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Get reliable and qualified custody – with the keys to your digital assets held securely in protected storages./p> /div> div classproduct-advantage> div classw-embed>svg width16 height16 viewbox0 0 16 16 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM16 8C16 12.4183 12.4183 16 8 16C3.58172 16 0 12.4183 0 8C0 3.58172 3.58172 0 8 0C12.4183 0 16 3.58172 16 8ZM5.90592 7.25513C6.00352 7.29706 6.0918 7.35801 6.1656 7.43442L7.2 8.46882L9.8344 5.83442C9.9082 5.75801 9.99647 5.69706 10.0941 5.65514C10.1917 5.61321 10.2967 5.59114 10.4029 5.59022C10.5091 5.58929 10.6144 5.60953 10.7128 5.64976C10.8111 5.68998 10.9004 5.74939 10.9755 5.8245C11.0506 5.89961 11.11 5.98894 11.1503 6.08725C11.1905 6.18557 11.2107 6.29091 11.2098 6.39714C11.2089 6.50336 11.1868 6.60834 11.1449 6.70594C11.103 6.80354 11.042 6.89182 10.9656 6.96562L7.7656 10.1656C7.61558 10.3156 7.41213 10.3998 7.2 10.3998C6.98787 10.3998 6.78442 10.3156 6.6344 10.1656L5.0344 8.56562C4.95799 8.49182 4.89704 8.40354 4.85512 8.30594C4.81319 8.20834 4.79112 8.10336 4.7902 7.99714C4.78927 7.89091 4.80952 7.78557 4.84974 7.68725C4.88997 7.58894 4.94937 7.49961 5.02448 7.4245C5.0996 7.34939 5.18892 7.28998 5.28723 7.24976C5.38555 7.20953 5.4909 7.18929 5.59712 7.19022C5.70334 7.19114 5.80832 7.21321 5.90592 7.25513Z fill#141618>/path> /svg>/div> p>Full backed-up using different industry-leading solutions/p> /div> div classproduct-advantage> div classw-embed>svg width16 height16 viewbox0 0 16 16 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM16 8C16 12.4183 12.4183 16 8 16C3.58172 16 0 12.4183 0 8C0 3.58172 3.58172 0 8 0C12.4183 0 16 3.58172 16 8ZM5.90592 7.25513C6.00352 7.29706 6.0918 7.35801 6.1656 7.43442L7.2 8.46882L9.8344 5.83442C9.9082 5.75801 9.99647 5.69706 10.0941 5.65514C10.1917 5.61321 10.2967 5.59114 10.4029 5.59022C10.5091 5.58929 10.6144 5.60953 10.7128 5.64976C10.8111 5.68998 10.9004 5.74939 10.9755 5.8245C11.0506 5.89961 11.11 5.98894 11.1503 6.08725C11.1905 6.18557 11.2107 6.29091 11.2098 6.39714C11.2089 6.50336 11.1868 6.60834 11.1449 6.70594C11.103 6.80354 11.042 6.89182 10.9656 6.96562L7.7656 10.1656C7.61558 10.3156 7.41213 10.3998 7.2 10.3998C6.98787 10.3998 6.78442 10.3156 6.6344 10.1656L5.0344 8.56562C4.95799 8.49182 4.89704 8.40354 4.85512 8.30594C4.81319 8.20834 4.79112 8.10336 4.7902 7.99714C4.78927 7.89091 4.80952 7.78557 4.84974 7.68725C4.88997 7.58894 4.94937 7.49961 5.02448 7.4245C5.0996 7.34939 5.18892 7.28998 5.28723 7.24976C5.38555 7.20953 5.4909 7.18929 5.59712 7.19022C5.70334 7.19114 5.80832 7.21321 5.90592 7.25513Z fill#141618>/path> /svg>/div> p>Your keys are never stored online/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idwhy-we> div classw-layout-blockcontainer container w-container> div classpadding-section-medium> h2 classheading-blocks>Why we/h2> div classwrap-advantage-carts> div classadvantage-cart>img srcimages/padlock-with-purple-padlock-that-says-padlock-1.png loadinglazy alt classimg-advantage> h3>Absolute Security/h3> p classdesc-advantage>We use advanced encryption technology and multi-layered security to ensure your assets are as safe as possible./p> /div> div classadvantage-cart>img srcimages/padlock-with-purple-padlock-that-says-padlock-1-1.png loadinglazy alt classimg-advantage> h3>Simplicity and convenience/h3> p classdesc-advantage>Our custody process is intuitive and simple, allowing you to focus on what's important - your business and investments/p> /div> div classadvantage-cart>img srcimages/padlock-with-purple-padlock-that-says-padlock-1-2.png loadinglazy alt classimg-advantage> h3>Reliability/h3> p classdesc-advantage>Our systems operate around the clock, ensuring that all transactions are constantly monitored and controlled/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idabout-us> div classw-layout-blockcontainer container w-container> div classpadding-section-medium> h2 classheading-blocks>About Us/h2> div classwrap-about-carts> div classabout-cart large> p classdesc-about-cart>We are a team founded more than 5 years ago passionate about cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance and creating an alternative economy with no boundaries, limits and requirements./p>img srcimages/Ill-3.png loadinglazy alt classimg-about-cart> /div> div classabout-cart>img srcimages/Ill.png loadinglazy alt classimg-about-cart> p classdesc-about-cart>Our members are dedicated professionals committed to ensuring maximum security of the funds./p> /div> div classabout-cart>img srcimages/Ill-1.png loadinglazy alt classimg-about-cart> p classdesc-about-cart>Our staff is trained to prevent stealing, security and data breaches./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idcontact classsection-banner> div classwrap-banner> h2 classheading>Have any questions?/h2> p classdesc-banner>If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us via the contact form or at the contact details below/p> a classbutton w-button>Connect With Us/a> /div> /section> section classsection-map> div classcode-embed w-embed w-iframe>iframe classiframe-map styleoutline: none; border: none; filter: grayscale(100%) invert(92%) contrast(83%) src!1m14!1m12!1m3!1d338036.02192051226!2d19.415840855290586!3d48.554185894812264!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5e0!3m2!1suk!2str!4v1720734854697!5m2!1suk!2str width100% height100% allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe>/div> div classw-layout-blockcontainer container w-container> div classwrap-address-block> a href classlink-contact w-inline-block> p classparagraph>Legal addressbr>span classtext-span>P.O. 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