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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 22:11:32 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 09:41:14 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 99545Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen-US>meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html;charsetUTF-8 />head>meta charsetUTF-8>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, user-scalableyes>link relprofile href>link relpingback href../xmlrpc.html>title>Manali Tour Package starts from Rs. 5990 PP !Hurry up - Book Now!/title>meta namerobots contentmax-image-preview:large />link reldns-prefetch href />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleTripRex » Feed href../feed/index.html />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleTripRex » Comments Feed href../comments/feed/index.html />link relstylesheet idbootstrap-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idjQuery-ui-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idbootstrap-icons-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idfontawesome-all-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idfontawesome-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idanimate-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idfancybox-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idswiper-bundle-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet iddaterangepicker-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idslick-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idslick-theme-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idboxicons-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idegns-select2-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idegns-nice-select-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idblog-and-pages-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idegns-style-css typetext/css mediaall />link relstylesheet idegns-theme-css typetext/css mediaall />/head>body classpage-template page-template-archive-tours-grid page-template-archive-tours-grid-php page page-id-39 wp-embed-responsive theme-triprex woocommerce-no-js elementor-default elementor-kit-7 itemtype>div idapp> style>/* Style for the message container */#simple-msg { padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; display: none; /* Hide by default */ margin-bottom:10px;}/* Success message style */#simple-msg.success { background-color: #4caf4fb5; /* Green */ border: 1px solid #388E3C; /* Darker green */ animation: blink 1s linear infinite; /* Apply blinking animation */ display: block; /* Show when class is applied */}/* Blinking animation */@keyframes blink { 0% { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0.5; } 100% { opacity: 1; }}/* Error message style */#simple-msg.error { background-color: #f44336; /* Red */ border: 1px solid #c62828; /* Darker red */ display: block; /* Show when class is applied */}/* Error message style */#simple-msg.error { background-color: #f44336; /* Red */ border: 1px solid #c62828; /* Darker red */ border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; margin-bottom:10px;} /style>script> function sendForm(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission // Get form data const formData new FormData(document.getElementById(contactForm)); // Create an XMLHttpRequest object const xhr new XMLHttpRequest();, php/query.php, true); xhr.onload function () { if (xhr.status 200) { // Display the response from PHP with appropriate class const messageElement document.getElementById(simple-msg); if (xhr.responseText.includes(error)) { messageElement.className error; // Add error class } else { messageElement.className success; // Add success class } messageElement.innerHTML xhr.responseText; } else { const messageElement document.getElementById(simple-msg); messageElement.className error; // Add error class messageElement.innerHTML An error occurred. 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/* Color for Transport icon */}.custom-sightseeing-item i { color: #FF4500; /* Color for Sightseeing icon */}.custom-stay-item i { color: #FF4500; /* Color for Stay icon */}.custom-tours-item i { color: #FF4500; /* Color for Tours icon */}.custom-list { display: flex; gap: 15px; /* Adjust the spacing between the items */ justify-content: center; /* Centers the icons horizontally */ list-style: none; padding: 0;}.custom-list-item { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;}.custom-icon { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: #f0f0f0; /* Circle background color */ border-radius: 50%; width: 40px; /* Smaller circle width */ height: 40px; /* Smaller circle height */ font-size: 18px; /* Smaller icon size */ color: #000; /* Icon color */}.custom-icon-label { margin-top: 6px; /* Space between icon and label */ font-size: 12px; /* Label size */ text-align: center;} /style>div classpackage-grid-section pt-120 mb-120 styleborder-top:solid 5px rgb(69, 68, 68)>div classcontainer stylemargin-top:-140px>div classrow gy-5>div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-0020.jpg altthumbnail-image> /a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00; border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> !-- Special Offer Banner and Timer -->div idspecial-offer> div idtimer classtimer>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title> span classblink>Special Offer!/span> Manali Honeymoon Package /h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Book now and save big! Offer ends Soon/p> /div>/div> div> h5>Special span classblink stylebackground:red;color:white;padding:2px;border-radius:5px;font-size:15px;font-weight:normal;>Free/span> Inclusions:/h5> p>Honeymoon Cake | Candle Light Dinner | Flower Bed Decoration | Hot Milk/p> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 6,750/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> !-- SVG Path here --> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6>div classpackage-card>div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-001.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a>div classbatch>span classdate duration_m stylebackground: 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/li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul>/div>div classcard-content-bottom>div classprice-area>h6>Starting From:/h6>span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 5,500/span> p>Per Person/p>/div>a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg>/a>/div>div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-002.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>2N/3D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Short Trip Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 4,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div>div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-003.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Package from Delhi by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 10,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-001.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>5N/6D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla & Manali Tour Package by Volvo Bus/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 10,650/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/10.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Honeymoon Package by Volvo Bus/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 15,800/span> p>for 2 Adults/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-002.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>2N/3D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla Short Tour Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 5,700/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-003.