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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 06:16:07 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:05:46 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 32852Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen> !-- Basic --> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> !-- Mobile Metas --> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalableno> !-- Site Metas --> title>inGenious WebTech | Web service and development/title> meta namekeywords contentEcommerce, CRM Solution, property valuation software, IT Company, property software, PHP, bank loan software, Megento, property valuation calculator, Laravel, Codeigniter, WordPress, Jquery, Ajax, HTML, property valuation methods, PSD to HTML, HTML5, SCSS, Saas, property valuation report sample, property valuation services, property valuation report> meta namedescription contentIngenious WebTech | We provide the website, Property Valuation Software, CRM Solution, ecommerce, Laravel solution and PHP, jQuery Ajax related solution. We provide Property Valuation Software Solutions for Bank Loan, Property Valuation, Loan Agents to help their daily work with fewer resources. We are providing custom solution for business.> meta nameauthor contentIngenious WebTech> !-- Site Icons --> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon /> link relapple-touch-icon hrefimages/apple-touch-icon.png> !-- Bootstrap CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css> !-- Site CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefstyle.css> !-- Responsive CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/responsive.css> !-- Custom CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/custom.css> script srcjs/modernizr.js>/script> !-- Modernizr --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-42458830-2); /script>/head>body idpage-top classpolitics_version> !-- LOADER --> div idpreloader> div idmain-ld> div idloader>/div> /div> /div>!-- end loader --> !-- END LOADER --> !-- Navigation --> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark fixed-top idmainNav> div classcontainer> a classnavbar-brand js-scroll-trigger href#page-top> img classimg-fluid srcimages/logo.png alt /> /a> button classnavbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarResponsive aria-controlsnavbarResponsive aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> Menu i classfa fa-bars>/i> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarResponsive> ul classnavbar-nav text-uppercase ml-auto> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger active href#home>Home/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#about>About Us/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#services>Services/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#portfolio>Portfolio/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#team>Our Team/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#testimonials>Testimonials/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#contact>Contect Us/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /nav> section idhome classmain-banner parallaxie stylebackground: url(uploads/banner-01.jpg)> div classheading> h1>Welcome To inGenious WebTech/h1> h3 classcd-headline clip is-full-width> span>We create amazing and awesome /span> span classcd-words-wrapper> b classis-visible>Web Design/b> b>Web Development/b> b>PHP Development/b> b>Android Development/b> /span> div classbtn-ber> a classget_btn hvr-bounce-to-top href#services>Get started/a> a classlearn_btn hvr-bounce-to-top href#about>Learn More/a> /div> /h3> /div> /section> div idabout classsection wb> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classmessage-box> h2>Welcome to inGenious WebTech/h2> p>Outsource with us and accelerate your digital business then exceeds your expectations /p> p>Looking for a beautiful, new website? You are at the right place! We are for you if you like the Extra Ordinary. /p> p>inGenious Webtech strives to provide service to its customers with emphasis on continuous improvement, pro-active approach, courtesy, timely response, and accuracy, with a goal of achieving total customer satisfaction./p> a href#contact classsim-btn hvr-bounce-to-top>span>Contact Us/span>/a> /div>!-- end messagebox --> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-6> div classright-box-pro wow fadeIn> img srcuploads/about_04.jpg alt classimg-fluid img-rounded> /div>!-- end media --> /div>!-- end col --> /div>!-- end row --> /div>!-- end container --> /div>!-- end section --> div idservices classsection lb> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Services/h3> p>We help small, mid-size, startup companies to focus on business side of their products while we take care of technology./p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-seo>/i> /div> h2>Web Development/h2> p>Our web development experts will create beautiful, fast and secure your websites or mobile applications for your business goal./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-process>/i> /div> h2>Creative Design/h2> p>Many brilliant websites / apps fail to win the hearts of their users due to poor design. Each project requires a unique, individual approach./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-development>/i> /div> h2>Responsive Design/h2> p>Responsive design solutions that will make your website outstanding. We try to deliver the best product possible to all./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-idea>/i> /div> h2>Web Idea/h2> p>Shape up your website. Plan and evaluate the features of your website / app to accomplish your business goals and eliminate possible mistakes./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-idea-1>/i> /div> h2>Graphic Design/h2> p>Craft enjoyable user experiences for your websites / apps. Solve real problems and improve your business metrics through beautiful interfaces./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-discuss-issue>/i> /div> h2>Support/h2> p>The project may be completed, but the development never ends. We will safeguard its continued quality and support additional improvements./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> /div>!-- end row --> /div>!-- end container --> /div>!-- end section --> div idportfolio classsection wb> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Portfolio/h3> p>We create amazing and awesome products., what can we build for you?