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Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altLifestyle Tropical Beach Resort & Spa> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id29 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars4> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-nameLifestyle Tropical Beach Resort & Spa onclickhotelClicked(29, Hotel Viewed)>Lifestyle Tropical Beach Resort & Spa/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>5.0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 1 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$153>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> /small> $153 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card30 onclickhotelClicked(30, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(30, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altCofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id30 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars4> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-nameCofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort onclickhotelClicked(30, Hotel Viewed)>Cofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>4.5/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 2 reviews ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$100>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> $168 /small> $100 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card31 onclickhotelClicked(31, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(31, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altLifestyle Crown & Residence Suites> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id31 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars4> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-nameLifestyle Crown & Residence Suites onclickhotelClicked(31, Hotel Viewed)>Lifestyle Crown & Residence Suites/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 0 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$153>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> /small> $153 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card32 onclickhotelClicked(32, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(32, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altPresidential Suites> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id32 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars5> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-namePresidential Suites onclickhotelClicked(32, Hotel Viewed)>Presidential Suites/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 0 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$120>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> $180 /small> $120 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card34 onclickhotelClicked(34, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(34, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altSunrise Suites> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id34 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars5> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-nameSunrise Suites onclickhotelClicked(34, Hotel Viewed)>Sunrise Suites/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 0 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$270>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> /small> $270 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card35 onclickhotelClicked(35, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(35, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altThe Royal Suites> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id35 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> div classposition-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0> div classpx-4 pb-3> a href classd-block> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-white> i classicon flaticon-placeholder mr-2 font-size-20>/i> R78C+9J7, Cofresi 57000 /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars5> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-nameThe Royal Suites onclickhotelClicked(35, Hotel Viewed)>The Royal Suites/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 0 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$200>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> /small> $200 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtab-pane fade hotel-destination idlocation-12 roletabpanel aria-labelledbylocation-12-tab data-destinationCabarete> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 mb-4 mb-md-4 pb-1> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 mt-2 item-loop hotel-card33 onclickhotelClicked(33, Hotel Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5 onclickhotelClicked(33, Hotel Clicked)> img classcard-img-top src altPresidential Suites Cabarete> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-3 pr-3> button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classservice-wishlist data-id33 data-typehotel> span classflaticon-heart-1 font-size-20>/span> /span> /button> /div> /div> div classcard-body px-4 pt-2 pb-3> div classmb-2 hotel-star data-stars4> div classd-inline-flex align-items-center font-size-13 text-lh-1 text-primary letter-spacing-3> div classgreen-lighter> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> small classfa fa-star>/small> /div> /div> /div> a href classcard-title font-size-17 font-weight-medium text-dark hotel-name data-namePresidential Suites Cabarete onclickhotelClicked(33, Hotel Viewed)>Presidential Suites Cabarete/a> div classmt-2 mb-3> span classbadge badge-pill badge-primary py-1 px-2 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal>0/5/span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2>( 0 review ) /span> /div> div classmb-0> span classmr-1 font-size-14 text-gray-1 hotel-price data-price$90>from/span> span classfont-weight-bold> small classfont-size-16 text-decoration-line-through text-danger> /small> $90 span classfont-size-14> / night/span>/span> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classrow> div classbravo-text counter> section classcontainer w-lg-100 mx-auto mb-10>div classw-md-80 w-lg-100 