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figure class>img width300 height182 src class altZoom H4essential Test Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/recording/>Recording/a> / a href/recording/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Zoom H4essential Test /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altBehringer LM Drum: Verbesserter LinnDrum Klon erhältlich Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/recording/>Recording/a> / a href/recording/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Behringer LM Drum: Verbesserter LinnDrum Klon erhältlich /a> /p> 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href/recording/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Novation Launchkey 25 MK4 Test /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div classnav__menu__category | xl:text-white> a classnav__menu__item--text xl:relative xl:leading-none href/dj/>DJ/a> div classdropdown-hint | xl:hidden> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__wrapper | NavFadeOutUp> div classxl:container | xl:grid xl:grid-cols-11 xl:gap-x-7> div classxl:col-span-2> a href/dj/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypecategory>Alle/a> a href/dj/news/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypenews>News/a> a href/dj/tests/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypetest>Test/a> a href/dj/workshops/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypeworkshop>Workshop/a> a href/dj/features/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypefeature>Features/a> /div> div classnav__post-list | xl:flex col-start-3 col-span-9 hidden data-rolenavPosts data-posttypegeneral> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altWorkshop Mashup erstellen und was es zu beachten gibt Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/dj/>DJ/a> / a href/dj/workshops/>Workshops/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Workshop Mashup erstellen und was es zu beachten gibt /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altHighlights des Jahres 2024: DJ, PA und Licht Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/dj/>DJ/a> / a href/dj/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Highlights des Jahres 2024: DJ, PA und Licht /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height182 src class altDie Weihnachts-Playlist für Weihnachtsmuffel Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/dj/>DJ/a> / a href/dj/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Die Weihnachts-Playlist für Weihnachtsmuffel /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altDJ.Studio 3.0 ist da – noch mehr DAW-Power für eure DJ-Mixe Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2032w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/dj/>DJ/a> / a href/dj/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> DJ.Studio 3.0 ist da – noch mehr DAW-Power für eure DJ-Mixe /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altSchallplatten aufbewahren: 8 Goldene Regeln Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/dj/>DJ/a> / a href/dj/workshops/>Workshops/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Schallplatten aufbewahren: 8 Goldene Regeln /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div classnav__menu__category | xl:text-white> a classnav__menu__item--text xl:relative xl:leading-none href/drums/>Drums/a> div classdropdown-hint | xl:hidden> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__wrapper | NavFadeOutUp> div classxl:container | xl:grid xl:grid-cols-11 xl:gap-x-7> div classxl:col-span-2> a href/drums/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypecategory>Alle/a> a href/drums/news/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypenews>News/a> a href/drums/tests/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypetest>Test/a> a href/drums/workshops/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypeworkshop>Workshop/a> a href/drums/features/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypefeature>Features/a> /div> div classnav__post-list | xl:flex col-start-3 col-span-9 hidden data-rolenavPosts data-posttypegeneral> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altFrohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr aus der Drums Redaktion Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/drums/>Drums/a> / a href/drums/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr aus der Drums Redaktion /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altE-Drum aufnehmen: Vier einfache Möglichkeiten Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/drums/>Drums/a> / a href/drums/workshops/>Workshops/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> E-Drum aufnehmen: Vier einfache Möglichkeiten /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altNeue Phil Collins Interview-Doku geht viral Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/drums/>Drums/a> / a href/drums/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Neue Phil Collins Interview-Doku geht viral /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altNeue