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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 14:10:11 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1Content-Length: 235Connection: keep-aliveLocation: max-age172800Expires: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 14:10:11 GMT !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 14:10:12 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingX-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.40Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTPragma: no-cacheCache-Control: max-age600Set-Cookie: PHPSESSIDsrdtr0ovjqhan0abedplj5srs4; path/ !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN>html xmlns> head> meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html;charsetUTF-8 /> title>Riga Nightlife Partys and Pub Crawl Tour - Contact Us/title> meta http-equivCache-Control contentmax-age600 /> meta namedescription content /> meta namekeywords content /> meta namerobots contentnoindex, nofollow, all /> meta nameHandheldFriendly contenttrue /> meta nameMobileOptimized contentwidth /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale2.0, user-scalableno /> link hrefcss/styles.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> link hrefcss/sweetalert2.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> link hrefcss/styleRap.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> script typetext/javascript srcjs/>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/accordion.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/custom.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery-3.3.1.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/sweetalert2.all.min.js>/script> script languageJavaScript1.1> /* JavaScript Image slideshow: By JavaScript Kit ( Over 200+ free JavaScript here! */ var slideimagesnew Array() var slidelinksnew Array() function slideshowimages(){ for (i0;islideshowimages.arguments.length;i++){ slideimagesinew Image() slideimagesi.srcslideshowimages.argumentsi } } function slideshowlinks(){ for (i0;islideshowlinks.arguments.length;i++) slidelinksislideshowlinks.argumentsi } function gotoshow(){ if (!window.winslide||winslide.closed) else winslide.locationslidelinkswhichlink winslide.focus() } /script> /head> body> !-- Start Header --> div idheader> div classlogo stylemargin: 0pt auto; max-width: 600px;> a href./>img srcimages/logo.png width200 height altRiga Nightlife Partys and Pub Crawl Tour />/a> /div> /div> !-- End Header --> div stylemargin: 0pt auto; max-width: 600px;> !-- Start Content --> div idcontentinner2> div classcontent> center> a href./>img srcimages/slider/slide-1-4.jpg nameslide border0 width99% styleborder:1px solid #afafaf>/a> script> //configure the paths of the images, plus corresponding target links slideshowimages(images/slider/slide-1-4.jpg,images/slider/slide-1-2.jpg,images/slider/slide-1-3.jpg,images/slider/slide-1-1.jpg,images/slider/slide-1-5.jpg,images/slider/slide-1-7.jpg) //configure the speed of the slideshow, in miliseconds var slideshowspeed3000 var whichlink0 var whichimage0 function slideit(){ if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.srcslideimageswhichimage.src whichlinkwhichimage if (whichimageslideimages.length-1) whichimage++ else whichimage0 setTimeout(slideit(),slideshowspeed) } slideit() //--> /script> /center> /div> /div> div idcontentinner> div classcontent> h1 styletext-align:center>Wondering where to party in Riga?/h1> p>Riga offers a huge variety of great bars & clubs and it would take all weekend and a lot of consumed alcohol to get through all of them! We think you should visit at least four of them to become familiar with Rigas nightlife. Riga Pub Crawl gives you an idea of which are cool places worth another visit during your stay in Riga, and which places are a waste of time./p> /div> /div> div idcontentinner3> div classcontent> p styletext-align:center> font size4 color#ffffff> Make your party in Riga unforgettable with the team of Riga Pub Crawl! /font> /p> /div> /div> div idcontentinner> div classcontent> a nameclubspubs>/a> p styletext-align:center>font size5>Other activities/font>/p> p>Riga Pub Crawl team has picked Top activities that will keep you busy, entertained and fix that little hangover if needed! br> *If you have any questions regarding the price, availability or you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. Well take care of everything! /p> br> div classaccordion> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#SummerBobsleigh> + Summer Bobsleigh/a> div idSummerBobsleigh classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/summer_bob.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 50 Eur/pp/font>br> Have you ever tried bobsledding? In summer, the ice is gone, but of course, we do not like to leave the track unused for such a long time! No way! That’s why summer bobsleigh has been invented! Bob + wheels and we’re ready to go! It reaches speeds up to 85 km/h! Are you ready for that? /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueSummerBobsleigh onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#ElectricGoKarts> + Electric go karts/a> div idElectricGoKarts classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/electricKart.