text-left mx-md-auto mb-5 mt-4>h2 classsection-title text-black font-size-30 font-weight-bold mb-0>Lifestyle Holidays Hotels and Resorts/h2>/div>div classrow>div classcol-md-6 imghome>img src../../../../uploads/0000/1/2022/01/05/about-bg1.jpg altabout-bg1.jpg>/div>div classcol-md-6>p classtext-gray-1>Lifestyle Holidays Hotels and Resorts in Puerto Plata provides the ultimate Dominican Republic destination. Stroll along miles of sparkling gold sand beaches and soak up the sunshine while enjoying the energizing ocean breezes. Our welcoming resort features rooms, suites, and villas in a variety of sizes to offer plenty of room for families, couples, or groups. br>br>All of our luxurious accommodations provide guests with a peaceful, indulgent retreat showcasing incredible ocean or mountain views and offering state-of-the-art amenities including fully-equipped kitchens, chic contemporary design, and private and/or resort pools. Enjoy gourmet restaurants, exciting entertainment, upscale services, and much more when you vacation with us!/p>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>div classbravo-featured-item bg-blue style_3 > div classcontainer space-1> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 d-none src alt5> i classflaticon-hotel text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>5/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Hotels/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 521 src alt2> i class text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>2/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Buffets/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 520 src alt12> i class text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>12/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Bars/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 517 src alt2> i classd-none text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>2/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Beaches/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 d-none src alt1180+> i classflaticon-bed text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>1180+/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Rooms/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 519 src alt7> i class text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>7/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>A la carte restaurants/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 d-none src alt2> i classflaticon-hamburger text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>2/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Snack bars/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classmedia pr-xl-14> img stylemax-width: 6rem classimg-fluid mb-4 mt-4 mr-3 518 src alt14> i classd-none text-primary font-size-90 text-lh-1 mb-4 mt-4 mr-3>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classfont-size-40 text-white font-weight-bold mt-4 mb-1> a href#>14/a> /h5> p classtext-white text-lh-inherit>Pools/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>div classbravo-list-space product-card-block product-card-v1 border-bottom border-color-8> div classcontainer space-1> div classw-md-80 w-lg-100 text-left mx-md-auto mt-3 mb-4> h2 classsection-title text-black font-size-30 font-weight-bold mb-0>Lifestyle Villas/h2> /div> div classtravel-slick-carousel u-slick u-slick--gutters-3 u-slick--equal-height mb-4 data-arrows-classesd-lg-inline-block u-slick__arrow-classic u-slick__arrow-classic--v2 u-slick__arrow-centered--y rounded-circle data-arrow-left-classesflaticon-back u-slick__arrow-classic-inner u-slick__arrow-classic-inner--left ml-xl-n8 data-arrow-right-classesflaticon-next u-slick__arrow-classic-inner u-slick__arrow-classic-inner--right mr-xl-n8 data-infinitetrue data-slides-show4 data-slides-scroll4 data-center-modefalse data-pagi-classestext-center u-slick__pagination mt-5 mb-0 data-responsive{ breakpoint: 1025, settings: { slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll:4 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll:2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll:1, dots: false } }> div classitem> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 item-loop villa-card9 onclickvillaClicked(9, Villa Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5> img classcard-img-top src altRoyal Villas> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-4 pr-3 btn-wishlist> button typebutton classp-0 btn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle service-wishlist data-id9 data-typespace data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classflaticon-valentine-heart font-size-20>/span> /button> /div> div classposition-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 text-content> div classpx-3 pb-2> a href onclickvillaClicked(9, Villa Viewed) classvilla-name data-nameRoyal Villas> span classtext-white font-weight-bold font-size-17>Royal Villas/span> /a> div classtext-white my-2> small classmr-1 font-size-14>From/small> small classmr-1 font-size-13 text-decoration-line-through> /small> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-19 villa-price data-price$1.600>$1.600/span> span classmr-1 font-size-14> /night /span> /div> /div> /div> div classlocation d-none position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0> div classpx-4 pb-3> a href classd-block onclickvillaClicked(9, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-white> i classicon flaticon-pin-1 mr-2 font-size-20 villa-location data-locationPuerto Plata>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classposition-absolute top-0 left-0 pt-4 pl-3 featured> /div> div classcard-body px-3 py-3 border-bottom> a href classd-block location onclickvillaClicked(9, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-gray-1> i classicon flaticon-placeholder mr-2 font-size-20>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> a href classd-none title> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-17>Royal Villas/span> /a> div classmt-1 service-review> span classpy-1 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal pagination-v2-arrow-color rate> 0/5 span