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>5N/6D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla Kullu Manali Tour Package by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 15,450/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/7.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>8N/9D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Grand Himachal Touer Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Shimla → Manali → Dharamshala → Dalhousie → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 19,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/8.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Dharamshala & Dalhousie Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Dharamshala → Dalhousie → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 11,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/9.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>10N/11D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Grand Himachal With Golden Temple Trip/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Himachal → Punjab → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span 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classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Honeymoon Package by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa 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#ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span>/div>/div>div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Tour Package by Volvo Bus/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div>div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul>/div>div classcard-content-bottom>div classprice-area>h6>Starting From:/h6>span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 5,500/span> p>Per Person/p>/div>a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg>/a>/div>div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-002.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>2N/3D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Short Trip Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 4,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div>div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/manali-tour-003.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Package from Delhi by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 10,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-001.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>5N/6D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla & Manali Tour Package by Volvo Bus/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 10,650/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/10.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Honeymoon Package by Volvo Bus/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 15,800/span> p>for 2 Adults/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-002.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>2N/3D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla Short Tour Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 5,700/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/shimla-manali-tour-003.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>5N/6D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Shimla Kullu Manali Tour Package by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Shimla → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 15,450/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/7.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>8N/9D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Grand Himachal Touer Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Shimla → Manali → Dharamshala → Dalhousie → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 19,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/8.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Dharamshala & Dalhousie Package/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Dharamshala → Dalhousie → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 11,500/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 0.554115 9.08539L0.000253144 12.2098L0.778036 12.2098L2.63059 9.64035C4.90278 10.1523 6.37132 10.1857 6.37132 10.1857C6.37132 10.1857 7.0917 10.2102 8.15624 10.2261Z /> path dM12.0703 11.9318L12.0703 12.7706L8.97041 12.7706L8.97041 11.9318L12.0703 11.9318ZM12.0703 5.23292L12.0703 6.0714L8.97059 6.0714L8.97059 5.23292L12.0703 5.23292ZM9.97892 14.7465L9.97892 15.585L7.11389 15.585L7.11389 14.7465L9.97892 14.7465ZM9.97892 2.41846L9.97892 3.2572L7.11389 3.2572L7.11389 2.41846L9.97892 2.41846Z /> /svg> /a> /div> div classcustom-button-container> button classwhatsapp-button> i classfa-brands fa-whatsapp>/i> Whats App /button> button classcall-button> i classfa-solid fa-phone>/i> Call an Expert /button>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6> div classpackage-card> div classpackage-card-img-wrap> a href# classcard-img> img srcimages/9.jpg altthumbnail-image>/a> div classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>10N/11D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Grand Himachal With Golden Temple Trip/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Himachal → Punjab → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 22,750/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 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classbatch> span classdate duration_m stylebackground: #ff6f00;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;>3N/4D/span> /div> /div> div classpackage-card-content> div classcard-content-top stylepadding:2px;text-align:center> h5 classpackage_title>Manali Honeymoon Package by Taxi/h5> div classlocation-area stylemargin-top:-15px; text-align:center;color:grey> p>Delhi → Manali → Delhi/p> /div> /div> div classcustom-flex-container mt-2> ul classcustom-list ms-2> li idcustom-meals classcustom-meal-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-utensils custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Meals/span> /li> li idcustom-transport classcustom-transport-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-bus custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Transport/span> /li> li idcustom-sightseeing classcustom-sightseeing-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-car custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Sightseeing/span> /li> li idcustom-stay classcustom-stay-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-hotel custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Stay/span> /li> li idcustom-tours classcustom-tours-item custom-list-item> i classfa fa-binoculars custom-icon>/i> span classcustom-icon-label>Tours/span> /li> /ul> /div> div classcard-content-bottom> div classprice-area> h6>Starting From:/h6> span stylecolor:rgb(236, 0, 0)>INR 23,400/span> p>Per Person/p> /div> a href# classopenModalButton primary-btn2> Get Details svg xmlns width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18 fillnone> path dM8.15624 10.2261L7.70276 12.3534L5.60722 18L6.85097 17.7928L12.6612 10.1948C13.4812 10.1662 14.2764 10.1222 14.9674 10.054C18.1643 9.73783 17.9985 8.99997 17.9985 8.99997C17.9985 8.99997 18.1643 8.26211 14.9674 7.94594C14.2764 7.87745 13.4811 7.8335 12.6611 7.80518L6.851 0.206972L5.60722 -5.41705e-07L7.70276 5.64663L8.15624 7.77386C7.0917 7.78979 6.37132 7.81403 6.37132 7.81403C6.37132 7.81403 4.90278 7.84793 2.63059 8.35988L0.778036 5.79016L0.000253424 5.79016L0.554115 8.91458C0.454429 8.94514 0.454429 9.05483 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