the opportunity to expand your business operations as well as the market. It helps your business to be organised./p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-75 data-postid75 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-75 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-72 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-72 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-12-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>December 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>5 Reasons Why Roof Replacement is Better Than Reroofing/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>There are several reasons as to why your roof might be in need of an upgrade. Maybe it has decayed or reached its economical life, or may be strong weather or winds have harmed it. A lot of people might be considering re-roofing as an option, but here are five reasons why a roof replacement is more beneficial than a href>re roofing perth/a>:/p>h3>Safety is important/h3>p>An old rooftop that has crumbled to where it should be exchanged makes for an unsafe home. If you regard the thriving of yourself and your family, it is basic to consider placing assets into another rooftop. Depending upon how horrendous the condition of your rooftop is in, it could truly fall and mischief someone inside. By having another rooftop presented on your home, you will have the alternative to shield that from happening./p>h3>Warranty of the Manufacturer/h3>p>Another preferred position of getting another rooftop presented on your home is the way that you will get a gathering ensured on it, yet in case you utilize a legitimate guaranteed brief laborer that is endorsed to outfit you with a drawn out assurance by the materials maker. Whether or not the assurance that goes with your rooftop replacement covers things like materials and work depends whereupon maker made the roofing materials. It is basic to guarantee that you get a truly long assurance with your replacement rooftop./p>h3>Installing a new rooftop makes you feel safe/h3>p>Possibly maybe the best bit of leeway of getting a rooftop replacement is that you will have critical quietness, understanding that you and your family are ensured and that you won’t have to worry about paying for any fixes or replacements anytime soon. While the realities affirm that all rooftops over the long haul require some upkeep and fix work, recently out of the case a new one will keep going for quite a while. Dependent upon which materials your rooftop is made of, it may prop up as long as you are in the house./p>h3>Making the house look great/h3>p>If the rooftop on your house is falling to pieces and it is obvious just by looking at it, another will make your home to a lesser extent an imperfection. If you are worn out on looking at the accursed rooftop that is correct now on your home, it very well may be an exceptional idea to get another for it./p>h3>Wise Investment/h3>p>You will find that having another housetop put on your home can raise the assessment of it in a general sense if and when you choose to sell. Right when you go to sell your home, you will make around 70% of what you spent on it back, so it is very much advocated, notwithstanding all the difficulty. If you understand that you finally sell your home, this is truly maybe the best endeavor you can make. Basically guarantee that you utilize the right specialists to present the rooftop, so you understand that the errand was done right the initial go through./p>div idthemify_builder_content-72 data-postid72 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-72 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-46 classpost clearfix cat-1 cat-2 post-46 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-gold-mining category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-09-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Where to Find Gold: How Has Gold Mining Changed?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>Gold Mining/a>, a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Over time gold mining has undergone a major change that is far beyond imagination. The technologies used today make it possible to make the gold industry in the 21st century a modern enterprise./p>p>Let’s go deep, and try to understand the true story of how gold is produced./p>p>First of all, from the mines where it is found, the gold is then transported by helicopter to destinations where it will be processed and then sold./p>p>The video shows the depths of a mine in South Africa. The place where the helicopter begins its load. Gold is found much deeper than the helicopter landing zone …/p>p>Inside the mine, where the tunnels can reach up to five kilometers in depth, the degrees centigrade can rise up to 50, but thanks to the cold air system that is continuously pumped into the tunnel, the work of the extraction of the gold is much more bearable./p>p>Those who work in a gold mine represent a highly skilled workforce, the social and economic benefits that both nations and communities derive from it are of significant importance./p>p>Where to find gold: open pit minesbr />There are not only mines with deep tunnels but also open pit mines (which are created when the gold is on the surface). In these cases the type of sacrifice required for gold mining is different./p>p>What does it take to extract gold from the raw material?/p>p>It is necessary to carry out complicated chemical steps that require time and extreme attention./p>p>But let’s see some important details together. Most gold nowadays is found in microscopic particles within rocks, which of course are invisible to the human eye./p>p>Each ton of ore produces less than about 10 grams of gold. Mining begins with crushing and processing the ore./p>p>In the mine shown in the video, this work is done by huge drums, which cause the rock to then be crushed into grains and mixed with water to form a slurry./p>p>The dough, in turn, is pumped into huge tanks for the next, most important stage of the extraction process. Some small amounts of cyanide are carefully inserted into the tank to form a very dilute solution./p>p>The safety to carry out the process in every phase is very important and modern mines have strict rules that serve to prevent damage to health and the environment; the use of cyanide for example is entrusted to a manager who pours it into the tank, filtering the gold from the raw mineral./p>div idthemify_builder_content-46 data-postid46 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-46 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-36 classpost clearfix cat-1 cat-2 post-36 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-gold-mining category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-09-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Gold Mining – The Concentration of the Ore/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>Gold Mining/a>, a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Those with this objective should also inquire about the purchase of physical gold which is now very common, given that in recent years buying physical gold has become very simple and accessible to everyone./p>p>Gold mining – The concentration of the orebr />Gold is extremely rare. According to geologists, gold is found exclusively in low concentrations in the rock./p>p>Gold is even rarer than platinum, although as platinum disperses more regularly into the earth’s crust it is actually more difficult to find platinum deposits worth digging for./p>p>Gold, on the other hand, is frequently deposited in concentrations that make gold mining profitable./p>p>Mining technologies are expensive first of all because the process always requires mining companies to process large amounts of land to have results that are limited anyway. The energy required to treat the rock is very expensive, as are the chemicals used in the process, and consequently the concentration of gold in the territory must be such as to justify the entrepreneurial effort attached to the extraction./p>p>In some places on the earth’s crust the concentration of the mineral varies from the norm. These variations constitute workable territory for gold mining. The gold concentration process occurs both above and below the earth’s surface. On the surface there is alluvial gold concentrated in rivers due to the flow of water. Under the earth’s surface there are veins, often in combination with deposits of other metals, including sulphites and pyrites. The gold concentration can occur while the other minerals are filtered out over a longer period. It is very rare to find a territory that yields sufficient gold./p>p>Gold mining – Extraction and purificationbr />Due to the inertia of gold around 80% of gold is in an elemental state. Several processes are used to extract and purify gold./p>p>Amalgamation uses mercury, through which gold dissolves. Mercury is applied to the rock, holds the gold, and the resulting amalgam is distilled to remove the mercury. Mercury is a highly toxic element so the extraction plants that have to manage this type of operation are very expensive./p>p>The most important part of the extraction process is cyanidation. A sodium cyanide solution in the presence of air causes the gold to go into solution. Good quality rocks release gold during cyanination in a process called tank filtration. Lower quality rocks require pile filtration, which requires the rock to be subjected to the cyanide solution multiple times over a longer period of time./p>div idthemify_builder_content-36 data-postid36 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-36 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> /div> !-- /loops-wrapper --> /div> !