Entwicklungen beim Thema Scheinselbständigkeit an Musikschulen und der Petitionsaufruf des DTKV Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/drums/>Drums/a> / a href/drums/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Neue Entwicklungen beim Thema Scheinselbständigkeit an Musikschulen und der Petitionsaufruf des DTKV /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altPromark 5AB Sticks, Nylon Brushes, Hybrid Rods, Evans Sizzler Test Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1400w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/drums/>Drums/a> / a href/drums/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Promark 5AB Sticks, Nylon Brushes, Hybrid Rods, Evans Sizzler Test /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div classnav__menu__category | xl:text-white> a classnav__menu__item--text xl:relative xl:leading-none href/keyboard/>Keyboard/a> div classdropdown-hint | xl:hidden> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__wrapper | NavFadeOutUp> div classxl:container | xl:grid xl:grid-cols-11 xl:gap-x-7> div classxl:col-span-2> a href/keyboard/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypecategory>Alle/a> a href/keyboard/news/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypenews>News/a> a href/keyboard/tests/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypetest>Test/a> a href/keyboard/workshops/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypeworkshop>Workshop/a> a href/keyboard/features/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypefeature>Features/a> /div> div classnav__post-list | xl:flex col-start-3 col-span-9 hidden data-rolenavPosts data-posttypegeneral> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altGewinnspiel: 1x Arturia MiniFreak Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/keyboard/>Keyboard/a> / a href/keyboard/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Gewinnspiel: 1x Arturia MiniFreak /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altTangible 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classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Roland Juno-D6 Test /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div classnav__menu__category | xl:text-white> a classnav__menu__item--text xl:relative xl:leading-none href/pa/>PA/a> div classdropdown-hint | xl:hidden> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> span classdropdown-hint__line>/span> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__wrapper | NavFadeOutUp> div classxl:container | xl:grid xl:grid-cols-11 xl:gap-x-7> div classxl:col-span-2> a href/pa/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypecategory>Alle/a> a href/pa/news/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypenews>News/a> a href/pa/tests/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypetest>Test/a> a href/pa/workshops/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypeworkshop>Workshop/a> a href/pa/features/ classsubmenu__item data-posttypefeature>Features/a> /div> div classnav__post-list | xl:flex col-start-3 col-span-9 hidden data-rolenavPosts data-posttypegeneral> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altHighlights des Jahres 2024: DJ, PA und Licht Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/pa/>PA/a> / a href/pa/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Highlights des Jahres 2024: DJ, PA und Licht /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altthe box Travel Pack 8 Test Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2032w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/pa/>PA/a> / a href/pa/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> the box Travel Pack 8 Test /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated 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Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/pa/>PA/a> / a href/pa/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> FoH-Ratgeber: Welche DI-Boxen braucht eure Band beim Gig? /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altWunschzettel 2024 aus der DJ-, PA- und Licht-Redaktion Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/pa/>PA/a> / a href/pa/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Wunschzettel 2024 aus der DJ-, PA- und Licht-Redaktion /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div 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decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/licht/>Licht/a> / a href/licht/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Highlights des Jahres 2024: DJ, PA und Licht /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altWohnzimmerkonzert beleuchten: Tipps für deinen Livestream Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/licht/>Licht/a> / a href/licht/workshops/>Workshops/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Wohnzimmerkonzert beleuchten: Tipps für deinen Livestream /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altVarytec Hero Wash 300 FC Test Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2032w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/licht/>Licht/a> / a