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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.22.1Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:26:16 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html>html>head>meta http-equivDescription contentThe creators of desktop manager and shell replacement software for Windows. IF you need fast, high-customized, skinable interface builder program(instead standard Windows Desktop) then you must try our software!>meta http-equivKeywords contentdesktop, workspace, graphic viewer, 3D, interface, clock, taskbar, calendar, shape, builder, download, internet, customize, wallpaper, flexible, customization, changer, shell, Windows, picture, image, home computer, kiosk, hotel, game club, games, gamer, school, university, pc, shareware, free>title>Lighttek Software. Programs for desktop management and shell replacement. 3D/2D viewer for Windows/title>meta namelanguage contenten-us>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html>link relstylesheet typetext/css hreflt.css>/head>body bgcolor#013F01 text#000000 vlink#0000FF alink#000080> center> table border0px width851px cellspacing0 cellpadding0 bgcolor#F5FFF2> tr> td width147px height415px valigntop backgroundimages/4-bar2.gif> img border0px srcimages/4-top1.gif aligntop width147px height45px> a hrefindex.php> img border0px srcimages/4-bar0.gif aligntop width147px height140px altMain page> /a> map nameFPMap3> area hreftalisman.htm shaperect coords34, 52, 133, 70 altTalisman Desktop> area hrefalteros/index.htm shaperect coords34, 70, 133, 86 altAlteros 3D> area hrefdownload.htm shaperect coords45, 166, 133, 183 altDownload our programs> area hrefpurchase.htm shaperect coords44, 183, 132, 200 altPurchase our programs> area hrefsupport.htm shaperect coords44, 200, 132, 217 altContact form> area hrefcd.htm shaperect coords35, 103, 135, 122 altLighttek CDROM> area hrefindex.php shaperect coords29, 1, 103, 16 altMain page> area hrefother.htm shaperect coords35, 123, 135, 144 altOther programs> area hreflimages.htm shaperect coords35, 86, 135, 103>/map> img border0px srcimages/4-bar11.gif aligntop
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.22.1Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:26:16 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html>html>head>meta http-equivDescription contentThe creators of desktop manager and shell replacement software for Windows. IF you need fast, high-customized, skinable interface builder program(instead standard Windows Desktop) then you must try our software!>meta http-equivKeywords contentdesktop, workspace, graphic viewer, 3D, interface, clock, taskbar, calendar, shape, builder, download, internet, customize, wallpaper, flexible, customization, changer, shell, Windows, picture, image, home computer, kiosk, hotel, game club, games, gamer, school, university, pc, shareware, free>title>Lighttek Software. Programs for desktop management and shell replacement. 3D/2D viewer for Windows/title>meta namelanguage contenten-us>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html>link relstylesheet typetext/css hreflt.css>/head>body bgcolor#013F01 text#000000 vlink#0000FF alink#000080> center> table border0px width851px cellspacing0 cellpadding0 bgcolor#F5FFF2> tr> td width147px height415px valigntop backgroundimages/4-bar2.gif> img border0px srcimages/4-top1.gif aligntop width147px height45px> a hrefindex.php> img border0px srcimages/4-bar0.gif aligntop width147px height140px altMain page> /a> map nameFPMap3> area hreftalisman.htm shaperect coords34, 52, 133, 70 altTalisman Desktop> area hrefalteros/index.htm shaperect coords34, 70, 133, 86 altAlteros 3D> area hrefdownload.htm shaperect coords45, 166, 133, 183 altDownload our programs> area hrefpurchase.htm shaperect coords44, 183, 132, 200 altPurchase our programs> area hrefsupport.htm shaperect coords44, 200, 132, 217 altContact form> area hrefcd.htm shaperect coords35, 103, 135, 122 altLighttek CDROM> area hrefindex.php shaperect coords29, 1, 103, 16 altMain page> area hrefother.htm shaperect coords35, 123, 135, 144 altOther programs> area hreflimages.htm shaperect coords35, 86, 135, 103>/map> img border0px srcimages/4-bar11.gif aligntop
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