-- /#content --> aside idsidebar itemscopeitemscope itemtype> div idsearch-2 classwidget widget_search> form methodget idsearchform action> input typehidden classsearch-type namepost_type valuepost /> input typetext names ids placeholderSearch /> div classsearch-option> input idsearch-blog classsearch-blog checkedchecked typeradio namesearch-option valuepost /> label forsearch-blog>Blog/label> input idsearch-shop classsearch-shop typeradio namesearch-option valueproduct /> label forsearch-shop>Shop/label> /div> /form>/div>div idmedia_image-2 classwidget widget_media_image>h4 classwidgettitle>Advertisement/h4>a href target_blank relnoopener>img width232 height300 src classimage wp-image-31 attachment-medium size-medium alt decodingasync loadinglazy stylemax-width: 100%; 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This means that having the tractor serviced at every service milestone as well as daily maintenance is …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/how-to-select-a-perfect-auto-electrician-in-strathpine\/},headline:How to select a perfect auto electrician in Strathpine,datePublished:2021-04-30T16:27:31+00:00,dateModified:2021-04-30T16:27:31+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:With advancements in technology, electric circuits have become a very important part of different car models. These systems control most of the personal cars we see on the streets and are connected to important features of these cars. The electric circuits of modern cars are very complicated, and as a result, very many electrical issues …,image:{@type:ImageObject,url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/cs5-1024x795.png,width:1024,height:795}},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/benefits-of-an-asset-tracking-system\/},headline:Benefits of An Asset Tracking System,datePublished:2021-03-14T13:00:05+00:00,dateModified:2021-03-14T13:00:05+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:As a business owner, you may need to track your assets and make sure that they are safe, in good condition, and the right place. The invention of IoT has resulted in massive upgrades in the asset tracking systems. Currently, you can keep track of your assets or properties right from your mobile device at …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/5-reasons-why-roof-replacement-is-better-than-reroofing\/},headline:5 Reasons Why Roof Replacement is Better Than Reroofing,datePublished:2020-12-13T11:05:37+00:00,dateModified:2020-12-13T11:05:37+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:There are several reasons as to why your roof might be in need of an upgrade. Maybe it has decayed or reached its economical life, or may be strong weather or winds have harmed it. A lot of people might be considering re-roofing as an option, but here are five reasons why a roof replacement …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/where-to-find-gold-how-has-gold-mining-changed\/},headline:Where to Find Gold: How Has Gold Mining Changed?,datePublished:2020-09-13T05:49:59+00:00,dateModified:2020-09-13T05:49:59+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Over time gold mining has undergone a major change that is far beyond imagination. The technologies used today make it possible to make the gold industry in the 21st century a modern enterprise. Let’s go deep, and try to understand the true story of how gold is produced. 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According to geologists, gold is found exclusively in low …}/script>!-- /SCHEMA END -->!-- wp_footer --> script> ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Slider ///////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var $slider $(#slider); if ( $slider.find(li).length > 0 ) { if ( $slider.find(li).length > 1 ) { $slider.flexslider({ animation: slide, animationDuration: 2000, slideshow: false, animationLoop: true, directionNav: true, prevText: «, nextText: », pauseOnHover: true }); } else { $(#sliderwrap).css( { height: auto, visibility: visible } ); $slider.find(.slides > li).show(); } } }); /script> link relstylesheet idmailpoet_public-css href typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idmailpoet_custom_fonts_css-css href typetext/css mediaall />script typetext/javascript idthemify-main-script-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var themify_vars {version:4.6.8,url:http:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify,map_key:null,bing_map_key:null,includesURL:http:\/\/\/wp-includes\/,isCached:null,minify:{css:{themify-icons:0,themify.framework:0,lightbox:0,themify-builder-style:0},js:{backstretch.themify-version:0,bigvideo:0,themify.dropdown:0,themify.builder.script:0,themify.scroll-highlight:0,themify-youtube-bg:0,themify.parallaxit:0,themify-ticks:0}}};var tbLocalScript {isAnimationActive:1,isParallaxActive:1,isParallaxScrollActive:1,isStickyScrollActive:1,,,.builder-posts-wrap >,backgroundSlider:{autoplay:5000},animationOffset:100,videoPoster:http:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify\/themify-builder\/img\/blank.png,backgroundVideoLoop:yes,builder_url:http:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify\/themify-builder,framework_url:http:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify,version:4.6.8,fullwidth_support:1,fullwidth_container:body,loadScrollHighlight:1,addons:,breakpoints:{tablet_landscape:769,1280,tablet:681,768,mobile:680},ticks:{tick:30,ajaxurl:https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php,postID:36},cf_api_url:http:\/\/\/?tb_load_cf};var themifyScript {lightbox:{lightboxSelector:.themify_lightbox,lightboxOn:true,lightboxContentImages:false,lightboxContentImagesSelector:,theme:pp_default,social_tools:false,allow_resize:true,show_title:false,overlay_gallery:false,screenWidthNoLightbox:600,deeplinking:false,contentImagesAreas:, > a,lightboxGalleryOn:true},lightboxContext:body};var tbScrollHighlight {fixedHeaderSelector:,speed:900,navigation:#main-nav, .module-menu .ui.nav,scrollOffset:0};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idthemify-main-script-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idcontact-form-7-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var wpcf7 {apiSettings:{root:https:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1,namespace:contact-form-7\/v1}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idcontact-form-7-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idunderscore-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idwp-util-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var _wpUtilSettings {ajax:{url:\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idwp-util-js>/script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idjquery-slider-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idjquery-effects-core-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idtheme-script-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var themifyScript {lightbox:{lightboxSelector:.themify_lightbox,lightboxOn:true,lightboxContentImages:false,lightboxContentImagesSelector:,theme:pp_default,social_tools:false,allow_resize:true,show_title:false,overlay_gallery:false,screenWidthNoLightbox:600,deeplinking:false,contentImagesAreas:, > a,lightboxGalleryOn:true},variableLightbox:variable-lightbox};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idtheme-script-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idmailpoet_public-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var MailPoetForm {ajax_url:https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php,is_rtl:};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idmailpoet_public-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idmailpoet_public-js-after>function initMailpoetTranslation() { if (typeof MailPoet ! undefined) { MailPoet.I18n.add(ajaxFailedErrorMessage, An error has happened while performing a request, please try again later.) } else { setTimeout(initMailpoetTranslation, 250); }}setTimeout(initMailpoetTranslation, 250);/script>/body>/html>
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format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-127 altty1 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2023-07-31 classpost-date entry-date updated>July 31, 2023/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>How Do I Choose the Best Dump Truck Tyres?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Dump truck tyres are specially and uniquely designed tyres that can only be used with large dump trucks. Since dump trucks are used in different terrains, some may be uneven, dump truck tyres usually have deep treads and a wider surface area that provides maximum stability and traction. Therefore, you always have to ensure that the condition of your dump truck tyres is perfect despite the terrain you use the trucks on./p>p> /p>p>This means that whether you want to replace one or all the tyres on your dump truck, you must always ensure that you choose the right tyres. If you have never selected dump truck tyres before, this is the right guide to provide you with the information that will help you make a wise selection./p>p> /p>h2>Things to Consider When Selecting Dump Truck Tyres/h2>p>When selecting dump truck tyres, be sure you will come across different types of tyres with different designs and brands. The most important thing to do is ensure that the tyres you select will suit your dump tries. Fortunately, when you consider the following things then you will not have any problem when it comes to choosing the right dump truck tyres;/p>p> /p>ul>li>The size of the tyres/li>/ul>p>This essential factor should always be considered when selecting tyres for your dump trucks. The truth is that dump truck tyres usually come in different sizes for use by different models of dump trucks. Choosing the right dump truck tyre size is usually an added advantage for you since it ensures that you maximise the overall performance of your dump truck. It also enhances the safety and efficiency of dump trucks whenever you are using them to carry heavy loads on different terrains, including rough ones. For this reason, you should always select the size of the dump truck tyres that will suit your truck, depending on its model./p>p> /p>ul>li>The type of terrain in your dump truck operates/li>/ul>p>Another essential thing to remember when choosing tyres for your dump trucks is the kind of terrain your dump trucks operate on. Some people use their dump trucks on rocky and rough terrains, while others use them on smoother surfaces. The terrain you intend to use your dump truck on determines the type of tyres you choose, especially when it comes to their treads. Dump truck tyres with deeper treads are ideal for dump trucks used on rough terrains, while shallower treads are suitable for smoother terrains. Therefore always begin by determining the kind of terrains you use first so that you can select the tyres with the right treads./p>p> /p>ul>li>The durability of the tyres/li>/ul>p>Dump truck tyres are usually expensive and should be considered a significant investment. For this reason, when buying your tyres, always ensure you go for the ones that will last longer, even if they cost more. Be careful about the brand of the tyres you choose and the quality of the material used in making them. This way, you can select durable tyres for your dump truck./p>p> /p>p> /p>p>In conclusion, investing in the a href>leading brands of dump truck tyres/a> is essential for your dump trucks’ optimal performance, longevity, efficiency and safety. Therefore, you must consider all the above factors when selecting your tyres to make the proper selection. If you still have challenges selecting these tyres, especially if it’s your first time, always seek professional help./p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-126 data-postid126 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-126 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-122 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-122 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2023-06-16 classpost-date entry-date updated>June 16, 2023/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What Are Long-Range Fuel Tanks and Why Should One Invest in These Tanks?