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width:24px;height:24px;margin:0;margin-bottom:5px;>img altlinkedin titleShare on Linkedin classsynved-share-image synved-social-image synved-social-image-share width24 height24 styledisplay: inline; width:24px;height:24px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; box-shadow: none; src />/a>/div>/div>div classright>h1>Divorce:br />Protect Yourself, Your Kids And Your Future/h1>h3>b>You have arrived at a decision: you want a divorce or you are seriously thinking about it. Or perhaps your spouse has made that decision for you, and now you are forced to think about how to protect yourself./b>/h3>p classp>Regardless of who initiated it, the decision to divorce is rarely a sudden one. Perhaps when you look in the mirror each morning you say to yourself, “I need to get out of this marriage. It is no longer working and it is beyond repair. I need to start a new life.” Or maybe your spouse has made that decision for the both of you. We all want to stay in love forever, but that is not always life’s reality. In fact, nearly 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce. Nobody wants to be part of this statistic; nevertheless, when all hope for reconciliation is gone, sometimes divorce is the only avenue for recapturing the life you deserve./p>/div>/div>a href classbutton green>Buy Now $16sup>00/sup>/a>a href classbutton blue>Pre Pay and Pickup at KS $16sup>00/sup>/a>a href classbutton black>Pickup at KS and pay $16sup>00/sup>/a>a href classbutton yellow>Amazon Kindle $9sup>99/sup>/a>div classrght centerH>h3>b>Bulk pricing is available on book orders of 100 copies or more./b>/h3>/div>/div> !-- span12 end --> /section> !-- row end --> /div> /div> !-- container end -->div classcontainer>div classripped-paper clearfix>section classrow youtubeVideo>div classspan3 youtubeVideoBox>a href#myModal1 data-togglemodal>img src alt2 width264 height177 classalignleft size-full wp-image-1537 id2 />/a>/p>div idmyModal1 classmodal hide fade tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbymyModalLabel aria-hiddentrue>div classmodal-header>button typebutton classclose idmodal data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button>/p>h3 idmyModalLabel>TODAY: Why words can hurt just like sticks and stones/h3>/div>div classmodal-body>iframe width99% IDautoplayvideoframe height315 src// frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>div classmodal-footer>button classbtn data-dismissmodal idmodalc aria-hiddentrue>Close/button>/div>/div>p classvideoDesc>Randay Kessler on the span>TODAY/span> show discussing divorce/p>/div>div classspan3 youtubeVideoBox>a href#myModal2 data-togglemodal>img src alt2 width264 height177 classalignleft size-full wp-image-1537 />/a>/p>div idmyModal2 classmodal hide fade tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbymyModalLabel aria-hiddentrue>div classmodal-header>button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button>/p>h3 idmyModalLabel>Celebrity attorney helping regular families with divorce/h3>/div>div classmodal-body>embed width99% height392 bgcolor#FFFFFF pluginspage allowscriptaccessalways swliveconnecttrue allowfullscreentrue seamlesstabbingfalse base flashvarsvideoId2805211896001&,AAAAFIvhljk~,Nz7UFI321EYSAUsYGYx5WAk9m9XiXaY8&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash idflashObj nameflashObj allownetworkingall>/div>div classmodal-footer>button classbtn data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>Close/button>/div>/div>p classvideoDesc>span>WSB-TV/span> Celebrity attorney helping regular families with divorce/p>/div>div classspan3 youtubeVideoBox>a href#myModal3 data-togglemodal>img src alt3 width264 height177 classalignleft size-full wp-image-1538 id3 />/a>/p>div idmyModal3 classmodal hide fade tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbymyModalLabel aria-hiddentrue>div classmodal-header>button typebutton classclose idmodal3 data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button>/p>h3 idmyModalLabel>Randall Kessler on CBS New York/h3>/div>div classmodal-body>iframe width99% IDautoplayvideoframe2 height315 src// frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>div classmodal-footer>button classbtn data-dismissmodal idmodalc2 aria-hiddentrue>Close/button>/div>/div>p classvideoDesc>Kessler on span>CBS New York The Couch/span> discussing Divorce 101/p>/div>div classspan3 youtubeVideoBox>a href#myModal4 data-togglemodal>img src alt4 width265 height178 classalignleft size-full wp-image-1539 />/a>/p>div idmyModal4 classmodal hide fade tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbymyModalLabel aria-hiddentrue>div classmodal-header>button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button>/p>h3 idmyModalLabel>Celebrity Attorney Randall Kessler stops by to talk about his new book/h3>/div>div classmodal-body>embed width99% height270 bgcolor#FFFFFF pluginspage allowscriptaccessalways swliveconnecttrue allowfullscreentrue seamlesstabbingfalse base flashvarsvideoId2743419848001&playerID1685956554001&playerKeyAQ~~,AAAAB_0PyCk~,_pBlGqvGs04S2emNW1BIky_zyX6qQebI&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash idflashObj nameflashObj allownetworkingall>/div>div classmodal-footer>button classbtn data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>Close/button>/div>/div>p classvideoDesc>span>11Alive/span> Celebrity Attorney Randall Kessler stops by to talk about his new book/p>/div>/section>/div>/div>section classquote cutedge-top margNew> div class> div classcutedge-bottom> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> blockquote>h2>From the author: I hope this book helps you, even if only in a small way, as you start to understand the divorce process and move forward to a new phase of your life, one that can, and I hope will be fulfilling and happy./h2>cite classhidden-phone>Randall Kessler/cite>/blockquote> /div> !-- span12 end --> /div> !-- row end --> /div> !-- container end --> /div> !-- cutedge-top end --> /div> !-- cutedge-bottom end --> /section> !-- quote end -->section classcontainer idlink-features>div classrow> div classripped-paper clearfix> div classspan4> h4>Understanding the em>process and system/em>./h4> /div> !-- span4 end --> div classspan5> p>Randy Kessler is a national leader in the field of family law. He has helped educate his own clients as well as lawyers across the country about family law. His book is a clearly written path to understanding the divorce process. It gives the insight that everyday people need, helping those who are not lawyers understand how the system works and how they can make it work for them. — em>Nancy Grace/em>/p> /div> !-- span5 end --> div classspan3> a href>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-1298 altkessler-nancy-grace src width200 height185 />/a> /div> !-- span3 end --> /div> !-- ripped-paper end --> /div> !-- row end -->div classrow> div classripped-paper clearfix> div classspan4 pull-right> h4>Compelling and em>informative/em>./h4> /div> !-- span4 end --> div classspan5 pull-right> p>There are few “good divorces,” but sometimes divorce is necessary. I highly recommend Randy Kessler’s compelling and informative book to divorcing couples, those considering divorce, as well as the professionals who work with them, to ensure that the destructive elements that often accompany a divorce are avoided.- em>Leah Ward Sears, former Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court/em>/p> /div> !-- span5 end --> div classspan3 pull-left> img classalignnone size-full wp-image-1421 altscales src width218 height218 /> /div> !-- span3 end --> /div> !-- ripped-paper end --> /div> !-- row end -->div classrow> div classripped-paper clearfix> div classspan4> h4>Easy to em>understand/em>./h4> /div> !-- span4 end --> div classspan5> p>Not only is Randy Kessler one of the finest divorce lawyers in the country, he was my divorce lawyer. I can tell you from personal knowledge that Randy knows how to guide someone through a difficult divorce. Randy combines extraordinary skill and knowledge with an easy to understand explanation of every step of the process. This book is an extension of Randy’s personal touch which will undoubtedly help many through the difficult process of divorce.- em>Nene Leakes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta/em>/p> /div> !-- span5 end --> div classspan3> img classalignnone size-full wp-image-1318 altnene src width200 height200 /> /div> !-- span3 end --> /div> !-- ripped-paper end --> /div> !-- row end -->/section> !-- container end -->section classcontainer>div classrow> div classspan12> div classdownload-sample idlink-sample> p>b>“Join the more than b>225,000/b> people already following this author”/b>/p>a href classbutton green>Follow Randy on LinkedIn/a> /div> !-- download-sample end --> /div> !-- span12 end --> /div> !-- row end -->/section> !-- section container end -->section classquote cutedge-top margNew> div class> div classcutedge-bottom> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> blockquote>h2>Randy frequently appears in the national media as a legal expert on the topic of divorce commenting on high-profile divorces, including Anderson Cooper360, The Today Show, Nancy Grace, ESPN and CNN. Kessler has been quoted in Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, People magazine, The New York Times and Sports Illustrated./h2>cite classhidden-phone>/cite>/blockquote> /div> !