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Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - - -->!--High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - - -->html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta nameGenerator contentMicrosoft Word 10 (filtered)>title>High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale By Owner ->meta namedescriptioncontentGarage Sale. Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->meta nameDC.DESCRIPTIONcontentGarage Sale. Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta nameDC.TITLEcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - ->meta namerobots contentall, index, follow>meta namerevisit-after content7 days>meta namerevisit content7 days>meta nameexpires contentnever>meta namecategory contentautos>meta namedocument-classification contentautos>meta nameclassification contentautos>meta nametopic contentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>meta namepage-topic contentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>meta namesubjectcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta namesubjectscontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta nameDC.SUBJECTcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta namesummarycontentCorvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively>meta nameabstractcontentCorvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively>meta namepublisher>meta http-equivorganization>meta nameDC.PUBLISHER>meta nameDC.IDENTIFIER content>meta nameurlcontent>meta nameowner contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecopyrightcontentCopyright © 1979-2017 Lightning Speed Shop, all rights reserved, all rights reserved.>meta namedoc-rightscontentCopyright © 1979-2017 Lightning Speed Shop, all rights reserved, all rights reserved>meta nameauthor contentSteve Shreffler>meta namedesigner contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecontactname contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecontactcity contentMonticello>meta namecontactstate contentIllinois>meta nameDC.CREATOR contentSteve Shreffler>meta http-equivbulletin-textcontentSteve Shreffler, web site developer, web site designer, webmaster, web host>meta namerating contentsafe for kids>meta namedocument-rating contentsafe for kids>meta nameaudience contentall>meta nameresource-type contentdocument>meta namedistribution contentglobal>meta namedoc-type contentweb page>meta namedoc-class contentcompleted>meta nameDC.FORMAT contenthtml>meta namedocument-type contentpublic>meta namelanguage contenten-us>meta nameDC.LANGUAGE contenten>meta namecontent-language contenten-us>link relicon href>link relshortcut icon href>meta namemssmarttagspreventparsing contenttrue>meta http-equivwindow-target content_top>meta http-equivmsthemecompatible contentno>meta http-equivimagetoolbar contentno>meta http-equivPICS-Labelcontent(PICS-1.1 "" L gen true for "" r (SS~~000 1))>meta http-equivpics-labelcontent(pics-1.1 "" comment "ICRAonline EN v2.0" l gen true for "" r (nz 1 vz 1 lz 1 oz 1 cz 1) "" l gen true for "" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))>meta nameindexcontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>style>!--A:hover { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #ff0000; background: #ff2;} /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Verdana; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;}@font-face {font-family:Barbedor T; panose-1:2 11 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;}@font-face {font-family:Venus Rising;}@font-face {font-family:Garamond; panose-1:2 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 8 3;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Times New Roman;}h1 {margin:0in; 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Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->/span>/p>/form>form>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;display:none>INPUT TYPEhiddencontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - ->/span>/p>/form>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center span>spanstylefont-family:Arial>a hrefsite-map.htm target_blanktitleSite Map>span stylecolor:windowtext;text-decoration:none>imgborder0 width25 height25src Sale. Corvette and high-performance chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - - www.FastSS.comtitleGarage Sale. Corvette and high-performance chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->/span>/a>script languageJavaScript>!--function getLongDateString(){ monthNames new Array(January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December); dayOfWeek this.getDay(); dateOfMonth this.getDate();monthNo this.getMonth(); month monthNamesmonthNo;year this.getYear(); if (year 2000)year year + 1900;dateStr month+ +dateOfMonth+, +year; return dateStr;}//register the method in the class DateDate.prototype.getLongDateStringgetLongDateString;function DocDate(){ //return the document modification date (excl.time)//as a string DateTimeStr document.lastModified; secOffset Date.parse(DateTimeStr); if (secOffset 0 || secOffset null) //Opera3.2 dateStr Unknown; else { aDate new Date(); aDate.setTime(secOffset); //use method defined above datestr aDate.getLongDateString(); } return dateStr;}document.write(This web page was last updated: );document.writeln(DocDate(),/span>);// -->/script>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#F3FAFF;border:solid blue 1.0pt> tr> td valigntop styleborder:solid blue 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 12.0pt 6.0pt 12.0pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>i>span stylefont-size:34.0pt;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue>LIGHTNING SPEED SHOP/span>/i>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Garamond;color:blue>205 North Colfax Street, Box 42, Monticello, Illinois 61856/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal>!--3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac// -->!--Garage Sale. Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - - -->!--High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - - --> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFFA3;border:outset 1.5pt> tr> td valigntop styleborder:inset 1.5pt;padding:6.0pt 12.0pt 6.0pt 12.0pt> h1>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman;color:#F42E00;letter-spacing: 2.0pt>HIGH-PERFORMANCE/span>/b>/h1> h1>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman;color:#F42E00;letter-spacing: 2.0pt> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman; color:#F42E00;letter-spacing:2.0pt;font-style:normal>CHEVROLET ENGINE PARTS/span>/b>/h1> h1>b>span stylecolor:#F42E00;letter-spacing:2.0pt>-- FOR SALE --/span>/b>/h1> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr> td width407 valigntop stylewidth:305.6pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> (If you have a slow Internet connection, the pictures at the end of this page may take a moment to load)/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#99CCFF;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td width600 valigntop stylewidth:6.25in;border:solid blue 1.5pt; padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt> p classMsoPlainText styleline-height:150%;background:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> h1 styleline-height:150%>b>span stylefont-size:18.0pt;line-height: 150%;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt; font-style:normal>AFTER PLAYING WITH CORVETTES AND MUSCLE CARS FOR MORE THAN 42 YEARS, IT IS FINALLY TIME TO CLEAN OUT THE GARAGE./span>/b>/h1> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>My name is Steve Shreffler and I own /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;line-height: 150%;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt>LIGHTNING SPEED SHOP/span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>, /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>which I operated full-time from 1979 to 1993. As a racing engine builder and restoration engine specialist, I have always focused on hard to find Corvette and High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts for use in both restoration and competition. I bought, sold, and traded a constantly changing inventory of correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>During the 1980s and early 1990s we were very active in the regional car show and swap meet circuit, so much so, that one year the promoters of both Super Chevy Magazine and the Bloomington Gold Corvette Show (the worlds largest Corvette Show) used photos of our awesome display in their materials to promote and publicize their car show events. Along with Super Chevy Sunday and Bloomington Gold, we were also regular vendors at the both spring and fall Chevy/Vettefest Nationals (worlds largest all-indoor Chevrolet and Corvette event) and the Motorama car shows held at McCormick place in Chicago, the Hoosier car show held inside the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at Indianapolis, and the Peotone Illinois swap meet each year. Chances are if you attended any major car show in Illinois or Indiana during our years of operation, you and I have already met. /span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>When the stock market crashed in 1987, investors moved to invest in Corvettes and Muscle cars and as a result, we experienced an appreciable increase in demand for our inventory of factory installed original equipment engine parts as the cars dramatically increased in value and demand, seemingly overnight (just as they have again since March 2000). Accordingly, we shifted our emphasis from racing to restoration as the original high-performance engine parts seem to increase in value even faster than the cars./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>We advertised heavily in Hemmings Motor News Magazine, Chevy/Corvette Buyers Guide Magazine, Vette Vues Magazine, and 76 other publications where we did business with customers worldwide, supplying the Corvette and Muscle car world with engines, parts and consultation. /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>I am proud to have been able to lend support to the world-class frame-off restoration shops, NCRS and Bloomington Gold Judges, and restoration book authors as well as sharing my knowledge base with the public over the years and I do miss it./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>By far the rarest engine I have bought and sold was THE original engine out of one of the 71 COPO cars that Chevrolet produced with the famous ZL-1 engine option (all aluminum L-88 427). My ZL-1 was the engine that Chevrolet originally installed in the 1969 ZL-1 Camaro number 26 which still existed three states and over 600 miles from where I found it’s engine./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>Since 1993, the following High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts have been in storage when I suspended operations to pursue other ventures and expand our family. My original plan was to no longer sell items of this rare nature outright for cash, as I would reserve them solely for trading for similar parts I might need for my own personal collection, however the NASDAQ has changed many things in my life since March 10, 2000./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>I would also be very interested in selling the entire lot in one package deal at a negotiated wholesale price. These engine components are for the most part; all cleaned, inspected, labeled with description information for sales display, and will be package priced well below market value./span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td valigntop styleborder:solid red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>All of the parts listed below are available as of/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> script languageJavaScript>!--function getLongDateString(){ monthNames new Array(January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December); dayOfWeek this.getDay(); dateOfMonth this.getDate();monthNo this.getMonth(); month monthNamesmonthNo;year this.getYear(); if (year 2000)year year + 1900;dateStr month+ +dateOfMonth+, +year; return dateStr;}//register the method in the class DateDate.prototype.getLongDateStringgetLongDateString;function DocDate(){ //return the document modification date (excl.time)//as a string DateTimeStr document.lastModified; secOffset Date.parse(DateTimeStr); if (secOffset 0 || secOffset null) //Opera3.2 dateStr Unknown; else { aDate new Date(); aDate.setTime(secOffset); //use method defined above datestr aDate.getLongDateString(); } return dateStr;}document.writeln(DocDate());// --> /script>(last time this web page was updated)/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> on a “first one with the money” basis./span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>When they’re gone…they’re gone!/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>I do have many of other Factory Original High Performance Chevrolet Engine parts that I acquired after I made this list in 1992, so If you do not see exactly what you need, please bookmark this page and check back from time to time, as I will be adding the other parts that I have to this web page (as time allows) and I may very well have available what you seek, as illustrated by my Speed Shop signature slogan:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styleline-height:150%;background:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;background:#99CCFF>b>i>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt; background:#99CCFF>“Big Block and Small/span>/i>/b>b>i>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt> – I’ve Got them all”/span>/i>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText stylebackground:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family: Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt; height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p> p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td styleborder:solid red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> h3>span classMsoHyperlink>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red; letter-spacing:1.0pt;text-decoration:none>a href target_blank titleLayaway Terms>span stylecolor:red;text-decoration: none>INTEREST FREE LAYAWAY/CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE/span>/a>/span>/span>/h3> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>a href target_blank titleTerms of Sale>Sales Information & Policies/a>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:red>> > script languageJavaScript> !--if ((navigator.appName Microsoft Internet Explorer) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4)) {var url;var titleHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale -;document.write(A HREFjavascript:window.ext);document.write(ernal.AddFavorite(url,title); );document.write(onMouseOver window.status);document.write(BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES; return true );document.write(onMouseOut window.status);document.write( ; return true );document.write(>BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES/a>);}else {var msg Press Control+D to BOOKMARK this site now.;if(navigator.appName Netscape) msg + ;document.write(msg);}// End --> /script> < </span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width538 stylewidth:403.65pt;background:#FFFF99;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td width532 stylewidth:399.25pt;border:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 5.75pt 6.0pt 5.75pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>For details about the cars I am selling from my Corvette & Muscle/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>Car collection, visit my personal homepage:/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family: Verdana> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>www./span>i>span stylefont-size:13.5pt; font-family:Verdana;color:red>SS427/span>/i>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>.com/span>/a>/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>Do it right, and they will tell two friends, but doit wrong and they will tell everybody!/span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td stylepadding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:18.0pt;font-family:Verdana>THE PARTS I HAVE FOR SALE ARE AS FOLLOWS:/span>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana> /span>/p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr> td width627 valigntop stylewidth:470.25pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana; letter-spacing:1.0pt>PLEASE NOTICE:/span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue>This list is in two sections. In the first section you will find High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts used on Corvette and other Chevrolet Muscle Cars./span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/p> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Below that, you will find High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts used only on the steel body cars (Camaro, Nova, Chevy II, Chevelle, Malibu, El Camino, Monte Carlo, Impala, Biscayne, Bel Air, Caprice, Pickup, & etc.) but not Corvette./span>/b>/h1> p classMsoNormal>b> /b>/p> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>For further clarification and uniformity, I have listed a second digit for the year portion of casting date codes. For instance, a date code is listed below as “A-12-67” would have the actual casting date code “A 12 7”./span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal> /span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Many parts cast after 1969 actually do have 2-digit year designations as did parts cast in Tonawanda./span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal> /span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Parts I have available for cars produced under a /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>C/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size: 10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>entral /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>O/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>ffice /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red; font-style:normal>P/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>roduction /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>O/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>rder or C.O.P.O. are designated below simply as COPO./span>/b>/h1> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Cylinder Heads (1966-1969) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(All in Matching Pairs):/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3872702 (1966) I Have Three Pair With Casting Dates:K-23-65, A-24-66, & D-12-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3904390 (1967) Three Pair With Casting Dates: I-22-66,K-29-66, & L-7-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3909802 (1967) One Pair With the Casting Date: A-31-67 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3917215 (1968): One Pair With the Casting Date: C-26-68/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3931063 (1969) Two Pair With Casting Dates: A-13-69,& A-23-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Cylinder Heads (1962-1970) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(All in Matching Pairs): /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782461 I Have Three Pair With Casting Dates: B-19-65,G-17-65, & H-20-65 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3890462 Two Pair With Casting Dates: D-6-66, &D-27-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3917291 Three Pair With Casting Dates: H-4-67, H-14-67,& K-17-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3927186 Five Pair With Casting Dates: F-13-68, J-18-68,K-5-68, B-12-69, & E-12-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Engine Blocks (1962-1967) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Flint Michigan Castings): /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782870 With Casting Dates: H-29-61, B-20-62, G-2-62,G-21-62, B-20-63, C-26-63, C-14-64, F-24-65/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3858174 With Casting Dates: G-22-5, I-1-65, L-14-65,A-20-66, A-25-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3892657 With Casting Dates: G-1-66, H-19-66, L-7-66,L-8-66, D-12-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1962 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1963 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1965 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Engine Blocks:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3956618 Casting Date: C-21-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3932386 With Casting Dates: H-28-68, I-3-68, J-22-68,K-18-68/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3970010 With Casting Dates: H-12-69, E-2-70, E-20-70,B-20-71, K-3-72, D-17-74, L-18-74, A-16-76, H-26-77/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Including Carburetor $3995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $2995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3904351 Casting Date: C-31-67 $4995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $6995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: F-16-69, Standard Bore $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427- 425/435 Horsepower/span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512 (4-Bolt Main), Casting Date: J-24-69 Standard Bore(this is the 1970 LS-6 454 Engine Block listed below but would also be correctfor a late 435 horsepower Corvette or 425 horsepower COPO Camaro sinceChevrolet was producing the 1970 Chevelle at the same time as the 1969 Corvetteand the Camaro in late 1969 and used the same engine block for all threeengines in these three cars) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: L-4-70 $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1972-1974 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Blocks (High-Nickel Thick-Wall - best quality productionengine block Chevrolet ever produced)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3999289 $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifolds - Small Block:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3731394 (1956 2x4) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3783244 (1962-1963) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3844457 (1964-1965) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3819803 (1968) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3927184 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3965577 (1970) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3973469 (1971) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifolds - Big Block:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3886948 (1966-1967)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 6263753 (1972 454)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 425 Horsepower 427 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifold /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3885069 in mint condition - has never been blasted (stillhas factory finish) $795 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 435 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power/span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Intake Manifold /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3894374 in mint condition - has never been blasted (stillhas factory finish & even some of the factory paint over-spray)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 435 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>- Complete set up/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete with matching original dated Holley Carburetors and Air Cleaner Assembly/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 400 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>- Complete set up/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3937795/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Carter AFB Factory Original Carburetors. /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 3310s (1962)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 3721s (1964-1965). /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 300 & 350 Horsepower Carburetor./span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Holley List- # 3367 Dated 634 (March 1966) In Mint Condition Stillin the box Ultra rare dated New Old Stock carburetor (this is a factoryoriginal! Not a reproduction or "restored" carburetor) $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 427- 425 Horsepower Carburetor:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-indent:.5in>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-indent:.5in>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Holley List- # 3247 $895/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Quadra-Jet Original Corvette Carburetors:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029202 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029203 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029207 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7044227 (1974 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7043202 (1973) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Crankshafts:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>283 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1962-1967) Forged Steel $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1968) Cast Iron $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $295/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Corvette (250 to 300 Horsepower) Full Set $395. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Corvette High-Performance (340 to 375 Horsepower) $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set (the bestproduction rod Chevrolet ever produced) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set Part Number3946841 N.O.S. (New old stock) Brand new still in G.M. boxes $995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 Rod Set $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 High-Performance "Dot" or "Dimple" Rods fresh &ready to go $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chain Covers/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>: /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 & 300 Horsepower) $95/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (390 & 400 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Harmonic Balancers:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 & 300 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 (300 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 (350 Horsepower and LT-1) $125 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (390 & 400 Horsepower) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (425 & 435 Horsepower) $395/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 (all) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Water Pumps:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782608 (1963-1972 327 & 350) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3856284 (1966-1969 427) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3969811 (1970-1971 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3992077 (1972 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Starters:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1107365 (1966-1969 427) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1107889 (1961-1962) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1108418 (1971-Up) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1108430 (1971-Up) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Alternator/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>:/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> # 1100693 (1965-1968) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Transmission Bell housings/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>:/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3899621 (427 Cubic Inch) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3858403 (327 & 396 Cubic Inch) $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Units/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>: /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(1963-1979 Corvette) $695/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Center Positraction Section (1955-1964) "P" Case Pig Type- Complete Hogs Head Assembly $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:red>Many Miscellaneous 1962-1972 O.E.M. EngineComponents, Accessories, and Related Hardware for Both Big Block and SmallBlock Including:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Air Cleaner Assemblies/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Alternators/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Brackets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Camshafts/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Carburetor Linkage/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Clutch Fans/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Coils/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Distributors/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Bearings/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Bolt Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Exhaust Manifolds/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Flywheel & Flex Plates/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Fuel Lines/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Fuel Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Gasket Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Harmonic Balancers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>High Compression Forged Aluminum Pistons/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Ignition Shielding/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Lifters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Filter Canisters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Pans/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Piston Rings/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Pulleys/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Pushrod Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Rocker Arm Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Spark Plug Wires/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Starters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chain Covers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chains/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Valve Covers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Water Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Windage Trays/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr styleheight:37.65pt> td width798 stylewidth:598.15pt;border:solid blue 1.5pt;background:#FFFF99; padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:37.65pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>Camaro – Nova – Chevy II – Chevelle – Malibu – El Camino – Monte Carlo/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>Impala – Biscayne – Caprice – Bel Air – Pickup/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 Engine Blocks: /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3855961 (1965) Casting Date: C-13-65 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3935440 (1968) With Casting Dates: D-17-68, D-24-8, &F-27-68 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3955272 (1969) With Casting Dates: L-7-68, L-11-68, & F-21-69 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3969854 (1971 - 402) With Casting Dates: B-11-71, &E-4-71 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1965 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $3995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Carburetor to Oil Pan (including its original fan, harmonic balancer, coil, distributor, alternator, exhaust manifolds, valve covers, timing chain cover, pulleys, brackets, & etc) $7995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Complete Engine Less Intake. $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427- 425 Horsepower/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> COPO Engine Block/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(See 1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower Engine Block next line below)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512 (4-Bolt Main), Casting Date: J-24-69 MintStandard Bore $4995. While this engine block was factory installed in a1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower Chevelle, it would also be correct for a late435 horsepower Corvette or 425 horsepower COPO Camaro since Chevrolet wasproducing the 1970 Chevelle at the same time as the 1969 Corvette and the Camaroin late 1969 and used the same engine block for all three engines in thesethree cars)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: L-4-70 $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1972-1974 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Blocks (High-Nickel Thick-Wall - best quality productionengine block Chevrolet ever produced)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3999289 $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Cylinder Heads (Closed Chamber –Rectangular Port):/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3964291 One Pair With the Casting Date: F-12-70/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 Camaro Z-28/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> "DZ" Intake Manifold (Factory Aluminum High-Rise)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3932472 in mint condition - has never been blasted(still has original factory finish) $695/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967-1969 396 & 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Intake Manifolds /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3883948 $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968-1969 396-375 Horsepower and COPO 427 Intake Manifolds /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Factory Aluminum High-Rise)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3933163. I have several, one of which is N.O.S. andstill in the original G.M. box/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Factory Original Holley Carburetors:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3043 (1965 High-Performance 327) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3230 (1966 327) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3910 (1967 302 & 396) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 4053 (1969 Z-28 “DZ”)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 4346 (1968-1969 396 - 375 Horsepower and COPO 427 - 425Horsepower)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Crankshafts:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>283 and 302 Cubic Inch (Pre-1968) Forged Steel $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>302 Cubic Inch (1968-1969) Large Journal Forged Steel $895 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1962-1967) Forged Steel $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1968) Cast Iron $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $295/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $395/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 to 300 Horsepower) $395. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 High-Performance (340 to 375 Horsepower) $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set (the bestproduction rod Chevrolet ever produced) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set PartNumber 3946841 N.O.S. (New old stock) Brand new still in G.M. boxes $995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 Rod Set $495. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 High-Performance "Dot" or "Dimple" Rods Fresh & Readyto Go $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Valve Covers/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> - Factory Original (Not Repro) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>I Have One Pair Chrome and One Pair Painted (Both Have Drippers)$295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Units -/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> I Have Two – /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>One 12-Bolt (1965-1972) $695 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>One 10-Bolt (1970-1976 8.5") $695 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>12-Bolt Positraction Complete Rear Axle Assembly/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(1964-1967 Chevelle) Has Brand New 4-Series Posi Unit (thirdmember ring gear carrier) $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Center Section (1955-1964) "P" CasePig Type/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>. CompleteHogs Head Assembly $895 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>12-Bolt Positraction Rear Axle Housing. /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Measures 55.5” Flange to Flange) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Two-piece Bell housing Casting # 3815891 /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting Date E-28-5 (Missing lower half)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>div classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylecolor:blue>hr size2 width100% noshade colorblue aligncenter>/span>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal stylepage-break-after:avoid>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>If any of the following pictures fail to load, simplyright click the red “X” and select “Su>h/u>ow Picture”./span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>If any stop while loading, please refresh the page andthey will load the rest of the way./span>/p>p classMsoNormal>span stylecolor:gray> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width384 height255src a dozen Tri-Power Units on DisplaytitleOver a dozen Tri-Power Units on Display> img border0width383 height255src at home in the shop titleTri-Powers at home in the shop>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width387 height255src ZL-1 427 Engine out of Camaro #26 on display at Super Chevy Sunday at Indianapolis Raceway Parktitle ZL-1 427 Engine out of Camaro #26 on display at Super Chevy Sunday at Indianapolis Raceway Park> img border0 width387 height255src of the ZL-1 titleCloseup of the ZL-1>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width378 height255src Aluminum Cylinder Heads on Display at the Motorama Show in ChicagotitleMore Aluminum Cylinder Heads on Display at the Motorama Show in Chicago> img border0 width363 height255src early years - Racing Engines on display at Chevy/Vettefest in McCormick Center (Chicago Illinois)titleThe early years - Racing Engines on display at Chevy/Vettefest in McCormick Center (Chicago Illinois)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width365 height249src 427 engine Block casting number 3904351 (very rare)title1967 427 engine Block casting number 3904351 (very rare)> img border0 width381 height255src loaded for another show (thats the ZL-1 hiding by my truck)titleGetting loaded for another show (thats the ZL-1 hiding by my truck)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width381 height255src another big block engine I builttitleJust another big block engine I built> img border0width381 height255src one of my big block enginestitleAnother one of my big block engines>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width370 height266 src 427 400 Horsepower 3x2 title1967 427 400 Horsepower 3x2> img border0 width386 height250src 427 435 Horsepower 3x2 title1967 427 435 Horsepower 3x2>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width365 height249src of my big block engines - fresh and ready to go...A/C and the whole nine yardstitleAnother of my big block engines - fresh and ready to go...A/C and the whole nine yards> img border0 width365 height249src knew I forgot what did I do with that clutch fan :)titleoops....I knew I forgot what did I do with that clutch fan :)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>ahref titleLightning Speed Shop - Product Line - Manufacturer Links>LightningSpeed Shop - Product Line - Manufacturer Links/a>/span>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:red>> > script languageJavaScript>!