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Are you an off-roader? What kind of experience do you expect to have out there? While most off-roaders want to be on the road for a day, others want to go out for weeks. The latter want to cruise across the outbacks of the most adventurous places. However, the main issue they always experience is the need for adequate fuel in their tanks. This is said to be the main issue since, in most places, cruising fuel stations are very rare. Fortunately, when you invest in long-range fuel tanks, you will not experience this problem even if you want to go cruising for a long time./p>p> /p>h2>What Are Long-Range Fuel Tanks/h2>p>Most people are used to standard tanks and may need help to understand long-range fuel tanks. However, a good number of off-roaders have invested in these tanks so that they can increase their vehicles’ range. Long-range fuel tanks are simply accessories that maximise the ability of your vehicle to hold more fuel. These tanks replace the standard fuel tanks and can also come as auxiliary fuel tanks. Whether you replace your standard fuel tank or use the auxiliary fuel tank, the main intention is always to allow your vehicle to hold more fuel as you cruise, especially if cruising in isolated places./p>p> /p>h2>What are The Benefits of Investing in Long Range Fuel Tanks?/h2>p>Investing in long-range fuel tanks comes with several benefits that, include;/p>p> /p>ul>li>It gives off-roaders peace of mind/li>/ul>p>If you have ever driven in remote areas, you understand how wild these places can be. Imagine being stuck in the middle of isolated places with your loved ones miles away from towns just because you ran out of fuel. This may seem like watching a horror movie, but it happens to many off-roaders daily, especially those cruising with vehicles using standard fuel tanks. If you run out of fuel in such a situation, you can be sure that getting help may take a very long time, and even if you call for emergency services, you may be too far for them to reach on time./p>p> /p>p>The only way you can avoid going through such terrible moments is when you invest in long-range fuel tanks. When you have such a tank, you are always sure that you will ensure that you increase the fuel capacity that your vehicle holds. This way, you do not have to worry about your fuel running out when you are in the middle of nowhere. Also, you will have enough fuel depending on the distance you plan to cruise. This gives every off-roader peace of mind when traversing with their loved ones and friends./p>p> /p>ul>li>It enhances efficiency/li>/ul>p>If you love travelling long distances or towing a caravan, you benefit from investing in long-range fuel tanks. These tanks enable an efficient experience since you will have fewer travel stops. When you take off, you will keep driving. However, when you do not have a long-range fuel tank, you will have to pre-plan your journey and check on service stations where you can get more fuel on your route. This enhances efficiency for every off-roader./p>p> /p>ul>li>It increases your storage capacity/li>/ul>p>If you do not have a long-range fuel tank, you must store fuel in as many jerry cans as possible to ensure adequate fuel for the rest of your journey. Though jerry cans are cheaper than long-range fuel tanks, they usually take so much of your limited storage space in your vehicle. Fortunately, when you have a long-range fuel tank, you fit it on your vehicle’s underside, ensuring you have storage space. We highly advise you to choose having a a href>high-capacity long range fuel tank upgrade/a>./p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-122 data-postid122 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-122 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-116 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-116 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-08-17 classpost-date entry-date updated>August 17, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What Are Commerical Rice Cookers and Does Your Kitchen Need One?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Rice is a very popular food, whether as a side or the main course. Restaurants, especially Asian restaurants, have to serve lots of rice at once and find a way to keep it warm before serving it. Businesses are always striving for better ways to prepare and serve their delicious tasting rice./p>p>This is where commercial rice cookers come in. Not only do they help businesses cook and serve big portions of rice at once, they also keep rice warm and make the texture all the tastier./p>p>So if you have a business specialising in Asian cuisine, then you should read this article to find out everything you need to know about commercial rice cookers, what they can do, and why they are important./p>p> /p>h2>Cooking Sushi Rice with a commercial rice cooker/h2>p>Sushi rice will turn out wonderful in a commercial rice cooker. Why? Because sushi rice needs to have a specific texture, and when cooked in bulk, it can burn easily and ruin the flavour and consistency. Rice cookers ensure that you get the perfect texture and taste for your sushi rice./p>p>This is only one example of why commercial rice cookers are good for your business. Read on to discover more about the different types of commercial rice cookers!/p>h2>Gas or Electric rice cookers?/h2>p>Which one is better? Gas or electric? There is no true answer to this question but let’s go over the reasons why both are great choices so that you can decide which one fits your company better./p>p>Gas cookers obviously use gas instead of electricity. If your business already has gas lines, then this makes the most sense. Gas cookers are perfect for sushi rice as it mimics the most traditional way that sushi rice is prepared – creating a tasty authentic dish! Gas cookers also tend to cook really fast, helping you out when orders heap up./p>p>Gas cookers also need to be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure there is no blockage in the pipes that can keep steam from ventilating./p>p> /p>h2>Should you go with an electric rice cooker?/h2>p>Electric rice cookers are really easy to operate and are very portable since they do not need to connect with gas lines. Whether your business is small or large, electric rice cookers are a great choice./p>p>Cleaning your electric rice cooker is also an easy and straightforward task, and you won’t need to worry about build-up or ventilation./p>h2>The Main Benefits of Choosing a Commercial Rice Cooker for your Business/h2>p>There are many benefits that come with having a commercial rice cooker, especially since you will be able to serve more customers at once while also serving amazingly cooked and fresh dishes. Here is a list of the main benefits:/p>ul>li>Easier operation – commercial rice cookers are easy to use; just add water and measure the rice./li>li>Cooking large amounts – for busy businesses, the larger amount of rice that can cook at once, the better. This ensures lots of customers are served and satisfied./li>li>Rice tastes better – because of the way the commercial rice cooker prepares rice, it ensures rice always comes out delicious./li>/ul>p> /p>p>If you are looking to upscale your business, then you should consider making the investment in commercial rice cookers that last the distance. It will help you maintain and gain new customers as well as make the process of preparing rice easier./p>div idthemify_builder_content-116 data-postid116 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-116 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-112 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-112 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-06-24 classpost-date entry-date updated>June 24, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Facts About Concrete Scanning/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Whenever you are starting any construction projects, it is always advisable that you begin by locating underground utilities for the sake of your protection and safety. Also this determines the continuity of your project. Unfortunately, most people fail to begin by locating the underground utilities and therefore are left anywhere when they should cut, call or drill into concrete. To ensure that you know when you are supposed to do all these, you have to make sure that you begin by scanning the concrete you will be drilling on./p>p> /p>h2>What is Concrete Scanning?/h2>p>Concrete scanning is a procedure that involves using a GPR or ground-penetrating radar to scan concrete walls, slabs, floors, tunnels, encasements, columns and other structures to locate Livewire, Rebar, cables, conduit, utilities, pipes and any other embedded objects. The ground-penetrating radar uses radar pulses to locate and identify any subsurface objects. Fortunately, the process is not only non-destructive but also does not disrupt any existing buildings./p>p> /p>h2>Why is Concrete Scanning a Great Part of Construction Projects?