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Give us a call today, we'd love to hear from you! />meta namerobots contentindex, follow />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />link relcanonical href> meta propertyog:title contentLocal Pride | Heating Oil in Southeast New Hampshire /> meta propertyog:description contentAt Local Pride we supply heating oil including: #2 Fuel, Blended Fuel, K-1 Kerosene and On-Road Diesel Fuel to the Tri-City and Southern Foothills regions of New Hampshire and Maine. We deliver heating oil to most communities on a daily basis. Give us a call today, we'd love to hear from you! /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyog:image content /> meta propertyog:image:width content1200 /> meta propertyog:image:height content630 /> meta propertyog:url content /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes57x57 href,0.505&modecrop&width57&height57> link relapple-touch-icon sizes60x60 href,0.505&modecrop&width60&height60> link relapple-touch-icon sizes72x72 href,0.505&modecrop&width72&height72> link relapple-touch-icon sizes76x76 href,0.505&modecrop&width76&height76> link relapple-touch-icon sizes114x114 href,0.505&modecrop&width114&height114> link relapple-touch-icon sizes120x120 href,0.505&modecrop&width120&height120> link relapple-touch-icon sizes144x144 href,0.505&modecrop&width144&height144> link relapple-touch-icon sizes152x152 href,0.505&modecrop&width152&height152> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href,0.505&modecrop&width180&height180> link relicon typeimage/png sizes192x192 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Primary Navigation, logo left, nav items center, cta right --> div idstripNavTwoStripsLogoLeftCtaRight_Primary classoutermost nav-primary-links bg- > div classcontainer-fluid px-0 px-0 px-md-2> nav classd-flex d-md-flex justify-content-between justify-content-md-between > !-- logo --> div classnav-logo align-self-center> a classd-none d-md-block href#btop>img altLogo titleLogo src />/a> a classd-sm-block d-md-none logo-mobile href#btop>img altLogo titleLogo src />/a> div classextra1>/div> /div> div classsecondaryholder navItemsRight> div classd-none d-md-inline-block primarynavitems idprimarynavitems> !-- middle nav --> ul classnav navbar-nav id> !--center nav items --> li classnav-item > a classnav-link href/who-we-are > span classnav-text d-md-block>Who We Are/span> span classnav-text d-none d-sm-block d-md-none>Who We Are/span> /a> /li> li classnav-item > a classnav-link href/delivery > span classnav-text d-md-block>What We Do/span> span classnav-text d-none d-sm-block d-md-none>What We Do/span> /a> /li> li classnav-item > a classnav-link href/fuel-options > span classnav-text d-md-block>Fuel Options/span> span classnav-text d-none d-sm-block d-md-none>Fuel Options/span> /a> /li> li classnav-item > a classnav-link href/homeowner-education > span classnav-text d-md-block>Homeowner Education/span> span classnav-text d-none d-sm-block d-md-none>Homeowner Education/span> /a> /li> li classnav-item > a classnav-link href/contact > span classnav-text d-md-block>Contact/span> span classnav-text d-none d-sm-block d-md-none>Contact/span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> !-- mobile button --> button classdrawer-toggle hamburger hamburger--collapse d-inline-block d-md-none aria-labelMenu typebutton> span classhamburger-box> span classhamburger-inner>/span> /span> /button> /div> /nav> /div> /div>/div> div classallbutnav> script> var videos { poster :,mp4 :,ogg : ,webm : },{ poster :,mp4 :,ogg : ,webm : }, console.log(Videos , videos);/script>header classoutermost astrip stripBackgroundVideoHtml5 bg- text- vh-100 style> div classstripinner> div classmt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 video-content mobile-image style> div classcontainer > div classrow align-items-end vh-100 > div classcol-md-12 align-items-end > div classlocalpride-header>h1 styletext-align: center;>Local Pridebr />span>Heating Oil/span>/h1>p styletext-align: center;>See the Difference a Little Pride Can Make/p>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idvideo-player classfullscreen-bg video-player> video data-videonumber0 classfullscreen-bg__video video fade-in-video is-playing autobuffer muted poster/media/7142/snowfall-29314.png> source src typevideo/mp4> /video> video data-videonumber1 classfullscreen-bg__video video fade-in-video autobuffer muted poster/media/7110/170307_particles_29_1080p_optimized.png> source src typevideo/mp4> /video> /div> div classextra1>/div> div classextra2>/div> img src classimagespace invisible alt/> /div>/header>style typetext/css> .stripBackgroundVideoHtml5 .mobile-image { background: url(; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .stripBackgroundVideoHtml5 .mobile-image { background-image: none !important; background: transparent !important; } } .stripBackgroundVideoHtml5.mobiledevice .mobile-image { background: url( !important; } /style>script typetext/javascript src/_assets/js/StripBackgroundVideoHtml5.js >/script> div classmain-content HomePage parent-holderStandard> section idintro>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stellarprops stripGrid2Cell bg-white text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center center; background-size: cover; data-stellar-background-ratio0.8 data-stellar-horizontal-offset0 > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-5 pb-1 > div classrow justify-content-around > div classcol-md-7 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h3>We Know span classtext-secondary>You Have Choices/span>/h3>p>Southeast New Hampshire residents have a bewildering array of heating oil companies to choose from when it comes to heating their homes. From one truck operators to international mega-corporations. Some companies focus on volume, others on cash. To some you’re a number. To Local Pride you’re family./p>h3>span classtext-secondary>Taking Care of YOU/span> is What We Do!