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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 21:42:44 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)Location: 313Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 21:42:45 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)Cache-Control: no-cache, privateSet-Cookie: XSRF-TOKENeyJpdiI6ImRSYmpXOTJ0cnhuZ0d4MDFTU1dsVmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoidXRXYjBTVVQrUjRWUlB3U3dteHZzY1IwT3V2dUhlNExCM0k3djI1ajZBbVVXbkN2VmthdWpQcXViOXRzNFdqZGRUQk5ueU9QQ2xXUnNONjZ3blJqaE5uVDlJdjJVNHo1WFlWdHhEWUNOWE1NekpxMEV6WU5GcWtGeGgyWnlpOEUiLCJtYWMiOiIxZjczZGFjZmZmYmNhNDBmY2ZiMGRmNzUwMGFmMTYwNGFhN2U5NjhiZTU2NjVmMTA1MzJkY2IxMTA1ZGQyNzAwIn0%3D; expiresMon, 02-Feb-2026 21:42:45 GMT; Max-Age31536000; path/Set-Cookie: linkinghuts_indias_own_worlds_best_neighbourhood_social_network_sessioneyJpdiI6IklMVm5xZDlDTG01TDQ1alJoa2JIYXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiVEcyNml5cXJMYlVPQ0FqXC96RDluSjVMN1NCNGd3bkU0RDRsMjlKOHNmS2VQd3pNVmt3VG1lZVA3WVE3ZHdmNFpMXC8zM1hcLzhLVUNnbU1TZFlBa0RabHVqa2Z3V2x0azFNNk80YVNUVHVXVkdkVlUyYTB3eDA4TnhTN2p1V05nYkciLCJtYWMiOiJjMjIxMjk0ZWU0NWIzNDUyMDdhZTk1MmRmMGNiNzExYjNjM2QyYTU0OWJjOTE0MDJhYTkxN2FjNmYwYzI5NWQ4In0%3D; expiresMon, 02-Feb-2026 21:42:45 GMT; Max-Age31536000; 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font-size:14px; margin-top: 15px> /div> div idoption-form styledisplay:flex; align-items: center;justify-content: space-evenly;min-height:280px> div classrow stylemargin-left: -35px;margin-right: -35px;justify-content: space-between;padding-top:30px;text-align: center;font-size:medium;font-weight: bold;width:100%> div classcol-6 text-center> New User br> button typebutton idregisterPage classbtn btn-sm stylebackground-color: #d6491d;padding:2px 10px;font-size:medium;> Create an br> Account /button> /div> div classcol-6 text-center> Existing User br> button typebutton idloginPage classbtn btn-sm stylebackground-color: #d6491d;padding:13px 25px;font-size:medium;> Login /button> /div> /div> /div> form classcontent methodPOST idlogin-form action autocompleteoff stylepadding: 33px 40px 0 40px;display: none> input typehidden name_token valuefToCRQ2Mj9RcFnESUaAgZesdeMhw2AfNJrtjtFct> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12> div classform-group with-icon label-floating> label classcontrol-label>/label> input classform-control typetext nameemail idemailLoginPage value placeholderMobile or Email autocompletefalse> i classfa fa-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/i> span iderrorEmailLoginPage classinputError>/span> /div> div classform-group with-icon label-floating> label classcontrol-label>/label> input typepassword namepassword classform-control idpasswordLoginPage onkeyupmobilesUserList(this.value) autocompletefalse placeholderPassword value> i classfa fa-key aria-hiddentrue>/i> span toggle#passwordLoginPage classfa fa-lg fa-eye field-icon toggle-password>/span> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 idafterShow> /div> div classcol-md-12> div classcheckbox remember form-group left> label> input nameremember typecheckbox > Remember Me /label> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 text-center> button typesubmit idloginFormPage namelogin classbtn btn-primary btn-lg styleborder-radius: 62px; 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classquestion aligncenter text-center data-toggletooltip data-placementleft title data-original-titleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.>?/span> div ididPreview>/div> div classclearfix>/div> span iderror_attachedAddressProofIDNo classinputError>/span> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 idafterSubmitProof>/div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-5 col-sm-5 col-xs-5 offset-9> div idvpb-display-preview-add-proof classattachedAddressProofIDNo> /div> /div> !-- optional id proof --> div classcol-xl-5 col-lg-5 col-md-5 col-sm-5 col-xs-12> div idwrapperForAttachedAddressProofIDNoOpt classform-group label-floating is-empty> input typefile nameattachedAddressProofIDNoOpt onchangefilePreview2Opt(this) idattachedAddressProofIDNo2Opt classneighbourhoodIdProofOpt accept.png, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg> button classbtn btn-primary btn-md full-width onclickneighbourhoodIdProofOpt(); typebutton>Upload Backside of Address Proof, if any/button> !-- div ididPreview2>/div> --> div classclearfix>/div> span iderror_attachedAddressProofIDNo2Opt classinputError>/span> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-center> div idvpb-display-preview-opt classattachedAddressProofIDNo2Opt> /div> /div> !