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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 14:01:30 GMTServer: Apache/1.3.42 Ben-SSL/1.60 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_fastcgi/2.4.6 mod_throttle/3.1.2 Chili!Soft-ASP/3.6.2 FrontPage/ mod_perl/1.31 PHP/4.4.9Vary: *X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.9Transfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html html>!-- 10/10/18 - Updated with secure links made SSL (Enrypt) default improved style (logo/bg) 12/20/18 - Added mobile friendlier view created style sheet 02/27/19 - mobile adj (0.86) 03/08/19 - mobile auto-width 07/27/20 - temp auto-SSL disable 07/30/20 - added server indication (bottom) 08/04/20 - disabled forced SSL (option)-->head>title> Webmail Login by WEBMASTERS.COM/title>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale0.86, minimum-scale0.25, user-scalableyes>link hrefstyle.css relstylesheet typetext/css>!-- this is on purpose -->link href relstylesheet typetext/css>base href>!-- style>/style> -->/head>script languageJavaScript>!--begin hidingif (top!self) top.locationlocation;function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstrdocument.cookie.indexOf(;, offset); if (endstr-1) endstrdocument.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset,endstr)); }function GetCookie(name) { var argname+; var alenarg.length; var clendocument.cookie.length; var i0; while(iclen) { var ji+alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i,j)arg) return getCookieVal(j); idocument.cookie.indexOf( ,i)+1; if (i0) break; } return null; }function SetCookie(name,value) { var argvSetCookie.arguments; var argcSetCookie.arguments.length; var expires(argc>2) ? argv2:null; var path(argc>3) ? argv3:null; var domain(argc>4) ? argv4:null; var secure(argc>5) ? argv5:false; document.cookiename++escape(value)+((expiresnull) ? : (; expires+expires.toGMTString()))+((pathnull) ? : (; path+path))+((domainnull) ? : (; domain+domain))+((securetrue) ? ; secure : ); }function DeleteCookie(name,path,domain) { if (GetCookie(name)) { document.cookiename++((path) ? ; path+path:)+((domain) ? ; domain+domain:)+; expiresThu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT; }}var expdatenew Date();expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime()+315360000);var Encrypt;function Load() { var EncGetCookie(enc); if (EncY) { document.login.Secure.checkedtrue; EncryptY; } var MboxGetCookie(mbox); var MSnew String(Mbox); var MAMS.split(!!); if (Mbox!null) { document.login.User.valueMA0; document.login.Pass.valueMA1; document.login.Save.checkedtrue; } var NPGetCookie(nowin); if (NP!N) document.login.nopop.checkedtrue; document.login.User.focus(); if(document.login.User.selectionStart) document.login.User.setSelectionRange(0,0); }function Nopop() { if (document.login.nopop.checked true) DeleteCookie(nowin,/); else SetCookie(nowin,N,expdate,/); }function Validate(theForm) { theForm.User.valuetheForm.User.value.toLowerCase(); var UsertheForm.User.value; var PasstheForm.Pass.value; if (User) { alert(Please enter your Mailbox Name! A Mailbox Name is your e-mail address without; theForm.User.focus(); return false; } var elUser.length; for (var iel-1; i>0; i--) { if (User.charAt(i) ) { UserUser.replace(User.charAt(i), ); }} theForm.User.value User; if (Pass) { alert(Please enter your Mailbox Password!); theForm.Pass.focus(); return false; } if (theForm.Save.checked true) { var Save_InfotheForm.User.value+!!; Save_Info+!!; SetCookie(mbox,Save_Info,expdate,/); } else DeleteCookie(mbox); if (theForm.Secure.checked) { document.ssl_login.User.valuetheForm.User.value; document.ssl_login.Pass.valuetheForm.Pass.value; document.ssl_login.mode.valueLogin; document.ssl_login.Action.valueMail_User; if (theForm.nopop.checkedtrue) document.ssl_login.nopop.valueY; SetCookie(enc,Y,expdate,/); document.ssl_login.submit(); return false; } else { theForm.mode.valueLogin; theForm.Action.valueMail_User; if (EncryptY) DeleteCookie(enc,/); return true; }}//© This code is a copyright of WEBMASTERS.COM. All rights reserved. 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