/h3>p>If bottom line price is your ultimate driver we are probably not the heating oil company for you. Our family is worth more than that. If you want straight answers and a friendly, reliable crew that gets there when they say they will... That’s us. That’s Local Pride. You have better things to do than worry about heating your home. You need someone who knows what they are doing… someone who takes your comfort and convenience as their top priority…someone who treats you like family./p> /div> div classw-100>/div> div classcol-md-7 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classwidget imageBasicWidget mt-5 text-center text-md- no-content> img src altsteve wallace classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src altsteve wallace classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src altsteve wallace classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classextra1>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idintro-continued>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stellarprops stripGrid2Cell bg-white text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center center; background-size: cover; data-stellar-background-ratio0.8 data-stellar-horizontal-offset0 > div classcontainer-fluid mt-4 mb-0 pt-0 pb-7 > div classrow justify-content-around > div classcol-md-7 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h3>span classtext-secondary>See the Difference/span> a Little Pride Can Make/h3>p>What we do – and do very well – is take care of folks. We bring the heat anywhere within a couple days and most deliveries are next day. We still offer a 100 gallon minimum. We offer discounts for seniors, veterans, Automatic Delivery and Automatic credit card billing. We can do volume discounts, Snowbird Billing, Fuel Assistance and cash deliveries too!/p>h3>The Choice is span classtext-secondary>Clear/span>/h3>p>Are we the cheapest? No. Never have been, never will be. Do we have hidden costs like taxes and credit card fees? No – never have, never will. Do we show up when we say we will? Yes! Do you pay what we said you would? Yes! When you choose Local Pride you have decided that you have more important things to do than chase the bottom dollar and worry about heating your home./p> div classtext-center text-md-left bootstrapButtonWidget >a classbtn btn-secondary btn-md d-block d-md-inline-block left href/contact>span>Join Our Family/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section id3-image-boxes>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-gray-lightest text- style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-5 pb-5 > div classrow justify-content-around > div classcol-md-11 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h3 styletext-align: center; margin: 0 0 2.5rem;>span classtext-primary-dark>Find Out What Weve Been Doing for the Last span classtext-secondary>25 Years/span>/span>/h3> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > a href/who-we-are classcard widget widget-card > img classcard-img-top src/media/7066/katie-wallace-sign.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width441px&height313px alt> span classcard-block> span classcard-text> h3 styletext-align: center;>Our History/h3> /span> /span> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > a href/fuel-options classcard widget widget-card > img classcard-img-top src/media/7067/katie-wallace-tanks-snow.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width441px&height313px alt> span classcard-block> span classcard-text> h3 styletext-align: center;>Fuel Options/h3> /span> /span> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > a href/delivery classcard widget widget-card > img classcard-img-top src/media/7069/katie-wallace-barn-and-truck.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width441px&height313px alt> span classcard-block> span classcard-text> h3 styletext-align: center;>Delivery Service/h3> /span> /span> /a> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> /div> footer class> div >div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary-dark text-primary-lighter style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-6 pb-5 > div classrow > div classcol-md-3 bg- pl-3 pl-md-0 pt-2 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classwidget imageBasicWidget mb-4 text-center text-md-left no-content> img src alt classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src alt classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src alt classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classextra1>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h4 stylemargin-bottom: 0;>span classtext-primary-lightest>Connect With Us/span>/h4> ul classwidget-social-links >li>a aria-labelFacebook Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-facebook-square>/i>/a> /li> li>a aria-labelGoogle Places Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-google-plus-square >/i>/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-3 bg- pl-3 pl-md-0 pl-lg-3 small pt-0 pb-0 style > h4>span classtext-primary-lightest>Address/span>/h4> p>25 Hancock Stbr />Rochester, NH 03867br />a hreftel:16033300800>(603) 330-0800/a>/p> /div> div classcol-md-2 bg- px-3 px-md-0 ml-auto pt-0 pb-0 style > h4>span classtext-primary-lightest>Sitelinks/span>/h4> div classlistNodesWidget > /div> div classlistNodesWidget > ul> li classmanual> a href/who-we-are> Who We Are /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/fuel-options> Fuel Options /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/delivery> Delivery /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/homeowner-education> Homeowner Education /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div >div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary-lightest text- style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-between > div classcol-md-5 bg- p-3 p-md-0 pt-0 pb-0 style > p classflylightcredit text-center text-md-left>span classsmall p text-primary-darker>©2020 Local Pride Heating Oil/span>/p> /div> div classcol-md-5 bg- p-3 p-md-0 pt-0 pb-0 style > p classflylightcredit text-center text-md-right>span classsmall p text-primary-darker>Hand-Crafted by a relnoopener href target_blank>Flylight Media/a> | Portsmouth, NH/span>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /footer> /div> script>var observer lozad(.lazy, { threshold: .1, enableAutoReload: !0, load: function (e) { e.src e.getAttribute(data-src), e.onload function () { } } }); var backgroundObserver lozad(.lazybg, { threshold: .1 }); observer.observe(); backgroundObserver.observe();/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script> $(.hamburger).click(function () { $(window).scrollTop(0); });/script> /body>/html>
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