--if ((navigator.appName Microsoft Internet Explorer) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4)) {var url;var titleHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale -;document.write(A HREFjavascript:window.ext);document.write(ernal.AddFavorite(url,title); );document.write(onMouseOver window.status);document.write(BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES; return true );document.write(onMouseOut window.status);document.write( ; return true );document.write(>BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES/a>);}else {var msg Press Control+D to BOOKMARK this site now.;if(navigator.appName Netscape) msg + ;document.write(msg);}// End -->/script> < </span>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width538 stylewidth:403.65pt;background:#FFFF99;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td width532 stylewidth:399.25pt;border:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 5.75pt 6.0pt 5.75pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>For details about the cars I am selling from my Corvette & Muscle/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>Car collection, visit my personal homepage:/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family: Verdana> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>www./span>i>span stylefont-size:13.5pt; font-family:Verdana;color:red>SS427/span>/i>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>.com/span>/a>/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width539 stylewidth:403.9pt;background:#FFCCFF;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td styleborder:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>THIS IS SOMETHING EVERYONE NEEDS AND MOST PEOPLE/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>span classgrame>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>HAVE/span>/b>/span>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red> NEVER EVEN HEARD OF - 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All rights reserved./span>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial>Designated trademarks and brands arethe property of their respective owners./span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial>Web Hosting powered by b>ahref target_blanktitleProfessional Web Hosting - $8.95/month>Shreffler Web Hosting Service/a>/b>,P.O. Box 42, Monticello, Illinois 61856/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:1.0pt;color:#99CCFF> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:1.0pt;color:#CCECFF>3869942 3904351 3916321 3935439 3955270 3963512 3999289 39460523855962 3902406 3916323 3935440 3955272 3782870 3858174 3892657 3932386 39566183970010 3856208 3873858 3904391 3919839 3919840 3964291 3964292 3994026 62587236272990 3872702 3904390 3909802 3917215 3931063 3904392 3919328 3919842 3946074330545 340292 3782461 3890462 3917291 3917292 3927186 3927187 3947041 39733703973414 3991492 4011034 427 402 454 396 327 350 283 302 z-28 z28 3x2 holleylist holley list- list- tripower tri-power afb wcfb 3269s 3310s 3460s 3461s3720s 3721s 3500s 3501s 3696s 3697s 2818 3124 3247 3606 3810 3811 4489 44904555 4781 4800 3659 4801 3367 3370 3416 3814 3815 4053 4802 4803 4800 3660 38884055 3866963 3885069 3886093 3933198 3947801 3963569 3967474 3969802 39198493794129 3795397 3844461 3890490 3917610 3932472 3959594 3972110 3972116 34183433 3605 4054 4296 4346 6238 6239 holley carter rochester quadra jet doublehump 2 02 4-bolt main big block small block dimple dot hi-perf high performancedual point tach-drive positrac positraction limited slip muncie 4-speedperformance engine parts super sport ss396 300 hp 330 hp 340 hp 350 hp 360 hp385 hp 295 hp 390 hp 360 hp 365 hp 375 hp 390 hp 435 hp 425 hp 400 hp 430 hp370 hp 460 hp zr1 zr2 582 396 582 l46 ls6 ls5 ls7 lt1 l36 l72 l68 l71 l89 m20m21 m22 l75 l76 l78 l79 l84 l82- l-82 dz l88 l-88 zl1 zl-1 ss396 chevrolet camaro chevelle bel air belair belaire biscayne malibu super sport caprice nova el camino chevy impala monte carlo super sporthorsepower sting ray stingray roadster coupe muscle car n o s winters foundrym22 m-22 12 bolt 12-bolt hurst chevrolet racing engine engine block block crankcrankshaft forged forged steel cast cast iron rods connecting rods forgedaluminum aluminum pistons compression oil pan timing chain cover pushrods pushrod push rods roller hydraulic camshaft solid lifter lifters timing chaindouble roller cylinder cylinder head heads intake intake manifold manifold fourbarrel chrome carburetor valve valve covers water pump oil pump fuel pump pumpdistributor ignition ignition coil coil spark plug spark plug wires air cleanerassembly air breather harmonic balancer alternator flywheel rocker arm setsrocker arm oil filter canister accessory brackets belt pulleys pulleys starterexhaust manifolds windage tray piston rings rings rod bearings main bearingsengine bearings engine gaskets engine gasket sets gasket sets balance &blueprint big block bell housing carburetor linkage linkage fuel lines ignitionshielding clutch fan fan blade flex plate flexplate flex plates flexplatesengines engine blocks blocks cranks crankshafts rod connecting rod piston oilpans timing chain covers pushrod camshafts solid lifters lifter timing chainscylinders cylinder heads head intakes intake manifolds manifolds four barrelscarburetors valves valve cover water pumps oil pumps fuel pumps pumps distributorsignitions ignition coils coils spark plugs spark plug wire air cleanerassemblies air breathers harmonic balancers alternators flywheels rocker armset rocker arms oil filter canisters accessories brackets belt pulley pulleystarters exhaust manifold windage trays piston ring ring rod bearing mainbearing engine bearing engine gasket engine gasket set gasket set balance &blueprinted big block bellhousings carburetor linkages linkages fuel lineclutch fans fan blades ÿ desk xqjet doc doc +-- d-- zb< chevrolet quadra-jet(q-jet) spread bore carburetors year number quadra-jet numbers are 7-digitstamped on drivers side of carburetor 1967 7027200 carter numbers are 4-digitfollowed by "s" and are on triangular tags 7027201 7027202 carter afbnumbers are also stamped on base plate front edge 7027203 7037200 holleynumbers are 4-digit following "list-" on top front of air horn7037201 7037202 7037203 other stock chevrolet carburetors: 1968 7028207 7028208carter wcfb Holley 7028209 7028216 2218s 2818 3811 4556 7028219 2351s 2818-13814 4556-1 2362s 3043 3815 4557 1969 7029202 2366s 3124 3836 4558 70292032419s 3130 3837 4558-1 7029204 2613s 3139 3838 4559 7029207 2614s 3139-1 38394800 7029215 2626s 3140 3910 4801 2627s 3140-1 3911 4802 1970 7040200 2655s 32303916 4803 7040201 2668s 3245 3916-1 6238 7040202 2669s 3246 4053 6238-1 70402032818s 3247 4054 6239 7040204 3059s 3267 4210 6239-1 7040205 3181s 3268 42237040207 3182s 3310 4224 7040212 3190s 3367 4239 2-barrel 7040213 3191s 33704295 7040502 3500s 3417 4296 3659 7040503 3501s 3418 4346 3660 7040504 3696s3418-1 4455 3888 7040505 3697s 3419 4489 4055 7040507 3769s 3420 4489-1 4055-17040513 carter afb 3605 4490 4056 3269s 3606 4491 4056-1 1971 7141204 3310s3607 4491-1 7041205 3460s 3608 4492 7041212 3461s 3609 4493 over the counter7041213 3661s 3613 4493-1 3662s 3806 4554 4776 4779 7002 1972 7042202 3720s3807 4554-1 4777 4780 8679 7042203 3721 s 3810 4555 4778 4781 9895 70422167042217 7042902 1974 7044206 of special interest (above average value) 70429037044207 7044210 1973 7043200 7044211 7043201 7044225 7043202 7044227 70432037044505 7043212 7044506 monticello il 61856 7043213 7044507 doc +-- d-- _b>blocks 2bm 4bm cvs add intakes carbs otc dtd nos 6 174 75 --- 7 093 50 -25% ifblasted 4-5 2818 50 120 367 9 270 165 275 6 069e 100 -60% if cracked or w 53124 140 200 289 75 150 0 110 75 6 3247 85 170 8 321 250 300 116 50 6 3367 50120 310 7 351 600 750 1k-1400 3 129 100 6 3370 90 150 9 386 50 75 8-9 198 50 73418 25 80 395 8-9 439 250 300 7 374 300 450-650 6 3605 50 100 9-2 512 250 3007 382 400 600-750 6 3606 60 120 618 --- 75 2 397 100 3613 35 50 360 6-7 657 75--- 4-5 461 100 3x2 prod 8-9 3659 25 45 185 2-3 870e 175 --- 472 75 #850 1932 73659 25 65 185 4-6 870 75-100 --- 0-1 474 50 #795 2072 6105 7 3660 30 70 2296-7 942 400 600 8-900 6-7 490 100 #382 2101 3807 25 50 315 5 962 50 400 550 0-1569 50 #797 3112 7 3810 60 170 526 heads -bb 1-2 594 75 #852 3522 10404 7 381155 190 402 1 026 175 610 75 #374 3770 7 3814 60 120 9-1 074 500 9 795 175 300 73815 70 135 5 208 400 9 797 175 7 3888 40 70 7 215e 75 9 801 75 3910 25 50 368291 150 0 802 75 4053 50 75 403 292 150 8 850 175 8 4054 25 80 7 328 500 8 852175 8-9 4055 35 60 308 7 390 100 5 963 75 8-9 4056 35 60 308 7 391 500 750-1200163 or late 069 50 4295 25 50 422 7 392 500 950-1000 cranks 9 4296 25 90 468 6702 75 1178 (302) 100 4346 50 80 404 723 175 1182 (350) 75 0 4489 70 90 7 802100 2690 (350) 75 4490 45 75 371 839 200 3279 (302) 100 4493 25 50 7 840e 3753520 (454) 75(c d +25) 0 4555 50 1 00 404 8-9 840 50 3 8 rods press 100 float75 2 6238 30 60 252 9 041 60 75 7 16 rods press 100 float 100 2 6239 50 75 3699-0 186 100 125 396 4-bm block 100 carter afb 9-0 187 100 125 402 4-bm block 752 3269s 75 95 8 291 30 75 tach drive dist 50 2 3310s 55 75 8 292 30 50 bbbalancer 7" 10 3 3460s 30 50 292t --- 125 bb balancer 8" 20 3 3461s60 80 370 75 100 bb pulley or bracket e 5 ea 4-5 3720s 30 50 0 414 30 100 bblate 15 set 4-5 3721s 50 70 4-6 461 75-100 125 bb exhaust manifold 5 ea carterwcfb 1-3 461x 175 bb dripper v cover 5 ea 3 3500s 5 25 7 462 75 100 bb chrome10 ea 3 3501s 30 50 492 75 125 sb alum v covers early 15 pr 4-5 3696s 5 25 492a--- 125 sb alum v covers late 20 pr 4-5 3697s 30 50 exhaust manifoldsaftermarket bb sp intake 20 115 1850 mint- 20 171 5 301(l) 100 aftermarket bbop intake 35 140 3310 mint- 15 188 5 302(r) 100 aftermarket sb intake 25 1804776 mint- 30 260 6-9 827(l) 75 12 bolt posi 3-series 60 192 4777 mint- 30 2806-4 828(r) 75 12 bolt posi 4-series 75 210 4778 mint- 35 310 0-4 869(l) 75 12bolt posi 2-series 25 218 4779 mint- 35 324 ls6 923(l) 100 12 bolt gears 3 31-456 10 268 4780 mint- 40 396 ls6 834(r) 100 12 bolt gears other 281 4781 mint-45 421 muncie 4-speed 75 10 bolt posi 50 --- 8679 mint- 35 308 3x2 breather 75bb vette v covers l-50 r-25 bell housing #3899621 25 sb cast holley intakes10-20 other 72 & older bb head 30 pr bb cast holley intakes 20-50 ÿ deskstralth2 doc doc +-- d-- fb< alternators distributors wcfb carbs crankshafts1100543 1110847 1112021 2218s 283 3735236 1100544 1110855 1112038 2351 38158221100628 1110872 1112050 2362 3836266 1100633 1110879 1112051 2366 38398471100665 1110889 1112053 2419 3876768 1100668 1110890 1112076 2613 ? 67641100669 1110891 1112101 2614 302 1178 1100684 1110905 1112314 2626 3279 11006931110906 2627 327(sj) 4577 1100694 1110908 2655 3782680 1100696 1110914 coils2668 327(lj) 4672 1100697 1110915 1115086 2669 3911001 1100750 1110946 087 28183941174 1100825 1110984 091 3059 350 1182 1100833 1110985 176 3181 2690 11008591110990 196 3182 3932442 1100882 1111011 202 3190 400 3951529 1100884 1111022203 3191 396-427 6223 1100900 1111024 207 3500 7115 1100901 1111060 210 35013904815 1100950 1111062 231 3696 454 3520 generators 1111063 232 3697 35211102025 1111064 261 3769 7416 1102043 1111069 262 353059 1102059 1111070 2631102173 1111076 264 forged steel 1102174 1111087 270 1102268 1111088 272 mainsrods 1102793 1111093 287 sj 2 2973 (2 30) 1 9985 (2 00) starters 1111117 394 lj2 4479 (2 45) 2 0985 (2 10) 1107109 1111141 400 2 6479 (2 65) 2 0985 (2 10)1107219 1111142 bb 2 7495 (2 75) 2 2000 (2 20) 1107233 1111153 1107242 11111561107320 1111157 1107352 1111194 exhaust mantifolds 1107365 1111196 37047913856302 1107627 1111240 3704792 3872765 1107645 1111247 3725563 3872778 11076641111248 3731557 3880827 1107889 1111258 3731558 3880828 1108035 1111293 37339753880869 1108338 1111294 3733976 3932461 1108351 1111295 3747038 3932481 11083611111296 3747042 3969869 1108381 1111438 3749901 3989036 1108400 1111441 37499651108418 1111464 3750556 1108427 1111475 3797901 1108429 1111480 3797902 11084301111490 3797942 water pumps 1111491 3836108 (6cyl) 3782608 1111493 33369683856284 1111926 3837069 3859326 1111927 3846559 1111289 3846563 1111954 3856301doc + d `bb year ci hp rpo block heads intake carburetors manual auto calif1962 327 250 3782870 3795896 3884520 3783244 3191s 3190s(early) 300 583 37828703782461x 3799349 3269s 3310s 340 396 3782870 3782461x 3795397 3269s 360 5823782870 3782461x f i 1963 327 250 3782870 3795896 3783244 3501s 3500s 300 l753782870 3782461x 3799349 3461s 3460s 340 l76 3782870 3782461x 3794129 3461s 360l84 3782870 3782461x f i 1964 327 250 3782870 3795896 3844457 3697s 3696s 300l75 3782870 3782461 3799349 3721s a b 3720s a b 365 l76 3782870 3782461 38444612818 375 l84 3782870 3782461 f i 1965 327 250 3782870 3782461 3844457 3697s3696s 300 l75 3782870 3782461 3844459 3721sa 3720sa 350 l79 3782870 37824613844461 2818 365 l76 3782870 3782461 3844461 2818 375 l84 3782870 3782461 f i396 425 l78 3855962 3856208 3866963 3124 1966 327 300 3858174 3892657 37824613872783 3367 3605 350 l79 3858174 3892657 3782461 3890490 3367 3605 390 l363689942 3872702 3866948 3370 3606 427 425 l72 3689942 3873858 3885069 3247 1967327 300 3892657 3890462 3872783 3810 3814 350 l79 3892657 3890462 3890490 38103814 427 390 l36 3689942 3904351 3904390 3909802 3866948 3883948 3811 3815 400l68 3689942 3904351 3904390 3909802 3894382 3659 3660 3888 435 l71 36899423904351 3904391 3919840 3894374 3659 3660 435 l89 3689942 3904351 39043923919328 3894374 3659 3660 430 l88 3689942 3904351 3904392 3919328 38850693886093 3418 1968 327 300 3914678 3917291 3919803 7028207 7028208 350 l793914678 3917291 3919803 7028219 n a 427 390 l36 3916321 3935439 3917215 39198497028209 7028216 400 l68 3916321 3917215 3919850 3659 4055 4056 1 435 l713935439 3919840 3919852 3659 4055 435 l89 3935439 3919842 3919852 3659 4055 430l88 3935439 3919842 3885069 3933198 4054 1969 350 300 3932386 3927186 39470413927184 7029203 7029202 350 l46 3932386 3927186 3927187 3927184 7029207 n a 427390 l36 3935439 3963512 3931063 3947801 7029215 7029204 400 l68 3935439 39635123931063 3937795 3659 4055 4056 1 435 l71 3935439 3963512 3919840 3937797 36594055 435 l89 3955270 3919842 3946074 3937797 3659 4055 430 l88 3935439 39635123919842 3946074 3933198 4054 4296 calif 4spd auto 1970 350 300 3970010 39271863965577 7040203 13 202 212 503 513 502 350 l46 3970010 3927186 3927187 39655777040207 n a 507 370 lt1 3970010 3927186 3973414 3972110 4555 n a 4489 454 390ls5 3963512 3964290 3955287 3969802 7040205 7040204 505 504 1971 350 2703970010 3973487 3973469 7041213 7041212 330 lt1 3970010 3973487 3959594 4801 na 454 365 ls5 3963512 3993820 3955287 7041205 7141204 425 ls6 3963512 39940263946074 3969569 3967474 4803 4802 1972 350 200 3970010 3973487x3998993 62637517042203 7042202 903 902 255 lt1 3970010 3998916 3959594 6239 1 n a 454 270 ls53963512 3999241 6263753 7042217 7042216 engine block casting numbers crankshaftforging numbers 427 cu in 396 cu in 327 cu in 350 cu in 3869942 3855962 37828703932386 small block big block 3904351 3902406 3858174 3956618 1178 3521 39163213916323 3892657 3970010 3279 7416 3935439 3935440 3791362 (pre 1972) 4672 35203955270 3955272 these numbers are found on the 1182 these numbers are 3963512rear if the block between the cylinder head 2690 found on the front 3999289& the transmission on the drivers side counter weight and 3946052 both 2and 4 bolt main blocks are hard to see cylinder head casting numbers carburetornumbers carter big block big block big block small block rect port oval portaluminum 330545 afb wcfb 340292 3856208 3872702 3904392 3782461 3269s 3500s3873858 3904390 3919328 3890462 3310s 3501s 3904391 3909802 3919842 39172913460s 3696s 3919839 3917215 3946074 3917292 3461s 3697s 3919840 3931063 39271863720s 3964291 3927187 3721s 3964292 3947041 3994026 3973370 carburetor numbersholley 6258723 3973414 6272990 3991492 list & any other that say "hiperf" on them 14011034 2818 3606 4489 4781 2 bbl 462624 3124 3810 44904800 intake manifold casting numbers 3247 3811 4555 4801 3659 (factory aluminumtype) 3367 3814 4776 4802 3660 big block small block 3370 3815 4777 4803 38883416 4053 4778 4800 4055 3866963 3794129 3418 4054 4779 6238 3885069 37953973433 4296 4780 6239 3886093 3844461 big block 3 x 2 barrel 3605 4346 39331983890490 or 3947801 3917610 small block cross ram 3963569 3932472 or 39674743959594 intake that used 3969802 3972110 holley or carter carburetors 39198493972116 (either cast iron or aluminum) any 1965 1969 big block engine partsaluminum cyl heads big block or small block small block "double hump"or "2 02 valve" heads big block 4 bolt main blocks or completeengines big block dimple (hi perf) connecting rods (sets or singles) big blockbrackets pulleys balancers or exhaust manifolds factory dual point and or tachdrive distributors factory fuel injection units or parts factory chrome oraluminum valve covers posi trac units gears and complete rear axles muncie 4speeds and any other (borg warner saginaw) performance engine parts factory oraftermarket lightning speed shop alternator type part number application 37 amp1100693 all except a/c 42 amp 1100696 optional, k79, w/o a/c 61 amp 1100750a/c, optional k76 62 amp 1117777 optional 42 amp 1100696 no pulley 37 amp1100794 6cyl w/o smog or ps, all std v8 61 amp 1100796 a/c ex. 6cyl, smog, orps 37 amp 1100813 6cyl, smog or ps 37 amp 1100814 302 42 amp 1100815 6cyl ps 61amp 1100817 a/c 6cyl smog or ps 62 amp 1117777 optional 37 amp 1100834 base car37 amp 1100836 6cyl smog or ps 61 amp 1100845 6cyl a/c 61 amp 1100843 v8 a/c 37amp 1100837 302, 396/375, all copo 42 amp 1100842 option k79 61 amp 1100849option k85 exhaust manifold all chevrolet exhaust manifolds are made of castiron, and they all have a raised casting number somewhere on the part. partnumber outlet side year engine hp notes 3840912 r 1967 302 290 w/o a.i.r. 327210, 275 w/o a.i.r. 350 295 w/o a.i.r. 1968 327 210, 275 a/t 350 295 3872730 r1967 302 290 a.i.r. 327 210, 275 350 295 1968 302 290 a.i.r. s/t 327 210, 275350 295 3909879 l 1967 396 325, 375 1968 396 325, 350, 375 1969 396 427 425copo 430 zl1 3909880 r 1967 396 325, 375 rare 3916178 r 1968 396 325, 350, 3751969 396 427 425 copo 430 zl1 3932376 r 1969 307 200 a/t 327 210 350 250, 255,300 3942527 l 1969 302 290 s/t 307 200 a.i.r. s/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 3003942529 l 1969 307 200 w/o a.i.r. a/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 300 3946826 r 1969302 290 s/t 307 200 a.i.r. s/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 300 water pump there aretwo main types of water pumps in use on chevrolets: short leg and long leg. smallblock cars used the short leg through 1968, then switched to the long leg. allbig block pumps used a water bypass fitting on the top of the pump. small blockpumps part number year engine hp notes 3782608 1967 327 210, 275 350 295 1968327 210, 275 350 295 3859326 1967 302 290 1968 3927170 1969 all all usedinterchangeably with 3953692. rare. 3953692 1969 302290 327 210 350 250, 255,300 big block pumps part number year engine hp notes 3856284 1967 396 325, 3751968 325, 350, 375 3931065 1969 396 325, 350, 375 427 425 crankshaft chevroletcrankshafts have a casting number located on the rough surface of one of thecounterweights or between the bearing journals. standard performance used cast (nodulariron) cranks, while high performance engines used forged steel cranks. castingnumber year engine construction main journal rod journal stroke notes 11301968-69 327 forged 2.45 2.10 3.25 1182 1967 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 ss3507115 1965-69 427 forged 1-4: 2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 3804816 1965-69 396unknown 2.20 3.76 3814671 1968 327 forged 2.45 2.10 3.25 hi perf, hd truck3815822 1967 302 forged 2.30 2.00 3.00 tuffrided, special flange, z/28 38562231965-69 396 forged 1-4: 2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 1965-66 all 1967-69 hi perf3863144 unknown 3874874 3884577 1966-67 327 forged 2.30 2.20 3.25 3892690 1967350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 camaro only replacement 3904815 1965-69 396 cast 1-4:2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 3911001 1968-73 307/327 cast 2.45 2.10 3.25replacement 3911011 1968-69 307/327 3923279 1968 302 forged 2.45 2.10 3.00 z/28only 3932442 1969-85 350 cast 2.45 2.10 3.48 replacement 3941178 1969 302forged 2.45 2.10 3.00 z/28 3941182 1968-76 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48replacement 3941188 1969-71 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 hi perf/truck/replacement intake manifold all chevrolet intake manifolds were either castiron or aluminum. the aluminum intakes were built by winters industries andcarry the winters "snowflake" logo on the intake. aluminum intakemanifolds part number carb type year engine hp 3885069 4 bbl holley 1967 396375 1968 (early) 3917610 4bbl holley 1967-68 302 290 (z/28) 3919878 4bbl holley1967 (late) 396 375 1968 (early) 3932472 4 bbl holley 1969 302 290 (z/28)3933163 4bbl holley 1968 (late) 396 375 1969 375 427 425 (copo) 3933198 4bblholley 1969 427 430 (zl1) 3941126 2x4bbl holley 1968-69 302 290 (z/28 crossrambottom half) 3941130 2x4bbl holley 1968-69 302 290 (z/28 crossram top half)cast iron intake manifolds 3877652 2bbl (all) 1967 327 210 283 195 3883948 4bblrochester 1967 396 325 1968 396 325, 350 3905393 4bbl rochester 1967 327 275350 295 3916313 2bbl rochester 1969 350 250 3919801 2bbl rochester 1968 327 2103919803 4bbl rochester 1968 327 285, 325 350 295 3927183 2bbl rochester 1969307 200 327 210 3927184 4bbl rochester 1969 350 255, 300 3931067 4bbl rochester1969 396 325, 350 camshaft engine horse- power lifter intake lift exhaust liftintake duration exhaust duration rocker ratio part number casting number 1967 327210 h .390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 302 290 m .485 .485 346 3461.50 3849346 3849347 396 325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.70 3904365 3904365 375 m.520 .520 316 302 1.70 3904362 3904366 1968 302 290 m .485 .485 346 346 1.503849346 3849347 327 210 h .390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 295 396325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.70 3904365 3904365 375 m .520 .520 316 302 1.703904362 3904366 1969 302 290 m .485 .485 346 346 1.50 3849346 3849347 307 200 h.390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 300 396 325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.703874872 3874874 375 m .520 .520 316 302 1.70 3863143 3863144 427 425, 435 430(zl1) m .579 .620 354 360 1.70 3959180 3959181 302 (off-road) 290 m .512 .535324 334 1.50 3965754 3965751 carburetor holley holley carburetors have beenused on high performace engines since the early 60s. their modular design,inclorporating a metering block for the jets and power vales, made it easy foranyone to rebuild their carburetor. the air horn of the carb will be stampedwith several numbers, including the holley list number, the chevrolet partnumber, and usually a letter indicating the application. there is also a datecode. holley carburetors year carb model list number part number engine horse-power trans- mission notes 1967 4160 3811 3906633 eo 396 375 std w/o a.i.r.early 4160 3815 3906637 ec 396 375 std a.i.r. 4150 3910 3916143 ct 302 290 stdw/o a.i.r. z/28 396 375 l78 (late) 4150 3911 3916145 cu 302 290 std a.i.r. z/28396 375 l78 (late) 1968 4150 4053 3923289 302 290 std z/28 396 375 l78 l89 1969302 290 z/28 1968 4150 4210 3941140 302 290 std z/28 crossram 1969 4295 39578591969 4150 4296 3955205 427 430 all zl1 4346 3959164 ge 425 copo 396 375 l78 l89rochester rochester carburetors were used on all standard performance camaros. thereare three types of identification on rochester carbs. models b, 2g, and 4g useda triangular metal tag installed beneath the air horn screw. the early model m(monojet) and 4m (quadrajet) used a circular tag in a cavity in the side of thefloat bowl. other carburetors used a stamping on the body of the carb. thenumbers include the model number, usually 7 digits, a change letter, signifyingchanges during the model year, and a date code. the stamping or part numberdecodes as follows: example: #70 2 8 2 1 9 dg 1938 o 70 - prefix code."70" will appear on all late 60s rochester carburetors. o 2 -decade produced. o 2 - 1960s o 3 - 1060s with a.i.r. o 4 - 1970-1975 o 5 -1976-1979 o 8 - 1980s o 8 - year produced. 81968 o 2 - model o 0 - monojet (1bbl) federal standards o 1 - two jet (2 bbl) federal standards o 2 - quadrajet(4 bbl) federal standards o 3 - monojet (1 bbl) california standards o 4 - twojet (2 bbl) california standards o 5 - quadrajet (4 bbl) california standards o1 - division. 0, 1, and 2 all indicate chevrolet. o 9 - transmission o evennumbers - automatic transmission o odd numbers - manual transmission o dg -customer code. o 1938 - date code rochester carburetors part number carb modelyear engine horse- power trans- mission notes 2 barrel 702711 2gv 1967 327 210st 7027103 2gv 1967 327 210 st a/c 7027110 2gv 1967 327 210 at early 70271142gv 1967 327 210 at late 7027116 2gv 1967 327 210 at a/c 7028101 2gv 1968 327210 st 7028103 2gv 1968 327 210 st a/c 7028110 2gv 1968 327 210 at 7028112 2gv1968 327 210 at a/c 7029101 2gv 1969 307/327 200/210 st 7029103 2gv 1969307/327 200/210 st a/c 7029110 2gv 1969 307/327 200/210 at 7029112 2gv 1969307/327 200/210 at a/c 7029113 2gv 1969 350 250 st 7029114 2gv 1969 350 250 at7029115 2gv 1969 350 250 st a/c 729116 2gv 1969 350 250 at a/c 7037101 2gv 1967327 210 st a.i.r. 7037103 2gv 1967 327 210 st a.i.r. a/c 7037110 2gv 1967 327210 at a.i.r. 7037112 2gv 1967 327 210 at a.i.r. a/c 4 barrel 7027200 4mv 1967396 325 at early 7027201 4mv 1967 396 325 st early 7027202 4mv 1967 327 275 at1st type 350 295 7027203 4mv 1967 327 275 st 1st type 350 295 7027210 4mv 1967396 325 at late 7027211 4mv 1967 396 325 st late 7027212 4mv 1967 327 275 at2nd type 350 295 7027213 4mv 1967 327 275 st 2nd type 350 295 7027216 4mv 1967396 325 at 3rd type 7027218 4mv 1967 327 275 at 3nd type 350 295 7028210 4mv1968 396 375 at 7028211 4mv 1968 396 375 st 7028212 4mv 1968 327 275 at 350 2957028213 4mv 1968 327 275 st 350 295 7028217 4mv 1968 396 350 st 7028218 4mv1968 396 350 at 7029200 4mv 1969 396 325 at 7029201 4mv 1969 396 325 st 70292024mv 1969 350 255, 300 at 7029203 4mv 1969 350 255, 300 st 7029204 4mv 1969 396350 at 7029215 4mv 1969 396 350 st 7037200 4mv 1967 396 325 at a.i.r. 70372014mv 1967 396 325 st a.i.r. 7037202 4mv 1967 327 275 at 1st type a.i.r. 350 2957037203 4mv 1967 327 275 st 1st type a.i.r. 350 295 7037210 4mv 1967 396 325 atlate a.i.r. 7037211 4mv 1967 396 325 st late a.i.r. 7037212 4mv 1967 327 275 st2nd type a.i.r. 350 295 7037213 4mv 1967 327 275 st 2nd type a.i.r. 350 2957037216 4mv 1967 396 325 at 3rd type a.i.r. 7037218 4mv 1967 327 275 st 3rdtype a.i.r. 350 295 carter-built rochester carburetors carter built quadrajetsfor general motors in the 1960s. all carter-built carbs have "mfg bycarter" cast into the carb body. the carb number matches the rochesternumber. distributor all distributors used on chevrolet engines 1967 - 1969 weremanufactured by the delco-remy division of general motors. part numberengine/hp trans point type notes 1967 1111101 327/210 all single 1111168350/295 all single 1111169 396/325 all single 1111170 396/375 all single1111124 327/275 all single 1111266 302/290 std single 1111267 302/290 stdmagnetic pulse 1968 1111168 350/295 auto single 1111169 396/325 all single396/350 auto single 1111170 396/375 all single 1111264 350/295 std single1111267 302/290 std magnetic pulse tach drive 1111297 327/275 auto single1111298 327/275 std single 1111440 327/210 std single 1111443 327/210 autosingle 1111445 396/350 std single 1111467 302/290 std single 1969 1111480302/290 std single 1111481 307/200 all single 1111482 327/210 std single1111483 327/210 auto single 1111486 350/250 std single 1111487 350/250 autosingle 1111488 350/300 std single 1111489 350/300 auto single 1111497 396/325all single 1111498 396/350 std single 1111499 396/350 auto single 396/375 allsingle 427/425 all single 1111927 427/430 all magnetic pulse zl1 1111955350/255 auto single 1111956 350/255 std single 3951511 3951509 3030817 400 smallblock chevrolet engine parts, cavalier performance, engine blocks for sale,jeggs auto parts, 454 engine for sale, corvette engines for sale, 327 engine,high performance engines for sale, jeggs, 454 engine, 396 engine, corvettecarburetors, chevrolet engines for sale, corvette engine parts, chevroletengine blocks, 427 engine for sale, how many horsepower does a 427 cobra-jetengine display, 454 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346236 1974-76 454 215 2 bolt 3590701974-90 454 truck 361959 1973-85 454 car & truck 364776 1968-84 427 talltruck 364779 1968-88 366 tall truck 473478 1968-84 427 tall truck 37828701968-76 427 tall truck 3855061 1965-67 396 3855961 1966-67 396 325 360 2 bolt3855962 1965-66 396 360 375 425 4 bolt 3855977 1965-67 366 tall truck 38669611966-69 396 chevy chevy truck 3869942 1966-67 427 390 425 2&4 bolt 38738581966 396 375 4 bolt 3902406 1967 396 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3902466 1965-67396 3904351 1967 427 385 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt 3904354 1966-67 366tall truck 3916319 1968-85 366 tall truck 3916321 1968 427 385 390 400 425 430435 2&4 bolt 3916323 1968 396 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3918319 1966-70 366chevy truck gmc tall truck 3925521 1968-85 366 tall truck 3928319 1969-73 366gmc tall truck 3935439 1968-69 427 335 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt 39354401968-69 396 265 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3937724 1968-85 366 tall truck 39377261968-84 427 tall truck 3955270 1969 427 335 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt3946052 1969 427 430 zl-1 4 bolt aluminum 3955272 1969 396 402 265 325 350 3752&4 bolt 3955274 1968-85 366 tall truck 3955276 1968-84 427 tall truck3963512 1969-71 427 335 390 400 425 copo 430 435 454 345 360 365 390 425 4502&4 bolt 3963513 1973-76 454 215 3965440 1968-69 396 3965449 1968-72 3963965540 1968 396 3969854 1969-72 396 402 240 265 300 325 330 350 375 454 3602&4 bolt 3969858 1968-84 427 tall truck 3999289 1972-78 454 215 235 240 2702 bolt car & truck 3999290 1972 402 240 2 bolt 3999293 1968-85 366 talltruck 3999294 1968-84 427 tall truck 6272176 1968-76 366 chevy gmc tall truck6272177 1972 402 210 6272181 1973-76 427 tall truck 1401544 1975-87 454 truckbig block chevy cylinder heads open vs closed chamber - a good way to describebig-block heads is to categorize them as open or closed chamber closed-chambercylinder heads have small combustion chamber volumes for high compressionratios with even mildly domed pistons open-chamber designs are larger andprovide lower compression ratios so require a much larger piston dome toachieve the same compression as a closed-chamber head use of either style headrequires that the correct pistons are used otherwise bbc cylinder head castingnumbers rectangular port - valve size 2 19 intake 1 88 exhaust casting yearscid chamber cc hp rpo comments 3904392 1967 427 closed 106 8 430 435 l-88 l-891 72 ex 3919842 1968-69 396 375 l-89 427 closed 106 8 430 435 l-88 l-89 1 84 ex3946074 1969-71 396 402 375 l-89 427 430 l-88 zl-1 454 open 118 0 425 465 ls-6ls-7 round ex 10051128 1990-94 454 semi open 72cc ip 400cc bowtie sym port14011077 1989-94 454 open 118 0cc ip 295cc replacement c port 14044861 1989-94454 open 425 105 0cc ip 380cc bowtie w port 3856208 1965 396 closed 108 9 375425 z-16 l-37 1 72 ex 3873858 1966-67 396 375 l-78 427 closed 108 9 425 l-72 172 ex 3904391 1965-67 396 375 l-78 427 closed 106 8 425 435 l-71 l-72 1 72 ex3919840 1967-69 396 375 l-78 1 72 ex 427 closed 109 0 425 435 l-71 l-72 425copo 3964291 1969-70 396 402 375 l-78 intake port 325cc 427 425 435 l-71 l-72454 closed 450 ls-6 108 0cc 3964292 1970 454 closed 450 ls-6 109 0cc 39940251971 454 open 425 ls-6 118 0cc 3994026 1971 454 closed 425 ls-6 118 0cc 62587231971 454 open 425 6272990 1971-94 454 open 425 118 0cc ip 325cc 140961881987-94 454 open 425 118 0cc ip 325cc replacement 14097088 1989-94 502 open genv 118 0cc ip 325cc replacement oval port - valve size 2 06 intake 1 72 exhaustcasting years cid chamber cc hp rpo comments 330864 1970-81 366 427 454 open330865 1970-84 366 427 454 open 336765 1973-84 427 454 open 336781 1973-85 454open 113 0cc 343771 1968-85 366 427 454 open 343772 1976-84 366 427 454 open343783 1975-78 454 open car & truck 346236 1975-87 454 open 113 0cc 3462381975-87 454 open 113 0cc 353049 1970-73 402 454 open 113 0cc 473328 1968-85 366open 3856206 1965-66 396 closed 325 97 2cc 3856213 1966-70 366 closed truck3872702 1966 396 325 360 l-34 l-35 427 closed 390 l-36 98 4cc 3876875 1966-70427 closed truck 3904390 1966-67 396 325 350 l-34 l-35 427 closed 390 400 l-36l-68 98 4cc 3904393 1966-68 366 closed truck 3909802 1966-67 396 325 350 l-34l-35 427 closed 385 390 400 l-36 l-68 100 9cc 3917215 1967-69 396 325 350 l-34l-35 427 closed 335 385 390 400 100 9cc 3917219 1966-70 366 427 closed truck3931063 1969-70 396 325 350 l-34 l-35 427 closed 335 385 390 400 100 9cc3933148 1969 366 396 open 2v 427 265 122 1cc car & truck 3933149 1969-70427 open 122 1 cc truck 3964280 1966-70 427 335 385 390 400 454 closed 345 360390 ls-5 3964290 1969-70 396 402 325 330 350 427 335 385 390 400 454 closed 345360 390 ls-5 100 9cc 3965198 1969 396 truck 3975950 1968-70 366 427 closedtruck 3986133 1970-85 366 427 closed truck 3986136 1970-84 366 427 closed truck3993820 1971 402 300 330 ls-3 454 open 365 ls-5 113 0cc 3999241 1972 402 240300 330 ls-3 454 open 365 ls-5 113 0cc 6272292 1971 402 240 ls-3 454 open 270ls-5 10101136 1991-94 454 open truck 10121033 1978-88 454 open truck 123527831979-93 454 open truck 14025175 1983-93 454 open truck 14081044 1986-90 454open truck 14092359 1986-89 427 open truck 14092360 1985-89 454 open truck14101398 1986-90 454 open truck bbc camshaft part numbers part # year type liftdur @ 050 lift comments specs rpos apps 340282 solid 560i 560e 262i 262e 121deg overlap competition-short track apps 353040 1973-74 hyd 440i 440e 210i 210eproduction corvette 3863143 1965-71 solid 520i 520e 242i 242e see note 13883986 1965-72 hyd 460i 488e 213i 217e see note 2 3904362 1965-71 solid 520i520e 242i 242e see note 3 3925533 1965-69 solid 540i 560e 262i 269e 133 degoverlap 427 l-88 reverse rotation 3925535 1965-69 solid 540i 560e 262i 269e 133deg overlap 427 l-88 standard rotation 3959180 1969-70 solid 560i 600e 262i273e 135 deg overlap 427 zl-1 454 ls-7 3994094 solid 600i 600e 286i 286e seenote 4 6272989 hyd 500i 500e 222i 221e 121 deg overlap marine grind or hpstreet 14096209 hyd 500i 500e 222i 221e 121 deg overlap marine grind or hpstreet (6272989) note 1: 80 deg overlap 396 375hp l-78 l-89 427 425 435hp l-71l-72 454 450hp ls-6 hp street note 2: 396 325 350hp l-34 l-35 427 385 390 400hpl-36 l-68 454 345 360 390hp ls-4 ls-5 good torque hp note 3: 80 deg overlap 396375hp l-78 l-89 427 425 435hp l-71 l-72 454 450hp ls-6 hp street note 4: 148deg overlap maximum power with f i or tunnel ram can am bbc crankshaft partnumbers casting # year cid comments specs rpos apps 330570 427 truck 1053forging number 6223 336782 1970-74 454 with automatic transmission 3879621 1967427 l-88 see note 1 3882841 1965-71 396 see note 2 3882842 1965-69 427 forgedcross drilled balanced for 11:1 cr 3882849 1966-69 427 3887114 1965 396tufftrided 5140 3963521 454 4 in stroke 5140 raw forged 3963523 1970-71 454ls-6 see note 3 3963524 1970-71 454 ls-7 see note 4 3965746 1965-69 430 rawforged semi finished 3 4-3 8 stroke 3965753 1970-72 495 raw forged semifinished 3 9-4 25 stroke 5140 3967811 1968-69 427 l-88 zl-1 see note 5 39759451970 454 with manual transmission 3993804 427 raw forged 3 75 stroke 51403993878 1971-72 454 ls-6 10051169 454 raw forged 4340 3 75-4 25 note 1: l-88with 3 8 in bolt rods balanced for 12 5:1 cr tufftrided cross drilled note 2:forged cross drilled 3 76 stroke tufftrided balanced for 11:1 cr note 3: 1053tufftrided cross drilled balanced for 9 25:1 or 11 25:1 cr forging number -3520 and 7416 note 4: 4 in stroke hd 5140 ls-7 balanced for 12 5:1 crtufftrided cross drilled note 5: tufftrided 5140 with 7 16 in bolt rodstufftrided cross drilled forging number - 7115 bbc exhaust manifold castingnumbers cast # years side cid applications 329225 1973-76 lh 454 353028 1973-76lh 454 353030 1973-76 lh 454 police 3856297 1965 lh 396 325 3856301 1965 lh 396425 corvette 3856302 1965 rh 396 425 corvette 3856306 1965 rh 396 325 38572971965 lh 396 325 3868874 1965-66 rh 396 325 360 375 z-16 3869925 1965 lh 396 375z-16 3872770 1966 rh 396 3880827 1966-69 lh 427 454 corvette 3880828 1966-72 rh427 454 corvette 3880869 1970-72 lh 454 corvette 3883999 1966 lh 396 325 360375 3884504 1966-67 rh 396 427 325 385 390 3892307 1966-67 lh 396 427 325 3903902401 1967 lh 396 3904399 1966 lh 396 3909879 1967-70 lh 396 427 copo 454 325350 375 425 430 3909880 1967 rh 396 325 350 375 3914613 1968-70 lh 396 427 265325 335 345 390 425 3916178 1968-70 rh 396 427 copo 454 325 350 375 425 4303969869 1970-74 lh 454 corvette 3989310 1971-72 rh 402 454 3989343 1971-72 lh402 454 3994045 1973-75 lh 454 police bbc intake manifold casting numbersaluminum rectangular port - holley 4v casting years cid hp rpo config 38669631965 396 375 425 l-37 3885069 1966-68 396 375 l-78 427 425 l-72 3886093 1967427 430 l-88 3894374 1967 427 435 3x2 l-71 3894382 1967 427 400 3x2 l-68 ovalport 3919849 1968 427 390 l-36 oval port qjet 3919850 1968 427 400 3x2 l-68ovat port 3919852 1968 427 435 3x2 l-71 3919878 1968 396 375 l-78 427 425 l-723933163 1968-69 396 375 l-78 l-89 427 425 copo 3933198 1968-69 427 430 l-88zl-1 3937793 1968 427 390 l-36 oval port qjet late 3937795 1969 427 400 3x2l-68 oval port 3937797 1969 427 435 3x2 l-71 3947801 1969 427 390 l-36 ovalport qjet 3963569 1970-71 396 402 375 l-78 l-89 454 ls-6 lowrise 3967474 1971454 425 6269318 1972 454 bbc intake manifold casting numbers iron oval port -rochester q-jet 4v casting years cid hp rpo config 336789 1974 454 235 270346242 1975 454 215 353015 1973 454 215 245 393841 1973-75 454 215 38562891965-66 396 325 l-35 3866948 1966-67 396 325 360 l-34 l-35 427 390 holley3883948 1966-68 396 325 l-35 427 385 390 l-36 3931067 1969 396 325 l-35 427 335390 l-36 3952900 1969 396 265 2v 3955287 1970-71 402 300 330 350 ls-3 454 360365 390 6263753 1972 402 240 ls-3 454 240 270 casting # cid main bolts 330817400 2-bolt 346236 454 2-bolt 355909 262 2-bolt 3703524 265 2-bolt 3720991 2652-bolt 3731548 283 2-bolt 3737739 283 2-bolt 3751872 348 2-bolt 3755011 3482-bolt 3756519 283 2-bolt 3771705 348 2-bolt 3782870 327 2-bolt 3788068 4092-bolt 3789935 283 2-bolt 3790721 283 or 327 2-bolt 3791362 327 2-bolt 3794226283 2-bolt 3795623 409 2-bolt 3798962 348 2-bolt 3830814 409 or 427 2-bolt3834810 283 2-bolt 3834812 283 2-bolt 3844422 409 2-bolt 3849852 283 2-bolt3855961 396 2-bolt 3855962 396 4-bolt 3857656 409 2-bolt 3858174 327 2-bolt3858180 327 2-bolt 3862194 283 2-bolt 3869942 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3892657 302or 327 or 350 2-bolt 3896944 283 2-bolt 3902406 396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3903352327 2-bolt 3904351 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3914636 307 2-bolt 3914660 327 2-bolt3914678 302 or 327 or 350 2-bolt 3916321 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3916323 3962-bolt or 4-bolt 3932386 302 or 350 4-bolt 3932388 302 or 350 4-bolt 3935439427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3935440 396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3946052 427 4-bolt 3951509400 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3951511 400 4-bolt 3955270 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3955272396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3956618 302 or 327 or 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3956632 3072-bolt 3963512 427 or 454 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3969854 396 or 402 2-bolt or 4-bolt3970010 