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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 23:43:10 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 15:30:09 GMTETag: 1be3dc5-826d-5f41dd2b0ba6aAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 33389Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> link relicon typeimage/x-icon hreffavicon.ico> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/MyFontsWebfontsKit.css> link hrefassets/css/style.css relstylesheet /> link relstylesheet href /> title>Pasta Toscana US/title> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-118830609-4); /script>/head>body> main> !-- LOGO --> section classlogo-section> div classcontainer-flex center stylepadding: 8px;> img classlogo srcassets/images/logo.png /> /div> /section> !-- LUOGHI DI PRODUZIONE --> section classlanding> div classcontainer w-100> div classgrano-toscano-container> div classcontainer-flex center> div classw-100> h1 classbig-title w-100>100% TUSCAN WHEAT/h1> /div> div classcontainer-flex w-100 styleflex-direction: row;> div classcontainer-foto-iniziale> img srcassets/images/pacchi_pasta.png /> /div> h3 classlabel-big-title label-big-title-width>WELCOME TO TUSCANY, WHERE AUTHENTICITY MEETS FLAVOR/h3> /div> /div> /div> div classimmagine-luoghi-produzione-container> img srcassets/images/toscana.jpg /> /div> /div> /section> !-- ORIGINE GRANO --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center container-origine-grano> div classauthentic-tuscan-container> h5 classtitle>SAVOR THE AUTHENTIC TUSCAN FLAVOR IN A PASTA DISH/h5> div classcontainer-flex center> div stylewidth: 90%;> p> Everything starts from Tuscany and its countryside: it is here, specifically in the provinces of Grosseto, Arezzo and Siena, that premium quality durum wheat is farmed to produce our pasta. Traceability of the product is guaranteed from the field to the table. Our collaborators and suppliers contribute every day to make a product of the highest quality and help us to bring the good of our land to the table. /p> p> Our classic, Organic and Organic Whole Wheat pasta with Omega 3 is produced using only hight-quality wheat coming from our territory and pure spring water of the Valdichiana. The durum wheat we use to produce Pasta Toscana is cultivated within a certified supply chain of Tuscan farmers and processed according to tradition, in order to obtain an excellent and genuine product with a high nutritional value. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- CARATTERISTICHE --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex info> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/wheat.svg/> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>100% MADE IN TUSCANY/h5> p>Only the best durum wheat coming from our territory/p> /div> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/itinerary.svg /> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>CERTIFIED SUPPLY CHAIN/h5> p>Only from Tuscan crops/p> /div> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/water.svg/> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>OUR SPRING WATER/h5> p>We use pure spring water coming from Tuscan Appenines Mountains to enhance the taste and quality of the wheat/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Video Youtube--> section classvideo> div classcontainer> div classvideo-container> iframe width100% src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex left-image-right-text> img srcassets/images/collina.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content> h5 classsimple-text-header>Sustainability is our mission/h5> p classtext-left> A greener future and a lower environmental impact are our main goals. This is why our pasta is entirely Made in Tuscany, with only the best selection of durum wheat grown and ground in the region, and wrapped in eco-friendly packaging. A sustainable process, from field to fork. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE PASTA --> section> div classcontainer w-100> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/pasta.png /> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex left-image-right-text> img srcassets/images/paste.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content> h5 classsimple-text-header>Pasta according to Italian tradition/h5> p classtext-left> Our Classic Pasta is entirely produced with a careful selection of 100% durum wheat coming from our Tuscany fields. /p> p classtext-left> Bronze drawn and slow dried at low temperatures with innovative production technology, this quality premium pasta has rough surface that holds the sauce perfectly. /p> p classtext-left> Now with 100% eco-friendly packaging. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- SLIDER --> section> div classcontainer styleposition: relative;> h1 classlabel-big-title>CLASSIC PASTA, AVAILABLE SHAPES/h1> div idswiper-0 classswiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Linguine br /> span>n° 09/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/linguine-9-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Penne rigate br /> span>n° 98/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/penne-rigate-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Fusilli br /> span>n° 85/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/fusilli-super-85-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Rigatoni br /> span>n° 84/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/tortiglioni-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Spaghetti br /> span>n° 06/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/spaghetti-06-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> /div> /div> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-left.svg idprev-0 classprev swiper-button-prev /> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-right.svg idnext-0 classnext swiper-button-next /> /div> /section> !