/p> /div>!-- end title --> div classgallery-menu row> div classcol-md-12> div classbutton-group filter-button-group text-center> button classactive data-filter*>All/button> button data-filter.gal_a>Wordpress/button> button data-filter.gal_b>Codeigniter/button> button data-filter.gal_c>HTML / SCSS/button> button data-filter.gal_d>Graphic/button> button data-filter.gal_e>Products/button> /div> /div> /div> div classgallery-list row> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_a> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-01.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleWordpress Contruction website: a href target_blank classbtn btn-warning>Visit Website/a> hrefuploads/gallery_img-01.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_b> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-05.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleReview System: a href target_blank classbtn btn-warning>Visit Website/a> hrefuploads/gallery_img-05.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_a> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-02.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleWordpress website: a href target_blank classbtn btn-warning>Visit Website/a> hrefuploads/gallery_img-02.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_b gal_e> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-06.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleProperty Valuation Software: a href# classbtn btn-info onclickreturn open_inquiry_modal();>Click Here for Inquiry/a> hrefuploads/gallery_img-06.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_c> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-11.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titlePSD to HTML template hrefuploads/gallery_img-11.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_a> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-07.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleWordpress Review System hrefuploads/gallery_img-07.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_c> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-08.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titlePSD to HTML template hrefuploads/gallery_img-08.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_b> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-04.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleCodeigniter: Perfex CRM hrefuploads/gallery_img-04.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_c> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-09.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titlePSD to HTML template hrefuploads/gallery_img-09.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_d> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-12.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleGraphics Development hrefuploads/gallery_img-12.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_c> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-10.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titlePSD to HTML template hrefuploads/gallery_img-10.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_d> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-13.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleLogo for visiting card hrefuploads/gallery_img-13.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idteam classsection lb> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Our Team/h3> p>We walked SLOWLY but never walked BACKWARD/p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classour-team> div classpic> img srcuploads/img-2.jpg> /div> div classteam-content> h3 classtitle>Divyesh Bhalodi/h3> span classpost>MD & Web Programmer/span> ul classsocial> li>a hrefskype:divyesh.bhalodi?add classfa fa-skype>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classour-team> div classpic> img srcuploads/no-img.jpg> /div> div classteam-content> h3 classtitle>Who is next?/h3> span classpost>Web Developer/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !--Start Testimonial--> div idtestimonials classsection parallaxie> div classoverlay>/div> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center white> h3>What clients say./h3> p>Happy clients lead to excellent reviews, Read my Reviews here./p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classtestimonials-carousel> !--Start Testimonial item #1--> div classitems> div classdesc>When faced with unexpected challenges, he is creative and original thinking in his work. Div also contributes usable suggestions for improving work. He’s my go to person for any website development. Thank you once again. /div> img srcuploads/no-img.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Mike K./div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh always delivers great work on time and on budget plus the communication on projects is very efficient. The PSD to HTML part of a project has become an integral part of my production process. This allows me to concentrate more on design and deliver a better quality solution. The best part is the time overlap where I’m off to bed and he is just firing up. So effectively my business is working around the clock./div> img srcimages/cody.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Cody Keepa/div> /div> !--Start Testimonial item #2--> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh and his team did an excellent job on quite a complex project. Solved all my needs AAA. I highly recommend him. /div> img srcimages/Magnus-Palmarsson.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>JM Fashion /div> /div> !--Start Testimonial item #3--> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh is a great programmer, code quality, quick, responsible and very kind. It’s a pleasure work with him. /div> img srcimages/36a73eb.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Raul Truco/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh has built multiple complex online systems for us. He is an excellent software engineer and always reliable and responsive. Highly recommended./div> img srcimages/0ce9382.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Paul Pallaghy/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh is a well seasoned programmer that does not stop till the job is done. He is a true professional that does a great job! I will definitely work with him again! /div> img srcimages/736877.