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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkeddate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:40:23 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />title>gregory moore/title>style typetext/css>!--/* in here to allow for individual backgrounds for each page */-->/style>link hrefcss/default.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script srcfunctions.js typetext/javascript>/script>meta nameKeywords contentceltic singer, celtic songs, secret garden, ive dreamed of you, sailboat, danny boy, irish songs, scotland the brave, irish tenor, australian tenor, brisbane tenor,sean oboyle, suzanne kompass, ambition entertainment, queensland pops orchestra, brisbane tenor, queensland tenor, mother machree, the end of the day, making a difference, send me a song, walking in the air, josh groban, ian mackenzie thurley, the minstrel boy, galway bay, anzac day, you raise me up, the water is wide, the cliffs of dooneen, the last rose of summer, the minstrel boy, she moved through the fair, The spirit of Ireland. />meta nameDescription content Gregory Moore is Australias newest recording star with his album of celtic songs - Ive dreamed of you. />/head>body onloadMM_preloadImages(images/global/twitterover.png,images/global/myspaceover.png,images/global/facebookover.png)>table width800 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 contentPublic Relations, publicity, Sue McAullay, Mushroom, Mary-Kate, Ashley, Olsen, Full House, John Stamos, entertainment, celebrity, Hi-5, channel nine, children, edutainment, education, Jimmy Barnes, Marcia Hines, Tal Wilkenfeld, Gina Jefferys, music, blinky bill, Yoram Gross, Trackdown, Flying Bark, marketing, promotion, media strategy, strategic brand, PR, artist consultancy, brand, Sue Mac Media, SueMacMedia> tr> td colspan3>a hrefindex.html>img srcimages/header_02.jpg width800 height215 border0 />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpadme> a hrefindex.html>HOME/a> a hrefnews.html>NEWS/a> a hreftour.html>TOUR/a> a hrefbio.html>BIO/a> a hrefdownloads.html>MEDIA/a> a hrefdiscography.html>MUSIC/a> a hrefmerch.html>STORE/a> a hrefcontact.html>CONTACT/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>table width800 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding5> tr> td rowspan2 valigntop> h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: larger;>span stylefont-size: x-large;>Welcome to the official website of Gregory Moorebr />/span>/span>/h2>h4 styletext-align: center;> /h4>p styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: medium;>"Thank goodness for albums such as this. You cant get enough of this music and the wonderful voice of Gregory Moore" -/span> span stylefont-size: medium;>Alan Jones AO - Radio 2GB Sydney/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;>img src/public_html/images/global/Greg%20Cover%20Photo%202016.jpg width500 height373 alt /> /p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: medium;>span> /span>br />strong>Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting. To keep up to date with everything that is going on in the world of Gregory Moore, be sure to check out the /strong>/span>strong>a href>span stylefont-size: medium;>TOUR PAGE/span>/a>span stylefont-size: medium;> for updated appearances performances and events and head over to the /span>a href>span stylefont-size: medium;>MEDIA PAGE/span>/a>span stylefont-size: medium;> to watch clips from previous shows! Also make sure you join in the fun on my official /span>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size: medium;>FACEBOOK PAGE/span>/a>/strong>span stylefont-size: medium;>strong>. Hope to see you at a show very soon. Enjoy! xbr />/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;>iframe src width600 height600 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowtransparencytrue>/iframe>/p>script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js d.createElement(s); id; js.src //; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));/script>p> /p>p styletext-align: center;>a classtwitter-timeline data-height400 href>Tweets by MrGregoryMoore/a> script async src// charsetutf-8>/script>script async src// charsetutf-8>/script>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p> /td> td width33% height127 valigntop>a href>img srcimages/releases/album_01.png alt width254 height368 border0 />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> br /> br /> br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td width290 height90 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png> a href!/pages/Gregory-Moore/100189910022723?refts>img srcimages/global/fbook.png altFollow me on Facebook namefbook width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idfbook onmouseoverMM_swapImage(fbook,,images/global/facebookover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() />/a> a href >img srcimages/global/myspace.png altCheck out some tracks on myspace namemyspace width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idmyspace onmouseoverMM_swapImage(myspace,,images/global/myspaceover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() /> /a> a href >img srcimages/global/twitter.png altFollow me on twitter nametwitter width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idtwitter onmouseoverMM_swapImage(twitter,,images/global/twitterover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() />/a> /td> td width315 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png> /td> td width195 alignright valignbottom backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpad5px contentPublic Relations, publicity, Sue McAullay, Mushroom, Mary-Kate, Ashley, Olsen, Full House, John Stamos, entertainment, celebrity, Hi-5, channel nine, children, edutainment, education, Jimmy Barnes, Marcia Hines, Tal Wilkenfeld, Gina Jefferys, music, blinky bill, Yoram Gross, Trackdown, Flying Bark, marketing, promotion, media strategy, strategic brand, PR, artist consultancy, brand, Sue Mac Media, SueMacMedia>br />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpadbottom>a hrefsignup.html>Join the Gregory Moore mailing list/a>/td> td width315 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png>br /> br />/td> td width195 alignright valigntop backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpad5px>© 2010 Gregory Moore /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 >br /> br />/td> td alignright> /td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkeddate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:40:24 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />title>gregory moore/title>style typetext/css>!