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3970014 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3970020 307 2-bolt3970024 307 2-bolt 3999289 454 2-bolt 3999290 402 2-bolt 1967 corvettespecifications total production 22 940 (8 504 coupe 14 436 convertible) 19631964 1965 1966 1967 back to the c2 history page sales of 1967 units wererelatively low while all were waiting for the "all new" corvette tobe introduced the following year interestingly the 1967 is now one of the mostsought after collector cars of all time the optional aluminum"bolt-on" wheel was available for only one year as was thedistinctive "stinger" big-block hood and side fender vents fiberglassfact: only 20 rpo l88 427 engines were opted for in 1967; rated at aconservative 430 hp these engines actually pumped out in excess of 500 poniesand now represent one of the most collectible (and expensive!) corvettes ever1967 corvette options rpo# description quantity $ retail 19437 base corvettesport coupe 8 504 4 388 19467 base corvette convertible 14 436 4 240 n agenuine leather seats 1 601 79 a01 soft ray tinted glass all windows 11 331 15a02 soft ray tinted glass windshield 6 668 10 a31 power windows 4 036 57 a82headrests 1 762 42 a85 shoulder belts 1 426 26 c07 auxillary hardtop(convertible only) 6 880 231 c08 vinyl covering (for auxillary hardtop) 1 96652 c48 heater and defroster deletion 35 -97 c60 air conditioning 3 788 412 f41special front and rear suspension 2 198 36 g81 positraction rear axle 20 308 42j50 power brakes 4 766 42 j56 special heavy duty brakes 267 342 k19 airinjection reactor 2 573 44 k66 transistor ignition system 5 759 73 l36 427ci390hp engine 3 832 200 l79 327ci 350hp engine 6 375 105 l68 427ci 400hp engine2 101 305 l71 427ci 435hp engine 3 754 437 l88 427ci 430hp engine 20 947 l89aluminum cylinder heads with l71 engine 16 368 m20 4-speed manual transmission9 157 184 m21 4-speed manual transmission close ratio 11 015 184 m22 4-speedmanual transmission close ratio hvy dty 20 237 m35 powerglide automatictransmission 2 324 194 n03 36 gallon fuel tank (coupe only) 2 198 n11 off roadexhaust system 2 326 36 n14 side mount exhaust system 4 209 131 n36 telescopicsteering column 2 415 42 n40 power steering 5 747 94 n89 cast aluminum bolt-onwheels 720 263 p92 7 75x15 whitewall tires 13 445 31 qb1 7 75x15 redline tires4 230 46 u15 speed warning indicator 2 108 10 u69 am-fm radio 22 193 172 1967corvette exterior color choices code exterior quantity 900 tuxedo black 815 972ermine white 1 423 974 rally red 2 341 976 marina blue 3 840 977 lynndale blue1 381 980 elkhart blue 1 096 983 goodwood green 4 293 984 sunfire yellow 2 325986 silver pearl 1 952 988 marlboro maroon 3 464 1967 corvette interior colorchoices code color std black vinyl 402 black leather 407 red vinyl 408 redleather 414 bright blue vinyl 415 bright blue leather 418 teal blue vinyl 419teal blue leather 420 saddle vinyl 421 saddle leather 430 green vinyl 450 whiteand blue vinyl 455 white and black vinyl back to the c2 history page corvettestatistics 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 19651966 1967 1968 1969 1970 71 72 1967 corvette production serial no194677s100001 - 194677s122940 22 940 total mo serial #s sept - 102110 oct -102685 nov - 104981 dec - 107110 jan - 109465 feb - 112264 mar - 115316 april -117395 may - 119747 june - 122214 july - 122940 glass codes jan nz feb xz marlz april gz may jz june iz july uz aug tz sept az oct yz nov cz dec vz exteriorcolors ermine white rally red silver pearl marina blue lynndale blue elkhartblue goodwood green sunfire yellow tuxedo black marlboro maroon interior colorsred black white medium saddle dark blue red silver medium blue dark teal bluedark green block codes a-january b-february c-march etc through j-octoberk-november l-december block cast #s 3892657 - 327 3869942 - 427 3904351 - 4273916321 - 427 engine suffix codes he 327 300 1x4bc & manualtrans hh 327 3001x4bc k19 & manualtrans ho 327 300 1x4bc & powerglide hr 327 300 1x4bck19 & powerglide hp 327 300 1x4bc p s & manualtrans ht 327 350 1x4bchighliftcam & 4-speed hd 327 350 1x4bc hi-liftcam k19 & 4-speed hp 327350 1x4bc hi-lift cam a c p s & 4-spd kh 327 350 1x4bc hi-l cam k19 a c p s4-sp il 427 390 1x4bc spec cam hyd lfts & 4-spd im 427 390 1x4bc sp cam hydlfts k19 4-spd iq 427 390 1x4bc spec cam hyd lfts auto ir 427 390 1x4bc spc camhyd lfts k19 auto jc 427 400 l36 engine w 3x2bc &4-speed jf 427 400 l36engine w 3x2bc k19 & 4-speed jd 427 400 l36 enginew 3x2bc & powerglidejg 427 400 l36 enginew 3x2bc k19 & powerglide je 427 435 3x2bc mech lifters& 4-speed ja 427 435 3x2bc mech lifters k19 & 4-speed iu 427 435 3x2bcl71 enginew alum hds 4-spd jh 427 435 3x2 l71 eng w alum hds k19 4-sp it 427430 1x4bc heavy-duty eng m22 4-speed note: all carburetion is holley; either(1x4) or (3x2) m22 is heavy-duty 4-speed transmission ( ) the true 67 l88 hprating was never publicly disclosed; the 430 hp figure was released for 68 andwas a deflated rating 1967 options w quantities produced and prices rpo#description qty retail$ 19437 base corvette coupe 8 504 $4 388 75 19467 basecorvette convertible 14 436 4 240 75 - genuine leather seats 1 601 79 00 a01soft ray tinted glass all windows 11 331 15 80 a02 soft ray tinted glasswindshield 6 558 10 55 a31 power windows 4 036 57 95 a82 headrests 1 762 42 15a85 shoulder belts 1 426 26 35 c07 auxiliary hardtop (for convertible) 6 880231 75 c08 vinyl covering (for auxiliary hardtop) 1 966 52 70 c48 heater anddefroster deletion (credit) 35 -97 85 c60 air conditioning 3 788 412 90 f41special front and rear suspension 2 198 36 90 g81 positraction rear axle allratios 20 308 42 15 j50 power brakes 4 766 42 15 j56 special heavy duty brakes267 342 30 k19 air injection reactor 2 573 44 75 k66 transistor ignition system5 759 73 75 l36 427ci 390hp engine 3 832 200 15 l68 427ci 400hp engine 2 101305 50 l71 427ci 435hp engine 3 754 437 10 l79 327ci 350hp engine 6 375 105 35l82 427ci 430hp engine 20 947 90 l89 aluminum cylinder heads for l71 16 368 65m20 4-speed manual transmission 9 157 184 35 m21 4-speed man trans close ratio11 015 184 35 m22 4-speed man trans close ratio heavy duty 20 237 00 m35powerglide automatic transmission 2 324 194 85 n03 36 gallon fuel tank (coupeonly) 2 198 05 n11 off road exhaust system 2 326 36 90 n14 side mount exhaustsystem 4 209 131 65 n36 telescopic steering column 2 415 42 15 n40 powersteering 5 747 94 80 n89 cast aluminum bolt-on wheels (5) 720 263 30 p92 whitewalltires 7 75x15 13 445 31 35 qb1 redline tires 7 75x15 4 230 46 65 u15 speedwarning indicator 2 108 10 55 u69 am-fm radio 22 193 172 75 corvetteclassifieds buy and sell anything at our corvette classifieds free to buyers& sellers welcome to mortec inc chevy v-8 casting numbers chevy big blockv-8 casting numbers bbc blocks 340220 427t 68-85 345014 454 70-76 359070 45470-76 361959 454 73-90 364776 427t 68-85 364779 366t 68-90 399204 509 70-71alum canam 4 5" bores cylinder liners 399289 454 73-79 399293 366t 77-78473478 427t 77-90 3824553 366t 66-67 3855961 396 65-66 3855961 427 66 3855962396 65-66 3855977 366t 66-73 3869942 427 66-67 3902406 396 67 3904351 427 673904354 366t 66-76 3916319 366t 68 3916321 427 68 3916323 396 68 3925521 366t68-85 3935439 427 68-69 3935440 396 68-69 3937724 366t 68-85 3937726 427t 68-843946052 427 69 alum zl-1 3946053 427 97 alum zl-1 2nd version 3955270 427 693955272 396 69 3955274 366t 68-85 3955276 427t 68-73 3963512 427 69 3963512 45470-76 3969854 402 69-72 3969858 427t 68-84 3999289 454 72-79 3999290 396 68-69truck 3999290 402 70-72 truck 3999290 402 72 passenger 3999293 366t 68-903999294 427t 68-84 10051107 454 bowtie mkiv short deck cnc prep 4 25" bore10068286 454 90 10114182 454 91-up gen v 10114183 366t 91-up gen v 10114184427t 91-up gen v 10134366 454t bowtie gen v tall deck 10185050 454 bowtie gen vshort deck 10237297 454 96-up "vortec 7400" "l-29" 10237300502 96-up gen vi 4 466" bore 12550313 454 91-up gen v crate motor gen vi 425" bare block fuel pump boss 14015443 454 87-90 mkiv truck motorhome14015445 454 78-90 14044807 454t bowtie mkiv tall deck 4 25" bore or 4500" bores 14096859 502 gen v ho 24502504 454 bowtie gen v race prep 9 8"short" deck height 24502506 454t bowtie gen v race prep 10 2 "tall"deck height 24502572 4 5" bore olds drce 2 9 5" deck height t talldeck go to chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 castingnumbers bbc heads 330864 68-84 oval open 396 402 366t 427t 454 truck 330865 68-84oval open 396 402 366t 427t 454 truck 330866 68-78 oval open 366t 427t 33086768-73 oval open 427t 336765 68-78 oval open 427t 336768 73-76 oval open 427t336781 73-85 oval open 454 343771 68-86 oval open 366t 427t 454 343772 68-86oval open 366t 427t 454 343783 70-76 oval open 454 truck 346236 75-87 oval open454 352625 70-76 oval open 454 truck 353049 73-84 oval open 454 366765 74-78oval open 427t 386781 73-79 oval open 454 473328 68-69 oval open 366t 385620665-66 oval closed 396 3856208 65 rect closed 396 425hp 396 375hp"z-16" chevelle 3856213 66-82 oval closed 366t 427t 3856260 68 ovalclosed 396 truck 3872702 65-66 oval closed 396 427 3873858 65-67 rect closed396 427 3876875 77-85 oval open 427t 3904390 67 oval closed 396 427 3904391 67rect closed 396 427 3904392 67 rect closed 427 aluminum l88 l89 3904393 68-76oval open 366t 3909802 67 oval closed 396 427 3917215 67-68 oval closed 396 4273917219 68-85 oval open 366t 427t 3919840 67-69 rect closed 396 427 391984268-69 rect closed 396 427 aluminum l88 l89 3931063 68-69 oval closed 396 402427 3933148 69-84 oval open 69 396 265hp 366t 427t 3933149 68-76 oval open427t 3935401 68-76 oval open 427t 3946074 69&71 rect open 69 427 l88 zl1aluminum 71 454 ls6 "round exhaust port" 3964290 69-70 oval closed396 402 427 454 large or small hex spark plugs used 3964291 69-70 rect closed396 402 427 454 large or small hex spark plugs used 3965198 68-69 oval closed396 truck 3975950 68-70 oval open 396 402 truck 366t 427t 3986133 68-85 ovalopen 366t 427t 454 truck 3986135 69-73 oval open 366t 427t 3986136 68-84 ovalopen 366t 427t 454 truck 3993820 71-84 oval open 402 3993820 71-84 oval open454 truck 3994026 71 rect open 454 ls6 3999241 72 oval open 402 454 627229270-78 oval open 402 454 6272990 70-up rect open 454 service replacement used onsome mkiv crate engines 10045427 rect pontiac chevy aluminum large port race10049875 rect pontiac chevy aluminum small port race 10051128 rect bowtiealuminum 68cc chambers symmetrical ports 10051129 rect bowtie aluminum"raw" casting symmetrical ports 10101140 91-up oval closed gen v 366t427t 10114156 94-up oval open gen v & vi 454 10141279 96-up oval closed"vortec 7400" 100cc chambers 10487052 77-90 oval open 366t 1236339196-up oval open bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi12363401 96-up rect open bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v genvi 12363425 96-up rect bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi"raised runners" 2nd design "861" 12363861 84-96 rectbowtie aluminum mkiv "raised runners" 1st design 12363861 96-up rectbowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi "raisedrunners" 2nd design 12363862 84-96 rect bowtie aluminum mkiv"raw" casting of "861" mkiv 1st design 14011077 69-up rect openaluminum fits mkiv "c-port" also sold as a "solid" head14081045 78-87 oval open 454 14081052 85-87 oval open 366t 427t 454 truckmarked "hiperf" 14092359 86-90 oval open 366t 427t marked"hiperf" 14092360 86-88 oval open 454 truck 14096188 70-71 rect open454 service replacement 14097088 91-up rect open gen v 454 502 ho 24502585 97rect olds chevy drce 2 pro stock aluminum for blocks w 4 900" bore centerst tall deck go to chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409v-8 casting numbers we are always looking for new castings numbers if you havesome information you want to share with us and our visitors send us an emailwith the data right now we are limiting the listings to chevy v-8 blocks cranksand heads as new castings are released on late models keep your eyes open forthe new numbers thanks! dont forget to bookmark this page or add it to your"favorite" pages feel free to add this page to your links page holleycarb list numbers holley tuning tips go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers goto chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers engine math for the rest of us chevyv-8 casting number locations chevy v-8 notes santa fe auto machine crateengines for sale chevy v-8 bore and stroke list chevy v-8 crankshaft journalsizes chevy v-8 crankshaft casting number list parts for sale hot links go tobig block v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers we arealways looking for new casting numbers if you have some information you want toshare with us and our visitors send us an email with the data right now we arelimiting the listings to chevy v-8 blocks cranks and heads as new castings arereleased on late models keep your eyes open for the new numbers thanks! if youdont know where to look on your engine for all of the casting numbers castingdates and suffix codes see our pages at www mortec location and www morteclocatpg2 welcome to mortec inc chevy v-8 casting numbers smallblock v-8 castingnumbers sbc blocks casting# size year main cap bolts notes 140029 350 80-84 2330817 400 72-80 2 355909 262 75 2 355909 305 76-79 2 360851 262 75-76 2 monzav-8 361979 305 78-79 2 366245 350 78-79 2 366286 4 bowtie aluminum siamesedstraight nodular iron main caps 2-piece seal 4 00-4 150" bores 2 45"main journals 366287 4 bowtie aluminum siamesed straight nodular iron main caps2-piece seal 4 00-4 150" bores 2 45" main journals 366299 4 bowtiealuminum nodular iron splayed caps wet sump 4 00" bore 389257 302 67 2393288 283 65-67 2 460703 350 78 4 460776 305 78-79 2 460777 305 78-79 2 460778305 78-79 2 or 4 some canadian heavy duty truck blocks have 4-bolt main caps471511 267 79-82 2 3556519 283 58-61 2 3703524 265 55 2 no oil filter 3720991265 56-57 2 3731548 265 57 2 no side motor mounts 3731548 283 57 2 no sidemotor mounts 3737739 283 58-64 2 3756519 283 58-62 2 3782870 327 62-67 23789817 283 62-64 2 3789817 327 62-67 2 3789935 283 61-64 2 3790721 283 62-64 2chevy ii recessed oil filter boss 3790721 327 65-66 2 chevy ii recessed oilfilter boss 3791362 327 62-67 2 chevy ii recessed oil filter boss 3792563 32765 2 3792582 283 64-65 2 3794226 283 58-63 2 3794460 327 62-64 2 3814660 32768-69 2 3830944 327 63 2 3834810 283 64-66 2 3834812 283 62-63 2 3837739 28358-62 2 3849852 283 57-66 2 3849935 283 65-67 2 3858174 327 64-67 2 3858180 32764-67 2 3858618 350 68-76 2 3862194 283 65-67 2 chevy ii recessed oil filterboss 3862812 283 62-64 2 3892657 302 67 2 z-28 camaro 3892657 327 67 2 3892657350 67 2 camaro 3896944 283 67 2 3896948 283 66-67 2 3903352 327 67 2 3914636307 68 2 3914638 327 68 2 truck 3914653 307 68-73 2 3914660 327 68 2 3914678302 68 2 z-28 camaro 3914678 327 68 2 3914678 350 68 2 3932371 307 69-73 23932373 307 68-73 2 3932386 302 69 4 z-28 camaro 3932386 327 69 2 3932386 35069 4 3932388 350 69 2 or 4 3951509 400 70-71 4 3951509 400 74-80 2 3951511 40070-73 4 some replacement blocks had 2-bolt main caps 3956618 302 69 4 z-28camaro 3956618 327 68-69 2 3956618 350 69 2 or 4 3956632 307 69 2 3959512 32762-67 2 was also used for some replacement blocks 3970010 302 69 4 z-28 camaro3970010 327 69 2 trucks and industrial 3970010 350 69-80 2 or 4 3970014 35070-76 2 or 4 3970020 307 70-73 2 3970024 307 69-73 2 4715111 305 80 2 6259425350 69-76 2 10036033 350 4 goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal "hechoen mexico" 10051182 2 or 4 bowtie 3 75"-4 30" bores 1 or 2-piecerear seal 10051184 4 bowtie 4 00"-4 155" bores 1 or 2-piece rear seal10054727 350 86-up 2 or 4 one piece rear seal some "made in canada"10066036 350 2 or 4 target master goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal "hechoen mexico" 10066038 350 94 4 goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal"hecho en mexico" 10090511 350 90 2 lt-5 zr1 vette 375hp 10125327 35092-up 2 or 4 gen ii lt-1 reverse flow cooling 10125327 350 96-up 2 or 4 gen iilt-4 reverse flow cooling 10134996 4 bowtie aluminum 4 125" bore 265" main journals 10153558 350 91-92 4 lt-5 zr1 vette 375hp 10168588 26594-96 2 l99 gen ii 4 3 liter v-8 caprice reverse flow cooling 10199001 35093-95 4 lt-5 zr1 vette 405hp 10243878 305 96-98 2 vortec truck roller camone-piece rear seal 10243880 350 95-00 2 or 4 vortec truck gen i crate motorsand "zz4" roller cam one piece rear seal 12550592 350 97-upcrossbolted block gen iii "ls1" aluminum 12559378 350 01-upcrossbolted block gen iii aluminum 12559846 350 98-up 12560621 1256217414010201 305 80-85 2 14010202 305 80-85 2 14010203 305 80-85 2 14010207 35080-85 2 or 4 14010209 350 80-85 4 14010280 267 79-82 2 14011064 350 83 414011148 350 87-89 roller cam one-piece rear seal 14016376 267 79-82 2 14016379350 77-79 2 or 4 14016381 305 80-84 2 14016382 305 79-84 2 14016383 305 80-85 2truck 14079287 350 86-90 truck 14088526 350 87-89 roller cam one-piece rearseal 14088548 350 86-88 2 or 4 14088551 305 86-87 2 one-piece rear main seal14093627 305 87-91 2 roller cam one-piece rear seal 14093638 350 87-95 2 or 4roller or flat tappet cam one-piece rear seal 14094766 305 86-up 2 one-piecerear seal 14101148 350 87-90 4 one-piece rear seal 14102058 305 87-91 2 rollercam one-piece rear seal 22551656 4 rocket block 4 00"-4 190" bores 2 45"main journal sizes splayed caps dry sump 2-piece rear seal 9 025" deck goto big block v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers sbcheads 330545 73 350 76cc chamber 2 02 1 60 333881 74-75 350 76cc chamber 2 02 160 333882 74-80 350 400 76cc chambers 340292 70s over the counter angle plug64cc chamber 354434 75-79 262 267 305 60cc chambers 358741 76-79 305 37644577-85 350 76cc chamber small valves 376450 75-81 262 267 305 6 or 7 exhaustbolt holes 60cc chamber 462614 77-79 305 60cc chamber 462624 75-86 350 400 76ccchamber 1 72 1 5 1 94 1 5 or 2 02 1 6 valves 468642 76-up 350 400 471513 79 267350 517513 79 267 350 1816887 63 283 made in "canada" gmc hd truck3636839 55 265 3703523 55 265 3713358 55-56 265 3713569 55-56 265 3725306 56265 3731539 57 283 283 hp fi 3731544 57-61 283 3731554 57-62 283 3731556 57 283truck made in canada 3731762 56 265 vette 2x4 carbs 3737775 62-67 283 3273740997 57 283 1x4 2x4 & fi (exc -283hp) 3743056 58 283 3743096 62-67 327gmc truck 3747363 57-61 283 3747460 59-67 283 327 70cc chambers 3748770 58 2833748772 58-61 283 3755537 57-62 283 3755539 58-62 283 3755549 57-62 283 375555059 283 3755585 62-67 327 gmc truck 3767462 62-67 327 3767465 59-61 283 376775459-61 283 60cc chambers 3767792 60-64 283 3770126 69 327 3774682 60-64 283 32770cc chambers 3774684 62-64 327 75cc chambers 3774692 58-64 283 60cc chambers3782461 64-66 327 camel hump no accessory holes 160 62cc port volumes 62ccchamber 3782461x 60-63 283 327 camel hump no accessory holes larger 172 64cc portvolumes 62cc chamber 3795896 63-65 283 60cc chamber 3795896 62-64 327 60ccchamber 3798996 63-67 327 3814480 60-67 283 327 70cc chambers 1 72 1 5 valves3814482 62-67 283 327 350 75cc chambers 3817680 63-67 283 327 3817681 62-67 3273817682 61-62 283 3836839 55 265 3836842 57-67 283 327 3837064 56-62 265 2833837065 55-56 265 truck 3848720 57-58 283 3876775 60-67 283 327 75cc chamber3884520 60-67 283 some marked "made in canada" 60cc chamber also usedby studebaker 3884520 62-67 327 some marked "made in canada" 60ccchamber also used by studebaker 3890462 66-67 302 327 350 camel hump noaccessory holes 64cc chamber 3901068 87-up 350 crate motor 285hp 64cc chamber3911032 68 307 327 70cc chamber 3912264 58-62 283 3912265 63-64 283 391231165-67 327 3912313 65-67 327 3917290 67-68 307 327 3917291 67-68 302 327 350camel hump no accessory holes 64cc chamber 3917292 68 327 350 camel hump 64ccchamber 3917293 68 307 327 75cc chambers 3927185 69-76 307 327 350 70ccchambers 3927186 69-70 302 350 camel hump 64cc chambers accessory holes 392718769-70 350 camel hump 64cc chambers accessory holes 3927188 69 327 74cc chambers3927188 70 307 74cc chambers 3931633 68-73 307 3931635 68-76 350 3931638 68 327truck 3932441 69-70 350 76cc chambers 3932441x 69-70 350 400 80cc chambers3932454 69-73 307 3932454 69-79 350 truck 3946812 69 350 3946813 69-79 350truck 3947040 68 327 right angle casting identifier 64cc chambers good hp headused in trucks no accessory holes 3947041 69-70 302 350 right angle castingidentifier 64cc chamber accessory holes good hp head 3947041x 69-70 302 350right angle casting identifier 64cc chamber 165cc intake port accessory holesgood hp head 3951598 70 400 76cc chambers 3964286 350 3965742 70 350 over thecounter angle plug 3970126 67-70 327 350 3973370 69-70 350 over the counter64cc straight or angle plug 3973414 70 350 lt1-370hp camel hump 64cc chamber3973487 71-72 350 used on 71-72 350 lt1 75cc chamber 3973487x 71-72 350 75ccchamber 3973493 71-72 400 76cc chamber 3986316 71 350 76cc chamber 3986336 71350 76cc chamber 3986336x 71 350 76cc chamber 3986339 71 307 350 74cc chamber3986339x 71 307 350 74cc chamber 3986388 68-76 307 350 3991492 70 350 lt1 camelhump accessory holes 64cc straight plug 3991492 70-up over the counter camelhump 64cc straight or angle plug 3998916 72 350 also used w 72 350 lt1 bigvalves screw in studs 76cc chambers 3998920 72-73 350 3998991 72-73 307 35075cc chambers 3998993 72-73 307 350 75cc chambers 3998993 current 350goodwrench crate motors "hecho en mexico" 75cc chambers 3998997 72-73350 400 76cc chambers 3998997 78-84 305 350 76cc chambers 4079261 75 35010033867 aluminum over the counter pontiac 23 head 62cc angle plug 196ccintake port 10045434 over the counter pontiac 15 head 55cc angle plug raised runneraluminum "roll over" head 10051101 bowtie aluminum 55cc angle plugraised runner 196cc intake port 10065202 87-95 350 truck 10065203 87-95 350truck 10065204 87-95 350 10065205 87-95 305 10065206 87-95 350 10065207 87-95305 10088113 88-up 350 aluminum 58cc angle plug raised "d" portexhaust 1 94" 1 5" valves 10093328 over the counter pontiac 15 headaluminum 224cc ports 61cc chambers "roll over" head 10106178 90 350lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve pass side aluminum 10106179 90 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valvedrvs side aluminum 10110810 91-up 350 gen 1 10120928 87-95 350 10125320 94-96350 gen ii lt1 cast iron version used on "9c1" police package impalass cadillac fleetwood buick roadmaster reverse flow cooling 10128374 92-up 350gen ii lt1 53cc angle plug aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc ports10134352 bowtie 45cc angle plug "low" port 223cc intake port aluminum18 race head 10134363 note: this casting # has been used in many differentversions of this aluminum 18 and 15 bowtie race head different chamber volumesport volumes port locations valve sizes etc were used check this castingcarefully to determine which features it may have there are at least 6different versions as of 11 99 10147898 95-98 350 gen i crate motor 1015955087-95 350 10159551 87-95 305 10159552 87-95 350 10159553 87-95 305 1017438991-94 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve drvs side aluminum 10174390 91-95 350 lt5 zr1dohc 32-valve pass side aluminum 10185040 bowtie aluminum 45cc chambers 1stversion symmetrical ports 263cc intake ports splayed valves 10185040 bowtiealuminum 45cc chambers 2nd version symmetrical ports 240cc intake ports splayedvalves 10205245 93 350 gen ii lt1 aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc portvolumes 10207643 94-96 350 gen ii lt1 aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc portvolumes 10208890 94-96 265 gen ii l99 4 3 liter v-8 cast iron reverse flow10215339 97 350 gen iii ls1 aluminum 68cc 10225121 94-95 350 lt5 zr1 dohc32-valve drvs side aluminum 10225122 95 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve pass sidealuminum 10239902 96-up 350 gen ii lt4 aluminum reverse flow cooling 195cc port54 4cc chamber angle plug 10239906 96-up 350 "vortec 5700""l31" 64cc chamber 170cc intake port 1 94" 1 5" valves12367712 99-up "fast burn" aluminum 210cc intake port 2 00 1 55valves 62cc chamber 12367713 99-up "fast burn" used on zz430 cratemotor aluminum 210cc intake port 2 00 1 55 valves 62cc chamber 12480005 2000ls1 "gtz" aluminum 38cc 2 125" 1 625" valves angle plug12480011 97-up bowtie "sb2 2" aluminum 2nd version of "sb2"48cc chambers "mirror ports" revised valve angles & plug location12506450 87-95 350 12509859 87-94 305 12516852 87-95 350 12551561 96 350 gen ii"lt1" aluminum 12552520 97-up 305 vortec truck 12554290 94-96 350 genii "lt1" cast iron version used on "9c1" police packageimpala ss cadillac fleetwood buick roadmaster reverse flow cooling 12555690 96350 gen ii "lt4" aluminum 12558059 97 305 vortec truck 1 84" 15" valves 64cc chamber 12558062 98 350 l31 vortec truck 64cc chambers 1 941 5 170cc intake port 12558806 97-98 350 gen iii "ls1" aluminum 68cc12559853 99 350 gen iii "ls1" aluminum 68cc 12564241 01 350 gen iii"ls1" aluminum 68cc 14008856 79-81 267 14094093 86-88 350 1401020182-85 305 14011034 bowtie cast iron 64cc chambers 184cc port volume angle plug"phase ii" head 14011049 bowtie aluminum 55cc chambers angle plug180cc ports "phase 6" 14011083 55-86 350 crate motor for yearsindicated 285 300hp 64cc chambers 1 94" 1 5" valves 14014415 80-85267 305 14014416 80-86 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 58cc chambers 1401444080 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 14019821 80-86 350 14019924 79-81 26714019926 80-86 350 14010516 80-86 350 14020517 80 350 14020555 81 305 1402055681 350 14022056 85 350 14022206 80 350 14022301 80-86 305 14022601 80-86 267305 1 84" 1 5" valves 58cc chambers 14022801 80-86 305 14024816 35076cc chambers 1 94 1 5 valves gen i crate motors 14034806 78-82 267 1403480778-86 305 14034808 80-86 350 14034808 96-up 350 76cc chambers 1 94" 15" valves gen i goodwrench crate motors 14034810 80-86 350 truck 14034811 80-86350 truck 14039121 81-86 305 truck 14039122 81-86 305 truck 14071114 80-86 35014075381 80-86 350 truck 14079261 86 350 14085844 80-86 350 truck 14085963 86350 14089119 86-88 350 14094093 86-88 350 14096217 55-86 350 crate motor 285hp300hp 64cc chambers 72 or 90 center intake manifold bolt angles 1410108187-95 305 14101083 87-up 350 gen i also used on crate motors 285 or 300 hp 64ccchambers 72 center manifold bolt angles 14101128 86-87 350 aluminum 58cc angleplug 14102187 87-91 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 14102191 87-up 350 1410219387-up 350 24502559 96-97 bowtie "sb2" 1st version "mirrorports" aluminum 196cc port cnc version 280cc port 38cc chamber 25500141buick chevy aluminum 10 head 42cc chambers symmetrical ports 235cc intake portvolumes 2 1" 1 625" valves 33417369 90-up 350 gen i goodwrench cratemotor "hecho en mexico" 76cc go to big block v-8 casting numbers goto chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers we are always looking for new castingnumbers if you have some information you want to share with us and our visitorssend us an email with the data right now we are limiting the listings to chevyv-8 blocks cranks and heads as new castings are released on late models keepyour eyes open for the new numbers thanks! dont forget to bookmark this pageor add it to your "favorite" pages if you are running a website feelfree to add this page to your "links" page gm performance parts v-8crate motors for sale holley carb information holley tuning tips go to chevy348-409 v-8 casting numbers go to big block v-8 casting numbers "enginemath for the rest of us" chevy v-8 casting number locations chevy v-8 boreand stroke list chevy v-8 crankshaft journal sizes chevy v-8 crankshaft castingnumber list chevy v-8 notes hot links parts for sale 1 1966 cobra 12 20 118 21966 corvette 427 12 80 112 3 1969 road runner 12 91 111 8 4 1970 hemi cuda 1310 107 12 5 1970 ss454 chevelle 13 12 107 1 6 1969 zl-1 camaro 13 16 110 21 71968 corvette 427 13 30 108 8 1970 road runner 13 34 107 5 9 1970 buick gsstage 1 13 38 105 5 10 1969 charger 500 13 48 109 11 1973 trans am 13 54 104 2912 1969 corvette l-88 13 56 111 1 13 1969 super bee 13 56 105 6 14 1969 boss429 mustang 13 60 106 15 1970 challenger r t 13 62 104 3 16 1970 toronto cobra13 63 105 9 17 1968 biscayne 427 13 65 105 18 1964 polara 500 13 70 107 37 191969 gtx 13 70 102 8 20 1969 dart 440 13 71 105 21 1971 road runner 13 71 101 222 1971 cuda 13 72 106 23 1971 corvette 13 72 102 4 24 1971 super bee 13 73104 25 1968 hurst olds 13 77 103 91 26 1968 firebird ho 13 79 106 27 1967corvette 13 80 108 28 1971 boss 351 mustang 13 80 104 29 1966 satellite 13 81104 30 1969 coronet rt 13 83 102 27 31 1968 cyclone gt 13 86 101 69 32 1969nova ss393 13 87 105 1 33 1969 shelby gt-500 13 87 104 52 34 1970 4-4-2 w30 1388 95 84 35 1962 corvette 13 89 105 14 36 1969 barracuda 13 89 103 21 37 1969mach 1 13 90 103 32 38 1967 gto 13 90 102 8 39 1970 trans am 13 90 102 40 1969charger rt 13 95 101 41 1969 cougar eliminator 13 91 103 9 42 1972 corvettelt-1 13 92 104 1 43 1970 charger rt 13 95 101 44 1968 gtx 13 97 103 5 45 1971mach 1 13 97 100 22 46 1970 cyclone spoiler 13 97 100 47 1967 4-4-2 w30 13 99102 4 48 1970 challenger 14 00 104 49 1966 shelby gt-350s 14 00 102 50 1964cobra 289 14 00 98 which stock (or factory option) muscle car 1964 thru 1972would you grab to drive in the 1 4 mile? click enlarge ready to restore bybobby h fredonia new york to make this race for your life more exciting the1964 thru 1972 common muscle car definition is expanded to include"hi-po" pony cars and sports cars of the era like camaro cobracorvette and firebird the ultimate race of your life muscle cars 1969-1972 formuscle cars 1964-1968 click here votes year model and style engine hp 28 1969amc amx 390 315 35 1969 amc amx 390 325 36 1969 amc amx hurst ss 390 340 5 1969amc javelin sst 390 315 3 1969 amc javelin 343 290 6 1969 amc rebel sst 390 31554 1969 amc rambler scrambler 390 315 26 1969 buick gs-400 400 340 59 1969buick gs-400 stage 1 400 345 37 1969 buick gs-400 stage 2 400 360 6 1969 buickriviera 430 360 top 20 226 1969 camaro copo zl1 picture 427 425 120 1969 camaroyenko l72 427 430 top 20 256 1969 camaro z28 picture photo 302 290 149 1969camaro l78 pic 396 375 51 1969 camaro ss 396 350 23 1969 camaro ss 396 325 381969 camaro yenko 396 325 18 1969 chevy biscayne 427 425 top 20 240 1969 chevychevelle ss 396 (really 402) picture pic 396 375 57 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396(really 402) 396 350 51 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 325 3 1969chevy impala ss 427 425 13 1969 chevy impala ss 350 350 143 1969 chevy nova ss396 (really 402) l78 pic 396 375 33 1969 chevy nova ss 350 300 2 1969 chevynova ss 396 345 1 1969 chevy nova ss 396 325 44 1969 chevy nova ss syc 396 37523 1969 chevy nova yenko 427 425 52 1969 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 430top 20 232 1969 corvette l88 alum heads & zl1 (560hp @6400) picture 427 45020 1969 corvette l36 427 390 9 1969 corvette l68 427 400 154 1969 corvette l71427 435 9 1969 corvette l46 350 350 3 1969 chrysler 300 440 375 top 20 352 1969dodge charger 500 r t hemi picture pic 426 425 172 1969 dodge charger daytonahemi 426 425 59 1969 dodge charger daytona magnum 440 390 top 20 248 1969 dodgecharger r t 6 pack picture photo 440 375 57 1969 dodge charger 383 330 55 1969dodge charger magnum r t 440 390 29 1969 dodge charger se 383 330 132 1969dodge coronet r t super bee six pack 440 390 37 1969 dodge coronet super bee383 335 54 1969 dodge dart gss 440 375 1 1969 dodge dart sport 426 425 48 1969dodge dart gt 383 330 52 1969 dodge dart swinger 340 275 25 1969 dodge dart 440440 375 45 1969 ford fairlane cobra ram-air 429 425 70 1969 ford fairlane cobracj 428 335 53 1969 ford fairlane talladega 428 335 23 1969 ford galaxie xl gt429 360 55 1969 ford torino gt 428 335 9 1969 ford torino talladega 390 335 651969 mercury cougar eliminator cobra jet 428 335 19 1969 mercury cougar xr-7cobra jet 428 335 3 1969 mercury cougar 390 320 19 1969 mercury cyclone spoilerii 429 370 14 1969 mercury cyclone cobra jet 428 335 57 1969 mercury marauderx-100 429 360 193 1969 mustang boss 302 302 289 top 20 388 1969 mustang boss429 picture photo 429 375 27 1969 mustang gt 390 350 52 1969 mustang mach 1cobra jet 427 390 top 20 332 1969 mustang mach 1 super cobra jet picture pic428 365 159 1969 mustang mach 1 351w 351 300 48 1969 mustang mach 1 351c 351290 28 1969 oldsmobile cutlass s 350 325 2 1969 oldsmobile f85 350 325 4 1969oldsmobile toronado 455 400 230 1969 oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 390 51 1969oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 6 1969 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-31 350 325 18 1969oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-32 400 350 73 1969 plymouth barracuda hemi 426 425 23 1969plymouth barracuda six pack 440 375 17 1969 plymouth barracuda formula s 383330 9 1969 plymouth cuda 340s 340 275 50 1969 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 58 1969plymouth gtx six pack 440 375 26 1969 pontiac firebird formula 400 400 345 1041969 pontiac firebird trans am ram air iv 400 345 52 1969 pontiac firebirdtrans am ram air iii 400 325 33 1969 pontiac firebird ho 350 330 44 1969pontiac grand prix sj ho 428 390 3 1969 pontiac grand prix 400 350 125 1969pontiac gto judge ram air iii photo 400 366 top 20 320 1969 pontiac gto judgeram air iv picture 400 370 51 1969 pontiac gto 400 350 88 1969 road runner hemi426 425 158 1969 road runner six bbl (1969 1 2) photo 440 390 55 1969 roadrunner 383 335 9 1969 shelby mustang gt-350 351 290 75 1969 shelby mustanggt-500kr cj 428 335 6 1969 thunderbird 429 375 28 1970 amc rebel machine 390340 165 1970 amc amx javelin 390 340 20 1970 amc amx javelin trans-am 390 325 91970 amc rebel machine 390 360 6 1970 amc rebel sst 390 315 5 1970 buickriviera 455 370 148 1970 buick skylark gsx 455 360 top 5 393 1970 buick gransport stage 1 picture pic 455 370 138 1970 camaro z28 lt1 photo 350 360 16 1970camaro ss 396 375 5 1970 camaro ss 396 350 607 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls6picture photo 454 450 27 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 360 122 1970 chevychevelle ss l78 photo 396 375 45 1970 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 350 3 1970chevy chevelle 350 300 53 1970 chevy el camino 454 450 4 1970 chevy el camino350 300 9 1970 chevy impala ss 396 325 39 1970 chevy monte carlo ss 454 450 1151970 chevy ii nova (402 called 396) 396 375 48 1970 chevy ii nova (402 called396) 396 355 26 1970 chevy ii nova 350 300 51 1970 chevy nova copo 350 360 231970 chevy nova yenko 350 370 7 1970 chrysler 300 440 390 90 1970 corvette ls5454 390 48 1970 corvette lt1 350 370 5 1970 corvette l46 350 350 38 1970 dodgecharger r t 383 335 96 1970 dodge charger r t hemi 426 425 57 1970 dodgecharger six pack 440 390 53 1970 dodge charger r t magnum 440 375 51 1970 dodgechallenger t a six pak 340 290 169 1970 dodge challenger r t six pak 440 390 541970 dodge challenger 383 335 4 1970 dodge challenger 340 275 top 20 288 1970dodge challenger r t hemi picture pic 426 425 75 1970 dodge coronet superbeehemi 426 425 33 1970 dodge coronet superbee six pack 440 390 57 1970 dodgecoronet superbee 383 335 11 1970 dodge dart hemi 426 425 32 1970 dodge swinger340 340 275 14 1970 ford falcon gt cj (1970 1 2) 429 370 17 1970 ford galaxie xl429 360 9 1970 ford ranchero gt 429 370 56 1970 ford torino cobra jet 429 360145 1970 ford torino super cobra jet photo 429 375 50 1970 ford torino 351 30029 1970 mercury cougar eliminator 429 360 24 1970 mercury cougar eliminator scj428 335 13 1970 mercury cougar eliminator boss 302 290 6 1970 mercury cougareliminator 351 300 51 1970 mercury cyclone 429 360 83 1970 mercury cyclonespolier 429 370 55 1970 mercury cyclone super cobra jet 429 375 20 1970 mercurycyclone gt 351 300 3 1970 mercury marauder x100 429 360 130 1970 mustang boss429 photo 429 360 171 1970 mustang boss 302 pic 302 290 51 1970 mustang mach i429 429 335 57 1970 mustang mach i 351 300 top 20 251 1970 oldsmobile cutlass4-4-2 w-30 picture photo 455 370 51 1970 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-31 455 37057 1970 oldsmobile (hurst-olds) 4-4-2 455 365 19 1970 oldsmobile rally 350 32522 1970 oldsmobile toronado 455 400 148 1970 plymouth cuda aar 3x2 340 290 91970 plymouth cuda 383 335 5 1970 plymouth cuda 440 375 133 1970 plymouth cuda440 six pack 440 390 top 5 452 1970 plymouth hemi cuda picture photo 426 425 671970 plymouth duster 340 275 26 1970 plymouth duster six pack 340 330 55 1970plymouth gtx 440-6 440 390 9 1970 plymouth gtx commando 440 375 69 1970plymouth road runner hemi 426 425 57 1970 plymouth road runner six pack 440 390185 1970 plymouth road runner superbird 426 425 111 1970 plymouth road runnersuperbird photo 440 390 39 1970 plymouth road runner 383 335 57 1970 plymouthgtx hemi 426 425 33 1970 plymouth gtx six pack 440 390 5 1970 pontiac firebirdformula 400 ram air 400 345 60 1970 pontiac firebird formula 400 400 330 4 1970pontiac firebird trans am ram air 400 345 53 1970 pontiac firebird trans am ramair iv 400 370 2 1970 pontiac firebird 350 255 19 1970 pontiac grand prix hurstssj 455 370 3 1970 pontiac grand prix hurst ssj 400 350 58 1970 pontiac gtojudge ram air iii photo 455 366 163 1970 pontiac gto judge ram air iv 455 37053 1970 pontiac gto ram air iii 400 366 50 1970 pontiac gto ram air iv 400 3709 1970 pontiac lemans 400 366 2 1970 pontiac tempest gt-37 400 366 19 1970shelby mustang gt-350 351 290 136 1970 shelby mustang gt-500 super cobra jet428 345 9 1971 amc amx 401 390 38 1971 amc javelin 401 330 1 1971 amc sc hornet360 285 3 1971 amc sc hornet 360 360 290 22 1971 buick gsx 400 315 29 1971buick gran sport 455 315 57 1971 buick gran sport stage 1 455 345 23 1971 buickriveria 455 360 1 1971 chevy camaro ss 396 375 1 1971 chevy camaro ss 396 300 41971 chevy camaro z28 350 330 21 1971 chevy chevelle ss ls6 454 450 55 1971chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 365 6 1971 chevy chevelle ss 396 300 8 1971 chevy elcamino ss 454 425 60 1971 chevy monte carlo ss 454 425 23 1971 chevy montecarlo ss 454 360 3 1971 chevy nova ss 350 270 21 1971 corvette ls6 454 425 8 1971corvette ls5 454 365 9 1971 corvette lt1 350 330 2 1971 dodge challenger hemi426 425 27 1971 dodge challenger six pack 440 390 9 1971 dodge challenger 400375 6 1971 dodge challenger 383 300 22 1971 dodge challenger r t 340 275 9 1971dodge charger 400-6 440 385 8 1971 dodge charger r t magnum 440 370 12 1971dodge charger magnum 383 300 24 1971 dodge charger hemi r t 426 425 45 1971dodge charger hemi super bee 426 425 15 1971 dodge demon 340 275 4 1971 dodgedemon 340 240 6 1971 ford ranchero gt 429 370 19 1971 ford torino scj cobra 429370 27 1971 ford torino gt 351 285 3 1971 mercury cougar 429 370 1 1971 mercurycyclone spoiler 429 370 25 1971 mercury cyclone cj ram air 429 375 3 1971mercury cyclone gt 351 285 78 1971 mustang boss 351 ram air 351 330 45 1971mustang boss 429 429 370 51 1971 mustang mach i 429 429 375 68 1971 mustangmach i 351c 351 285 24 1971 mustang mach i 351 w 351 280 19 1971 oldsmobilecutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 370 8 1971 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 300 5 1971oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 455 340 6 1971 oldsmobile rallye 350 350 310 27 1971plymouth barracuda 340s 340 275 19 1971 plymouth barracuda formula s 383 330top 5 371 1971 plymouth hemi cuda picture photo 426 425 181 1971 plymouth cudasix pack (6bbl) 440 385 22 1971 plymouth cuda 383 350 9 1971 plymouth cuda 383300 51 1971 plymouth cuda 340 340 275 63 1971 plymouth duster 340 275 29 1971plymouth gtx super commando 440 370 9 1971 plymouth gtx 383 300 26 1971plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 9 1971 plymouth sport fury gt 440 370 2 1971 pontiacfirebird formula 400 300 29 1971 pontiac firebird formula 455 325 16 1971pontiac firebird trans am 400 300 37 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 35565 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 335 3 1971 pontiac grand prix 455 3251 1971 pontiac grand prix 400 300 22 1971 pontiac gto judge ho 455 335 27 1971pontiac gto 455 335 9 1971 pontiac hurst ssj 455 325 2 1971 pontiac tempestgt-37 455 360 1 1971 pontiac tempest 455 335 19 1971 road runner hemi 426 42551 1971 road runner six pack 440 390 4 1971 road runner 383 383 300 9 1972 amcjavelin 401 255 49 1972 buick gran sport stage 1 455 275 2 1972 buick gransport 455 225 1 1972 buick skylark 350 195 4 1972 buick riviera 455 270 39 1972chevy camaro ss (really 402) pic 396 240 19 1972 chevy camaro z28 350 275 571972 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 270 99 1972 chevy chevelle ss photo 396 240 361972 chevy chevelle ss 350 275 6 1972 chevy el camino ss 454 270 7 1972 chevymonte carlo ss 454 270 15 1972 chevy nova ss 350 200 1 1972 chrysler newport royale400 300 45 1972 corvette ls5 454 270 13 1972 corvette lt1 350 255 39 1972 dodgecharger rallye 340 240 9 1972 dodge charger six pack 340 275 8 1972 dodge demon340 240 28 1972 ford gran torino 351 275 36 1972 ford torino gran sport 429 20517 1972 mercury cougar 351 266 9 1972 mercury cyclone spoiler 429 370 4 1972mercury cyclone gt 351 285 51 1972 mustang mach i 4bbl 351 275 48 1972 mustang351 c 351 200 64 1972 oldsmobile cutlass (hurst-olds) 455 270 55 1972oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 cool-air 455 300 9 1972 plymouth cuda 340 240 17 1972plymouth cuda 340 275 21 1972 plymouth duster 340 240 37 1972 pontiac firebirdformula 455 300 54 1972 pontiac firebird trans-am ho 455 310 9 1972 pontiacfirebird trans-am 400 300 24 1972 pontiac gto 400 250 9 1972 pontiac gto 455200 39 1972 pontiac gto judge 455 250 24 1972 pontiac hurst ssj 455 250 1 1972pontiac lemans 350 160 20 1972 road runner 440 260 2 1972 road runner 340 240for muscle car 1964-1968 voting results click vote for your favorite viewvoting for top 100 muscle cars by ranking click here view website vistorscomments on muscle cars click here view muscle cars quarter mile times &speeds click here see the top 20 ranked muscle cars - all with pics click heresee more top ranked muscle cars - all with pics click here to see votingleaders for other classes click a category below muscle cars corvette 1950-19591960-1969 1970-1979 1930-1949 master index cruise home welcome you are cruisernumber: muscle car index corvette pictures vote: muscle car or classic carcorvette comments email search this site add your carsite or add your car photo1 500 carsite links trivia games top 100 muscle cars or big supervette show mycar @corvettegold 2001 this website updated friday 11 02 2001 what stock (orfactory option) muscle car 1964 thru 1972 would win in the 1 4 mile? to makethis race for your life more exciting we have expanded the 1964 throught 1972common muscle car definition to include "hi-po" pony cars and sportscars of the era like camaro cobra corvette and firebird the ultimate race ofyour life votes year model and style engine hp 2 1964 buick gran sport 400 3501 1964 buick riveria 425 340 2 1964 buick riviera super wildcat 425 360 1 1964chevy biscayne 409 425 12 1964 chevy impala ss dual quads 409 425 8 1964 chevyimpala ss 409 340 2 1964 chevy impala ss 409 400 4 1964 chevy impala ss 327 3001 1964 chevy malibu chevelle ss 327 350 1 1964 chrysler 300-k 413 390 4 1964dodge polara 500 426 365 1 1964 dodge polara 383 335 top 5! 