/h2>p>In case you are wondering why people consider concrete scanning before they begin on most construction projects, it is because concrete scanning is a part of this project. The following are some of the reasons why concrete scanning makes a great part of most construction projects;/p>ul>li>It enhances safety in construction sites/li>/ul>p>In case you have never performed concrete scanning before starting your construction project, you would agree that it is possible for one to unintentionally strike any underground hazards. This can lead to an unexpected accident where the people on the construction sites get fatally or seriously injured. To ensure that this does not happen, the only thing you have to do is make sure that you know what is lying underground at your construction site. This can be made easier by carrying out concrete scanning before you begin on the project, thereby enhancing the safety of the people on the construction sites./p>ul>li>It protects peoples’ businesses/li>/ul>p>Although protecting and preserving the lives of people is very important, you also need to protect and preserve your business. When you cut into or strike any other ground, you are putting your business at risk for penalties, fines, loss of reputation and budget overruns. However, hiring a concrete scanning professional helps locate any underlying hazards in there to protect your business in return./p>ul>li>It saves on time/li>/ul>p>Concrete scanning house people in a construction site in Brisbane know where they should cut, core or drill preventing any damage on the subsurface objects. Unfortunately, without concrete scanning, the subsurface object will be damaged and this leads to the development of your project. Therefore people choose to carry out concrete scanning before they begin their construction projects to prevent derailment and save time./p>ul>li>It is money saving/li>/ul>p>While most companies can afford to hire concrete scanning professionals, they choose to ignore it. Unfortunately, they cannot afford to shut down a construction site for several hours or days and neither can they afford to replace the damaged equipment. Paying penalties and fines is also expensive, just like losing one’s reputation. For this reason, construction companies are a href>experienced using our GPR scanner technologies/a> to prevent any damages that could lead to any of the above things. This helps them save so much money in the long run./p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-112 data-postid112 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-112 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-103 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-103 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2022-02-09 classpost-date entry-date updated>February 9, 2022/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Why should you have drinking fountains in your office?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>People have always been looking for a way that is convenient for them to deliver fresh and reliable water to the people in their offices. This is why office owners have water coolers or even water delivery services to ensure that everyone in the office stays hydrated and has access to delicious freshwater. Just like water coolers and water dispensers, drinking fountains have become popular features of offices, outdoor spaces as well as public buildings./p>p>Drinking fountains are mainly used to offer instant water whenever you are passing by the fountain. They also have faucets making it easier for anyone to fill their cups or bottles. Today many people are using drinking fountains as additional or alternative water sources for their offices. In case you do not have the drinking fountains yet it can be difficult for you to understand why you need them in your office and at times you can underestimate the benefits of having drinking fountains in your workplace./p>p> /p>h2>Are there any benefits of having drinking fountains in your office?/h2>p>The following are some of the benefits of having drinking fountains in your office:/p>ul>li>Provide access to freshwater/li>/ul>p>One drinking fountain has the capability of supplying water to thousands of people especially when you have an office that is located in high traffic areas. For this reason, if you have an office that is ever busy, you do not have to worry about providing enough fresh water to your employees as well as clients no matter how many they are./p>ul>li>They are eco friendly/li>/ul>p>Drinking fountains are usually environmentally friendly. For this reason, when you have the drinking fountains in your office, you will reduce the reliance on bottled water ensuring plastic bottles are not dumped in the environment leading to pollution. It also helps to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide due to the production and transportation of bottled water, therefore drinking fountains are eco-friendly./p>ul>li>They offer convenience/li>/ul>p>Drinking fountains are usually located at pivotal areas in the offices as well as public spaces. This means that anyone has the convenience of hydrating themselves when they are in the offices engaging in different office activities. Also, the drinking fountains require little maintenance and can be accessed any time of the day or night making them convenient for use in the offices as compared to any other types of drinks./p>ul>li>They offer versatility/li>/ul>p>Irrespective of whether you wish to install the drinking fountains outdoors or indoors, there are several varieties that you can add to the drinking fountains to suit the needs of the users. For instance, you can have carbon filters to provide filtered water, refrigeration to offer chilled water, and bubbles for bottle filling. They are also available in different kinds of sizes and shapes allowing you to select the drinking fountains that are suitable for your office needs. All these things make the drinking fountains versatile./p>ul>li>They are economical/li>/ul>p>When you have an office you have to make sure that you provide an adequate amount of water to your employees and clients. This means that you get to spend so much on ensuring that everyone gets water while they are in the office. However, when you have your drinking fountains, all you need to spend is the fountains and plumbing costs rather than the overall maintenance costs. When you do this you will realise that you spend less unlike when you have the drinking fountains./p>h2>/h2>h2>Final thoughts/h2>p>In case you have been wondering why there are a href>drinking fountains for parks and schools/a>, it is due to the above reason. Therefore, you should also consider having these assets installed in your office. By doing this you will be able to provide access to adequate and reliable water to thousands of people visiting your office./p>div idthemify_builder_content-103 data-postid103 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-103 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-99 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-99 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-100 alttow3 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-10-30 classpost-date entry-date updated>October 30, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>What kind of towing service company should I select on the Gold Coast?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>You never know when you need towing services from the towing companies on the Gold Coast. However, if you are involved in an accident or your car gets damaged beyond repair, you may end up requiring a towing service company. This is because you cannot leave your car anywhere when this happens, but instead, you must get it to the safest destination that comes to mind. Despite the reasons you need towing services on the Gold Coast, you must make sure that you select the best towing company./p>p> /p>p>It is always recommendable that you contact the towing companies you think are best for you to ensure that you don’t select them in a rush. Even if you don’t require to win services at the moment, you should choose and contact a towing company from the Gold Coast to make them aware that whenever you need towing, they will be the company you call. For you to get the towing services instantly when your car breaks down or after an accident, you must have selected the best company./p>p> /p>h2>What defines the best towing coming on the Gold Coast?/h2>p>When hiring a towing company, you must know the kind of towing company you should hire among the many you come across on the Gold Coast. It will never be an easy decision for you to make when selecting the best towing services company, but you must make the right call. This is why you need to know what makes the best towing company around you. The following are some things that will tell you that the company you are selecting is the right one to offer you the towing services you need./p>p> /p>ul>li>Quick service/li>/ul>p>Imagine that you are stranded in the middle of nowhere, and you have been waiting for many hours for someone to arrive and offer you the towing services you need. This is sad, and I’m sure you do not want to wait for hours for the company you called to arrive where you are stranded. Instead, you need a company that will take less time to reach wherever you are. This is why you should hire a towing company that offers quick towing services to its clients./p>p> /p>ul>li>Reputable/li>/ul>p>The company’s reputation offering you towing services is an essential factor you need to consider before making any calls. It’s a valuable tool that you can use to make your decision, especially if you have two or more towing companies in question. You need to make sure that you look for reviews and references to understand why you are selecting a particular company. The best company to offer you the towing services you need on the Gold Coast must have a good reputation. This always assures you that you are selecting a reliable company that offers high-quality and reliable towing services./p>p> /p>ul>li>Insurance/li>/ul>p>During towing, accidents occur, and so much loss could be experienced, leading to too many expenses. You did not want to pay for the losses you would incur in case of such an accident when your towing company offered you the services you needed. This is why you need to select a company with suitable insurance coverage since they compensate you whenever there’s an emergency./p>p> /p>ul>li>Variety of services offered/li>/ul>p>As you look for the most suitable company offering towing services on the Gold Coast, you must consider the type of services this company provides. Most of the towing companies provide just transportation to their customers. However, the towing company you select should offer a variety of services to their customers, such as repair services, especially for those involved in an accident. If you’re wondering what type of towing company should consider the services they offer, you need to look for a company that provides more than just transportation./p>p> /p>p>Selecting a href>a Gold Coast towing service/a> can be a very tedious task for anyone. However, you must never make any mistakes that may hinder you from selecting the best companies. To know that you have made the right choices find out whether the towing companies you have in mind have the above features./p>div idthemify_builder_content-99 data-postid99 