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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 795date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 18:33:32 GMTserver: LiteSpeedlocation: hostingerpanel: hpanelcontent-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requests !DOCTYPE html>html styleheight:100%>head>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno />title> 301 Moved Permanently/title>style>@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background-color:#000!important}}/style>/head>body stylecolor: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;>div styleheight:auto; min-height:100%; > div styletext-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;> h1 stylemargin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;>301/h1>h2 stylemargin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;>Moved Permanently/h2>p>The document has been permanently moved./p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmllast-modified: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 18:34:16 GMTetag: a2a0-6377d028-696c715b26995c36;;;accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 41632date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 18:33:33 GMTserver: LiteSpeedplatform: hostingerpanel: hpanelcontent-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requests !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> link relshortcut icon href./img/logo.webp typeimage/x-icon> title>Luinni International - Frozen Fruits from Mexico./title> META NAMEKEYWORDS CONTENTcomida congelada,iqf,frutas,fruta congelada> META NAMEResource-type CONTENTHomepage> META NAMEDateCreated CONTENTWed, 26 October 2022 00:00:00 GMT-3> META NAMERevisit-after CONTENT14 days> META NAMErobots contentALL> meta namedescription contentLuinni Internacional S. de R.L. de C.V has its origins in the marketing of frozen raspberries, blueberries and strawberries initially as part of the expansion process of Eluinni S.A de C.V more than 20 years ago.> !-- Open Graph / Facebook --> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite> meta propertyog:url content> meta propertyog:title contentLuinni International - Frozen Fruits from Mexico.> meta propertyog:description contentLuinni Internacional S. de R.L. de C.V has its origins in the marketing of frozen raspberries, blueberries and strawberries initially as part of the expansion process of Eluinni S.A de C.V more than 20 years ago.> meta propertyog:image content./img/logo.webp> !-- Twitter --> meta propertytwitter:card contentsummary_large_image> meta propertytwitter:url content> meta propertytwitter:title contentLuinni International - Frozen Fruits from Mexico.> meta propertytwitter:description contentLuinni Internacional S. de R.L. de C.V has its origins in the marketing of frozen raspberries, blueberries and strawberries initially as part of the expansion process of Eluinni S.A de C.V more than 20 years ago.> meta propertytwitter:image content./img/logo.webp> script src./script/script.js defer>/script> link relstylesheet href./style/style.css> link relstylesheet href./style/splide.min.css> link relcanonical href />/head>body> header> a href#home classlogo>img width40px height36px loadinglazy src./img/logo.webp height36 altLuinni Internacional Logo> p>Luinni International/p> /a> ul classsocial> li> a>svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#fff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg>/a> /li> li> a href relnoreferrer target_blank>svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-brand-youtube width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#fff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx4 /> path dM10 9l5 3l-5 3z /> /svg>/a> /li> li> a href relnoreferrer target_blank>svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-brand-linkedin width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#fff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x4 y4 width16 height16 rx2 /> line x18 y111 x28 y216 /> line x18 y18 x28 y28.01 /> line x112 y116 x212 y211 /> path dM16 16v-3a2 2 0 0 0 -4 0 /> /svg>/a> /li> li> a href relnoreferrer target_blank> svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mailbox width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#ffffff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> path dM10 21v-6.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 -7 0v6.5h18v-6a4 4 0 0 0 -4 -4h-10.5 /> path dM12 11v-8h4l2 2l-2 2h-4 /> path dM6 15h1 /> /svg> /a> /li> li> a classtoggle onclicktoggleMenu()> svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-menu-2 width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#ffffff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> line x14 y16 x220 y26 /> line x14 y112 x220 y212 /> line x14 y118 x220 y218 /> /svg> /a> /li> /ul> ul classmenu> li> div classlanguage> img onclickselectLanguage() classlanguageSelector src./img/united-states.png height24 width24 altEnglish Flag srcset> div classoptions__language> a href./es/>img src./img/mexico.png height24 width24 altMexican Flag>/a> a href./fr/>img src./img/france.png height24 width24 altFrench Flag>/a> a href./de/>img src./img/germany.png height24 width24 altGerman Flag>/a> /div> /div> /li> li>a href#about>About us/a>/li> li>a href#products>Products/a>/li> li>a href#team>Equipment/a>/li> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /header> main> section classbanner idhome> div classsplide aria-labelSplide Basic HTML Example> div classsplide__track> ul classsplide__list> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/banner1.webp altFrozen Pinneapple> div classbanner__card banner__card__left> h1>We export worldwide/h1> p>IQF Frozen Fruit/p> /div> /li> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/Frozen-Pineapple-Mango-Daquiri-7-of-7_11zon.webp altIQF Fruit> /li> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/frutilla_11zon.webp altBest of Mexico> div classbanner__card banner__card__right> h2>The Best of Mexico/h2> p>Aseptic and pasteurized