44 1964 fordfairlane thunderbolt 427 425 5 1964 ford galaxie 500xl dual quads 427 425 11964 mercury cyclone 289 271 1 1964 mercury marauder 427 425 1 1964 oldsmobilef-85 330 310 2 1964 plymouth belvedere street wedge 426 365 1 1964 plymouthfury max wedge 426 425 1 1964 plymouth fury dual quads 426 415 1 1964 plymouthsavoy max wedge 426 425 1 1964 pontiac bonneville 421 370 2 1964 pontiaccatalina 389 325 1 1964 pontiac grand prix 421 370 11 1964 pontiac tempestlemans gto 389 348 1 1964 pontiac tempest lemans gto 389 325 1 1964 studebakeravanti r4 289 335 8 1965 ac cobra 427 425 1 1965 buick riviera 425 360 1 1965buick skylark gran sport 400 325 1 1965 chevy biscayne 396 425 1 1965 chevychevelle malibu ss z16 396 375 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu ss 396 350 1 1965chevy chevelle malibu ss 396 325 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu 327 350 1 1965chevy chevelle malibu 327 325 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu ss l79 327 300 11965 chevy ii nova l-74 327 300 6 1965 chevy impala ss 409 425 1 1965 chrysler300-l 413 360 3 1965 corvette l78 396 425 1 1965 dodge coronet 500 street wedge426 365 1 1965 dodge coronet street wedge 383 335 1 1965 dodge 330 wedge 426425 3 1965 ford fairlane gt 500 390 355 8 1965 mustang v8 hi-po 289 271 1 1965oldsmobile f85 4-4-2 330 315 1 1965 plymouth belvedere max wedge 426 425 1 1965plymouth belvedere street wedge 426 365 3 1965 pontiac catalina ho 2+2 421 3761 1965 pontiac catalina 421 338 11 1965 pontiac gto tri-power 389 360 4 1965pontiac gto 389 335 1 1965 rambler marlin 327 275 6 1965 shelby mustang gt-350289 306 1 1966 buick skylark gs 400 325 1 1966 ford fairlane gt 390 335 17 1966ac shelby cobra 427 427 425 1 1966 buick skylark gran sport 401 340 1 1966buick skylark gran sport 401 325 1 1966 chevy caprice 427 390 3 1966 chevychevelle ss l78 396 375 1 1966 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 360 1 1966 chevychevelle ss 283 240 1 1966 chevy impala ss 427 425 1 1966 chevy impala ss 327350 1 1966 chevy impala ss 327 250 1 1966 chevy impala ss 427 390 3 1966 chevynova ss l79 327 350 4 1966 chrysler 300 383 365 1 1966 chrysler 300 383 225 31966 corvette sting ray 427 425 4 1966 dodge charger street hemi 426 425 3 1966dodge coronet 500 hemi 426 425 1 1966 ford fairlane gta 390 330 1 1966 fordfairlane 427 425 1 1966 ford fairlane side oiler 427 410 1 1966 ford galaxie500 xl 428 345 1 1966 mercury comet cyclone gt 390 355 2 1966 mercury cometcyclone gt 390 335 1 1966 mustang gt 4bbl 289 271 2 1966 oldsmbile 4-4-2 l69tri-carbs 400 360 2 1966 oldsmbile 4-4-2 400 350 1 1966 plymouth barracuda 383325 4 1966 plymouth belvedere hemi 426 425 1 1966 plymouth satellite hemi 426425 1 1966 pontiac catalina 2+2 tri-power 421 338 1 1966 pontiac catalina ho421 376 1 1966 pontiac catalina 389 295 1 1966 pontiac gto tri-power 389 333 121966 pontiac gto tri-power 389 360 1 1966 shelby gt-350 289 340 1 1966 shelbygt-350 289 306 4 1967 ac cobra 427 425 3 1967 amc marlin 343 280 1 1967 buickskylark gs-400 400 340 1 1967 buick skylark gs 400 260 1 1967 buick wildcat 400360 5 1967 chevy camaro r s ss 396 375 1 1967 chevy camaro r s ss 396 325 51967 chevy camaro z28 302 290 3 1967 chevy camaro ss 350 305 1 1967 chevycamaro ss 327 300 9 1967 chevy chevelle ss 396 350 1 1967 chevy chevelle ss 396325 3 1967 chevy impala ss 427 385 1 1967 chevy impala ss 396 325 3 1967 chevynova ss 327 275 1 1967 chevy nova ss l79 327 350 19 1967 corvette tri-power l71427 435 3 1967 corvette l89 alum heads 427 435 9 1967 corvette l88 alum heads(560hp @6400) 427 450 2 1967 dodge coronet r t magnum 440 375 1 1967 dodge dartgts 383 340 2 1967 ford fairlane dual quad 427 425 1 1967 ford fairlane gt 427410 1 1967 mercury capri 427 425 1 1967 mercury comet dual quads 427 425 1 1967mercury cougar 390 320 3 1967 mercury cougar gt-e 390 325 2 1967 olds cutlass4-4-2 400 350 2 1967 olds cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1967 plymouth barracuda383 330 6 1967 plymouth belvedere gtx hemi 426 425 4 1967 plymouth gtx supercommando 440 375 1 1967 plymouth satellite street hemi 426 425 1 1967 pontiaccatalina 2+2 428 376 1 1967 pontiac catalina 2+2 428 360 1 1967 pontiacfirebird ram air 400 325 2 1967 pontiac firebird 400 325 21 1967 pontiac gtoram air 400 360 2 1967 pontiac gto 400 335 4 1967 shelby mustang gt-500 kr 428355 4 1967 shelby mustang gt-350 289 306 4 1968 amc amx 390 340 3 1968 amc amx390 315 1 1968 amc javelin 390 315 1 1968 buick skylark gs 400 360 3 1968 buickskylark gs 400 340 3 1968 camaro z28 ss 302 290 1 1968 camaro rs ss 396 325 11968 camaro ss 396 350 2 1968 camaro ss 396 375 1 1968 camaro 337 275 1 1968chevy biscayne 396 375 2 1968 chevy biscayne l72 427 425 2 1968 chevy chevelless l78 396 375 1 1968 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 350 1 1968 chevy chevelle ss396 325 1 1968 chevy impala ss 427 425 1 1968 chevy impala ss 427 385 3 1968chevy nova 396 375 3 1968 chevy nova ss 350 300 1 1968 chrysler 300 440 350 21968 corvette tri-power l71 427 435 3 1968 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 4355 1968 corvette l88 aluminum heads 427 450 8 1968 dodge charger r t 6 pack 440390 4 1968 dodge charger r t 6 pack 440 375 5 1968 dodge charger r t hemi 426425 2 1968 dodge coronet r t 6 pack 440 375 4 1968 dodge coronet r t hemi 426425 1 1968 dodge coronet super bee 383 335 1 1968 dodge dart hemi 426 425 11968 dodge dart gt sport 340 275 1 1968 ford thunderbird 428 335 1 1968 fordtorino cobra jet 428 335 1 1968 ford torino gt 302 210 1 1968 hurst olds w-30455 390 2 1968 mercury cougar gt xr-7 427 390 1 1968 mercury cyclone gt cj 428335 3 1968 mustang boss 302 290 5 1968 mustang cobra jet 428 335 2 1968oldsmobile hurst-olds 4-4-2 ram air 455 400 1 1968 oldsmobile hurst-olds 4-4-2455 390 4 1968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 400 350 11968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 400 325 2 1968 plymouth barracuda 383 335 4 1968 plymouthgtx super commando 440 375 1 1968 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 3 1968 plymouthroadrunner hemi 426 425 1 1968 plymouth roadrunner six pack 440 375 2 1968plymouth roadrunner 383 335 3 1968 pontiac firebird 400 ram-air 400 335 3 1968pontiac firebird ho 400 335 1 1968 pontiac firebird 400 330 1 1968 pontiacgrand prix 428 390 9 1968 pontiac gto ram air ii 400 366 1 1968 pontiac gto ho400 360 3 1968 pontiac gto 400 350 1 1968 pontiac lemans 400 350 1 1968 pontiactempest 400 265 1 1968 pontiac ventura 428 376 5 1968 shelby gt-500 kr 428 4001 1968 shelby gt-350 250 302 1 1969 amc amx 390 315 3 1969 amc amx 390 325 41969 amc amx 390 340 2 1969 amc rambler scrambler 390 315 1 1969 buick gs-400400 340 5 1969 buick gs-400 stage 1 400 350 4 1969 buick gs-400 stage 2 400 36019 1969 camaro r s ss zl1 427 425 21 1969 camaro copo yenko l72 427 430 4 1969camaro z28 350 300 6 1969 camaro z28 302 290 4 1969 camaro l78 396 375 1 1969camaro ss 396 350 1 1969 camaro ss 396 325 14 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396(really 402) 396 375 1 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 350 3 1969chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 325 1 1969 chevy impala ss 427 425 11969 chevy impala ss 396 265 8 1969 chevy nova ss 396 (really 402) l78 396 3751 1969 chevy nova ss 350 300 1 1969 chevy nova ss 396 345 2 1969 corvettetri-power l71 427 435 6 1969 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 430 4 1969corvette l88 alum heads & zl1 (560hp @6400) 427 450 4 1969 corvette l46 350350 19 1969 dodge charger 500 r t hemi 426 425 5 1969 dodge charger daytonamagnum 440 390 5 1969 dodge charger 383 330 9 1969 dodge charger r t 440 375 91969 dodge charger magnum r t 440 390 3 1969 dodge coronet r t super bee 440390 1 1969 dodge dart gss 440 375 1 1969 dodge dart sport 426 425 2 1969 dodgedart gt 383 330 1 1969 dodge dart swinger 340 275 1 1969 dodge dart 440 440 3759 1969 dodge super bee 6 pack 440 390 1 1969 ford fairlane cobra ram-air 429425 1 1969 ford fairlane cobra cj 428 335 1 1969 ford galaxie xl gt 429 425 31969 ford torino 428 335 1 1969 ford torino talladega 390 335 5 1969 mercurycougar eliminator cobra jet 428 335 1 1969 mercury cyclone spoiler ii 429 370 11969 mercury cyclone cobra jet 428 335 1 1969 mercury marauder x-100 429 360 41969 mustang boss 289 302 7 1969 mustang boss 429 429 375 1 1969 mustang gt 390350 3 1969 mustang mach 1 cj 428 335 13 1969 mustang mach 1 cobra jet 428 365 91969 mustang mach 1 351w 351 300 3 1969 mustang mach 1 351c 351 250 1 1969oldsmobile cutlass s 350 325 1 1969 oldsmobile toronado 455 375 3 1969oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 390 3 1969 oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 380 1 1969 oldsmobile4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1969 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-32 400 350 6 1969 plymouthbarracuda hemi 426 425 2 1969 plymouth barracuda 440 375 1 1969 plymouth gtxhemi 426 425 2 1969 plymouth gtx 440 375 3 1969 pontiac firebird trans am ramair iv 400 345 2 1969 pontiac firebird trans am ram air iii 400 325 5 1969pontiac firebird ho 350 350 1 1969 pontiac grand prix h o 428 390 9 1969pontiac gto judge ram air iii 400 366 11 1969 pontiac gto judge ram air iv 400370 4 1969 pontiac gto judge 400 350 8 1969 road runner hemi 426 425 5 1969road runner six bbl (1969 1 2) 440 390 1 1969 road runner 383 335 1 1969 shelbygt-350 351 290 1 1969 shelby gt-500kr cj 428 335 1 1969 thunderbird 429 375 31970 amc rebel machine 390 340 6 1970 amc amx javelin 390 340 5 1970 buickskylark gsx 455 360 9 1970 buick gran sport 455 360 top 5! 24 1970 buick gransport stage 1 455 370 3 1970 camaro z28 lt1 350 360 1 1970 camaro ss 396 375 11970 camaro ss 396 350 91 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls6 454 450 1 1970 chevychevelle ss l78 454 360 4 1970 chevy chevelle ss l78 396 375 1 1970 chevychevelle ss l34 396 350 1 1970 chevy chevelle 350 300 1 1970 chevy el camino454 450 1 1970 chevy impala ss 396 325 3 1970 chevy monte carlo ss 454 450 51970 chevy ii nova (402 called 396) 396 375 5 1970 chevy ii nova (402 called396) 396 355 3 1970 chevy ii nova 350 300 3 1970 corvette lt1 350 370 1 1970dodge charger r t 383 335 6 1970 dodge charger r t hemi 426 425 1 1970 dodgecharger 400-6 440 390 1 1970 dodge charger r t magnum 440 375 1 1970 dodgechallenger t a six pak 340 290 3 1970 dodge challenger r t six pak 440 390 11970 dodge challenger 383 335 1 1970 dodge challenger 340 275 9 1970 dodgechallenger r t hemi 426 425 3 1970 dodge coronet superbee hemi 426 425 3 1970dodge coronet superbee 383 335 1 1970 dodge dart hemi 426 425 1 1970 fordtorino cobra jet 429 360 4 1970 ford torino super cobra jet 429 375 1 1970 fordtorino 350 300 1 1970 mercury cougar eliminator 429 360 1 1970 mercury cougareliminator 428 335 1 1970 mercury cougar eliminator boss 302 290 1 1970 mercurycougar eliminator 351 300 3 1970 mercury cyclone 429 360 5 1970 mercury cyclonespolier 429 370 2 1970 mercury cyclone super cobra jet 429 375 1 1970 mercurycyclone gt 351 300 5 1970 mustang boss 429 360 6 1970 mustang boss 302 290 31970 mustang mach i 351 300 7 1970 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 370 1 1970oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-32 455 370 3 1970 oldsmobile (hurst-olds) 4-4-2 455365 1 1970 oldsmobile rally 350 325 1 1970 oldsmobile toronado 455 400 4 1970plymouth duster 340 275 1 1970 plymouth duster six pack 340 330 1 1970 plymouthcuda aar 3x2 340 290 1 1970 plymouth cuda 383 335 1 1970 plymouth cuda 440 3756 1970 plymouth cuda 440-6 440 390 top 5! 38 1970 plymouth hemi cuda 426 425 31970 plymouth gtx 440-6 440 390 3 1970 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 5 1970 pontiacgto judge ram air iv 455 370 1 1970 pontiac gto judge ram air iii 455 366 31970 pontiac gto ram air 400 350 3 1970 pontiac gto ram air iv 400 370 1 1970pontiac lemans 400 366 1 1970 pontiac tempest gt-37 400 366 1 1970 pontiacfirebird formula 400 ram air 400 345 4 1970 pontiac firebird formula 400 400330 1 1970 pontiac firebird trans am ram air 400 345 4 1970 pontiac firebirdtrans am ram air iv 400 370 1 1970 pontiac firebird 350 255 9 1970 road runnerhemi superbird 426 425 2 1970 road runner six pack superbird 440 375 2 1970road runner 383 335 3 1970 road runner six pack 440 375 5 1970 road runner hemi426 425 1 1970 shelby gt-500 super cobra jet 428 345 1 1971 amc sc hornet 360285 1 1971 amc javelin 401 330 1 1971 buick gsx 400 315 1 1971 buick gran sport455 315 4 1971 buick gran sport stage 1 455 345 1 1971 buick riveria 455 360 11971 chevy camaro ss 396 300 1 1971 chevy camaro z28 350 330 1 1971 chevychevelle ss ls6 454 450 8 1971 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 365 1 1971 chevychevelle ss 396 300 1 1971 chevy monte carlo ss 454 365 1 1971 corvette ls6 454450 1 1971 dodge charger 400-6 440 385 1 1971 dodge charger r t magnum 440 3701 1971 dodge charger magnum 383 300 5 1971 dodge charger hemi super bee 426 4252 1971 dodge challenger 400 385 1 1971 dodge challenger 383 300 1 1971 dodgechallenger 340 275 2 1971 dodge demon 340 275 1 1971 dodge demon 340 240 1 1971dodge super bee hemi 426 425 1 1971 ford torino scj cobra 429 370 1 1971mercury cyclone spoiler 429 370 1 1971 mercury cyclone cj ram air 429 375 31971 mustang boss ram air 351 330 4 1971 mustang mach i 429 370 1 1971 mustangmach i 351c 351 285 3 1971 mustang mach i 351 351 330 2 1971 oldsmobile cutlass4-4-2 w-30 455 350 top 5! 38 1971 plymouth hemi cuda 426 425 10 1971 plymouthcuda six pack (6bbl) 440 385 3 1971 plymouth cuda 383 300 5 1971 plymouthduster 340 275 1 1971 plymouth gtx super commando 440 370 1 1971 plymouth gtx383 300 1 1971 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 1 1971 pontiac firebird formula 400300 2 1971 pontiac firebird trans am 455 325 3 1971 pontiac firebird trans amho 455 355 1 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 335 1 1971 pontiac grandprix 400 345 1 1971 pontiac gto judge ho 455 335 3 1971 road runner hemi 426425 1 1971 road runner six bbl 440 390 1 1972 amc javelin 401 255 4 1972 buickgran sport stage 1 455 270 1 1972 buick gran sport 455 250 1 1972 chevy camaross (really 402) 396 240 1 1972 chevy camaro z28 350 255 1 1972 chevy chevelless ls5 454 270 1 1972 chevy chevelle ss 400 240 3 1972 chevy chevelle ss 350275 3 1972 chevy nova 350 250 1 1972 chevy nova yenko 454 400 1 1972 chryslernewport royale 400 300 1 1972 dodge challenger 340 240 3 1972 dodge charger 440255 1 1972 dodge charger 440-6 440 330 1 1972 dodge demon 340 240 1 1972 fordgran torino 351 248 1 1972 ford torino gran sport 429 205 1 1972 mercury cougar351 266 3 1972 mustang mach i 4bbl 351 275 2 1972 mustang 351 c 351 200 3 1972oldsmobile cutlass (hurst-olds) 455 270 2 1972 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 cool-air455 300 2 1972 plymouth cuda 340 240 1 1972 plymouth duster 340 240 1 1972pontiac gto 400 250 1 1972 pontiac gto ho 455 300 3 1972 pontiac gto 455 250 11972 pontiac firebird trans-am ho 455 300 1 1972 pontiac lemans 350 160 2 1972road runner 440 280 1 1972 road runner 400 255 1 1972 road runner 340 240 vote:for your favorite muscle car vote: for your favorite classic car to see votingleaders for other classes click a category below muscle cars 1930-19491950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 corvette click here click here click here clickhere click here click here view website vistors comments on muscle cars clickhere master index corvette pictures welcome you are cruiser number: add yourcarsite &see top 1 001 links classic car pics vote: classic car vote:muscle car cruise home your car photo auto books and more up to 30% off triviagames comments email classic corvette gold connection 2000 this website wasupdated friday 11 02 2001 this was ripped from: geocities motorcity garage 678350fast2 :) 1 1966 cobra 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 2x4 barrel as tested 4speed transmission and 3 54 rear performance 12 20 @ 118 drag test publishedcar and driver 11 65 2 1966 corvette 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 4 barrel astested 4 speed transmission and 3 36 rear performance 12 80@112 drag testpublished car and driver 11 65 3 1969 road runner 440 six pack engine 390horsepower 440 six-pack as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rearperformance 12 91 @ 111 8 drag test published super stock magazine 6 69 4 1970hemi cuda engine 425 horsepower 426 hemi 2x4 barrel as tested 4 speedtransmission and 3 54 rear performance 13 10 @ 107 drag test published carcraft 11 69 5 1970 ss454 chevelle engine 450 horsepower ls-6 454 as tested 4speed transmission and 3 55 rear performance 13 12 @ 107 01 drag test publishedcar craft magazine 11 69 6 1969 zl-1 camaro engine 430 horsepower 427 zl-1 astested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 16 @ 110 21 drag testpublished hi-performance cars 6 69 7 1968 corvette 427 engine 435 horsepower427 3x2 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 70 rear performance 13 30 @108 drag test published hi-performance cars 5 68 8 1970 road runner 426 hemiengine 425 horsepower 426 hemii 2x4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmissionand 4 10 rear performance 13 34 @ 107 5 drag test published super stockmagazine 12 69 9 1970 buick gs stage 1 engine 360 horsepower 455 stage 1 astested automatic transmission and 3 64 rear performance 13 38 @ 105 drag testpublished motor trend 1 70 10 1969 charger 500 engine 425 horsepower 426 hemi2x4 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 48 @ 109drag test published hot rod magazine 2 69 11 1973 trans am 455 sd engine 310horsepower 455 4 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 42 rearperformance 13 54 @ 104 2 drag test published hot rod magazine 6 73 denotes nethorsepower 12 1969 corvette l-88 engine 430 horsepower 427 l-88 as testedautomatic transmission and 3 36 rear performance 13 56 @ 111 drag test publishedhot rod magazine 4 69 13 1969 super bee 440 six pack engine 390 horsepower 440six-pack as tested automatic transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 56 @ 1056 drag test published hot rod magazine 8 69 14 1969 boss 429 mustang engine 375horsepower boss429 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91 rear performance 1360 @ 106 drag test published hi performance cars 11 69 15 1970 challenger r tengine 390 horsepower 440 3x2 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 23rear performance 13 62 @ 104 3 drag test published car craft magazine 11 69 161970 torino cobra engine 370 horsepower 429 scj as tested automatictransmission and 3 91 rear performance 13 62 @ 105 9 drag test published superstock magazine 3 70 17 1968 biscayne 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 4 barrel astested 4 speed transmission and 4 56 rear performance 13 65 @ 105 drag testpublished super stock magazine 4 68 18 1964 polara 500 engine 365 horsepower426 4 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 23 rear performance 13 70 @ 1073 drag test published hi performance cars 4 64 19 1969 gtx engine 375horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmission and 4 10 rearperformance 13 70 @ 102 8 drag test published motor trend 1 69 20 1969 dart 440engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmission and 3 55rear performance 13 71 @ 105 drag test published car craft magazine 5 69 211971 road runner engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as tested torqueflighttransmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 71 @ 101 2 drag test published carcraft magazine 1 71 22 1971 cuda engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as testedtorqueflight transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 72 @ 106 drag testpublished super stock magazine 4 71 23 1971 corvette engine 425 horsepower ls-6454 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 36 rear performance 13 72 @ 102 4 dragtest published car life 8 71 24 1971 super bee engine 425 horsepower 426 hemias tested torqueflight transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 73 @ 104 dragtest published motor trend 12 70 25 1968 hurst olds engine 390 horsepower 455w-30 as tested automatic transmission and 3 91 rear drag test publishedsuperstock magazine 8 68 performance 13 77 @ 103 91 26 1968 firebird h o engine335 horsepower 400 h o as tested 4 speed transmission drag test published hotrod 3 68 performance 13 79 @ 106 27 1967 corvette engine 435 horsepower 427 3x2barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 55 rear drag test published hot rodmagazine 5 67 performance 13 80 @ 108 28 1971 boss 351 mustang engine 330horsepower boss 351 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91 rear drag testpublished motor trend magazine 1 71 performance 13 80 @ 104 29 1966 satelliteengine 425 horsepower 426 hemi as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 54 reardrag test published car and driver magazine 4 66 performance 13 81 @ 104 301968 coronet r t engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested 4 speedtransmission and 4 10 rear drag test published superstock magazine 4 69performance 13 83 @ 102 27 31 1968 cyclone gt engine 335 horsepower 428 cobrajet as tested automatic transmission and 4 11 rear drag test published motortrend magazine 8 68 performance 13 86 @ 101 69 32 1969 nova ss396 engine 375horsepower 396 4 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 55 rear drag testpublished hot rod magazine 7 69 performance 13 87 @ 105 1 33 1969 shelby gt-500engine 335 horsepower 428 cobra jet as tested 4 speedtransmission and 3 91 reardrag test published superstock magazine 9 69 performance 13 87 @ 104 52 34 19704-4-2 w30 engine 370 horsepower 455 w-30 as tested automatic transmission and 342 rear drag test published car craft magazine 11 69 performance 13 88 @ 95 8435 1962 corvette engine 360 horsepower 327 fuel injection as tested 4 speedtransmission and 4 10 rear drag test published hot rod magazine 1 62performance 13 89 @ 105 14 36 1969 barracuda engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrelas tested automatic transmission and 4 10 rear drag test published superstockmagazine 8 69 performance 13 89 @ 103 21 37 1969 mach 1 engine 335 horsepower428 cobra jet as tested automatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag testpublished car life magazine 3 69 performance 13 90 @ 103 32 38 1967 gto engine360 horsepower 400 ram air as tested automatic transmission and 4 33 rear dragtest published car life magazine 10 67 performance 13 90 @ 102 8 39 1970 transam engine 345 horsepower 400 ram air iv as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91rear drag test published hot rod magazine 2 70 performance 13 90 @ 102 40 1969charger r t engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested automatic transmissionand 3 55 rear drag test published motor trend magazine 1 69 performance 13 90 @101 4 41 1969 cougar eliminator engine 335 horsepower 428 cobra jet as testedautomatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag test published superstock magazine 969 performance 13 91 @ 103 9 42 1972 corvette lt-1 engine 255 horsepower lt-1350 as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 11 rear drag test published hot rodmagazine 8 72 performance 13 92 @ 104 01 denotes net horsepower 43 1970 chargerr t engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 54rear drag test published superstock magazine 8 68 performance 13 77 @ 103 91 441968 gtx engine 425 horsepower 426 hemii as tested automatic transmission and 323 rear drag test published car life magazine 2 68 performance 13 97 @ 103 5 451971 mustang mach 1 engine 370 horsepower 429 cobra jet as tested automatictransmission and 3 50 rear drag test published superstock magazine 2 71performance 13 97 @ 100 22 46 1970 cyclone spoiler engine 370 horsepower 429cobra jet as tested automatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag test publishedsuperstock magazine 2 70 performance 13 97 @ 100 47 1967 4-4-2 w30 engine 350horsepower 400 w-30 as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 33 rear drag testpublished superstock magazine 8 67 performance 13 99 @ 102 4 48 1970 challengerengine 425 horsepower 426 hemii as tested automatic transmission and 3 23 reardrag test published road and track magazine 8 70 performance 14 00 @ 104 491966 shelby gt-350 s engine 440 horsepower 289 hi perf as tested automatictransmission and 3 89 rear drag test published motor trend magazine 8 66performance 14 00 @ 102 estimated horsepower with paxton supercharger 50 1964cobra 289 engine 271 horsepower 289 hi perf as tested 4 speed transmission and3 77 rear drag test published car life magazine 8 64 performance 14 00 @ 98pictures 57-2001 listed below are the results of tests conducted by eight majorpublications of the muscle era we are not representing this list as gospelrather this list will give you a basic idea of times and speeds logged by manymajor muscle cars top 50 fastest muscle cars magazine abbreviations cdcar anddriver mtmotor trend sssuper stock hrhot rod hchigh performance cars cccarcraft clcar life rtroad test (50) 1971 mach 1-429 cj-370hp-auto -3 50-13 97100 22- ss 2 71 (49) 1968 gtx-426 hemi-425hp-auto -3 23-13 97 103 5- cl 2 68(48) 1970 charger r t-440 6pk-390hp-4 spd-3 54-13 95 101- hc 2 70 (47) 1972corvette lt-1-350 lt-1-350hp-4 spd-4 11-13 92 104 01- hr 8 72 (46) 1969 cougareliminator-428 cj-335hp-auto -3 50-13 9 103 9- ss 9 69 (45) 1989 turbo transam-231 turbo v6-290hp-auto -3 27-13 9 99 5-rt 1 89 (44) 1969 charger r t-4404v-375hp-auto -3 55-13 9 101 4- mt 1 69 (43) 1970 trans am-400 raiv-345hp-4spd-3 91-13 9 102- hr 2 70 (42) 1967 gto-400 ram air-360hp-auto -4 33-13 9 1028- cl 10 67 (41) 1969 mach 1-428 cj-335hp-auto -3 50-13 90 103 32- cl 3 69 (40)1969 barracuda-440 4v-375hp-auto -4 10-13 89 103 21- ss 8 69 (39) 1962corvette-327fi-360hp-4 spd-4 10-13 89 105 14- hr 1 62 (38) 1970 4-4-2w30-455-370hp-auto -3 42-13 88 95 84- cc11 69 (37) 1969 shelbygt500-428cj-335hp-4 spd-3 91-13 87 104 52- ss 9 69 (36) 1969 novass-396-375hp-auto -3 55-13 87 105 1- hr 7 69 (35) 1968 cyclone gt-428cj-335hp-auto -4 11-13 86 101 69- mt 8 68 (34) 1969 coronet r t-440 4v-375hp-4spd-4 10-13 83 102 27- ss 4 69 (33) 1966 satellite-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-3 54-1381 104- cd 4 66 (32) 1971 boss 351 mustang-351 boss-330hp-4 spd-3 91-13 8 104-mt 1 71 (31) 1967 corvette-427-435hp-4 spd-3 55-13 8 108- hr 5 67 (30) 1968firebird ho-400 ho-335hp-4 spd-3 55-13 79 106- hr 3 68 (29) 1968 hurst olds-455w-30-390hp-auto -3 91-13 77 103 91- ss 8 68 (28) 1971 super bee-426hemi-425hp-auto -4 10-13 73 104- mt 12 70 (27) 1971 corvette-454 ls6-425hp-4spd-3 36-13 72 102 04- cl 8 71 (26) 1971 cuda-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 72106- ss 4 71 (25) 1971 road runner-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 71 101 2- cc 171 (24) 1969 dart 440-440 4v-375hp-auto -3 55-13 71 105- cc 5 69 (23) 1990dodge stealth-181 turbo v6-325hp-5 spd-3 97-13 7 101- mt 4 90 (22) 1987 buickgnx-231 turbo v6-325hp-auto -3 42-13 7 102- hr 4 87 (21) 1969 gtx-4404v-375hp-auto -4 10-13 7 102 8- mt 1 69 (20) 1964 polara 500-426 4v-365hp-4spd-3 23-13 7 107 37- hc 2 64 (19) 1968 biscayne 427-427-425hp-4 spd-4 56-13 65105- ss 4 68 (18) 1970 torino cobra-429 scj-370hp-auto -3 91-13 63 105 9- ss 370 (17) 1970 challenger rt- 440 6pk-390hp-auto -3 23-13 62 104 3- cc 11 69 (16)1969 boss 429 mustang-429-375hp-4 spd-3 91-13 6 106- hc 9 69 (15) 1969 superbee-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 56 105 6- hr 8 69 (14) 1969 corvette-427l88-430hp-auto -3 36-13 56 111 1- hr 4 69 (13) 1973 trans am-455 sd-400hp-auto-3 42-13 54 104 29- hr 6 73 (12) 1969 charger 500-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-4 10-1348 109- hr 2 69 (11) 1970 buick gs stage 1-455-360hp-auto -3 64-13 38 105 5- mt1 70 (10) 1970 road runner-426 hemi-425hp-auto -4 10-13 34 107 5- ss 12 69 (9)1968 corvette-427 6v-435hp-4 spd-3 70-13 30 108- hc 5 68 (8) 1990 pontiac firehawk-350-350hp-6spd-3 54-13 2 107-cd 6 91 (7) 1969 zl-1 camaro-427 zl1-430hp-4 spd-4 10-13 16110 21- hc 6 69 (6) 1970 ss454 chevelle-454ls6-450hp-4 spd-3 55-13 12 107 1- cc11 69 (5) 1970 hemi cuda-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-3 54-13 10 107 12- cc 11 69 (4)1969 road runner-440 6pk-390hp-4 spd-4 10-12 9 111 8-ss 6 69 3)1966corvette-427-425hp-4 spd-3 36-12 8 112-cd 11 65 (2)1990 zr-1 corvette-lt5350-375hp-6 spd-3 45-12 8 113 8-mt 4 90 ( (1) 1966 cobra 427-425hp-4 spd-3 54gears-12 20et 118mph-cd 11 65 corvette parts parts corvette accessorieschevrolet corvette vette vet convertible stingray sting ray 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bowl 1967 61 1967 lincoln continental convertible 60event in 1967 59 1967 oldsmobile 58 1967 1972 chevrolet truck 17030 chevelle2622 chevelle part 2312 chevelle for sale 1732 1970 chevelle 1364 team chevelle1255 chevelle ss 1107 1967 chevelle 1088 chevy chevelle 1083 1969 chevelle 9581970 chevelle ss 868 1966 chevelle 774 chevrolet chevelle 682 69 chevelle 6731973 chevelle 650 67 chevelle 648 1972 chevelle 601 1968 chevelle 515 1971chevelle 502 70 chevelle 496 66 chevelle 455 chevelle picture 441 68 chevelle439 chevelle pic 401 1965 chevelle 370 72 chevelle 335 1969 chevelle ss 2921970 chevelle for sale 277 71 chevelle 262 1968 camaro picture and 1970chevelle picture 251 1970 chevy chevelle 250 chevelle malibu 228 chevelle club223 1964 chevelle 215 1967 chevelle ss 194 65 chevelle 173 1966 chevelle ss 1721967 chevelle for sale 171 70 chevelle ss 167 ss chevelle 164 picture ofchevelle 163 chevelle car 162 1972 chevelle ss 157 64 chevelle 155 1970chevrolet chevelle 154 1970 chevelle ss 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Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta nameDC.TITLEcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - ->meta namerobots contentall, index, follow>meta namerevisit-after content7 days>meta namerevisit content7 days>meta nameexpires contentnever>meta namecategory contentautos>meta namedocument-classification contentautos>meta nameclassification contentautos>meta nametopic contentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>meta namepage-topic contentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>meta namesubjectcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta namesubjectscontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta nameDC.SUBJECTcontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts - For Sale By Owner - ->meta namesummarycontentCorvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively>meta nameabstractcontentCorvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively>meta namepublisher>meta http-equivorganization>meta nameDC.PUBLISHER>meta nameDC.IDENTIFIER content>meta nameurlcontent>meta nameowner contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecopyrightcontentCopyright © 1979-2017 Lightning Speed Shop, all rights reserved, all rights reserved.>meta namedoc-rightscontentCopyright © 1979-2017 Lightning Speed Shop, all rights reserved, all rights reserved>meta nameauthor contentSteve Shreffler>meta namedesigner contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecontactname contentSteve Shreffler>meta namecontactcity contentMonticello>meta namecontactstate contentIllinois>meta nameDC.CREATOR contentSteve Shreffler>meta http-equivbulletin-textcontentSteve Shreffler, web site developer, web site designer, webmaster, web host>meta namerating contentsafe for kids>meta namedocument-rating contentsafe for kids>meta nameaudience contentall>meta nameresource-type contentdocument>meta namedistribution contentglobal>meta namedoc-type contentweb page>meta namedoc-class contentcompleted>meta nameDC.FORMAT contenthtml>meta namedocument-type contentpublic>meta namelanguage contenten-us>meta nameDC.LANGUAGE contenten>meta namecontent-language contenten-us>link relicon href>link relshortcut icon href>meta namemssmarttagspreventparsing contenttrue>meta http-equivwindow-target content_top>meta http-equivmsthemecompatible contentno>meta http-equivimagetoolbar contentno>meta http-equivPICS-Labelcontent(PICS-1.1 "" L gen true for "" r (SS~~000 1))>meta http-equivpics-labelcontent(pics-1.1 "" comment "ICRAonline EN v2.0" l gen true for "" r (nz 1 vz 1 lz 1 oz 1 cz 1) "" l gen true for "" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))>meta nameindexcontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>meta namekeywordscontent3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac>style>!--A:hover { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #ff0000; background: #ff2;} /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Verdana; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;}@font-face {font-family:Barbedor T; panose-1:2 11 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;}@font-face {font-family:Venus Rising;}@font-face {font-family:Garamond; panose-1:2 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 8 3;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Times New Roman;}h1 {margin:0in; 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Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->/span>/p>/form>form>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;display:none>INPUT TYPEhiddencontentHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - ->/span>/p>/form>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center span>spanstylefont-family:Arial>a hrefsite-map.htm target_blanktitleSite Map>span stylecolor:windowtext;text-decoration:none>imgborder0 width25 height25src Sale. Corvette and high-performance chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - - www.FastSS.comtitleGarage Sale. Corvette and high-performance chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - ->/span>/a>script languageJavaScript>!--function getLongDateString(){ monthNames new Array(January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December); dayOfWeek this.getDay(); dateOfMonth this.getDate();monthNo this.getMonth(); month monthNamesmonthNo;year this.getYear(); if (year 2000)year year + 1900;dateStr month+ +dateOfMonth+, +year; return dateStr;}//register the method in the class DateDate.prototype.getLongDateStringgetLongDateString;function DocDate(){ //return the document modification date (excl.time)//as a string DateTimeStr document.lastModified; secOffset Date.parse(DateTimeStr); if (secOffset 0 || secOffset null) //Opera3.2 dateStr Unknown; else { aDate new Date(); aDate.setTime(secOffset); //use method defined above datestr aDate.getLongDateString(); } return dateStr;}document.write(This web page was last updated: );document.writeln(DocDate(),/span>);// -->/script>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#F3FAFF;border:solid blue 1.0pt> tr> td valigntop styleborder:solid blue 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 12.0pt 6.0pt 12.0pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>i>span stylefont-size:34.0pt;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue>LIGHTNING SPEED SHOP/span>/i>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Garamond;color:blue>205 North Colfax Street, Box 42, Monticello, Illinois 61856/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal>!--3869942, 3904351, 3916321, 3935439, 3955270, 3963512, 3999289, 3946052, 3855962, 3902406, 3916323, 3935440, 3955272, 3782870, 3858174, 3892657, 3932386, 3956618, 3970010, 3856208, 3873858, 3904391, 3919839, 3919840, 3964291, 3964292, 3994026, 6258723, 6272990, 3872702, 3904390, 3909802, 3917215, 3931063, 3904392, 3919328, 3919842, 3946074, 330545, 340292, 3782461, 3890462, 3917291, 3917292, 3927186, 3927187, 3947041, 3973370, 3973414, 3991492, 4011034, 427, 396, 327, 350, 283, 302, z-28, z28, 3x2, list-, tripower, tri-power, afb, wcfb, 3269s, 3310s, 3460s, 3461s, 3720s, 3721s, 3500s, 3501s, 3696s, 3697s, 2818, 3124, 3247, 3606, 3810, 3811, 4489, 4490, 4555, 4800, 3659, 4801, 3367, 3370, 3416, 3814, 3815, 4053, 4802, 4803, 3660, 3888, 4055, 3866963, 3885069, 3886093, 3933198, 3947801, 3963569, 3967474, 3969802, 3919849, 3794129, 3795397, 3844461, 3890490, 3917610, 3932472, 3959594, 3972110, 3972116, 3418, 3433, 3605, 4054, 4296, 4346, 6238, 6239, holley, carter, rochester, quadrajet, big block, corvette, chevrolet, engine, parts, hi-perf, posi-trac// -->!--Garage Sale. Corvette and high-performance Chevrolet engine parts including correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively. - - -->!