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 30 Eur/pp/font>br> Electric go-karts are produced in Latvia and have a special turbo button which accelerates the speed and slowly recharges by itself. The track is made to make your competition as fun as possible. If you want to receive the printouts with each lap time, you have to play by the rules. If you feel that you are falling behind all the others (or cannot overtake the leader of the race) you can cheat by cutting off part of the track. That way the lap time won`t be counted by you can remind other racers about yourself suddenly showing up in front of them. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueElectricGoKarts onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#Curling> + Curling/a> div idCurling classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/cerling.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 45 Eur/pp/font>br> Most of us have watched curling on TV, especially in the Olympic Games. Why not try curling while visiting Riga? You do not know how to play it? It is not a problem, as there will be a professional instructor who will guide you not only through the basics and main rules of this game but also teach you how to slide the stones and sweep the ice in front of the stone to have good results. /p> p> If you are a group of 4-6 people, you can rent the ice sheet for 1 hour. If the group is larger, we strongly advise taking 1.5 hours or 2 hours of the ice sheet. There are 2 ice sheets located parallel to each other so a group of 24-26 people can easily play at a time. After each end, you will count the points to see which team will win. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueCurling onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#ShootingRange> + Shooting range/a> div idShootingRange classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/Shootingrange.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 50 Eur/pp/font>br> If you have ever wanted to try how it feels to fire the same weapons seen many times before on TV shows and movies...well, in Riga you have a chance to fire real firearms, be it a Magnum revolver, Winchester shotgun, Beretta pistol, Kalashnikov or SPAS-15 combat shotgun. The shooting range offers pistols, revolvers and different rifles to choose from. Will you ever have the opportunity to fire Kalashnikov again? The most popular Riga shooting range package includes 5 shots of Glock17 pistol, 5 shots of Swiss B&T GHM9 used by police, military and special units as well as 5 shots from Russian Kalashnikov and 5 shots from American Winchester pump-action shotgun. Additionally, on a day you can add a Magnum revolver, SPAS-15 shotgun, two-barrel hunting rifle Izh17 Baikal from Russia, American rifle Sig Sauer 516 Patrol and many pistols (Beretta, Walther, Heckler & Koch, CZ, Sig Sauer, Luger, Makarov PM, Tokarev and many more). /p> p> *Please note – you need to be sober to participate in this activity. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueShootingRange onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#ClayPigeonShooting> + Clay Pigeon Shooting/a> div idClayPigeonShooting classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/clay_pigeon.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 55 Eur/pp/font>br> Clay pigeon shooting is also known as moving target shooting. Targets will be released in the air for you to quickly point at them and shoot! Although with every shot it gets easier to hit the target, to make it more challenging for you, the intensity and location of targets change all the time! If you’ve never done it, that’s not a problem as there will be a professional instructor to show you how it is done. /p> p> *Please note – you need to be sober to participate in this activity. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueClayPigeonShooting onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#BeerBike> + Beer bike/a> div idBeerBike classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/beerbike.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 25 Eur/pp/font>br> Some might say, riding a bicycle while drinking may not be the smartest decision. Well, it is now. Why sit and drink if you can ride (a bike) and drink? The Riga Beer Bike offers a great way to explore the Old Town of Riga while sipping a beer. Up to 15 people can ride one Beer Bike at a time and we have multiple Beer Bikes to accompany bigger groups! Don`t worry if you are not familiar with Riga Old Town yet, because you will get your own chauffeur/bartender and 2 liters of beer each! /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueBeerBike onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#SaunaAndHotTube> + Sauna and a hot tub/a> div idSaunaAndHotTube classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/sauna.