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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:33:40 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Sat, 06 Sep 2014 13:08:07 GMTCF-Cache-Status: DYNAMICReport-To: !DOCTYPE html>html langde>head>meta charsetutf-8>title>Pingdom check/title>script src/cdn-cgi/apps/head/1-zVBdONm6buGJ1sxkaFXmtn8v8.js>/script>/head>body>h1>Hello Pingdom/h1>p>Minions ipsum tank yuuu! Poulet tikka masala butt baboiii. Wiiiii bappleees underweaaar bee do bee do bee do la bodaaa poulet tikka masala. Baboiii la bodaaa gelatooo tank yuuu! Tulaliloo bee do bee do bee do wiiiii butt poulet tikka masala jiji. Pepete hana dul sae chasy chasy gelatooo potatoooo tank yuuu! Tank yuuu! Poulet tikka masala tatata bala tu butt potatoooo bappleees aaaaaah bee do bee do bee do poulet tikka masala tulaliloo bananaaaa. Butt gelatooo ti aamoo! Hahaha para tú para tú tatata bala tu belloo! Bappleees. Daa poopayee para tú bappleees para tú daa tank yuuu! Bee do bee do bee do daa bappleees butt me want bananaaa! Bee do bee do bee do wiiiii daa. Bee do bee do bee do underweaaar aaaaaah la bodaaa bee do bee do bee do wiiiii aaaaaah./p>p>Jiji uuuhhh jeje hana dul sae para tú. Hana dul sae pepete ti aamoo! Underweaaar tatata bala tu tulaliloo butt underweaaar. Para tú tank yuuu! Tulaliloo tank yuuu! Para tú. Potatoooo aaaaaah jeje bee do bee do bee do daa la bodaaa chasy hana dul sae underweaaar. Bappleees me want bananaaa! Wiiiii butt uuuhhh tulaliloo uuuhhh gelatooo. Potatoooo pepete wiiiii jiji jiji tank yuuu! Pepete jeje poopayee para tú. Potatoooo jeje la bodaaa bee do bee do bee do belloo! Poulet tikka masala./p>p>Jiji tank yuuu! Bananaaaa butt baboiii tank yuuu! Para tú gelatooo jiji underweaaar tatata bala tu. Butt hahaha tatata bala tu ti aamoo! Bananaaaa bappleees me want bananaaa! Chasy bee do bee do bee do po kass chasy. Ti aamoo! hahaha poulet tikka masala poopayee hana dul sae poopayee aaaaaah jiji bee do bee do bee do gelatooo potatoooo. Underweaaar la bodaaa poopayee butt gelatooo. Aaaaaah potatoooo butt tulaliloo./p>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:33:41 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Sat, 06 Sep 2014 13:08:07 GMTCF-Cache-Status: DYNAMICReport-To: !DOCTYPE html>html langde>head>meta charsetutf-8>title>Pingdom check/title>script src/cdn-cgi/apps/head/1-zVBdONm6buGJ1sxkaFXmtn8v8.js>/script>/head>body>h1>Hello Pingdom/h1>p>Minions ipsum tank yuuu! Poulet tikka masala butt baboiii. Wiiiii bappleees underweaaar bee do bee do bee do la bodaaa poulet tikka masala. Baboiii la bodaaa gelatooo tank yuuu! Tulaliloo bee do bee do bee do wiiiii butt poulet tikka masala jiji. Pepete hana dul sae chasy chasy gelatooo potatoooo tank yuuu! Tank yuuu! Poulet tikka masala tatata bala tu butt potatoooo bappleees aaaaaah bee do bee do bee do poulet tikka masala tulaliloo bananaaaa. Butt gelatooo ti aamoo! Hahaha para tú para tú tatata bala tu belloo! Bappleees. Daa poopayee para tú bappleees para tú daa tank yuuu! Bee do bee do bee do daa bappleees butt me want bananaaa! Bee do bee do bee do wiiiii daa. Bee do bee do bee do underweaaar aaaaaah la bodaaa bee do bee do bee do wiiiii aaaaaah./p>p>Jiji uuuhhh jeje hana dul sae para tú. Hana dul sae pepete ti aamoo! Underweaaar tatata bala tu tulaliloo butt underweaaar. Para tú tank yuuu! Tulaliloo tank yuuu! Para tú. Potatoooo aaaaaah jeje bee do bee do bee do daa la bodaaa chasy hana dul sae underweaaar. Bappleees me want bananaaa! Wiiiii butt uuuhhh tulaliloo uuuhhh gelatooo. Potatoooo pepete wiiiii jiji jiji tank yuuu! Pepete jeje poopayee para tú. Potatoooo jeje la bodaaa bee do bee do bee do belloo! Poulet tikka masala./p>p>Jiji tank yuuu! Bananaaaa butt baboiii tank yuuu! Para tú gelatooo jiji underweaaar tatata bala tu. Butt hahaha tatata bala tu ti aamoo! Bananaaaa bappleees me want bananaaa! Chasy bee do bee do bee do po kass chasy. Ti aamoo! hahaha poulet tikka masala poopayee hana dul sae poopayee aaaaaah jiji bee do bee do bee do gelatooo potatoooo. Underweaaar la bodaaa poopayee butt gelatooo. Aaaaaah potatoooo butt tulaliloo./p>/body>/html>
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