--High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale - - --> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFFA3;border:outset 1.5pt> tr> td valigntop styleborder:inset 1.5pt;padding:6.0pt 12.0pt 6.0pt 12.0pt> h1>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman;color:#F42E00;letter-spacing: 2.0pt>HIGH-PERFORMANCE/span>/b>/h1> h1>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman;color:#F42E00;letter-spacing: 2.0pt> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Times New Roman; color:#F42E00;letter-spacing:2.0pt;font-style:normal>CHEVROLET ENGINE PARTS/span>/b>/h1> h1>b>span stylecolor:#F42E00;letter-spacing:2.0pt>-- FOR SALE --/span>/b>/h1> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr> td width407 valigntop stylewidth:305.6pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> (If you have a slow Internet connection, the pictures at the end of this page may take a moment to load)/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#99CCFF;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td width600 valigntop stylewidth:6.25in;border:solid blue 1.5pt; padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt> p classMsoPlainText styleline-height:150%;background:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> h1 styleline-height:150%>b>span stylefont-size:18.0pt;line-height: 150%;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt; font-style:normal>AFTER PLAYING WITH CORVETTES AND MUSCLE CARS FOR MORE THAN 42 YEARS, IT IS FINALLY TIME TO CLEAN OUT THE GARAGE./span>/b>/h1> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>My name is Steve Shreffler and I own /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;line-height: 150%;font-family:Times New Roman;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt>LIGHTNING SPEED SHOP/span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>, /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>which I operated full-time from 1979 to 1993. As a racing engine builder and restoration engine specialist, I have always focused on hard to find Corvette and High-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts for use in both restoration and competition. I bought, sold, and traded a constantly changing inventory of correct dated engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, carburetors and more for the years 1962 to 1972 exclusively./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>During the 1980s and early 1990s we were very active in the regional car show and swap meet circuit, so much so, that one year the promoters of both Super Chevy Magazine and the Bloomington Gold Corvette Show (the worlds largest Corvette Show) used photos of our awesome display in their materials to promote and publicize their car show events. Along with Super Chevy Sunday and Bloomington Gold, we were also regular vendors at the both spring and fall Chevy/Vettefest Nationals (worlds largest all-indoor Chevrolet and Corvette event) and the Motorama car shows held at McCormick place in Chicago, the Hoosier car show held inside the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at Indianapolis, and the Peotone Illinois swap meet each year. Chances are if you attended any major car show in Illinois or Indiana during our years of operation, you and I have already met. /span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>When the stock market crashed in 1987, investors moved to invest in Corvettes and Muscle cars and as a result, we experienced an appreciable increase in demand for our inventory of factory installed original equipment engine parts as the cars dramatically increased in value and demand, seemingly overnight (just as they have again since March 2000). Accordingly, we shifted our emphasis from racing to restoration as the original high-performance engine parts seem to increase in value even faster than the cars./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>We advertised heavily in Hemmings Motor News Magazine, Chevy/Corvette Buyers Guide Magazine, Vette Vues Magazine, and 76 other publications where we did business with customers worldwide, supplying the Corvette and Muscle car world with engines, parts and consultation. /span>/b>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>I am proud to have been able to lend support to the world-class frame-off restoration shops, NCRS and Bloomington Gold Judges, and restoration book authors as well as sharing my knowledge base with the public over the years and I do miss it./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>By far the rarest engine I have bought and sold was THE original engine out of one of the 71 COPO cars that Chevrolet produced with the famous ZL-1 engine option (all aluminum L-88 427). My ZL-1 was the engine that Chevrolet originally installed in the 1969 ZL-1 Camaro number 26 which still existed three states and over 600 miles from where I found it’s engine./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>Since 1993, the following High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts have been in storage when I suspended operations to pursue other ventures and expand our family. My original plan was to no longer sell items of this rare nature outright for cash, as I would reserve them solely for trading for similar parts I might need for my own personal collection, however the NASDAQ has changed many things in my life since March 10, 2000./span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue;background:#99CCFF>I would also be very interested in selling the entire lot in one package deal at a negotiated wholesale price. These engine components are for the most part; all cleaned, inspected, labeled with description information for sales display, and will be package priced well below market value./span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td valigntop styleborder:solid red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>All of the parts listed below are available as of/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> script languageJavaScript>!--function getLongDateString(){ monthNames new Array(January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December); dayOfWeek this.getDay(); dateOfMonth this.getDate();monthNo this.getMonth(); month monthNamesmonthNo;year this.getYear(); if (year 2000)year year + 1900;dateStr month+ +dateOfMonth+, +year; return dateStr;}//register the method in the class DateDate.prototype.getLongDateStringgetLongDateString;function DocDate(){ //return the document modification date (excl.time)//as a string DateTimeStr document.lastModified; secOffset Date.parse(DateTimeStr); if (secOffset 0 || secOffset null) //Opera3.2 dateStr Unknown; else { aDate new Date(); aDate.setTime(secOffset); //use method defined above datestr aDate.getLongDateString(); } return dateStr;}document.writeln(DocDate());// --> /script>(last time this web page was updated)/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red> on a “first one with the money” basis./span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height: 150%;background:#FFFF99>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>When they’re gone…they’re gone!/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styletext-align:justify;line-height:150%;background: #99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue>I do have many of other Factory Original High Performance Chevrolet Engine parts that I acquired after I made this list in 1992, so If you do not see exactly what you need, please bookmark this page and check back from time to time, as I will be adding the other parts that I have to this web page (as time allows) and I may very well have available what you seek, as illustrated by my Speed Shop signature slogan:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText styleline-height:150%;background:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center;background:#99CCFF>b>i>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt; background:#99CCFF>“Big Block and Small/span>/i>/b>b>i>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;letter-spacing:1.0pt> – I’ve Got them all”/span>/i>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText stylebackground:#99CCFF>b>span stylefont-family: Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt; height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p> p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p> div aligncenter> table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td styleborder:solid red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> h3>span classMsoHyperlink>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red; letter-spacing:1.0pt;text-decoration:none>a href target_blank titleLayaway Terms>span stylecolor:red;text-decoration: none>INTEREST FREE LAYAWAY/CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE/span>/a>/span>/span>/h3> /td> /tr> /table> /div> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>a href target_blank titleTerms of Sale>Sales Information & Policies/a>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:red>> > script languageJavaScript> !--if ((navigator.appName Microsoft Internet Explorer) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4)) {var url;var titleHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale -;document.write(A HREFjavascript:window.ext);document.write(ernal.AddFavorite(url,title); );document.write(onMouseOver window.status);document.write(BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES; return true );document.write(onMouseOut window.status);document.write( ; return true );document.write(>BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES/a>);}else {var msg Press Control+D to BOOKMARK this site now.;if(navigator.appName Netscape) msg + ;document.write(msg);}// End --> /script> < </span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width538 stylewidth:403.65pt;background:#FFFF99;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td width532 stylewidth:399.25pt;border:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 5.75pt 6.0pt 5.75pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>For details about the cars I am selling from my Corvette & Muscle/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>Car collection, visit my personal homepage:/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family: Verdana> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>www./span>i>span stylefont-size:13.5pt; font-family:Verdana;color:red>SS427/span>/i>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>.com/span>/a>/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p> p classMsoNormal> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>Do it right, and they will tell two friends, but doit wrong and they will tell everybody!/span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylebackground:#FFFF99;border-collapse:collapse> tr> td stylepadding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:18.0pt;font-family:Verdana>THE PARTS I HAVE FOR SALE ARE AS FOLLOWS:/span>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana> /span>/p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr> td width627 valigntop stylewidth:470.25pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoBodyText>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana; letter-spacing:1.0pt>PLEASE NOTICE:/span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue>This list is in two sections. In the first section you will find High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts used on Corvette and other Chevrolet Muscle Cars./span>/p> p classMsoBodyText styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:10.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:blue> /span>/p> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Below that, you will find High Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts used only on the steel body cars (Camaro, Nova, Chevy II, Chevelle, Malibu, El Camino, Monte Carlo, Impala, Biscayne, Bel Air, Caprice, Pickup, & etc.) but not Corvette./span>/b>/h1> p classMsoNormal>b> /b>/p> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>For further clarification and uniformity, I have listed a second digit for the year portion of casting date codes. For instance, a date code is listed below as “A-12-67” would have the actual casting date code “A 12 7”./span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal> /span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Many parts cast after 1969 actually do have 2-digit year designations as did parts cast in Tonawanda./span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal> /span>/b>/h1> h1 styletext-align:justify>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>Parts I have available for cars produced under a /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>C/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size: 10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>entral /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>O/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>ffice /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red; font-style:normal>P/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family: Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>roduction /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:11.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red;font-style:normal>O/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue;font-style:normal>rder or C.O.P.O. are designated below simply as COPO./span>/b>/h1> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Cylinder Heads (1966-1969) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(All in Matching Pairs):/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3872702 (1966) I Have Three Pair With Casting Dates:K-23-65, A-24-66, & D-12-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3904390 (1967) Three Pair With Casting Dates: I-22-66,K-29-66, & L-7-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3909802 (1967) One Pair With the Casting Date: A-31-67 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3917215 (1968): One Pair With the Casting Date: C-26-68/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3931063 (1969) Two Pair With Casting Dates: A-13-69,& A-23-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Cylinder Heads (1962-1970) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(All in Matching Pairs): /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782461 I Have Three Pair With Casting Dates: B-19-65,G-17-65, & H-20-65 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3890462 Two Pair With Casting Dates: D-6-66, &D-27-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3917291 Three Pair With Casting Dates: H-4-67, H-14-67,& K-17-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3927186 Five Pair With Casting Dates: F-13-68, J-18-68,K-5-68, B-12-69, & E-12-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Engine Blocks (1962-1967) /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Flint Michigan Castings): /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782870 With Casting Dates: H-29-61, B-20-62, G-2-62,G-21-62, B-20-63, C-26-63, C-14-64, F-24-65/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3858174 With Casting Dates: G-22-5, I-1-65, L-14-65,A-20-66, A-25-66/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3892657 With Casting Dates: G-1-66, H-19-66, L-7-66,L-8-66, D-12-67/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1962 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1963 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1965 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968 327/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Engine Blocks:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3956618 Casting Date: C-21-69/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3932386 With Casting Dates: H-28-68, I-3-68, J-22-68,K-18-68/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3970010 With Casting Dates: H-12-69, E-2-70, E-20-70,B-20-71, K-3-72, D-17-74, L-18-74, A-16-76, H-26-77/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Including Carburetor $3995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $2995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 350/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $2495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3904351 Casting Date: C-31-67 $4995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $6995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: F-16-69, Standard Bore $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427- 425/435 Horsepower/span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512 (4-Bolt Main), Casting Date: J-24-69 Standard Bore(this is the 1970 LS-6 454 Engine Block listed below but would also be correctfor a late 435 horsepower Corvette or 425 horsepower COPO Camaro sinceChevrolet was producing the 1970 Chevelle at the same time as the 1969 Corvetteand the Camaro in late 1969 and used the same engine block for all threeengines in these three cars) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: L-4-70 $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1972-1974 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Blocks (High-Nickel Thick-Wall - best quality productionengine block Chevrolet ever produced)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3999289 $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifolds - Small Block:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3731394 (1956 2x4) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3783244 (1962-1963) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3844457 (1964-1965) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3819803 (1968) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3927184 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3965577 (1970) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3973469 (1971) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifolds - Big Block:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3886948 (1966-1967)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 6263753 (1972 454)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 425 Horsepower 427 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Intake Manifold /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3885069 in mint condition - has never been blasted (stillhas factory finish) $795 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 435 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power/span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Intake Manifold /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3894374 in mint condition - has never been blasted (stillhas factory finish & even some of the factory paint over-spray)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 435 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>- Complete set up/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete with matching original dated Holley Carburetors and Air Cleaner Assembly/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 400 Horsepower 427 Tri-Power /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>- Complete set up/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3937795/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Carter AFB Factory Original Carburetors. /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 3310s (1962)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 3721s (1964-1965). /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 300 & 350 Horsepower Carburetor./span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Holley List- # 3367 Dated 634 (March 1966) In Mint Condition Stillin the box Ultra rare dated New Old Stock carburetor (this is a factoryoriginal! Not a reproduction or "restored" carburetor) $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1966 427- 425 Horsepower Carburetor:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-indent:.5in>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in;text-indent:.5in>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Holley List- # 3247 $895/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Quadra-Jet Original Corvette Carburetors:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029202 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029203 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7029207 (1969) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7044227 (1974 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 7043202 (1973) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Crankshafts:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>283 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1962-1967) Forged Steel $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1968) Cast Iron $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $295/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Corvette (250 to 300 Horsepower) Full Set $395. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Corvette High-Performance (340 to 375 Horsepower) $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set (the bestproduction rod Chevrolet ever produced) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set Part Number3946841 N.O.S. (New old stock) Brand new still in G.M. boxes $995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 Rod Set $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 High-Performance "Dot" or "Dimple" Rods fresh &ready to go $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chain Covers/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>: /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 & 300 Horsepower) $95/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (390 & 400 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Harmonic Balancers:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 & 300 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 (300 Horsepower) $95 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 (350 Horsepower and LT-1) $125 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (390 & 400 Horsepower) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>427 (425 & 435 Horsepower) $395/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 (all) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Water Pumps:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3782608 (1963-1972 327 & 350) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3856284 (1966-1969 427) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3969811 (1970-1971 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3992077 (1972 454) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Starters:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1107365 (1966-1969 427) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1107889 (1961-1962) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1108418 (1971-Up) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue># 1108430 (1971-Up) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Alternator/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>:/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> # 1100693 (1965-1968) $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Transmission Bell housings/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>:/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3899621 (427 Cubic Inch) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3858403 (327 & 396 Cubic Inch) $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Units/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>: /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(1963-1979 Corvette) $695/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Center Positraction Section (1955-1964) "P" Case Pig Type- Complete Hogs Head Assembly $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:red>Many Miscellaneous 1962-1972 O.E.M. EngineComponents, Accessories, and Related Hardware for Both Big Block and SmallBlock Including:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Air Cleaner Assemblies/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Alternators/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Brackets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Camshafts/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Carburetor Linkage/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Clutch Fans/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Coils/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Distributors/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Bearings/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Bolt Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Exhaust Manifolds/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Flywheel & Flex Plates/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Fuel Lines/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Fuel Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Gasket Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Harmonic Balancers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>High Compression Forged Aluminum Pistons/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Ignition Shielding/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Lifters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Filter Canisters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Pans/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Oil Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Piston Rings/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Pulleys/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Pushrod Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Rocker Arm Sets/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Spark Plug Wires/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Starters/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chain Covers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Timing Chains/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Valve Covers/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Water Pumps/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Windage Trays/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse:collapse> tr styleheight:37.65pt> td width798 stylewidth:598.15pt;border:solid blue 1.5pt;background:#FFFF99; padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:37.65pt> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>Camaro – Nova – Chevy II – Chevelle – Malibu – El Camino – Monte Carlo/span>/b>/p> p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>Impala – Biscayne – Caprice – Bel Air – Pickup/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 Engine Blocks: /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3855961 (1965) Casting Date: C-13-65 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3935440 (1968) With Casting Dates: D-17-68, D-24-8, &F-27-68 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3955272 (1969) With Casting Dates: L-7-68, L-11-68, & F-21-69 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3969854 (1971 - 402) With Casting Dates: B-11-71, &E-4-71 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1965 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Intake $3995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Carburetor to Oil Pan (including its original fan, harmonic balancer, coil, distributor, alternator, exhaust manifolds, valve covers, timing chain cover, pulleys, brackets, & etc) $7995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Complete Engine Less Carburetor $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 396/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Complete Engine Less Intake. $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 427- 425 Horsepower/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> COPO Engine Block/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(See 1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower Engine Block next line below)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512 (4-Bolt Main), Casting Date: J-24-69 MintStandard Bore $4995. While this engine block was factory installed in a1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower Chevelle, it would also be correct for a late435 horsepower Corvette or 425 horsepower COPO Camaro since Chevrolet wasproducing the 1970 Chevelle at the same time as the 1969 Corvette and the Camaroin late 1969 and used the same engine block for all three engines in thesethree cars)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1971 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Block /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3963512, Casting Date: L-4-70 $4995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1972-1974 454 /span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Engine Blocks (High-Nickel Thick-Wall - best quality productionengine block Chevrolet ever produced)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3999289 $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1970 LS-6 454 - 450 Horsepower /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Cylinder Heads (Closed Chamber –Rectangular Port):/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3964291 One Pair With the Casting Date: F-12-70/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1969 Camaro Z-28/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> "DZ" Intake Manifold (Factory Aluminum High-Rise)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3932472 in mint condition - has never been blasted(still has original factory finish) $695/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1967-1969 396 & 427/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> Intake Manifolds /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3883948 $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>1968-1969 396-375 Horsepower and COPO 427 Intake Manifolds /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Factory Aluminum High-Rise)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting # 3933163. I have several, one of which is N.O.S. andstill in the original G.M. box/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Factory Original Holley Carburetors:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3043 (1965 High-Performance 327) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3230 (1966 327) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 3910 (1967 302 & 396) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 4053 (1969 Z-28 “DZ”)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>List- # 4346 (1968-1969 396 - 375 Horsepower and COPO 427 - 425Horsepower)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Crankshafts:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>283 and 302 Cubic Inch (Pre-1968) Forged Steel $395 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>302 Cubic Inch (1968-1969) Large Journal Forged Steel $895 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1962-1967) Forged Steel $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 Cubic Inch (1968) Cast Iron $295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>350 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $195 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396 & 427 Cubic Inch Forged Steel $295/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>454 Cubic Inch Cast Iron $395/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Small Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 (250 to 300 Horsepower) $395. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>327 High-Performance (340 to 375 Horsepower) $495 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set (the bestproduction rod Chevrolet ever produced) $595 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>LT-1 & Z-28 Style "Pink" Connecting Rod Set PartNumber 3946841 N.O.S. (New old stock) Brand new still in G.M. boxes $995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Connecting Rod Sets:/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 Rod Set $495. /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>396, 427, or 454 High-Performance "Dot" or "Dimple" Rods Fresh & Readyto Go $995 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Big Block Valve Covers/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> - Factory Original (Not Repro) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>I Have One Pair Chrome and One Pair Painted (Both Have Drippers)$295 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Units -/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> I Have Two – /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>One 12-Bolt (1965-1972) $695 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>One 10-Bolt (1970-1976 8.5") $695 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>12-Bolt Positraction Complete Rear Axle Assembly/span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.5in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(1964-1967 Chevelle) Has Brand New 4-Series Posi Unit (thirdmember ring gear carrier) $1995/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Positraction Center Section (1955-1964) "P" CasePig Type/span>/b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>. CompleteHogs Head Assembly $895 /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>12-Bolt Positraction Rear Axle Housing. /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>(Measures 55.5” Flange to Flange) /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Two-piece Bell housing Casting # 3815891 /span>/b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>Casting Date E-28-5 (Missing lower half)/span>/p>p classMsoPlainText stylemargin-left:1.0in>b>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/b>/p>p classMsoPlainText>span stylefont-family:Arial;color:blue> /span>/p>div classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylecolor:blue>hr size2 width100% noshade colorblue aligncenter>/span>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal stylepage-break-after:avoid>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>If any of the following pictures fail to load, simplyright click the red “X” and select “Su>h/u>ow Picture”./span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-family:Arial>If any stop while loading, please refresh the page andthey will load the rest of the way./span>/p>p classMsoNormal>span stylecolor:gray> /span>/p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width384 height255src a dozen Tri-Power Units on DisplaytitleOver a dozen Tri-Power Units on Display> img border0width383 height255src at home in the shop titleTri-Powers at home in the shop>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width387 height255src ZL-1 427 Engine out of Camaro #26 on display at Super Chevy Sunday at Indianapolis Raceway Parktitle ZL-1 427 Engine out of Camaro #26 on display at Super Chevy Sunday at Indianapolis Raceway Park> img border0 width387 height255src of the ZL-1 titleCloseup of the ZL-1>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width378 height255src Aluminum Cylinder Heads on Display at the Motorama Show in ChicagotitleMore Aluminum Cylinder Heads on Display at the Motorama Show in Chicago> img border0 width363 height255src early years - Racing Engines on display at Chevy/Vettefest in McCormick Center (Chicago Illinois)titleThe early years - Racing Engines on display at Chevy/Vettefest in McCormick Center (Chicago Illinois)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width365 height249src 427 engine Block casting number 3904351 (very rare)title1967 427 engine Block casting number 3904351 (very rare)> img border0 width381 height255src loaded for another show (thats the ZL-1 hiding by my truck)titleGetting loaded for another show (thats the ZL-1 hiding by my truck)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width381 height255src another big block engine I builttitleJust another big block engine I built> img border0width381 height255src one of my big block enginestitleAnother one of my big block engines>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width370 height266 src 427 400 Horsepower 3x2 title1967 427 400 Horsepower 3x2> img border0 width386 height250src 427 435 Horsepower 3x2 title1967 427 435 Horsepower 3x2>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoPlainText aligncenter styletext-align:center>img border0width365 height249src of my big block engines - fresh and ready to go...A/C and the whole nine yardstitleAnother of my big block engines - fresh and ready to go...A/C and the whole nine yards> img border0 width365 height249src knew I forgot what did I do with that clutch fan :)titleoops....I knew I forgot what did I do with that clutch fan :)>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>ahref titleLightning Speed Shop - Product Line - Manufacturer Links>LightningSpeed Shop - Product Line - Manufacturer Links/a>/span>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:red>> > script languageJavaScript>!--if ((navigator.appName Microsoft Internet Explorer) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4)) {var url;var titleHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts For Sale -;document.write(A HREFjavascript:window.ext);document.write(ernal.AddFavorite(url,title); );document.write(onMouseOver window.status);document.write(BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES; return true );document.write(onMouseOut window.status);document.write( ; return true );document.write(>BOOKMARK this page or add our site to your FAVORITES/a>);}else {var msg Press Control+D to BOOKMARK this site now.;if(navigator.appName Netscape) msg + ;document.write(msg);}// End -->/script> < </span>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 stylebackground:aqua;border:outset gray 1.0pt> tr styleheight:45.1pt> td styleborder:inset gray 1.0pt;padding:0in 12.0pt 0in 12.0pt;height:45.1pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center;line-height:150%>b>span stylefont-family:Verdana;color:red>For additional information, please email me at:/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>script languageJavaScript>!-- Beginuser EngineParts;site;document.write(b>span stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>a href\mailto: + user + @ + site + \?subjectHigh-Performance Chevrolet Engine Parts>);document.write(user + @ + site + /a>/span>/b>);// End -->/script>noscript>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/noscript>applet width0 height0>p aligncenter stylefont-size:10.0pt;font-family:Verdana;color:blue>b>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titlePlease click here to send email>This Email Address/a>/b>/p>/applet> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal>span stylefont-family:Arial> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width538 stylewidth:403.65pt;background:#FFFF99;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td width532 stylewidth:399.25pt;border:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 5.75pt 6.0pt 5.75pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>For details about the cars I am selling from my Corvette & Muscle/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family:Verdana;color:red>Car collection, visit my personal homepage:/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:10.5pt;font-family: Verdana> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>www./span>i>span stylefont-size:13.5pt; font-family:Verdana;color:red>SS427/span>/i>span stylefont-size:11.0pt>.com/span>/a>/span>/b>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>div aligncenter>table classMsoNormalTable border1 cellspacing3 cellpadding0 width539 stylewidth:403.9pt;background:#FFCCFF;border:inset red 1.0pt> tr> td styleborder:outset red 1.0pt;padding:6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt 6.0pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>THIS IS SOMETHING EVERYONE NEEDS AND MOST PEOPLE/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>span classgrame>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red>HAVE/span>/b>/span>b>span stylefont-size:13.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:red> NEVER EVEN HEARD OF - FOR DETAILS/span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Verdana; color:red> /span>/b>b>span stylefont-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial; color:blue>a hrefhttp:// target_blank titleCLICK HERE>CLICK HERE/a>/span>/b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt; font-family:Verdana;color:red>!