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Wayne candlish/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Needed to make customized sound-cloud player with very specific features, and Divyesh managed to pull it off and exceed my expectations. Divyesh is very knowledgeable and extremely easy to work with. Looking forward to hiring him for more work in the future. /div> img srcimages/ss54sd2.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Shan Vincent/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !--/.row--> /div> !--/.container--> /div> !--Start Testimonial--> div idcontact classsection db> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Contact/h3> p>Quisque eget nisl id nulla sagittis auctor quis id. Aliquam quis vehicula enim, non aliquam risus./p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classcontact_form> div idmessage>/div> form idcontactForm namesentMessage novalidatenovalidate> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> input classform-control idname namefullname typetext placeholderYour Name requiredrequired data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your name.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> div classform-group> input classform-control idemail nameemail typeemail placeholderYour Email requiredrequired data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your email address.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> div classform-group> input classform-control idphone namephone typetel placeholderYour Phone requiredrequired data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your phone number.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> textarea classform-control idmessage namemessage placeholderYour Message 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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 06:16:08 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:05:46 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 32852Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen> !-- Basic --> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> !-- Mobile Metas --> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalableno> !-- Site Metas --> title>inGenious WebTech | Web service and development/title> meta namekeywords contentEcommerce, CRM Solution, property valuation software, IT Company, property software, PHP, bank loan software, Megento, property valuation calculator, Laravel, Codeigniter, WordPress, Jquery, Ajax, HTML, property valuation methods, PSD to HTML, HTML5, SCSS, Saas, property valuation report sample, property valuation services, property valuation report> meta namedescription contentIngenious WebTech | We provide the website, Property Valuation Software, CRM Solution, ecommerce, Laravel solution and PHP, jQuery Ajax related solution. We provide Property Valuation Software Solutions for Bank Loan, Property Valuation, Loan Agents to help their daily work with fewer resources. We are providing custom solution for business.> meta nameauthor contentIngenious WebTech> !-- Site Icons --> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon /> link relapple-touch-icon hrefimages/apple-touch-icon.png> !-- Bootstrap CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css> !-- Site CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefstyle.css> !-- Responsive CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/responsive.css> !-- Custom CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/custom.css> script srcjs/modernizr.js>/script> !-- Modernizr --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-42458830-2); /script>/head>body idpage-top classpolitics_version> !-- LOADER --> div idpreloader> div idmain-ld> div idloader>/div> /div> /div>!-- end loader --> !-- END LOADER --> !-- Navigation --> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark fixed-top idmainNav> div classcontainer> a classnavbar-brand js-scroll-trigger href#page-top> img classimg-fluid srcimages/logo.png alt /> /a> button classnavbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarResponsive aria-controlsnavbarResponsive aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> Menu i classfa fa-bars>/i> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarResponsive> ul classnavbar-nav text-uppercase ml-auto> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger active href#home>Home/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#about>About Us/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#services>Services/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#portfolio>Portfolio/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#team>Our Team/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#testimonials>Testimonials/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#contact>Contect Us/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /nav> section idhome classmain-banner parallaxie stylebackground: url(uploads/banner-01.jpg)> div classheading> h1>Welcome To inGenious WebTech/h1> h3 classcd-headline clip is-full-width> span>We create amazing and awesome /span> span classcd-words-wrapper> b classis-visible>Web Design/b> b>Web Development/b> b>PHP Development/b> b>Android Development/b> /span> div classbtn-ber> a classget_btn hvr-bounce-to-top href#services>Get started/a> a classlearn_btn hvr-bounce-to-top href#about>Learn More/a> /div> /h3> /div> /section> div idabout classsection wb> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classmessage-box> h2>Welcome to inGenious WebTech/h2> p>Outsource with us and accelerate your digital business then exceeds your expectations /p> p>Looking for a beautiful, new website? You are at the right place! We are for you if you like the Extra Ordinary. /p> p>inGenious Webtech strives to provide service to its customers with emphasis on continuous improvement, pro-active approach, courtesy, timely response, and accuracy, with a goal of achieving total customer satisfaction./p> a href#contact classsim-btn hvr-bounce-to-top>span>Contact Us/span>/a> /div>!-- end messagebox --> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-6> div classright-box-pro wow fadeIn> img srcuploads/about_04.jpg alt classimg-fluid img-rounded> /div>!-- end media --> /div>!-- end col --> /div>!