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-99 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-95 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-95 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-96 altsail1 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-10-23 classpost-date entry-date updated>October 23, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Tips to Maintain a Boat/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Like our beloved cars, boats require maintenance too for safety and smooth boating. With proper care and maintenance, you can trust your boat to serve you the longest time possible before dimming unfit for sea, lake, or river traveling. Boat maintenance goes way beyond the visual aspects of boat maintenance. Before going into the waters, there are certain aspects that you cannot see but require regular maintenance if your boat must last its optimal lifespan. There is care that your boat will require after every outing and those that you must schedule for a fixed period. Fortunately, many boat care services are manageable even without a technician or a mechanic. However, when major boat services and maintenance calls in, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional mechanic to keep maneuvering the waters with peace of mind. As for now, this boat care guide will help you handle mishaps of your boat./p>p>The general ways that can help keep your boat in tiptop condition involve cleaning your boat and making sure that the engine and other moveable parts are well lubed. Just like you won’t drive a car without engine oil, you won’t ride a boat without engine oil to and at the right levels. Weather and debris do damage the exterior parts of your boat and it may require regular coating and waxing./p>h2>/h2>h2>Tips that will help you keep your boat sparkling and in great shape for a long time/h2>p>strong>Keep the exterior clean:/strong> Besides beauty, there is an advantage in keeping the exterior of the boat clean. It helps keep at bay invasive species that can damage the exterior, besides animals and plants may hitch onto it when you ride. To keep and protect our waterways, it is critical to clean the exterior of the boat. It also helps keep the structure of the boat by removing debris and dirt for your boat to remain intact all the time. And lastly, a clean boat will perform efficiently and reduce fuel consumption significantly./p>p>strong>Proper storage:/strong> Protect your boat after every water exploration by storing it away from weather elements such as rain, ice, and direct sunlight. There are several options for storing your boat. First is outdoor storage, which is a popular method although it will require thorough coverage to prevent weather elements. Secondly, we have an indoor storage option which is an excellent storage option because your boat is kept free from weather elements such as rain, sunshine, mildew, rust, and more. And lastly, on-the-water storage, available in many harbours. This storage option is only practical if you have a larger vessel that requires a crane to lift it out of the water and you must have deep waters. Once you decide where to store your vessel in the water, all other maintenance practices must be done to keep it in tiptop condition until the next sailing season comes around./p>p>strong>Boat engine care:/strong> This should not be intimidating like most of us would like to think. Changing engine oil is an exercise you can DIY within an hour. By checking the levels of engine oil and other lubricants applicable to your boat, you enhance the lifespan and your engine will run for a long time within hitches or glitches. Change spark plugs when needed and get rid of trapped objects on the propeller after every outing./p>p> /p>p>Spraytech Marine offer boat servicing in Gold Coast. To make sure that maintenance is properly carried out, call them as they are experts in this field./p>div idthemify_builder_content-95 data-postid95 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-95 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-91 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-91 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-92 altsound2 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-09-03 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 3, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>The use of sound reducing panels for homes and offices/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>If you are thinking about reducing the noise in your home or the office, soundproof panels are a good option. These are also considered cheaper compared to any other soundproofing method. Sound reducing panels can work well to reduce high frequency sound wave if they have a moderate amount of mass. Soundproof panels may not block the noise entirely because they do not have enough insulation and might not respond well to low frequency waves which might have a long wavelength./p>p>The use of sound proofing is effective when you are trying to block out mild or moderate amount of noise. This panel are usually intended to improve the acoustics of the room and not for intense noise reduction. You first need to decide what kind of sound proofing panels would work for you to stop however this depends upon a number of factors. There are a variety of sound producing panels available in the market however you need to find out which one would be the most cost effective for your specific requirement./p>h2>/h2>h2>strong>How do the sound reducing panels work?/strong>/h2>p>Sound reducing panels can work by having a damping or deadening effect on the sound wave. The sound absorption materials present in this panel can help absorb the sound. This way they would be able to eliminate the background noise and control the Echoes by controlling the reverberations./p>p>If you want to eliminate the sound coming from the outside of the home then you can do with any standard cheap soundproof parallel. However if you want to reduce much bigger amount of noise like the one coming from a garbage truck you may need to invest in high quality soundproofing material. There are many heavy-duty options available which you can choose from. For a classroom setting it is better to go for heavy duty soundproofing material because children need to be in a room which is quiet and calm in order to gain the most from their teacher./p>h2>/h2>h2>strong>Types of sound reducing panels/strong>/h2>p>There are usually two types of sound proof panels available. These include the wedge ridge and the egg crate soundproof panel./p>p>The wedge ridge panels are comparatively sleeker then the egg crate panels, a href>the best material for sound absorption/a>. These are more preferable because they tend to look better when placed over the wall. Do make use of a design which consist of squares with alternating design either in the form of horizontal and vertical ridges. This design helps trap the noise without distorting the sound in the room./p>p>These panels are around an inch thick and come in different colours. This is why these are easier to fit in when there’s any kind of room decor. These panels are usually used in recording Studios because of their better capability with absorbing the sound./p>p>These kind of panels are also cheaper when compared with the egg crate panels. However they might not be so effective in blocking the sound completely. If you have a severe level of noise you might want to consider using the egg crate panels./p>div idthemify_builder_content-91 data-postid91 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-91 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-82 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-82 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2021-05-07 classpost-date entry-date updated>May 7, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Handy Preventative Maintenance John Deere Tractor Parts/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Owning a John Deere tractor also means regular maintenance to keep it at its peak. The only way you can make the tractor function and perform as great as newly bought for a long time is dedicated maintenance. This means that having the tractor serviced at every service milestone as well as daily maintenance is the smartest way to keep it in tip-top condition./p>p>The scenario of your tractor breaking down in the middle of a project is all too familiar. Harvesting and planting projects can be delayed when the tractor shows an issue/s that needs immediate attention and repair./p>p>When this happens, the quickest fix is what you need. And the best way to make quick repairs is to have handy preventative maintenance John Deere tractor parts on hand./p>p>Routine repairs mean having these John Deere tractor parts within easy reach./p>p> /p>h4>Fuses/h4>p>Electrical components have become part and parcel of all small or big tractors. A fuse serves as the protective component for all your machine’s electrical circuits. Fixing electrical problems is not always costly. A blown fuse is a simple and inexpensive issue to fix. Properly replacing them is easy and quick when the tractor’s ampere rating is clearly marked and fuses colour-coded./p>h4>Light bulbs/h4>p>Immediately replacing burnt bulbs can seem like a minor problem that you’re tempted to overlook. However, your safety and the people working with you can be compromised when the tractor’s burnt warning lights, headlights, and taillights are not immediately replaced. Keeping stock of these specific tractor lights allows you to replace a burnt bulb when it happens./p>h4>Filters/h4>p>The dirty work that tractors of all sizes do, in turn, makes them dirty as well. A day’s work of kicking up dust, dirt, and debris can compromise the tractor’s important components. The use of different types and kinds of filters helps to protect the various important parts of the tractor./p>p>Air filters, fuel filters, and oil filters become worn and dirty after a hard day’s work. Replacing them as often as possible is the best way to protect the various parts of the tractor./p>p>John Deere makes it convenient and easy by providing four-in-one filter packaging. Purchasing one package takes care of all the filter needs of your tractor. It’s best to stock on additional filters especially when the project demands a frequent change of filters./p>h4>Coolants and fluids/h4>p>The best way to keep the smooth running of your tractor’s engine is to maintain its fluids at optimum levels. This includes daily checking of the tractor’s transmission fluid, engine coolant, radiator fluid, and hydraulic fluid. Replenishing the