-- span12 end --> /div> !-- row end --> /div> !-- container end --> /div> !-- cutedge-top end --> /div> !-- cutedge-bottom end --> /section> !-- quote end -->section classcontainer pricing-tables idlink-tables> div classrow>div classspan12>h1>Have the book shipped directly to you or pick it up at our office/h1>h3>Pickup at KS Family Law – 101 Marietta Street Suite 3500 • Atlanta, Georgia 30303/h3>/div> !-- row end -->/div> !-- row end -->div classrow>div classspan4>div classtable-header green> p>Buy Now/p> span>and have it shipped/span> /div> !-- table-header end --> div classtable-price green> p>16sup>00/sup>/p> /div> !-- table-price end -->div classtable-body> ul>li>i>Choose your shipping/i>/li>li>Shipped with in 24 hours/li>/ul> /div> !-- table-body end -->div classtable-button green> a href>order now/a> /div> !-- table-button end -->/div> !-- span4 end -->div classspan4>div classtable-header blue> p>Prepay/p> span>pick up at KS Family Law/span> /div> !-- table-header end --> div classtable-price blue> p>16sup>00/sup>/p> /div> !-- table-price end -->div classtable-body> ul>li>i>Prepay for the book and pickup/i>/li>li>i>Available at KS Family Law offices/i>/li>/ul> /div> !-- table-body end -->div classtable-button blue> a href>order now/a> /div> !-- table-button end -->/div> !-- span4 end -->div classspan4>div classtable-header black> p>Pick Up/p> span>pick up at KS family Law and pay/span> /div> !-- table-header end --> div classtable-price black> p>16sup>00/sup>/p> /div> !-- table-price end -->div classtable-body> ul>li>i>Pay when you pick up the book/i>/li>li>i>Available at KS Family Law offices/i>/li>/ul> /div> !-- table-body end -->div classtable-button black> a href>order now/a> /div> !-- table-button end -->/div> !-- span4 end -->/div> !-- row end --> /section> !-- pricing-tables end -->footer idlink-author> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan8> hgroup> h1>About the Author/h1> h3>Founding partner of Kessler & Solomiany/h3> /hgroup> p>Randall M. Kessler is the founding partner of Kessler & Solomiany, which was founded in 1991 and known as KS Family Law. Considered one of the most respected domestic relations firms in the country, it is known for representing high-profile clients, particularly athletes, celebrities, and entertainers. Some of Kesslers many accomplishments include having served as Chair of the Family Law Section, American Bar Association (2011-2012), Chair of the Family Law Section, State Bar of Georgia Bar (2011-2012) and Chair of the Family Law Section, Atlanta Bar Association (1996-1997). /p> address> strong>Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys/strong>br> 101 Marietta Streetbr> Suite 3500br> Atlanta, Georgia 30303br> Phone - (404) 688.8810br /> br> a href,+Georgia+30303&ieUTF8&hq&hnear101+Marietta+St+%233500,+Atlanta,+Georgia+30303&tm&z14&vpsrc0&iwlocA&daddr101+Marietta+St+%233500,+Georgia+State+University,+Atlanta,+GA+30303>Get Directions/a> /address> ul> li> a href> img src altGo to my Twitter Profile width30px height30px> /a> /li> li> a href> img src altGo to my Facebook Profile width30px height30px> /a> /li> li> a> img src altSend me an Email width30px height30px> /a> /li> /ul> /div> !-- span8 end --> div classspan4> img src altAuthor Photo width274px height274px> /div> !-- span4 end --> a href# classgo-top>Go Top/a> /div> !-- row end --> /div> !-- container end --> /footer> script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-43440068-1,; ga(send, pageview); $(function(){ $(.fluid-width-video-wrapper).css({padding:0});});/script> script>$( document ).ready(function() { $(#2).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe).attr(src, //; })});$( document ).ready(function() { $(#3).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe2).attr(src, //; })});$( document ).ready(function() { $(#modal).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe).attr(src, ); })});$( document ).ready(function() { $(#modalc).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe).attr(src, ); })}); $( document ).ready(function() { $(#modal3).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe2).attr(src, ); })}); $( document ).ready(function() { $(#modalc2).on(click, function () { $(#autoplayvideoframe2).attr(src, ); })}); /script> /body>/html>!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. 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