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 30 Eur/pp/font>br> If you wish to know how the locals party, then this is it! We gather together with our friends, prepare a sauna and hot tub, heat up the grill, cool down some beers and we’re ready for the night! Have a sauna and hot tub just for you and your friends – enjoy a private party while the Old Town is just a few min drive away! Have some BBQ on the roof of the sauna, jump in the river to cool down, enjoy your beer and a view of the suspension bridge… And do nothing else – just relax as that’s what it is all about! br>Perfect for the next day after the big night out! /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueSaunaAndHotTube onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#Airsoft> + Airsoft/a> div idAirsoft classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/airsoft.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 50 Eur/pp/font>br> Airsoft is an interesting game where you’ll have to work in a team. Use realistic airsoft guns, shoot your opponents and work as a team to succeed! Professional instructors will give you many different game plans to keep it interesting throughout all time. One moment you’ll need to protect the president and the next you will be the bad guy fighting against the police! The perfect activity for groups. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueAirsoft onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#ZorbFootball> + Zorb Football/a> div idZorbFootball classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/zorb.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 40 Eur/pp/font>br> We all like to play football but we have lifted it up to another level, which is more challenging. The only rule - there are no rules. Try to smash all enemies into the ground while successfully escaping from the ones that try to hit you down. And don`t forget to score! Between the breaks, you can try Sumo or other entertaining games. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueZorbFootball onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#PaintBall> + Paintball/a> div idPaintBall classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/paintball.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 35 Eur/pp/font>br> If you wish to do something a bit more active, choose paintball! Just pick one of those venues – an indoor paintball center or the largest outdoor paintball park in the Baltics. We will take care of your transfers and all essential equipment! And don’t worry; if you’re not too keen on getting those bruises, we have a solution for you! Try the indoor paintball where we use special soft latex balls instead of paintballs. The power of guns can be adjusted to skip the bruises! Are you ready to play? /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valuePaintBall onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#QuadBikes> + Quad Bikes/a> div idQuadBikes classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/quad.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 65 Eur/pp/font>br> Go for a drive in a special track where you can speed up and try to catch your friends, or enjoy off road quad biking – disappear into the forest for an hour! Accompanied by a professional instructor, you’ll be able to drive off road, where every single meter is different and you have to think smart to get through the forest! /p> p> *Please note – you need to be sober to participate in this activity. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueQuadBikes onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#LaserTag> + Laser Tag/a> div idLaserTag classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/laserTag.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 65 Eur/pp/font>br> Laser tag is a great activity for those who like the action and adrenaline rush but at the same time don`t want to get bruises from shots. There will be the same game scenarios, competitions, and excitement as in paintball, but you’ll get through without getting hurt! In laser tag, there is no physical impact on you when you’re getting `shot`. Another bonus is that you do not need to purchase additional ammo as it is in the airsoft or a paintball game. Each player is wearing a headband, which vibrates and plays a sound signal when the player is `shot` making this as safe and painless as possible, but no less interesting and challenging! You can choose to play one hour, two hours or three hours of laser tag. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueLaserTag onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#IndoorGoKarts> + Indoor go karts/a> div idIndoorGoKarts classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/indoorGoKart.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 35 Eur/pp/font>br> Are you competitive with your friends? This might be a great activity to do if you would like to quickly get that adrenaline rush! We’ll take you to the longest indoor Go-Kart track in Latvia where a lap is 250 meters long. Can you prove that you’re the fastest among your friends? /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueIndoorGoKarts onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#PartyBus> + Party Bus (with or without strippers)/a> div idPartyBus classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/partyBus.