empty tanks of the tractor means keeping a good supply of important fluids around./p>p>Bigger engine issues with your tractor are prevented when clean coolant is frequently replenished. This helps in preventing engine clogs, internal damage, and rust./p>h4>Zerk fittings/h4>p>One of the daily maintenance chores to do is to grease your tractor. The tractor’s Zerk fittings and joints have to be regularly greased to make them last for as long as possible. Stocking on fittings is recommended to make it quick and easy to replace broken fittings as they happen./p>p>Stocking up on John Deere tractor parts is an affordable option that saves you time and money in the long run. Contact us to know more about our available John Deere tractor parts./p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-82 data-postid82 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-82 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-79 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-79 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > figure classpost-image > a href>img decodingasync loadinglazy src width978 height400 class wp-post-image wp-image-80 altcs5 />/a> /figure> div classpost-content> time datetime2021-04-30 classpost-date entry-date updated>April 30, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>How to select a perfect auto electrician in Strathpine/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>With advancements in technology, electric circuits have become a very important part of different car models. These systems control most of the personal cars we see on the streets and are connected to important features of these cars. The electric circuits of modern cars are very complicated, and as a result, very many electrical issues regarding these automobiles have become common./p>p> /p>p>To fix these problems, you must hire an auto mechanic who has the required skill. Since fixing the electric issues with automobiles can be very complicated, you need to be keen when selecting the auto electrician you will be working with./p>p> /p>h2>Factors to consider when selecting an auto electrician/h2>p> /p>p>When looking for a good auto electrician in Strathpine, be prepared to meet with multiple before you pick the one that will be right for you. This is why you have to look for several factors before you make your final decisions. These factors include:/p>p> /p>ul>li>Qualification and experience level – The qualification and experience level of your chosen auto electrician is very important. It determines the quality of services that the auto electrician is capable of offering you. You do not want to hire someone who will cause more damages to your auto vehicle. This is why you must look for both qualified and experienced mechanics./li>/ul>p>In some cases, if it is clear you do not know what you are looking for, the auto electrician may trick you and charge you more money for a cheaper service. To avoid this, you must make sure that you ask for their certification and find out on your own whether you are working with someone who is trained or not. Be sure to research the service you need done and get quotes from multiple mechanics before deciding on one. Qualified and experienced auto electricians will always offer the best services since they are competent in what they do./p>p> /p>ul>li>A balance between quality and price: When you are looking for the auto electrician you will be hiring, pay attention to your budget, how much the electrician is asking for, and the service you need. Your budget will ultimately determine who you hire. Keep in mind that if you search for the cheapest electrician, you must also be diligent in finding reviews from people who have hired them in the past. To be on the safe side, it is important that you look for someone who charges a fair price, and also has good reviews./li>/ul>p> /p>ul>li>Reputation – Any auto electrician’s reputation is important in helping you decide whether you should hire them or not. It is, therefore, important that you take your time to find the most reputable auto electricians around you. This will help ensure that you hire someone who has been offering high-quality services to others before./li>/ul>p> /p>ul>li>Availability – It is also important that you know whether you are selecting an auto electrician who is always busy or someone who can make sacrifices when you need them. You may never know when your car will develop electrical issues, and therefore, you must have an auto electrician you can contact at any time. This must be a committed auto electrician./li>/ul>p> /p>h2>Qualities an auto electrician must have/h2>p> /p>p>Before you a href>hire an auto electrician/a>, you must look for the following qualities in them;/p>ul>li>Problem-solving/li>li>Creative and innovative/li>li>Strong communication skills/li>li>Top-notch equipment/li>li>Reputable/li>li>Licensed and insured/li>/ul>p> /p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-79 data-postid79 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-79 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-75 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-75 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2021-03-14 classpost-date entry-date updated>March 14, 2021/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Benefits of An Asset Tracking System/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>As a business owner, you may need to track your assets and make sure that they are safe, in good condition, and the right place. The invention of IoT has resulted in massive upgrades in the asset tracking systems. Currently, you can keep track of your assets or properties right from your mobile device at the comfort of your home. Many companies develop asset tracking systems for businesses and personal use. You should therefore do thorough research when finding the right solution for your business./p>p> /p>p>In an asset tracking system, each asset is assigned a unique code which can be scanned by the barcode reader. This way, you can keep track of each asset as it moves from one section to another until it reaches the consumer./p>p> /p>p>For automobiles, there are special tracking sensors that can be fitted which can show the exact location of the vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen, it will be easier to find it without a stretch./p>p> /p>h2>Reasons why you should have an asset tracking system in your business/h2>p> /p>p>The following are the main benefits of having an asset tracking system in your business:/p>ul>li>Secures your assets – The asset tracking system helps you to secure all your assets and the process of recording information is automated, therefore there are minimal theft cases as compared to the manual method of recording information./li>li>Keep records of your assets – The asset tracking system records information and stores it for future reference in case you will need to revisit. This is more reliable as compared to recording information over a sheet of paper which can easily wear out resulting in loss of crucial information./li>li>Reduces maintenance costs – It ensures that the assets are properly managed by providing scheduling of maintenance and a reminder for the same, thus the assets are well maintained and there is minimum risk of damage./li>li>Simplifies Audit process – The system readily provides information to the audit team and simplifies the work of having to look at different documents. It makes the company more transparent in its operations./li>li>It minimises errors – The system has high accuracy as compared to the human documentation process. It eliminates the chances of double-entry, duplication, and mismatch./li>li>You can assess information from anywhere – The asset tracking system will enable you to keep track of your assets anywhere, anytime using your mobile gadget. You can easily find information without the need to get into the business to retrieve that information./li>/ul>p> /p>h2>How do you get the asset tracking system?/h2>p>There are so many firms that deal with vehicle tracking systems, some even operate on a global scale. However, you need to assess your business to find out your requirements before evaluating the right company for your business. Your requirements will enable you to find a company that will suit your business. You should also consider your budget since companies differ in terms of the costs of their operations./p>p> /p>p>Moreover, it would be wise if you could find a company that has a high reputation in the public and has a couple of satisfied customers. Their systems should be reliable at all times with minimal rundown instances./p>p> /p>p>Integrating an asset tracking system in your business is the first step in realising your potential and also provides the opportunity to expand your business operations as well as the market. It helps your business to be organised./p>p> /p>div idthemify_builder_content-75 data-postid75 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-75 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-72 classpost clearfix cat-2 post-72 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-12-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>December 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>5 Reasons Why Roof Replacement is Better Than Reroofing/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>There are several reasons as to why your roof might be in need of an upgrade. Maybe it has decayed or reached its economical life, or may be strong weather or winds have harmed it. A lot of people might be considering re-roofing as an option, but here are five reasons why a roof replacement is more beneficial than a href>re roofing perth/a>:/p>h3>Safety is important/h3>p>An old rooftop that has crumbled to where it should be exchanged makes for an unsafe home. If you regard the thriving of yourself and your family, it is basic to consider placing assets into another rooftop. Depending upon how horrendous the condition of your rooftop is in, it could truly fall and mischief someone inside. By having another rooftop presented on your home, you will have the alternative to shield that from happening./p>h3>Warranty of the Manufacturer/h3>p>Another preferred position of getting another rooftop presented on your home is the way that you will get a gathering ensured on it, yet in case you utilize a legitimate guaranteed brief laborer that is endorsed to outfit you with a drawn out assurance by the materials maker. Whether or not the assurance that goes with your rooftop replacement covers things like materials and work depends whereupon maker