--/* in here to allow for individual backgrounds for each page */-->/style>link hrefcss/default.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script srcfunctions.js typetext/javascript>/script>meta nameKeywords contentceltic singer, celtic songs, secret garden, ive dreamed of you, sailboat, danny boy, irish songs, scotland the brave, irish tenor, australian tenor, brisbane tenor,sean oboyle, suzanne kompass, ambition entertainment, queensland pops orchestra, brisbane tenor, queensland tenor, mother machree, the end of the day, making a difference, send me a song, walking in the air, josh groban, ian mackenzie thurley, the minstrel boy, galway bay, anzac day, you raise me up, the water is wide, the cliffs of dooneen, the last rose of summer, the minstrel boy, she moved through the fair, The spirit of Ireland. />meta nameDescription content Gregory Moore is Australias newest recording star with his album of celtic songs - Ive dreamed of you. />/head>body onloadMM_preloadImages(images/global/twitterover.png,images/global/myspaceover.png,images/global/facebookover.png)>table width800 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 contentPublic Relations, publicity, Sue McAullay, Mushroom, Mary-Kate, Ashley, Olsen, Full House, John Stamos, entertainment, celebrity, Hi-5, channel nine, children, edutainment, education, Jimmy Barnes, Marcia Hines, Tal Wilkenfeld, Gina Jefferys, music, blinky bill, Yoram Gross, Trackdown, Flying Bark, marketing, promotion, media strategy, strategic brand, PR, artist consultancy, brand, Sue Mac Media, SueMacMedia> tr> td colspan3>a hrefindex.html>img srcimages/header_02.jpg width800 height215 border0 />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpadme> a hrefindex.html>HOME/a> a hrefnews.html>NEWS/a> a hreftour.html>TOUR/a> a hrefbio.html>BIO/a> a hrefdownloads.html>MEDIA/a> a hrefdiscography.html>MUSIC/a> a hrefmerch.html>STORE/a> a hrefcontact.html>CONTACT/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>table width800 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding5> tr> td rowspan2 valigntop> h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: larger;>span stylefont-size: x-large;>Welcome to the official website of Gregory Moorebr />/span>/span>/h2>h4 styletext-align: center;> /h4>p styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: medium;>"Thank goodness for albums such as this. You cant get enough of this music and the wonderful voice of Gregory Moore" -/span> span stylefont-size: medium;>Alan Jones AO - Radio 2GB Sydney/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;>img src/public_html/images/global/Greg%20Cover%20Photo%202016.jpg width500 height373 alt /> /p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: medium;>span> /span>br />strong>Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting. To keep up to date with everything that is going on in the world of Gregory Moore, be sure to check out the /strong>/span>strong>a href>span stylefont-size: medium;>TOUR PAGE/span>/a>span stylefont-size: medium;> for updated appearances performances and events and head over to the /span>a href>span stylefont-size: medium;>MEDIA PAGE/span>/a>span stylefont-size: medium;> to watch clips from previous shows! Also make sure you join in the fun on my official /span>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size: medium;>FACEBOOK PAGE/span>/a>/strong>span stylefont-size: medium;>strong>. Hope to see you at a show very soon. Enjoy! xbr />/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: center;>iframe src width600 height600 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowtransparencytrue>/iframe>/p>script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js d.createElement(s); id; js.src //; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));/script>p> /p>p styletext-align: center;>a classtwitter-timeline data-height400 href>Tweets by MrGregoryMoore/a> script async src// charsetutf-8>/script>script async src// charsetutf-8>/script>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: center;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p> /td> td width33% height127 valigntop>a href>img srcimages/releases/album_01.png alt width254 height368 border0 />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> br /> br /> br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td width290 height90 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png> a href!/pages/Gregory-Moore/100189910022723?refts>img srcimages/global/fbook.png altFollow me on Facebook namefbook width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idfbook onmouseoverMM_swapImage(fbook,,images/global/facebookover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() />/a> a href >img srcimages/global/myspace.png altCheck out some tracks on myspace namemyspace width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idmyspace onmouseoverMM_swapImage(myspace,,images/global/myspaceover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() /> /a> a href >img srcimages/global/twitter.png altFollow me on twitter nametwitter width48 height70 border0 classpad5px idtwitter onmouseoverMM_swapImage(twitter,,images/global/twitterover.png,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() />/a> /td> td width315 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png> /td> td width195 alignright valignbottom backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpad5px contentPublic Relations, publicity, Sue McAullay, Mushroom, Mary-Kate, Ashley, Olsen, Full House, John Stamos, entertainment, celebrity, Hi-5, channel nine, children, edutainment, education, Jimmy Barnes, Marcia Hines, Tal Wilkenfeld, Gina Jefferys, music, blinky bill, Yoram Gross, Trackdown, Flying Bark, marketing, promotion, media strategy, strategic brand, PR, artist consultancy, brand, Sue Mac Media, SueMacMedia>br />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpadbottom>a hrefsignup.html>Join the Gregory Moore mailing list/a>/td> td width315 backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png>br /> br />/td> td width195 alignright valigntop backgroundimages/global/50opacity.png classpad5px>© 2010 Gregory Moore /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 >br /> br />/td> td alignright> /td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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