-- (REVERSE) IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex flex-row-reverse left-image-right-text> img classleft-image srcassets/images/pacchi_pasta_organici.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content right-text> h5 classsimple-text-header>High nutritional value in full respect of the environment/h5> p classtext-left> Our Organic Pasta is made only with the best quality Tuscan durum wheat cultivated according to the old farming tradition, without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. /p> p classtext-left> The production process - that combines tradition and innovative technology with bronze drawing and slow drying at low temperatures - gives this pasta the right texture and superior organoleptic properties. /p> p classtext-left> A conscious choice, now with 100% eco-friendly packaging. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- SLIDER --> section> div classcontainer styleposition: relative;> h1 classlabel-big-title>ORGANIC PASTA, AVAILABLE SHAPES/h1> div idswiper-1 classswiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Spaghetti br /> span>n° 06/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/spaghetti-06-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Fusilli br /> span>n° 85/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/fusilli-super-85-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Rigatoni br /> span>n° 94/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/tortiglioni-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Penne rigate br /> span>n° 98/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/penne-rigate-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Farfalle br /> span>n° 201/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/farfalle-201-bio-macro.png /> /div> /div> /div> /div> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-left.svg idprev-1 classprev swiper-button-prev /> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-right.svg idnext-1 classnext swiper-button-next /> /div> /section> !-- CERTIFICAZIONI --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center container-certificazioni> div> h5 classtitle>The guarantee of our certifications/h5> div classcontainer-flex center> div classtext-certification> p> The scrupulous selection of raw ingredients is only the first step of the marvelous course that the Fabianelli family has handed down with passion and devotion for over 150 years. /p> p> This process culminates with bronze drawing at low temperatures so that the nutritional properties of the wheat remain intact and give our pasta the right perfume, texture, taste and roughness a real joy for the palate. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classloghi-certificazioni> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/iso-9001.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/eac.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/brc.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/kosher.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/usda.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/hqc.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/euro.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/agriqualita.png alt>/a> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- WHERE TO BUY --> section classmore-space> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex flex-column center> h5 classlabel-big-title>WHERE TO BUY/h5> div classcontainer-flex center container-where-to-buy> div classwhere-to-buy-card container-flex center flex-column styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/smartphone.png /> /div> h5 classsimple-text-header>Online/h5> p>Buy Pasta Toscana from our online retailers/p> div classcontainer-flex center styleflex-direction: column;> a target_blank href>IGOURMET/a> a target_blank href>SUPERMARKET ITALY/a> /div> /div> div classwhere-to-buy-card container-flex center flex-column left-dotted-bord> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/shop.png /> /div> h5 classsimple-text-header>In store/h5> p>Find the Pasta Toscana retailer closer to you/p> div classcontainer-flex center styleflex-direction: column;> a target_blank href>THE FRESH MARKET/a> a target_blank href>BRISTOL FARMS/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- MORE INFO --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column> div styleposition: relative; max-width: 500px;> h1 classmore-info-header stylemargin: 0;>MORE INFORMATION?/h1> div> h3 classcontact-us-header stylemargin: 0;margin-bottom: 16px;>Contact Us/h3> p classrequired-fields>*required fields/p> /div> form idform-contact-us classformlanding validate action# methodpost> div classcontainer-flex flex-column center> div classform-row> input typetext placeholderName* idname namename required/> /div> div classform-row> input typeemail placeholderEmail Address* idemail nameemail required/> /div> div classform-row> textarea 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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 23:43:11 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 15:30:09 GMTETag: 1be3dc5-826d-5f41dd2b0ba6aAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 33389Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> link relicon typeimage/x-icon hreffavicon.ico> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/MyFontsWebfontsKit.css> link hrefassets/css/style.css relstylesheet /> link relstylesheet href /> title>Pasta Toscana US/title> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-118830609-4); /script>/head>body> main> !