made the roofing materials. It is basic to guarantee that you get a truly long assurance with your replacement rooftop./p>h3>Installing a new rooftop makes you feel safe/h3>p>Possibly maybe the best bit of leeway of getting a rooftop replacement is that you will have critical quietness, understanding that you and your family are ensured and that you won’t have to worry about paying for any fixes or replacements anytime soon. While the realities affirm that all rooftops over the long haul require some upkeep and fix work, recently out of the case a new one will keep going for quite a while. Dependent upon which materials your rooftop is made of, it may prop up as long as you are in the house./p>h3>Making the house look great/h3>p>If the rooftop on your house is falling to pieces and it is obvious just by looking at it, another will make your home to a lesser extent an imperfection. If you are worn out on looking at the accursed rooftop that is correct now on your home, it very well may be an exceptional idea to get another for it./p>h3>Wise Investment/h3>p>You will find that having another housetop put on your home can raise the assessment of it in a general sense if and when you choose to sell. Right when you go to sell your home, you will make around 70% of what you spent on it back, so it is very much advocated, notwithstanding all the difficulty. If you understand that you finally sell your home, this is truly maybe the best endeavor you can make. Basically guarantee that you utilize the right specialists to present the rooftop, so you understand that the errand was done right the initial go through./p>div idthemify_builder_content-72 data-postid72 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-72 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-46 classpost clearfix cat-1 cat-2 post-46 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-gold-mining category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-09-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Where to Find Gold: How Has Gold Mining Changed?/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>Gold Mining/a>, a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Over time gold mining has undergone a major change that is far beyond imagination. The technologies used today make it possible to make the gold industry in the 21st century a modern enterprise./p>p>Let’s go deep, and try to understand the true story of how gold is produced./p>p>First of all, from the mines where it is found, the gold is then transported by helicopter to destinations where it will be processed and then sold./p>p>The video shows the depths of a mine in South Africa. The place where the helicopter begins its load. Gold is found much deeper than the helicopter landing zone …/p>p>Inside the mine, where the tunnels can reach up to five kilometers in depth, the degrees centigrade can rise up to 50, but thanks to the cold air system that is continuously pumped into the tunnel, the work of the extraction of the gold is much more bearable./p>p>Those who work in a gold mine represent a highly skilled workforce, the social and economic benefits that both nations and communities derive from it are of significant importance./p>p>Where to find gold: open pit minesbr />There are not only mines with deep tunnels but also open pit mines (which are created when the gold is on the surface). In these cases the type of sacrifice required for gold mining is different./p>p>What does it take to extract gold from the raw material?/p>p>It is necessary to carry out complicated chemical steps that require time and extreme attention./p>p>But let’s see some important details together. Most gold nowadays is found in microscopic particles within rocks, which of course are invisible to the human eye./p>p>Each ton of ore produces less than about 10 grams of gold. Mining begins with crushing and processing the ore./p>p>In the mine shown in the video, this work is done by huge drums, which cause the rock to then be crushed into grains and mixed with water to form a slurry./p>p>The dough, in turn, is pumped into huge tanks for the next, most important stage of the extraction process. Some small amounts of cyanide are carefully inserted into the tank to form a very dilute solution./p>p>The safety to carry out the process in every phase is very important and modern mines have strict rules that serve to prevent damage to health and the environment; the use of cyanide for example is entrusted to a manager who pours it into the tank, filtering the gold from the raw mineral./p>div idthemify_builder_content-46 data-postid46 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-46 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> article idpost-36 classpost clearfix cat-1 cat-2 post-36 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-gold-mining category-news has-post-title has-post-date has-post-category has-post-tag has-post-comment has-post-author > div classpost-content> time datetime2020-09-13 classpost-date entry-date updated>September 13, 2020/time> h2 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Gold Mining – The Concentration of the Ore/a> /h2> p classpost-meta entry-meta> span classpost-author>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>TimJohnston/a>/span>/span> span classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>Gold Mining/a>, a href relcategory tag>News/a>/span> span classpost-comment>a href>0 Comments/a>/span> /p> div classentry-content> p>Those with this objective should also inquire about the purchase of physical gold which is now very common, given that in recent years buying physical gold has become very simple and accessible to everyone./p>p>Gold mining – The concentration of the orebr />Gold is extremely rare. According to geologists, gold is found exclusively in low concentrations in the rock./p>p>Gold is even rarer than platinum, although as platinum disperses more regularly into the earth’s crust it is actually more difficult to find platinum deposits worth digging for./p>p>Gold, on the other hand, is frequently deposited in concentrations that make gold mining profitable./p>p>Mining technologies are expensive first of all because the process always requires mining companies to process large amounts of land to have results that are limited anyway. The energy required to treat the rock is very expensive, as are the chemicals used in the process, and consequently the concentration of gold in the territory must be such as to justify the entrepreneurial effort attached to the extraction./p>p>In some places on the earth’s crust the concentration of the mineral varies from the norm. These variations constitute workable territory for gold mining. The gold concentration process occurs both above and below the earth’s surface. On the surface there is alluvial gold concentrated in rivers due to the flow of water. Under the earth’s surface there are veins, often in combination with deposits of other metals, including sulphites and pyrites. The gold concentration can occur while the other minerals are filtered out over a longer period. It is very rare to find a territory that yields sufficient gold./p>p>Gold mining – Extraction and purificationbr />Due to the inertia of gold around 80% of gold is in an elemental state. Several processes are used to extract and purify gold./p>p>Amalgamation uses mercury, through which gold dissolves. Mercury is applied to the rock, holds the gold, and the resulting amalgam is distilled to remove the mercury. Mercury is a highly toxic element so the extraction plants that have to manage this type of operation are very expensive./p>p>The most important part of the extraction process is cyanidation. A sodium cyanide solution in the presence of air causes the gold to go into solution. Good quality rocks release gold during cyanination in a process called tank filtration. Lower quality rocks require pile filtration, which requires the rock to be subjected to the cyanide solution multiple times over a longer period of time./p>div idthemify_builder_content-36 data-postid36 classthemify_builder_content themify_builder_content-36 themify_builder> /div>!-- /themify_builder_content --> /div>!-- /.entry-content --> /div> !-- /.post-content --> /article>!-- /.post --> /div> !-- /loops-wrapper --> /div> !-- /#content --> aside idsidebar itemscopeitemscope itemtype> div idsearch-2 classwidget widget_search> form methodget idsearchform action> input typehidden classsearch-type namepost_type valuepost /> input typetext names ids placeholderSearch /> div classsearch-option> input idsearch-blog classsearch-blog checkedchecked typeradio namesearch-option valuepost /> label forsearch-blog>Blog/label> input idsearch-shop classsearch-shop typeradio namesearch-option valueproduct /> label forsearch-shop>Shop/label> /div> /form>/div>div idmedia_image-2 classwidget widget_media_image>h4 classwidgettitle>Advertisement/h4>a href target_blank relnoopener>img width232 height300 src classimage wp-image-31 attachment-medium size-medium alt decodingasync loadinglazy stylemax-width: 100%; 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What kind of experience do you expect to have out there? While most off-roaders want to be on the road for a day, others want to go out for weeks. The latter want to cruise across the outbacks of the most adventurous places. However, the main issue they always experience is …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/what-are-commerical-rice-cookers-and-does-your-kitchen-need-one\/},headline:What Are Commerical Rice Cookers and Does Your Kitchen Need One?,datePublished:2022-08-17T19:00:47+00:00,dateModified:2022-08-17T19:00:47+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Rice is a very popular food, whether as a side or the main course. Restaurants, especially Asian restaurants, have to serve lots of rice at once and find a way to keep it warm before serving it. Businesses are always striving for better ways to prepare and serve their delicious tasting rice. This is where …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/facts-about-concrete-scanning\/},headline:Facts About Concrete Scanning,datePublished:2022-06-24T16:00:38+00:00,dateModified:2022-06-24T16:00:38+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Whenever you are starting any construction projects, it is always advisable that you begin by locating underground utilities for the sake of your protection and safety.\u00a0 Also this determines the continuity of your project.