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 25 Eur/pp/font>br> Why go to the club if you can bring the club to you? Book a party bus as the airport transfer or just drive through the streets of Riga. Have your bartender save you in the moments when the glass is almost empty! Listen to your own music if you fancy something special! If you wish to do a special surprise for your friends, you can always add one or more strip dancers! /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valuePartyBus onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#4x4OffRead> + 4x4 Off Road/a> div id4x4OffRead classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/4x4_w.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 85 Eur/pp/font>br> Off-Road team’s motto is: ``Where the road ends, the journey begins!``. Sounds good, doesn’t it? What can be better than an adrenaline rush that makes your heart pound? Challenge yourself and your teammates. No matter - couples, friends or colleagues – everyone will have fun during Off-road driving! You will be picked up from your hotel with these 4x4 jeeps. The instructor will drive you out of the city borders where you can enjoy the pure off-road experience. Then the instructor will sit back and relax while you’re trying to get the team through the forest, sand, water and everything else you can and cannot imagine! /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton value4x4OffRead onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#PoleDanceClass> + Pole dance class for girls/a> div idPoleDanceClass classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/poleDance.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 55 Eur/pp/font>br> The ideal activity for hen parties! This will be interesting, challenging and it definitely will bring out a lot of laughter in your company! Although it does not look too hard, trust us – it is very challenging! But don’t worry, at the start, we’ll open a bottle of bubbly for you so you can loosen up a bit and just go for it. This definitely will keep your party buzzing for the rest of the night! No previous experience is needed. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valuePoleDanceClass onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#StripDinner> + Strip dinner/a> div idStripDinner classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/strip_dinner.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 55 Eur/pp/font>br> Imagine enjoying a nice, relaxed meal while enjoying a strip show right in front of you! This takes dinnertime to another level, doesn’t it? The dinner takes place at a strip club bar. Table reserved for your group with a two-course meal and two small beers for each. Dinner is served! /p> p> *Please note, there may be other groups also present. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueStripDinner onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#WalkingTour> + Walking Tour/a> div idWalkingTour classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/walkTour.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 20 Eur/pp/font>br> Such a diverse and historically rich city as Riga will keep your attention already by its charming looks, there is no doubt about that. But did you know that one of the bells in Riga church towers needed to be removed because of cheating wives? Have you heard how did we manage to keep our monument of freedom untouched during Soviet occupation times? Let one of our fun and charming guides take you through the streets of Riga Old Town so you can learn some interesting stories that will make you completely fall in love with our city! /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueWalkingTour onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#SUPpaddleBoarding> + SUP paddle boarding/a> div idSUPpaddleBoarding classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/sup.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 25 Eur/pp/font>br> Enjoy paddle boarding on the river or a lake - a fun and challenging activity in the fresh air. Perfect for the day after a wild night out! Balance on the board, enjoy the sunshine or freshen up by jumping in the water! No previous experience is needed. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueSUPpaddleBoarding onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#WaterPark> + Inflatable water park challenge/a> div idWaterPark classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/waterPark.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 35 Eur/pp/font>br> Have you ever watched the show “Takeshis Castle” and caught yourself thinking “Oh, common! It is so easy!”