-- optional id proof --> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center> button typebutton ididProofSubmit classbtn btn-primary btn-lg>Submit Address Proof/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div>/div>style typetext/css> .widget.w-list { display: flex; 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} }); $(#wrapperForAttachedAddressProofIDNo).show(); $(#byAddressProof).show(); $(#byNeighbour).hide(); $(#searchByLocality).on(click, function() { $(#search_locality).modal(show); $(.select2).select2({ width: 100% }); }); var countries ; $.getJSON(front-axios/get-countries, function(data) { $(.dropdown-menu ).css(min-height, 360px); $(#suggestionCountry).append( option value selectedselected >Choose Country/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { var option option value + + > + + /option>; $(#suggestionCountry).append(option value + + > + + /option>); }); }); $(selectnamecountry).on(change, function() { var country_id $(this).val(); var state ; $.getJSON(front-axios/get-states/ + country_id, function(data) { $(#suggestionState).find(option).remove(); $(#suggestionState).append( option value selectedselected >Choose State/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { if (f.country_id country_id) { $(#suggestionState).append(option value + + > + f .name + /option>); } }); }); }); $(selectnamestate).on(change, function() { var state_id $(this).val(); var cityAll ; // getLocality(state_id); $.getJSON(front-axios/get-cities/ + state_id, function(data) { $(#suggestionCity).find(option).remove(); $(#suggestionCity).append( option value selectedselected >Choose City/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { if (f.state_id state_id) { $(#suggestionCity).append(option value + + > + f .name + /option>); } }); }); }); $(selectnamecity).on(change, function() { searchLocality(); }); }); function mobilesUserList(pass) { var mobile $(#emailLoginPage).val(); // alert(pass); $.ajax({ url:, type: POST, data: { mobile: mobile, pass: pass }, headers: { X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) }, dataType: JSON, success: function(res) { $(#afterShow).after().html(); if (res.status 1) { $(#afterShow).after().html(); if (Object.keys(res.users).length > 1) { var html div classrow>div classcol-md-12>label>Please select:/label>/div>; $.each(res.users, function(key, value) { html + div classcol-12>div classradio form-group left> label styledisplay: -webkit-inline-box;line-height: normal;>input nameuser_id + (key 0 ? checked : ) + typeradio value + + > + + ( + + )/label>/div>/div>; }); html + /div>; $(#afterShow).after().html(html); $.getScript(; } else { $(#afterShow).after().html(); } } } }); } function searchLocality() { var dataString new FormData($(form#searchLocaltion)0); $.ajax({ url:, type: POST, data: dataString, headers: { X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) }, dataType: JSON, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function(res) { $(ul.suggestionList).empty(); $(ul.suggestionList).css({ height: 0px, overflow: auto }); if (res.status) { var html ; if (res.type locality) { $.each(res.result, function(i, data) { $.each(data.neighbourhoods, function(j, neigbr) { html + li onclickgetLoNeighbr( + + , + res.state + , + + , + + , + + ) idmodalList_ + + data-string + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + data.locality + > + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + data.locality + /li>; }); }); } else { $.each(res.result, function(j, neigbr) { html + li onclickgetLoNeighbr( + + , + res.state + , + + , + + , + + ) idmodalList_ + + data-string + neigbr .neighbourhood_name + , + neigbr.locality.locality + > + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + neigbr.locality.locality + /li>; }); } $(ul.suggestionList).css({ height: 100px, overflow: auto }); $(ul.suggestionList).append(html); $(#suggestionBox).show(); } } }); } function SearchRFLocality(search_text ) { var country $(#country).find(:selected).val(); var state $(#state).find(:selected).val(); var city $(#city).find(:selected).val(); var dataString country + country + &state + state + &city + city + &search_text + search_text; $.ajax({ url:, type: POST, data: dataString, headers: { X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) }, dataType: JSON, success: function(res) { $(ul.suggestionList).empty(); $(ul.suggestionList).css({ height: 0px, overflow: auto }); if (res.status) { var html ; if (res.type locality) { $.each(res.result, function(i, data) { $.each(data.neighbourhoods, function(j, neigbr) { html + li onclickselectedLoNeighbr( + + , + + ) idlist_ + + data-string + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + data.locality + > + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + data.locality + /li>; }); }); } else { $.each(res.result, function(j, neigbr) { html + li onclickselectedLoNeighbr( + + , + + ) idlist_ + + data-string + neigbr .neighbourhood_name + , + neigbr.locality.locality + > + neigbr.neighbourhood_name + , + neigbr.locality.locality + /li>; }); } $(ul.suggestionList).css({ height: 100px, overflow: auto }); $(ul.suggestionList).append(html); } } }); } function getLoNeighbr(country, state, city, localityId, neigbrId) { // selectedCountry(country); // selectedState(country, state); // selectedCity(state,city); // $(#locality).val(localityId); // $(#neighbourhood_name).val(neigbrId); $(.search_text).parent().removeClass(is-empty); $(ul.suggestionList li).removeClass(selected); var localityN $(li#modalList_ + neigbrId).data(string); $(li#modalList_ + neigbrId).addClass(selected); $(.search_text).val(localityN); // var dataString country+country+&state+state+&city+city+&localityId+localityId+&neigbrId+neigbrId+&localityN+localityN; // $.ajax({ // url:, // type: POST, // data:dataString, // headers: { // X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) // }, // dataType: JSON, // success: function(res) { // // $(ul.suggestionList).empty(); // // new FormData($(form#searchLocaltion)0).reset(); // if(res.status 1){ // window.location.href; // } // } // }); } function selectedLoNeighbr(localityId, neigbrId) { $(.search_text).parent().removeClass(is-empty); $(ul.suggestionList li).removeClass(selected); $(#locality).val(localityId); $(#neighbourhood_name).val(neigbrId); var dataString $(li#list_ + neigbrId).data(string); $(li#list_ + neigbrId).addClass(selected); $(.search_text).val(dataString); } function selectedCountry(country_id) { $.getJSON(front-axios/get-countries, function(data) { $(.dropdown-menu ).css(min-height, 360px); $(#country).find(option).remove(); $(#country).select2(destroy); $(#country).append(option value>Choose Country/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { var option option value + + > + + /option>; if ( country_id) { $(#country).append(option selected value + + > + + /option>); } else { $(#country).append(option value + + > + + /option>); } }); $(#country).select2(); }); } function selectedState(country_id, state_id) { $.getJSON(front-axios/get-states/ + country_id, function(data) { $(#state).find(option).remove(); $(#state).select2(destroy); $(#state).append(option value >Choose State/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { if (f.country_id country_id) { if ( state_id) { $(#state).append(option selected value + + > + + /option>); } else { $(#state).append(option value + + > + + /option>); } } }); $(#state).select2(); }); } function selectedCity(state_id, city_id) { $.getJSON(front-axios/get-cities/ + state_id, function(data) { $(#city).find(option).remove(); $(#city).select2(destroy); $(#city).append(option value>Choose City/option>); $.each(data, function(i, f) { if (f.state_id state_id) { if ( city_id) { $(#city).append(option selected value + + > + + /option>); } else { $(#city).append(option value + + > + + /option>); } } }); $(#city).select2(); }); } function selectedLocality(city_id, locality_id) { $.ajax({ url: + city_id, type: POST, headers: { X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) }, dataType: JSON, success: function(res) { $(#locality).find(option).remove(); $(#locality).select2(destroy); $(#locality).append(option value>Select/option>); $.each(res, function(i, f) { if ( locality_id) { $(#locality).append(option selected value + + > + f .locality + /option>); } else { $(#locality).append(option value + + > + f.locality + /option>); } }); $(#locality).select2(); } }); } function selectedNeighbourhood(locality_id, nId) { $.ajax({ url: + locality_id, type: POST, headers: { X-CSRF-TOKEN: $(metanamecsrf-token).attr(content) }, dataType: JSON, success: function(res) { $(#neighbourhood).find(option).remove(); $(#neighbourhood).select2(destroy); $(#neighbourhood).append(option value>Select/option>); $.each(res, function(i, f) { if ( nId) { $(#neighbourhood).append(option selected value + + > + f .neighbourhood_name + /option>); } else { $(#neighbourhood).append(option value + + > + f .neighbourhood_name + /option>); } }); $(#neighbourhood).select2(); } }); } /script> style typetext/css> p a { color: #d6491d; } /style> script typetext/javascript> // On User Footer $(() > { setTimeout(function() { $(data-toggletooltip).tooltip(); 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for (var i 0; i total_file; i++) { var reader new FileReader(); reader.onload function(e) { $(#albumPhoto).append(div classphoto-album-item-wrap col-3-width> + div classphoto-album-item data-mhalbum-item> + div classform-group> + img src + + altphoto> + /div> + /div> + /div> ); } reader.readAsDataURL(input.filesi); } } } else { } } // End On User Footer /script>/body>/html>
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