purees/p> /div> /li> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/fr405main.webp altFruit> /li> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/WhatsApp Image 2022-10-11 at 13.09.41_11zon.webp altOur operations> div classbanner__card banner__card__left> h2>Expanding our operations/h2> p>The best market conditions/p> /div> /li> li classsplide__slide> img loadinglazy src./img/pexels-alesia-talkachova-2768281.webp altFrozen Fruits> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> div classabout__bg> div classwrapper__about> section classabout idabout> img loadinglazy src./img/fr405main.webp classone altBlackberry About> h2>About Us/h2> img loadinglazy src./img/pi027_11zon.webp classtwo altAvocado About> div classcontent> p> Luinni Internacional S. de RL de CV has its origins in the marketing of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries for more than 20 years. br> br> Luinni International was recently created as part of the companys integration into new strategic alliances in Germany and France, where the range of IQF frozen products & Mango, blackberry, pineapple and avocado purees, among others, was expanded. br> br> Currently, as part of our expansion process, we are constantly looking for business partners and customers around the world. /p> a href#products> span>SEE OUR PRODUCTS/span> svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-left width32 height32 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#000000 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> line x15 y112 x219 y212 /> line x15 y112 x211 y218 /> line x15 y112 x211 y26 /> /svg> /a> /div> img loadinglazy src./img/ba99f44e4e96c7aee934798aa35c86cb.webp classthree altRaspberry About> /section> /div> /div> div classmision__bg> div classwrapper__about> section classmision> img loadinglazy src./img/mission1_11zon.webp classone altMision Image one> h2>MISSION AND PURPOSE/h2> img loadinglazy src./img/mission2_11zon.webp classtwo altMision Image two> div classcontent> p> Support Mexican producers in the agri-food industry to export their products around the world, positioning Luinni International in the international market with Mexican producers. br> br> Working hand in hand with Mexican producers to market good quality fruits and vegetables internationally, through a strategic alliance model that integrates the value chain from the field to the market. br> br> Apply the skills acquired during more than three decades in the agribusiness industry, resulting in mutual growth between Mexican producers and Luinni International. /p> a href#contact> span>CONTACT US/span> svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-left width32 height32 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#000000 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> line x15 y112 x219 y212 /> line x15 y112 x211 y218 /> line x15 y112 x211 y26 /> /svg> /a> /div> img loadinglazy src./img/mission3_11zon.webp classthree altMision Image three> /section> /div> /div> section classproducts idproducts> h2>Our Products/h2> ul> li onclickopenPdf(3)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/raspberry.webp altFrozen raspberries> /div> p>Raspberry/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(0)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/how-to-freeze-blackberries-pin_11zon.webp altFrozen Blackberries> /div> p>Blackberry/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(1)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/strawberries.webp altFrozen strawberries> /div> p>Strawberry/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(2)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/blueberries.webp altFrozen blueberries> /div> p>Blueberry/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(4)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/pineapple.webp altFrozen pinneapples> /div> p>Pineapple/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(5)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/mango.webp altFrozen mango> /div> p>Mango/p> /li> li onclickopenPdf(6)> div classimg__product> img width300px height250px loadinglazy src./img/avocado.webp altFrozen avocado> /div> p>Avocado/p> /li> /ul> a href./pdf/LUINNI INTERNATIONAL CATALOGO.pdf>Download Our Catalogue/a> /section> section classcertifications> h2>Our Certifications/h2> ul> li>img loadinglazy src./img/SQF_11zon.webp altSQF>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/BRC-gesycal.webp altBRC>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/Primus_11zon.webp altPRIMUS>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/fssc_22000.webp altFSSC 2000>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/globalGap_11zon.webp altGLOBAL GAP>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/usda_11zon.webp altUSDA>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/Kosher_11zon.webp altKOSHER>/li> li>img loadinglazy src./img/Organic_11zon.webp altORGANIC>/li> /ul> /section> section classteam idteam> h2>Our Team/h2> ul> li> div classimg__team> img loadinglazy src./img/EDGAR FUENTES_11zon.webp altEdgar Fuentes> /div> a classname> Edgar Luinni Fuentes svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#0E2A30 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg> /a> p classposition>CEO & Managin Director/p> /li> li> div classimg__team> img loadinglazy src./img/JOSELYN_11zon.webp altJoselyn Salazar> /div> a classname> Joselyn Salazar svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#0E2A30 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg> /a> p classposition>Operations Manager/p> /li> li> div classimg__team> img loadinglazy src./img/TRISTAN_11zon.webp altTristan Azuela> /div> a classname> Tristan Azuela svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#0E2A30 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg> /a> p classposition>Country Manager/p> /li> li> div classimg__team> img loadinglazy src./img/SEVERINE_11zon.webp altSeverine Viconte> /div> a classname> Severine Viconte svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#0E2A30 