classrate-text>Not rated/span> /span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2 review> 0 review /span> /div> div classg-price d-none> div classprefix> span classfr_text>from/span> /div> div classprice> span classonsale>/span> span classtext-price>$1.600/span> /div> /div> /div> div classpx-3 pt-3 pb-2 type-attribute> div classrow> div classcol-6> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 align-items-center> small classmr-2> small classflaticon-plans font-size-16>/small> /small> div classmedia-body font-size-1> 400 msup>2/sup> /div> /li> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 align-items-center> small classmr-2> small classflaticon-bathtub font-size-16>/small> /small> div classmedia-body font-size-1> 4 small>bathrooms/small> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-6> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 align-items-center> small classmr-2> small classflaticon-door font-size-16>/small> /small> div classmedia-body font-size-1> 8 small>People/small> /div> /li> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 align-items-center> small classmr-2> small classflaticon-bed-1 font-size-16>/small> /small> div classmedia-body font-size-1> 6 small>Beds/small> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classitem> div classcard transition-3d-hover shadow-hover-2 item-loop villa-card11 onclickvillaClicked(11, Villa Clicked) data-url> div classposition-relative> a href classd-block gradient-overlay-half-bg-gradient-v5> img classcard-img-top src altThe Cliff Villas> /a> div classposition-absolute top-0 right-0 pt-4 pr-3 btn-wishlist> button typebutton classp-0 btn btn-sm btn-icon text-white rounded-circle service-wishlist data-id11 data-typespace data-toggletooltip data-placementtop title data-original-titleSave for later> span classflaticon-valentine-heart font-size-20>/span> /button> /div> div classposition-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 text-content> div classpx-3 pb-2> a href onclickvillaClicked(11, Villa Viewed) classvilla-name data-nameThe Cliff Villas> span classtext-white font-weight-bold font-size-17>The Cliff Villas/span> /a> div classtext-white my-2> small classmr-1 font-size-14>From/small> small classmr-1 font-size-13 text-decoration-line-through> /small> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-19 villa-price data-price$1.920>$1.920/span> span classmr-1 font-size-14> /night /span> /div> /div> /div> div classlocation d-none position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0> div classpx-4 pb-3> a href classd-block onclickvillaClicked(11, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-white> i classicon flaticon-pin-1 mr-2 font-size-20 villa-location data-locationPuerto Plata>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classposition-absolute top-0 left-0 pt-4 pl-3 featured> /div> div classcard-body px-3 py-3 border-bottom> a href classd-block location onclickvillaClicked(11, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-gray-1> i classicon flaticon-placeholder mr-2 font-size-20>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> a href classd-none title> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-17>The Cliff Villas/span> /a> div classmt-1 service-review> span classpy-1 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal pagination-v2-arrow-color rate> 0/5 span classrate-text>Not rated/span> /span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2 review> 0 review /span> /div> div classg-price d-none> div classprefix> span classfr_text>from/span> /div> div classprice> span classonsale>/span> span classtext-price>$1.920/span> /div> /div> /div> div classpx-3 pt-3 pb-2 type-attribute> div classrow> div classcol-6> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 align-items-center> small classmr-2> small classflaticon-plans font-size-16>/small> /small> div classmedia-body font-size-1> 500 msup>2/sup> /div> /li> li classmedia mb-2 text-gray-1 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font-size-20 villa-location data-locationPuerto Plata>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classposition-absolute top-0 left-0 pt-4 pl-3 featured> /div> div classcard-body px-3 py-3 border-bottom> a href classd-block location onclickvillaClicked(10, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-gray-1> i classicon flaticon-placeholder mr-2 font-size-20>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> a href classd-none title> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-17>The Crown Villas/span> /a> div classmt-1 service-review> span classpy-1 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal pagination-v2-arrow-color rate> 0/5 span classrate-text>Not rated/span> /span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2 review> 0 review /span> /div> div classg-price d-none> div classprefix> span classfr_text>from/span> /div> div classprice> span classonsale>/span> span classtext-price>$1.440/span> /div> /div> /div> div classpx-3 pt-3 pb-2 type-attribute> div classrow> div classcol-6> ul 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position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0> div classpx-4 pb-3> a href classd-block onclickvillaClicked(8, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-white> i classicon flaticon-pin-1 mr-2 font-size-20 villa-location data-locationPuerto Plata>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classposition-absolute top-0 left-0 pt-4 pl-3 featured> /div> div classcard-body px-3 py-3 border-bottom> a href classd-block location onclickvillaClicked(8, Villa Viewed)> div classd-flex align-items-center font-size-14 text-gray-1> i classicon flaticon-placeholder mr-2 font-size-20>/i> Puerto Plata /div> /a> a href classd-none title> span classfont-weight-bold font-size-17>Villa Park/span> /a> div classmt-1 service-review> span classpy-1 font-size-14 border-radius-3 font-weight-normal pagination-v2-arrow-color rate> 0/5 span classrate-text>Not rated/span> /span> span classfont-size-14 text-gray-1 ml-2 review> 0 review /span> /div> div classg-price d-none> div classprefix> 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