/span>/p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>b>spanstylefont-family:Arial;color:blue>ahref titleTerms of Sale>Sales Information & Policies/a>/span>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center> /p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>span classgrame>spanstylefont-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial>Copyright © 1979-2017 b>ahref titleLightning Speed Shop>>/b>. All rights reserved./span>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial>Designated trademarks and brands arethe property of their respective owners./span>/p>p classMsoNormal aligncenter styletext-align:center>spanstylefont-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial>Web Hosting powered by b>ahref target_blanktitleProfessional Web Hosting - $8.95/month>Shreffler Web Hosting Service/a>/b>,P.O. Box 42, Monticello, Illinois 61856/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:1.0pt;color:#99CCFF> /span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align:justify>span stylefont-size:1.0pt;color:#CCECFF>3869942 3904351 3916321 3935439 3955270 3963512 3999289 39460523855962 3902406 3916323 3935440 3955272 3782870 3858174 3892657 3932386 39566183970010 3856208 3873858 3904391 3919839 3919840 3964291 3964292 3994026 62587236272990 3872702 3904390 3909802 3917215 3931063 3904392 3919328 3919842 3946074330545 340292 3782461 3890462 3917291 3917292 3927186 3927187 3947041 39733703973414 3991492 4011034 427 402 454 396 327 350 283 302 z-28 z28 3x2 holleylist holley list- list- tripower tri-power afb wcfb 3269s 3310s 3460s 3461s3720s 3721s 3500s 3501s 3696s 3697s 2818 3124 3247 3606 3810 3811 4489 44904555 4781 4800 3659 4801 3367 3370 3416 3814 3815 4053 4802 4803 4800 3660 38884055 3866963 3885069 3886093 3933198 3947801 3963569 3967474 3969802 39198493794129 3795397 3844461 3890490 3917610 3932472 3959594 3972110 3972116 34183433 3605 4054 4296 4346 6238 6239 holley carter rochester quadra jet doublehump 2 02 4-bolt main big block small block dimple dot hi-perf high performancedual point tach-drive positrac positraction limited slip muncie 4-speedperformance engine parts super sport ss396 300 hp 330 hp 340 hp 350 hp 360 hp385 hp 295 hp 390 hp 360 hp 365 hp 375 hp 390 hp 435 hp 425 hp 400 hp 430 hp370 hp 460 hp zr1 zr2 582 396 582 l46 ls6 ls5 ls7 lt1 l36 l72 l68 l71 l89 m20m21 m22 l75 l76 l78 l79 l84 l82- l-82 dz l88 l-88 zl1 zl-1 ss396 chevrolet camaro chevelle bel air belair belaire biscayne malibu super sport caprice nova el camino chevy impala monte carlo super sporthorsepower sting ray stingray roadster coupe muscle car n o s winters foundrym22 m-22 12 bolt 12-bolt hurst chevrolet racing engine engine block block crankcrankshaft forged forged steel cast cast iron rods connecting rods forgedaluminum aluminum pistons compression oil pan timing chain cover pushrods pushrod push rods roller hydraulic camshaft solid lifter lifters timing chaindouble roller cylinder cylinder head heads intake intake manifold manifold fourbarrel chrome carburetor valve valve covers water pump oil pump fuel pump pumpdistributor ignition ignition coil coil spark plug spark plug wires air cleanerassembly air breather harmonic balancer alternator flywheel rocker arm setsrocker arm oil filter canister accessory brackets belt pulleys pulleys starterexhaust manifolds windage tray piston rings rings rod bearings main bearingsengine bearings engine gaskets engine gasket sets gasket sets balance &blueprint big block bell housing carburetor linkage linkage fuel lines ignitionshielding clutch fan fan blade flex plate flexplate flex plates flexplatesengines engine blocks blocks cranks crankshafts rod connecting rod piston oilpans timing chain covers pushrod camshafts solid lifters lifter timing chainscylinders cylinder heads head intakes intake manifolds manifolds four barrelscarburetors valves valve cover water pumps oil pumps fuel pumps pumps distributorsignitions ignition coils coils spark plugs spark plug wire air cleanerassemblies air breathers harmonic balancers alternators flywheels rocker armset rocker arms oil filter canisters accessories brackets belt pulley pulleystarters exhaust manifold windage trays piston ring ring rod bearing mainbearing engine bearing engine gasket engine gasket set gasket set balance &blueprinted big block bellhousings carburetor linkages linkages fuel lineclutch fans fan blades ÿ desk xqjet doc doc +-- d-- zb< chevrolet quadra-jet(q-jet) spread bore carburetors year number quadra-jet numbers are 7-digitstamped on drivers side of carburetor 1967 7027200 carter numbers are 4-digitfollowed by "s" and are on triangular tags 7027201 7027202 carter afbnumbers are also stamped on base plate front edge 7027203 7037200 holleynumbers are 4-digit following "list-" on top front of air horn7037201 7037202 7037203 other stock chevrolet carburetors: 1968 7028207 7028208carter wcfb Holley 7028209 7028216 2218s 2818 3811 4556 7028219 2351s 2818-13814 4556-1 2362s 3043 3815 4557 1969 7029202 2366s 3124 3836 4558 70292032419s 3130 3837 4558-1 7029204 2613s 3139 3838 4559 7029207 2614s 3139-1 38394800 7029215 2626s 3140 3910 4801 2627s 3140-1 3911 4802 1970 7040200 2655s 32303916 4803 7040201 2668s 3245 3916-1 6238 7040202 2669s 3246 4053 6238-1 70402032818s 3247 4054 6239 7040204 3059s 3267 4210 6239-1 7040205 3181s 3268 42237040207 3182s 3310 4224 7040212 3190s 3367 4239 2-barrel 7040213 3191s 33704295 7040502 3500s 3417 4296 3659 7040503 3501s 3418 4346 3660 7040504 3696s3418-1 4455 3888 7040505 3697s 3419 4489 4055 7040507 3769s 3420 4489-1 4055-17040513 carter afb 3605 4490 4056 3269s 3606 4491 4056-1 1971 7141204 3310s3607 4491-1 7041205 3460s 3608 4492 7041212 3461s 3609 4493 over the counter7041213 3661s 3613 4493-1 3662s 3806 4554 4776 4779 7002 1972 7042202 3720s3807 4554-1 4777 4780 8679 7042203 3721 s 3810 4555 4778 4781 9895 70422167042217 7042902 1974 7044206 of special interest (above average value) 70429037044207 7044210 1973 7043200 7044211 7043201 7044225 7043202 7044227 70432037044505 7043212 7044506 monticello il 61856 7043213 7044507 doc +-- d-- _b>blocks 2bm 4bm cvs add intakes carbs otc dtd nos 6 174 75 --- 7 093 50 -25% ifblasted 4-5 2818 50 120 367 9 270 165 275 6 069e 100 -60% if cracked or w 53124 140 200 289 75 150 0 110 75 6 3247 85 170 8 321 250 300 116 50 6 3367 50120 310 7 351 600 750 1k-1400 3 129 100 6 3370 90 150 9 386 50 75 8-9 198 50 73418 25 80 395 8-9 439 250 300 7 374 300 450-650 6 3605 50 100 9-2 512 250 3007 382 400 600-750 6 3606 60 120 618 --- 75 2 397 100 3613 35 50 360 6-7 657 75--- 4-5 461 100 3x2 prod 8-9 3659 25 45 185 2-3 870e 175 --- 472 75 #850 1932 73659 25 65 185 4-6 870 75-100 --- 0-1 474 50 #795 2072 6105 7 3660 30 70 2296-7 942 400 600 8-900 6-7 490 100 #382 2101 3807 25 50 315 5 962 50 400 550 0-1569 50 #797 3112 7 3810 60 170 526 heads -bb 1-2 594 75 #852 3522 10404 7 381155 190 402 1 026 175 610 75 #374 3770 7 3814 60 120 9-1 074 500 9 795 175 300 73815 70 135 5 208 400 9 797 175 7 3888 40 70 7 215e 75 9 801 75 3910 25 50 368291 150 0 802 75 4053 50 75 403 292 150 8 850 175 8 4054 25 80 7 328 500 8 852175 8-9 4055 35 60 308 7 390 100 5 963 75 8-9 4056 35 60 308 7 391 500 750-1200163 or late 069 50 4295 25 50 422 7 392 500 950-1000 cranks 9 4296 25 90 468 6702 75 1178 (302) 100 4346 50 80 404 723 175 1182 (350) 75 0 4489 70 90 7 802100 2690 (350) 75 4490 45 75 371 839 200 3279 (302) 100 4493 25 50 7 840e 3753520 (454) 75(c d +25) 0 4555 50 1 00 404 8-9 840 50 3 8 rods press 100 float75 2 6238 30 60 252 9 041 60 75 7 16 rods press 100 float 100 2 6239 50 75 3699-0 186 100 125 396 4-bm block 100 carter afb 9-0 187 100 125 402 4-bm block 752 3269s 75 95 8 291 30 75 tach drive dist 50 2 3310s 55 75 8 292 30 50 bbbalancer 7" 10 3 3460s 30 50 292t --- 125 bb balancer 8" 20 3 3461s60 80 370 75 100 bb pulley or bracket e 5 ea 4-5 3720s 30 50 0 414 30 100 bblate 15 set 4-5 3721s 50 70 4-6 461 75-100 125 bb exhaust manifold 5 ea carterwcfb 1-3 461x 175 bb dripper v cover 5 ea 3 3500s 5 25 7 462 75 100 bb chrome10 ea 3 3501s 30 50 492 75 125 sb alum v covers early 15 pr 4-5 3696s 5 25 492a--- 125 sb alum v covers late 20 pr 4-5 3697s 30 50 exhaust manifoldsaftermarket bb sp intake 20 115 1850 mint- 20 171 5 301(l) 100 aftermarket bbop intake 35 140 3310 mint- 15 188 5 302(r) 100 aftermarket sb intake 25 1804776 mint- 30 260 6-9 827(l) 75 12 bolt posi 3-series 60 192 4777 mint- 30 2806-4 828(r) 75 12 bolt posi 4-series 75 210 4778 mint- 35 310 0-4 869(l) 75 12bolt posi 2-series 25 218 4779 mint- 35 324 ls6 923(l) 100 12 bolt gears 3 31-456 10 268 4780 mint- 40 396 ls6 834(r) 100 12 bolt gears other 281 4781 mint-45 421 muncie 4-speed 75 10 bolt posi 50 --- 8679 mint- 35 308 3x2 breather 75bb vette v covers l-50 r-25 bell housing #3899621 25 sb cast holley intakes10-20 other 72 & older bb head 30 pr bb cast holley intakes 20-50 ÿ deskstralth2 doc doc +-- d-- fb< alternators distributors wcfb carbs crankshafts1100543 1110847 1112021 2218s 283 3735236 1100544 1110855 1112038 2351 38158221100628 1110872 1112050 2362 3836266 1100633 1110879 1112051 2366 38398471100665 1110889 1112053 2419 3876768 1100668 1110890 1112076 2613 ? 67641100669 1110891 1112101 2614 302 1178 1100684 1110905 1112314 2626 3279 11006931110906 2627 327(sj) 4577 1100694 1110908 2655 3782680 1100696 1110914 coils2668 327(lj) 4672 1100697 1110915 1115086 2669 3911001 1100750 1110946 087 28183941174 1100825 1110984 091 3059 350 1182 1100833 1110985 176 3181 2690 11008591110990 196 3182 3932442 1100882 1111011 202 3190 400 3951529 1100884 1111022203 3191 396-427 6223 1100900 1111024 207 3500 7115 1100901 1111060 210 35013904815 1100950 1111062 231 3696 454 3520 generators 1111063 232 3697 35211102025 1111064 261 3769 7416 1102043 1111069 262 353059 1102059 1111070 2631102173 1111076 264 forged steel 1102174 1111087 270 1102268 1111088 272 mainsrods 1102793 1111093 287 sj 2 2973 (2 30) 1 9985 (2 00) starters 1111117 394 lj2 4479 (2 45) 2 0985 (2 10) 1107109 1111141 400 2 6479 (2 65) 2 0985 (2 10)1107219 1111142 bb 2 7495 (2 75) 2 2000 (2 20) 1107233 1111153 1107242 11111561107320 1111157 1107352 1111194 exhaust mantifolds 1107365 1111196 37047913856302 1107627 1111240 3704792 3872765 1107645 1111247 3725563 3872778 11076641111248 3731557 3880827 1107889 1111258 3731558 3880828 1108035 1111293 37339753880869 1108338 1111294 3733976 3932461 1108351 1111295 3747038 3932481 11083611111296 3747042 3969869 1108381 1111438 3749901 3989036 1108400 1111441 37499651108418 1111464 3750556 1108427 1111475 3797901 1108429 1111480 3797902 11084301111490 3797942 water pumps 1111491 3836108 (6cyl) 3782608 1111493 33369683856284 1111926 3837069 3859326 1111927 3846559 1111289 3846563 1111954 3856301doc + d `bb year ci hp rpo block heads intake carburetors manual auto calif1962 327 250 3782870 3795896 3884520 3783244 3191s 3190s(early) 300 583 37828703782461x 3799349 3269s 3310s 340 396 3782870 3782461x 3795397 3269s 360 5823782870 3782461x f i 1963 327 250 3782870 3795896 3783244 3501s 3500s 300 l753782870 3782461x 3799349 3461s 3460s 340 l76 3782870 3782461x 3794129 3461s 360l84 3782870 3782461x f i 1964 327 250 3782870 3795896 3844457 3697s 3696s 300l75 3782870 3782461 3799349 3721s a b 3720s a b 365 l76 3782870 3782461 38444612818 375 l84 3782870 3782461 f i 1965 327 250 3782870 3782461 3844457 3697s3696s 300 l75 3782870 3782461 3844459 3721sa 3720sa 350 l79 3782870 37824613844461 2818 365 l76 3782870 3782461 3844461 2818 375 l84 3782870 3782461 f i396 425 l78 3855962 3856208 3866963 3124 1966 327 300 3858174 3892657 37824613872783 3367 3605 350 l79 3858174 3892657 3782461 3890490 3367 3605 390 l363689942 3872702 3866948 3370 3606 427 425 l72 3689942 3873858 3885069 3247 1967327 300 3892657 3890462 3872783 3810 3814 350 l79 3892657 3890462 3890490 38103814 427 390 l36 3689942 3904351 3904390 3909802 3866948 3883948 3811 3815 400l68 3689942 3904351 3904390 3909802 3894382 3659 3660 3888 435 l71 36899423904351 3904391 3919840 3894374 3659 3660 435 l89 3689942 3904351 39043923919328 3894374 3659 3660 430 l88 3689942 3904351 3904392 3919328 38850693886093 3418 1968 327 300 3914678 3917291 3919803 7028207 7028208 350 l793914678 3917291 3919803 7028219 n a 427 390 l36 3916321 3935439 3917215 39198497028209 7028216 400 l68 3916321 3917215 3919850 3659 4055 4056 1 435 l713935439 3919840 3919852 3659 4055 435 l89 3935439 3919842 3919852 3659 4055 430l88 3935439 3919842 3885069 3933198 4054 1969 350 300 3932386 3927186 39470413927184 7029203 7029202 350 l46 3932386 3927186 3927187 3927184 7029207 n a 427390 l36 3935439 3963512 3931063 3947801 7029215 7029204 400 l68 3935439 39635123931063 3937795 3659 4055 4056 1 435 l71 3935439 3963512 3919840 3937797 36594055 435 l89 3955270 3919842 3946074 3937797 3659 4055 430 l88 3935439 39635123919842 3946074 3933198 4054 4296 calif 4spd auto 1970 350 300 3970010 39271863965577 7040203 13 202 212 503 513 502 350 l46 3970010 3927186 3927187 39655777040207 n a 507 370 lt1 3970010 3927186 3973414 3972110 4555 n a 4489 454 390ls5 3963512 3964290 3955287 3969802 7040205 7040204 505 504 1971 350 2703970010 3973487 3973469 7041213 7041212 330 lt1 3970010 3973487 3959594 4801 na 454 365 ls5 3963512 3993820 3955287 7041205 7141204 425 ls6 3963512 39940263946074 3969569 3967474 4803 4802 1972 350 200 3970010 3973487x3998993 62637517042203 7042202 903 902 255 lt1 3970010 3998916 3959594 6239 1 n a 454 270 ls53963512 3999241 6263753 7042217 7042216 engine block casting numbers crankshaftforging numbers 427 cu in 396 cu in 327 cu in 350 cu in 3869942 3855962 37828703932386 small block big block 3904351 3902406 3858174 3956618 1178 3521 39163213916323 3892657 3970010 3279 7416 3935439 3935440 3791362 (pre 1972) 4672 35203955270 3955272 these numbers are found on the 1182 these numbers are 3963512rear if the block between the cylinder head 2690 found on the front 3999289& the transmission on the drivers side counter weight and 3946052 both 2and 4 bolt main blocks are hard to see cylinder head casting numbers carburetornumbers carter big block big block big block small block rect port oval portaluminum 330545 afb wcfb 340292 3856208 3872702 3904392 3782461 3269s 3500s3873858 3904390 3919328 3890462 3310s 3501s 3904391 3909802 3919842 39172913460s 3696s 3919839 3917215 3946074 3917292 3461s 3697s 3919840 3931063 39271863720s 3964291 3927187 3721s 3964292 3947041 3994026 3973370 carburetor numbersholley 6258723 3973414 6272990 3991492 list & any other that say "hiperf" on them 14011034 2818 3606 4489 4781 2 bbl 462624 3124 3810 44904800 intake manifold casting numbers 3247 3811 4555 4801 3659 (factory aluminumtype) 3367 3814 4776 4802 3660 big block small block 3370 3815 4777 4803 38883416 4053 4778 4800 4055 3866963 3794129 3418 4054 4779 6238 3885069 37953973433 4296 4780 6239 3886093 3844461 big block 3 x 2 barrel 3605 4346 39331983890490 or 3947801 3917610 small block cross ram 3963569 3932472 or 39674743959594 intake that used 3969802 3972110 holley or carter carburetors 39198493972116 (either cast iron or aluminum) any 1965 1969 big block engine partsaluminum cyl heads big block or small block small block "double hump"or "2 02 valve" heads big block 4 bolt main blocks or completeengines big block dimple (hi perf) connecting rods (sets or singles) big blockbrackets pulleys balancers or exhaust manifolds factory dual point and or tachdrive distributors factory fuel injection units or parts factory chrome oraluminum valve covers posi trac units gears and complete rear axles muncie 4speeds and any other (borg warner saginaw) performance engine parts factory oraftermarket lightning speed shop alternator type part number application 37 amp1100693 all except a/c 42 amp 1100696 optional, k79, w/o a/c 61 amp 1100750a/c, optional k76 62 amp 1117777 optional 42 amp 1100696 no pulley 37 amp1100794 6cyl w/o smog or ps, all std v8 61 amp 1100796 a/c ex. 6cyl, smog, orps 37 amp 1100813 6cyl, smog or ps 37 amp 1100814 302 42 amp 1100815 6cyl ps 61amp 1100817 a/c 6cyl smog or ps 62 amp 1117777 optional 37 amp 1100834 base car37 amp 1100836 6cyl smog or ps 61 amp 1100845 6cyl a/c 61 amp 1100843 v8 a/c 37amp 1100837 302, 396/375, all copo 42 amp 1100842 option k79 61 amp 1100849option k85 exhaust manifold all chevrolet exhaust manifolds are made of castiron, and they all have a raised casting number somewhere on the part. partnumber outlet side year engine hp notes 3840912 r 1967 302 290 w/o a.i.r. 327210, 275 w/o a.i.r. 350 295 w/o a.i.r. 1968 327 210, 275 a/t 350 295 3872730 r1967 302 290 a.i.r. 327 210, 275 350 295 1968 302 290 a.i.r. s/t 327 210, 275350 295 3909879 l 1967 396 325, 375 1968 396 325, 350, 375 1969 396 427 425copo 430 zl1 3909880 r 1967 396 325, 375 rare 3916178 r 1968 396 325, 350, 3751969 396 427 425 copo 430 zl1 3932376 r 1969 307 200 a/t 327 210 350 250, 255,300 3942527 l 1969 302 290 s/t 307 200 a.i.r. s/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 3003942529 l 1969 307 200 w/o a.i.r. a/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 300 3946826 r 1969302 290 s/t 307 200 a.i.r. s/t 327 210 350 250, 255, 300 water pump there aretwo main types of water pumps in use on chevrolets: short leg and long leg. smallblock cars used the short leg through 1968, then switched to the long leg. allbig block pumps used a water bypass fitting on the top of the pump. small blockpumps part number year engine hp notes 3782608 1967 327 210, 275 350 295 1968327 210, 275 350 295 3859326 1967 302 290 1968 3927170 1969 all all usedinterchangeably with 3953692. rare. 3953692 1969 302290 327 210 350 250, 255,300 big block pumps part number year engine hp notes 3856284 1967 396 325, 3751968 325, 350, 375 3931065 1969 396 325, 350, 375 427 425 crankshaft chevroletcrankshafts have a casting number located on the rough surface of one of thecounterweights or between the bearing journals. standard performance used cast (nodulariron) cranks, while high performance engines used forged steel cranks. castingnumber year engine construction main journal rod journal stroke notes 11301968-69 327 forged 2.45 2.10 3.25 1182 1967 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 ss3507115 1965-69 427 forged 1-4: 2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 3804816 1965-69 396unknown 2.20 3.76 3814671 1968 327 forged 2.45 2.10 3.25 hi perf, hd truck3815822 1967 302 forged 2.30 2.00 3.00 tuffrided, special flange, z/28 38562231965-69 396 forged 1-4: 2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 1965-66 all 1967-69 hi perf3863144 unknown 3874874 3884577 1966-67 327 forged 2.30 2.20 3.25 3892690 1967350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 camaro only replacement 3904815 1965-69 396 cast 1-4:2.7495 5: 2.7488 2.20 3.76 3911001 1968-73 307/327 cast 2.45 2.10 3.25replacement 3911011 1968-69 307/327 3923279 1968 302 forged 2.45 2.10 3.00 z/28only 3932442 1969-85 350 cast 2.45 2.10 3.48 replacement 3941178 1969 302forged 2.45 2.10 3.00 z/28 3941182 1968-76 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48replacement 3941188 1969-71 350 forged 2.45 2.10 3.48 hi perf/truck/replacement intake manifold all chevrolet intake manifolds were either castiron or aluminum. the aluminum intakes were built by winters industries andcarry the winters "snowflake" logo on the intake. aluminum intakemanifolds part number carb type year engine hp 3885069 4 bbl holley 1967 396375 1968 (early) 3917610 4bbl holley 1967-68 302 290 (z/28) 3919878 4bbl holley1967 (late) 396 375 1968 (early) 3932472 4 bbl holley 1969 302 290 (z/28)3933163 4bbl holley 1968 (late) 396 375 1969 375 427 425 (copo) 3933198 4bblholley 1969 427 430 (zl1) 3941126 2x4bbl holley 1968-69 302 290 (z/28 crossrambottom half) 3941130 2x4bbl holley 1968-69 302 290 (z/28 crossram top half)cast iron intake manifolds 3877652 2bbl (all) 1967 327 210 283 195 3883948 4bblrochester 1967 396 325 1968 396 325, 350 3905393 4bbl rochester 1967 327 275350 295 3916313 2bbl rochester 1969 350 250 3919801 2bbl rochester 1968 327 2103919803 4bbl rochester 1968 327 285, 325 350 295 3927183 2bbl rochester 1969307 200 327 210 3927184 4bbl rochester 1969 350 255, 300 3931067 4bbl rochester1969 396 325, 350 camshaft engine horse- power lifter intake lift exhaust liftintake duration exhaust duration rocker ratio part number casting number 1967 327210 h .390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 302 290 m .485 .485 346 3461.50 3849346 3849347 396 325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.70 3904365 3904365 375 m.520 .520 316 302 1.70 3904362 3904366 1968 302 290 m .485 .485 346 346 1.503849346 3849347 327 210 h .390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 295 396325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.70 3904365 3904365 375 m .520 .520 316 302 1.703904362 3904366 1969 302 290 m .485 .485 346 346 1.50 3849346 3849347 307 200 h.390 .410 310 320 1.50 3896929 3896930 350 300 396 325 h .398 .398 322 322 1.703874872 3874874 375 m .520 .520 316 302 1.70 3863143 3863144 427 425, 435 430(zl1) m .579 .620 354 360 1.70 3959180 3959181 302 (off-road) 290 m .512 .535324 334 1.50 3965754 3965751 carburetor holley holley carburetors have beenused on high performace engines since the early 60s. their modular design,inclorporating a metering block for the jets and power vales, made it easy foranyone to rebuild their carburetor. the air horn of the carb will be stampedwith several numbers, including the holley list number, the chevrolet partnumber, and usually a letter indicating the application. there is also a datecode. holley carburetors year carb model list number part number engine horse-power trans- mission notes 1967 4160 3811 3906633 eo 396 375 std w/o a.i.r.early 4160 3815 3906637 ec 396 375 std a.i.r. 4150 3910 3916143 ct 302 290 stdw/o a.i.r. z/28 396 375 l78 (late) 4150 3911 3916145 cu 302 290 std a.i.r. z/28396 375 l78 (late) 1968 4150 4053 3923289 302 290 std z/28 396 375 l78 l89 1969302 290 z/28 1968 4150 4210 3941140 302 290 std z/28 crossram 1969 4295 39578591969 4150 4296 3955205 427 430 all zl1 4346 3959164 ge 425 copo 396 375 l78 l89rochester rochester carburetors were used on all standard performance camaros. thereare three types of identification on rochester carbs. models b, 2g, and 4g useda triangular metal tag installed beneath the air horn screw. the early model m(monojet) and 4m (quadrajet) used a circular tag in a cavity in the side of thefloat bowl. other carburetors used a stamping on the body of the carb. thenumbers include the model number, usually 7 digits, a change letter, signifyingchanges during the model year, and a date code. the stamping or part numberdecodes as follows: example: #70 2 8 2 1 9 dg 1938 o 70 - prefix code."70" will appear on all late 60s rochester carburetors. o 2 -decade produced. o 2 - 1960s o 3 - 1060s with a.i.r. o 4 - 1970-1975 o 5 -1976-1979 o 8 - 1980s o 8 - year produced. 81968 o 2 - model o 0 - monojet (1bbl) federal standards o 1 - two jet (2 bbl) federal standards o 2 - quadrajet(4 bbl) federal standards o 3 - monojet (1 bbl) california standards o 4 - twojet (2 bbl) california standards o 5 - quadrajet (4 bbl) california standards o1 - division. 0, 1, and 2 all indicate chevrolet. o 9 - transmission o evennumbers - automatic transmission o odd numbers - manual transmission o dg -customer code. o 1938 - date code rochester carburetors part number carb modelyear engine horse- power trans- mission notes 2 barrel 702711 2gv 1967 327 210st 7027103 2gv 1967 327 210 st a/c 7027110 2gv 1967 327 210 at early 70271142gv 1967 327 210 at late 7027116 2gv 1967 327 210 at a/c 7028101 2gv 1968 327210 st 7028103 2gv 1968 327 210 st a/c 7028110 2gv 1968 327 210 at 7028112 2gv1968 327 210 at a/c 7029101 2gv 1969 307/327 200/210 st 7029103 2gv 1969307/327 200/210 st a/c 7029110 2gv 1969 307/327 200/210 at 7029112 2gv 1969307/327 200/210 at a/c 7029113 2gv 1969 350 250 st 7029114 2gv 1969 350 250 at7029115 2gv 1969 350 250 st a/c 729116 2gv 1969 350 250 at a/c 7037101 2gv 1967327 210 st a.i.r. 7037103 2gv 1967 327 210 st a.i.r. a/c 7037110 2gv 1967 327210 at a.i.r. 7037112 2gv 1967 327 210 at a.i.r. a/c 4 barrel 7027200 4mv 1967396 325 at early 7027201 4mv 1967 396 325 st early 7027202 4mv 1967 327 275 at1st type 350 295 7027203 4mv 1967 327 275 st 1st type 350 295 7027210 4mv 1967396 325 at late 7027211 4mv 1967 396 325 st late 7027212 4mv 1967 327 275 at2nd type 350 295 7027213 4mv 1967 327 275 st 2nd type 350 295 7027216 4mv 1967396 325 at 3rd type 7027218 4mv 1967 327 275 at 3nd type 350 295 7028210 4mv1968 396 375 at 7028211 4mv 1968 396 375 st 7028212 4mv 1968 327 275 at 350 2957028213 4mv 1968 327 275 st 350 295 7028217 4mv 1968 396 350 st 7028218 4mv1968 396 350 at 7029200 4mv 1969 396 325 at 7029201 4mv 1969 396 325 st 70292024mv 1969 350 255, 300 at 7029203 4mv 1969 350 255, 300 st 7029204 4mv 1969 396350 at 7029215 4mv 1969 396 350 st 7037200 4mv 1967 396 325 at a.i.r. 70372014mv 1967 396 325 st a.i.r. 7037202 4mv 1967 327 275 at 1st type a.i.r. 350 2957037203 4mv 1967 327 275 st 1st type a.i.r. 350 295 7037210 4mv 1967 396 325 atlate a.i.r. 7037211 4mv 1967 396 325 st late a.i.r. 7037212 4mv 1967 327 275 st2nd type a.i.r. 350 295 7037213 4mv 1967 327 275 st 2nd type a.i.r. 350 2957037216 4mv 1967 396 325 at 3rd type a.i.r. 7037218 4mv 1967 327 275 st 3rdtype a.i.r. 350 295 carter-built rochester carburetors carter built quadrajetsfor general motors in the 1960s. all carter-built carbs have "mfg bycarter" cast into the carb body. the carb number matches the rochesternumber. distributor all distributors used on chevrolet engines 1967 - 1969 weremanufactured by the delco-remy division of general motors. part numberengine/hp trans point type notes 1967 1111101 327/210 all single 1111168350/295 all single 1111169 396/325 all single 1111170 396/375 all single1111124 327/275 all single 1111266 302/290 std single 1111267 302/290 stdmagnetic pulse 1968 1111168 350/295 auto single 1111169 396/325 all single396/350 auto single 1111170 396/375 all single 1111264 350/295 std single1111267 302/290 std magnetic pulse tach drive 1111297 327/275 auto single1111298 327/275 std single 1111440 327/210 std single 1111443 327/210 autosingle 1111445 396/350 std single 1111467 302/290 std single 1969 1111480302/290 std single 1111481 307/200 all single 1111482 327/210 std single1111483 327/210 auto single 1111486 350/250 std single 1111487 350/250 autosingle 1111488 350/300 std single 1111489 350/300 auto single 1111497 396/325all single 1111498 396/350 std single 1111499 396/350 auto single 396/375 allsingle 427/425 all single 1111927 427/430 all magnetic pulse zl1 1111955350/255 auto single 1111956 350/255 std single 3951511 3951509 3030817 400 smallblock chevrolet engine parts, cavalier performance, engine blocks for sale,jeggs auto parts, 454 engine for sale, corvette engines for sale, 327 engine,high performance engines for sale, jeggs, 454 engine, 396 engine, corvettecarburetors, chevrolet engines for sale, corvette engine parts, chevroletengine blocks, 427 engine for sale, how many horsepower does a 427 cobra-jetengine display, 454 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manifold, beretta, head, cars, 1972, aluminum, auto, 305,1970, 1962, cubic, pickup, does, speed, inch, gmc, 1967, how, 2000, v6, 1971,malibu, air, carburetor, hi, lt1, liter, 1968, kits, am, vortec, on,carburetors, zl-1, swap, exhaust, codes, display, racing, restoration, many,1993, 1963, holley, sbc, aftermarket, monte, 1965, 1995, carlo, 400, number,race, 3.4, illinois, after, 2003, 1996, corvettes, replacement, manifolds,market, michigan, 1987, blazer, custom, silverado, grand, jet, sales, shop, 69,94, transmission, cobra-jet, z24, zo6, wholesale, supercharger, buick, rebuilt,283, mustang, van, 1979, six, buy, part, crankshafts, picture, identification,tahoe, harmonic, engine, for, chevy, sale, chevrolet, parts, performance,corvette, engines, jeggs, high, 350, block, 454, 427, camaro, 327, heads,blocks, intake, 1969, crate, big, motor, impala, chevelle, speed, 396, gm, small,a, chev, shop, manifold, of, casting, cavalier, cylinder, car, numbers, used,carburetor, specs, pontiac, nova, truck, 1970, manifolds, 1968, and, 1972, air,carburetors, motors, horsepower, pictures, lightning, pics, cars, head, ss,malibu, aluminum, 4, in, rotation, inch, 305, exhaust, 1967, 4.3, 1966, 1979,illinois, auto, ford, 151, hp, cubic, 1962, holley, with, caprice, lt1, 1996,supercharger, 1965, to, fuel, buick, vortec, s10, on, photos, chip, bolt, 1971,1963, corvettes, complete, ram, 1974, restoration, 69, racing, 3970010, 400,smallblock, v6, carter, sbc, lt-1, dog/webresults.htm, transmission, 283,sales, 1993, 68, part, 2003, power, ls1, blazer, 1964, l-88, monte, pistons,kits, z28, valve, super, factory, codes, cheap, picture, carlo, number,mustang, firebird, specifications,big block chevy engine parts identificationengine blocks | cylinder heads | bbc cams | crankshafts | pistons | intakemanifolds | exhaust manifolds | balancer flywheel info | bbc engine blockcasting numbers casting # year cid hp rpo comments applications 340220 1972-76427 tall truck 345014 1974-86 454 truck 346236 1974-76 454 215 2 bolt 3590701974-90 454 truck 361959 1973-85 454 car & truck 364776 1968-84 427 talltruck 364779 1968-88 366 tall truck 473478 1968-84 427 tall truck 37828701968-76 427 tall truck 3855061 1965-67 396 3855961 1966-67 396 325 360 2 bolt3855962 1965-66 396 360 375 425 4 bolt 3855977 1965-67 366 tall truck 38669611966-69 396 chevy chevy truck 3869942 1966-67 427 390 425 2&4 bolt 38738581966 396 375 4 bolt 3902406 1967 396 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3902466 1965-67396 3904351 1967 427 385 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt 3904354 1966-67 366tall truck 3916319 1968-85 366 tall truck 3916321 1968 427 385 390 400 425 430435 2&4 bolt 3916323 1968 396 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3918319 1966-70 366chevy truck gmc tall truck 3925521 1968-85 366 tall truck 3928319 1969-73 366gmc tall truck 3935439 1968-69 427 335 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt 39354401968-69 396 265 325 350 375 2&4 bolt 3937724 1968-85 366 tall truck 39377261968-84 427 tall truck 3955270 1969 427 335 390 400 425 430 435 2&4 bolt3946052 1969 427 430 zl-1 4 bolt aluminum 3955272 1969 396 402 265 325 350 3752&4 bolt 3955274 1968-85 366 tall truck 3955276 1968-84 427 tall truck3963512 1969-71 427 335 390 400 425 copo 430 435 454 345 360 365 390 425 4502&4 bolt 3963513 1973-76 454 215 3965440 1968-69 396 3965449 1968-72 3963965540 1968 396 3969854 1969-72 396 402 240 265 300 325 330 350 375 454 3602&4 bolt 3969858 1968-84 427 tall truck 3999289 1972-78 454 215 235 240 2702 bolt car & truck 3999290 1972 402 240 2 bolt 3999293 1968-85 366 talltruck 3999294 1968-84 427 tall truck 6272176 1968-76 366 chevy gmc tall truck6272177 1972 402 210 6272181 1973-76 427 tall truck 1401544 1975-87 454 truckbig block chevy cylinder heads open vs closed chamber - a good way to describebig-block heads is to categorize them as open or closed chamber closed-chambercylinder heads have small combustion chamber volumes for high compressionratios with even mildly domed pistons open-chamber designs are larger andprovide lower compression ratios so require a much larger piston dome toachieve the same compression as a closed-chamber head use of either style headrequires that the correct pistons are used otherwise bbc cylinder head castingnumbers rectangular port - valve size 2 19 intake 1 88 exhaust casting yearscid chamber cc hp rpo comments 3904392 1967 427 closed 106 8 430 435 l-88 l-891 72 ex 3919842 1968-69 396 375 l-89 427 closed 106 8 430 435 l-88 l-89 1 84 ex3946074 1969-71 396 402 375 l-89 427 430 l-88 zl-1 454 open 118 0 425 465 ls-6ls-7 round ex 10051128 1990-94 454 semi open 72cc ip 400cc bowtie sym port14011077 1989-94 454 open 118 0cc ip 295cc replacement c port 14044861 1989-94454 open 425 105 0cc ip 380cc bowtie w port 3856208 1965 396 closed 108 9 375425 z-16 l-37 1 72 ex 3873858 1966-67 396 375 l-78 427 closed 108 9 425 l-72 172 ex 3904391 1965-67 396 375 l-78 427 closed 106 8 425 435 l-71 l-72 1 72 ex3919840 1967-69 396 375 l-78 1 72 ex 427 closed 109 0 425 435 l-71 l-72 425copo 3964291 1969-70 396 402 375 l-78 intake port 325cc 427 425 435 l-71 l-72454 closed 450 ls-6 108 0cc 3964292 1970 454 closed 450 ls-6 109 0cc 39940251971 454 open 425 ls-6 118 0cc 3994026 1971 454 closed 425 ls-6 118 0cc 62587231971 454 open 425 6272990 1971-94 454 open 425 118 0cc ip 325cc 140961881987-94 454 open 425 118 0cc ip 325cc replacement 14097088 1989-94 502 open genv 118 0cc ip 325cc replacement oval port - valve size 2 06 intake 1 72 exhaustcasting years cid chamber cc hp rpo comments 330864 1970-81 366 427 454 open330865 1970-84 366 427 454 open 336765 1973-84 427 454 open 336781 1973-85 454open 113 0cc 343771 1968-85 366 427 454 open 343772 1976-84 366 427 454 open343783 1975-78 454 open car & truck 346236 1975-87 454 open 113 0cc 3462381975-87 454 open 113 0cc 353049 1970-73 402 454 open 113 0cc 473328 1968-85 366open 3856206 1965-66 396 closed 325 97 2cc 3856213 1966-70 366 closed truck3872702 1966 396 325 360 l-34 l-35 427 closed 390 l-36 98 4cc 3876875 1966-70427 closed truck 3904390 1966-67 396 325 350 l-34 l-35 427 closed 390 400 l-36l-68 98 4cc 3904393 1966-68 366 closed truck 3909802 1966-67 396 325 350 l-34l-35 427 closed 385 390 400 l-36 l-68 100 9cc 3917215 1967-69 396 325 350 l-34l-35 427 closed 335 385 390 400 100 9cc 3917219 1966-70 366 427 closed truck3931063 1969-70 396 325 350 l-34 l-35 427 closed 335 385 390 400 100 9cc3933148 1969 366 396 open 2v 427 265 122 1cc car & truck 3933149 1969-70427 open 122 1 cc truck 3964280 1966-70 427 335 385 390 400 454 closed 345 360390 ls-5 3964290 1969-70 396 402 325 330 350 427 335 385 390 400 454 closed 345360 390 ls-5 100 9cc 3965198 1969 396 truck 3975950 1968-70 366 427 closedtruck 3986133 1970-85 366 427 closed truck 3986136 1970-84 366 427 closed truck3993820 1971 402 300 330 ls-3 454 open 365 ls-5 113 0cc 3999241 1972 402 240300 330 ls-3 454 open 365 ls-5 113 0cc 6272292 1971 402 240 ls-3 454 open 270ls-5 10101136 1991-94 454 open truck 10121033 1978-88 454 open truck 123527831979-93 454 open truck 14025175 1983-93 454 open truck 14081044 1986-90 454open truck 14092359 1986-89 427 open truck 14092360 1985-89 454 open truck14101398 1986-90 454 open truck bbc camshaft part numbers part # year type liftdur @ 050 lift comments specs rpos apps 340282 solid 560i 560e 262i 262e 121deg overlap competition-short track apps 353040 1973-74 hyd 440i 440e 210i 210eproduction corvette 3863143 1965-71 solid 520i 520e 242i 242e see note 13883986 1965-72 hyd 460i 488e 213i 217e see note 2 3904362 1965-71 solid 520i520e 242i 242e see note 3 3925533 1965-69 solid 540i 560e 262i 269e 133 degoverlap 427 l-88 reverse rotation 3925535 1965-69 solid 540i 560e 262i 269e 133deg overlap 427 l-88 standard rotation 3959180 1969-70 solid 560i 600e 262i273e 135 deg overlap 427 zl-1 454 ls-7 3994094 solid 600i 600e 286i 286e seenote 4 6272989 hyd 500i 500e 222i 221e 121 deg overlap marine grind or hpstreet 14096209 hyd 500i 500e 222i 221e 121 deg overlap marine grind or hpstreet (6272989) note 1: 80 deg overlap 396 375hp l-78 l-89 427 425 435hp l-71l-72 454 450hp ls-6 hp street note 2: 396 325 350hp l-34 l-35 427 385 390 400hpl-36 l-68 454 345 360 390hp ls-4 ls-5 good torque hp note 3: 80 deg overlap 396375hp l-78 l-89 427 425 435hp l-71 l-72 454 450hp ls-6 hp street note 4: 148deg overlap maximum power with f i or tunnel ram can am bbc crankshaft partnumbers casting # year cid comments specs rpos apps 330570 427 truck 1053forging number 6223 336782 1970-74 454 with automatic transmission 3879621 1967427 l-88 see note 1 3882841 1965-71 396 see note 2 3882842 1965-69 427 forgedcross drilled balanced for 11:1 cr 3882849 1966-69 427 3887114 1965 396tufftrided 5140 3963521 454 4 in stroke 5140 raw forged 3963523 1970-71 454ls-6 see note 3 3963524 1970-71 454 ls-7 see note 4 3965746 1965-69 430 rawforged semi finished 3 4-3 8 stroke 3965753 1970-72 495 raw forged semifinished 3 9-4 25 stroke 5140 3967811 1968-69 427 l-88 zl-1 see note 5 39759451970 454 with manual transmission 3993804 427 raw forged 3 75 stroke 51403993878 1971-72 454 ls-6 10051169 454 raw forged 4340 3 75-4 25 note 1: l-88with 3 8 in bolt rods balanced for 12 5:1 cr tufftrided cross drilled note 2:forged cross drilled 3 76 stroke tufftrided balanced for 11:1 cr note 3: 1053tufftrided cross drilled balanced for 9 25:1 or 11 25:1 cr forging number -3520 and 7416 note 4: 4 in stroke hd 5140 ls-7 balanced for 12 5:1 crtufftrided cross drilled note 5: tufftrided 5140 with 7 16 in bolt rodstufftrided cross drilled forging number - 7115 bbc exhaust manifold castingnumbers cast # years side cid applications 329225 1973-76 lh 454 353028 1973-76lh 454 353030 1973-76 lh 454 police 3856297 1965 lh 396 325 3856301 1965 lh 396425 corvette 3856302 1965 rh 396 425 corvette 3856306 1965 rh 396 325 38572971965 lh 396 325 3868874 1965-66 rh 396 325 360 375 z-16 3869925 1965 lh 396 375z-16 3872770 1966 rh 396 3880827 1966-69 lh 427 454 corvette 3880828 1966-72 rh427 454 corvette 3880869 1970-72 lh 454 corvette 3883999 1966 lh 396 325 360375 3884504 1966-67 rh 396 427 325 385 390 3892307 1966-67 lh 396 427 325 3903902401 1967 lh 396 3904399 1966 lh 396 3909879 1967-70 lh 396 427 copo 454 325350 375 425 430 3909880 1967 rh 396 325 350 375 3914613 1968-70 lh 396 427 265325 335 345 390 425 3916178 1968-70 rh 396 427 copo 454 325 350 375 425 4303969869 1970-74 lh 454 corvette 3989310 1971-72 rh 402 454 3989343 1971-72 lh402 454 3994045 1973-75 lh 454 police bbc intake manifold casting numbersaluminum rectangular port - holley 4v casting years cid hp rpo config 38669631965 396 375 425 l-37 3885069 1966-68 396 375 l-78 427 425 l-72 3886093 1967427 430 l-88 3894374 1967 427 435 3x2 l-71 3894382 1967 427 400 3x2 l-68 ovalport 3919849 1968 427 390 l-36 oval port qjet 3919850 1968 427 400 3x2 l-68ovat port 3919852 1968 427 435 3x2 l-71 3919878 1968 396 375 l-78 427 425 l-723933163 1968-69 396 375 l-78 l-89 427 425 copo 3933198 1968-69 427 430 l-88zl-1 3937793 1968 427 390 l-36 oval port qjet late 3937795 1969 427 400 3x2l-68 oval port 3937797 1969 427 435 3x2 l-71 3947801 1969 427 390 l-36 ovalport qjet 3963569 1970-71 396 402 375 l-78 l-89 454 ls-6 lowrise 3967474 1971454 425 6269318 1972 454 bbc intake manifold casting numbers iron oval port -rochester q-jet 4v casting years cid hp rpo config 336789 1974 454 235 270346242 1975 454 215 353015 1973 454 215 245 393841 1973-75 454 215 38562891965-66 396 325 l-35 3866948 1966-67 396 325 360 l-34 l-35 427 390 holley3883948 1966-68 396 325 l-35 427 385 390 l-36 3931067 1969 396 325 l-35 427 335390 l-36 3952900 1969 396 265 2v 3955287 1970-71 402 300 330 350 ls-3 454 360365 390 6263753 1972 402 240 ls-3 454 240 270 casting # cid main bolts 330817400 2-bolt 346236 454 2-bolt 355909 262 2-bolt 3703524 265 2-bolt 3720991 2652-bolt 3731548 283 2-bolt 3737739 283 2-bolt 3751872 348 2-bolt 3755011 3482-bolt 3756519 283 2-bolt 3771705 348 2-bolt 3782870 327 2-bolt 3788068 4092-bolt 3789935 283 2-bolt 3790721 283 or 327 2-bolt 3791362 327 2-bolt 3794226283 2-bolt 3795623 409 2-bolt 3798962 348 2-bolt 3830814 409 or 427 2-bolt3834810 283 2-bolt 3834812 283 2-bolt 3844422 409 2-bolt 3849852 283 2-bolt3855961 396 2-bolt 3855962 396 4-bolt 3857656 409 2-bolt 3858174 327 2-bolt3858180 327 2-bolt 3862194 283 2-bolt 3869942 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3892657 302or 327 or 350 2-bolt 3896944 283 2-bolt 3902406 396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3903352327 2-bolt 3904351 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3914636 307 2-bolt 3914660 327 2-bolt3914678 302 or 327 or 350 2-bolt 3916321 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3916323 3962-bolt or 4-bolt 3932386 302 or 350 4-bolt 3932388 302 or 350 4-bolt 3935439427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3935440 396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3946052 427 4-bolt 3951509400 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3951511 400 4-bolt 3955270 427 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3955272396 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3956618 302 or 327 or 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3956632 3072-bolt 3963512 427 or 454 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3969854 396 or 402 2-bolt or 4-bolt3970010 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3970014 350 2-bolt or 4-bolt 3970020 307 2-bolt3970024 307 2-bolt 3999289 454 2-bolt 3999290 402 2-bolt 1967 corvettespecifications total production 22 940 (8 504 coupe 14 436 convertible) 19631964 1965 1966 1967 back to the c2 history page sales of 1967 units wererelatively low while all were waiting for the "all new" corvette tobe introduced the following year interestingly the 1967 is now one of the mostsought after collector cars of all time the optional aluminum"bolt-on" wheel was available for only one year as was thedistinctive "stinger" big-block hood and side fender vents