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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:40:50 GMTServer: ApacheSet-Cookie: ci_session2a%3A5%3A%7Bs%3A10%3A%22session_id%22%3Bs%3A32%3A%2296cb7ef5c096297f9f6780a42ee5d4c5%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22ip_address%22%3Bs%3A13%3A%2252.40.234.105%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22user_agent%22%3Bb%3A0%3Bs%3A13%3A%22last_activity%22%3Bi%3A1735360850%3Bs%3A9%3A%22user_data%22%3Bs%3A0%3A%22%22%3B%7D00a88f6178cda3720293a69f6fdaa13b; expiresSat, 28-Dec-2024 06:40:50 GMT; path/Transfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns> head> title>Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS)/title> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8> meta namedescription contentThe Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS) was created in 1998 with a mission to respond to the many social, economic, and political challenges facing contemporary Pakistan. I-SAPS is primarily a research and advocacy organization, but is also involved in teaching and training on a range of issues> link href relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen /> link href relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen /> link href relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen /> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> $(window).load(function() { $(#slider).nivoSlider({ effect:fade, directionNavHide:false, slices:15, animSpeed:1000, pauseTime:4000, }); }); /script> script typetext/javascript> $(function () { $(#js-news).ticker(); }); /script> script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function() { $(#myModal).reveal(); var showTextMore ..; var hideTextLess ..; // initialise the visibility check var is_visible false; // append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of toggle $(.toggle).prev().append( 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script languagejavascript> function clearInput(e){ if(e.valueSearch Site)e.value; } /script> form idsrch> input classtxt typetext onclickclearInput(this) valueSearch Site /> /form> a href style float:right; font-size:13px; letter-spacing:1px; padding-top:5px; color:#014b96; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold;> Jobs & Procurements/a> /div> ul idnav_main> li>a href classactive>Home/a>/li>li>|/li> li>a href >About I-SAPS/a>/li>li>|/li> li>a href >News & Events /a>/li>li>|/li> li>a href >Publication & Reports/a>/li>li>|/li> li>a href >Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> !-- BANNER START -->div idbanner> div idslider classnivoSlider> !-- Commented temoporarily to display hardcoded banners --> img src alt title#ban1 /> img src alt title#ban2 /> img src alt title#ban3 /> img src alt title#ban4 /> img src alt title#ban6 /> img src alt title#ban8 /> !-- Displaying Hardcoded Banners--> !-- img src/images/temp-banners/Strip-4.png alt title#ban /> img src/images/temp-banners/Strip-1.png alt title#ban /> img srcdiv styleborder:1px solid #990000;padding-left:20px;margin:0 0 10px 0;>h4>A PHP Error was encountered/h4>p>Severity: Notice/p>p>Message: Use of undefined constant php - assumed php/p>p>Filename: views/v_home.php/p>p>Line Number: 12/p>/div>/images/temp-banners/Strip-2.png alt title#ban /> img src/images/temp-banners/Strip-3.png alt title#ban /> --> /div> div idban1 classnivo-html-caption> h1> Conflict & Stabilization /h1> p> Our work on Conflict & Stabilisation program is guided by equity and respect for diversity and pluralism /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> div idban2 classnivo-html-caption> h1> Disaster Risk Management /h1> p> Our DRM program is steered by the key values as enshrined in HFA 2005-15 /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> div idban3 classnivo-html-caption> h1> Education /h1> p> Our education program is guided by the vision of improving students’ learning and expanding access to quality education for all. /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> div idban4 classnivo-html-caption> h1> J-SAPS /h1> p> J-SAPS seeks to contribute to creating and supporting a research culture that is scientific and socially-relevant. /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> div idban6 classnivo-html-caption> h1> Multidisciplinary Research & Analysis /h1> p> Our research and analyses are grounded in theoretical and methodological rigor /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> div idban8 classnivo-html-caption> h1> A Decade of Learning in Pakistan /h1> p> A Decade of Learning in Pakistan: Informing Education Policy and Practice /p> br /> a href>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- BANNER END --> !-- CONTENT START -->div idcontent classclearfix> div classservblk> h1>Academics/h1> ul> li>a href target_blank>Journal of Social & Policy Sciences/a>/li> li>a href>I-SAPS Colloquium March 2013/a>/li> li>a href>Research Papers/a>/li> li>a href>Seminars/a>/li> li>a href>Diplomas & Short Courses /a>/li> li>a href>Graduate Programs/a>/li> li>a href>Research Support & Fellowships 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Program: Empowering Women in Rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through M-Learning/a>/h3> h3>a href>Community Health Partners for Empowerment, Voice and Accountability (CHP-EVA)/a>/h3> h3>a href>Resources For Article 25-A/a>/h3> h3> a href,PracticesandPotentialofPrivateSectorandLocalBusinesses> Countering Violent Extremism: Mapping Perceptions, Practices and Potential of Private Sector and Local Businesses /a> /h3> h3> a href> National Policy Dialogue on Public Financing of Education in Pakistan (2010-11 to 2015-16) /a> /h3> h3> a href> Knowledge Sharing Session on Strengthening Legislative Governance of Education in Punjab /a> /h3> a href classmore>All Upcoming Events../a> /div> /div> div classhm_frmblog> a href classb-post target_blank> h3 style >img src />/h3> /a> br /> br /> h1>Latest From Blog/h1> div classcnt_blog> a href classb-post> h3>Compensating Civilian Victims /h3> p>Recently, the Sri Lankan president announced allotment of land for 100... /p> /a> a href classb-post> h3>Women Empowerment in Khyber Pa/h3> p>Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has some of the Pakistan’s largest gender dispari... /p> /a> /div> a href classmore>Visit Our Blog/a> div classcnt_twt> a classtwitter-timeline width314 height270 data-dnttrue href data-widget-id472880641382424576>Tweets by @I_SAPS/a> script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjsd.getElementsByTagName(s)0,p/^http:/.test(d.location)?http:https;if(!d.getElementById(id)){jsd.createElement(s);js.idid;js.srcp+://;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,script,twitter-wjs);/script> /div> /div> div classpublications> h1>Publications & Reports/h1> ul> li> img src width87 height71 /> a href> Public Financing of Education in Pakistan: 2010-11 to 2016-17 /a> /li> li> img src width87 height71 /> a href> Study on Challenges faced by the Standing Committees in Punjab Provincial Assembly /a> /li> /ul> a href classmore>More../a> /div> !-- displaying latest 3 videos --> div classpublications> h1>I-SAPS in Videos/h1> ul classh-videos> li> iframe width 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