? Here is your chance to challenge yourself and find out how it really is! Trust us, youd be surprised how many times you can fall within a few minutes. A lot of laughs are guaranteed! This is a perfect summer activity - possible to extend the time on site and enjoy some BBQ and other activities like outdoor Go Karts, SUP boarding etc. (upon request). /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueWaterPark onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#BogShoeHiking> + Bog-shoe hiking tour/a> div idBogShoeHiking classaccordion-section-content> center>img srcimages/otherActivities/bogHiking.jpg width100%>/center> br> p> font size4>From 50 Eur/pp/font>br> Since childhood, our parents have told us to be careful and avoid walking in the swamp as some of them are as deep as 10 meters! It might look like solid ground, but any second you can sink into it and disappear. Be afraid! But hey! We’ve found a way to enjoy this mysterious yet beautiful and peaceful piece of land! The key is to use bog shoes! The guide will show you some amazing nature sites - visited only by a few - the ones who trust that we must do things outside the box. /p> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton valueBogShoeHiking onclickbookOtherActivities(this.value)> Book Now /button> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idcontentinner> div classcontent> a nameclubspubs>/a> p styletext-align:center> font size5> Pubs/Clubs /font> /p> p styletext-align:center>b>Explore the great variety of Rigas nighlife scene/b>/p> br> p styletext-align:center; font-size:small;>*Pubs and Clubs mentioned in the section below have an illustrative meaning. We do not include them all in our tour. During the pub crawl, you will visit three bars and a dance club./p> br> div classaccordion> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#latvianPubs> + Old-Style Latvian Pubs/a> div idlatvianPubs classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-2.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Old-Style Latvian Pubs/font>br> Usually, the interior consists of wooden logs and massive tables. These pubs offer a good variety of locally brewed beer and homemade Latvian wines. Definitely, the best places to get familiar with Latvian culture and cuisine. Enjoy folk music concerts and take part in Latvian karaoke. Old-style Latvian pubs recently have become popular with both locals and tourists from all over Europe. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#rockBars> + Rock Bars/a> div idrockBars classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-4.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Rock Bars/font>br> Dont expect a huge variety of beers here. Rock bars are all about music and rock stars. Set your watch back to the ‘90s, jump into the crowd and dance to the rhythm of grunge. There are also famous Latvian bands (not only rock) playing shows here, some of which can be overcrowded. Rock bars also pay tribute to Latvian rock music legends and some rooms are made into a museum. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#bestViewBar> + Bar with simply the best view of Riga /a> div idbestViewBar classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-5.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Bar with simply the best view of Riga/font>br> A perfect pub crawl cannot be done without visiting the iconic cocktail lounge located on the 26th floor of Riga`s highest hotel. It’s a bit more pricey, but chic and definitely worth a visit. The entrance fee and a welcome drink are included in the price. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#danceClubs> + Dance Clubs /a> div iddanceClubs classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-3.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Dance Clubs/font>br> Dance bars usually consist of a few separate areas with comfy seats where people chat with each other while slowly sipping beer or some cocktail. With every hour closer to midnight, these bars become livelier. Local DJs do their best to create a great atmosphere. Some of the dance bars have two or even three separate dance floors. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#englishPubs> + English and Irish Pubs /a> div idenglishPubs classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-1.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>English and Irish Pubs/font>br> You know what to expect here. Tourists from England and Ireland, well-known beer brands, loud chatter and laughter and, of course, football. So get yourself a pint of fresh Guinness, listen to live music, watch sports and order some classic British pub food like burgers, fish and chips, and Buffalo wings. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#nightClubs> + Nightclubs /a> div idnightClubs classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-6.