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} .nav{ } nav span li{ background-color: rgb(139, 6, 6); padding: 10px; } nav li{ display: inline-block; position: relative; } nav li a{ display: block; padding: 20px 25px; color:rgb(253, 253, 254); text-decoration: none; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; } nav li nav.dropdown li { display: block; } nav li nav.dropdown{ width: 100%; background:rgb(69, 18, 157); position: absolute; z-index: 999; display: none; } nav li a:hover{ background:rgb(255, 255, 255) ; } nav li:hover nav.dropdown{ display: block; } footer{ background-color: black; padding: 30px; color: white; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; }/style>/head>body>div classa>div classaa> a>img srcfacebook.png width30px>/a> a href#>img srcwhatsapp.png width30px>/a> a>img srcinstagram.png width30px>/a> a>img srcyoutube.png width30px>/a>/div>div classab>div classab1> img srccall.png width30px>/div> div classab2> pre>07030711556, 09168629461, 0916862946507052024101, 09168629466, 09168629460 /pre>/div> /div> div classac>div classac1> img srcdirection.png width30px>/div> div classac2> pre>Close 30, Satellite Town,Lagos. /pre>/div> /div> /div>nav> div classnav> img srclogo.jpg width180px height50px> li>a hrefindex.html>HOME/a>/li> li>a href#>ABOUT US/a> nav classdropdown> li>a href#>History/a> /li> li>a href#>Mission & Vision/a> /li> li>a href#>Management Team/a> /li> li>a href#>Our Facilities/a> /li> /nav> /li> /li> li>a href#>SCHOOLS/a> nav classdropdown> li>a href#>Primary/a> /li> li>a href#>Secondary/a> /li> /nav> /li> li>a>PORTAL/a> nav classdropdown> li>a>Staff/a> /li> li>a>Students/a> /li> /nav> /li> li>a href#>SOCIAL/a> nav classdropdown> li>a href>Facebook/a> /li> li>a href>Instagram/a> /li> li>a href>Whatsapp/a> /li> li>a href>Youtube/a> /li> /nav> /li> li>span>a hrefFile.html>CONTACT US/a>/span>/li> /div> /nav>div classb> div classbzz>div classbz1>/div> /div>div classbz2> pre>Welcome ToThe Learningfield Schools /pre>/div> div classbb> button classbutton2>span>a href#>Learn more /a>/span>/button> /div>/div>div classc> div classc2> p> We appreciate the time you have taken to visit us. We hope the links we have provided will give insight to our track record of excellence and continuous>br> Our motto is ‘‘Ora et Labora’’ in which pupils and students blend prayer and hardwork to achieve and soar on Eagle’s wings after>br> It is our goal to provide an all-round education that meets with International standard that builds a generation with creative ingenuity thereby, exposing our children to a wide range of opportunities that will bring out the best in them and instil the fear of>br> Our aim is to produce stars that will develop self-confidence to meet the challenges of the future./p>/div> img src2.jpg>/div>div classd> button classbuttonn>img src998.jpg width400px>br>span>a href#>Elementaryhr>/a>/span>br>div classf>The quest for stardom begins from Pre- school, where children learn with ease, having all instructional materials at their disposal right from 2 years old to 5 years.../a>/button>br> button classbutonn>img src675.JPG width400px>br>span>a href#>Primaryhr>/a>/span>br>div classf>Our primary section is on a march to stardom. Our children standout, speaking in the right diction and enjoying various teaching and learning activities.../a>/button>br> button classbuton>img src234.jpg width400px>br>span>a href#>Collegehr>/a>/span>br>div classf>Upon the success of the primary school, coupled with the encouragement of the Lagos State government, The Learningfield Secondary School sprang up in 1997, since then,.../a>/button>/div>div classe> h1>WHY US?/h1> div classea> img src8689.JPG> div classea2> h3>ins>COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE/ins>/h3> p>Our track record of excellent delivery and continuous development distinguish us from others. The Learningfield School believes that every child should be given the opportunity of a good school with qualitative and affordable>br> Hence, pupils who have completed primary six in a recognized private or public school regardless of their gender, nationality, ethnicity or religious background, are eligible to obtain the admission form. Everyone who obtains the form is allowed to sit for a competitive entrance examination./p> /div> /div> div classeb> img src4116.JPG> div classeb2> h3>ins>CONDUCIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT/ins>/h3> p>Our classroom design and set up help get the best out of students. They are very conducive for learning, well-ventilated and air-conditioned. The laboratories are fully equipped with state of the art laboratory equipments and we have lots of fun facilities that children play with./p> /div> /div> div classec> h2>ins>MODERN FACILITIES/ins>/h2> p>We provide modern educational facilities which speak for themselves:br> Well-equipped Laboratories, Introductory & Technical Drawing Workshop, Library with Upgraded Books, Conducive Environments, Spacious & Standard Classrooms, I.C.T, Sporting Equipment, Qualified and Seasoned Teachers, Boarding Facilities etc./p> img srcchemistry.JPG> img srccomputer.JPG> img srcMontessori1.JPG> img srclibrary.jpg>br> img srcphysics.jpg> img srcboys hostel.JPG> img src female hostel.JPG> img src tailoring.jpg> /div>/div>section classpartner> div classgm1> h2>Address/h2> p> Close 30,br> Satellite Town, Assembly Roadbr> Lagos>br>/p> h2>phone/h2> p>07030711556, 09168629461br> 09168629465, 09168629466br> 09168629460, 07052024101br>br> h2>E-Mail/h2> p> br>> /p> /div> div classgm2> h2>Our Partners/h2> div classg> img srcWAEC.png width120px height120px> img srccambridge.png width110px height110px> img srctaylorfield.png width250px height100px> img srcNECO.png width100px height100px>/div>br>br> div classsocial> h3>media/h3> a>img srcfacebook.png width30px>/a> a href#>img srcwhatsapp.png width30px>/a> a>img srcinstagram.png width30px>/a> a>img srcyoutube.png width30px>/a> /div>/div>/section>footer>Copyright © 2024 All Right Reserved. The Learningfield Schools Site Powered by Media Team/footer>/body>/html>
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