fiberglassfact: only 20 rpo l88 427 engines were opted for in 1967; rated at aconservative 430 hp these engines actually pumped out in excess of 500 poniesand now represent one of the most collectible (and expensive!) corvettes ever1967 corvette options rpo# description quantity $ retail 19437 base corvettesport coupe 8 504 4 388 19467 base corvette convertible 14 436 4 240 n agenuine leather seats 1 601 79 a01 soft ray tinted glass all windows 11 331 15a02 soft ray tinted glass windshield 6 668 10 a31 power windows 4 036 57 a82headrests 1 762 42 a85 shoulder belts 1 426 26 c07 auxillary hardtop(convertible only) 6 880 231 c08 vinyl covering (for auxillary hardtop) 1 96652 c48 heater and defroster deletion 35 -97 c60 air conditioning 3 788 412 f41special front and rear suspension 2 198 36 g81 positraction rear axle 20 308 42j50 power brakes 4 766 42 j56 special heavy duty brakes 267 342 k19 airinjection reactor 2 573 44 k66 transistor ignition system 5 759 73 l36 427ci390hp engine 3 832 200 l79 327ci 350hp engine 6 375 105 l68 427ci 400hp engine2 101 305 l71 427ci 435hp engine 3 754 437 l88 427ci 430hp engine 20 947 l89aluminum cylinder heads with l71 engine 16 368 m20 4-speed manual transmission9 157 184 m21 4-speed manual transmission close ratio 11 015 184 m22 4-speedmanual transmission close ratio hvy dty 20 237 m35 powerglide automatictransmission 2 324 194 n03 36 gallon fuel tank (coupe only) 2 198 n11 off roadexhaust system 2 326 36 n14 side mount exhaust system 4 209 131 n36 telescopicsteering column 2 415 42 n40 power steering 5 747 94 n89 cast aluminum bolt-onwheels 720 263 p92 7 75x15 whitewall tires 13 445 31 qb1 7 75x15 redline tires4 230 46 u15 speed warning indicator 2 108 10 u69 am-fm radio 22 193 172 1967corvette exterior color choices code exterior quantity 900 tuxedo black 815 972ermine white 1 423 974 rally red 2 341 976 marina blue 3 840 977 lynndale blue1 381 980 elkhart blue 1 096 983 goodwood green 4 293 984 sunfire yellow 2 325986 silver pearl 1 952 988 marlboro maroon 3 464 1967 corvette interior colorchoices code color std black vinyl 402 black leather 407 red vinyl 408 redleather 414 bright blue vinyl 415 bright blue leather 418 teal blue vinyl 419teal blue leather 420 saddle vinyl 421 saddle leather 430 green vinyl 450 whiteand blue vinyl 455 white and black vinyl back to the c2 history page corvettestatistics 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 19651966 1967 1968 1969 1970 71 72 1967 corvette production serial no194677s100001 - 194677s122940 22 940 total mo serial #s sept - 102110 oct -102685 nov - 104981 dec - 107110 jan - 109465 feb - 112264 mar - 115316 april -117395 may - 119747 june - 122214 july - 122940 glass codes jan nz feb xz marlz april gz may jz june iz july uz aug tz sept az oct yz nov cz dec vz exteriorcolors ermine white rally red silver pearl marina blue lynndale blue elkhartblue goodwood green sunfire yellow tuxedo black marlboro maroon interior colorsred black white medium saddle dark blue red silver medium blue dark teal bluedark green block codes a-january b-february c-march etc through j-octoberk-november l-december block cast #s 3892657 - 327 3869942 - 427 3904351 - 4273916321 - 427 engine suffix codes he 327 300 1x4bc & manualtrans hh 327 3001x4bc k19 & manualtrans ho 327 300 1x4bc & powerglide hr 327 300 1x4bck19 & powerglide hp 327 300 1x4bc p s & manualtrans ht 327 350 1x4bchighliftcam & 4-speed hd 327 350 1x4bc hi-liftcam k19 & 4-speed hp 327350 1x4bc hi-lift cam a c p s & 4-spd kh 327 350 1x4bc hi-l cam k19 a c p s4-sp il 427 390 1x4bc spec cam hyd lfts & 4-spd im 427 390 1x4bc sp cam hydlfts k19 4-spd iq 427 390 1x4bc spec cam hyd lfts auto ir 427 390 1x4bc spc camhyd lfts k19 auto jc 427 400 l36 engine w 3x2bc &4-speed jf 427 400 l36engine w 3x2bc k19 & 4-speed jd 427 400 l36 enginew 3x2bc & powerglidejg 427 400 l36 enginew 3x2bc k19 & powerglide je 427 435 3x2bc mech lifters& 4-speed ja 427 435 3x2bc mech lifters k19 & 4-speed iu 427 435 3x2bcl71 enginew alum hds 4-spd jh 427 435 3x2 l71 eng w alum hds k19 4-sp it 427430 1x4bc heavy-duty eng m22 4-speed note: all carburetion is holley; either(1x4) or (3x2) m22 is heavy-duty 4-speed transmission ( ) the true 67 l88 hprating was never publicly disclosed; the 430 hp figure was released for 68 andwas a deflated rating 1967 options w quantities produced and prices rpo#description qty retail$ 19437 base corvette coupe 8 504 $4 388 75 19467 basecorvette convertible 14 436 4 240 75 - genuine leather seats 1 601 79 00 a01soft ray tinted glass all windows 11 331 15 80 a02 soft ray tinted glasswindshield 6 558 10 55 a31 power windows 4 036 57 95 a82 headrests 1 762 42 15a85 shoulder belts 1 426 26 35 c07 auxiliary hardtop (for convertible) 6 880231 75 c08 vinyl covering (for auxiliary hardtop) 1 966 52 70 c48 heater anddefroster deletion (credit) 35 -97 85 c60 air conditioning 3 788 412 90 f41special front and rear suspension 2 198 36 90 g81 positraction rear axle allratios 20 308 42 15 j50 power brakes 4 766 42 15 j56 special heavy duty brakes267 342 30 k19 air injection reactor 2 573 44 75 k66 transistor ignition system5 759 73 75 l36 427ci 390hp engine 3 832 200 15 l68 427ci 400hp engine 2 101305 50 l71 427ci 435hp engine 3 754 437 10 l79 327ci 350hp engine 6 375 105 35l82 427ci 430hp engine 20 947 90 l89 aluminum cylinder heads for l71 16 368 65m20 4-speed manual transmission 9 157 184 35 m21 4-speed man trans close ratio11 015 184 35 m22 4-speed man trans close ratio heavy duty 20 237 00 m35powerglide automatic transmission 2 324 194 85 n03 36 gallon fuel tank (coupeonly) 2 198 05 n11 off road exhaust system 2 326 36 90 n14 side mount exhaustsystem 4 209 131 65 n36 telescopic steering column 2 415 42 15 n40 powersteering 5 747 94 80 n89 cast aluminum bolt-on wheels (5) 720 263 30 p92 whitewalltires 7 75x15 13 445 31 35 qb1 redline tires 7 75x15 4 230 46 65 u15 speedwarning indicator 2 108 10 55 u69 am-fm radio 22 193 172 75 corvetteclassifieds buy and sell anything at our corvette classifieds free to buyers& sellers welcome to mortec inc chevy v-8 casting numbers chevy big blockv-8 casting numbers bbc blocks 340220 427t 68-85 345014 454 70-76 359070 45470-76 361959 454 73-90 364776 427t 68-85 364779 366t 68-90 399204 509 70-71alum canam 4 5" bores cylinder liners 399289 454 73-79 399293 366t 77-78473478 427t 77-90 3824553 366t 66-67 3855961 396 65-66 3855961 427 66 3855962396 65-66 3855977 366t 66-73 3869942 427 66-67 3902406 396 67 3904351 427 673904354 366t 66-76 3916319 366t 68 3916321 427 68 3916323 396 68 3925521 366t68-85 3935439 427 68-69 3935440 396 68-69 3937724 366t 68-85 3937726 427t 68-843946052 427 69 alum zl-1 3946053 427 97 alum zl-1 2nd version 3955270 427 693955272 396 69 3955274 366t 68-85 3955276 427t 68-73 3963512 427 69 3963512 45470-76 3969854 402 69-72 3969858 427t 68-84 3999289 454 72-79 3999290 396 68-69truck 3999290 402 70-72 truck 3999290 402 72 passenger 3999293 366t 68-903999294 427t 68-84 10051107 454 bowtie mkiv short deck cnc prep 4 25" bore10068286 454 90 10114182 454 91-up gen v 10114183 366t 91-up gen v 10114184427t 91-up gen v 10134366 454t bowtie gen v tall deck 10185050 454 bowtie gen vshort deck 10237297 454 96-up "vortec 7400" "l-29" 10237300502 96-up gen vi 4 466" bore 12550313 454 91-up gen v crate motor gen vi 425" bare block fuel pump boss 14015443 454 87-90 mkiv truck motorhome14015445 454 78-90 14044807 454t bowtie mkiv tall deck 4 25" bore or 4500" bores 14096859 502 gen v ho 24502504 454 bowtie gen v race prep 9 8"short" deck height 24502506 454t bowtie gen v race prep 10 2 "tall"deck height 24502572 4 5" bore olds drce 2 9 5" deck height t talldeck go to chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 castingnumbers bbc heads 330864 68-84 oval open 396 402 366t 427t 454 truck 330865 68-84oval open 396 402 366t 427t 454 truck 330866 68-78 oval open 366t 427t 33086768-73 oval open 427t 336765 68-78 oval open 427t 336768 73-76 oval open 427t336781 73-85 oval open 454 343771 68-86 oval open 366t 427t 454 343772 68-86oval open 366t 427t 454 343783 70-76 oval open 454 truck 346236 75-87 oval open454 352625 70-76 oval open 454 truck 353049 73-84 oval open 454 366765 74-78oval open 427t 386781 73-79 oval open 454 473328 68-69 oval open 366t 385620665-66 oval closed 396 3856208 65 rect closed 396 425hp 396 375hp"z-16" chevelle 3856213 66-82 oval closed 366t 427t 3856260 68 ovalclosed 396 truck 3872702 65-66 oval closed 396 427 3873858 65-67 rect closed396 427 3876875 77-85 oval open 427t 3904390 67 oval closed 396 427 3904391 67rect closed 396 427 3904392 67 rect closed 427 aluminum l88 l89 3904393 68-76oval open 366t 3909802 67 oval closed 396 427 3917215 67-68 oval closed 396 4273917219 68-85 oval open 366t 427t 3919840 67-69 rect closed 396 427 391984268-69 rect closed 396 427 aluminum l88 l89 3931063 68-69 oval closed 396 402427 3933148 69-84 oval open 69 396 265hp 366t 427t 3933149 68-76 oval open427t 3935401 68-76 oval open 427t 3946074 69&71 rect open 69 427 l88 zl1aluminum 71 454 ls6 "round exhaust port" 3964290 69-70 oval closed396 402 427 454 large or small hex spark plugs used 3964291 69-70 rect closed396 402 427 454 large or small hex spark plugs used 3965198 68-69 oval closed396 truck 3975950 68-70 oval open 396 402 truck 366t 427t 3986133 68-85 ovalopen 366t 427t 454 truck 3986135 69-73 oval open 366t 427t 3986136 68-84 ovalopen 366t 427t 454 truck 3993820 71-84 oval open 402 3993820 71-84 oval open454 truck 3994026 71 rect open 454 ls6 3999241 72 oval open 402 454 627229270-78 oval open 402 454 6272990 70-up rect open 454 service replacement used onsome mkiv crate engines 10045427 rect pontiac chevy aluminum large port race10049875 rect pontiac chevy aluminum small port race 10051128 rect bowtiealuminum 68cc chambers symmetrical ports 10051129 rect bowtie aluminum"raw" casting symmetrical ports 10101140 91-up oval closed gen v 366t427t 10114156 94-up oval open gen v & vi 454 10141279 96-up oval closed"vortec 7400" 100cc chambers 10487052 77-90 oval open 366t 1236339196-up oval open bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi12363401 96-up rect open bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v genvi 12363425 96-up rect bowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi"raised runners" 2nd design "861" 12363861 84-96 rectbowtie aluminum mkiv "raised runners" 1st design 12363861 96-up rectbowtie aluminum signature series fits mkiv gen v gen vi "raisedrunners" 2nd design 12363862 84-96 rect bowtie aluminum mkiv"raw" casting of "861" mkiv 1st design 14011077 69-up rect openaluminum fits mkiv "c-port" also sold as a "solid" head14081045 78-87 oval open 454 14081052 85-87 oval open 366t 427t 454 truckmarked "hiperf" 14092359 86-90 oval open 366t 427t marked"hiperf" 14092360 86-88 oval open 454 truck 14096188 70-71 rect open454 service replacement 14097088 91-up rect open gen v 454 502 ho 24502585 97rect olds chevy drce 2 pro stock aluminum for blocks w 4 900" bore centerst tall deck go to chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409v-8 casting numbers we are always looking for new castings numbers if you havesome information you want to share with us and our visitors send us an emailwith the data right now we are limiting the listings to chevy v-8 blocks cranksand heads as new castings are released on late models keep your eyes open forthe new numbers thanks! dont forget to bookmark this page or add it to your"favorite" pages feel free to add this page to your links page holleycarb list numbers holley tuning tips go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers goto chevy smallblock v-8 casting numbers engine math for the rest of us chevyv-8 casting number locations chevy v-8 notes santa fe auto machine crateengines for sale chevy v-8 bore and stroke list chevy v-8 crankshaft journalsizes chevy v-8 crankshaft casting number list parts for sale hot links go tobig block v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers we arealways looking for new casting numbers if you have some information you want toshare with us and our visitors send us an email with the data right now we arelimiting the listings to chevy v-8 blocks cranks and heads as new castings arereleased on late models keep your eyes open for the new numbers thanks! if youdont know where to look on your engine for all of the casting numbers castingdates and suffix codes see our pages at www mortec location and www morteclocatpg2 welcome to mortec inc chevy v-8 casting numbers smallblock v-8 castingnumbers sbc blocks casting# size year main cap bolts notes 140029 350 80-84 2330817 400 72-80 2 355909 262 75 2 355909 305 76-79 2 360851 262 75-76 2 monzav-8 361979 305 78-79 2 366245 350 78-79 2 366286 4 bowtie aluminum siamesedstraight nodular iron main caps 2-piece seal 4 00-4 150" bores 2 45"main journals 366287 4 bowtie aluminum siamesed straight nodular iron main caps2-piece seal 4 00-4 150" bores 2 45" main journals 366299 4 bowtiealuminum nodular iron splayed caps wet sump 4 00" bore 389257 302 67 2393288 283 65-67 2 460703 350 78 4 460776 305 78-79 2 460777 305 78-79 2 460778305 78-79 2 or 4 some canadian heavy duty truck blocks have 4-bolt main caps471511 267 79-82 2 3556519 283 58-61 2 3703524 265 55 2 no oil filter 3720991265 56-57 2 3731548 265 57 2 no side motor mounts 3731548 283 57 2 no sidemotor mounts 3737739 283 58-64 2 3756519 283 58-62 2 3782870 327 62-67 23789817 283 62-64 2 3789817 327 62-67 2 3789935 283 61-64 2 3790721 283 62-64 2chevy ii recessed oil filter boss 3790721 327 65-66 2 chevy ii recessed oilfilter boss 3791362 327 62-67 2 chevy ii recessed oil filter boss 3792563 32765 2 3792582 283 64-65 2 3794226 283 58-63 2 3794460 327 62-64 2 3814660 32768-69 2 3830944 327 63 2 3834810 283 64-66 2 3834812 283 62-63 2 3837739 28358-62 2 3849852 283 57-66 2 3849935 283 65-67 2 3858174 327 64-67 2 3858180 32764-67 2 3858618 350 68-76 2 3862194 283 65-67 2 chevy ii recessed oil filterboss 3862812 283 62-64 2 3892657 302 67 2 z-28 camaro 3892657 327 67 2 3892657350 67 2 camaro 3896944 283 67 2 3896948 283 66-67 2 3903352 327 67 2 3914636307 68 2 3914638 327 68 2 truck 3914653 307 68-73 2 3914660 327 68 2 3914678302 68 2 z-28 camaro 3914678 327 68 2 3914678 350 68 2 3932371 307 69-73 23932373 307 68-73 2 3932386 302 69 4 z-28 camaro 3932386 327 69 2 3932386 35069 4 3932388 350 69 2 or 4 3951509 400 70-71 4 3951509 400 74-80 2 3951511 40070-73 4 some replacement blocks had 2-bolt main caps 3956618 302 69 4 z-28camaro 3956618 327 68-69 2 3956618 350 69 2 or 4 3956632 307 69 2 3959512 32762-67 2 was also used for some replacement blocks 3970010 302 69 4 z-28 camaro3970010 327 69 2 trucks and industrial 3970010 350 69-80 2 or 4 3970014 35070-76 2 or 4 3970020 307 70-73 2 3970024 307 69-73 2 4715111 305 80 2 6259425350 69-76 2 10036033 350 4 goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal "hechoen mexico" 10051182 2 or 4 bowtie 3 75"-4 30" bores 1 or 2-piecerear seal 10051184 4 bowtie 4 00"-4 155" bores 1 or 2-piece rear seal10054727 350 86-up 2 or 4 one piece rear seal some "made in canada"10066036 350 2 or 4 target master goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal "hechoen mexico" 10066038 350 94 4 goodwrench crate motor 2-piece rear seal"hecho en mexico" 10090511 350 90 2 lt-5 zr1 vette 375hp 10125327 35092-up 2 or 4 gen ii lt-1 reverse flow cooling 10125327 350 96-up 2 or 4 gen iilt-4 reverse flow cooling 10134996 4 bowtie aluminum 4 125" bore 265" main journals 10153558 350 91-92 4 lt-5 zr1 vette 375hp 10168588 26594-96 2 l99 gen ii 4 3 liter v-8 caprice reverse flow cooling 10199001 35093-95 4 lt-5 zr1 vette 405hp 10243878 305 96-98 2 vortec truck roller camone-piece rear seal 10243880 350 95-00 2 or 4 vortec truck gen i crate motorsand "zz4" roller cam one piece rear seal 12550592 350 97-upcrossbolted block gen iii "ls1" aluminum 12559378 350 01-upcrossbolted block gen iii aluminum 12559846 350 98-up 12560621 1256217414010201 305 80-85 2 14010202 305 80-85 2 14010203 305 80-85 2 14010207 35080-85 2 or 4 14010209 350 80-85 4 14010280 267 79-82 2 14011064 350 83 414011148 350 87-89 roller cam one-piece rear seal 14016376 267 79-82 2 14016379350 77-79 2 or 4 14016381 305 80-84 2 14016382 305 79-84 2 14016383 305 80-85 2truck 14079287 350 86-90 truck 14088526 350 87-89 roller cam one-piece rearseal 14088548 350 86-88 2 or 4 14088551 305 86-87 2 one-piece rear main seal14093627 305 87-91 2 roller cam one-piece rear seal 14093638 350 87-95 2 or 4roller or flat tappet cam one-piece rear seal 14094766 305 86-up 2 one-piecerear seal 14101148 350 87-90 4 one-piece rear seal 14102058 305 87-91 2 rollercam one-piece rear seal 22551656 4 rocket block 4 00"-4 190" bores 2 45"main journal sizes splayed caps dry sump 2-piece rear seal 9 025" deck goto big block v-8 casting numbers go to chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers sbcheads 330545 73 350 76cc chamber 2 02 1 60 333881 74-75 350 76cc chamber 2 02 160 333882 74-80 350 400 76cc chambers 340292 70s over the counter angle plug64cc chamber 354434 75-79 262 267 305 60cc chambers 358741 76-79 305 37644577-85 350 76cc chamber small valves 376450 75-81 262 267 305 6 or 7 exhaustbolt holes 60cc chamber 462614 77-79 305 60cc chamber 462624 75-86 350 400 76ccchamber 1 72 1 5 1 94 1 5 or 2 02 1 6 valves 468642 76-up 350 400 471513 79 267350 517513 79 267 350 1816887 63 283 made in "canada" gmc hd truck3636839 55 265 3703523 55 265 3713358 55-56 265 3713569 55-56 265 3725306 56265 3731539 57 283 283 hp fi 3731544 57-61 283 3731554 57-62 283 3731556 57 283truck made in canada 3731762 56 265 vette 2x4 carbs 3737775 62-67 283 3273740997 57 283 1x4 2x4 & fi (exc -283hp) 3743056 58 283 3743096 62-67 327gmc truck 3747363 57-61 283 3747460 59-67 283 327 70cc chambers 3748770 58 2833748772 58-61 283 3755537 57-62 283 3755539 58-62 283 3755549 57-62 283 375555059 283 3755585 62-67 327 gmc truck 3767462 62-67 327 3767465 59-61 283 376775459-61 283 60cc chambers 3767792 60-64 283 3770126 69 327 3774682 60-64 283 32770cc chambers 3774684 62-64 327 75cc chambers 3774692 58-64 283 60cc chambers3782461 64-66 327 camel hump no accessory holes 160 62cc port volumes 62ccchamber 3782461x 60-63 283 327 camel hump no accessory holes larger 172 64cc portvolumes 62cc chamber 3795896 63-65 283 60cc chamber 3795896 62-64 327 60ccchamber 3798996 63-67 327 3814480 60-67 283 327 70cc chambers 1 72 1 5 valves3814482 62-67 283 327 350 75cc chambers 3817680 63-67 283 327 3817681 62-67 3273817682 61-62 283 3836839 55 265 3836842 57-67 283 327 3837064 56-62 265 2833837065 55-56 265 truck 3848720 57-58 283 3876775 60-67 283 327 75cc chamber3884520 60-67 283 some marked "made in canada" 60cc chamber also usedby studebaker 3884520 62-67 327 some marked "made in canada" 60ccchamber also used by studebaker 3890462 66-67 302 327 350 camel hump noaccessory holes 64cc chamber 3901068 87-up 350 crate motor 285hp 64cc chamber3911032 68 307 327 70cc chamber 3912264 58-62 283 3912265 63-64 283 391231165-67 327 3912313 65-67 327 3917290 67-68 307 327 3917291 67-68 302 327 350camel hump no accessory holes 64cc chamber 3917292 68 327 350 camel hump 64ccchamber 3917293 68 307 327 75cc chambers 3927185 69-76 307 327 350 70ccchambers 3927186 69-70 302 350 camel hump 64cc chambers accessory holes 392718769-70 350 camel hump 64cc chambers accessory holes 3927188 69 327 74cc chambers3927188 70 307 74cc chambers 3931633 68-73 307 3931635 68-76 350 3931638 68 327truck 3932441 69-70 350 76cc chambers 3932441x 69-70 350 400 80cc chambers3932454 69-73 307 3932454 69-79 350 truck 3946812 69 350 3946813 69-79 350truck 3947040 68 327 right angle casting identifier 64cc chambers good hp headused in trucks no accessory holes 3947041 69-70 302 350 right angle castingidentifier 64cc chamber accessory holes good hp head 3947041x 69-70 302 350right angle casting identifier 64cc chamber 165cc intake port accessory holesgood hp head 3951598 70 400 76cc chambers 3964286 350 3965742 70 350 over thecounter angle plug 3970126 67-70 327 350 3973370 69-70 350 over the counter64cc straight or angle plug 3973414 70 350 lt1-370hp camel hump 64cc chamber3973487 71-72 350 used on 71-72 350 lt1 75cc chamber 3973487x 71-72 350 75ccchamber 3973493 71-72 400 76cc chamber 3986316 71 350 76cc chamber 3986336 71350 76cc chamber 3986336x 71 350 76cc chamber 3986339 71 307 350 74cc chamber3986339x 71 307 350 74cc chamber 3986388 68-76 307 350 3991492 70 350 lt1 camelhump accessory holes 64cc straight plug 3991492 70-up over the counter camelhump 64cc straight or angle plug 3998916 72 350 also used w 72 350 lt1 bigvalves screw in studs 76cc chambers 3998920 72-73 350 3998991 72-73 307 35075cc chambers 3998993 72-73 307 350 75cc chambers 3998993 current 350goodwrench crate motors "hecho en mexico" 75cc chambers 3998997 72-73350 400 76cc chambers 3998997 78-84 305 350 76cc chambers 4079261 75 35010033867 aluminum over the counter pontiac 23 head 62cc angle plug 196ccintake port 10045434 over the counter pontiac 15 head 55cc angle plug raised runneraluminum "roll over" head 10051101 bowtie aluminum 55cc angle plugraised runner 196cc intake port 10065202 87-95 350 truck 10065203 87-95 350truck 10065204 87-95 350 10065205 87-95 305 10065206 87-95 350 10065207 87-95305 10088113 88-up 350 aluminum 58cc angle plug raised "d" portexhaust 1 94" 1 5" valves 10093328 over the counter pontiac 15 headaluminum 224cc ports 61cc chambers "roll over" head 10106178 90 350lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve pass side aluminum 10106179 90 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valvedrvs side aluminum 10110810 91-up 350 gen 1 10120928 87-95 350 10125320 94-96350 gen ii lt1 cast iron version used on "9c1" police package impalass cadillac fleetwood buick roadmaster reverse flow cooling 10128374 92-up 350gen ii lt1 53cc angle plug aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc ports10134352 bowtie 45cc angle plug "low" port 223cc intake port aluminum18 race head 10134363 note: this casting # has been used in many differentversions of this aluminum 18 and 15 bowtie race head different chamber volumesport volumes port locations valve sizes etc were used check this castingcarefully to determine which features it may have there are at least 6different versions as of 11 99 10147898 95-98 350 gen i crate motor 1015955087-95 350 10159551 87-95 305 10159552 87-95 350 10159553 87-95 305 1017438991-94 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve drvs side aluminum 10174390 91-95 350 lt5 zr1dohc 32-valve pass side aluminum 10185040 bowtie aluminum 45cc chambers 1stversion symmetrical ports 263cc intake ports splayed valves 10185040 bowtiealuminum 45cc chambers 2nd version symmetrical ports 240cc intake ports splayedvalves 10205245 93 350 gen ii lt1 aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc portvolumes 10207643 94-96 350 gen ii lt1 aluminum reverse flow cooling 175 68cc portvolumes 10208890 94-96 265 gen ii l99 4 3 liter v-8 cast iron reverse flow10215339 97 350 gen iii ls1 aluminum 68cc 10225121 94-95 350 lt5 zr1 dohc32-valve drvs side aluminum 10225122 95 350 lt5 zr1 dohc 32-valve pass sidealuminum 10239902 96-up 350 gen ii lt4 aluminum reverse flow cooling 195cc port54 4cc chamber angle plug 10239906 96-up 350 "vortec 5700""l31" 64cc chamber 170cc intake port 1 94" 1 5" valves12367712 99-up "fast burn" aluminum 210cc intake port 2 00 1 55valves 62cc chamber 12367713 99-up "fast burn" used on zz430 cratemotor aluminum 210cc intake port 2 00 1 55 valves 62cc chamber 12480005 2000ls1 "gtz" aluminum 38cc 2 125" 1 625" valves angle plug12480011 97-up bowtie "sb2 2" aluminum 2nd version of "sb2"48cc chambers "mirror ports" revised valve angles & plug location12506450 87-95 350 12509859 87-94 305 12516852 87-95 350 12551561 96 350 gen ii"lt1" aluminum 12552520 97-up 305 vortec truck 12554290 94-96 350 genii "lt1" cast iron version used on "9c1" police packageimpala ss cadillac fleetwood buick roadmaster reverse flow cooling 12555690 96350 gen ii "lt4" aluminum 12558059 97 305 vortec truck 1 84" 15" valves 64cc chamber 12558062 98 350 l31 vortec truck 64cc chambers 1 941 5 170cc intake port 12558806 97-98 350 gen iii "ls1" aluminum 68cc12559853 99 350 gen iii "ls1" aluminum 68cc 12564241 01 350 gen iii"ls1" aluminum 68cc 14008856 79-81 267 14094093 86-88 350 1401020182-85 305 14011034 bowtie cast iron 64cc chambers 184cc port volume angle plug"phase ii" head 14011049 bowtie aluminum 55cc chambers angle plug180cc ports "phase 6" 14011083 55-86 350 crate motor for yearsindicated 285 300hp 64cc chambers 1 94" 1 5" valves 14014415 80-85267 305 14014416 80-86 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 58cc chambers 1401444080 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 14019821 80-86 350 14019924 79-81 26714019926 80-86 350 14010516 80-86 350 14020517 80 350 14020555 81 305 1402055681 350 14022056 85 350 14022206 80 350 14022301 80-86 305 14022601 80-86 267305 1 84" 1 5" valves 58cc chambers 14022801 80-86 305 14024816 35076cc chambers 1 94 1 5 valves gen i crate motors 14034806 78-82 267 1403480778-86 305 14034808 80-86 350 14034808 96-up 350 76cc chambers 1 94" 15" valves gen i goodwrench crate motors 14034810 80-86 350 truck 14034811 80-86350 truck 14039121 81-86 305 truck 14039122 81-86 305 truck 14071114 80-86 35014075381 80-86 350 truck 14079261 86 350 14085844 80-86 350 truck 14085963 86350 14089119 86-88 350 14094093 86-88 350 14096217 55-86 350 crate motor 285hp300hp 64cc chambers 72 or 90 center intake manifold bolt angles 1410108187-95 305 14101083 87-up 350 gen i also used on crate motors 285 or 300 hp 64ccchambers 72 center manifold bolt angles 14101128 86-87 350 aluminum 58cc angleplug 14102187 87-91 305 1 84" 1 5" valves 14102191 87-up 350 1410219387-up 350 24502559 96-97 bowtie "sb2" 1st version "mirrorports" aluminum 196cc port cnc version 280cc port 38cc chamber 25500141buick chevy aluminum 10 head 42cc chambers symmetrical ports 235cc intake portvolumes 2 1" 1 625" valves 33417369 90-up 350 gen i goodwrench cratemotor "hecho en mexico" 76cc go to big block v-8 casting numbers goto chevy 348-409 v-8 casting numbers we are always looking for new castingnumbers if you have some information you want to share with us and our visitorssend us an email with the data right now we are limiting the listings to chevyv-8 blocks cranks and heads as new castings are released on late models keepyour eyes open for the new numbers thanks! dont forget to bookmark this pageor add it to your "favorite" pages if you are running a website feelfree to add this page to your "links" page gm performance parts v-8crate motors for sale holley carb information holley tuning tips go to chevy348-409 v-8 casting numbers go to big block v-8 casting numbers "enginemath for the rest of us" chevy v-8 casting number locations chevy v-8 boreand stroke list chevy v-8 crankshaft journal sizes chevy v-8 crankshaft castingnumber list chevy v-8 notes hot links parts for sale 1 1966 cobra 12 20 118 21966 corvette 427 12 80 112 3 1969 road runner 12 91 111 8 4 1970 hemi cuda 1310 107 12 5 1970 ss454 chevelle 13 12 107 1 6 1969 zl-1 camaro 13 16 110 21 71968 corvette 427 13 30 108 8 1970 road runner 13 34 107 5 9 1970 buick gsstage 1 13 38 105 5 10 1969 charger 500 13 48 109 11 1973 trans am 13 54 104 2912 1969 corvette l-88 13 56 111 1 13 1969 super bee 13 56 105 6 14 1969 boss429 mustang 13 60 106 15 1970 challenger r t 13 62 104 3 16 1970 toronto cobra13 63 105 9 17 1968 biscayne 427 13 65 105 18 1964 polara 500 13 70 107 37 191969 gtx 13 70 102 8 20 1969 dart 440 13 71 105 21 1971 road runner 13 71 101 222 1971 cuda 13 72 106 23 1971 corvette 13 72 102 4 24 1971 super bee 13 73104 25 1968 hurst olds 13 77 103 91 26 1968 firebird ho 13 79 106 27 1967corvette 13 80 108 28 1971 boss 351 mustang 13 80 104 29 1966 satellite 13 81104 30 1969 coronet rt 13 83 102 27 31 1968 cyclone gt 13 86 101 69 32 1969nova ss393 13 87 105 1 33 1969 shelby gt-500 13 87 104 52 34 1970 4-4-2 w30 1388 95 84 35 1962 corvette 13 89 105 14 36 1969 barracuda 13 89 103 21 37 1969mach 1 13 90 103 32 38 1967 gto 13 90 102 8 39 1970 trans am 13 90 102 40 1969charger rt 13 95 101 41 1969 cougar eliminator 13 91 103 9 42 1972 corvettelt-1 13 92 104 1 43 1970 charger rt 13 95 101 44 1968 gtx 13 97 103 5 45 1971mach 1 13 97 100 22 46 1970 cyclone spoiler 13 97 100 47 1967 4-4-2 w30 13 99102 4 48 1970 challenger 14 00 104 49 1966 shelby gt-350s 14 00 102 50 1964cobra 289 14 00 98 which stock (or factory option) muscle car 1964 thru 1972would you grab to drive in the 1 4 mile? click enlarge ready to restore bybobby h fredonia new york to make this race for your life more exciting the1964 thru 1972 common muscle car definition is expanded to include"hi-po" pony cars and sports cars of the era like camaro cobracorvette and firebird the ultimate race of your life muscle cars 1969-1972 formuscle cars 1964-1968 click here votes year model and style engine hp 28 1969amc amx 390 315 35 1969 amc amx 390 325 36 1969 amc amx hurst ss 390 340 5 1969amc javelin sst 390 315 3 1969 amc javelin 343 290 6 1969 amc rebel sst 390 31554 1969 amc rambler scrambler 390 315 26 1969 buick gs-400 400 340 59 1969buick gs-400 stage 1 400 345 37 1969 buick gs-400 stage 2 400 360 6 1969 buickriviera 430 360 top 20 226 1969 camaro copo zl1 picture 427 425 120 1969 camaroyenko l72 427 430 top 20 256 1969 camaro z28 picture photo 302 290 149 1969camaro l78 pic 396 375 51 1969 camaro ss 396 350 23 1969 camaro ss 396 325 381969 camaro yenko 396 325 18 1969 chevy biscayne 427 425 top 20 240 1969 chevychevelle ss 396 (really 402) picture pic 396 375 57 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396(really 402) 396 350 51 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 325 3 1969chevy impala ss 427 425 13 1969 chevy impala ss 350 350 143 1969 chevy nova ss396 (really 402) l78 pic 396 375 33 1969 chevy nova ss 350 300 2 1969 chevynova ss 396 345 1 1969 chevy nova ss 396 325 44 1969 chevy nova ss syc 396 37523 1969 chevy nova yenko 427 425 52 1969 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 430top 20 232 1969 corvette l88 alum heads & zl1 (560hp @6400) picture 427 45020 1969 corvette l36 427 390 9 1969 corvette l68 427 400 154 1969 corvette l71427 435 9 1969 corvette l46 350 350 3 1969 chrysler 300 440 375 top 20 352 1969dodge charger 500 r t hemi picture pic 426 425 172 1969 dodge charger daytonahemi 426 425 59 1969 dodge charger daytona magnum 440 390 top 20 248 1969 dodgecharger r t 6 pack picture photo 440 375 57 1969 dodge charger 383 330 55 1969dodge charger magnum r t 440 390 29 1969 dodge charger se 383 330 132 1969dodge coronet r t super bee six pack 440 390 37 1969 dodge coronet super bee383 335 54 1969 dodge dart gss 440 375 1 1969 dodge dart sport 426 425 48 1969dodge dart gt 383 330 52 1969 dodge dart swinger 340 275 25 1969 dodge dart 440440 375 45 1969 ford fairlane cobra ram-air 429 425 70 1969 ford fairlane cobracj 428 335 53 1969 ford fairlane talladega 428 335 23 1969 ford galaxie xl gt429 360 55 1969 ford torino gt 428 335 9 1969 ford torino talladega 390 335 651969 mercury cougar eliminator cobra jet 428 335 19 1969 mercury cougar xr-7cobra jet 428 335 3 1969 mercury cougar 390 320 19 1969 mercury cyclone spoilerii 429 370 14 1969 mercury cyclone cobra jet 428 335 57 1969 mercury marauderx-100 429 360 193 1969 mustang boss 302 302 289 top 20 388 1969 mustang boss429 picture photo 429 375 27 1969 mustang gt 390 350 52 1969 mustang mach 1cobra jet 427 390 top 20 332 1969 mustang mach 1 super cobra jet picture pic428 365 159 1969 mustang mach 1 351w 351 300 48 1969 mustang mach 1 351c 351290 28 1969 oldsmobile cutlass s 350 325 2 1969 oldsmobile f85 350 325 4 1969oldsmobile toronado 455 400 230 1969 oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 390 51 1969oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 6 1969 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-31 350 325 18 1969oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-32 400 350 73 1969 plymouth barracuda hemi 426 425 23 1969plymouth barracuda six pack 440 375 17 1969 plymouth barracuda formula s 383330 9 1969 plymouth cuda 340s 340 275 50 1969 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 58 1969plymouth gtx six pack 440 375 26 1969 pontiac firebird formula 400 400 345 1041969 pontiac firebird trans am ram air iv 400 345 52 1969 pontiac firebirdtrans am ram air iii 400 325 33 1969 pontiac firebird ho 350 330 44 1969pontiac grand prix sj ho 428 390 3 1969 pontiac grand prix 400 350 125 1969pontiac gto judge ram air iii photo 400 366 top 20 320 1969 pontiac gto judgeram air iv picture 400 370 51 1969 pontiac gto 400 350 88 1969 road runner hemi426 425 158 1969 road runner six bbl (1969 1 2) photo 440 390 55 1969 roadrunner 383 335 9 1969 shelby mustang gt-350 351 290 75 1969 shelby mustanggt-500kr cj 428 335 6 1969 thunderbird 429 375 28 1970 amc rebel machine 390340 165 1970 amc amx javelin 390 340 20 1970 amc amx javelin trans-am 390 325 91970 amc rebel machine 390 360 6 1970 amc rebel sst 390 315 5 1970 buickriviera 455 370 148 1970 buick skylark gsx 455 360 top 5 393 1970 buick gransport stage 1 picture pic 455 370 138 1970 camaro z28 lt1 photo 350 360 16 1970camaro ss 396 375 5 1970 camaro ss 396 350 607 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls6picture photo 454 450 27 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 360 122 1970 chevychevelle ss l78 photo 396 375 45 1970 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 350 3 1970chevy chevelle 350 300 53 1970 chevy el camino 454 450 4 1970 chevy el camino350 300 9 1970 chevy impala ss 396 325 39 1970 chevy monte carlo ss 454 450 1151970 chevy ii nova (402 called 396) 396 375 48 1970 chevy ii nova (402 called396) 396 355 26 1970 chevy ii nova 350 300 51 1970 chevy nova copo 350 360 231970 chevy nova yenko 350 370 7 1970 chrysler 300 440 390 90 1970 corvette ls5454 390 48 1970 corvette lt1 350 370 5 1970 corvette l46 350 350 38 1970 dodgecharger r t 383 335 96 1970 dodge charger r t hemi 426 425 57 1970 dodgecharger six pack 440 390 53 1970 dodge charger r t magnum 440 375 51 1970 dodgechallenger t a six pak 340 290 169 1970 dodge challenger r t six pak 440 390 541970 dodge challenger 383 335 4 1970 dodge challenger 340 275 top 20 288 1970dodge challenger r t hemi picture pic 426 425 75 1970 dodge coronet superbeehemi 426 425 33 1970 dodge coronet superbee six pack 440 390 57 1970 dodgecoronet superbee 383 335 11 1970 dodge dart hemi 426 425 32 1970 dodge swinger340 340 275 14 1970 ford falcon gt cj (1970 1 2) 429 370 17 1970 ford galaxie xl429 360 9 1970 ford ranchero gt 429 370 56 1970 ford torino cobra jet 429 360145 1970 ford torino super cobra jet photo 429 375 50 1970 ford torino 351 30029 1970 mercury cougar eliminator 429 360 24 1970 mercury cougar eliminator scj428 335 13 1970 mercury cougar eliminator boss 302 290 6 1970 mercury cougareliminator 351 300 51 1970 mercury cyclone 429 360 83 1970 mercury cyclonespolier 429 370 55 1970 mercury cyclone super cobra jet 429 375 20 1970 mercurycyclone gt 351 300 3 1970 mercury marauder x100 429 360 130 1970 mustang boss429 photo 429 360 171 1970 mustang boss 302 pic 302 290 51 1970 mustang mach i429 429 335 57 1970 mustang mach i 351 300 top 20 251 1970 oldsmobile cutlass4-4-2 w-30 picture photo 455 370 51 1970 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-31 455 37057 1970 oldsmobile (hurst-olds) 4-4-2 455 365 19 1970 oldsmobile rally 350 32522 1970 oldsmobile toronado 455 400 148 1970 plymouth cuda aar 3x2 340 290 91970 plymouth cuda 383 335 5 1970 plymouth cuda 440 375 133 1970 plymouth cuda440 six pack 440 390 top 5 452 1970 plymouth hemi cuda picture photo 426 425 671970 plymouth duster 340 275 26 1970 plymouth duster six pack 340 330 55 1970plymouth gtx 440-6 440 390 9 1970 plymouth gtx commando 440 375 69 1970plymouth road runner hemi 426 425 57 1970 plymouth road runner six pack 440 390185 1970 plymouth road runner superbird 426 425 111 1970 plymouth road runnersuperbird photo 440 390 39 1970 plymouth road runner 383 335 57 1970 plymouthgtx hemi 426 425 33 1970 plymouth gtx six pack 440 390 5 1970 pontiac firebirdformula 400 ram air 400 345 60 1970 pontiac firebird formula 400 400 330 4 1970pontiac firebird trans am ram air 400 345 53 1970 pontiac firebird trans am ramair iv 400 370 2 1970 pontiac firebird 350 255 19 1970 pontiac grand prix hurstssj 455 370 3 1970 pontiac grand prix hurst ssj 400 350 58 1970 pontiac gtojudge ram air iii photo 455 366 163 1970 pontiac gto judge ram air iv 455 37053 1970 pontiac gto ram air iii 400 366 50 1970 pontiac gto ram air iv 400 3709 1970 pontiac lemans 400 366 2 1970 pontiac tempest gt-37 400 366 19 1970shelby mustang gt-350 351 290 136 1970 shelby mustang gt-500 super cobra jet428 345 9 1971 amc amx 401 390 38 1971 amc javelin 401 330 1 1971 amc sc hornet360 285 3 1971 amc sc hornet 360 360 290 22 1971 buick gsx 400 315 29 1971buick gran sport 455 315 57 1971 buick gran sport stage 1 455 345 23 1971 buickriveria 455 360 1 1971 chevy camaro ss 396 375 1 1971 chevy camaro ss 396 300 41971 chevy camaro z28 350 330 21 1971 chevy chevelle ss ls6 454 450 55 1971chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 365 6 1971 chevy chevelle ss 396 300 8 1971 chevy elcamino ss 454 425 60 1971 chevy monte carlo ss 454 425 23 1971 chevy montecarlo ss 454 360 3 1971 chevy nova ss 350 270 21 1971 corvette ls6 454 425 8 1971corvette ls5 454 365 9 1971 corvette lt1 350 330 2 1971 dodge challenger hemi426 425 27 1971 dodge challenger six pack 440 390 9 1971 dodge challenger 400375 6 1971 dodge challenger 383 300 22 1971 dodge challenger r t 340 275 9 1971dodge charger 400-6 440 385 8 1971 dodge charger r t magnum 440 370 12 1971dodge charger magnum 383 300 24 1971 dodge charger hemi r t 426 425 45 1971dodge charger hemi super bee 426 425 15 1971 dodge demon 340 275 4 1971 dodgedemon 340 240 6 1971 ford ranchero gt 429 370 19 1971 ford torino scj cobra 429370 27 1971 ford torino gt 351 285 3 1971 mercury cougar 429 370 1 1971 mercurycyclone spoiler 429 370 25 1971 mercury cyclone cj ram air 429 375 3 1971mercury cyclone gt 351 285 78 1971 mustang boss 351 ram air 351 330 45 1971mustang boss 429 429 370 51 1971 mustang mach i 429 429 375 68 1971 mustangmach i 351c 351 285 24 1971 mustang mach i 351 w 351 280 19 1971 oldsmobilecutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 370 8 1971 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 300 5 1971oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 455 340 6 1971 oldsmobile rallye 350 350 310 27 1971plymouth barracuda 340s 340 275 19 1971 plymouth barracuda formula s 383 330top 5 371 1971 plymouth hemi cuda picture photo 426 425 181 1971 plymouth cudasix pack (6bbl) 440 385 22 1971 plymouth cuda 383 350 9 1971 plymouth cuda 383300 51 1971 plymouth cuda 340 340 275 63 1971 plymouth duster 340 275 29 1971plymouth gtx super commando 440 370 9 1971 plymouth gtx 383 300 26 1971plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 9 1971 plymouth sport fury gt 440 370 2 1971 pontiacfirebird formula 400 300 29 1971 pontiac firebird formula 455 325 16 1971pontiac firebird trans am 400 300 37 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 35565 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 335 3 1971 pontiac grand prix 455 3251 1971 pontiac grand prix 400 300 22 1971 pontiac gto judge ho 455 335 27 1971pontiac gto 455 335 9 1971 pontiac hurst ssj 455 325 2 1971 pontiac tempestgt-37 455 360 1 1971 pontiac tempest 455 335 19 1971 road runner hemi 426 42551 1971 road runner six pack 440 390 4 1971 road runner 383 383 300 9 1972 amcjavelin 401 255 49 1972 buick gran sport stage 1 455 275 2 1972 buick gransport 455 225 1 1972 buick skylark 350 195 4 1972 buick riviera 455 270 39 1972chevy camaro ss (really 402) pic 396 240 19 1972 chevy camaro z28 350 275 571972 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 270 99 1972 chevy chevelle ss photo 396 240 361972 chevy chevelle ss 350 275 6 1972 chevy el camino ss 454 270 7 1972 chevymonte carlo ss 454 270 15 1972 chevy nova ss 350 200 1 1972 chrysler newport royale400 300 45 1972 corvette ls5 454 270 13 1972 corvette lt1 350 255 39 1972 dodgecharger rallye 340 240 9 1972 dodge charger six pack 340 275 8 1972 dodge demon340 240 28 1972 ford gran torino 351 275 36 1972 ford torino gran sport 429 20517 1972 mercury cougar 351 266 9 1972 mercury cyclone spoiler 429 370 4 1972mercury cyclone gt 351 285 51 1972 mustang mach i 4bbl 351 275 48 1972 mustang351 c 351 200 64 1972 oldsmobile cutlass (hurst-olds) 455 270 55 1972oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 cool-air 455 300 9 1972 plymouth cuda 340 240 17 1972plymouth cuda 340 275 21 1972 plymouth duster 340 240 37 1972 pontiac firebirdformula 455 300 54 1972 pontiac firebird trans-am ho 455 310 9 1972 pontiacfirebird trans-am 400 300 24 1972 pontiac gto 400 250 9 1972 pontiac gto 455200 39 1972 pontiac gto judge 455 250 24 1972 pontiac hurst ssj 455 250 1 1972pontiac lemans 350 160 20 1972 road runner 440 260 2 1972 road runner 340 240for muscle car 1964-1968 voting results click vote for your favorite viewvoting for top 100 muscle cars by ranking click here view website vistorscomments on muscle cars click here view muscle cars quarter mile times &speeds click here see the top 20 ranked muscle cars - all with pics click heresee more top ranked muscle cars - all with pics click here to see votingleaders for other classes click a category below muscle cars corvette 1950-19591960-1969 1970-1979 1930-1949 master index cruise home welcome you are cruisernumber: muscle car index corvette pictures vote: muscle car or classic carcorvette comments email search this site add your carsite or add your car photo1 500 carsite links trivia games top 100 muscle cars or big supervette show mycar @corvettegold 2001 this website updated friday 11 02 2001 what stock (orfactory option) muscle car 1964 thru 1972 would win in the 1 4 mile? to makethis race for your life more exciting we have expanded the 1964 throught 1972common muscle car definition to include "hi-po" pony cars and sportscars of the era like camaro cobra corvette and firebird the ultimate race ofyour life votes year model and style engine hp 2 1964 buick gran sport 400 3501 1964 buick riveria 425 340 2 1964 buick riviera super wildcat 425 360 1 1964chevy biscayne 409 425 12 1964 chevy impala ss dual quads 409 425 8 1964 chevyimpala ss 409 340 2 1964 chevy impala ss 409 400 4 1964 chevy impala ss 327 3001 1964 chevy malibu chevelle ss 327 350 1 1964 chrysler 300-k 413 390 4 1964dodge polara 500 426 365 1 1964 dodge polara 383 335 top 5! 