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Nightclubs/font>br> Nightclubs in Riga vary from mid-size venues to ones with a capacity for 1,000 clubbers, with smoke machines, great audio systems, flashing lasers, go-go dancers and gorgeous bartenders. You’ll find everything to create a fascinating party. Some clubs also host various events and concerts. You have to be well-dressed to gain entrance to some of these clubs, and some ask to make a table reservation. /p> /div> /div> div classaccordion-section> a classaccordion-section-title href#stripClubs> + Strip Clubs /a> div idstripClubs classaccordion-section-content> center> img srcimages/clubs/club-7.jpg width100%> /center> br> p styletext-align:center> font size4>Strip Clubs/font>br> To some groups, the best place to finish off the pub crawl might be the strip clubs. There are strip clubs in Riga with a bad reputation but our guides can take you to the ones that are not tourist traps! /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classbuttonclick7>a hrefterms.php target_self>Terms & Conditions/a>/div> div idcontentinner> div classcontent> a namecontact>/a> p styletext-align:center>font size5>Contacts/font>/p> p styletext-align:center> Fill out the contact form below with your group details (number of people and preferred tour date) to get the quote and more information about the Riga Pub Crawl. /p> div classform> form namecontactform idcontactForm> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Activity:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classform-group rap-form-g> select classform-control rap-form idrapFormActivity> option classrapAnch value0 idPubCrawl>Pub Crawl/option> option classrapAnch valueSummerBobsleigh idSummerBobsleigh>Summer Bobsleigh/option> option classrapAnch valueElectricGoKarts idElectricGoKarts>Electric go karts/option> option classrapAnch valueCurling idCurling>Curling/option> option classrapAnch valueShootingRange idShootingRange>Shooting range/option> option classrapAnch valueClayPigeonShooting idClayPigeonShooting>Clay Pigeon Shooting/option> option classrapAnch valueBeerBike idBeerBike>Beer bike/option> option classrapAnch valueSaunaAndHotTube idSaunaAndHotTube>Sauna and a hot tub/option> option classrapAnch valueAirsoft idAirsoft>Airsoft/option> option classrapAnch valueZorbFootball idZorbFootball>Zorb Football/option> option classrapAnch valuePaintBall idPaintBall>Paintball/option> option classrapAnch valueQuadBikes idQuadBikes>Quad Bikes/option> option classrapAnch valueLaserTag idLaserTag>Laser Tag/option> option classrapAnch valueIndoorGoKarts idIndoorGoKarts>Indoor go karts/option> option classrapAnch valuePartyBus idPartyBus>Party Bus/option> option classrapAnch value4x4OffRead id4x4OffRead>4x4 Off Road/option> option classrapAnch valuePoleDanceClass idPoleDanceClass>Pole dance class for girls/option> option classrapAnch valueStripDinner idStripDinner>Strip dinner/option> option classrapAnch valueWalkingTour idWalkingTour>Walking Tour/option> option classrapAnch valueSUPpaddleBoarding idSUPpaddleBoarding>SUP paddle boarding/option> option classrapAnch valueWaterPark idWaterPark>Inflatable water park challenge/option> option classrapAnch valueBogShoeHiking idBogShoeHiking>Bog-shoe hiking tour/option> /select> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Name, Surname:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classinput-block rap-form> input typetext namename idrapFormName placeholderName, Surname onfocusthis.placeholder onblurthis.placeholder Enter Your Name and Surname /> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Booking Date:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classinput-block rap-form> input typedate namepickedDate idrapFormDate /> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Number of travelers:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classform-group rap-form-g> div classinput-block rap-form> input typetext idrapFormNumberOfTravelers placeholderNumber of persons onfocusthis.placeholder onblurthis.placeholder Enter number of persons /> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Phone number:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classinput-block rap-form> input typetext namephone idrapFormPhone placeholderPhone number onfocusthis.placeholder onblurthis.placeholder Enter Your Phone number/> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Email:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classinput-block rap-form> input typetext nameemail idrapFormEmail placeholdere-mail onfocusthis.placeholder onblurthis.placeholder Enter Your e-mail/> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> p idcontactInputDesc>Message:/p> /div> div classcol-sm-8> div classinput-block rap-form> input typetext namecomments idrapFormComment maxlength1000 /> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> /div> div classcol-sm-8> input typecheckbox idrapFormTerms checked> label forrapFormTerms>I agree with terms & Conditions/label> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> /div> div classcol-sm-8> input typecheckbox idrapFormTermsP checked> label forrapFormTermsP>I agree that my personal information such as name and contact number can be shared with third party (guides or drivers) for communication purposes./label> /div> /div> div classrow> div idresponse classcol-sm-12> button classsubmit_buttom rap-subBut typebutton idrapButton> Submit/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> /div> div classbuttonclick5> a href>img srcimages/whatsapp.png alignleft> Whatsapp/a> /div> div classbuttonclick6>a hreftel:0037128329863>Tap to Call/a>/div> !-- End Content --> /div>!-- margin --> !-- Start Footer --> div idfooter> p classsocialmedia> a hreftel:0037128329863 relnofollow>img srcimages/icon_phone.gif width38 height38 altClick to Call />/a> a 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