-- end row --> /div>!-- end container --> /div>!-- end section --> div idservices classsection lb> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Services/h3> p>We help small, mid-size, startup companies to focus on business side of their products while we take care of technology./p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-seo>/i> /div> h2>Web Development/h2> p>Our web development experts will create beautiful, fast and secure your websites or mobile applications for your business goal./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-process>/i> /div> h2>Creative Design/h2> p>Many brilliant websites / apps fail to win the hearts of their users due to poor design. Each project requires a unique, individual approach./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-development>/i> /div> h2>Responsive Design/h2> p>Responsive design solutions that will make your website outstanding. We try to deliver the best product possible to all./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-idea>/i> /div> h2>Web Idea/h2> p>Shape up your website. Plan and evaluate the features of your website / app to accomplish your business goals and eliminate possible mistakes./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-idea-1>/i> /div> h2>Graphic Design/h2> p>Craft enjoyable user experiences for your websites / apps. Solve real problems and improve your business metrics through beautiful interfaces./p> /div> /div>!-- end col --> div classcol-md-4> div classservices-inner-box> div classser-icon> i classflaticon-discuss-issue>/i> /div> h2>Support/h2> p>The project may be completed, but the development never ends. 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classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-06.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleProperty Valuation Software: a href# classbtn btn-info onclickreturn open_inquiry_modal();>Click Here for Inquiry/a> hrefuploads/gallery_img-06.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_c> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-11.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titlePSD to HTML template hrefuploads/gallery_img-11.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 gallery-grid gal_a> div classgallery-single fix> img srcuploads/gallery_img-07.jpg classimg-fluid altImage> div classimg-overlay> a titleWordpress Review System hrefuploads/gallery_img-07.jpg data-relprettyPhotogal classhoverbutton global-radius>i classfa fa-picture-o>/i>/a> /div> /div> 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classsection-title text-center> h3>Our Team/h3> p>We walked SLOWLY but never walked BACKWARD/p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classour-team> div classpic> img srcuploads/img-2.jpg> /div> div classteam-content> h3 classtitle>Divyesh Bhalodi/h3> span classpost>MD & Web Programmer/span> ul classsocial> li>a hrefskype:divyesh.bhalodi?add classfa fa-skype>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classour-team> div classpic> img srcuploads/no-img.jpg> /div> div classteam-content> h3 classtitle>Who is next?/h3> span classpost>Web Developer/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !--Start Testimonial--> div idtestimonials classsection parallaxie> div classoverlay>/div> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center white> h3>What clients say./h3> p>Happy clients lead to excellent reviews, Read my Reviews here./p> /div>!-- end title --> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classtestimonials-carousel> !--Start Testimonial item #1--> div classitems> div classdesc>When faced with unexpected challenges, he is creative and original thinking in his work. Div also contributes usable suggestions for improving work. He’s my go to person for any website development. Thank you once again. /div> img srcuploads/no-img.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Mike K./div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh always delivers great work on time and on budget plus the communication on projects is very efficient. The PSD to HTML part of a project has become an integral part of my production process. This allows me to concentrate more on design and deliver a better quality solution. The best part is the time overlap where I’m off to bed and he is just firing up. So effectively my business is working around the clock./div> img srcimages/cody.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Cody Keepa/div> /div> !--Start Testimonial item #2--> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh and his team did an excellent job on quite a complex project. Solved all my needs AAA. I highly recommend him. /div> img srcimages/Magnus-Palmarsson.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>JM Fashion /div> /div> !--Start Testimonial item #3--> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh is a great programmer, code quality, quick, responsible and very kind. It’s a pleasure work with him. /div> img srcimages/36a73eb.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Raul Truco/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh has built multiple complex online systems for us. He is an excellent software engineer and always reliable and responsive. Highly recommended./div> img srcimages/0ce9382.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Paul Pallaghy/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Divyesh is a well seasoned programmer that does not stop till the job is done. He is a true professional that does a great job! I will definitely work with him again! /div> img srcimages/736877.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Wayne candlish/div> /div> div classitems> div classdesc>Needed to make customized sound-cloud player with very specific features, and Divyesh managed to pull it off and exceed my expectations. Divyesh is very knowledgeable and extremely easy to work with. Looking forward to hiring him for more work in the future. /div> img srcimages/ss54sd2.jpg classtestimonial-pic alttestimonials /> div classname>Shan Vincent/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !--/.row--> /div> !--/.container--> /div> !--Start Testimonial--> div idcontact classsection db> div classcontainer> div classsection-title text-center> h3>Contact/h3> p>Quisque eget nisl id nulla sagittis auctor quis id. 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