-- LOGO --> section classlogo-section> div classcontainer-flex center stylepadding: 8px;> img classlogo srcassets/images/logo.png /> /div> /section> !-- LUOGHI DI PRODUZIONE --> section classlanding> div classcontainer w-100> div classgrano-toscano-container> div classcontainer-flex center> div classw-100> h1 classbig-title w-100>100% TUSCAN WHEAT/h1> /div> div classcontainer-flex w-100 styleflex-direction: row;> div classcontainer-foto-iniziale> img srcassets/images/pacchi_pasta.png /> /div> h3 classlabel-big-title label-big-title-width>WELCOME TO TUSCANY, WHERE AUTHENTICITY MEETS FLAVOR/h3> /div> /div> /div> div classimmagine-luoghi-produzione-container> img srcassets/images/toscana.jpg /> /div> /div> /section> !-- ORIGINE GRANO --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center container-origine-grano> div classauthentic-tuscan-container> h5 classtitle>SAVOR THE AUTHENTIC TUSCAN FLAVOR IN A PASTA DISH/h5> div classcontainer-flex center> div stylewidth: 90%;> p> Everything starts from Tuscany and its countryside: it is here, specifically in the provinces of Grosseto, Arezzo and Siena, that premium quality durum wheat is farmed to produce our pasta. Traceability of the product is guaranteed from the field to the table. Our collaborators and suppliers contribute every day to make a product of the highest quality and help us to bring the good of our land to the table. /p> p> Our classic, Organic and Organic Whole Wheat pasta with Omega 3 is produced using only hight-quality wheat coming from our territory and pure spring water of the Valdichiana. The durum wheat we use to produce Pasta Toscana is cultivated within a certified supply chain of Tuscan farmers and processed according to tradition, in order to obtain an excellent and genuine product with a high nutritional value. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- CARATTERISTICHE --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex info> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/wheat.svg/> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>100% MADE IN TUSCANY/h5> p>Only the best durum wheat coming from our territory/p> /div> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/itinerary.svg /> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>CERTIFIED SUPPLY CHAIN/h5> p>Only from Tuscan crops/p> /div> div classcharacteristic styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img classcharacteristic-icon srcassets/images/water.svg/> /div> h5 classcharacteristic-header stylemargin: 0;>OUR SPRING WATER/h5> p>We use pure spring water coming from Tuscan Appenines Mountains to enhance the taste and quality of the wheat/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Video Youtube--> section classvideo> div classcontainer> div classvideo-container> iframe width100% src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex left-image-right-text> img srcassets/images/collina.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content> h5 classsimple-text-header>Sustainability is our mission/h5> p classtext-left> A greener future and a lower environmental impact are our main goals. This is why our pasta is entirely Made in Tuscany, with only the best selection of durum wheat grown and ground in the region, and wrapped in eco-friendly packaging. A sustainable process, from field to fork. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE PASTA --> section> div classcontainer w-100> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/pasta.png /> /div> /div> /section> !-- IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex left-image-right-text> img srcassets/images/paste.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content> h5 classsimple-text-header>Pasta according to Italian tradition/h5> p classtext-left> Our Classic Pasta is entirely produced with a careful selection of 100% durum wheat coming from our Tuscany fields. /p> p classtext-left> Bronze drawn and slow dried at low temperatures with innovative production technology, this quality premium pasta has rough surface that holds the sauce perfectly. /p> p classtext-left> Now with 100% eco-friendly packaging. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- SLIDER --> section> div classcontainer styleposition: relative;> h1 classlabel-big-title>CLASSIC PASTA, AVAILABLE SHAPES/h1> div idswiper-0 classswiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Linguine br /> span>n° 09/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/linguine-9-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Penne rigate br /> span>n° 98/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/penne-rigate-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Fusilli br /> span>n° 85/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/fusilli-super-85-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Rigatoni br /> span>n° 84/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/tortiglioni-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Spaghetti br /> span>n° 06/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/spaghetti-06-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> /div> /div> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-left.svg idprev-0 classprev swiper-button-prev /> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-right.svg idnext-0 classnext swiper-button-next /> /div> /section> !