44 1964 fordfairlane thunderbolt 427 425 5 1964 ford galaxie 500xl dual quads 427 425 11964 mercury cyclone 289 271 1 1964 mercury marauder 427 425 1 1964 oldsmobilef-85 330 310 2 1964 plymouth belvedere street wedge 426 365 1 1964 plymouthfury max wedge 426 425 1 1964 plymouth fury dual quads 426 415 1 1964 plymouthsavoy max wedge 426 425 1 1964 pontiac bonneville 421 370 2 1964 pontiaccatalina 389 325 1 1964 pontiac grand prix 421 370 11 1964 pontiac tempestlemans gto 389 348 1 1964 pontiac tempest lemans gto 389 325 1 1964 studebakeravanti r4 289 335 8 1965 ac cobra 427 425 1 1965 buick riviera 425 360 1 1965buick skylark gran sport 400 325 1 1965 chevy biscayne 396 425 1 1965 chevychevelle malibu ss z16 396 375 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu ss 396 350 1 1965chevy chevelle malibu ss 396 325 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu 327 350 1 1965chevy chevelle malibu 327 325 1 1965 chevy chevelle malibu ss l79 327 300 11965 chevy ii nova l-74 327 300 6 1965 chevy impala ss 409 425 1 1965 chrysler300-l 413 360 3 1965 corvette l78 396 425 1 1965 dodge coronet 500 street wedge426 365 1 1965 dodge coronet street wedge 383 335 1 1965 dodge 330 wedge 426425 3 1965 ford fairlane gt 500 390 355 8 1965 mustang v8 hi-po 289 271 1 1965oldsmobile f85 4-4-2 330 315 1 1965 plymouth belvedere max wedge 426 425 1 1965plymouth belvedere street wedge 426 365 3 1965 pontiac catalina ho 2+2 421 3761 1965 pontiac catalina 421 338 11 1965 pontiac gto tri-power 389 360 4 1965pontiac gto 389 335 1 1965 rambler marlin 327 275 6 1965 shelby mustang gt-350289 306 1 1966 buick skylark gs 400 325 1 1966 ford fairlane gt 390 335 17 1966ac shelby cobra 427 427 425 1 1966 buick skylark gran sport 401 340 1 1966buick skylark gran sport 401 325 1 1966 chevy caprice 427 390 3 1966 chevychevelle ss l78 396 375 1 1966 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 360 1 1966 chevychevelle ss 283 240 1 1966 chevy impala ss 427 425 1 1966 chevy impala ss 327350 1 1966 chevy impala ss 327 250 1 1966 chevy impala ss 427 390 3 1966 chevynova ss l79 327 350 4 1966 chrysler 300 383 365 1 1966 chrysler 300 383 225 31966 corvette sting ray 427 425 4 1966 dodge charger street hemi 426 425 3 1966dodge coronet 500 hemi 426 425 1 1966 ford fairlane gta 390 330 1 1966 fordfairlane 427 425 1 1966 ford fairlane side oiler 427 410 1 1966 ford galaxie500 xl 428 345 1 1966 mercury comet cyclone gt 390 355 2 1966 mercury cometcyclone gt 390 335 1 1966 mustang gt 4bbl 289 271 2 1966 oldsmbile 4-4-2 l69tri-carbs 400 360 2 1966 oldsmbile 4-4-2 400 350 1 1966 plymouth barracuda 383325 4 1966 plymouth belvedere hemi 426 425 1 1966 plymouth satellite hemi 426425 1 1966 pontiac catalina 2+2 tri-power 421 338 1 1966 pontiac catalina ho421 376 1 1966 pontiac catalina 389 295 1 1966 pontiac gto tri-power 389 333 121966 pontiac gto tri-power 389 360 1 1966 shelby gt-350 289 340 1 1966 shelbygt-350 289 306 4 1967 ac cobra 427 425 3 1967 amc marlin 343 280 1 1967 buickskylark gs-400 400 340 1 1967 buick skylark gs 400 260 1 1967 buick wildcat 400360 5 1967 chevy camaro r s ss 396 375 1 1967 chevy camaro r s ss 396 325 51967 chevy camaro z28 302 290 3 1967 chevy camaro ss 350 305 1 1967 chevycamaro ss 327 300 9 1967 chevy chevelle ss 396 350 1 1967 chevy chevelle ss 396325 3 1967 chevy impala ss 427 385 1 1967 chevy impala ss 396 325 3 1967 chevynova ss 327 275 1 1967 chevy nova ss l79 327 350 19 1967 corvette tri-power l71427 435 3 1967 corvette l89 alum heads 427 435 9 1967 corvette l88 alum heads(560hp @6400) 427 450 2 1967 dodge coronet r t magnum 440 375 1 1967 dodge dartgts 383 340 2 1967 ford fairlane dual quad 427 425 1 1967 ford fairlane gt 427410 1 1967 mercury capri 427 425 1 1967 mercury comet dual quads 427 425 1 1967mercury cougar 390 320 3 1967 mercury cougar gt-e 390 325 2 1967 olds cutlass4-4-2 400 350 2 1967 olds cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1967 plymouth barracuda383 330 6 1967 plymouth belvedere gtx hemi 426 425 4 1967 plymouth gtx supercommando 440 375 1 1967 plymouth satellite street hemi 426 425 1 1967 pontiaccatalina 2+2 428 376 1 1967 pontiac catalina 2+2 428 360 1 1967 pontiacfirebird ram air 400 325 2 1967 pontiac firebird 400 325 21 1967 pontiac gtoram air 400 360 2 1967 pontiac gto 400 335 4 1967 shelby mustang gt-500 kr 428355 4 1967 shelby mustang gt-350 289 306 4 1968 amc amx 390 340 3 1968 amc amx390 315 1 1968 amc javelin 390 315 1 1968 buick skylark gs 400 360 3 1968 buickskylark gs 400 340 3 1968 camaro z28 ss 302 290 1 1968 camaro rs ss 396 325 11968 camaro ss 396 350 2 1968 camaro ss 396 375 1 1968 camaro 337 275 1 1968chevy biscayne 396 375 2 1968 chevy biscayne l72 427 425 2 1968 chevy chevelless l78 396 375 1 1968 chevy chevelle ss l34 396 350 1 1968 chevy chevelle ss396 325 1 1968 chevy impala ss 427 425 1 1968 chevy impala ss 427 385 3 1968chevy nova 396 375 3 1968 chevy nova ss 350 300 1 1968 chrysler 300 440 350 21968 corvette tri-power l71 427 435 3 1968 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 4355 1968 corvette l88 aluminum heads 427 450 8 1968 dodge charger r t 6 pack 440390 4 1968 dodge charger r t 6 pack 440 375 5 1968 dodge charger r t hemi 426425 2 1968 dodge coronet r t 6 pack 440 375 4 1968 dodge coronet r t hemi 426425 1 1968 dodge coronet super bee 383 335 1 1968 dodge dart hemi 426 425 11968 dodge dart gt sport 340 275 1 1968 ford thunderbird 428 335 1 1968 fordtorino cobra jet 428 335 1 1968 ford torino gt 302 210 1 1968 hurst olds w-30455 390 2 1968 mercury cougar gt xr-7 427 390 1 1968 mercury cyclone gt cj 428335 3 1968 mustang boss 302 290 5 1968 mustang cobra jet 428 335 2 1968oldsmobile hurst-olds 4-4-2 ram air 455 400 1 1968 oldsmobile hurst-olds 4-4-2455 390 4 1968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 400 350 11968 oldsmobile 4-4-2 400 325 2 1968 plymouth barracuda 383 335 4 1968 plymouthgtx super commando 440 375 1 1968 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 3 1968 plymouthroadrunner hemi 426 425 1 1968 plymouth roadrunner six pack 440 375 2 1968plymouth roadrunner 383 335 3 1968 pontiac firebird 400 ram-air 400 335 3 1968pontiac firebird ho 400 335 1 1968 pontiac firebird 400 330 1 1968 pontiacgrand prix 428 390 9 1968 pontiac gto ram air ii 400 366 1 1968 pontiac gto ho400 360 3 1968 pontiac gto 400 350 1 1968 pontiac lemans 400 350 1 1968 pontiactempest 400 265 1 1968 pontiac ventura 428 376 5 1968 shelby gt-500 kr 428 4001 1968 shelby gt-350 250 302 1 1969 amc amx 390 315 3 1969 amc amx 390 325 41969 amc amx 390 340 2 1969 amc rambler scrambler 390 315 1 1969 buick gs-400400 340 5 1969 buick gs-400 stage 1 400 350 4 1969 buick gs-400 stage 2 400 36019 1969 camaro r s ss zl1 427 425 21 1969 camaro copo yenko l72 427 430 4 1969camaro z28 350 300 6 1969 camaro z28 302 290 4 1969 camaro l78 396 375 1 1969camaro ss 396 350 1 1969 camaro ss 396 325 14 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396(really 402) 396 375 1 1969 chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 350 3 1969chevy chevelle ss 396 (really 402) 396 325 1 1969 chevy impala ss 427 425 11969 chevy impala ss 396 265 8 1969 chevy nova ss 396 (really 402) l78 396 3751 1969 chevy nova ss 350 300 1 1969 chevy nova ss 396 345 2 1969 corvettetri-power l71 427 435 6 1969 corvette l89 aluminum heads 427 430 4 1969corvette l88 alum heads & zl1 (560hp @6400) 427 450 4 1969 corvette l46 350350 19 1969 dodge charger 500 r t hemi 426 425 5 1969 dodge charger daytonamagnum 440 390 5 1969 dodge charger 383 330 9 1969 dodge charger r t 440 375 91969 dodge charger magnum r t 440 390 3 1969 dodge coronet r t super bee 440390 1 1969 dodge dart gss 440 375 1 1969 dodge dart sport 426 425 2 1969 dodgedart gt 383 330 1 1969 dodge dart swinger 340 275 1 1969 dodge dart 440 440 3759 1969 dodge super bee 6 pack 440 390 1 1969 ford fairlane cobra ram-air 429425 1 1969 ford fairlane cobra cj 428 335 1 1969 ford galaxie xl gt 429 425 31969 ford torino 428 335 1 1969 ford torino talladega 390 335 5 1969 mercurycougar eliminator cobra jet 428 335 1 1969 mercury cyclone spoiler ii 429 370 11969 mercury cyclone cobra jet 428 335 1 1969 mercury marauder x-100 429 360 41969 mustang boss 289 302 7 1969 mustang boss 429 429 375 1 1969 mustang gt 390350 3 1969 mustang mach 1 cj 428 335 13 1969 mustang mach 1 cobra jet 428 365 91969 mustang mach 1 351w 351 300 3 1969 mustang mach 1 351c 351 250 1 1969oldsmobile cutlass s 350 325 1 1969 oldsmobile toronado 455 375 3 1969oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 390 3 1969 oldsmobile hurst-olds 455 380 1 1969 oldsmobile4-4-2 w-30 400 360 1 1969 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-32 400 350 6 1969 plymouthbarracuda hemi 426 425 2 1969 plymouth barracuda 440 375 1 1969 plymouth gtxhemi 426 425 2 1969 plymouth gtx 440 375 3 1969 pontiac firebird trans am ramair iv 400 345 2 1969 pontiac firebird trans am ram air iii 400 325 5 1969pontiac firebird ho 350 350 1 1969 pontiac grand prix h o 428 390 9 1969pontiac gto judge ram air iii 400 366 11 1969 pontiac gto judge ram air iv 400370 4 1969 pontiac gto judge 400 350 8 1969 road runner hemi 426 425 5 1969road runner six bbl (1969 1 2) 440 390 1 1969 road runner 383 335 1 1969 shelbygt-350 351 290 1 1969 shelby gt-500kr cj 428 335 1 1969 thunderbird 429 375 31970 amc rebel machine 390 340 6 1970 amc amx javelin 390 340 5 1970 buickskylark gsx 455 360 9 1970 buick gran sport 455 360 top 5! 24 1970 buick gransport stage 1 455 370 3 1970 camaro z28 lt1 350 360 1 1970 camaro ss 396 375 11970 camaro ss 396 350 91 1970 chevy chevelle ss ls6 454 450 1 1970 chevychevelle ss l78 454 360 4 1970 chevy chevelle ss l78 396 375 1 1970 chevychevelle ss l34 396 350 1 1970 chevy chevelle 350 300 1 1970 chevy el camino454 450 1 1970 chevy impala ss 396 325 3 1970 chevy monte carlo ss 454 450 51970 chevy ii nova (402 called 396) 396 375 5 1970 chevy ii nova (402 called396) 396 355 3 1970 chevy ii nova 350 300 3 1970 corvette lt1 350 370 1 1970dodge charger r t 383 335 6 1970 dodge charger r t hemi 426 425 1 1970 dodgecharger 400-6 440 390 1 1970 dodge charger r t magnum 440 375 1 1970 dodgechallenger t a six pak 340 290 3 1970 dodge challenger r t six pak 440 390 11970 dodge challenger 383 335 1 1970 dodge challenger 340 275 9 1970 dodgechallenger r t hemi 426 425 3 1970 dodge coronet superbee hemi 426 425 3 1970dodge coronet superbee 383 335 1 1970 dodge dart hemi 426 425 1 1970 fordtorino cobra jet 429 360 4 1970 ford torino super cobra jet 429 375 1 1970 fordtorino 350 300 1 1970 mercury cougar eliminator 429 360 1 1970 mercury cougareliminator 428 335 1 1970 mercury cougar eliminator boss 302 290 1 1970 mercurycougar eliminator 351 300 3 1970 mercury cyclone 429 360 5 1970 mercury cyclonespolier 429 370 2 1970 mercury cyclone super cobra jet 429 375 1 1970 mercurycyclone gt 351 300 5 1970 mustang boss 429 360 6 1970 mustang boss 302 290 31970 mustang mach i 351 300 7 1970 oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-30 455 370 1 1970oldsmobile cutlass 4-4-2 w-32 455 370 3 1970 oldsmobile (hurst-olds) 4-4-2 455365 1 1970 oldsmobile rally 350 325 1 1970 oldsmobile toronado 455 400 4 1970plymouth duster 340 275 1 1970 plymouth duster six pack 340 330 1 1970 plymouthcuda aar 3x2 340 290 1 1970 plymouth cuda 383 335 1 1970 plymouth cuda 440 3756 1970 plymouth cuda 440-6 440 390 top 5! 38 1970 plymouth hemi cuda 426 425 31970 plymouth gtx 440-6 440 390 3 1970 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 5 1970 pontiacgto judge ram air iv 455 370 1 1970 pontiac gto judge ram air iii 455 366 31970 pontiac gto ram air 400 350 3 1970 pontiac gto ram air iv 400 370 1 1970pontiac lemans 400 366 1 1970 pontiac tempest gt-37 400 366 1 1970 pontiacfirebird formula 400 ram air 400 345 4 1970 pontiac firebird formula 400 400330 1 1970 pontiac firebird trans am ram air 400 345 4 1970 pontiac firebirdtrans am ram air iv 400 370 1 1970 pontiac firebird 350 255 9 1970 road runnerhemi superbird 426 425 2 1970 road runner six pack superbird 440 375 2 1970road runner 383 335 3 1970 road runner six pack 440 375 5 1970 road runner hemi426 425 1 1970 shelby gt-500 super cobra jet 428 345 1 1971 amc sc hornet 360285 1 1971 amc javelin 401 330 1 1971 buick gsx 400 315 1 1971 buick gran sport455 315 4 1971 buick gran sport stage 1 455 345 1 1971 buick riveria 455 360 11971 chevy camaro ss 396 300 1 1971 chevy camaro z28 350 330 1 1971 chevychevelle ss ls6 454 450 8 1971 chevy chevelle ss ls5 454 365 1 1971 chevychevelle ss 396 300 1 1971 chevy monte carlo ss 454 365 1 1971 corvette ls6 454450 1 1971 dodge charger 400-6 440 385 1 1971 dodge charger r t magnum 440 3701 1971 dodge charger magnum 383 300 5 1971 dodge charger hemi super bee 426 4252 1971 dodge challenger 400 385 1 1971 dodge challenger 383 300 1 1971 dodgechallenger 340 275 2 1971 dodge demon 340 275 1 1971 dodge demon 340 240 1 1971dodge super bee hemi 426 425 1 1971 ford torino scj cobra 429 370 1 1971mercury cyclone spoiler 429 370 1 1971 mercury cyclone cj ram air 429 375 31971 mustang boss ram air 351 330 4 1971 mustang mach i 429 370 1 1971 mustangmach i 351c 351 285 3 1971 mustang mach i 351 351 330 2 1971 oldsmobile cutlass4-4-2 w-30 455 350 top 5! 38 1971 plymouth hemi cuda 426 425 10 1971 plymouthcuda six pack (6bbl) 440 385 3 1971 plymouth cuda 383 300 5 1971 plymouthduster 340 275 1 1971 plymouth gtx super commando 440 370 1 1971 plymouth gtx383 300 1 1971 plymouth gtx hemi 426 425 1 1971 pontiac firebird formula 400300 2 1971 pontiac firebird trans am 455 325 3 1971 pontiac firebird trans amho 455 355 1 1971 pontiac firebird trans am ho 455 335 1 1971 pontiac grandprix 400 345 1 1971 pontiac gto judge ho 455 335 3 1971 road runner hemi 426425 1 1971 road runner six bbl 440 390 1 1972 amc javelin 401 255 4 1972 buickgran sport stage 1 455 270 1 1972 buick gran sport 455 250 1 1972 chevy camaross (really 402) 396 240 1 1972 chevy camaro z28 350 255 1 1972 chevy chevelless ls5 454 270 1 1972 chevy chevelle ss 400 240 3 1972 chevy chevelle ss 350275 3 1972 chevy nova 350 250 1 1972 chevy nova yenko 454 400 1 1972 chryslernewport royale 400 300 1 1972 dodge challenger 340 240 3 1972 dodge charger 440255 1 1972 dodge charger 440-6 440 330 1 1972 dodge demon 340 240 1 1972 fordgran torino 351 248 1 1972 ford torino gran sport 429 205 1 1972 mercury cougar351 266 3 1972 mustang mach i 4bbl 351 275 2 1972 mustang 351 c 351 200 3 1972oldsmobile cutlass (hurst-olds) 455 270 2 1972 oldsmobile 4-4-2 w-30 cool-air455 300 2 1972 plymouth cuda 340 240 1 1972 plymouth duster 340 240 1 1972pontiac gto 400 250 1 1972 pontiac gto ho 455 300 3 1972 pontiac gto 455 250 11972 pontiac firebird trans-am ho 455 300 1 1972 pontiac lemans 350 160 2 1972road runner 440 280 1 1972 road runner 400 255 1 1972 road runner 340 240 vote:for your favorite muscle car vote: for your favorite classic car to see votingleaders for other classes click a category below muscle cars 1930-19491950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 corvette click here click here click here clickhere click here click here view website vistors comments on muscle cars clickhere master index corvette pictures welcome you are cruiser number: add yourcarsite &see top 1 001 links classic car pics vote: classic car vote:muscle car cruise home your car photo auto books and more up to 30% off triviagames comments email classic corvette gold connection 2000 this website wasupdated friday 11 02 2001 this was ripped from: geocities motorcity garage 678350fast2 :) 1 1966 cobra 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 2x4 barrel as tested 4speed transmission and 3 54 rear performance 12 20 @ 118 drag test publishedcar and driver 11 65 2 1966 corvette 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 4 barrel astested 4 speed transmission and 3 36 rear performance 12 80@112 drag testpublished car and driver 11 65 3 1969 road runner 440 six pack engine 390horsepower 440 six-pack as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rearperformance 12 91 @ 111 8 drag test published super stock magazine 6 69 4 1970hemi cuda engine 425 horsepower 426 hemi 2x4 barrel as tested 4 speedtransmission and 3 54 rear performance 13 10 @ 107 drag test published carcraft 11 69 5 1970 ss454 chevelle engine 450 horsepower ls-6 454 as tested 4speed transmission and 3 55 rear performance 13 12 @ 107 01 drag test publishedcar craft magazine 11 69 6 1969 zl-1 camaro engine 430 horsepower 427 zl-1 astested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 16 @ 110 21 drag testpublished hi-performance cars 6 69 7 1968 corvette 427 engine 435 horsepower427 3x2 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 70 rear performance 13 30 @108 drag test published hi-performance cars 5 68 8 1970 road runner 426 hemiengine 425 horsepower 426 hemii 2x4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmissionand 4 10 rear performance 13 34 @ 107 5 drag test published super stockmagazine 12 69 9 1970 buick gs stage 1 engine 360 horsepower 455 stage 1 astested automatic transmission and 3 64 rear performance 13 38 @ 105 drag testpublished motor trend 1 70 10 1969 charger 500 engine 425 horsepower 426 hemi2x4 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 48 @ 109drag test published hot rod magazine 2 69 11 1973 trans am 455 sd engine 310horsepower 455 4 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 42 rearperformance 13 54 @ 104 2 drag test published hot rod magazine 6 73 denotes nethorsepower 12 1969 corvette l-88 engine 430 horsepower 427 l-88 as testedautomatic transmission and 3 36 rear performance 13 56 @ 111 drag test publishedhot rod magazine 4 69 13 1969 super bee 440 six pack engine 390 horsepower 440six-pack as tested automatic transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 56 @ 1056 drag test published hot rod magazine 8 69 14 1969 boss 429 mustang engine 375horsepower boss429 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91 rear performance 1360 @ 106 drag test published hi performance cars 11 69 15 1970 challenger r tengine 390 horsepower 440 3x2 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 23rear performance 13 62 @ 104 3 drag test published car craft magazine 11 69 161970 torino cobra engine 370 horsepower 429 scj as tested automatictransmission and 3 91 rear performance 13 62 @ 105 9 drag test published superstock magazine 3 70 17 1968 biscayne 427 engine 425 horsepower 427 4 barrel astested 4 speed transmission and 4 56 rear performance 13 65 @ 105 drag testpublished super stock magazine 4 68 18 1964 polara 500 engine 365 horsepower426 4 barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 23 rear performance 13 70 @ 1073 drag test published hi performance cars 4 64 19 1969 gtx engine 375horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmission and 4 10 rearperformance 13 70 @ 102 8 drag test published motor trend 1 69 20 1969 dart 440engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested torqueflight transmission and 3 55rear performance 13 71 @ 105 drag test published car craft magazine 5 69 211971 road runner engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as tested torqueflighttransmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 71 @ 101 2 drag test published carcraft magazine 1 71 22 1971 cuda engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as testedtorqueflight transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 72 @ 106 drag testpublished super stock magazine 4 71 23 1971 corvette engine 425 horsepower ls-6454 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 36 rear performance 13 72 @ 102 4 dragtest published car life 8 71 24 1971 super bee engine 425 horsepower 426 hemias tested torqueflight transmission and 4 10 rear performance 13 73 @ 104 dragtest published motor trend 12 70 25 1968 hurst olds engine 390 horsepower 455w-30 as tested automatic transmission and 3 91 rear drag test publishedsuperstock magazine 8 68 performance 13 77 @ 103 91 26 1968 firebird h o engine335 horsepower 400 h o as tested 4 speed transmission drag test published hotrod 3 68 performance 13 79 @ 106 27 1967 corvette engine 435 horsepower 427 3x2barrel as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 55 rear drag test published hot rodmagazine 5 67 performance 13 80 @ 108 28 1971 boss 351 mustang engine 330horsepower boss 351 as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91 rear drag testpublished motor trend magazine 1 71 performance 13 80 @ 104 29 1966 satelliteengine 425 horsepower 426 hemi as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 54 reardrag test published car and driver magazine 4 66 performance 13 81 @ 104 301968 coronet r t engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested 4 speedtransmission and 4 10 rear drag test published superstock magazine 4 69performance 13 83 @ 102 27 31 1968 cyclone gt engine 335 horsepower 428 cobrajet as tested automatic transmission and 4 11 rear drag test published motortrend magazine 8 68 performance 13 86 @ 101 69 32 1969 nova ss396 engine 375horsepower 396 4 barrel as tested automatic transmission and 3 55 rear drag testpublished hot rod magazine 7 69 performance 13 87 @ 105 1 33 1969 shelby gt-500engine 335 horsepower 428 cobra jet as tested 4 speedtransmission and 3 91 reardrag test published superstock magazine 9 69 performance 13 87 @ 104 52 34 19704-4-2 w30 engine 370 horsepower 455 w-30 as tested automatic transmission and 342 rear drag test published car craft magazine 11 69 performance 13 88 @ 95 8435 1962 corvette engine 360 horsepower 327 fuel injection as tested 4 speedtransmission and 4 10 rear drag test published hot rod magazine 1 62performance 13 89 @ 105 14 36 1969 barracuda engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrelas tested automatic transmission and 4 10 rear drag test published superstockmagazine 8 69 performance 13 89 @ 103 21 37 1969 mach 1 engine 335 horsepower428 cobra jet as tested automatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag testpublished car life magazine 3 69 performance 13 90 @ 103 32 38 1967 gto engine360 horsepower 400 ram air as tested automatic transmission and 4 33 rear dragtest published car life magazine 10 67 performance 13 90 @ 102 8 39 1970 transam engine 345 horsepower 400 ram air iv as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 91rear drag test published hot rod magazine 2 70 performance 13 90 @ 102 40 1969charger r t engine 375 horsepower 440 4 barrel as tested automatic transmissionand 3 55 rear drag test published motor trend magazine 1 69 performance 13 90 @101 4 41 1969 cougar eliminator engine 335 horsepower 428 cobra jet as testedautomatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag test published superstock magazine 969 performance 13 91 @ 103 9 42 1972 corvette lt-1 engine 255 horsepower lt-1350 as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 11 rear drag test published hot rodmagazine 8 72 performance 13 92 @ 104 01 denotes net horsepower 43 1970 chargerr t engine 390 horsepower 440 six pack as tested 4 speed transmission and 3 54rear drag test published superstock magazine 8 68 performance 13 77 @ 103 91 441968 gtx engine 425 horsepower 426 hemii as tested automatic transmission and 323 rear drag test published car life magazine 2 68 performance 13 97 @ 103 5 451971 mustang mach 1 engine 370 horsepower 429 cobra jet as tested automatictransmission and 3 50 rear drag test published superstock magazine 2 71performance 13 97 @ 100 22 46 1970 cyclone spoiler engine 370 horsepower 429cobra jet as tested automatic transmission and 3 50 rear drag test publishedsuperstock magazine 2 70 performance 13 97 @ 100 47 1967 4-4-2 w30 engine 350horsepower 400 w-30 as tested 4 speed transmission and 4 33 rear drag testpublished superstock magazine 8 67 performance 13 99 @ 102 4 48 1970 challengerengine 425 horsepower 426 hemii as tested automatic transmission and 3 23 reardrag test published road and track magazine 8 70 performance 14 00 @ 104 491966 shelby gt-350 s engine 440 horsepower 289 hi perf as tested automatictransmission and 3 89 rear drag test published motor trend magazine 8 66performance 14 00 @ 102 estimated horsepower with paxton supercharger 50 1964cobra 289 engine 271 horsepower 289 hi perf as tested 4 speed transmission and3 77 rear drag test published car life magazine 8 64 performance 14 00 @ 98pictures 57-2001 listed below are the results of tests conducted by eight majorpublications of the muscle era we are not representing this list as gospelrather this list will give you a basic idea of times and speeds logged by manymajor muscle cars top 50 fastest muscle cars magazine abbreviations cdcar anddriver mtmotor trend sssuper stock hrhot rod hchigh performance cars cccarcraft clcar life rtroad test (50) 1971 mach 1-429 cj-370hp-auto -3 50-13 97100 22- ss 2 71 (49) 1968 gtx-426 hemi-425hp-auto -3 23-13 97 103 5- cl 2 68(48) 1970 charger r t-440 6pk-390hp-4 spd-3 54-13 95 101- hc 2 70 (47) 1972corvette lt-1-350 lt-1-350hp-4 spd-4 11-13 92 104 01- hr 8 72 (46) 1969 cougareliminator-428 cj-335hp-auto -3 50-13 9 103 9- ss 9 69 (45) 1989 turbo transam-231 turbo v6-290hp-auto -3 27-13 9 99 5-rt 1 89 (44) 1969 charger r t-4404v-375hp-auto -3 55-13 9 101 4- mt 1 69 (43) 1970 trans am-400 raiv-345hp-4spd-3 91-13 9 102- hr 2 70 (42) 1967 gto-400 ram air-360hp-auto -4 33-13 9 1028- cl 10 67 (41) 1969 mach 1-428 cj-335hp-auto -3 50-13 90 103 32- cl 3 69 (40)1969 barracuda-440 4v-375hp-auto -4 10-13 89 103 21- ss 8 69 (39) 1962corvette-327fi-360hp-4 spd-4 10-13 89 105 14- hr 1 62 (38) 1970 4-4-2w30-455-370hp-auto -3 42-13 88 95 84- cc11 69 (37) 1969 shelbygt500-428cj-335hp-4 spd-3 91-13 87 104 52- ss 9 69 (36) 1969 novass-396-375hp-auto -3 55-13 87 105 1- hr 7 69 (35) 1968 cyclone gt-428cj-335hp-auto -4 11-13 86 101 69- mt 8 68 (34) 1969 coronet r t-440 4v-375hp-4spd-4 10-13 83 102 27- ss 4 69 (33) 1966 satellite-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-3 54-1381 104- cd 4 66 (32) 1971 boss 351 mustang-351 boss-330hp-4 spd-3 91-13 8 104-mt 1 71 (31) 1967 corvette-427-435hp-4 spd-3 55-13 8 108- hr 5 67 (30) 1968firebird ho-400 ho-335hp-4 spd-3 55-13 79 106- hr 3 68 (29) 1968 hurst olds-455w-30-390hp-auto -3 91-13 77 103 91- ss 8 68 (28) 1971 super bee-426hemi-425hp-auto -4 10-13 73 104- mt 12 70 (27) 1971 corvette-454 ls6-425hp-4spd-3 36-13 72 102 04- cl 8 71 (26) 1971 cuda-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 72106- ss 4 71 (25) 1971 road runner-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 71 101 2- cc 171 (24) 1969 dart 440-440 4v-375hp-auto -3 55-13 71 105- cc 5 69 (23) 1990dodge stealth-181 turbo v6-325hp-5 spd-3 97-13 7 101- mt 4 90 (22) 1987 buickgnx-231 turbo v6-325hp-auto -3 42-13 7 102- hr 4 87 (21) 1969 gtx-4404v-375hp-auto -4 10-13 7 102 8- mt 1 69 (20) 1964 polara 500-426 4v-365hp-4spd-3 23-13 7 107 37- hc 2 64 (19) 1968 biscayne 427-427-425hp-4 spd-4 56-13 65105- ss 4 68 (18) 1970 torino cobra-429 scj-370hp-auto -3 91-13 63 105 9- ss 370 (17) 1970 challenger rt- 440 6pk-390hp-auto -3 23-13 62 104 3- cc 11 69 (16)1969 boss 429 mustang-429-375hp-4 spd-3 91-13 6 106- hc 9 69 (15) 1969 superbee-440 6pk-390hp-auto -4 10-13 56 105 6- hr 8 69 (14) 1969 corvette-427l88-430hp-auto -3 36-13 56 111 1- hr 4 69 (13) 1973 trans am-455 sd-400hp-auto-3 42-13 54 104 29- hr 6 73 (12) 1969 charger 500-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-4 10-1348 109- hr 2 69 (11) 1970 buick gs stage 1-455-360hp-auto -3 64-13 38 105 5- mt1 70 (10) 1970 road runner-426 hemi-425hp-auto -4 10-13 34 107 5- ss 12 69 (9)1968 corvette-427 6v-435hp-4 spd-3 70-13 30 108- hc 5 68 (8) 1990 pontiac firehawk-350-350hp-6spd-3 54-13 2 107-cd 6 91 (7) 1969 zl-1 camaro-427 zl1-430hp-4 spd-4 10-13 16110 21- hc 6 69 (6) 1970 ss454 chevelle-454ls6-450hp-4 spd-3 55-13 12 107 1- cc11 69 (5) 1970 hemi cuda-426 hemi-425hp-4 spd-3 54-13 10 107 12- cc 11 69 (4)1969 road runner-440 6pk-390hp-4 spd-4 10-12 9 111 8-ss 6 69 3)1966corvette-427-425hp-4 spd-3 36-12 8 112-cd 11 65 (2)1990 zr-1 corvette-lt5350-375hp-6 spd-3 45-12 8 113 8-mt 4 90 ( (1) 1966 cobra 427-425hp-4 spd-3 54gears-12 20et 118mph-cd 11 65 corvette parts parts corvette accessorieschevrolet corvette vette vet convertible stingray sting ray brakes suspensionwheels tires transmission exhaust performance engine restoration clothingapparel models model cars c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c-5 c-4 c-3 c-2 c-1 grand sport zr-1zr1 chevrolet corvette vette stingray gm restoration parts genuine chevroletthe heartbeat of america chevrolet bow tie emblem gm restoration parts emblemand corvette emblems and body designs are general motors trademarks used underlicense to eckler industries llc 1967 corvette coupe for sale wisconsincorvettes for sale corvette big block corvette big blocks for sale big blockcorvette big block air conditioning chevrolet chevy vette vettes for saleclassic car convertible convertibles convertibles for sale corvette roadstercorvette roadsters for sale classic cars for sale collector cars for salecollector car investment sports car sports cars for sale photo classified adsphoto ads classifieds corvette photos corvette pictures classic corvettes partsand accessories everything for the corvette enthusiast proteam classiccorvettes sales classic corvettes classic vettes corvette parts corvetteaccessories corvette restoration corvette sting ray corvette enthusiasts usedcorvettes classic cars auto transport car transport auto shipping car shippingcorvettes corvettes corvette corvette vette vettes vette vettes 88666 corvette14552 corvette part 8298 corvette for sale 5160 chevrolet corvette 4739corvette picture 4152 used corvette 4142 corvette accessory 2963 corvette club2808 corvette sting ray 2718 classic corvette 2649 1969 corvette 2121 corvettesale 1960 1966 corvette for sale 1877 corvette z06 1848 corvette dealer 1670corvette pic 1644 corvette instrument 1530 corvette wallpaper 1498 2002 corvette1480 corvette history 1323 chevy corvette 1306 used corvette for sale 1244corvette forum 1152 2003 corvette 1037 corvette wheels 1031 1967 corvette 1030corvette museum 1026 1966 corvette 957 used corvette part 918 picture ofcorvette 899 callaway corvette 896 corvette central 881 c5 corvette 856corvette engine 850 corvette restoration 814 1968 corvette 806 mid americacorvette 802 1980 corvette 796 corvette performance 793 1978 corvette 790 1963corvette 767 vintage corvette 746 corvette zo6 739 1984 corvette 690 corvettelogo 685 corvette car 681 corvette car cover 670 1979 corvette 661 1977corvette 658 2001 corvette 650 national corvette museum 637 corvette apparel634 buy corvette 627 2000 corvette 622 corvette c5 620 corvette salvage 6191976 corvette 607 corvette photo 606 corvette magazine 600 corvette leasing 5961981 corvette 589 pre owned corvette 587 corvette seat cover 581 corvette wheelbearing 567 corvette classifieds 556 1972 corvette 539 corvette trader 537 webuy corvette 529 sting ray corvette 521 1974 corvette 510 1973 corvette 5091996 corvette 501 z06 corvette 499 1982 corvette 497 1970 corvette 495 1965corvette 493 1975 corvette 492 proteam corvette 488 corvette merchandise 481 66corvette 464 1962 corvette 451 history of the corvette 447 1985 corvette 4421957 corvette 434 corvette specs 425 1986 corvette 423 corvette racing 422 oldcorvette 418 corvette zr1 417 corvette jacket 415 custom corvette 412 corvetteclothing 405 2005 corvette 402 corvette model 399 rogers corvette 396 69corvette 394 1958 corvette 392 history of corvette 390 1960 corvette 388corvette financing 1724 1957 chevy 1097 1957 793 1957 chevy bel air 740 1957chevrolet 442 1957 corvette 411 1957 ford 369 1957 thunderbird 351 1957chevrolet bel air 302 1957 oldsmobile 281 1957 bel air 280 1957 cadillac 2571957 pontiac 250 1957 ford fairlane 232 civil right act of 1957 231 1957 chevypart 229 1957 chevy truck 206 cadillac el dorado 1957 180 1957 buick 172 1957ford fairlane 500 150 1957 chevy for sale 149 1957 mercury 147 chevrolet 1957140 1957 plymouth fury 121 1957 desoto 113 1957 chev 112 1957 chevrolet forsale 110 1957 plymouth 105 1957 dodge 103 1957 chevy pickup 102 1957 chevroletcorvette 95 1957 best picture 87 1957 lincoln 86 1957 nomad 83 1957 car 80 littlerock 1957 79 1957 meteor ranchero 77 1957 chevy nomad 73 12 angry man 1957 72civil right act 1957 71 1957 calendar 69 1957 silver certificate 65 1957 chevycar 63 buick 1957 62 oldsmobile 1957 60 1957 chevrolet pickup 58 1957 chrysler57 1957 ranchero 55 1957 chevy convertible 52 1957 ford ranchero 51 1957 worldseries 50 chevy 1957 48 1957 gmc 47 cadillac 1957 45 twelve angry man 1957 44value of a 1957 silver certificate 42 sputnik 1957 41 us mint silvercertificate 1957 b 39 1957 cessna 172 38 1957 chrysler 300 37 what happened in1957 36 1957 chevy pick up 35 little rock nine 1957 33 automotive part 1957chevrolet 32 1957 chevy corvette 31 san francisco exposition 1957 30 1957 fordphoto 29 1957 mustang 28 arpa 1957 27 westinghouse atomic 1957 26 car desoto1957 25 picture of 1957 ford thunderbirds 2233 1967 shelby gt 500 1988 1967mustang 1986 1967 shelby mustang gt 500 1923 1967 camaro 1662 1967 1441 1967ford mustang 1107 1967 chevelle 1031 1967 corvette 959 1967 shelby mustang 7151967 shelby gt500 607 1967 pontiac gto 552 1967 mustang fastback 529 1967mercury cougar 501 1967 gto 475 1967 shelby mustang gt500 462 1967 firebird 3861967 mustang shelby gt 500 371 1967 ford fairlane 358 1967 pontiac firebird 3341967 shelby 333 criminal case of 1967 315 1967 ford mustang shelby gt 500 3131967 impala 296 1967 chevy camaro 278 1967 mustang for sale 276 1967 maseratighibli for sale 261 1967 shelby gt 500 mustang 254 1967 corvette sting ray 2511967 chevy impala 249 1967 shelby cobra 238 1967 camaro ss 237 1967 plymouthbarracuda 229 1967 cadillac 219 1967 nova 217 1967 ford mustang fastback 2151967 chevelle ss 198 1967 camaro for sale 193 1967 ford thunderbird 191 1967ford galaxy 188 1967 lincoln continental 186 1967 el camino 185 1967 cougar 1831967 camaro picture 182 1967 war 179 1967 shelby mustang 500 gt 174 1967 dodgecharger 172 1967 chevy truck 168 1967 chevy nova 155 1967 mustang part 152 1967chevrolet camaro 151 1967 ford mustang gt shelby 500 148 1967 dodge dart 142ford mustang 1967 140 1967 corvette for sale 137 1967 ford shelby mustang gt500 134 1967 mustang picture 132 mustang 1967 127 1967 pontiac lemans 126 1967buick skylark 124 1967 shelby gt 123 1967 ford truck 119 camaro 1967 116 1967fairlane 113 1967 chevy pickup 111 six day war 1967 110 1967 1972 chevy truck109 1967 camaro part 108 race riot of 1967 107 1967 shelby gt 500 for sale 1061967 ford mustang fastbacks for sale 104 1967 world series 101 1967 pontiac 100shelby mustang gt500 1967 99 1967 shelby mustang gt 97 age discrimination inemployment act of 1967 96 1967 ford shelby mustang 94 1967 super bowl 92 1967camaro pic 89 corvette 1967 85 1967 plymouth 84 1967 shelby gt 350 83 1967buick 81 1967 cadillac el dorado 77 1967 chevy chevelle 76 1967 plymouthsatellite 74 1967 arab israeli war 73 1967 mustang gt 71 1967 pontiac grandprix 70 1967 shelby gt 500 pic 69 1967 detroit riot 68 1967 ford mustang gt50067 1967 ford mustang for sale 65 1967 volkswagen beetle 64 1967 cougar part 631967 impala ss 62 super bowl 1967 61 1967 lincoln continental convertible 60event in 1967 59 1967 oldsmobile 58 1967 1972 chevrolet truck 17030 chevelle2622 chevelle part 2312 chevelle for sale 1732 1970 chevelle 1364 team chevelle1255 chevelle ss 1107 1967 chevelle 1088 chevy chevelle 1083 1969 chevelle 9581970 chevelle ss 868 1966 chevelle 774 chevrolet chevelle 682 69 chevelle 6731973 chevelle 650 67 chevelle 648 1972 chevelle 601 1968 chevelle 515 1971chevelle 502 70 chevelle 496 66 chevelle 455 chevelle picture 441 68 chevelle439 chevelle pic 401 1965 chevelle 370 72 chevelle 335 1969 chevelle ss 2921970 chevelle for sale 277 71 chevelle 262 1968 camaro picture and 1970chevelle picture 251 1970 chevy chevelle 250 chevelle malibu 228 chevelle club223 1964 chevelle 215 1967 chevelle ss 194 65 chevelle 173 1966 chevelle ss 1721967 chevelle for sale 171 70 chevelle ss 167 ss chevelle 164 picture ofchevelle 163 chevelle car 162 1972 chevelle ss 157 64 chevelle 155 1970chevrolet chevelle 154 1970 chevelle ss 454 ls6 151 1970 chevelle ss 454 1431969 chevy chevelle 142 67 chevelle ss 132 1969 chevelle for sale 124 1970chevelle part 119 chevelle wagon 113 pro street chevelle 110 69 chevelle ss 105chevelle restoration part 102 1966 chevelle part 101 73 chevelle 100 1971chevelle ss 97 1966 chevrolet chevelle 95 1972 chevrolet chevelle 94 1967chevrolet chevelle 93 classic chevelle 88 1969 chevrolet chevelle 86 chevellehistory 84 1970 chevelle ss for sale 83 1970 chevelle malibu 82 1970 chevroletchevelle picture 81 chevelle ss 454 80 chevelle ss 396 79 1966 chevelle malibu78 chevelle super sport 77 1970 chevelle ss 396 76 1974 chevelle 75 chevellemusic 74 chevy chevelle ss 73 69 chevelle part 72 1966 chevelle for sale 711970 chevelle ls6 70 yenko chevelle 68 1970 chevelle pic 67 chevelle ls6 66 72chevelle ss 65 1:18 scale model 1971 chevelle ss454s 64 1966 chevy chevelle 611968 chevelle part 60 chevelle car club 59 66 chevelle ss 58 67 chevelle forsale 56 chevelle world 54 chevelle 1970 53 1969 chevrolet chevelle ss 52 ls6chevelle 51 1970 chevelle picture 50 1972 chevelle malibu 49 1969 chevellemalibu 47 picture of 1970 chevelle 44 69 chevrolet chevelle 43 1965 chevychevelle 42 1971 chevelle part 41 67 chevy chevelle 40 chevelle 1966 103628chevrolet 14565 chevrolet truck 8705 chevrolet dealer 7638 chevrolet part 5918chevrolet camaro 5160 chevrolet corvette 4477 chevrolet avalanche 4382chevrolet impala 4114 chevrolet cavalier 3695 chevrolet tahoe 3418 chevroletblazer 3302 chevrolet suburban 3048 chevrolet monte carlo 3035 bill heardchevrolet 2795 chevrolet trailblazer 2356 chevrolet el camino 2234 chevroletnova 2012 chevrolet caprice 2003 chevrolet engine 1990 chevrolet truck part1894 chevrolet silverado 1858 chevrolet car 1813 chevrolet malibu 1714 classicchevrolet 1582 chevrolet dealerships 1485 chevrolet ssr 1450 chevrolet lumina1355 chevrolet recall 1283 chevrolet tracker 1277 chevrolet accessory 1147shopping chevrolet 1132 chevrolet venture 1109 chevrolet s 10 1097 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