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onclickaddToFavorite(this, 65)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>فرش Silken/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>فرش های سریSilken ، با بافتی ظریف و شبیه ابریشم، گویی نوری از اعماق تاریخ در طراحی مکان ها روشن می ن ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #8a7aa8>/span> span stylebackground-color: #dfbfda>/span> span stylebackground-color: #5569a5>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src (1).png/> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;> a stylecursor: pointer; onclickaddToFavorite(this, 232)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس مبلمان پذیرایی NAVONA/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>ارائه طرحی زیبا و راحتی بسیار بالا دارای یک طرح مد روز، استفاده از مواد اولیه مرغوب و ترکیب رنگ چشمگ ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2a3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443a>/span> span stylebackground-color: #ab9b8b>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: 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2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس خواب Riga/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>اتاق خواب Riga ، با خطوط ظریف و جزئیات طراحی لوکس،ظرافت پیچیده ای را برای اتاق خواب شما به ارمغان می ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2A3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443A>/span> span stylebackground-color: #AB9B8B>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src 1402/SIRONA-D.webp/> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;> a stylecursor: pointer; onclickaddToFavorite(this, 378)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس ناهارخوری SIRONA/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>سرویس ناهار خوری SIRONA با ترکیب 3 متریال چوب، فلز و سنگ فضایی چشمگیر ایجاد می کند. ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2A3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443A>/span> span stylebackground-color: #AB9B8B>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; 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onclickaddToFavorite(this, 65)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>فرش Silken/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>فرش های سریSilken ، با بافتی ظریف و شبیه ابریشم، گویی نوری از اعماق تاریخ در طراحی مکان ها روشن می ن ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #8a7aa8>/span> span stylebackground-color: #dfbfda>/span> span stylebackground-color: #5569a5>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src (1).png/> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;> a stylecursor: pointer; onclickaddToFavorite(this, 232)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس مبلمان پذیرایی NAVONA/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>ارائه طرحی زیبا و راحتی بسیار بالا دارای یک طرح مد روز، استفاده از مواد اولیه مرغوب و ترکیب رنگ چشمگ ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2a3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443a>/span> span stylebackground-color: #ab9b8b>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: 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2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس خواب Riga/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>اتاق خواب Riga ، با خطوط ظریف و جزئیات طراحی لوکس،ظرافت پیچیده ای را برای اتاق خواب شما به ارمغان می ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2A3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443A>/span> span stylebackground-color: #AB9B8B>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src 1402/SIRONA-D.webp/> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;> a stylecursor: pointer; onclickaddToFavorite(this, 378)> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 16 16 width20> path dM5 2C2.972656 2 1.304688 3.527344 1.054688 5.484375C1.019531 5.644531 1 5.8125 1 6C1 8.285156 2.746094 10.347656 4.414063 11.878906C6.078125 13.414063 7.742188 14.425781 7.742188 14.425781L8 14.585938L8.257813 14.425781C8.257813 14.425781 9.921875 13.414063 11.589844 11.878906C13.253906 10.347656 15 8.285156 15 6C15 5.8125 14.980469 5.648438 14.949219 5.492188C14.695313 3.527344 13.03125 2 11 2C9.757813 2 8.730469 2.648438 8 3.539063C7.269531 2.648438 6.242188 2 5 2 Z M 5 3C6.101563 3 7.046875 3.59375 7.570313 4.476563L8 5.203125L8.429688 4.476563C8.953125 3.59375 9.898438 3 11 3C12.535156 3 13.777344 4.144531 13.960938 5.632813L13.96875 5.671875C13.988281 5.765625 14 5.871094 14 6C14 7.75 12.496094 9.6875 10.910156 11.144531C9.457031 12.484375 8.230469 13.230469 8 13.375C7.769531 13.230469 6.542969 12.484375 5.085938 11.144531C3.503906 9.6875 2 7.75 2 6C2 5.867188 2.011719 5.761719 2.03125 5.671875L2.039063 5.648438L2.039063 5.625C2.226563 4.144531 3.464844 3 5 3Z fill#4A4A4A/> /svg> /a> strong>سرویس ناهارخوری SIRONA/strong> /div> div stylemargin: 8px 0;>سرویس ناهار خوری SIRONA با ترکیب 3 متریال چوب، فلز و سنگ فضایی چشمگیر ایجاد می کند. ... /div> div classtext-right stylemargin: 8px 0;> strong stylefont-size: 16px;>0/strong> span>تومان/span> /div> div classcolor-set> span stylebackground-color: #2A3144>/span> span stylebackground-color: #56443A>/span> span stylebackground-color: #AB9B8B>/span> /div> a href stylemargin-top: 10px; padding: 4px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff !important; background-color: #4197c8; text-align: center; width: 100px;> خرید /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcontent styleheight: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;> a href> img classimg-responsive src> /a> div stylemargin: 8px 0; text-align: left; 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