-- (REVERSE) IMMAGINE A SINISTRA, TESTO A DESTRA --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex flex-row-reverse left-image-right-text> img classleft-image srcassets/images/pacchi_pasta_organici.png /> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column text-content right-text> h5 classsimple-text-header>High nutritional value in full respect of the environment/h5> p classtext-left> Our Organic Pasta is made only with the best quality Tuscan durum wheat cultivated according to the old farming tradition, without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. /p> p classtext-left> The production process - that combines tradition and innovative technology with bronze drawing and slow drying at low temperatures - gives this pasta the right texture and superior organoleptic properties. /p> p classtext-left> A conscious choice, now with 100% eco-friendly packaging. /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- SLIDER --> section> div classcontainer styleposition: relative;> h1 classlabel-big-title>ORGANIC PASTA, AVAILABLE SHAPES/h1> div idswiper-1 classswiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Spaghetti br /> span>n° 06/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/spaghetti-06-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Fusilli br /> span>n° 85/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/fusilli-super-85-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Rigatoni br /> span>n° 94/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/tortiglioni-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Penne rigate br /> span>n° 98/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/penne-rigate-98-classica-macro.png /> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> p classslide-text-container slide-text> Farfalle br /> span>n° 201/span> /p> /div> div classcontainer-flex center stylemargin-top: 10px;> img srcassets/images/farfalle-201-bio-macro.png /> /div> /div> /div> /div> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-left.svg idprev-1 classprev swiper-button-prev /> img srcassets/images/arrow-pointing-to-right.svg idnext-1 classnext swiper-button-next /> /div> /section> !-- CERTIFICAZIONI --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center container-certificazioni> div> h5 classtitle>The guarantee of our certifications/h5> div classcontainer-flex center> div classtext-certification> p> The scrupulous selection of raw ingredients is only the first step of the marvelous course that the Fabianelli family has handed down with passion and devotion for over 150 years. /p> p> This process culminates with bronze drawing at low temperatures so that the nutritional properties of the wheat remain intact and give our pasta the right perfume, texture, taste and roughness a real joy for the palate. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classloghi-certificazioni> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/iso-9001.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/eac.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/brc.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/kosher.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/usda.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/hqc.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/euro.png alt>/a> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/certificazioni/agriqualita.png alt>/a> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- WHERE TO BUY --> section classmore-space> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex flex-column center> h5 classlabel-big-title>WHERE TO BUY/h5> div classcontainer-flex center container-where-to-buy> div classwhere-to-buy-card container-flex center flex-column styletext-align: center;> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/smartphone.png /> /div> h5 classsimple-text-header>Online/h5> p>Buy Pasta Toscana from our online retailers/p> div classcontainer-flex center styleflex-direction: column;> a target_blank href>IGOURMET/a> a target_blank href>SUPERMARKET ITALY/a> /div> /div> div classwhere-to-buy-card container-flex center flex-column left-dotted-bord> div classcontainer-flex center> img srcassets/images/shop.png /> /div> h5 classsimple-text-header>In store/h5> p>Find the Pasta Toscana retailer closer to you/p> div classcontainer-flex center styleflex-direction: column;> a target_blank href>THE FRESH MARKET/a> a target_blank href>BRISTOL FARMS/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- MORE INFO --> section> div classcontainer> div classcontainer-flex center flex-column> div styleposition: relative; max-width: 500px;> h1 classmore-info-header stylemargin: 0;>MORE INFORMATION?/h1> div> h3 classcontact-us-header stylemargin: 0;margin-bottom: 16px;>Contact Us/h3> p classrequired-fields>*required fields/p> /div> form idform-contact-us classformlanding validate action# methodpost> div classcontainer-flex flex-column center> div classform-row> input typetext placeholderName* idname namename required/> /div> div classform-row> input typeemail placeholderEmail Address* idemail nameemail required/> /div> div classform-row> textarea 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