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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 17:09:08 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 22:26:22 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7589Content-Type: text/html html>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/index.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse -->head>meta charsetutf-8> title>Jay's Learning Center/title> meta NAMEdescription CONTENTJays Learning Center>meta NAMEkeywords CONTENTchildcare, daycare, summer camps, afterschool programs, tutoring, learning center> link hrefstylesheet.css relstylesheet typetext/css />!-- InstanceBeginEditable namehead -->!-- InstanceEndEditable -->/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF data-gr-ext-installed data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded14.1199.0 leftmargin0 marginheight0 marginwidth0 topmargin0>!-- ImageReady Slices (index.psd) -->table aligncenter backgroundimages/index-03.jpg border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 idTable_01 width800> tbody> tr> td valigntop>img alt height130 srcimages/jayslearningcenterheader.png width800 />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>img alt border0 height36 srcimages/index-02new.jpg usemap#Map width800 />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>!-- InstanceBeginEditable namebodycontent --> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0 width90%> tbody> tr> td valigntop> h1>WELCOME TO JAY'S LEARNING CENTER I, Inc./h1> h2>WHY IS JAY'S THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD?/h2> center styletext-align: right;>DCF #C11MD1005/center> center>/center> ul> li>img alignright height116 srcimages/pencils.gif width247 />We are a private, independent learning center owned and operated by highly skilled and experienced educators./li> li>You and your child come first to us./li> li>We have been helping families in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County since 1995./li> li>Our primary goal is your child's self-esteem!/li> li>We hire experts who are highly trained with special certifications and/or degrees in the field necessary for your child's best progress./li> li>Jay's is a center of research and development, cooperating across the country with the brightest minds in education to bring your children the best programs and materials /> br />
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 17:09:09 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 22:26:22 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7589Content-Type: text/html html>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/index.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse -->head>meta charsetutf-8> title>Jay's Learning Center/title> meta NAMEdescription CONTENTJays Learning Center>meta NAMEkeywords CONTENTchildcare, daycare, summer camps, afterschool programs, tutoring, learning center> link hrefstylesheet.css relstylesheet typetext/css />!-- InstanceBeginEditable namehead -->!-- InstanceEndEditable -->/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF data-gr-ext-installed data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded14.1199.0 leftmargin0 marginheight0 marginwidth0 topmargin0>!-- ImageReady Slices (index.psd) -->table aligncenter backgroundimages/index-03.jpg border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 idTable_01 width800> tbody> tr> td valigntop>img alt height130 srcimages/jayslearningcenterheader.png width800 />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>img alt border0 height36 srcimages/index-02new.jpg usemap#Map width800 />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>!-- InstanceBeginEditable namebodycontent --> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0 width90%> tbody> tr> td valigntop> h1>WELCOME TO JAY'S LEARNING CENTER I, Inc./h1> h2>WHY IS JAY'S THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD?/h2> center styletext-align: right;>DCF #C11MD1005/center> center>/center> ul> li>img alignright height116 srcimages/pencils.gif width247 />We are a private, independent learning center owned and operated by highly skilled and experienced educators./li> li>You and your child come first to us./li> li>We have been helping families in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County since 1995./li> li>Our primary goal is your child's self-esteem!/li> li>We hire experts who are highly trained with special certifications and/or degrees in the field necessary for your child's best progress./li> li>Jay's is a center of research and development, cooperating across the country with the brightest minds in education to bring your children the best programs and materials /> br />
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