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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 10:06:38 GMTServer: ApacheExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: e84f031ddb7cea694f36900c9d828093535add79ccbff38e7e87b3d4d02e8525; path/; HttpOnlyLast-Modified: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 10:06:38 GMT !DOCTYPE html>html langen-gb dirltr>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management> title>Home/title> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleHome> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleHome> link href/media/system/images/joomla-favicon.svg relicon typeimage/svg+xml> link href/media/system/images/favicon.ico relalternate icon typeimage/> link href/media/system/images/joomla-favicon-pinned.svg relmask-icon color#000> link href/media/system/css/joomla-fontawesome.min.css?87031732b4ee011a887d5f35799d39dc rellazy-stylesheet />noscript>link href/media/system/css/joomla-fontawesome.min.css?87031732b4ee011a887d5f35799d39dc relstylesheet />/noscript> link href/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/css/global/colors_standard.min.css?87031732b4ee011a887d5f35799d39dc relstylesheet /> link href/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/css/template.min.css?87031732b4ee011a887d5f35799d39dc relstylesheet /> link href/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/css/vendor/joomla-custom-elements/joomla-alert.min.css?0.2.0 relstylesheet /> style>:root { --hue: 214; --template-bg-light: #f0f4fb; --template-text-dark: #495057; --template-text-light: #ffffff; --template-link-color: var(--link-color); --template-special-color: #001B4C; }/style> script typeapplication/json classjoomla-script-options new>{joomla.jtext:{ERROR:Error,MESSAGE:Message,NOTICE:Notice,WARNING:Warning,JCLOSE:Close,JOK:OK,JOPEN:Open},system.paths:{root:,rootFull:http:\/\/\/,base:,baseFull:http:\/\/\/},csrf.token:c0b2a81a059a8da8f5ce6f7a88a8bf28}/script> script src/media/system/js/core.min.js?9c761ae035a6bd778a710e6c0f5ff7de049b67a3>/script> script src/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/js/template.min.js?87031732b4ee011a887d5f35799d39dc defer>/script> script src/media/system/js/messages-es5.min.js?44e3f60beada646706be6569e75b36f7cf293bf9 nomodule defer>/script> script src/media/system/js/messages.min.js?7425e8d1cb9e4f061d5e30271d6d99b085344117 typemodule>/script>/head>body classsite com_content wrapper-static view-featured no-layout no-task itemid-101> header classheader container-header full-width> div classgrid-child> div classnavbar-brand> a classbrand-logo href/> img classlogo d-inline-block loadingeager decodingasync src/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/images/logo.svg altLas Vegas Wargamers> /a> /div> /div> /header> div classsite-grid> div classgrid-child container-component> div idsystem-message-container aria-livepolite>/div> main> div classblog-featured itemscope itemtype> div classpage-header> h1> Home /h1> /div> div classblog-items items-leading > div classblog-item itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> div classitem-content> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> From 2018 Onwards Into 2019 /h2> dl classarticle-info text-muted> dt classarticle-info-term> /dt> dd classcreatedby itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> span classicon-user icon-fw aria-hiddentrue>/span> Written by: span itempropname>Super User/span> /dd> dd classpublished> span classicon-calendar icon-fw aria-hiddentrue>/span> time datetime2019-06-30T21:45:42+00:00 itempropdatePublished> Published: 30 June 2019 /time>/dd> /dl> p>Hi everyone,/p>p>Thanks for making 2018 a great year of gaming for our Club!Our annual Hunt was Pulp themed as the crews of Tramp steamers tried to capture Cthulhu mythos monsters. In 15mm we fought in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, and the annual WW3 Tanksgiving. In 28mm our Colonials forces we fought in the Boxer Rebellion, the Sudan, and the Russian Civil War. We even recreated the 40K Gamesday event Rourkes Drift with the Preatorian Imperial Guard v. the Space Orks./p>p>Like most other independent clubs the last few years we struggled to keep attention on our Club Forums (FB), and not just posting on Retailer or Manufacturer Forums. This is only an issue as it makes the club appear inactive, and our membership does not get to share in your energy and excitement about your projects - unless they seek out that specific manufacturers forum. Yet at the same time this also means we remain open to and supportive of those who play at only one location or a single game system./p>p> /p>p>In 2019 we will plan to keep reinforcing our goal of being a pan game and pan location club./p>p>This year at a glance we are hosting the following games:/p>p>/p>p>January - Annual Big Hunt (28mm Colonials v. Dinosaurs)/p>p>February - The Las Vegas Open (Battletech, Cthulhu, 40K, Osprey, ACW, Warlord, etc.)/p>p>March, June, & September - Bongolesia/Junta 15mm Team Yankee games/p>p>April - 28mm Colonials on Venus 1889/p>p>May & October - 28mm Dark Age Donnybrook in Roman England/p>p>July - Desert Wars 2019 (back at the Old Fort)/p>p>August - 28mm Colonials @ Turkestan 1889/p>p>November - 15mm Modern Tanksgiving (Team Yankee)/p>p>December - 28mm Colonials @ Mars 1889 featuring Liftwood Flyers/p>p> /p>p>During the course of the year I will of course be running Battletech scenario games once a quarter for Catalyst, as well as, Cthulhu monster v. Human games from the Xothic Wars rules I co-wrote. Likewise Dan, Bob, Kurt, Steve, and others offer up their homes or arrange with stores to put on a variety of other games during the calendar year./p>p>And lastly in January 2020 we will have a Evil Mastermind Big Hunt. The annual event will go dark as the players will assume the identities of evil masterminds like Dr. Evil, Robo Hitler, Cobra Commander, etc. and hunt down the US Special Forces Joe team trying to stop their diabolical plans. This will be prefaced by 3 small random games over the year. Each game won will provide the players with a couple of extra Henchmen to help their victory in January 2020./p>p>Here is to another great year,/p>p>Jason Coffey/p>p>VP of Public Gaming/p>p>(702) 354-6875/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /main> /div> /div> /body>/html>
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