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg> /a> p classposition>Country Manager/p> /li> li> div classimg__team> img loadinglazy src./img/VALENTIN BRAUN_11zon.webp altValentin Braun> /div> a classname> Valentin Braun svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-mail width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#0E2A30 fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> rect x3 y5 width18 height14 rx2 /> polyline points3 7 12 13 21 7 /> /svg> /a> p classposition>Country Manager/p> /li> /ul> /section> section classcontact idcontact> div classtop__contact> div classtop__form> h2>Contact us/h2> p>For a better service, you can contact us through our emails or if you prefer by phone, we have contacts in each place to which we export to provide a better service and thus be able to provide the information they require more quickly and efficiently. /p> div classform__contact> form action./form.php methodPOST> input typetext placeholderName namename> input typetext placeholderPhone namephone> input typetext placeholderEmail nameemail> input typetext placeholderAddress nameaddress> input typesubmit valueSend classsend> /form> /div> /div> div classtop__map> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2928.7949830197144!2d-99.12780148353718!3d19.363976452632816!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x85d1fe4002ae09ff%3A0x2982e38b7bba8f3e!2sRtno%20302%2C%20Modelo%2C%2009089%20Ciudad%20de%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20CDMX%2C%20M%C3%A9xico!5e0!3m2!1ses!2sar!4v1665750068400!5m2!1ses!2sar width100% height450 styleborder:0; allowfullscreentrue loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe> /div> /div> ul classoffices> li classoffice> h3>Office in Mexico/h3> p classperson__office>Edgar Luinni Fuentes Cordova span classrole__office>CEO & Managing Director/span> /p> p classphone__office>span>Phone: /span> a href>(+52) 55 3857 5745/a>/p> p>Luinni International S. de R.L. de C.V./p> p classaddress__office>span>Address: /span>Calle Ret 302, Colonia Unidad Modelo, Iztapalapa 09089 CDMX (México)/p> p classemail__office>span>Email: /span>a>>/p> div classmap__office> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2928.7949830197144!2d-99.12780148353718!3d19.363976452632816!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x85d1fe4002ae09ff%3A0x2982e38b7bba8f3e!2sRtno%20302%2C%20Modelo%2C%2009089%20Ciudad%20de%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20CDMX%2C%20M%C3%A9xico!5e0!3m2!1ses!2sar!4v1665750068400!5m2!1ses!2sar width100% height150 styleborder:0; border-radius: 12px;margin-top:25px allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe> /div> /li> li classoffice> h3>Office in France/h3> p classperson__office>Séverine Vincotte span classrole__office>Country Manager/span> /p> p classphone__office>span>Phone: /span> a href>(+33) 662 020 100/a>/p> p>Elinove Cactus Distribution S.A.R.L/p> p classaddress__office>span>Address: /span>41 rue dAguesseau,92100 Boulogne Billancourt, Paris (FRANCE)/p> p classemail__office>span>Email: /span>a>>/p> div classmap__office> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2625.7985317182392!2d2.2346930155544324!3d48.84298147928596!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x47e67adc019052d3%3A0xfac4302cecf84775!2s41%20Rue%20d'Aguesseau%2C%2092100%20Boulogne-Billancourt%2C%20Francia!5e0!3m2!1ses!2sar!4v1665750183290!5m2!1ses!2sar width100% height150 styleborder:0; border-radius: 12px;margin-top:25px allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe> /div> /li> li classoffice> h3>Office in Germany/h3> p classperson__office>Valentin Braun span classrole__office>Country Manager/span> /p> p classphone__office>span>Phone: /span> a href>(+49) 178 549 4202/a>/p> p>Nonplusultra trade deutschland GMBH/p> p classaddress__office>span>Address: /span>Schellingstr, 43D-22089 Hamburgo (GERMANY)/p> p classemail__office>span>Email: /span>a>>/p> div classmap__office> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2369.307323320337!2d10.048641015739134!3d53.570131580026455!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x47b18eb21eaed7e9%3A0xe79b8767a4829afa!2sSchellingstra%C3%9Fe%2043%2C%2022089%20Hamburg%2C%20Alemania!5e0!3m2!1ses!2sar!4v1665750291433!5m2!1ses!2sar width100% height150 styleborder:0; border-radius: 12px;margin-top:25px allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe> /div> /li> /ul> /section> /main> footer> div classcopy>Ⓒ 2022 Luinni International S. de R.L. de C.V. All rights reserved./div> ul> li>a onclickopenPdf(7)>Notice of privacy/a>/li> li>a onclickopenPdf(8)>Terms and conditions/a>/li> /ul> /footer> !-- PDFS --> a href./pdf/01zar.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/02fre.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/03ara.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/04fra.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/05pin.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/06man.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/07agu.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/Privacy Policy - Luinni International.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> a href./pdf/Terms and Conditions - luinni internacional.pdf target_blank relnoreferrer classinvisible>/a> div classembed__container> button onclickopenPdf(0)> svg xmlns classicon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrows-minimize width32 height32 viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 stroke#ffffff fillnone stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround> path strokenone dM0 0h24v24H0z fillnone /> polyline points5 9 9 9 9 5 /> line x13 y13 x29 y29 /> polyline points5 15 9 15 9 19 /> line x13 y121 x29 y215 /> polyline points19 9 15 9 15 5 /> line x115 y19 x221 y23 /> polyline points19 15 15 15 15 19 /> line x115 y115 x221 y221 /> /svg> /button> embed src./pdf/01zar.pdf#zoom120&toolbar1&viewFitH typeapplication/pdf width100% height80% styleposition: relative; 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