href/licht/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC Test /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altWunschzettel 2024 aus der DJ-, PA- und Licht-Redaktion Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/licht/>Licht/a> / a href/licht/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Wunschzettel 2024 aus der DJ-, PA- und Licht-Redaktion /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated 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Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/vocals/>Vocals/a> / a href/vocals/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Nur noch Solo-Artists in den Charts: Wo sind die Bands? /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height157 src class altDie Dos and Don'ts als Supportact: Erfolgreich als Vorband auftreten Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/vocals/>Vocals/a> / a href/vocals/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Die Dos and Don'ts als Supportact: Erfolgreich als Vorband auftreten /a> /p> /div> /div> div 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/div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altWaldorf Blofeld Plug-in ab sofort erhältlich Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/software/>Software/a> / a href/software/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Waldorf Blofeld Plug-in ab sofort erhältlich /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altGForce IconDrum Test Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2000w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/software/>Software/a> / a href/software/tests/>Tests/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> GForce 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classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altNeue Phil Collins Interview-Doku geht viral Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/magazin/>Magazin/a> / a href/magazin/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Neue Phil Collins Interview-Doku geht viral /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height169 src class altStanley Clarke & Armand Sabal-Lecco: Bass Battle Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/magazin/>Magazin/a> / a href/magazin/features/>Features/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Stanley Clarke & Armand Sabal-Lecco: Bass Battle /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altNeue Entwicklungen beim Thema Scheinselbständigkeit an Musikschulen und der Petitionsaufruf des DTKV Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/magazin/>Magazin/a> / a href/magazin/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Neue Entwicklungen beim Thema Scheinselbständigkeit an Musikschulen und der Petitionsaufruf des DTKV /a> /p> /div> /div> div classsubmenu__card animated fadeIn> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altGewinnspiel: 1x Millenium MPS 750X Artikelbild sizes224px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classflex flex-col px-3 py-2> span classarticle-card__label article-card__label--small> a href/magazin/>Magazin/a> / a href/magazin/news/>News/a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--small> a href> Gewinnspiel: 1x Millenium MPS 750X /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav__menu__item> div classnav__menu__category | xl:text-white relative> a classnav__menu__item--text xl:relative xl:leading-none href/deals/>Deals/a> span classnav__menu__dealscounter>35/span> /div> /li> div classdivider divider--red | xl:hidden>/div> /ul> /div> button idsearchHint classsearch__hint | focus:outline-none xl:flex xl:col-start-12 xl:justify-self-end> svg classsearch-icon self-center mr-3 xmlns width20 height20 viewBox0 0 22.21 23.21> circle cx9.5 cy9.5 r7.5 fillnone/> path fillwhite dM16.42 16A9.43 9.43 0 0 0 19 8.52a9.5 9.5 0 1 0-4 8.8l5.89 5.89 1.42-1.42ZM2.14 11A7.51 7.51 0 1 1 8 16.86 7.52 7.52 0 0 1 2.14 11Z/>/svg> /button> div idnavSearchMenu classsearch__menu NavFadeOutUp> form 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styleline-height: 0;max-width: 100%;>style> .fnetbr-pbb .img_mobile { display: none; } .fnetbr-pbb-label { font-size: 10px; color: #383838; display: block; text-align: right; line-height: 24px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { .fnetbr-pbb .img_desktop { display: none; } .fnetbr-pbb .img_mobile, .fnetbr-pbb .img_desktop_only { display: block; } } /style>span classfnetbr-pbb-label>ANZEIGE/span>div idfnetbr-pbb-1 data-fnetbr-pbb-id2412_thomann_krk_kw52 classfnetbr-pbb style data-weight1>a id2412_thomann_krk_kw52 href target_blank>img src alt width100% classimg_desktop img_desktop_only>/a>/div>/div> /span> /div> /div> /div>/div> section classhero-articles hero | bg-grey-light pt-0 sm:pt-2> div classcontainer> div classgrid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-12 md:gap-x-4-5 lg:gap-x-7> div classmd:col-span-6 lg:mt-2 md:mx-0> div classhero__primary-article> div classarticle-card | md:col-span-6 > a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altGewinnspiel: 1x Arturia