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Alternatively, call or email us to discuss your requirements in more detail. We look forward to speaking with you. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>If you need original and OEM spare parts for your CAT, KOMATSU and LIEBHERR machines - you have come to the right place. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>We provide original components, with which we equip 95% of mining machinery. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>We know what you need. We also know that you need it fast. For that reason, we permanently have in stock 20,000 spare parts. We keep our order processing system is permanently updated and stock availability replenished. Thus because of this, we are able to confidently and reliably cover the majority of customer enquiries. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>We use the most reliable and cost-effective carriers and ensure on-time delivery of your parts. That's how we ensure prime quality: at top-speed. br> /p> hr color#000000 size1> br> p styletext-align: justify>Not in stock! You might have heard this before. Of course, this happens occasionally. But surely that can't mean that your machinery is doomed. In these cases we make every effort to find and deliver you a suitable spare part you need. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>Fast, effectively, competitively priced, and, of course, in top quality. /p> br> p styletext-align: justify>b>We are the experts for your spare parts. And you get what you need./b>/p> /div> /div> div classdot-box-bottom> span classbox-1>span classbox-2>/span>/span>/div> /section> div classrow-fluid working-process aligncenter> img srcimages/t1.jpg border0 hspace5 vspace10 classrounded img1 /> img srcimages/t2.jpg border0 hspace5 vspace10 classrounded img1 /> img srcimages/t5.jpg border0 hspace5 vspace10 classrounded img1 /> /div>/div>!-- END OF ABOUT -->div idparallax_2 classparallax-section> div classparallax-box> div classwrapper clearfix> div classparallax_box_1 row-fluid> h2>span classtext_1>MACHINERY TRADING & SERVICE/span>/h2> /div> /div> /div>/div>div idservice> section classheader-section> div classwrapper header-box clearfix> h2> img srcimages/service.png stylewidth: 500px; height: 117px>/h2> div classsubtitle clearfix> h4>SPARE PARTS FOR KOMATSU (PC3000 - PC8000), TEREX O&K, CATERPILLAR/h4>p styletext-align: justify>We supply a wide range of original/OEM spare parts. For us, the spare parts business is not a sideline. It is our core business./p>br>ul>li>Hydraulic Pumps: Swing pumps, Variable pumps, Main pumps etc./li>li>Hydraulic Cylinders: Stick cylinders, Boom Cylinders, Dump cylinders etc./li>li>Gearboxes: Travel gearboxes, Slew gearboxes/li>li>Motors: Travel motors, Swing motors/li>li>Undercarriage: Bottom rollers, Top rollers, Sprockets, Idlers etc./li>li>Radiators: Oil Coolers, Water Radiators/li>li>Buckets: Face Shovel buckets, Backhoe buckets Minor Parts: Pins, Bushes, O-Rings, Seal Kits, Valves, Bolts, Hoses etc./li>/ul>br>p styletext-align: justify>Unlike many other companies that you might find on the internet selling Komatsu and CAT spare parts both in the UK and worldwide, we are not a sub-dealer for anyone else, we strictly keep one supplier for each product area, we supply only parts of original quality, this ensures the same high quality every time and also giving us full traceability./p>br>p styletext-align: justify>In addition, we can offer a service for replacement of the main hydraulic pumps on your machines./p>br>p styletext-align: justify>b>Machinery Trading & Service/b>/p>p styletext-align: justify>is strong in Komatsu models PC3000, PC4000, PC5500, CAT models 6018 / RH90C, 6030 / RH120C/E, 6015 / RH40E, 6040 / RH170B and RH200-340, etc./p>br>p styletext-align: justify>In some cases, we may ask you for a Serial number of the machine in order to quote./p>br>p styletext-align: justify>Please visit us regularly, and check out our stock./p>br>p styletext-align: justify>We are expanding our existing product range, as well as adding new lines of spare parts to our product range. /div> /div> div classdot-box-bottom> span classbox-1>span classbox-2>/span>/span>/div> /section> !---- div aligncenter> br>br> video stylewidth: 100% autoplayautoplay mutedmuted loop> SOURCE typevideo/mp4 srcMST.mp4> /VIDEO> br>br> /div> ----->/div>/div>!-- END OF SERVICE -->div idparallax_6 classparallax-section> div classparallax-box> div classwrapper clearfix> div classparallax_box_1> h2>span classtext_1>MACHINERY TRADING & SERVICE/span>/h2> /div> /div> /div>/div>div idcontact> section classheader-section> div classwrapper header-box clearfix> h2> img border0 srcimages/contact.png width573 height92>/h2> div classsubtitle clearfix> h3 aligncenter>MACHINERY TRADING & SERVICE LLP/h3> h3>/h3> div classaddress-box row-fluid> div classmarker> span classicon>/span>p aligncenter>102 Langdale House, 11 Marshalsea Road, London, United Kingdom, SE1 1EN/p> /div> /div> p aligncenter> img border0 srcimages/poc.png>/p> p aligncenter> /p> /div> /div> /section> /div>!-- END OF CONTACT --> footer idfooter> div classwrapper clearfix> div classfooter-box> div classft-text-box> p styletext-align: center> font color#666666>Machinery Trading & Service LLP. span stylefont-weight: 400; font-style: italic> Registered No. OC356239/span>/font>br> font color#666666>2010 (c) Machinery Trading & Service LLP. All rights reserved/font>br> a href# data-reveal-idtabla-nutricional classfooter> Terms and conditions/a>/p> /div> /div>/div> /footer> div idmain-nav classclearfix> div classwrapper clearfix> div classclearfix> b>a classscroll siteLogo href#banner> span classwc-text-box-2>MACHINERY TRADING & SERVICE/span>/a>/b> ul classnavigation hidden-phone> li>a classscroll href#banner>Home/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#about>Trading/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#service>Service/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#contact>Contact/a>/li> li>a classscroll2 href# data-reveal-idspot>watch MTSbr> the movie/font>/a>/li> /ul> div classmini-navigation visible-phone > button classbtn nav-toggole typebutton>span> i classicon-align-justify>/i>/span>/button>/div> /div> /div> div classclearfix hidden-desktop hidden-tablet> ul classphone-menu> li>a classscroll href#banner>Home/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#about>Trading/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#service>Service/a>/li> li>a classscroll href#contact>Contact/a>/li> li>a classscroll2 href# data-reveal-idspot>Video/a>/li> /ul> /div>/div>div idtabla-nutricional classreveal-modal data-reveal> iframe width90% height500 frameborder1 nameif1 alignmiddle border1 srcpop.html> /iframe>a classclose-reveal-modal>×/a>/div>div idspot classreveal-modal brown-panel data-reveal> div classrow> div classspot-player large-12 columns> p classorange-small text-center>TV MACHINERY TRADING & SERVICE/p> div aligncenter>video stylewidth: 90%; left: 0px; top: -43px; display: inline; autoplayautoplay mutedmuted loop>SOURCE typevideo/mp4 srcmts.mp4>/VIDEO> /div> /div> a classclose-reveal-modal>×/a> /div> script>$(document).foundation();/script>/div>/body>/html>
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