\u00a0 Unfortunately, most people fail to begin by locating the underground utilities and therefore are left anywhere when they should cut, call …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/why-should-you-have-drinking-fountains-in-your-office\/},headline:Why should you have drinking fountains in your office?,datePublished:2022-02-09T09:40:50+00:00,dateModified:2022-02-09T09:40:50+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:People have always been looking for a way that is convenient for them to deliver fresh and reliable water to the people in their offices. This is why office owners have water coolers or even water delivery services to ensure that everyone in the office stays hydrated and has access to delicious freshwater. Just like …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/what-kind-of-towing-service-company-should-i-select-on-the-gold-coast\/},headline:What kind of towing service company should I select on the Gold Coast?,datePublished:2021-10-30T07:30:07+00:00,dateModified:2021-10-30T07:30:07+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:You never know when you need towing services from the towing companies on the Gold Coast. However, if you are involved in an accident or your car gets damaged beyond repair, you may end up requiring a towing service company. This is because you cannot leave your car anywhere when this happens, but instead, you …,image:{@type:ImageObject,url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/10\/tow3.jpg,width:355,height:142}},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/tips-to-maintain-a-boat\/},headline:Tips to Maintain a Boat,datePublished:2021-10-23T03:31:58+00:00,dateModified:2021-10-23T03:31:58+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Like our beloved cars, boats require maintenance too for safety and smooth boating. With proper care and maintenance, you can trust your boat to serve you the longest time possible before dimming unfit for sea, lake, or river traveling. Boat maintenance goes way beyond the visual aspects of boat maintenance. 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Soundproof panels may not …,image:{@type:ImageObject,url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/08\/sound2.jpg,width:225,height:225}},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/handy-preventative-maintenance-john-deere-tractor-parts\/},headline:Handy Preventative Maintenance John Deere Tractor Parts,datePublished:2021-05-07T11:01:52+00:00,dateModified:2021-05-07T11:01:52+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Owning a John Deere tractor also means regular maintenance to keep it at its peak. The only way you can make the tractor function and perform as great as newly bought for a long time is dedicated maintenance. This means that having the tractor serviced at every service milestone as well as daily maintenance is …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/how-to-select-a-perfect-auto-electrician-in-strathpine\/},headline:How to select a perfect auto electrician in Strathpine,datePublished:2021-04-30T16:27:31+00:00,dateModified:2021-04-30T16:27:31+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:With advancements in technology, electric circuits have become a very important part of different car models. These systems control most of the personal cars we see on the streets and are connected to important features of these cars. The electric circuits of modern cars are very complicated, and as a result, very many electrical issues …,image:{@type:ImageObject,url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/cs5-1024x795.png,width:1024,height:795}},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/benefits-of-an-asset-tracking-system\/},headline:Benefits of An Asset Tracking System,datePublished:2021-03-14T13:00:05+00:00,dateModified:2021-03-14T13:00:05+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:As a business owner, you may need to track your assets and make sure that they are safe, in good condition, and the right place. The invention of IoT has resulted in massive upgrades in the asset tracking systems. Currently, you can keep track of your assets or properties right from your mobile device at …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/5-reasons-why-roof-replacement-is-better-than-reroofing\/},headline:5 Reasons Why Roof Replacement is Better Than Reroofing,datePublished:2020-12-13T11:05:37+00:00,dateModified:2020-12-13T11:05:37+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:There are several reasons as to why your roof might be in need of an upgrade. Maybe it has decayed or reached its economical life, or may be strong weather or winds have harmed it. A lot of people might be considering re-roofing as an option, but here are five reasons why a roof replacement …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/where-to-find-gold-how-has-gold-mining-changed\/},headline:Where to Find Gold: How Has Gold Mining Changed?,datePublished:2020-09-13T05:49:59+00:00,dateModified:2020-09-13T05:49:59+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Over time gold mining has undergone a major change that is far beyond imagination. The technologies used today make it possible to make the gold industry in the 21st century a modern enterprise. Let’s go deep, and try to understand the true story of how gold is produced. First of all, from the mines where …},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Article,mainEntityOfPage:{@type:WebPage,@id:https:\/\/\/gold-mining-the-concentration-of-the-ore\/},headline:Gold Mining \u2013 The Concentration of the Ore,datePublished:2020-09-13T05:47:47+00:00,dateModified:2020-09-13T05:47:47+00:00,author:{@type:Person,name:TimJohnston},publisher:{@type:Organization,name:,logo:{@type:ImageObject,url:,width:0,height:0}},description:Those with this objective should also inquire about the purchase of physical gold which is now very common, given that in recent years buying physical gold has become very simple and accessible to everyone. Gold mining – The concentration of the ore Gold is extremely rare. According to geologists, gold is found exclusively in low …}/script>!-- /SCHEMA END -->!-- wp_footer --> script> ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Slider ///////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var $slider $(#slider); if ( $slider.find(li).length > 0 ) { if ( $slider.find(li).length > 1 ) { $slider.flexslider({ animation: slide, animationDuration: 2000, slideshow: false, animationLoop: true, directionNav: true, prevText: «, nextText: », pauseOnHover: true }); } else { $(#sliderwrap).css( { height: auto, visibility: visible } ); $slider.find(.slides > li).show(); } } }); /script> link relstylesheet idmailpoet_public-css href typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idmailpoet_custom_fonts_css-css href typetext/css mediaall />script typetext/javascript idthemify-main-script-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var themify_vars {version:4.6.8,url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify,map_key:null,bing_map_key:null,includesURL:https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/,isCached:null,minify:{css:{themify-icons:1,themify.framework:1,lightbox:1,themify-builder-style:1},js:{backstretch.themify-version:1,bigvideo:1,themify.dropdown:1,themify.builder.script:1,themify.scroll-highlight:1,themify-youtube-bg:1,themify.parallaxit:1,themify-ticks:1}}};var tbLocalScript {isAnimationActive:1,isParallaxActive:1,isParallaxScrollActive:1,isStickyScrollActive:1,,,.builder-posts-wrap >,backgroundSlider:{autoplay:5000},animationOffset:100,videoPoster:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify\/themify-builder\/img\/blank.png,backgroundVideoLoop:yes,builder_url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify\/themify-builder,framework_url:https:\/\/\/wp-content\/themes\/shopdock\/themify,version:4.6.8,fullwidth_support:1,fullwidth_container:body,loadScrollHighlight:1,addons:,breakpoints:{tablet_landscape:769,1280,tablet:681,768,mobile:680},ticks:{tick:30,ajaxurl:https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php,postID:36},cf_api_url:https:\/\/\/?tb_load_cf};var themifyScript {lightbox:{lightboxSelector:.themify_lightbox,lightboxOn:true,lightboxContentImages:false,lightboxContentImagesSelector:,theme:pp_default,social_tools:false,allow_resize:true,show_title:false,overlay_gallery:false,screenWidthNoLightbox:600,deeplinking:false,contentImagesAreas:, > a,lightboxGalleryOn:true},lightboxContext:body};var tbScrollHighlight {fixedHeaderSelector:,speed:900,navigation:#main-nav, .module-menu .ui.nav,scrollOffset:0};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idthemify-main-script-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idcontact-form-7-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var wpcf7 {apiSettings:{root:https:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1,namespace:contact-form-7\/v1}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idcontact-form-7-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idunderscore-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idwp-util-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var _wpUtilSettings {ajax:{url:\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idwp-util-js>/script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idjquery-slider-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idjquery-effects-core-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idtheme-script-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var themifyScript {lightbox:{lightboxSelector:.themify_lightbox,lightboxOn:true,lightboxContentImages:false,lightboxContentImagesSelector:,theme:pp_default,social_tools:false,allow_resize:true,show_title:false,overlay_gallery:false,screenWidthNoLightbox:600,deeplinking:false,contentImagesAreas:, > a,lightboxGalleryOn:true},variableLightbox:variable-lightbox};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript deferdefer src idtheme-script-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idmailpoet_public-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var MailPoetForm {ajax_url:https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php,is_rtl:};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src idmailpoet_public-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idmailpoet_public-js-after>function initMailpoetTranslation() { if (typeof MailPoet ! undefined) { MailPoet.I18n.add(ajaxFailedErrorMessage, An error has happened while performing a request, please try again later.) } else { setTimeout(initMailpoetTranslation, 250); }}setTimeout(initMailpoetTranslation, 250);/script>/body>/html>
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