MiniFreak Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 549px decodingasync fetchpriorityhigh srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap--primary | bg-grey-light md:bg-white> span classarticle-card__label> a href/keyboard/>Keyboard/a> / a href/keyboard/news/> News /a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--primary> a href> Gewinnspiel: 1x Arturia MiniFreak /a> /p> p classarticle-card__text> Passend zum Festtag hauen wir heute unser finales Weihnachtsgewinnspiel für 2024 raus. Ihr habt die Chance auf einen brandneuen Arturia MiniFreak Synthesizer im Wert von 529€! /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Niklas Wilhelm /a> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 5 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ebfdd4 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ebfdd4) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>5 / 5/span>/span> /div> div class article-card__addon> a href> span classflex items-center title2 Kommentare> svg classcomment-bubble xmlns width26 height30 viewBox0 0 26 30> path classwhite dm21.9 29.13-6.12-3.57-.16-.09-.19.04c-.8.16-1.62.24-2.43.24-3.34 0-6.48-1.31-8.84-3.7A12.612 12.612 0 0 1 .5 13.12c0-3.37 1.3-6.54 3.66-8.92C6.52 1.82 9.66.5 13 .5s6.48 1.31 8.84 3.7c2.36 2.38 3.66 5.55 3.66 8.92s-1.2 6.29-3.39 8.64l-.13.14v.2l-.08 7.03Z/> path classmid-grey dm21.41 28.26.07-6.16v-.39l.27-.29A12.11 12.11 0 0 0 25 13.13c0-3.24-1.25-6.28-3.51-8.57C19.24 2.28 16.19 1 13 1.01c-3.18 0-6.24 1.27-8.48 3.55A12.089 12.089 0 0 0 1 13.13c0 3.24 1.25 6.28 3.52 8.57 2.25 2.28 5.3 3.56 8.48 3.55.78 0 1.57-.08 2.34-.23l.37-.07.33.19 5.38 3.13m.98 1.74-6.86-4c-.82.16-1.66.25-2.53.25C5.82 26.25 0 20.37 0 13.13S5.82 0 13 0s13 5.88 13 13.13c0 3.48-1.34 6.64-3.52 8.98L22.39 30Z/> path 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Dieser Crashkurs hilft dir beim Mashup-Erstellen für dein DJ-Set. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Phänomen Mashup und was ist zu… /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Dirk Duske /a> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 4,5 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ec2336 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec2336) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>4,5 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classarticle-card | md:col-span-6 hidden md:inline-block> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altBesser mischen bei schlechter Raumakustik Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 549px decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap--primary | bg-grey-light md:bg-white> span classarticle-card__label> a href/pa/>PA/a> / a href/pa/workshops/> Workshops /a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--primary> a href> Besser mischen bei schlechter Raumakustik /a> /p> p classarticle-card__text> Manche Säle und Hallen klingen einfach furchtbar. Unser Workshop verrät euch, wie ihr als FOHler dennoch die Oberhand behaltet. /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Christian Boche /a> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 4,8 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ec2984 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 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article-card__addon--author> Peter Westermeier /a> div classarticle-card__addon article-card__addon--flames> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 4 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ec3595 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec3595) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span 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titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 2 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ec571e x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec571e) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>2 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div> /span> span classdivider divider--grey test-divider | mb-5>/span>/div> /div> div 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25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ec5eee x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec5eee) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>4,5 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div> /span> span classdivider divider--grey test-divider | mb-5>/span>/div> /div> div classtest-secondary-article | md:col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> div classarticle-card | md:col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> span classblock 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1.3-6.54 3.66-8.92C6.52 1.82 9.66.5 13 .5s6.48 1.31 8.84 3.7c2.36 2.38 3.66 5.55 3.66 8.92s-1.2 6.29-3.39 8.64l-.13.14v.2l-.08 7.03Z/> path classmid-grey dm21.41 28.26.07-6.16v-.39l.27-.29A12.11 12.11 0 0 0 25 13.13c0-3.24-1.25-6.28-3.51-8.57C19.24 2.28 16.19 1 13 1.01c-3.18 0-6.24 1.27-8.48 3.55A12.089 12.089 0 0 0 1 13.13c0 3.24 1.25 6.28 3.52 8.57 2.25 2.28 5.3 3.56 8.48 3.55.78 0 1.57-.08 2.34-.23l.37-.07.33.19 5.38 3.13m.98 1.74-6.86-4c-.82.16-1.66.25-2.53.25C5.82 26.25 0 20.37 0 13.13S5.82 0 13 0s13 5.88 13 13.13c0 3.48-1.34 6.64-3.52 8.98L22.39 30Z/> path classmid-grey dM6 7.07h14v2.02H6V7.07Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Z />/svg> span classml-2>1/span> /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /span> span classdivider divider--grey test-divider | mb-5>/span>/div> /div> div classtest-secondary-article | md:col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> div classarticle-card | md:col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> span classblock bg-grey-light md:bg-white> div classgrid grid-cols-4 col-span-4 row-start-1 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3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec7e51) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>4,3 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div> /article> /div> div classmagazine-tips__post anim-loadMore hidden> article classarticle-card > a href/artikel/neue-entwicklungen-beim-thema-scheinselbstaendigkeit-an-musikschulen-und-der-petitionsaufruf-des-dtkv/> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altNeue Entwicklungen beim Thema Scheinselbständigkeit an Musikschulen und der Petitionsaufruf des DTKV Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 356px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div 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9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ec822c) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>4 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div> /article> /div> div classmagazine-tips__post anim-loadMore hidden> article classarticle-card > a href/artikel/gewinnspiel-1x-millenium-mps-750x/> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altGewinnspiel: 1x Millenium MPS 750X Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 356px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap> h3 classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--secondary> a href/artikel/gewinnspiel-1x-millenium-mps-750x/> Gewinnspiel: 1x Millenium MPS 750X /a> /h3> div 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Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 549px decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap--primary | bg-grey-light md:bg-white> span classarticle-card__label> a href/bass/>Bass/a> / a href/bass/features/> Features /a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--primary> a href> Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch! /a> /p> p classarticle-card__text> Die bonedo-Bassredaktion wünscht schöne Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und glückliches 2025! /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Lars Lehmann /a> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 5 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ecc852 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ecc852) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>5 / 5/span>/span> /div> div class article-card__addon> a href> span classflex items-center title3 Kommentare> svg classcomment-bubble xmlns width26 height30 viewBox0 0 26 30> path classwhite dm21.9 29.13-6.12-3.57-.16-.09-.19.04c-.8.16-1.62.24-2.43.24-3.34 0-6.48-1.31-8.84-3.7A12.612 12.612 0 0 1 .5 13.12c0-3.37 1.3-6.54 3.66-8.92C6.52 1.82 9.66.5 13 .5s6.48 1.31 8.84 3.7c2.36 2.38 3.66 5.55 3.66 8.92s-1.2 6.29-3.39 8.64l-.13.14v.2l-.08 7.03Z/> path classmid-grey dm21.41 28.26.07-6.16v-.39l.27-.29A12.11 12.11 0 0 0 25 13.13c0-3.24-1.25-6.28-3.51-8.57C19.24 2.28 16.19 1 13 1.01c-3.18 0-6.24 1.27-8.48 3.55A12.089 12.089 0 0 0 1 13.13c0 3.24 1.25 6.28 3.52 8.57 2.25 2.28 5.3 3.56 8.48 3.55.78 0 1.57-.08 2.34-.23l.37-.07.33.19 5.38 3.13m.98 1.74-6.86-4c-.82.16-1.66.25-2.53.25C5.82 26.25 0 20.37 0 13.13S5.82 0 13 0s13 5.88 13 13.13c0 3.48-1.34 6.64-3.52 8.98L22.39 30Z/> path classmid-grey dM6 7.07h14v2.02H6V7.07Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Z />/svg> span classml-2>3/span> /span> /a> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classw-full splide format-swipe lg:mt-4> div classsplide__track> ul classsplide__list | md:grid grid-cols-12 gap-4-5 lg:gap-7 w-full> li classsplide__slide slide-2 | col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> article classarticle-card > a href/artikel/die-gitarren-highlights-fuer-2024-jahresrueckblick-der-bonedo-gitarrenredaktion/> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altDie Gitarren-Highlights für 2024 - 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Ihr habt die Chance auf einen brandneuen Arturia MiniFreak Synthesizer im Wert von 529€! /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Niklas Wilhelm /a> span classarticle-card__addon> 24.12.2024 /span> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 5 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ece9d8 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ece9d8) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>5 / 5/span>/span> /div> div class article-card__addon> a href> span classflex items-center title2 Kommentare> svg classcomment-bubble xmlns width26 height30 viewBox0 0 26 30> path classwhite dm21.9 29.13-6.12-3.57-.16-.09-.19.04c-.8.16-1.62.24-2.43.24-3.34 0-6.48-1.31-8.84-3.7A12.612 12.612 0 0 1 .5 13.12c0-3.37 1.3-6.54 3.66-8.92C6.52 1.82 9.66.5 13 .5s6.48 1.31 8.84 3.7c2.36 2.38 3.66 5.55 3.66 8.92s-1.2 6.29-3.39 8.64l-.13.14v.2l-.08 7.03Z/> path classmid-grey dm21.41 28.26.07-6.16v-.39l.27-.29A12.11 12.11 0 0 0 25 13.13c0-3.24-1.25-6.28-3.51-8.57C19.24 2.28 16.19 1 13 1.01c-3.18 0-6.24 1.27-8.48 3.55A12.089 12.089 0 0 0 1 13.13c0 3.24 1.25 6.28 3.52 8.57 2.25 2.28 5.3 3.56 8.48 3.55.78 0 1.57-.08 2.34-.23l.37-.07.33.19 5.38 3.13m.98 1.74-6.86-4c-.82.16-1.66.25-2.53.25C5.82 26.25 0 20.37 0 13.13S5.82 0 13 0s13 5.88 13 13.13c0 3.48-1.34 6.64-3.52 8.98L22.39 30Z/> path classmid-grey dM6 7.07h14v2.02H6V7.07Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Zm0 5.05h14v2.02H6v-2.02Z />/svg> span classml-2>2/span> /span> /a> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classarticle-card | md:col-span-6 hidden md:inline-block> a href> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altTangible Instruments Arpeggio Synthesizer und flexibler Arpeggiator Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 549px decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap--primary | bg-grey-light md:bg-white> span classarticle-card__label> a href/keyboard/>Keyboard/a> / a href/keyboard/news/> News /a> /span> p classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--primary> a href> Tangible Instruments Arpeggio Synthesizer und flexibler Arpeggiator /a> /p> p classarticle-card__text> Tangible Instruments Arpeggio ist ein vielseitiges Instrument, das mit einem monophonen, virtuell-analogen Synthesizer, einem Arpeggiator und einem Sequencer ausgestattet wurde. Laut Hersteller soll es mit diesem Gerät möglich sein, Melodien… /p> div classflex items-center flex-wrap mt-4 md:mt-0> a href classarticle-card__addon> Sven Rosswog /a> span classarticle-card__addon> 23.12.2024 /span> div classarticle-card__addon> span classhot flex items-center titleDurchschnittliche Userbewertung 5 / 5> svg class id xmlns width20.396 height27.055 viewBox0 0 18.396 25.055> defs> linearGradient id6771a36ecf0f5 x1.5 x2.5 y21 gradientUnitsobjectBoundingBox> stop offset0 stop-color#ed8287/> stop offset1 stop-color#ffc400/> /linearGradient> /defs> path dM552.889 376a3.586 3.586 0 0 1-1.667 2.707c-.32-5.72-3.2-10.61-6.923-11.783a12.267 12.267 0 0 1-2.268 7.542c-.836 1.169-1.71 2.312-2.581 3.455a10.659 10.659 0 0 0-2.245 7.89 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 3.332 5.954 9.134 9.134 0 0 1 1.521-7.031 2.341 2.341 0 0 0 1.086 1.765c.208-3.728 2.086-6.915 4.511-7.679a8 8 0 0 0 1.479 4.915c.544.762 1.114 1.507 1.681 2.252a6.939 6.939 0 0 1 1.463 5.142 4.975 4.975 0 0 1-.175.849c.452-.449.867-.9 1.1-1.174 3.677-4.27 2.552-10.698-.314-14.804Z stylefill:url(#6771a36ecf0f5) transformtranslate(-537.134 -366.921) />/svg> span classml-2>5 / 5/span>/span> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classw-full splide idnews-swipe> div classsplide__track> ul classsplide__list | md:grid grid-cols-12 gap-4-5 lg:gap-7> div classhidden col-start-1 col-end-7 row-start-1 row-end-3 md:inline-block lg:col-start-1 lg:col-end-5 lg:row-start-1 lg:row-end-3> div classpost-card--special-news> div classarticle-card__label | mb-0> a href>News/a> /div> a href/artikel/behringer-phara-o-mini-analoger-synthesizer-mit-korg-filter/ classarticle-card__headline article-card__headline--primary | inline-block>Behringer PHARA-O MINI - analoger Synthesizer mit Korg Filter/a> span classdivider divider--red | my-8>/span> a href/artikel/behringer-phara-o-mini-analoger-synthesizer-mit-korg-filter/> figure class>img width1260 height756 src class altBehringer PHARA-O MINI - analoger Synthesizer mit Korg Filter Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 1024px) 33vw, 309px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 1260w, 300w, 1024w, 768w />/figure> /a> p classmy-8 article-card__text>Der Behringer Phara-O Mini ist ein tragbarer, analoger, polyphoner Synthesizer. Sein Filter wurde vom miniKorg 700 S inspiriert. Der Phara-O Mini ist ab sofort erhältlich. /p> a href/artikel/behringer-phara-o-mini-analoger-synthesizer-mit-korg-filter/ class> div classbutton button--primary button-transition> span classbutton--text>Zum Artikel/span> svg classarrow-icon button--icon button--icon--white id xmlns width12 height12 viewBox0 0 24 24> path dm5 3 3.057-3L20 12 8.057 24 5 21l9-9z/>/svg> /div>/a> /div> /div> li classsplide__slide | col-span-6 lg:col-span-4> article classarticle-card > a href/artikel/dtronics-dt-dx-acht-yamaha-dx-7-synthesizer-in-einem-gehaeuse/> figure class>img width300 height180 src class altDtronics DT-DX: Acht Yamaha DX-7 Synthesizer in einem Gehäuse Artikelbild sizes(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 356px loadinglazy decodingasync srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w />/figure> /a> div classarticle-card__wrap> span classarticle-card__label> a href/keyboard/>Keyboard/a> / a href/keyboard/news/> News /a> /span> h3 classarticle-card__headline 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